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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1912)
gffiPGOJTODAYISSHQRT, TOMORROW MAY NEVER COME. GET BUSY m 1 1 rP iMPKK OK AUTHORITY' GKr '. Times. It 's ,m .,no dlj ii ml tms WATCH THE WANT ADS. There are ninny Rood bargain. lo ho fouml (hurc. Anything lost or found is always adver tised lu The Times. U JOI.V TIM'! TIMES FAMILY. its I ' tr?r' MI3MIIIJII OF THE ABSOC1ATEI) PKES And udcd Ino IM, M ctciti Vfc 'Xll e:( i Oil tic Oj Tl Car lot tli tlKli an ! "Wl TO :b A "top I III: Mi Ko' M icd k, xxxvi, Established in 1878 ,m Tho Coast Mall. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2o7l912 EVENING EDITION -EIGHT If FOUND AT OF WBHEEL MAY NOT BE ASCERTAIKED PAGE? A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mull nwuw. nml c)((g H)y Allvcrst,r Mo. 133) Use Thought to Be Wm. rKi-..-P Put Prtoituo joyiici o uu. ... Proof Lacking. DONER'S INQUEST IS HtSUIVIfcU IUUMI. Imy Description of Joyner Is Secured am uoes not. Tally With Body. ' J ne Inquest over tho body found nf Tarheel 1'olnt Inst Mondny ii resumed this aftornoou and roUbly will not bo complotod to- 'itt SAYS WILSON IS A POOR TALKEB PIS. 1AFF PARDOIS OREGON MAN President-elect Merely Listens to Appeals for Jobs No Promises. Illy AMin-ltlM Prc-it lo Coot lltr Timet J WASHINGTON. Don. -n t foil 11(1 W'llunii n i.(.,! Il.,i.... ii tho Invcstluatlon continues," n il(.P mHmr" Ui.i,i a.... V"" gttliK more dcfliilto hna boon Overman of North Cnrollnn. who ttjht nut ns to tho Identity of', -otiiniud today from Trenton, x. a corpse ui iu uniuuiinii mat it,. i., witli tlie expressed hope that i Joyner b. I.ToKophua Daniels of North Carolina MOlt Of tllO WltllOBSOB Cnllod tO- would bo ulvim 111.,, .1 ... ,7 wero South Slough nnd North ' orulslilii In tho new cablnot. Ov- m pcoiiie, iviiu dujiiui (innnn said no lind received no ,1 Whllo tunny of thorn thought; promise from Wilson, but believed :, body was Joynora, nono woro Dnnlola would bo brought Into Mm ! ... ... lenblnot. Many senators ami limtn. Each witness n Doing called bop- hem of tho limine nro exwetod to John H. Fall, Convicted of Conspiracy to Fence Public Domain Given Full Pardon Today. ftlr AMOrlilrl Pith to Coos nr TlmM.1 WASHINGTON, Hoc. 20. Tho supremo court or tho United StateB illHinssed totlny tho nppenl of John H. Hnll. former 1'nlted dtntca Dis trict Attorney for Oregon. Tho charges were conspiracy to fenco public domain. The dismissal was imjrcsuit of the fnlluro of Hall to print tho record of tho proceed ings In tho lower court, whlou meant tho expenditure of about $2000. Holl was fined $1000 and ordered Imprisoned for Blxty dnys In the county jail. Reports havo been current from tlmo to timo that President Tnft might pardon him. President Tnft later In tho tiny granted a full nnd nbsoluto pnrdon to John H Hnll. Ilnll was con victed Juiro 1, 1909. Tho presi dent's action was based on the ground that Hall was innocent of tho offonsc. JEWELER IS 0 s ANSWER IDE IN IDAHO CASE S INSIST THEY