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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1912)
HMtyiVMMlM fill dflOS SAY TIHEUr MMMfflEUlj ORBfiONi THUMMY,. DIOIMBM -1.V lOtS. BVENtNQ 4 OfTlON. iJTamiiiH 'rTWir, ,-t mmummitmMmttvmmmtmmmmmtmmifmmifmeiiii j. . sc- SPECIAL HOLIDAY FURNITURE SAL We want to reduce our stock and to do it quickly have cut prices on everything in me store, borne lines we are closing out at cost and nn slashed to make them move, All goods are marked in plain figures and you can figure the price yourself, aw oo Everything in. the StoreWill Be Sold at 10 Per Cent Discount There are a few lines that we are closing out and during this sale you can buy .nn pJ!!?ant m $6,00 Rockers for $7,00 Rockers for "' $7,50 Rockers for!!! FR.AMED Pic Make Beautiful CM C!0 KM 4 ton nn r- u If nn ?5 Fr3mne.d Pictures, cfc $1,00 Framed Pictures, closing Iron Beds) Go Carts and Baby carriage's, Wicker Rockers and Framed Pictures at Cost. GO-CARTS AND BABY CABS $4,75 Go Carts at $3.00 $34,00 Haywood Go Cart $25.00 S9fi.nn Bnhv Carriages $20.00 $9,00 Folding Cart with storm snieia o.uu IRON BEDS $13,00 Iron Beds for $9.00 $12,00 Iron Beds for $8.00 $6,00 Iron Beds for $4.00 $9,00 Iron Beds for $6.00 YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. IS NOT COMPLETE WITHOUT A VISIT TO THIS STORE AND AN INSPEC TION OF THESE GOODS AT THESE PRICES, COME EARLY TO SECURE A BE ITER StLtUllUN, THE QUALITY AND STANDARD OF THE JOHNSON FURNITURE IS BACKED BY 27 YEARS IN BUSINESS ON COOS BAY, -.. -...... m a tm savat-aB.narf.safc. em ni ncPT rnnMiTiir... THIS SALE FUH UASH UNLT. f I fl M ll Vl 1 ll Ul-U"' runmiurtt STOREJN COl STORE OPEN EVENINGS, V MHLk - V MIVJV! NORTH FRONTS! THE EDITOR'S TROUBLES It Bomotimes aconis to mo that moro untownrd circumstances, to ubo a rathor high-sounding term for trouble, gloom, grief, errors, and other unpleasant Incidents, happen In a country print shop than any othor placo of cqunl floor area on God's gay and green footstool. The Times offlco has hcon tho sceno of soveral tho past week. Tho troublo otarted a week ago when tho foreman mot with an accldont which Incapacitated him. This dur Inc tho busy holiday rush put an extra burden on all in tho odlco. In tho ruBh moro than tho usual quota of orrors cropt Into tho papor, but tho climax pub on an extra cap last night whou a sorlos of ty pographical orrors roTolcd and rioted In tho columns. First, my frlond, "Bob Stanley" had a poom on "Christmas Troubles," hut tho man with Christmas troubles would think thorn trifles light as air com- and found It bungled and butchorad becauso a half lino had been drop ped In tho first part of tho pootn which rendered tho romalndor senseless. Ho was mado to wrlto of "mlmmercd brass" and put up "frones," whatever they may bo, "Misfortunes novor como singly," and according to our old friend Llndley Murray, or whoovor It was that Invented grammar, It Is not strange, becauso "misfortunes" be ing plural cannot bo singular. Any way, a llttlo later tho editor found tho inonu of tho refreshments sorved at the Arago Hotel ball nt Empire was turned upsldo down and twisted out of Bhapo, begin ning with "nuts," and ending- with "soup." Thoro woro others, but those two wcro BUfllclont for a ban quet of brickbats. TIicbo two nr tides aro roprlntcd herowlth in a moro nearly correct form to pro servo a hotter record of things pared with tho editor's troubles Whon "Dob Stanley" road his poom ' nowspaporlal A BAR BOUND BANQUET. SOUP. "Wo'ro In it.' Oyster "Coos Hay Rubborncck" RELISHES. "How do you relish being bar bound?" Colery "Our salary goes on whllo wo wait." Radishes. Gherkins Sweet Plcklos "Isn't this a plcklo that wo'ro In." India Rollsh "It would tako an Indian to rollsh tnls." ENTREES. "Thoy can't enter nor got out olthor." Roast Chicken "Wo'd llko to roast tho U. S. Engineers." Turkey Cold Ham. Cold Ton E" o "Wo'd llko to glvo somo ono somo hot tonguo, now." Cheeso Sandwlchos "Choeso It." DESSERT. "This Isn't anything llko a desert." DannnaK Orangos Fruits Cocoanut Chocolato Sliced Poaches. Mixed Nuts "It'd mnko anyono nutty." American, Swiss and Roquefort Choeso. "A llfo on tho Ocean Deep nnd a Homo on tho Rolling Wovo." Christmas Troubles ny HOD STANLEY. I'm