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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1913)
l!mJ!!yhto5M2 TMHu IS $ & Z Urn nnfSN'T MATTER gaVTO.g THE THING THAT gJAND (Eflfl lag Wxmt MSTAIITIMCH XOW IS YOl'U TIME. A small ml In Tlio Times want column limy bring yon results mi mediately. Try one. , fnuml tliP'Wli-I'ii"''' ,V""- lJ5j!l2ll lt tln'iti! Tlicy KUll- MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRES . . ..,i.,.l In 1H7H MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1913 EVENING EDITION -SIX PAGES. I..VUI w ""."..: i-n. A. Consolidation of Times, Const Mall mid Coos liny Advertiser. No. 203 lAAVi'n Tho uwt "" CAN REBELS AND FEDERALS BATTLE LI Lout Fifty Slain in At- onHuena rw Nogaies. to CAM IN pCAN TERRITORY. Uan killed on U. S. f Boundary Ameri can troops. .U'jrrfiiloCoI1'Tln"1 . l 1itl. I b r the fe!ornl ilafcutH nt ...n nml tlia bloodlcBH eVtcrday In InkhiK Arm 00 Sonorn state troops tit today attacked NognlcB, 1 Cn Willi tlio pro- lelnforcemonta from (ieiiorul 500 rcucrniB. uuiniMK L.r,h from the eastward to er town, the 250 men of tlio federal carrlson mnilu n do i Mente nKaltiHt tlio on- c (ODltlttltlotlllllHt forcoH. itowered Into mo Arizona !eh U dlviaea from mu .mm n br a builnesn Htreut. Up , one Mexican citizen wiih I on the Anzonn sine, mm tiered tho homes of Amor- N'aiilei. Arizona. United mm rushed from Fort Hun- re iprcad along tlio Internn- lit, Keeping unci; tno cur le first charge of tlio In trooDi was repulsed with n IS to 20. Tho garrison do ntl; In the day lost nt leant I and 11 wounded. IMIIM IX .MEXICO. Mlnnlt In Xiirlhein Section fiBw Apprehension. Prnw rmi it too nar nmra.j W) CITY. March I :i. -Nowb bse northern districts which t let accepted tho llucrtn eat continues to cause up on here. Tho Junction of tat and troops of the state oi lth tho constitutional- fjirded of considerable lin- Other districts in o ex- It) Jala the movement. On Kr hind the linmrrei'tlomiry In cadcr Carranza. g.ivarnor li.'i, appears to lie a tiling Ii: .M.U IX ITALY. .Mnlr.ui Dictator Hitter f:lN Tnlied Sliitfo. a'M rmi lo Cooi liy 1 iniM. J Mi March 13. (Jonernl W, who arrived hero rli'l not return to .Moxleo. J fe of Intervention bv ltd Mites ami ho Bays t lint is tine all Mexican citizens IMtlMtlon would he united I coreisn Invaders, BT OP AMIIIIICAXS. N to Ilcturn Flro of Me.l f Severe Strain. f"fl rmi it com luy Tl.i 1 'ASO. March 1.1 Tnilnv'o nheWar Department that M States troops must re w iMwerlne nnv flro from " ilde has been put to n m v Tsa,cs. Arlzonn, op- V 7J Ul l" Jiexicnn fed ;i (.f?1" eBaKed In a t i "" U1 uuneiB fall mi. i Ma ,ow" tho Flft 'Pltro t Innccn.l ,.i. .i iwrlcans. ' """' fZ HEnCLS AIIH1VK. G E l GQOUILLE Jas. Thompson, Well Known Pioneer, Passes Away From Mysterious Malady. (Special to Tlio Timou.) COQU1M.E, Mnrcli 1.1. JaineH Thompson, n harbor, bettor nnd inoro fniulllarly known to hltt inuny friciulH as ".llinmlu" Tlioinpson, pnscd away thlH nioriilng after a brief IIIiicbh of n invfiterloiiH kllsoaso that 'liuffled tho Hklll of tlio pliyslclaiiH, A Hbort t lino ni;o ho loft bin lmr bor nbop to i:o on u llttlo tluclc liuul liiK trip. Wbon hoiiiu dlHtiineo from town bo flrod a eouplo of hIioIh. Af ter tlio HGcond shot lie felt a pecu liar rliiKliiK sensation In bin head. Ho turned and started nt once for tlio boat nnd hurried homo, but be fore bo rcarbed the city bo was so dizzy