E ADA "WM " Mim n RETAIN FRO! BALKANS AUSTRIA GETS ED 0 W J. N. Lorjue, Chicago Diamond Boise Paper Says it Had the nit!; by Deputy Prosecuting At- visit Wilson during tho holidays. ,; Llljcqvlil. who Is malting n Most of them nro hooping tliolr imosh Investigation. Ho la dues- plana secret, however. foilaj about othor phnBOs of tho iter eas Tie witnesses cnlled for this nf- koon were Tom Talbot, Kduu heb, Wm. Evans, .las. Wngos nnd la. Clinton of South Slough, and) wr. Ulcru, MacLeod and Huriies North llcnd. Dr. "JIIiikiis performed a poat- lirttn aulopry HiIh afternoon but fined to reveal a lump on tho r'Jtr bono, which Edna I Hitch tilffled a break hnd cnuscd. Ono millttlo shorter than tho othor. surer, tho Hindi woman main tod Hint Joynor did not have titoo mnrk on hlu hand, nl- oth nil tho othorH who know la iear that' ho did. Coroner Wilson nt tho conclusion tbt testimony will nrobnblv In- tmtt tins it tho cIoho of tho I'Inony I FINAL PLEA IS MADE FOR MEN Merchant, Murdered in Theater Building. tnr Ao KIM I'itm to Coo Vr Tlmm 1 CIHCAOO. Doc. 20. J. II. hoguo, 0 yonrs old, proshlont of J. II, Logiio & Co., diamond donlors, wns Right to Criticise Decisions of Court. Attorney for Accused Dyna mite Plotters Attacks Cir cumstantial Evidence. (Iljr AmocIiIcsI I'rrn lo Coot njr Tlmf. IIOI8K, Doe. 20. Tho Cnpltnl Nowh Publishing Company, chnrged with contompt, for Its criticism of tlln liiniln Nlllirntnn rnnrt'a tlnnlulnti found murdered In tho McVlchors which prevented tho printing of tho theater building this nftomoon. Hob- "nines of tho ProgresBlvo presidential bcry Is believed to liavo been tho 0,cct0'" on l mnllots, lllod Its niiB ,0tivp wor totlny. Tho rompany ndmltH Its ' i-niuiiniuilllj lur IIIU 1HIIM1UU1UII OI I.oguo 8 hotly wns bound nnd gag- tho nrtlcles in tho Cnpltnl Nowh nnd Kcd and was found lying In his prl- In explanntlon anys thoy published It vote olllro with n bullet wound in In tho belief that It was Its prlvllego tho forehead nnd tho hack of tho to do bo, under tho right of free bond being crushed. Ills onico wns speech. "Thoro wns no Intention to In disorder, u show case nnd draw- Impede tho ndmlnlstrntlon of Just- vi n iiemg rniisncKcu. a siock or tco," reatis tno answer. "Nor could diamonds valued at niniiv thousands this bo ncrninnliRiinii tnr Mm mnu.o. of dollars wan carried bv tho firm, that linil tlm itntlalnn lmnn in rnvm. nil.. . .. . .. ". . . . . . ..--..-.. fc ,,,. j no pouco nro investigating to na- or tho Progressive pnrty, no injust- luiiiuii ii uiiy juwois are missing. i iro woum nnvo neon dono any voter." Tho olllco boy inado tho dlscov-' .Tho nnswer further snys It be ery. Tho occupants of adjoining of- Moved It had n lnrgo numbor of crltl flcor; declnred thoy honrd u shot n clsm under precedent decisions by n few minutes boforo tho olllco boy lnrgo number of lonrnod courts or gave tho alarm. . tho United Stntea. Nation Spending Large Sum Mobilizing Forces for Possible Conflict. tl'r AmocIiIM I'roi (o Cooa.IKr Tlmra. PARIS, Doc. 20. Austrln-IIun-gnry