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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1912)
m 2S12SfiK THE CdOi BAY TIMES, MM8HNBL0, 6HEQ0W, THURSDAY, DEOEIiBai 1 91 MVeMlHfl EDfflOlK. 3 ' iiur in i mail i i i tin n n- ifmVu ;..., gTT ft r-ITiaS'tTiTr- irT'-'- - -L "Kammerer Says:" My specialty is Men's Haberdashery and Clothing and you can find here exclusive things that a man with taste would exact a display of Xmas Haberdashery tnat makes your shopping easy. Look fem over, David Adler (& Sons Collegian Clothing 1 N. r "li Neckwear Cluett Shirts Silk and Lisle Hosiery Rough Neck Sweaters Fine Assortment of Hats Leather Novelties Handkerchiefs Men's Jewelry Ireland's Gloves Xmas Boxes . ' , V Combination Sets of all kinds in fact, every thing nice that a man of taste would appreciate. . Yours, anxious to please, The Toggery B4.f lew Goods and mi Hand Goods ought, sold or cxclinnged. MHNHTO.V, DOYIjK i CO. out street. mono ssio-i field & North Bend Auto Line IOT & KINO. Proprietors. leave MnrBbflela ovory 46 from 7:15 n. m. un'Il 12:30 bt. Leavo North Bond on cheJulo, starting at 7 a. in lldnlght. Sco Saturday Timet BdQIO. OOOI) WATdl OR VISh JEWELRY I. BARKER ji:vi:lkh nlcli nnd Jewelry Repairing. 1 rout St., BltirshriclU. BAIFE j$A- HODGINS shfield Paint decorating Co. hed. Phono 149-L. Oregoc MARSHPIKLD, rANTED ! ! ! UPHOLSTERING AND TO CLEAN, by tlio Pnen- eaniiiK Company. Orders for at & nARVEY. Plum 100 trance Sale CUT IX PRICES Children's nnd Men's SHOES. stock. UiHto-dato Lasts, Electric Shoe Shop lean and Press and Gent's Suits ids Called for Delivered iy Steam Laundry IONE MAIN 57JI shficld, Oregon. IF "Santy" Only Knew THOS HOWARD Jeweler about our fine stock of gift jowchy lie would make our store his headquarters. Suppose you comom and look arouud. The fine as sortment of Christmas pres ents will please you and the low prices will surprise you. All goods sold engraved free. ThoSo Howard Jeweler Agents for South Bend Watches. Marahfiold. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. IIENitY SENGSTACKJ2N, Mgr. Coqullle Office Phono 191 Platting Lands a specialty. Farms Timber Coal andenU "EASTBIDR" Gtnoral Ag MarsbHeld Office H-J. OLPTITEWADJ Old TItownd Bits bcsldo his flro. Ho baa no want, wish, or do slro. His fat frnmo's comfortably inclined In Morrla tbat'a leatbor lined. Ho'b donnod bis ovonlng lounging clothes. A languid fooling on bis grows. Ho has a sonso of joy and bliss that won't bo broken by a kiss from any smiling, noisy child that drives mon llko Old Tltowad wild whon nt tho bourn of Christmas Evo, thoy must shell out, and mako bollovo tboro lives n good, unsolfisb Saint who visits nil, with no complaint about each long and woary mllo bo's travolod to, with gifts, bcgullo. Old Tltowad has no gifts to buy for no small shoos and stockings Ho about his warm and sllont don, loft thoro by Nolllo, Tom, and Don. Ho knows that nt tho coming dawn no husky boy will try his brawn upon tho bond of martial drum, and 'waken him from dreams to como. Ho smiles when think ing bow he's savod tho coin for which long years Iio'b slaYod, and bow by qulut ho is blest whllo othor men lmvo brokon rest. Old Tltowad, enn't you sco your'o wrong without tho cboor of childhood's song that comes to one at Christmas Evo who plays tho part of "Mako Bollovo?" And, don't you miss tho scroams of Joy when llttlo hands unroll onch toy that good, old Santa Claus Iioh placed in children's stockings, and offacod tho childish, foars of night boforo, that kind Saint Nick might pass tholr door? And don't you ovor long and sigh for childhood's "Morry Christmas" cry? Oh I Tittiwnd, bo for onco a mnn. Qo scatter Joy wboro'or you can. With opon pureo, bring bnpplnoss, nnd havo tonight no sel fishness. LABOR AND CAPITAL. Tnft Names Commission to Investi gate Their Relations, tnr Auoita rr to Coot nr Tim. WASHINGTON, Doc. 18. Presi dent Tnft has sont to tho Sonnto tho nominations of nlno mombors of tho Industrial commission crontod by Congross to Invostlgnto the re lations botwoon labor and capital. SAGE TEH WILL R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. BUILDING AND REPAIR WORK, House Bloving nnd Grading. Wo aro prepared to do this work by tho day or contract and guarantee latlsfactlon. Lot us figure with you. G. S. FLOYD CO., Phnnn 8M.J. Mardificld. Ore. Pantatorium EltN DYERS. GLEANERS, ana HAT RENOVATORS (toward II. Strauss & Tailoring. Let us next suit. ' Fhono 250-X t Roof Fixed NOW CORTHELL 'uosrn mat. W WANT A MTCH8EN' Something seat for ONE 120-L It. Charges reason' You Auto Call foote niONE 144-J NIGHT AJD DAY Stand front of Lloyd notel TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Phone W. Residence Phono U8-J. Will Mnko Trios to Coqullle. lASnTtANRY. Rugs Mnko Very Acceptable Christ- mas presents. Wo weavo artist o and durable rag ruga and carpets .m nM nr now matorlnls. Also mako beautiful pillow, couch and "ablecovors from Bilk or woolen rags. Address Gardiner's Rng Car pet Factory, Box 453, North Bend, or phone 1C1. - DECORATIVE ELECTRIO OUT FITS FOR RENT Fruit and Flower lamps at re duced prices. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS In Portable Lamps for the Holi days. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-J. M Broadway N OROUPY COUGHS AN The Quickest, simplest .way to rid the children oi "".---.--. SXrtnd" f!oep8s ; -ugh promptly? It soothes and heals nin Tin on ates. For saio u City Auto Service Good Cars. Careful Drivers and reasonable cbnrges. Our motto: "Will go anywhere at any time." Stands Blanco Hotel and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phonos 78 and 4C Night Phone 46. BARKER & GOODALK. proprietors TEi Star Transfer and Storage Co. Is prepared to do all kinds of hauling nn elinrf tintlpfi. W ffiOOt all tTftlUI and boats and we also have tho latest ivin Reynolds Piano Mover. We guaranteo our work. L.H.Heisner,Prop. Phones 98-R. 120-J 4-L. D E Fisher Auto Service Win. Fisher, Proprietor. Phono orders to Hlllyer's Cigar Stand, Phone 18-J. After 11 p. m. nbono B-J. Night phone 181-R. Marsliflt'ld. Oregon. A modern Brick .ulldlng, ElectrU Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Metlln, Prop. nates! BO centii a day uid upward uor. iiiwmiw" "" -'- Restore Faded and Gray Hair to Natural Color; Dand ruff Quickly Removed. Thoro Is nothing new about tho Idea of using Sago for restoring tho color of the balr. Our grand- tnnOinrn innb thntr hair dark. glossy and abundant by tho uso of a simple "sago tea." wnonovcr their hair fell out or took on a inn. fnririrf nr streaked anticarance, thoy made a brew of sago loav.'s, and applied It to their nair wun wonderfully beneficial effect. Nowadays wo don't havo to re sort to tho old-tlrao tiresomo metn od gathering tho herbs and mak ing tho tea. This is done by skill ful chemists bettor than wo could .In It mirfinlvpR! nnd nil WO have to do Is to call for tho ready-mado .a a. 11.1- rt..T? i.l OnlnllUV proauci, wyoiu a oubu uuu ouj...v.. Holr Remedy, containing sago in tho proper strength, with tho addi tion of sulphur, another old-tlino scalp romedy. This preparation gives youiuiui color nnd beauty to tho hair, and lo nn.v nt (hn Imnt rnmedlos YOU can uso for dandruff, dry, fevorlsn, Itching scalp, and failing nair. u. a GO cent bottlo from your drug gist today, and you will bo sur prised at the quick results. All druggists sell it, under guaranteo that tho money will bo rofunded If tho remedy Is not exactly as repre sented. Dr. Wm. Sadlor, author of "The Causo nnd Curo of Colds," says that common colds should bo tak en sorlously, especially when thoy "hang on." Foloy'a Honoy and Tar Compound Is a rollable house hold modlclno for coughs and colds equally offectlvo for children and grown porsons. Tako it whon you fool a cold coming on. It will avert dangor of eorlous results and cure quickly. No harmful drugs. For sale by Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co., the Busy Corner. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notlco is hereby given that tho undersigned administrator of the es tate of Oliver Landrlth, deceased, haB filed hla final account in the mattor of said estato and tho court has sot Monday, the 3d day of February, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at Coqulllo City, Coon County, Orogon, aa the time and place for the boarlng of. objections to said final account and the set tlement theroof. MILO M. PIERSON, Administrator of the estato of Oli ver Landrlth, deceased. (First publication Doc. 19, 1912; last publication Jau. 16, 1913.) .m vour lob printing done at For GOOD SHOES and GOOD REPAIRING at RIGHT PRICES. Go to August Oleson 215 Sonth Broadway. VOTE FOR Watch Out. Theso cold days It requires a good hot firo to keep tho bouse warm. It'B vory BABY for an ACCIDENTAL FIRE to occur. HOW ABOUT ITT Havo you got your HOUSE and HOUSE HOLD GOODS INSURED In a re liable company? If not you are taking a long CHANCH against LOSS. THE NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. is one of the oldest and strongest In existence. Correctly written policies our specialty. French Realty Co. 316 No. Front St., Marahfield w The Sign of Good Candy Always p anything to sell, rent Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co., me Busy Corner. wanr. neJl) try R Want Tho Time office.