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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1912)
THE COOSBAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1912 EVENING EDITION. I id irisli tirel A sing CO rs Wk I Hi If II rail HI jr ) In Smef war j W&Mi if ' j iiwy pflltikl II Ul fcbilTntf & Mir OU want Santa Claus to uiujj ucrc ti una &iure un lis way to your chimney and Christmas tree; there are more things here than men and big boys want for Christ mas than in any other store m town. Somo day soon you'd bolter como in nnd pick out the things you'd like to havo him deliver: we'll mark them for him and guarantee to get thorn there at the right moment. Hero are a few things that Santa Glaus will bo Rlad to carry for you: ITnrfc Sella ff nor &Marx Suits and Overcoats; best Christ inns gift possible, $18, $20, $25, $30, $35; finest made. Smoking Jackets $5 to $12 Lounging "Robes $4.50 to $10 Umbrellas .. $lto $5 Suspenders in Boxes 50c to $1.50 Xcckwcnr in Boxes 50c to $1.0Q Combination Sots 75c to $2.00 andmnny other usoful prcsonts for men and boys. f WOOLEN MILL STORE Thin Moro It the liomo of Hurt Ki'lmlhifr Mnrv clothes TIRES FOR DIX'EMRER. Ilclow Is given tho timo mid height of high nnd low water at Mnrshflold. Tho lidos nro placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino nnd holglits ou tho "i-ond lino of each day; n compar lfn on consecutlvo holghtB will Indlrnte whether It 13 high or low wiiti-r. Tor high wntor on tho bar, Ml.!trnrt 2 hours a I nilntitoa. I'J IMS . i. I 1 .22 . ,1ft 11 or. fi.S 11.00 0.1 5.00 3.2 Ft 20 HlH Ft. 21 UrH Ft 1.12 2.9 0.29 1.0 1.0 fi.39 0.2 11.50 C.5 3.7 0.0 0.0 C.31 0.7 WEATHER FORECAST. - OREGON G .morally fair to night nnd Friday. Easterly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE HECORD. For tho 24 hours endlnc nt ! J - 43 a. m., Dec. 19, by IJenJ. Ostllnd, special novornmont me teorological obsorvor: Maximum 55 I Minimum 34 I At 4:43 n. m 35 I Proclpltntlon 03 j Wind Northwest; partly I cloudy. Services Sunday. ltov. O. Hall will conduct services nt Mnzlnr's Chnpol on Daniels Creek, Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Movo Olllce. llontloy & Jones aro moving tliolr Insurnnco ofllco from tho Songstnckcn building on Uroadway to tho room on Front street recently vacated by tho FbbIi lon Tailor Shop. Christmas Programs Christ inns programs or exhibits of tho school work will ho given In mnny of tho rooms of tho Marshflold public FOUND Yesterday Two keys on n ring. Owner may havo samo by paying for this nd nt Times olflco. FOR SALE flood paying restaurant In nearby town. AddrcsB Z, enro Times. WANTED Man to act ns runner for small hotol. Apply Times olllco. Hchools tomorrow afternoon. Tho schools will rloso tomorrow for tho Christinas holidays. Injures Leg. J. C. Hacker, n scaler employed by tho Sinlth-Pow-crs Logging Co., received a bad wound yesterday by falling against (V wiw and severely cutting 0110 of his legs. It will bo somo timo be fore Mr. Hacker Is ublo to return to his work. Postpone Dnnco. Tho Fortnight ly Club's dnnco, which was to have been held this ovenlng at tho Ragles' hall has been postponed until after Christmas, owing to tho Illness of n number of members of the rlub. The postponed dnto will bo announced Inter. Is In iiiiriii'lu. Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Coko yesterday received n Christmas rnrd from .Inmes Grant Ferguson, who is now in Munchon, llavnrlo, where ho la taking a posNgrnduato course. Mr. Fergu son was formerly principal of tho Mnrshflcld high school. Leave Tomorrow. Tho following passengers nro listed to leavo Fri day morning by tho Drnln-CInrdi-nor stngo: Mrs. Drown, W. U. Hol dlmnnn, A. Nelson, N. I). Schulz, Henry Rohboch, 13. D. Gray, Mrs. Daggot, W. II. Konnody, Mrs. F. D. Drown, H. E. naultmnnn, 0. It. Trcmblay and H. Groves. Locates Here. Dr. Morris C. Itoblns, who rocontly nrrlvod from Spokane, has rented oftlccs In tho Lockhort building and will locnto In Marshflold. Dr. Itoblns family, who nro spending tho wlntor In California, will nrrlvo on tho Day In tho early spring. Dr. Itoblns has been practicing In Spokano for nine years, No Gun Play. J. E. Fltzgorald states thnt tho report that Phoobo Durroiighs had threatened him with a gun was orroncous. Ho did not know nbout tho gun piny, but said that tho girl was difficult to linndlo nnd ho assisted tho mothor In plac ing her In tho girl's homo nt Os wego, Oregon. Mr. Fitzgerald's namo was connected with ntorlos at Llbby nbout tho girl having been "toting" a gun around. lCMct Decision It Is possiblo thnt Judgo Coko may hand down a decision In tho Machado dlvofco en so next Monday, unless somo supplomontnl arguments aro filed. In nil nbout thirty witnesses gavn testimony during tho trial, which Is said to bo longest dlvorco enso ovor tried In Coos County, lasting four days. Mr. Machado had sov cnteon witnesses and alio had ovor a dozen. Somo of tho spiciest nnd'$.