nnd almost blind that It was with much effort that ho reached his bouse. Ho went to bed linineillntely and a physician was summoned. Ills case proved tnystorloiiH and nil tho physlclun'B skill proved unavallliiK. A fow dnyB later ho beenmo uncon scious nnd reinnlncd ho until bis death this mornliiK, from what In thought to bo concussion of tlio brain or n blood clot on tho brain. Dr. .1. I). Wetmoro, u former resi dent bore, but now located In a hu burb of 1'oi'tlniul nnd an old friend of Mr. Thompson'H was sent for, nnd nrrived the llrst of tho week, lint friendly solicitude or mcdlcnl skill could not stay tho mysterious disease that bold "Jlnimlo" Thomp son In Its fntnl Ki'lp. James Thompson wns one of tho plonoorH of this section, Ho was for merly n resident of Daiuloh, but moved to Coiiilllo several years ago. Ho was about l yenrs of ago anil IcnvcB wife. His death seemed particularly sad at this tlmo as ho only recently dis posed of n timber claim In Curry county for $7,ui0 nnd bad received tlio cash, which with bis otbor prop erty m ml o n coinpotenco which be was piepnrliif? to enjoy when strick en with tho fatal mid mysterious inalndy. ArrniiKeiiionta for tho funoral havo not yet been made. GALLOWAY IS GIVN E Appointed Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Assist ant to McAdoo. Illr AmoiUIM Trrm to Com liar Tlmrn.J WASHINOTON', Mnreb 111. Tho nomination of Dr. lloverly T. Onl lowny, chief of tho bureau of plnnt Industry, to bo assistant secretary of tiKilculture, wns announced nt nio WIHto House to bo sent to tin. scnato lodny with Hint of John Skel ton WIUIaniB of Hlebmond, Vn a banker, to bo assistant secretary of tho trensury. h'rnnklln D. Hoosovolt of Xow York was nominated an nsslstant secretary of the navy. Edwin l Sweet of Grnnd Itnplds wns nnined us asBlstnnt secretary of commerco. James A. EdKcrton of Xow Jersey wiih iinmcil ptircbnHlnK nRent for the postofflco department nnd IiIh noni liiatlon was Bent to tho senate. SERVE NOTICE OK HAYWOOD W TO D I Akron Citizens notify I. W. W. Leader He Must Be Good Or Will be Deported. Hr Aworlatd! I'nti lo Coo liny Tlmn.) AKIION, Ohio, Mnreb 13. WI1 llnm D. Haywood, leader of tl.u I. V. V., nrrived in Arkon today. He was met nt tho depot by 200 Akron cltlzenB, sworn In ns deputies, bended by I'ollco Captain Quillet, Haywood was told Hint the authorities v7niTd countenance no Incendiary speeches mid that any attempt on his part to Incite violence- would bo met Immediately with nrrest nnd do portntlon ironi the city. Haywood promised to do nothing to Incite his followers. Ho will make- a speech this afternoon. No disorder bud occurred nt nny of the local rub ber plants up to early this afternoon. OIHOli WARSHIP KILLS MANY SERVIAN TROOPS ON TRANSPORTS EOROPE FEELS I ! CANVASS VOTE All Nations Expending Vast Amounts in Increasing Their Armies. Illl "SWfTitioiMHencl, Ar. "Hrm,i,c'oo,n.rTlru..l ffiM,a" "With rt r'0r L. ! O.: Ha ika I ' "uki- ituioio ij .A f0e of 300 i lmin,. KrcrornGenerai j- I RETURN Gil EIRE D.5 nn D-J i H'AwitO rn" Vl" " DeDartmnnt ;;Frell)C tr ' March 13 ife.torbiSSJ1" ttoa w.V .w?BhBton. ioa ton" 5 Sec- la onK.0' the bor- " (omm.1 . Purpose to . ;i lm.j ' eausea of frt,.i "icanB on j .. '.""' "- -Mexicans. TO CELEBRATE Southern Pacific and Union Pacific Officials Working Out New Scheme. Illr A.iocUUJ I'rcn lo Coot IUr Tlmn.) WASIHNOTOX, March 13. Itep reBontutlvoB of the Union l'nclllc nnd Southern I'aclflc havo hopes of an early agreement on a now plan dissolving the merger, accor ding to Information given today to Attorney Qeuornl Mclteyuolds. Xo definite proposition has yet boon submitted to the Attorney General, however. uimect urrox ciiai.u:.