waiting for tho holldnys, and trying to devise somo waya nnd moans by which I won't offend somo ono who calls himself my frlond, by some cheap present I must Bond. This follow always Bonds to mo somo presont costly as can bo and makes mo feel I must return a mastorploco In painting, urn or hamraorod brass bodockod with forn, or somothlng olso that costs a mint. That's why I always have to Btlnt and etarvo, and wear old clothes, and. savo, and posb up nil things that I crave, and yot, put up a front that's bravo, whon Christmas timo 1b drawing noar. Ho makes mo worry half n year about tho things I havo to buy to sond nlong with ray roply in which I thank him with a sign. When ho Ib Bonding mo somo prizo in Jowolry that hurts my eyes, ho doesn't know Bomotlmos I soak his presont with somo Hobrow bloko, so I can mako roturns, whon broko. I do not wish to bo a "Spug," a hold-up man, or thlof, or thug, but I will Buroly fall from graco unloss this friend of mine will chaso his costly presents past my placo. Tho troublo with this Christmas gamo lies in tho fact wo do not namo a limit when wo start to play. Our frlonds got wild- and run away, and wo must borrow It wo stay. I always llko to havo a frlond send something to mo that will spend him Just about what I can stand. I don't want anything that's grand, so cut tho price to beat tho band. STATEMENT OF CONDITION FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK AL1RSHFU3LD, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1889. At tho clo of baslnofls, November 20, 1013. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 8483,687.13 Banking Houso 60,000.00 Cash nnd Sight Exchange 263,890.06 Total 1797,467.00 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In 8 60,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 64,989.76 Doposlta , 682,467.24 Total 1797.457.09 C. A. Smith Lumber &Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS, HOOFING PAPER, ETC. OUT THE FUEL HILL IN TWO HV USINO OUIt WOOD. PHONE 100. 182' SOUTH IHIOADWAY Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to caUat PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and mako solec tion from tho largo stock now ou hand. 2h.r. Wilson has in his employ tho only practical marhlo and granite cutter in Coos County. And nono hut tho best work is turned out. ir First Natii Of JURSII CAPITAL ITUTnJ A ircncrnl bnnklna IuuIkm, Account!) of Individual. , Interest paid on Time and StrkJ nro uckihii Iioxm for rent it lour luikliieaii Kollcltod. DIRECll W. 8. CHANDLER. ProldeaL W. U. DOUGLAS, JOHN C. MBHC WM. ORIMKS, JOHN V. HALL, ff Steamer Sails for San Francisco, freight Only, Friday I F. S. DOW, Ageat. PROFESSION AL DIRECTORY OLIVIA EDMAN, XfiXAlmnnJTfiApanl Scientific SwedlBh MaEsago, Modlcal Gymnastics 025 S. Sixth St. Phono 295-R. JOEL 05TLIND, Piano Tuner and Repairer. 41b 8. 8Ixth Street. Phono 103-L J- W. UKNNb.1T NOTICE OP EXECUTOR'S SALE OP REAL PROPERTY. Dennett Swnnton, Tom T. Bennett Attorneys and Connsellora at Law. Flanagan Bennett Baalc Building. Marshflold. Coos Co., Oregon. PERL RILEr BALUNGER Pianist anil TmjIk Residence-Studio, 237 So. Broadway Phone 18-L. VICTORY OVFAl GREEKS. Turkn Claim Thoy Kill 100 mid Wounded 120 Sunday. (I'r Atocltte4 Tim to Com I)t Times.) CONSTANTINOPLE, Dec. 18. A great victory by tho Turkish troops over tho Greek army near Janlna Sunday, was reported today In a telegram to the War Department The Turkish commander asserts that 400 Greeks woro killed and 126 wounded. Llbby COAL. The kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 73, Pacific Livery and Transfer Company. $100 Reward, $100 The readers cl thla paper will bt pleased to learu that there 1 at leant one dreaded disease that science lias been able to cure In alt its stages, and that tiCatarrd. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Calami being a con stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment, llall.i Catarrh cure ti taken Inter nalty, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous lurtaces of thd system, thereby destroying the foundation of tbcdlseaso, and giving the patient strength fa building up the ronitltu tlon and asstetlng nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith in Its cur atlte powers that tbey offer One Hundred Do! Ian for any case that it falls to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. K. J. OHENEY 4CO.,Toledo, O Bold by all Druggists, 78c. BILL PASSES nOUSE. Immigrants Must Bo Able to Road Before Entering U. S. llr Auoclsted Press to Coos Day Tlms, "WASHINGTON, Dec. 19, Tho Houso passed the Burnett Illiteracy test Immigration bill by a voto of 178 to 52, Tho measuro is a sub stitute for tho Sonnto Dillingham bill and would bar from tho Unit od States Immigrants ovor 1G years old who aro unablo to' read, oxcopt those proving to have Immigrated oil account of religious persecution at homo. BIG SURPRISE TO MANY IN MARSIIFIELn ' Local people aro surprised at tho QUICK resultB received from sim ple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., ns mixed In Adler-1-ka, tho Ger man remedv whloh lioenmn fnmniiR by curing nppendlcltis. Tho Lock- uuri-i-urBQus urug uo. states that this simple remedy antlseptlclzes the fllcpntlvn BVsliim nnri ilrntra nlf tho Impurities so thoroughly that A ontuiji uuau relieves sour stom ach, gas on tho stomach and consti pation INSTANTLY. w M. 8. TURPEN, ARCHITECT. Marshfleld, Oregon. DR. W. MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grimes Building, over Grand Theater. Office Phone 80. WO, CHANDLER, . Architect, Rooms 801 and 802, Coke Balldbag Marahfleld, Oregon. TR. A. J. HENDRY'S "' Modern Dental Parlon. We aro equipped to do high elan work en short notice at the very lowest prices. Examlaatlon free. Lady attendant. Coke Bide. Op. Chandler Hoel, phone lir-J. Chalmcr's Auto Service J. M. Dodge, Driver. Btand at Palace Restaurant, Phones, B-J or B-L, day and night MarBhfleld. Oregon Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Notlco Is horoby given that tho undersigned, John D. McNeil, as Executor of tho Estato of Carrlo Nasburg, docoaBod, will, under and by vlrtuo of an order duly mado by tho Honorabln .Tnhn m TTntl nn Judgo of tho County Court of tho oiaio or uregon, ror the County of vvoob, on lue stn day of Decembor, 1911, and entered In the journal Of said court nn RAM ilnv In flia matter of tho potltlon of the said John D. McNeil, as such executor for an order of sale of the real property of said estate, which said real proporty is hereinafter partic ularly doscrlbod, offer tho said real property for salo, at prlvato sale, to tho best blddor therefor, or for either of tho eald pieces or parcels of real property, on tho 27th day of Decembor, 1912, at tho hour of 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said day, or on any day thereafter, tho said executor horoby reserving tho right to reject any or all bids or offors for the said real property or for either of tho Bald pieces or par cels thereof, the terms of said sale being one-half cash at tho time of salo and the balanco, or ono-half payable within one year from the unie or me confirmation of said sale or sales by tho said County Court. Tho Bald real property Is ui-Duriueu as IO1I0WS, tO-WIt: Tho lots numbered four (4) and Ave (5) In the block numbered twenty-soven (27) in tho town of Marshfleld, Coos County nnd Stato of Oregon, according to the plat mereor prepared by B. B. Clement and of record In tho offlco of tho uumy uieru of Coos County, Oro- tmu; ana The lots numbered ten (10) and eleven (11), in tho block numbered nine (9), of Azalea Park Addition to tho town of Bandon, Coob Coun ty, Oregon, according to tho plat thereof on fllo nnd of record In tho offlco of the County Cleric of the CoUflfv nt f.nna nn,1 gno nt Oregon. Dated at Marshflold, Oregon, this 26th day of November, 1912. JOHN D. McNEIL. Executor of tho Estato of Carrie Naaburg, decoased. (Dato of first publication. Nov. 28, . and last publication Dec. 26.) KQUIMED T ftteamship j) ALWJnC U SAILINGS FROM PORTLA-YD,' 8 P. M. SAILING FltOM SIAMIIHBRIBJ M., Saturday, Dec. Hl ' Saturday, Dec. vn. Phone Bfaln ffn-L. SPEJ THE NEW Steamer cait. Sails from San Francisco for Cn THE SPEEDWELL M?J modatlons, large clean For frtlg" L A. F. FXabrook Co. . 245 CI. St., 6n TUB piffiXB S. S. A EQUIPPED caiic poriM COOSlAl cfiwrsAYDEC. I5 OTr.K-n WlTlllMtOm jVnaaJ""" inlPini NOKTH PACU10 I Phone 44. FAST Steamer i nt )i t!a hiK RI the Ike He I 1 An, Bi mfitvm