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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1912 EVENIMG EDITION. m umi ! wifcfct LEVY 10 BE M Council Provides Next Year's Expenses Plan a New City Warehouse. Tho Marshfleld city council Inst ovonlng fixed the lax levy for tlio ensuing year nt ton mills, tho saino as Inst year. Tho levy wns recom monded hy Messrs. Allen and Sav ngo of tho flnanco conunlttoo, who liad. gone over tho situation. Mr. Savage said that ho thought tho city might possibly ho nhlo to get nlong on less revenuo than tho ten mill lovy would bring, but thnt to bo on tho safo side, ho favored tho ten mill levy. Mr, Allen said that ho thought tho ten mill lovy, In nddltlon to providing for tho current expenses of tho city would provldo sulllclont funds to erect a warohouso or barn CLASH ABOUT SPECIAL (Continued from l'ago 1.) vlco but thnt ho (tho mayor) sim ply wasn't going to bo bothered by complnlnts of men who wore paying i PLAN TO FIX HIT STREETS City Engineer Gidley to Out line Improvements for Coming Year. Cllv Enclncer Oldloy announced . .. ... . . ' a fow dollars u month towards tuo iBt cVenIng that at tho next moot WE special olllcor's salary. Councllninn Copplo ashed City At torney (loss If tho mayor had au thority to rcvoko tho appointment of an olllccr. Mayor Straw answered and said thnt ho had. Mr. Copplo Bald that ho would llko to have nn opinion from tho city attorney nt tho next meeting. Mayor Straw replied that It wasn't necessary, ns ho knew ho had tho power and that ho was going to ex- erclso It nt IcaBt for another year.' Councilman Allen wnntcd to know If tho chief of police didn't havo the authority to govern tho on tho city lots at Fourth nnd Cur-1 ,, nl . ' , 0,. i,i ., . .. ... ,. , i other ofllccrs and Mayor Straw said tla for tho city s machinery, etc. I , , L , , ...... TT . , ,, , , , ii. 'ho hnd, except when ho wnntcd IIo said this wnrohotiBO was badly needed nnd that a neat framo build Ing thoro would also Improvo tho' nppenranco of tho town. Trouble Over T.lglils. City Attorney Cobs last night .re ported thnt tho nro light at Sec ond and Golden only burned about n third of tho time. City Knglneor Oldloy said that ho know It wns out nt lonBt hntf of tho time. 'City Itocordor Ilutlor reported thnt tho nrc light at Klevonth hihI Cominer clat was out nhout half of tho time. Other complaint wore heard nnd Mr. Ilutlor wan requwilPd to notify tho Oregon Power Company to Improve tho service. It wns sug gested that n watchman bo put on for n few weokg or n month to re port on tho lights and thon deduct from tho light hill for tho lights Hint do not bum proporly. Messrs. h. M. Noble. I. S. Smith. Henry Sengstncken, I). A. Nelson, A, T. IlalnoH, Hugh Sneddon, Cal vin Connor. W. K. lloagland. War ren Dachtol. A. I). Ilnll nnd W. I- Miller petitioned for nn are light to bo established nt Droadwny and Ooldon. Tho light committee Im medlntoly roporlod favorably upon It nnd it was ordered put fn. A potltlnu from Mossrs. Crnlg, Sneddon, Ilnnvon. Gnrdlnor. Mr- them to do otherwise. Mr. nooth said that was tho trou ble. That Doano would ho put nt somo other work nnd would not bo nhlo to mnke his rounds ns tho inert-limits' patrol required. He said that tho nssoclntlon wns rais ing about $7(5 a month by subscrip tions nnd that It was norossary hi hnvo tho city contrlbuto $20 n mouth If tho xcrvlco wns kept up. IIo said that