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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1912)
WHO ALWAYS LOOKS ON THE BRIGliT SIDE OP THINGS ISM THE RIGHT SIDE OE THING! IE F Of .......m 11? AUTHORITY' 'Till- ' '.'. i iu li. Iiidcncnd- "fi.r.llflclll ",0 IH1!CI- toa WATCH Till: WANT ADS. There nro ninny ioil lnrgnln (n Mi""" tt ' " ilrsl. iMNt iiiul Mill "" JOIN T1IK TIMES FAMILY. 4t In fniitwl (tinwi A nvllittw K I" HJVJ I'MIMll HIVII.I illlJIMIII lost or foiiml Is nhvn)s adver tised in The Times. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRES ONE fs chief ruuVl Established In 1H7H ILXaV,h The Const Mall. i power ID IN lSSs L 746 Official Positions in Companies uunuuimia $Ztj,buuu,uuu. ItUPENDOUS ARRAY lurcnw .,,rAi TM rni n Ur VVCHUI II l wuu atii Ley Trust' Committee Gets rVi nn Intnrlnnkinri "aid wii IH1.W1"-- a Power of iviagnaies. In, AnocUlrl TrcM lo Coo. Ilr Time &SHIXOTON, Doc. 18. Elnbor- i tharts wcro presented to tlio :m "money trust" Investigation amillco todny, giving "bib oi "in- rlocklng directors" In n mniilior ik. leading flnnnclal and Miiub- 1 Institutions, also n tablo ahow f'lho nlllllntloiiH of J. 1. Mer it Co. mitl mo uuaraniy lmsi ), the IlnnkiTH Trimt Co., tho vit National Hank and tho Nn- .jui city "' nn,, ol,,or cor jfjllom tliroiigli lnlorlocklng dl- flBBtWHl". .i...lA M His li in pursuance ot uini .1. flu. nnmiiilf Inn'ct Itinnlrv CoGl-JJjlH.- m. tho so-called "concon- .ton of money mid credits." Tte charts nro very voluminous HOI'. H:i contain n mnss of durallH. A tfircd aiiminnry, nftor giving tlio IMtbHisci of IS selected Institutions r". nM to bo affiliated nays, "tlio 17-R.Bjrn member nnd directors whoso j j. JI!lloru thiiH shown iiumhor 180. iff hi, Si the aggregato thoy hold 385 dl bnt cs Htctonhlps In II hanks and trust into to toapinlos having total rosourr es of ld ''.''lUll.OOO.OOO and total doposltB of he iir.MM.000,OOO. iheli. tB Fifty directorships in 11 liiflur ' and iHuce comimntcs hnvlng nssots of ' b"!,l,000.000. One hundred nnd flfty-flvo dlrec- ti .flilonilps In 31 rnllroad systems lmv- irt nflt a total capitalization of $12.- lli li 111,000,000, nnd n total mlleago or ceitifl Slt directorships in two express ire Mrapnlcs nnd four dlrcctorHhlps in nd If HK atcanislilp compnny, with n "t-emtilncd cnpltnl of $2-15,000,000 Xi M"1 " Kr8B lncomo r $07,000,000. "tit. H 'nety-elKlit directorships In 28 traducing nnd trading corporations "ring a totnl capitalization of $3,- CIT, ".vuv.uuu, nnd totnl gross nnnunl wnlngs exceeding $1,145,000,000. Porty-clght directorships In 19 .IsBUMIc utilities corporations with n icbiW10'1! capitalization of $2,82G,000, 1 "' and total gross minimi onrn J'jBljM',n cxc?3 of $428,000,000. W.M Ia n" 74G directorship In 134 jjirMwporatlons, with total rosourcea or u totalization of $25,825,000,000. .".ntn;ML'l J ill. M "'.-iivi-jvriiia minion oi mo Kb'BRouie testified thnt ho nnd hla putlcs had trlod In vain elnco ' !H June in in um,. iifimnn. ri,nni - v iu uutiu lviiiiuiii iiuunuiui lf. Pl.ol ... . , - lliH - "'n mini i'ujo prouuecu u !tm wnncato from Dr. Walter P. lam Chappello saying Rockofotlor was mi under his enro. Pujo anld tho tommltteo hnd Informod him that tt Hockefellor cortlflcnto must not M recognized unless ho nccoptod 'ertlce. All followlnu efforts to ,rve him had failed. Tho com- eo lm3 tho power to nslc tho "ouse for n writ of nttachmont to 'ores nnpifnfii- . H Morgnn on Stain, X'lernont Morcrnn innV tho "nd this nfternoon. Samuel Un- trmyer, counsel for tho committee, ""mediately hegan his oxamlnn- Uon. HAIM3V TO QUIT. mas Senator Won't Discuss Ke port Tlint Johnston Will Succeed Illm. W Ai"o. teJ r,f,, t0 Coo, Dtjr TlmM.1 WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. Sonn lr Dalley declines to discuss tho reports that ho would resign about nuary 1st and that tho Texas log '"uro win elect Colonel It. M. inston. editor of tho Houston st to fin out his torm unHl March 4. 'tn in nccrt a I'TiUJmiNG, HK VTINO, TIXN1XG, SIIKOT ArETATi WORK, CALL 101-J, fl. .XKEI1 HARDWARR CO. ,ue dono by us it Is dono right. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER I ! I Hill ! I M OF 180 I resume of business Ill TRUST PROBE IS ON New York Banker Decides to Tell Profits of Stock Manipulation. in AHOrlMM TrtM lo Com Utr TlmM.J WASHINOTON, Dec. 18 Freder ick I.owlHohn, a New fork banker nnd broker who rofuuod Monday to answer (itiostlons of tho money trust committee about profits of tho Hyndlcato which handlod tho stork of tho California Petroleum com pany, and led to a hurried adjourn niuiit to permit l.owlsohn to con suit his counsel to dotermlno whe ther or not ho would answer tho question or porhnpg bo doclnrod In contempt of tho House, appeared yestordny propmod to nimuor tlio riuestlon. Lowlsohu produced u copy of tho syndicate aKreuiuent undor which tho syndlcato mmin gers handled tho slock, together with other datn, which ho turned over to tho committee. J. II. Klvon, accoiititnut for tho rommltteo, presented statistics' that showed tho amount of money hold for country bnnks by 32 Now York city bnnks nnd trust compnnlcs mid the amount of moiioy loaned on Block market securities In Now York for Ihoso country correspond ents. Iu tho 32 banks November 1, country banks hnd on" deposit $ IS3.000.000, mid In addition hnd loanod on Now York stock oxchnngo securities $210,000,000. Revenue Cutter Will Look for Missing Los Angeles Men Along the Coast. tnr AiiotlitfJ Tmt lo Coo nr TlmM.J WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. Secre tary MacVeagh of tho Treasury De partment, has ordored n rovonuo cutter on tho Pacific Coast to make a quick nnd oxtonslvo search for tho missing nvlntor, Hornco Kear noy, and Chestor Lawrcnco, the nowspaporman who accompanied him on tho proposed flight from Los Angeles to San Francisco, In a hydro-aoroplano. (nr Ann Ute4 Ttm to Coot Dy Tlraw.J SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. IS. Tho rovonuo cutter McCulIoitgh probably will bo despatched to mako tho soarch for Kearny and Lawrence, tho missing aviators. STILT, KE1U UI HOPE. Aviator Kwiiney'H VrleniN Think Ho May Havo Survived. Or AwotUled rrtii lo Coo Dar Tlmef.J LOS ANGELES, Dec. 18. Hope Is still porslstent In tho minds of friends of Aviator Kearnoy and bis newspaper companion, Lawronco, who made tho recent disastrous nt tempt to fly to San Francisco, woro iiot lost In Bplto of tho fact that tho wrecked hydroplnno was found. Thoy bollovo that tho pontoons missing from tho wreckage woro dollboratoly wrenched from tho air ship by Kearney and Lnwrenco for life-saving purposes and they ox press tho bollof that tho mon were picked up by some vessel not equipped with wireless. PLOTS IN PORTUGAL. (nr AwotUted rr l Coos Dr Time.J LISBON, Dec. 18. A plot to es tablish a military dictatorship in Portugal was discovered hero. Part of tho nrmy Is supposed to bo Im .., ..i Tho cabinet was In ses- slon all night. Troops nro kept under arms and warships In the harbor were cieareu ior utuuu. DOAIS SUDOR FOR AVIATORS Indue gase evidence is ill h Butler and Others Go to Jail for Perjury Final Arguments Begun To Jury in a Week. Mir AmkHvM TrtM lo Cool ny Tlmn.l INDIANAPOLIS. Intl.. Dec. IS. With John T. Hutler, vlco president of the Ironworkers Intornntlonal Union accused by tho court with being a perjuror, and with him nnd thrco othorB of their number confined In Jail bccatiso of In creased bonds, tho forty defendants In the dynamite conspiracy trlnl had fair prospect todny thnt their ensos will bo In tho hnnds of tho Jury by Friday of noxt wcok. Tho Intorval will ho devoted by argu ment to tho Jury In which Iho do fenso nnd prosecution expects to bo nllowcd four dnys, nnd to tho fln nl Instructions by Fedornl .Tudgo Tnlbert II. Anderson to tho Jury, nt Iho resting of tho enso by both IEARST TELLS ABORT LETTERS Publisher Furnishes Senate Committee Evidence About Archbold in Campaign. Ilr AmaUtal Titm to Coot Iliy Timet.) WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. Will iam R. Hearst, who published tho now