la spending $800,000 a tiny to defray tho expenses of tho mo blllzntlon of hor nrmy, according tp an cstlmnto mntlo by n corrcBpond- Sultan Notifies Peace Dele gates That They Must Remain Firm. FEAR OF GREEK ARMY GONE, LATEST REPORT European Powers Agree to Give Servia Access to Adriatic Sea. tllr AmocUIciI I'itm to Coon Tlajr Tlmnr.r PA HIS, Dec. 20. Tho Tiirkfeb plonlpolojitlnrlcs to tho nenco con roronco hnvo boon Instructed to brenk off negotiations If Ilitlgnrta Insists on tho surrender of Adrfau ople, according to tho Tampa cor respondent nt Constantinople, when vn. ui mo luinpu, who una jubi bhjh no hob mo iniormation rroni on returned from Gnllcln, Austria. Tliui ulllcinl sourro Having ronowed confldenco frr henr wholo commercial and Industrial llfo of tho country has bcou disorgan ized, ho said. In Onllcln, neither money nor food Is to bo had and tno wealthier population has fled from tho coun try. At tho same tlmo tho fcar- strlclcon speculators aro n proy of uiHiiouest speculators (llr Amo'IKM I'riM lo Coot IHy Tlmn 1 INDIANAPOLIS. Iiul.. Dec. 20. "H you bollovo these men guilty. It la understood la your duty to convict them, hut measurements do not corronnond If you nndorrnko to niece tho ovl- "Jrtly with those of tho corpse. Monro together with suspicion nnd It Ii tloiilitru now If tho Identity, liiroroiiccw. you should think of tho ' tie eorpse will ever ho positively' Uvea you nro nbout to wreck." Hen- -jgiuneu. ry i. .nowmii or reoriti tuna np- a moro detailed description or ponicu to tno jury in nenair or tno i;L Ous Johnson la also expectod, Woman to Tostlf-. Was Hindi, n woll known ehnr- forty defoiidnuts In tho dyntimlto conspiracy trial. Nowlnn roforml (o Ortlo McMnnlgal as an "nrch- ' of tho .South Slnmrli pountrv .' flond." nnd nttneked Ida confession mminoncd hero today to testify Implicating others In the explosions the coroner'a Inouest thla nftor-'na not having been aulllcloutly cor- . Tho woman know .invnnr trail roborntod. 7 BJiBHi givo important tentlmony. " II lUUUIil io nnvn linil innnrl. Inowleilge of tho murdor of Jn JEnng on South Slough nnd nlao lUO JOyilCr (llHaillinnr.inrn lint Hm '....-i.. ,. :: " -" vw. . vuuniy uranti jury wna unnblo 1 W It from her. Wor to the opening of tho coro rj Inquest today. Doputy Proso ?t Attorney I.lljeqvlHt nscortaln- irom her that Jnvnnr lunl n lin.t R ar his left kneo cnuaed by a .ii ." "X0, bll nl6 Bnl'l 'but MCOiiar linno lui.i i.. i. !... .i ,. . - " i'wuji uiunuii uuuu luern wna ., i... ...i ... .... lit-... ." '""ili wiiuru ii niiu -X toeetlipp Tn fl ..'.W IUV l , ifle flesh was bo badly decomposed J no traeo nt tim .. ,o ,u. .'ii, l tho nwtopsy would ro- " "hetlier nf tint M. !! I recorpso wna broken. KftflM I. if i. vw ikuwiiru. , .. .B uouy ,8 idontillod na thnt TRONOR 1AB0R LEADERS IS SROIREIO TALK TO WILSON NOT TIME IN PARLIAMENT Lord Beresfoid and Winston Churchill Score Each 0th- x er to the Limit. iiuiimry nirongin, 1 uricoy, tno cor rospondent BnjB. la rendy to ndtnit Oreeco to the poneo conforenco without hor Joining lu tho nrmm Hco. If Oreeco nhould not uslt Tar nn nrmlatlco, ho concludod, Turkey would refuse (lly AMorUlctl I'mi to Coot Iltjr Tlnira, LONDON, Dec. 20. Much hnrd languago wna Indulged lu mid von- n in miu funtlfif iit-miuitil In Mm irrmoM of Commons this nftomoon over the tlonnl coiidlllonH boforo signing un inr Ax-itfti i'it in cott nr tihim i CONSTANTINOl'I.K, Dec. 20.