(ji:. Xi'W York YachtNiiicu Say Condi- tloiih A io Iimi Severe. Illr AmocUIp-1 IVrtt lo Coo liar Tlmm, I.OXDOX. March 13. Sir TliomnH Upton, challenger for America's cup, oxprossed the greatest sur prise today when Informed that tho Xow York Yacht Club had de clined his challenge hecnuso It did not comply with tho condltloim of tho deal of the gift. Sir Thomas said that ho had not had tlmo to consider whethor he would nmond tho conditions of his challenge bo as to meet tno objections of tho Xew York Yachtsmen. North Bend Decides to Have Big Time July 4 and 5 Raise $1500. At' tho tnnss ineotlng nt the North llonil Coiumorclnl Club rooms last ov enlng, pinna wero launched for a Fourth of July colobrntlon to Inst two days, July I nnd 5. It was do elded to rnlso $1B00 to mnko it tho biggest event of tho kind in tho his tory of tho city. A resolution wns adopted prohibiting tho ubo of flro crackors, etc. A subscription list avob Btnrtod and $502. GO waa raised. A commit too consisting of Win. Shrock, J. A. Allen, V. C. Gorst, Chas. Thorn nnd E. n. Michael was appointed to ralso tho bnlnnco of tho monoy nnd report bnck nt nnothor meeting to bo hold noxt Wednesday night. A. II. Derby shire presided Inst ovenlng. Tho following nro tho subscriptions to date: J. A. Allen, $G0; John Volz, $G0; Win.. Shrock, $50; Chris Peterson, $50; Goorgo Murphy, $G0; Fred Johnson, $50; Gorst & King, $50; Ira B. Bartlo, $10; Pnlaco Hotel, $12.50; Vnrloty Store, $10; M. G. Coleman, $10; Ed Forrest, $10; S. S. Jennings, $36; Quatormass, $25; S. Itogatad, $10; Davenport Co., $10; M. W. A. $10; C. J. Van Zllo, $2.50; Lester Eaton, $5.00. FALLS AVITII DYNAMITE. Uiuidon Man Has n Narrow Escape with Ilox of Explosive. Tho Bandon Recorder says: Harry Plorco had tho misfortune to fall from tho trestle work south of Wigwam last Friday nnd severe ly injured ono of his ribs. How ever ho got off very fortunately ns ho wns cnrrylng a 50-pound box of dynamite, which burled Itself in tho sand as a result of the fall, but did not explode. If It had been a hard bottom below tho trestle the accident might havo been sorlous Indeed. Havo your Job printing done at The Times office, IN DEEP SANO Southern Pacific Fails to Find Bed Rock at Depth of Eighty Feet. That tho conditions nt Snnd Point nro highly fnvornblo to tho construc tion of tho big brldgo is tho stnte mont of Southern Pnclflc ropreBen tntlves today. They havo sunk tho teat holo to a depth of over 80 feet nnd nro atlll in the snnd. Whether thoy will go on down to bed rock has not been announced. It is statod that with snnd to such a groat depth, the hugo coment piers enri bo built In It without going to bedrock and afford nn ample founda tion to support tho lmmenso struc ture. Thore was nothing now In the railroad situation today. Supt. Dix on did not arrive at North Bend yestorduy, ns wns expected. Tho negotlntlons botweon tho Southern Pacific nnd the North Bond Box fnctory have not been concluded yet. In North Bend, It Is expected that the Southern Paci fic will purchnso tho plant outright. What will bo done with it Is not known but Bomo thero aro talking of