famous "Archbold letter," gnvo the Sonata campaign contributions Investigation commltteo photogra phic copies of all tho letters in his possession Indicating nny con nection botweon John D. Archbold ot tho Standard Oil Co. nnd execu tive and campaign activities. Hcnrst nppenrod ns tho first wit ness In tho oponlng of tho enm palgn Investigation. Tho Now York publishor told tho commltteo at the outsot that ho had somo othor lot tors which had not been made pub lic. Clapp asked Hearst If ho ovor saw tho orlglnnl of tho loiters pub lished In his magazine. Ho said ho was not cortaln, but bollovod that ho had only scon photographic fac slmllo copies. Hcnrst nt first hesi tated to Bay whoro ho obtalnod tho letters but finally declared ho got copies of John Eddy of London, author of four of tho nrtlcles pub lished In tho magazine Ho tes tified ho did not know of whom Eddy procured 'tho letters. Hearst produced Bovoral lottora and tolegrams, showing Intlmato personal and business rolntlona bo tween John D. Archbold, Sonator Penroso, Roprcsontntlvo Joseph C. Sibley and others. One lottor from Archbold to Pen rose spoko of a loan of $50,000 at an Intorest rare of 5 por cent, but Sonator Payntor remarked that tho "lottor did not Bay to whom tho loan was to bo mado." Fornkor nnd Penrose. Hearst said that ho bolloved ho had Boon a lottor tolling about tho return of tho monoy by Sonator Foraker. Ho said ho bad no knowlodgo of having paid anyono for getting or photographing tho letters. Letters regarding a loan, dated January 22, 1002, nnd Jnnuary 27, 1902, woro shown. A number of other letters from Archbold ad dressed to Fornker referred to pro posed legislation ns objectlonnblo to Archbold. A similar lottor was addressed to Representative Sibley of Pennsylva nia, Tlio second witness was J. L. Kenedy of Cleveland, a former member of tho old Industrial com mission of which Senator Penroso was a member. Konnedy declared the statement that Ponroso did somo work on tho commission for which tho Standard Oil Company paid him $25,000, was "amusing." Ho said Ponroso did a llttlo work on the commission nnd ho told of tho difficulty in gottlng Penrose's slgnnturo to tho report because Pen roso stated ho did not know tho details of tho work. Tho FIRST NATIONAL RANK of Coos Ray announces Its 1012 CALENDAR Is ready for distribu tion to Us customers. 18, 1912 EVENING EDITION. sides. A total of 750 witnesses havo been henrd nnd 22,000 pnges of tes timony taken. .Tudgo Anderson overruled nil mo tions for Instructions to tho Jury to acquit cortaln of tho defend ants. "Polltlclnns standing between la bor unions nnd tho courts," woro blamed for tho IMcNamnrn dynnmlto plots, nt tho outset ot tho gov ernment's argument to tho Jury nt tho trlnl of tho 40 accused "bomb plotters" today. Pronouncing tho sorlcs ot explosions scattered over tho country as a conslpracy "moro dastardly and moro thrcntonlng lo society tbnn tho crime of nny In dlvldunl," Jnmoa W. Noel, special assistant district attorney told tho Jury that they woro called upon to render verdicts In tho most Im portant trial In rccont years. EO Plan to Let Off Some of the Accused in Dynamite Con- spiracy Case. Ur AMwlttr.1 I'rrtt lo Coot llr Timet.) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Doc. 18. Roth sides rested yestordny nftor noon In tho dynnmlto conspiracy casos. Judgo Anderson nnnounccd that ho would consider n motion for tho dlsmtssnl of "certain of tho defendants." Eugcno Clancy, Oluf A. Tvoltmoo of San Francisco, Her bert Hocking and soveral others did nob testify In their own bohalf. John T. Rutlor ot nuffalo, N. Y vlco president ot tho International Association of Drldgo nnd Structur al Ironworkers, testified as n de fendant at tho dynnmlto consplrncy trial yestordny. As tho prominent union olllclnl, noxt to Prosldont Frank M. Ryan, Rutler la charged with sanctioning nn nllownnco of $1000 n month to J. J. McNnmarn to pay for tho explosions, Including thoso In Los Angeles, nutlor tes tified that ho heard of four ex