tho nlKhtwntch wns especially dwlrod ns a guard nxftlnst tires. During tho discussion Mr. Tlooth. Councilman Korguson nnd Copplo and Mayor Strnw nil united In pay ing tribute to tho oxcellont sorvlcos of Charlos Doano ns tho Hpocini of ficer. Finally Councilman Alton moved that the city pay tho $20 for tho month of necomhor. Councilman Ferguson asked if Donne still re tained his power as special officer nnd when Informed thnt- ho did, said ho would voto for tho pay mout. Thon It was dropped. Close nt .Midnight. Ing of the city council, December 30, ho would present recommenda tions for the Htiects which ho thought ought to ho Improved with hnrd surfneo pnvlng tho coming yenr. Ho Bald that whero tho streets wcro now had nnd tho traf fic wns heavy, tho hard nurfneo would be much eheapor In tho long run than planking. IIo said that now on tho average of about flvo or six heavy planks were being bro ken n day and each tlmo a new plnnk wns put In among tho old ones, It mndo a had Jog lu tho Btrcet. Last evening ho recommended thnt tho following atrotchea of street bo replankod, now planking to bo put on hip of tho old dock ing: Curtis from near Second to Fourth. Hemlock from Front to tho county bridge. Kruso from Droadwny to Coal Dank Inlet. South Hroadway from Central to Hall will bo among tho streotH for which he will rccommoud hard paving. Tho council last oveulng declared lis Intontlon to rcplnnk tho stroets he recommended nt tho cost of tho proporty owners. Klevciitli Street. Tho problem of opening South Eleventh street wns boforo tho council again last night for nn o tonded discussion, but nothing wns dono except to docldo thnt tho original grndo proposed wns not tho ono now desired, Tho mntler wnB postponed until tho next meeting of tho council, December 30, when it will conio up for a inoro extend ed discussion again. Tho nuittor was brought up last night by .1. O. I.angworthy who Tho proposed ordlnnnco requiring hllllnrd halls, card rooms nnd -cl-j presented n potltlnu for u now gar stores to closo at midnight wns grndo to bo estnbllHhod. Tho po brought up ngnln last night. Messrs. tltlon wns signed by K. K, Mareey, Ilillyor, Donobruko, Davis nnd Mat- J. O. Lnngworthy, Nolllo A. Owen, I.nughlln, Anderson nnd Shook for 80n woro I"-080"- Thoy objected F. K. Allen, Morehnnt Land Co.. ii. a. wciib, u. v. uungnn, v. H. nro lights to ho nut In nt Sovonth,'0 tMo l,,n t(J Jmvo tho hllllnrd nnd Johnson and Seventh nnd In-;,inllH wnl1011 off from tho cRnr goraonn wns reforred to tho light Htant,B- Bn'lnB ,l vlonW worIc n committee. AMONG TUB SICIf. hardship on Messrs. Davis and Mat son. Finally Mayor Strnw suggest ed that tho proprietors of tho placos got together nnd pledgo August Maelstrom, who was In-, thonisolvon to cIobo nt midnight, Jured at tho Smith mill ynrds last tlint ' n" except tho clgnr stnndB, wock Ih reported doing nicely. nl ollmlnnto tho necessity of on- ....... . ... '..II.,.. .... ...ll..n.. rrl.l ...' Y..l.. . ... t . ... airs. Arcuio noono is expected to k iiiiiiiiiun;u. mm whd nufiiumir iiiuiuj-, no nan inscovorcti return homo in a day or two from agreed to. .thnt a bottor street could bo mado WlBomnn, nnd F. A. Tlodgou. It asks for tho Improvement from Ool don to Ingorsoll by grading and planking 20 feet wide, tho maxi mum grndo to bo about 12 por cont. A. Y. Myers who had signed tho potltlon In tho first plnco, stated thnt Inter on conferring with