- most salacious evidence ovor heard in tho local courts was given. This Is Mrs. Machado's third ven ture in matrimony, John Yonknm bolng her first husbnud. Is In Colfax. Geo. McCutchcon of Mnrshflcld who recently wont south for tho benefit of his health Is now at a sanitarium In Colfax, Cal. A physician who hns exam ined him states that his trottblo Is tuberculosis, but Mr. McCutchcon'n many friends horo nro hoping that ho will find rcllof nnd 11 cure. Yesterday, n numbor of his friends united In a long serial lottor to li! tn . PERSONAL NOTES in I SOCIAIj CALENDAR. I THURSDAY. j I Fortnightly dnnco at tho j I Ragles' hall. ( j Social Sowing club with Mrs. j I J. C Swlnford. j of tho dond body found below Empire, returned to Coqulllo this morning. MRS. HERBERT ARMSTRONG of North Dond wus u Mnrshflold visitor yostcrdny. JACK MEREEN loaves this wcok for Derkoley, Cal., whero ho will spend tho holidays. MRS. A. B. MORTON of forth Dcnd was n Christmas shopper In Marshflold yesterday. MR. nnd MRS. RADFORD of Camp 1 camo to Marshflold this morn ing to spond tho day. GRORGB ROOKB and MISS FLOR BN'CB ROOKB nro visiting to day from North Coob River. MR. and MRS. FRANK HODSON nro In Mnrshflold todny from their homo on South Coos River. GENE TBRRY of Allegany la town for tho day. IVY NOAH of North C003 River was In town today. DBRCIIRR CRONCII of Haynea In let Is In town today. MRS. ANDRBW STORA of Coos Itlvor Is in town todny. HARRY STULL of Allognny wns n MRS. JOHN HBNDR1CKSON Ib a visitor to town today. , Marshflold shopper today from DR. HORSFALL Is In tho Coqulllo i,or )loino 0Il North Coos River. valley on business todny. , MRS. ANDERSON Ib up from tho MRS. CHAS. RODINEof Allognny Coob Day LIfo Saving Btntlon to Is In town today shopping. j visitor her slator, Mrs. W. A. CHARLES SELANDBR of Sumner Mngco. Is a Marshflold visitor today. MR. nnd MltS. ANSON ROGERS CAPT. DAN RODERTS of Allegany nro In town today from South camo to town this morning. Coos River, looking after bust ALDERT SEELIG mado n business nsa Interests, trip to Unudon this morning. miss CATHERINE DYER roturn- COL. R. H. HOSA roturncd to his homo In Dnndon this morning. MRS. CARL JOHNSON of Coos Ri ver Is shopping In town todny. MRS. S. A. YOAKAM Is rt town visitor from Coos River today. MRS. A. II. OLSEN or North In let Is In town todny shopping. cd to her homo on Daniels Crook today nttbr n visit with Marsh flold frlonds. L. F. DODLE nnd wlfo of Port land nro oxpected horo today to spond tho holidays nt tho homo of their daughter, Mrs. Claudo Nasburg. iss Myrtle Marlin, I WANT ADS. M-donna Sonrano. whoso songs fleaje overyono. Jut. runiKiiirir mwiv. iIUpkl-Firo Comedian, who orl Hoates his own songs nnd como- (let. HEK ncxcr-liefoio SKRN" PIC- TPIIKS th Organ Grinder's Wnrtl Wljr nil Amorlriiti ntil-wm Ist Stand nnd " Disturbed Sentry. Royal TONIGHT ADMISSION 10c. nlmm Clicus Coming Soou. I LOST Satin day, 11 pair of golil cuff buttons, with Initial "W" engraved on. Itotum to Times ofllco and recolvo rownrd. OUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ARE THE BEST, EINEST and CHEAPEST EVER SHOWN ON COOS BAY By Your Christmas I airad CANDIES From Us I0"'1 Stock is Fresh and Complete. Stauff Grocery Co. .tiaskoy's Candles. HOARD AND ROOM For two, nt uny I'arK. muim .! WANTED Two fiirnlflteil house keeping rooms. No children. Pre fer prlvato houBO. Will bo per manent. Homo, caro Times. FOR SAIjK Empty bo" for "ck Ing. Shamrock saloon. Phono 251-L. FOR RENT Two-room furnished apartment. Inquire Nasburg Grocery. WANTED Position ns cook In ho tel, boarding Iioubo or prlvato homo. Geo Gooy, P. O. Box 507. WANTED Competent Stenographer dross Box 090, Marshflold. HOARD AND nOOMFor '". Ap ply