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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1912 EVENING EDITION. 9jaumwTymix9m COOS BAY TIMES . O. MALONEY l-MItor ami Pub. WAN E. MAI.OXEY News Editor WOMEN AS .ll'ltOHK. tiy HALL wo have mixed Juries, j with tho promiscuous nsso soclntlon of inon and' wo men which would lio n necessary conHeriuenro? If tho right of wo Jiion to tho franchise and tho full standing of citizenship In to ho Krmutod, hor right to a sent In tho jury hox la not to ho questioned. Bui won rognrd Jury duty as an obligation, rathor than as a right, nd tho mnjorlty of women Boom llkriy to regard It In tho Bamo light. Herotoforo women have Iidou exempt; inon hnvo boon Gal lant and nnvo reoognld tho right of women to bo protected and Bavod tfrom that which Ib offensive. When uion und women hocomo cqunl, and there Is no distinction between tho wcaus In cltizonshtp, women may Zinvo moro "rlghtB," hut they also wlM have less prlvllogo. H II IS BEIIG RUSHED CHINESE NEW YEAR. THE ChlncHo do nothing by halves whon onco they start to reform. Thoy have chang es Iholr calendar and will honcc forth obsorvo Janunry 1 ns tholr INow Year's day. John Chinaman Is so ennny a cttHtomor that ono may Dmpo that ho will not adopt Ameri ca's bad customs In connection with tho ontrnnco of a now year. J. E. Lyon, an omployo of tho C. A. Smith mill, sustained qulto si novoro Injury to his hand this wreolc by bolng hit with n slab. Ho lis nndor tho enro of Dr. Dlx. 1IEI OFF SOON Co"? County Man Sentenced for Cashing Bad Check May Gain Clemency. Sheriff Gago arr'vod from Salom win Drain last ovonlng nitd loft on thin morning's train for his homo In Coqulllo. Ho had commlttod W. II. Duunlgan, convlctod for forging chock, to tho stato poultontlary or n torm of from ono to flvo soars. Dtinulgan formorly did not linvo n bad reputation and tho jiowr of his arrest camo ns a fliir prlso to tho community. Mr. Gngo wxproHHos his boltof that Duunlgan . tvJM not servo tho full tlmo of sun- teneo, as Governor West may par Won him. Mr. Gago arrived at Salem two days nftor Frank Garrison and tho threo others woro oxecutod. Manager Russell Has New Beaver Hill Shaft Down 1300 Feet. The now slopo In tho neavor Hill mlno Is now down nbnut 1,300 foot, and Manager Uussoll has a foreo min ing In nn eight foot vein of coal. Tho new mlno Is now turning out nbout two hundred tons of conl a week, thero being thico shifts worked dally on tho ono vein, It is now planned to sink the now shaft to a depth of thrco thousand foot. It will probably bo completed by next fall whon tho plan 1b to opor ato tho initio on a much larger scalo than tho old Heaver Hill mlno was oporatod. Tho coal now being token out Is said to bo of n good grade, hut a much hotter grndo Ib expected to bo reached at tho lower levels. 'nmm-TBnTTff "-i-"- J-wMzvxrvrrszx.m '. ",lUkitmaSBSSrJf Ttr.wwt.1 1 xxsmssaasBxax PERSONAL OVERFLOW J. C. KENDALL returned last night from n business trip to Coqulllo. DR. WINKLER hnB roturncd from Nnpn, Calif., whore ho was called by tho Illness of his mother. SEYMOUR II. DELL, formorly own er of tho Coos Day GaB and Electric Companies, Is hero from Portland to look aftor business In terests horo. Ho Is n big stock holder In tho Hank of Oregon at North Bond. Ho says that thero Is nothing now with him. Ho pinna to lcavo tomorrow. llrT 10 LEI UN OFF President Commutes Seattle Millionaire's Sentence to ' One Year. Mr AinocUtM rrrtt 10 Coot IUr TlmM.) WASHINGTON, Dec 19. Presi dent Tuft has committed to ono yoar tho two and n half yoar sontenco of Claronco D. Hlllmnn, tho wealthy roal estato dealer of Seattlo, who was convlctod or using tho malls to do-fraud. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tho Homor will sail tomorrow at 9 o'clock for Snu Francisco Sho will carry many Christmas packages. H This Will Be Absolutely the cr-C'S 2!&tL . """""" Strongest Special w; hn mr. u im fzn ev tf v ij uj w w ri Krw ti fvj m m l .t-- . - -nr-- ea Kf i2 H Yi U BH M rtl J R fl fi"B B1HV .. . jf Ever Staged on Coos Bay "V Seven-Piece Imported China Salad Sets six beautiful and exclusive patterns, regular $2.50 values, Saturday's WJi Xmas Sale price the set, Supply Limited to 00 sets. Come early our Christmas line is still compl Come to the Peoples Store where the people like to trade Always Something Ne Peoples' 5-1 0-1 5c Store nu M . BATTLE ELECT NEW OITICKHS. Ttoyal Neighbors llolil Annual Moot ing Honor .Mrs. Iillcy, "LaBt Tu6sday ovonlng tho Prldo 'of Orogon Camp, 277 1, Royal Neighbors, unanlniously elected tho 'Jollowlng offlcors for tho onsulng oar: Oraclo Ellon E. Kolloy. Vlco oraclo Ellssaboth Scalfo. Chancollor Hilda Ilydon. Hocordor Union R. Downs. Ilerolvcr Jonnlo Hoagland. "Marshal Cora 13. Holt. Inner sontlnol Sarah Roan lor. Outor sonllnol Marllss Drown. Tho Installation will tako placo Tuosday, January 21, 1913. WHITE SLAKE BE i AT THE HOTELS. HOTEL COOSR. J. Halvorstnll and wlfo, Palrvlow; Win.. Gngo, Coitilllo; Tom Ilrook, Myrtlo Point; 3. i llaukor, San Francisco; Glon Collin, Coqulllo; Al Smith, Coos Ttlvor; John Homou, City. ULAXCO HOTEL J. R. StUlwoll Xlandon; W. Pulchor, Dandon; W. XI. Shultz, Hornohrook, Calif.; R. C. Sklrtloy, Gardlnor; Louis Dun Jault, Flagstaff. LLOYD HOTEL Mrs. O. Lnttln, South Inlot; W. Halbs and family, Ilandon. THE CHANDLER C. P. Keat ing and wlfo, Myrtlo Point; E. II. Borrls, Eugono; Douglas Jarinuth, Seattlo, Wash.; Joo Slgmotto, Mo aosto, Cnl.; Mllo Plorson, Lako ldo; II, E. Ilultmann, Nome. San Francisco Authorities Be gin Effort to Break Up Chinese Traffic. 11 AnocUlcl l'n to Cno Dtr Tlmu, SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 19., Chinatown will bo raid oil until tho fodoral offlcors nro convinced that tho trafflo In slavo girls, against which tho govornniont fought fruit lessly for yenro has boon thorough ly broken up. This doclnratlon wns mndo after a spectacular raid on tho prison hnuso from which four slnvo girls and six inon woro Inkon to prison. United States Dis trict Attornoy MeNnbb bolloves ho has enough ovldonco to ' reach tho ring engaged In ho traffic. Nearly Two Hundred Reported Killed in Battle With the Rebels. Ilr AlaocUtcJ Prm to Coot lljr Tlmn. GUADALAJARA, Mcx., Doc. 10. Ono hundred robots and forty-iiovon gunrds and towiiB-pnoplo woro kil led In a llerco battlo at Huojuqulla. Tho town was saclcod by tho robots who commlttod many outrages. A forco of COO rcbols attacked tho town yestorday. Tho garrison was only fifty rural guards, but with tho as slstanco of armed citizens thoy hold tho robols off thirty hours until tholr ammunition wns exhausted. PLAN TO BLOW UP U. S. INT WI DEAD IN ME STEEL MILL IS BUT A DREAM Missouri Man Returning for Promoters at Portland Deny Christmas Celebration, Discoverers Crime. First Story of Big