City Mercy hospital, whero sho recently Ohnmllcr llulldlng Ordinance. underwent nn oporntlon. W. S. Chnndlor asked tho coun- Mlss Lucy I'nwors, who under- ell to make n chango In tho build went nn operation for appondlcltls Ing ordinance. Ho said thnt tho a fow days ago, Is reported to ho! ordlnnnco required an eight-foot getting along nicely today. Mrs. F. D. Drown, whoso hus band Is lu ehargo of tho South ern I'nclflt! engineering work noar stairway, which would mean nn on tranco slxtoon foot wldo. Ho said this was too great as a flvo-foot stairway was amplo. City Attorney Onrdlnor. is sponding a fow dnya Ooss and othors ngrcod In this and lu Mnrshflold. Mr. Ooss was Instructed to preparo Minn Silverman, tho English nn nmondmont to tho building or- toncher In tlio Marshfleld High dlnnneo to reduco tho width of school, has been confined to hor stairways In tho clnBS of buildings homo most of tho week by n sovoro' thnt Mr. Chnndlor Is going to eroct attack of la grippe. I at Central and Drondway. REMOVAL SALE Keen Kutter Pocket Knives 20c to $2.40 25c to $3.00 Knives for Hunting Coats $5.00 Coats for $4.00 $6.00 Coats for $4.80 $3.50 Coats for $2.80 Fishing Tackle One-Third Off look at the tag and figure your own price. The Gunnery Sportsmen's Headquarters nnd n grado of about 10 por cont secured by disregarding Ilnll avo nuo, which will probnbly not bo opened through for n long tlmo on nccount of Hall avonuo not bolng a through Btreot. Alva Doll talked in favor of Mr. Myers' plan. Mr. Lnngworthy snld thnt G7 of tho 80 property ownors had Rlgned his petition nnd ho thought it ought to bo ndoptod. F. A. Tiodgon snld thnt ho wnnt cd tho Btreot opened nnd thq work dono In n pormnnont mnnnor and personally ho thought that tho city engineer wns tho most compotont to dotormlno tho grndo. Mr. Oldloy favored tho now lino bocaiiBo of tho bottor grndo. Ho said that tho Langworthy plan would loavo Mr. Tlodgon's propor ty so high about tho street that it might slldo ovor into It nnd consequently ho did not consider tho Lnngworthy plnn fonslblo. Mr. Lnngworthy snld thnt II. II. Mulloy hnd told him that a 12 por cont grndo was a good ono and that ono toam could haul a two-ton load up that grado. Flnnlly Councilman Ferguson moved that tho matter bo roforred to tho streot commltteo to inves tigate. Councilman Allen who Is on tho stroet commltteo, is ono of tho interested proporty owners, and objectod, saying that ho was at poaco with his neighbors now nnd did not llko tho idea of being in volved In tho difficulties necessary to tlx tuo Btreot. However, tho mo tlon pnssod. When you buy buy t10 host. "Vom--Kvoi-" Aluminum Ware. It costs no moro. Pioneer Hardware CiiiiiNiny. m.IInI? yo,lr Job Printing done at The Times office. num AU-.iwf i nit- VM Bin PROJECT UP Plan to Improvo it Roaches a More Formable Stafle Property Owners Sign. The plan to make tho Marshfleld waterfront a public thoroughfare and wharf forty feel wldo camo up boforo the city council InBt cvonlng In a more formidable shapo than It has yet assumed and gnvo an indi cation that tho long hoped for pro ject would become a reality. Property owners from tho north lino of tho MePhorsnn'Oonsor prop erties, Just south of tho C. A. Smith waterfront holdings lu tho city, south to tho city hall, united in a petition nuking for It. It Is plnnnod by tho council to nlao got tho halnnro of tho proporty owners to Aider street at