--Inst ructlnna woro forwnrdod by tho? Ottoman governmont lo llcchnd Pa shn, lendor of tho Turkish penca delogntlon In London, to authorize him to treat with tho Oreok dolo gutlon In London, to authorlzo him to treat with tho (J rook dologntloiu without their pravlous olgnattiru of tho armlstlco protocol. Tho Turk lah dologatlon la ordered to apply during tomorrow'a mooting for por mlsBlon for rovlctunllng tho fortrcsa nt Adrlnnoplo. In offlclnl clrrlca hero It la explnluod thnt tho cJmnctt In tho Turkish nttltudo (owurd Oreeco la tho result of tho fnct thnt tho situation lu regard to Groocw has now turned so much to tho itcl vnntngo of Turkey thnt tho Tnrklflli government woum uaninmi oxcp- UbAIN liflOSt ACCIDENTAL Special Memorial Services in Gompers and Morrison Hold Westminster Abbey in London Today. Iljr AmoIIJ rmi lo Coot nr Tlmr. LONDON. Dec, 20 Memorial ser vlcou for tho Into Ambassador Hold c Long Cenference With President-Elect. Or AmocIiIcJ Trrtt to Coot lltf Time. TRHNTON, N. J., Doc. 20. With Coroner's Verdict on Los An geles Aviators Lost in Dis astrous Flight. (tlr Aho.UIM I'ri-M to Coot fUjr TIbim.) LOS ANGKLKS. Doc. 20. "Acci dental drownings" wns glvon In tho coronor's cortlflcntoa today as tho wn. joyner tho Foator lnd who cn,l8 of Ule "cnui or "orftC0 Kenr' el tho body, will rocolvo t o ' nvlator' amI c,,08tor Ln,w' . iiMn IV "uuFi uy ho coun- 'r"V' "-c -,;,, -7,, ' ,,v. o . ;: - " a"orl" cage for tho " " """, . ".: v " ".,',, ill uwiiui uiiiiiiiu pi. .ii.jn .ri.', ...... whoso bodies woro recovered near Iledondo bench yesterday. lT,rnln,l tn.lnv n Woi.tmln.tnr n nrillflll of pnporfl nil(I (lOCIIIIIOIltH Abboy, wna nn Impresslvo coromony. "i"i uomporH aim itiuik worn Tho honor of such n sorvlco In 8"n president nnd secrotnry of tho Gront Urltnln'8 most historic cnthod- American tedorntlon or Lnbor, rnl hna only on n fow occasions cal,c'l oil Presldont-elcct Wilson to been accorded to any but IlrlMsh of !' Thoy declined to rovenl tho grent distinction. , "bject of their visit, but snld It Twonty-flvo hundred peoplo woro enino l)y n provloua nppolntiuont. lu tho congregation, nearly hnlf ol . After lenving Wilson, Gompors whom woro Amorlcnns. Hoynlty. tnlked freoly of tho conforonco. "Wo tho governmont nnd every clnss of Jllscussod," said ho, "constructive public llfo, together with tho nr- lOElslntlon which shnll nccord to tho tlstlc and lltornry worlds woro rop- working peoplo tho opportunity for rosontod. Tho sorvlces wero won- "H'lft nnd bottormont and tho right dorfully ImproBsIvo, tholr simplicity r, rtssocltjtlon to bo nccorded to nil comblnod with wonderful music