W. H. Durghagen, West Bunker HIU. FOR SALE Old noirspwrs; n l)lg iiiiifiin lur u uibnuM thine to start fires with. "OAHD AND, ItOOMS-Ilotel toN nn, ceiuruuy . - bio homo cooking, and largo comfortable rooms. Reasonable rates FOR SALE Dry wood, fir and al- der, at uampooiis vuuu ., Ferry landing. Phone 15S-L. FOR HUNT Ono largo front room with stove in It, suitable for two persons. Call at 321 So. Broadway. Ill LUTHER JUDY was In town today ALLAN RANDLEMAN and wlfo of from his North Coos River homo.' Coqulllo nro plnnnlng to moro MRS. WILKES CAVANAUail of! this wook from Beaver HIU to' a Eastsldo Is In Mnrshflold today. homo In Forndalo owned by Mrs. JOHN ICRICK nnd wlfo of Coos Hnndloman. River nro Marshflold visitors to- MRS. M'CUTCHEON nnd bnby nnd day. Miss Nolllo McCutchcon roturncd MRS. DYER mid dnughtor of Dan-, to their homo In Donvor Hill this lets Creek nro Mnrshflold visitors morning, nftcr doing somo shop today. I ping In Mnrshflold. MRS. II. II. HAINES of Isthmus Dlt. A. L. HOUSEWORTH loft this Inlet Is n Mnrshflold shoppor to- morning for Floronco to boo Mrs. dny. O. J, Mahouoy, who has not yet C. II. CODDING of Mtlllngton was, recovered from hop recent sovorc In Marshflold yesterday ou busi ness. MISS ELSIE WEAVER of Isthmus Inlet 1r n shoppor In Mnrshflold todny. CARL M'CULLOCII of Hnynos Inlet wna In Mnrshflold todny on business. 1. oru.Mirjii a.tiAi.u 111 iiuriu 111-1 lob Is n business vlattnr to town today. I L. J. SIMPSON of North Bond wns n Mnrshflold business visitor yes- torday. nttack of nppondlcltls. NINIAN WBnSTER of North Cooa Rlvor is n busliioss visitor in town todny. Ills fathor, Loo Wobstor, who has been III nt Morcy Hospltnl, Is roportod Im proving. JOHN DUItnAND. who has boon spondlng tho past year In tho pearl fishing business In Wiscon sin nnd nonr Muscatlno, Iowa, writes friends that ho will ro turn to Coos Dny In n wook or so. ROY LANDRITH of North Coos A, T. LAGBR8TROM nnd wlfo yos- Make Your Christmas Last All Winter Tho One Ideal Gift for AH the Family AH the Year Around. You Possess AH the Music of AH the World When You Buy a Columbia Grafonla $25 to $200 Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. River Is In town nttnndlng to buslnosB. HENRY KERN nnd fnmliy of North Bond wnro Mnrshflold shoppors yostorday. II. J. M'DIARMID roturnod to Ban don todny, whero ho Is engaged In business. MRS. BVAN HODSON of South Coos Rlvor is n Marshflold shop por today. M. J. BOWnON of Isthmus Inlot Is a business visitor to Marsh flold today. JAMES LANDRITH, tho South Coos Rlvor rancher, Is In town todny on liuslnoss, 7.. T. SIOLIN Is In town today on buslnoss from his homo on tho Isthmus. MRS. FRANK ROOD is a visitor to MarBhflold today from North Coos Rlvor. MRS. W. R. B'CKFORD of Allo gany Is among tho Marshflold shoppors today, ATTORNEY L. A. LILJEQVI8T, who has boon assisting Coronor torday moved Into tho 13. W. Knmmoror homo in West Mnrsh flold, which thoy will occupy during tho wlntor months whllo Mrs. Knmmoror nnd tho children nro In California. W. H. KENNEDY, who oxpoctod to lenva on tho Rodomlo for San Francisco, hns ongngod passago on tho Draln-Gnrdtnor stngo nnd will loavo tomorrow ovorlnnd for San Francisco. Tho Rodomlo in still In tho lowor bny, G. W. SHELLEY of Myrtlo Point wns In Mnrohflold yostorday en route homo from North Bond, whero ho arrnngod for partioa to look nttor his rosldonco. IIo ro ports that Myrtlo Point Is enjoy ing an unusually good business this senson. Wo aro agents for Oliver Typewriters Marslifield Cyclery Fred Wilson In tho Investigation i,0ll0 1nH.1t 172 Drondwny PHONE "THE BUSY CORNER" MAIN 298 US S MORE SHOPPING DAYS for obtaining tlio best in quality glft for your friends. Como in and examine our different linen, our prices will comimro fav orably with city prices. You will find that everything Is new; high-grade quality with artistic designs has been our aim In selecting prcsonts for lc.l Ladlies aimd Gemittlemnieim Remember this is tho btoro for getting Christians Stationery; tvo havo a fino lino and somothlug different in design from other lines bhonii in town. AIto tho best in fancy iterfuiuo packages, both domestic and imiortcd. All nro on display, besides several other artistic lines to suit your (tockctbook and special tastes. Tho Store for Quality Goods and Now Designs. fnono 102 3? ,