least to unlto In tho samo agrcemont, Tho potltlnu, which F. K. Allon, A. K. Senman and others havo been working on provides thnt tho wa terfront property owners shall cedo to tho city a strip 20 foot wldo, providing tho government sols out tho hnrbor lino twenty foot further thnn It linn boon, tho city to own nnd control tho Btrlp -10 feet wldo and build the addlllounl wharfage; nlso that tho flro limit ordlnnnco bo amended bo ns to permit Urn construction of framo buildings enHt of Front street; nlso thnt tho now waterfront street bo never UBod for rnllrond or street car pur poses. Also thnt tho building lino bo fixed 20 foot west of tho pros ont harbor lino. Thoso signing tho petition last night Included all tho property ownors from Just north of Commer cial lo tho oily hull. They wcro A. W. Senman, Norton & Hansen, MePhorflon-OliiBor Compnny, John V. Dutlor, Herbert Lockhnrt; It. H. Montgomery, A. O. Itogprs, NoIb HnsmuBSou, J. W. Dennett, Bugoun O'Coiinoll by B. B. Hngiio, James L. Ferry, Flnnngan Bslnto by J. II. Flanagan, M. B. Harry and It. H. Wnltor. It wno Btntod thnt tho Odd Fel lows would Blgn up for tholr hall properly If tho othorfl In thnt vi cinity would. Tho Porter Drothcrs who now own tho Mnrsdon property (known ns tho Dronkwntor dock), will ho nBkod to Blgn. The waro liouso built on tho renr of this proporly wns built on a coudlltonnl permit thnt It should .bo romnved whenever the council considered It in n movement tcS clonr tho wator front. City Attomoy Gobs snld that ho hnd talked with Cnptnln Itobort nnd Major Melndoo of tho Unltod Stntos Bnglneors olllco recently nt Portland nnd thnt thoy hnd told thnt It wns posslblo to hnvo tho govornmont Bot tho hnrbor lino fur ther bnclc on a proposition of this kind. IIo was liiBtructod lo tako tho mnttor up with tho govornmont nt onco. Thoro wns boiuo tnlk nhout the C. A. Smith proporty. Somo wnnt cd to Includo thnt proporty north of Central at lonat. Howovor, It wna stntod thnt C. A. Smith wanted to build an Immonsa dock nnd wnrohouso nlong thoro, tnklng in tho slto of tlio prcsont rotnll ynrds. Flro Bugiuo Qiietitloii. Aftor moro or less dismission tho council adopted a resolution thnt a commltteo of thrqo consisting of Flro Chlof Kcntlng nnd two mom bora of tho council, to bo named by tho mayor or chnlrman, should go to nenrhy cities and ascertain what kind of flro nppnrntus was nooded for Marshfiold. It was first suggested thnt tho commltteo go to Portlnnd, Sonttlo and Eugono, hut Flro Chlof Keat ing thought it would bo bottor to go to San Francisco nnd Oakland, Tho action was fnvorod In a ro- port of tho council ns a commltteo of tho wholo nftor a special hear ing last weok. Councllninn Allon said thnt ho did not know whothor It would bo ndvlsablo to send out a junkotlng commltteo or not, but tho othors on tho council ovorrulod him. ltoutlno Proceedings. Councllninn Savngo Bald thnt the Women's Coats ai Suits Are Flying Out Instead of waiting until ,10 ,ol(ll.s winter half gone, no mo clearing ,, C ',iWt ""1 Suit Stock now. All couU and Mlls l. ,l " and nil nro iimi-keil down oumhii-iI ,. . ncluill This Pre-Holiday Sale nlso InrlliilfN nil Dresses, ,..