plosions In Duffnlo on tho work of "opon shop" contractors. "I was In nuffalo when only ono of thoso explosions occurred," ho said. "I learned of tho others only through nowspapors and I never know who caused tho destruction of tho work. Dynamlto or vlolonco never was conslderod In tho coun cils of tho union." In connection with nn explosion thnt wrecked tho municipal build ings at Springfield, Mass,, in April, 1911, nutler is accused of mooting Ryan and Michael J. Young of nos ton and othor oulclalB at Hartford, Conn., to discuss tho explosions. MARKET VALUE Therefore Jack Johnson, Pugi list, Wants to Escape 'White Slave' Law. nr Auocltted rrrtt to Coot nr Timet.) WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. On tho ground that tho whlto slavo act designed to prohibit trafficking In women docs not forbid Immoral acts, tho attornoy for Jack John son, tho negro pugilist, filed In tho Unltod States supremo court today an argument to show that Johnson should bo acquitted of tho Chicago Indictment of having violated tho Mann act. Tho attornoy further argued that Congress exceeded Its power In passing tho act, ob a vio lation of Interstato commerce, bo causo "woman has no markot val uo," and thoreforo bIio doea not corao undor tho Jurisdiction of tho Interstate commorco regulation. Think over all tho Investments of which you havo heard; how many who havo Invested In a homo havo lost their money? IIUUI M ME W! NH 6 PAGES. A Consolidation unci Coos BOB! FOOND AT DELAY PEACE Greece's Failure to Sign Armis tice Causes Hitch Meet Thursday. Or AnocliUed Vrnt lo Coot liar Timet, LONDON, Dec. 18. Scrvla took nn Important stop In tho declaration of pcaco today by Intimating hor willingness to lcavo tho mntter off an outlet on tho Adriatic sen en tirely In tho hands ot tho Great European powers. In rognrd to tho tension botweoi. Austrln-Hungnry nnd Sorvln It Is gonornlly oxpoclcd thnt direct nogotlntlons between thoso nntlonH will begin Immcd Intoly. (nr Atoorhlftl I'm lo Coot Ur TlmM.l LONDON, Dec. 18 Tho crodon- tlnls of tho penco dologntos of tho Rnllcnn nlllos nnd Turkey glvo thorn full power nB plonlpolontlnrloH. Thoy enn, thoreforo, not only no gotlnto for penco, but If thoy como to nn agreement thoy can concludo nnd Blgn It. Tho first business of tho con foronco yestordny wns tho nppolnt mont of sccrotnrloB, nftor which tho dolcgntcB oxchnnged crcdontlnlB. Tho session InBted less than two hours. Tho conforonco decided not to moot again until Thursdny. An obstnclo waB oncountorod nt yoBtordny'B ncsslon. It wnB tho ao bouco of Grccco'B slgnnturo to tho nrmlBtlro, protocol nnd botwoon now nnd Thursdny tho G rooks will rom munlcnto with tho homo govern ment. It Ib undestood thnt tho, powers of tho Turkish plenlpoton-j tlnrlcs do not nuthorlzo thorn to ro cognlzo tho Hollonlc dologatcB un less Greeco signs tho nrmlstlco, nnd thoy aro obliged to refer tho mnt ter to Constnntliioplo boforo pro ceeding with tho conforonco. Tho Grook representatives re fused to sign tho protocol whon In vited to do so yostorday, pointing t.t Hint If mnlrnn nn iMttnrnnm nn wilt VI...V fc .....i.w.. ,.u ...u ...w ..... tho nlllcs woro unltod nnd tho de cisions ronciicu uy mem woro oi wiu nalknn lcaguo and would bo bind ing on Greeco equally with tho oth or mombors of tho fodorntlon. Tho plenipotentiaries havo decid ed to nsk Sir Edwnrd Groy, tho nrltlsh Bocrotnry of stnto for for olgn affairs, to appoint an Eng lish secretary to tako comploto chargo of tho secretaries work nt tho conforenco. POWERS WILL CONFER. Kiii-npcnn Nations Will Discuss Hal- Join Penco Conference Problems. nr Aitoelle4 J'rett to Coot nr Timet,) LONDON, Dec. 18. Tho nmbns sndorB of tho gront Europonn pow ers bognn yestordny tholr "conver sations" with tho object of koop Ing tho nations In closo touch with each other In regard to questions arising out of tho Ralkan war. Tho discussions, It Is understood, nro puroly Informnl nnd noncommit tal, but will sorvo to olucldato tho position of tho poworB. As a ro siilt it will bo