by otllr volutnry nssoclatlona of tho Bovornl great cholra. combined wlthl country, pnrtlculnrly to nsaoclntlona instrumental nccompnnlmont. organized for proflta. Wo talked Wront is from Prea dent Tnrt and."' '"tiionmuii io eouuro uio iimiin rellromont of V co Admiral Sir I'i'niiclB C. Hrldgomnn from tho pos ition of first Bailor of tho llrltlsh ndmlrnlty. Admiral Lord Charles Iiereaford, who la n member of tho IIouso, mid Winston Churchill, first lord of tho ndmlrnlty, reviled each other to tho utmost limit nllnwod lu tho llrltlsh pnrllnmont. "Ilnckstnlra mothods," "bribes nud throntn," "gross lnsliuiatloiui," nnd "akulklng" wero sonio of thu cholco phrnsos oxclinnged. nrmlstlco with Oreeco. MAD KING TO BE DETHRONED !.'" Of Joi'llor. llnn.1 i nllir I "nen tlm ,,... ..." "-'" . Irlff p '""" was oiiorou, B. t0 7,?d..,n tho cl,a,n ot v- Im V- "ml tno murdorora. Ho fnrrtii v 'Udfiirm ' OI Joynor-B uody the ,,m "..". raucu stronger caso iiul tunn UiQy liad nn rank Garrison Tho hn r "' "ocomposcd. tten,hi.,s ba.',1' uocomposed nnd fiOHST K.VKW KKAltNV. Coos hay Man Met Aviator Who Was Hilled ear Los Angoict. V. C. Gorst of Gorst & King, tho North Dent! auto lino proprie tors, who returned Inst week from t n 4..rAlnn ...nt Avlntnt. li'onrnv Ritni. "iijt uucomposeti nnu iu iih"--", "" ....ii . Pooir . ni ll ls slckonlng. Tho who met death whllo attempting to l, .',"", I'osiponod until after fly from Los Aiigoies to mm ituh- I lUUMQCt llnnnl.. ... -. I ... r nnHr.f ll n ,1 o nllllllinn f f order Mint B 8 ""ernoon, ncu. .u. uumi .........u, ... ioinn... t DU,"u or mo witnesses iiieoiiiigB im .m. n..ui, iu .?w Joynor well, mlcht cot n hit tor tried to sell him a hydro- i io viow tho rnmntna wi,i nlnnn. Mr. Gorst says ho was a Socrotary of Stnto Knox woro dls nlnyed In tho Abbey. Hosldos tho wreatha from Taft and Knox, tho only othor wrentha In tho Abboy woro thoso from King Georgo, Qucon Mary nnd tho Queen Mother Aloxnndrn. ServlccH In Pmls, Or AMorlttM rrm to Coot lltr Timet.) PARIS. Doc. 20. Memorial sor- vlco for tbo Into Ambassador Held woro held this evening at St. Luko's tlon nnd regulation of Issunnco of Injunctions nnd to provide trials in dlroct contompt enses." PrcBldont-olect Wilson nssured Gompors that ho would tnko nil tho BiibJectB montioncd to him undor consldorntlou, A bill proposing n depnrtmont of labor hna already been endorsed In public utterances by Wilson. TAI-T WILL MOVE. cliapol A largo numbor of Amorl-, " " nniiH worn nresont. IniiH to Llvo In ov Haven and Will Join Yalo Faculty. cans woro present. TAKKN TO SHIP llrltlsh CruNcr Natal to llrlng Held'a Hotly Home. mr Attodtl4 rrnt to foot ntr Timet. PORTSMOUTH. Kng.. Dec. 20. Arrangements havo been completed to tho Cruiser Natal, which will tako (intnn . ,lu remains. Wlion piano, .hi. uuim o " AiiuiiKuiuuuto ui uu.. . ... ,... -.. tkuli '""'"i Jt ls Hltoly that vory nico chap and ho was deeply for tho transfer of tho body of Am- :.,. :-uu u uanu tim nnn wieii Mm criovcu to loam 01 uio himuhiui-' tinggodor item irom