Pro ject Here. That Coos Day's hopes to got ti Htool mill aro faint Is Indicated by NORTH UEND NEWS. Mrs. Poro Potorson nnd children of May woro guests yestorday of Mrs. E. E. Rlggs In North Rond. Mr. and Mrs. Ilnrzoo woro guests last Tuesday of tholr daughtor In ainrshflold, Mrs. Max Tlmniorninn. Tho Mothors nnd Tonchors' club wlll meet Friday nftornoon at 3 nVlacIc nt tho Contral school. A nmnbor of Interesting talks will bo inndo by Marshflold and North Snend ladles. HOTEL ARRIVALS. THE CHANDLER H. Vonsko, Cottago Grovo; F. E. Dompsoy, Sn lom; C. P. Kontlng nnd wlfo, Myr tlo Point; Honry Dlock, Portland; II, J. Mathlson, Portland; II. Cnse, Portland; Dan Murphy, Portland; II. .0 Plogor, Myrtlo Point; V. A. Dh mlck, City; II. J. McDIarmld, Dan don; R, II, Rosa, Dnndon; L. Mor gan, San Francisco; Don McMullon nnd wlfo, Myrtlo Point; Win. Stoln hardt, St. Paul; Mrs. S. D. Goodman, Coqulllo; Mrs. P. Dollonl, Coqulllo. BLANCO HOTEL Mrs. Paul Lor- onson, Dnndon; Mrs. J. P, Olson, Lnnglols; J. J. Cllnkonbeard, Coos Rlvor; W. M. Russell, Portland; A. A. Thornhnnier, Portland; C. A. Held, Myrtlo Point; A. J. Prechol, Wnsoca, Minn.; M. A. Epporson, San Fran cisco; G. W. Mclntyro, Sonorn, Cal.; M. A. Epporson, Sonora, Cal; J, D. Clinton, Norway; Mrs. Goo. W. Smith, Coqulllo; John T. Steonrs, Maploton; 13. J. Darnes, Portland; J. Dunston, Arago. LLOYD HOTEL W. II. Wobb and family, Dandon; Chas. Bradford, Oakland. HOTEL COOS Jako Bohlonder, Dluo Rldgo; Al Smith, Coos Rlvor. Scheme to Dynamite Federal Building in Denver Frustrated. (Iljr AuoclJteJ Trna la Cooa n Time DENVER, Colo., Doc. 19. A plot of porsons unknown to dyunmlto tho Donvor Mint, whoro approxi mately $500,000,000 Is storod, was frustrated by tho dlscovory of tho plans two weoks ago on tho floor of tho public comfort station near tho Fedoral building. Tho plnns woro found by tho superintendent of tho building, who turned them over to tho city do tectlves. Tho dotentlves gavo Infor mation to tho Fcdornl authorities and tho guard nt tho mint wns doubled. According to tho ofllcors tho plan contemplated tho uso of onough dy namlto to wreck tho mint building. Both tho Fodornl and local officials hnvo conducted a rigid search, but no traco of tho would-bo dynamit ers has been dlscovorod. NORTH BEXI) CASE Echo of Fnlluro of ,T. Virgil Pugli Up in uourt. Contending that a deed from J. Vlmll Plielt to tho Oroirnn Tnmt Company, of an Interest In tho First National Bank building at North onu was vaua because tno Instru ment did not bnnr thn cnnl nt tlm company, tho snlo of tho Interest for creditors of Pugh, tho North Bond Hardwaro Co., Is bolng uphold by nuornoy ror tno creditors. Evldonco In tho case was honrd bv .Tmlpn rnttn In Chambers this week and tho final arguments win be made soon. It seems thnt tho transfer by Pugh to tho Oregon Trust Company was mado In April and tho following July, Sheriff Gngo sold It under niv execu tion. The transfer was recorded hut tho attorneys for tho North Bend Hardwaro Co. contend that tho ab senco of tho seals make tho transfor Invalid. Tho caso Is entitled tho First Na tional Bank of North Bond vs. Sher iff Gago. Ill Amo. Utcl I'rros la Coot lux Tlmm.) COLl'MBIA, Mo., Doc. 19. Mrs. Georgo Mooro, 01 years old, and tho following from tho Portland hor mothor, Mrs. Mnry J. Wilson, Orogonlnn: 82 yonrs old, woro found dond In J Efforts of n nuinbor of Tacomn their homo near horo. Tholr heads ',UU California promoters to form a Itnd been crushed by nn nxo. 