trying to havo It retained in North Bend and a now location provided as It Is qulto n factor In making the payroll of tho city. BIO DEAL LAPSES. Hunkers Will Not Handle U. P. In tercbt in S. P. (Or AMoclatod Prm lo Coot Bar Tlmei.l f NEW YORK, March 13. Tho agreement between tho Union Pacific nnd a syndicate of bankers to fl nanco tho $12G,C00,000 holdings of that company In Southern Pnclflc stocks, will bo allowed to Japso to morrow. There will bo no exten sion. COOS BAY (JKAXC1E dinner Sat urday noon at Odd FoIIowb hall. Fifty Cents. TICKETS at BUSY CORNER. Electrical Workers on Pacific Coast Threaten Bell Telephone System. Iljr AmoIIM rmi lo Coot liar Tlrnn.) SAN FRANCISCO, March 13. District officers of tho International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers said hero today that It may bo three or four dayB yet Ueforo tho third and final vote of tho local unions com prising the Pacific District Is can vassed nnd until then no predictions will bo made as to tho result of tho negotiations between tho Brotbor hood and tho Pacific Telephone and Telegrnph Co. Twlco the men havo rejected tho company's tontntlvo wage schedule It wns nld a third adverse voto would result In an immediate strlk. aicrox ruiirrs st::iki:. C'ltl.eim nnd Police nnd SIiciHVk Apilust I. W. W. (llr AmooUicI I'm. lo Coo. liar TlniM 1 AKRON, Ohio, March 13. Ono thousand Akron citizens armed with clubs aided tho police mid deputy sheriffs todny In patrolling tho vi cinity of tho big rubber factories mid as result- tho strikers did not attempt to picket tho factories or molest tho workors. WILSEY TO JOIN IN KINNEY CASE Report That He will Unite In New Application for Receiver. . M A renewal of tho old application for tho appointment of a receiver for tho Klunoy properties will prob ably bo tiled today and it Is stated that tho Wllsoy Interests nro ex pected to Join In the application so that tho consummation of tho Kln-uey-WUsoy deal can bo hastened. This statement was mado today by J. G. Mullen of North Bond, who represents a number of Klnnoy's cre ditors. Ho stated that tho appli cation would bo n renewal of tho ono which Judgo Harris heard at Eugono a fow weeks ago, somo ad ditional parties Joining In. Ho said that it was likely that tho Wll soy Interests would also join with them. Ho said that action was being taken becauso ir was apparently Impossible to put through tho deal the way It Is going now. No pro gress has been mado so far and tho thirty dnyB allotted to tho negotia tions havo nearly expired with no perceptible progress, at least on this end of tho line. Mr. Mullen said that W, J. Rust, tho present trusteo, would probably bo acceptablo to all parties in the caso and that Judgo Harris would likely name him. Ho expected that the bearing on tho application for a receiver would bo heard by Judge Harris within a week or ten days. MOLLIS IS CHOSEN. Xew Hninpshlro Elects Democratic United States Senator. inr Aoclaud l'rtu lo Cooa liar Tlmei.l CONCORD, N. H., March 13. Henry F. Hollls, a Democrat, was elected U, S. Senator by tho legUla turo today. Have your Job printing done a Tho Times office. llr Alo. I.itrl Prr.i to Coot tl7 TlraM.) PARIS, March 13. A passion for war HconiB to bo sweeping ovor all tho countries of Europe. Tho Bal kan state havo found n field of ex prcsfllon for their militancy, but the countries which havo not this vent aro expending their energies