a hiiui-uu imui, ituh will bo rotalnod for n I which coat Kearny's llfo nnd thol which convoyed It-bore from London, .U Hill In ... . ... A . .A....Hfn., ;e Hoi. i , :." i'ubbihio oviuonco n mo "i "" ni'i'i u...r Some u.i Uon of tho remains. V. er .1 .8aw tho remains to- :clt ami ti 'C . hy tho nPPear- WB, nch of tho d0 l l" "A0 ,a"" At a meeting of Ji ' V. lnsf nl'ntitiim uliin - ..... .ol ..... HRVAN GOKS HAST. Democratic Lettder to Confer with Presldent-Klect. (Or AMOi-UttJ Pr to Coot nr Tlmot.) WASHINGTON. Dec. 20. W. J. nrynn reached Waslilngton today on fortsn. w.rro Initiated, tho most, his way to Now York. Ho said he fes. p,, i, wiiom woro, Floyd would tnlk with ProsKle 'U. .ii .""uerts and Charles Ad- Wilson boforo he "wont Prosldent-olent back "Won M'rtIo Point. A largo south," but that tho date and t w-ir i1e OVor rom Myrtle jpiaco of tho Wllson-Ilryan confor- '.rui.T l r lay ami rntnrnal tlilu .. t,,e h. niinnnllPfid "at tllO flIiie .'.anu returned this 0nco must be nunounceu v' & UILr IIIIIA fn n.. A 1 I i . .. Z-1 inporieu, ouier end. nethln- iT " Prices III t a? ,..r. c.raI 8man --O..V uv vaiKer s btuuio. men i. r.rrr. - t Joi tAV" .'K or ""'S pliES lV HAXSK.VS TWO HHASS GOODS CHHfSTMAS GOODS nt 2.1 I'KIt CKXT DISCOUNT at COOS 1IAY CASH STORE. """ilnve your Job printing uone o Tho Tlmeo office llr A.iocltleJ rrrtt to Coot ntr TlmM.) NEW HAVEN, Conn., Dec. 20. Mr. Tnft will mako his permanent resiuenco in tins city wlion no takes up tho duties of tho Kent profess orship of Ynlo college next spring. Ho hna requested n friend to find him a hotiso. Bavaria Will Appoint Succes sor to Otto, Who Has Always Been Insane. nr A.iorlttM rmi to Coot mr Timet.) MUNICH, Imvnrla. Dec. 20. Piiuco Ludwlg, tho now prlnco reg ont of Hnvnrlu, will bocomo king nnd Mad King Otto, who hna novor known ho wna n roynl poraoungo, will bo dothronod in all probability noxt year. Tho llavarlnn promlor today Informed tho speaker ot tho Bavarian DIot nnd loadora of var loua partlca nt tho nasombly that nn amendment to tho constitution would bo submitted by tho govern ment to n speclnl session of tho DIot In Jnnunry by tho terms of which tho regency would bo nbol Islicd nnd Ludwlg would recclvo tho tltlo of king. PHHPAHH I 'Oil WAR. Aiislro-HnngaryV .Military Prrpnrtc tlous Continue. nr Aloorlait.1 l'n-M lo Coot lltr Tlmui.) CETTIN.IE, Montonogro, Det. 2. Tho Austro-llungnry nillltary propnrntlon contlntio without ces sation. Lnrge nuuibora of troops nrrlvo dally lu Dnlmatln. Numoroiisi atenmshlpa hnvo been couvortod in to transports nnd oxtonslvo fortlfC cntlons nro under couatriictluu. ARE (JIVI'J.V ItAXQl'l-rr. TuiliMi nml Itiilkini Peaco Dele gates Are Knti'itiilnrd. tnr AttorlttM I'rot to Coot lltr Tlmm,) LONDON, Doc. 20. Tho ponco plenlpotontlnrlos of Turkey nnd ot tho Ilnlknns nllloa wero guests of honor at n luncheon glvon by tha Lord Mnyor of Loudon todny nt tho Mnnslou IIouso. Tho dlHtin gtilBhed gathering Includod Promlor Aaqulth, Foreign Secrotnry Sir Ed wnrd Oroy, Lord Proaldont of the