posslblo to ascertain to what oxtont thoy nro In agree ment on such questions as autono my In Albania, and tho claims of Sorvla for a portion on Salonlki and Tho Dardanelles nnd tho rcchartlng of tho map of tho Near East. ADMISSION HY MUMM. Prs Millionaire In Shooting En rnpndo Told Story in Loi Angeles. Dr Anoclle4 Trett lo Coot ntr Tlmot ) LOS ANGELES, Dec. 18. Waltor Mumm of Paris stated In Los An golos a year ago that Mrs. Mario Van Ronslmor names, an Amorlcan woman who Is supposed to havo shot him In a Paris hotel recently, was his wife, according to state ments of Los Angoles friends of tho young millionaire. No. 13V. TARHEEL IS TO BE Clothing, Size and Tatoo MarF: Correspond with Missing, Rancher's. ' WAS FIRST THOUGHT TO BE CAPT. JOHNSON; Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Liljeqvist and Coroner Investigating. That tho body found on thor beach nenr Torhcol Point Monday by tho Foster boy Is that of Will iam Joyncr, tho South Stougtn lnnchor, who mysteriously dlflnif pcarcd several months ago, IiiBtonO of Captain flits Johnson of tlio Oo proy, Is tho General bollof expronsoiH todny. Coronor Wilson today Is Investi gating tho mntter as thoroughly nig posslblo and has siimmonod Doputy Prosccutlng -"Attorney L. A. LIIJo qvlst from Coqulllo to aid. Mr. Liljeqvist will reach hero on thla evening's train. "Snowball" nnd othor Soutl Slough rcHldonlH who woro horo to day and saw tho body axproHHcft absoluto confldonco thnt tho body Is Joynor'B. Thoy dcclnro thnt th cont found on tho body Ib ono that Joyncr nlwnys woro nt work, that ho frequently woro n different vest from tho cont, Hint tho heavy Muei Bhlrt wnB llko ono ho nlwnyH wore Furthormoro, thoy doclnro tho sinnlO teeth nro llko Joynor'B. Tho most posltlvo idontlflcntloai mark Ib nn ancjior tntoocd on th loft hnnd. Tho tntoo Is nenr the thumb Joint, tho tip of tho nnclior being on tho thumb. Thin tntoo mnrk Joyncr hnd dono while, fa tho nrmy. Furthermore, tho holght of toe body corresponds closoly with that of Joyner, being slightly loss than 5 feet 11 Inches. Tho weight ot tho corpso Is est hunted at 175 but owing to tho "blont" this may bo too much. Joyner wolghod aliout 1G0. That tho body of Joyner conlcY hnvo boon preserved ho well Is ox plnlnod by tho fact Hint thoro In vory dcop holo l.i tho tiny near where It wns found. If weighted! to tho bottom of It, tho body would? bo too deep for crabs to got nt nnd tho very cold wntor would pro servo It. Dr. HoiiBuwnrth, who oxnmfnetS tho body yestordny, found a frac ture of tho flkull Just nbovo thcr oyo. This Is tho only mnrk that might Indlcnto physical violences that has boon found so far. A moro careful examination will prob ably bo mndo ns It wns supposod! from clues In tho Joyner enso thnt ho hnd boon shot In tho back will n shotgun, Joyner was supposed to linvo? been murdered becauso of his know lodgo or activity In trying to forro-X out tho nssasBlns In tho Jacob Ev ans murdor caso on South Slough. Tho coroner's Inquost will prob ably bo resumed tonjght. A num bor of witnesses hnvo boon surn- monod, Including n logger named.' Clinton who know Joynor well and? who Is now nt Ten MIIo. That tho lino found on tho body and identified by Cnpt. Tyler or tho Roscoo as tho ono ho had? thrown Captain Johnson on tho Osproy, might bo from somo fish ing boat, was Intlmntod today. It Is presumed that it might haver been used In tying wolghts to kcop tho body from floating. Manager Leach of tho Tluma proportlos phoned Coronor Wilson? thnt It would bo Impossible for him to como nnd try nnd identify tho body ns Cnprnln Johnson's. RELTO OF MEXICANS. M. G. Pohl showed us n Moxlcnw stllotto, Wodncsdny, thnt was founoV by tho road workers on Sixth street. Tho Mexicans at ono tlmo mined? for gold In the black sand hero nndt woro run out by tho Indians. Itt Is probablo tho stllotto was lost at loast 05 yoars ago as It was about that long ago that tho Moxlcnntu woro horo. Dandon Rocordor WHEAT SPI.7K HAINES. PER 100 Al of Tillies, Coast Mail Hay Advertiser. JO 1 j m