In wnr llko preparations. Tho small states aro Involved equally with tho greater powers, and today Franco, Germany. Austria, Russia, Belgium, and Swlt-J zoriaim nro tniun honour count of their military prepnrcdncsB. Belgium Is raising her army from a war footing of 100,000 to 150.000 men. Baron do Broqiievillo, the Bel gian minister of wnr, In concluding a speech on this subject beforo tho Bolglan chamber, urged that tho army Increaso bo votod ns quickly nH possible for tho Bnko of "Bel gian security and honor." The coun try lives under tho shadowH of tho great states the minister deelnred, mid Belgium must put forth great exertions to protect bor frontlcni should her neighboring powers fnll upon each other. The most important newspapers of Switzerland are publishing the olll clnl notices of tho government warn ing uwisb citizens residing in Eu ropean countries to hold thomsolvcs In readiness to return Immediately In tho event of wnr, nnd Swiss living In tho United States havo been re quested to stnnd ready to come back to Switzerland on call, Tho Swiss Republic, under Its present military organization, could put Into tlio field 100,000 men In 21 hours, nnd 200, 000 In 18 hours. One-third of tho government b rovenues nro npmt on military objects. In caso of supremo necessity tho government expects to bo nblo to plnco 275,000 men under iirms within n week. Tho French cnblnot hns adopted n mcasuro extending tho term of ser vice In tho army from two to tbrco years; this adds something over 200,000 moil to tho poaco footing of tho army. "Every Frenchman," finld M. Cheron, official annlylst of tho Appropriations Commltteo of tho Chamber of Doputles, In n recent ad dress, "must at tho present moment fix his attention upon tho military activity on tho otbor sldo of tho frontier." Ho then compared Ger many's expenditures on bor army with tho expenditures of Franco dur ing the past ton yonrB. Tho cost of tho Germany nrmy bad augmented constantly until now it was doublo that of Franco. Next year, under tho now Gorman Inw, tho outlay of tho army would bo $100,000,000 more than that of Franco. The now Gorman military bill will add 81,000 recruits to tho army, giv ing a total of 800,000 men, excluding officers. Compared to this Franco, Including tho latest numerical In crease, has n total of 578,783 men In hor army on a poaco footing, exclud ing oflleerB, Vessel said to Be Carrying Austro-Hungarian Colors Fires on Soldiers. OFFICIAL STATEMENT SAYS FIFTY KILLED. Claim That Turkish War Ves sel Did itDeep Feeling Against Austria. FIFTY SOLDIERS KILLED. (By Associated Press) . BELGRADE, March 13. Tho official report says," About fifty Servian soldiers wore kil led on board the Sorvlnn trmiH ports Sanglovnnnl Dl Medun, on the Adriatic Coast yester day by shells from tho Tur kish cruiser llamldleh. Much ammunition on the transports exploded." OXFORD IS WINNER. Defeats Caiiibildgo In Annual Itncc On Thames, (llr Atioclatcl I'iym to Coo liar Tlinr. PUTNEY, England, March 13. Oxford won the nuniial boat race with Cambrldgo on tho Thames to dny by a quarter of a length. I G M E Ur AiaoclatrJ Vtf to Coot liar TlmM.J CETTIX.IE, Montenegro, March 13. Xews reached horo today Hint four Servian transports loaded with troops yesterday wero riddled by shells llrod by an unldontllled war vessel. Accounts or tho engage ment from two different Bources declare thnt tho nttncklug vosboI