Council Viscount Morloy nntl othor promlnont porsonngea. Tho LorcS Mnyor oxtondod n honrty wolcomo, nponklng of tho enduring satlsfno tlon which would ho felt If thor should nchlnvo n happy Issiio nnrJ lasting penco. POWERS ARE AGREED. FREE IXDIAXS WIX. Hon it to the United St'ntos. Tho body, I,Kht Slinio in Cheiokeo Xal i. n.olva.1 wltli full linnnrn ! mills Upheld. A shins In tho harbor aro to bo !nJ. iw?JH?J? ,c'ot "". T' i. fly tho United .itatos onsitn nt nnir mirt,cllint0 ... tll .iiHtrn.i.tion nf ELR TO BE CALLED 1'nvor Autonomy of Albania nna Rlglita for Sen'la. llr Amo latoj I'rrtt to Coot lltr Tint w. J LONDON, .Deo. 20. Tho six grent European powora, EnglnntT. Franco, Gormnny, RuaBla, Austrfa nnd Itnly, hnvo qrcoptotl tho prlnrf plo of no nutnnomoita Albnnln with tho provllogo of gtturnnteo to Sor via commorclal access to tho Ad riatic sea. This la tho 11 rat dcfln lto roBiilt of Tho ambassadors' "con versation," tho third of which was hold this afternoon. mast taft is shrine:; President Will Ho .Made an "Alll gntir" In Florida." Br Atto. iitl l'rM to Coot Dy Tlmot 1 JACKSONVILLE. Fla.. Doc. 20. President Taft will bo mado nn "Al ligator" tonight by Morocco tomplo tho lands and funds bolonglng to tho Chorokeo Indian nation was sus tained today by .Tttdgo Andoraon of tho Dlttrlct of Columbia supremo court. FRESH OLYMPIA nnd EASTERN OYSTERS Just rccoivod. PHONE ORDERS TO COOS HAY ICE AND " . . : . . .... ti.i. of tho nncient nramc oner or "'u, COLD STORE CO. PHOXE 7.T of the iiysuc annuo, wiibh no hiujio nt Jnekaonvllle. onroute to Key West. It la tho highest honor thnt enn bo conferred on n Shrlner In Florldn. 1JAXD DANCE Xmna night. CHINA nt HALF PRICE nt COOS HAY CASH STORE. Havo your Job printing dono at Tbo Tlmoa offlco. Mlllis In Pleased. In n lotter to Dr. E. Mlngtirr, C. J. Mlllla, nsBlstnnt to Prosldont Sproulo of tho Southern Pacific-. says. "Coos Hay peoplo havo roponiTo3 vory loyally to our call for protosC against tho dolny In tho bridge per mit, which dovolopod under vory suspicious conditions and In such n way aa to convlnco us that pnrMos of no small influence were bohlu3 tho movo. Our Information fronu Washington now Indicates thnt thin rosponso wna effective and thntf "Money Trust" Committee Will Insist on Magnate Testifying. llr AHoUltl Vtt to Coot ntr Timet, WASHINGTON. Dec 20. Tho. apoody notion may bo oxperted- mombora of tho IIouso Hanking and, PIoobo convoy to tho people our np Curroncy commlttoo hurried from preclatlon and belief that It will r- Washlngton today to spond tho boll- suit to their ndvantage." days at homo. Aftor reaching tho climax of their Investigation yostordny with tho ex amination of Morgan. Tho rominlttoe. CASH STORE. will reconvene January Cth. Tho IIouso sorgoant-nt-arms is still en deavoring to Borvo William Rockefel ler with n subpoonn. ?2.r0 HAND PAINTED FRITW PLATES for SI.M at COOS RAVT Tlmo3' Want Ads bring results. HAND RAXCE X'maa night. Wo can SAVE you MOVVY rr buying your HOLIDAY GOODS NORTON HANSEN'S two stort 1 i !