- i f llnIIC0 lots of Svetei-H ami r H r o.8c( "' ,B This Is n pretty line Mixing u, ,.i. tlmo of tlio year. t tMt "Money Talks" nt Hub Dry Goods Co. O'CONNBLL DLDO. 1'HO.NE 361-J flunuco commltteo wns opposed to Robert Krudgor'B bill -for pay for tho tlmo ho waB laid up ns a result of cutting his foot whllo working on Fred Oottlns' survey of tho bou levard. Mr. Krugor presented n note to tho council from his father certifying thnt he had boon laid up from November 5 to November 20 by tho Injury. Tho council mako tnko up the quosllon of buying a orcmntnry plunt. Councilman Ferguson said that ho hnd boon receiving mm plnlnls bocniiKo V. H. Lingo was not burying tho gnrbago as ho was supposed to do. City Recorder Duller reported that tho monoy ought to soon ar rlvo for tho ? 17,000 worth of special Improvement bonds that wcro recontly Bold to nn enstorn hnuso. Tho council ordered tho street contractors paid nn soon as tho monoy arrives. The council ndjournod to meet Decembor 30. LKDAXOX MILL PAVK 111 DIXX'KS XBXT Klt.M.MKIt LBDAN'ON, Or., Doc. 10. Tho contract baa been signed nnd the bond npproved with tho Fodornl Construction Compnny of Cnllfornla for pnvlng 12 blocks of tho busi ness section of Lebnnon. Tho con tract calls for gravol bltullthlo pave ment. Tho prlco bid wns $1.75 n squnro yard. With tho propnrntlon of tho nubgrndo tho cost of tho fin ished pavoinont will bo nbout $2.05 n squnro yard. ivi: cuss nay, Marshfleld Sudors t iw, , at Masonic Pililar vutl Tho Senior chss of tbt y, HOW IllKll BCllOUl Will srn.,. , class piny. 'Wllhplmin, .. I lor Mln.i. nt tlio Sluotle o, IIoilHi IdllKirrnw ulnVt m. loi-s bsvo tiocn rclicanlos uiet dlroellon r MNs Ajnci Cirpt and tin- i'ny Is declared tot very cIpvit (no. It Is tipwtil thoro will bo a largo itiJ nn I hi I it'll nrlinnl ttn'..i. been sc lint; tickets la ijuirt ii. Tlin rant fop llin nlnr l. Wllllolllltlin. Pranrli mit Allnlti Pk I Mliiorvn Joan Fltip 55oblna Kdna ni: Jimuile Leslie !tu nick Mii Rt! Carr Arthur Ko' ponce .. Ralph Kruno, Duncan Fen Heating Stoves of quality for an Xinns present, nt 10 per cent on' regular soiling prlco. Pioneer Hard wnro Co, I AI.OXO Till: WATKllFKOVfl . 1 The nreakwntcr ! due to uDII Portland tonight for Cooi Bi; will reni'h hero early Saurday. will sail at 7:30 Sunday non for Portland. Tho O. t I.hulauer will aall t tomorrow for San Francisco ltd Pedro. ni-.....l'..i" Aluminum Rou: f ,...w Vmn turkey. CooW a Wedgwood Itange ' .--.I n.rrlnff ! with a uunrnuii-eu "- Sold by Pioneer Hardware Co. WIIBAT 9L7S 1IAIXKS. l'EK 1M The Golden Rule's DAKBRV AX1) DBLIOATKSSBX. "Cleanliness is Xet to Godliness" Our bread is mado clean, kept clean, delivered clean. Also Cakes, Cookies, Pics una nil iiiiivi'u iiooas, Try our dainty DaUery Lunch. Open Bvenlngs nml Sundays It us Servo You. 133 X. 2nd St. lMiouo IIS-Ij CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS For practical Christmas presents, ones jM lie useful as well as attractive ami cause mwr tent not only to appreciate tho good will of ws er out me care snown - " .- " ,(V Hide Store is always in the lead Hero are i suggestions for Christmas shoppers: Ladies' Neckwear, 25c to 75c. Auto Scarfs, 50c to $2.50. Jewel Boxes, 35c to $2.50. Nut Crackers and Picks, 58c to 7oc. Handkerchiefs, 5c t 65c. Handkerchiefs in Boxes, 10c to .. Fancy Aprons, 25c to 50c. Alger's Bpoks for Boys, 2oc. Scarfs and Center Pieces, 2oc to ipJ.ow. Hemstitched Table Linen Sets. Bath Robes, $3.75 to $4.85. Men's Ties in Boxes, 25c, 50c and wc. Williams' Gift Boxes, 50c. Doll Buggies, G5c to $3.50. Toys, (James, Dolls and jjooub THE GOLD R. A. COPPLE, Prop- EN ROLE Broadway, near Central MARSHFJELD BAKJXtf