Hew the AustTo-llungnrlau flag. The transports wero conveying strong detachments of Sorvlnn troops to assist the Montenegrins in their siege of tho fortress at Sen tnrl. Tho attack on the four boats was off San Giovanni D, Medun. Two of the transports wore sot on flro. The number killed nnd in jured wns not reported. Accord ing to ouo account the attacking ship wiib the Turkish crulsor Ham Idlsh which Is alleged to bo flying tho colors of AuBtro-Hungnry. An other account says tho cruiser ro scmbled tho Austro Kalserlu class. Tho felling against Austria has been high since Tuesday when tho Austrian minister to Sorvla an nounced that his government ob jected to Servian troops assisting In tho siege of Scutari. Today'B iiowh therefore created a tremeu dms tei'satlon ho:o. MANY ARRIVE ON BREAKWATER Senator Gore Charges Senate Doorkeeper With Destroy ing Lorimer Evidence. Wr AOilalei Trtit to Coo Dar Tlmei.l WASHINGTON, March 13. Charges that Carl A. Loofflor, act ing assistant doorkeopor of tho senate was respeonBlblo for tho dis appearance of tho Holtslaw certi ficate of deposit presented during tho Lorimer impeachment trial In tho Sonato. and which waa novor afterward located, was mado In tho Sonato today by Senator Gore of Oklahoma, when Loofflcrs ro-elc- tlon was proposed. Tho senator said his Information wa sa pago of tho Senato who had delivered certifi cate to Loeffler after securing It from Senator Bailey, Steamer in From Portland Delayed by Shoal in Lower Bay. Tho Broakwator arrived In this morning from Portland with about 250 tons of freight, three nutos and a big list of pasoBngers. Eu routo up tho Bay hIio struck on a shoal abovo Emplro nnd was delayed a few hours. Tho Broakwator will sail at 12:30 Saturday for Portland. Among thoso arriving on hor woro tho fol lowing: L. W. Estes. W. E. Stewart. E. II. Woodard, L. Woodard, G. B. Halght, J. A. Bowo, Robb Holnoy, A. Morton Ben, E. W. Phillips, S. J Eulrlch, Al fred Chrlstonson, Capt. J. A. Johnson, Capt. B. Olson, Georgo Roborts, Mrs. Laura Hall, J. A. Edwards, J. E. Glazier, Mra. H. L. Carl, II. L. Carl, II. E. Stowart, II. J. Syno, 13 Syno, Mrs. C. Syno, Maul Horscbborgor, C. E. Howell. Mrs. W. E. Sproulo, II. A. Craft, It. D. Bernhardt, II. B. Bern hardt, Herbert Olson, II. P. Gurna, Tom Nichols, Mrs. Cbas. E, Van Duyn. II. W. Smith, Mrs. H. W. Smith, J. E. Hurling, Geo. Feins, Tom Carlson, E. G. Do Keator, M. L. Curry. Mrs. M. L. Curry, F. M. Reeves, E. O. Birch. Mrs. E. G. Birch, Mrs. W. K. McCammon, Mil dred McCammon, Mary McCammon, Miss V. Johnson, J. M. BInko, D. B. Harrison, Geo. Johnson, C. M, Clark, M. Torp, F. Barr. J. O, Stommlor, Mrs. E. LInd, G. D. Anderson, Mrs. L. A. Duncnn, L. A. Duncnn, A W. Scott. M. J. West, J. F. Gnmblo. II. K. Williams, Clnronco Nurschled, Q: D. Pntch, J. Well, M, Goldsmith, W. O. Wlmmor, E. Carlson, and 11 steer age pnssongors. MEDFOKD POSTOFFICE WANTS TO USE BARREL OF PERFUME MEDFORD, Mnreb 13. The post ofllco Is In tho market for sovoral quarts of boiiio rich porfumory, war ranted to overcome tho scent of tho mephitis, commonly known as skunk. An ambitious trappor of Derby, Or., near Medford, Is using tho parcol post to ship his winter catch. Sovoral 1 1-pound packages have been forwarded, much to tho discomfort of tho clerks. To mnko mutters worso the gnmo wnrdon In sisted on oponlng the packages and inspecting them, searching for con cealed beaver hides.