'syndicates to tako over sovural Tho dlscovory was mado by Leo ,,0CC8 of timber and mineral lands Mooro, a son, who hnd como from oll tho Pnclflc Const continued nt Moborly to preparo for a Christmas a nll-lny sosslon hold at tho Port colobratlon for his mothor and inn,i jlotol yesterday, grandmother who lived nlono In MoBt mombon Qf t0 . clt. tho outskirts of tho city. Mrs Wll- tom, Bl , ,t f))r ,,,. . son nn, Ms Mooro woro last soon t omeBi w Fro h 0 Snl . hi u.,BK jesieru.y. coining , w, , on8loorIIK tho ,,onI, ...usual was observed by tho neigh-, ronmInoil wl,h hm , j. N G. bors until tho son arrived from , , , , Cn, ox.ROVornor tho rain with his arms fH of California nnd attornoy for tl.o of Chrl turns packages and greens. Byd,cn,0. if tho plans I3 , 0Mtr l0', of th0 P- ro cn",ctI 0,,t purposo of tho murdors Is not clear. ,., , ,... ,,.., .,, ., tor In Portland. Options hnvo been taken on about 10,000 acres of tlmbor land near Tacoma. Soma mlnoral proporty In Alaska Is also sought. Mr. Glllott laughod nt tho sug gestion that tho concorn proposos I to build a chain of stool mills on tho Coast. "Tho Idea Is absolutely ridicu lous," ho declared with emphasis. "Wo never thought of such a fool ish thing. No sonslblo porson would bollovo It." Another conferenco probably will bo held In Portlnnd or In Tacoma W. Ashby. of Tacoma, to have amassed a fori J kn mines, Is ono of thd ested In the scheme. PASSENGER steamcrl DAUER snllfl Fltlll.W from ALLIANCE IJOCld clsmco fare, $10. Los $17.00. STEAMER si'i:i:nv LEAVE KAN 1'RAXCISd Di:CRMDER 'Zi, Dill COOS HAY WITH l'j AND FREIGHT. MERGER CASE IC IID nnAIM a (mill iui Want U. S. Supreme Court to Define Rights in Dispos ing of Stock. WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. Tho dissolution of tho Union Pacific I within tho next fow wooks. Oscar and Southorn Pacific morgor ngnln1""" enmo boforo tho United States bu-' promo court today when attorneys for tho Union Pacific and tho gov ornniont Jolnod In a roquost thnt tho court dotornilno nt onco what rights tho Union Pacific stockhold ers should hnv'o In tho disposal of the Southern Pacific stock hold by tho Union Pacific In violation of the Sherman anti-trust law. Tho motion for a moro spoclflc docreo in tho caso was mado by Attornoy General Wlckorshnm. Chief Justice Whito stated formally that tho court would tako it under consideration, Choice and Apples Fo Christmas Wo hnvo Bomo fund Apples for Christmas. Phono your orders thorn nt $1.00, $1.25 ai $1.5( Wo have them la varieties: Baldwins, Spltzonborgs, Northern Spies, Grimes Golda Col Phone The Ba Front Street A Ghnristaa! CLUSTER LIGHTS FOR NORTH I1EXD The Oregon Power Company is In stalling tho new clustor lights in tho down town section. TUB BUSY WOMAN'S DAY. It begins early, onds Into, and Is full of work. Sho often lns khl noy tioublo without knowing it. Hor back aches and sho Is tired nnd wprn out. Sleops poorly, Is nervous, no nppotlto. Her bladder gives hor rroublo, too. Foloy Kid ney Pills will euro all that and aro tho best medicine mado for kldnoy and bladder disorders. For salo by tho Lockhart-Parsons Drug mako hor strong nnd well. They Co., tho Busy Corner, Gift for A Visit to the FIXUP will settle the matter quickly. Just the wants and will appreciate. PRESENTS PROM 25c to MARSH-field FIXUP I PS'