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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1912)
y.- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1912. EVENING EDITION. tw7 Twnmtviuiiwwtji MBMVMMPMMWrMMnMiHnMH Ial, llllSiLTlfJlil 'T3;?K kl t ,, Hi KwRnsPtSy M lAh-, VMIIJHk Mllll - I Ilk, Kyi' J H III LUJ i--iliiS" and COOS HAY TIOKS. RoloW Is ulvoil hn Hmn height of high nnd low water at Mnrahflcld. Tho tides nro placed In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on tho first lino and heights on tho second lino of each day; a compar ison on consecutlvo holghts will Indlcato whether It Is high or low water. For high water on tho har, substract 2 hours 34 minutes. Hrs. Ft.. Hrs. Ft.. Hrs. IFt.. 4.HS 1.8 5.51 4.2 0.51 4.3 OctolMT, 0.40 4.17 3.2 10.33 3.0 11.33 3.9 10.41 C7 1.1 G.O: 11.43 0.3 0.7 5.57 0.0 G.3 0.0 WEATHER FORECAST. (Ry Associated Press) OUKaON Occasional rain In wost nnd fnlr In cast portion tonight and Wednesday; south erly winds. nu- l'.l.irtSchIntr i. Marx Tio good ones: At tho loft, n 3-lnitton cont, two to bul bs lolt roll front. At tho right, tho rvgulnr 3-buttoii liclc, good for any mnn, young or old. JUNG men don't always want extremes in style; there's a certain lily in dress that marks the gentle- d, whatever his age. lood?qualityTin materials, good fit, and certain! distinction and air of good needing; these are the important things I .1 i" 1 11 1 in clothes tor the man who dresses riant. Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats I Jl and up Overcoats $ 1 6.50 and iro Woolen Mill Store ThU store i.s tlio homo of Hart Schnffncr & Marx clothes LOCAL TEMPERATURE PORT. Tor tho 24 hours ending at 1:13 a. in., Oct. 29, by RonJ. Ostllnd, special government motoorologlcnl observer: Mnxlmiim 51 Minimum 38 At 4:43 n. m 44 Precipitation DC Wind Southwest: rnlny. I HORN. MASSEY At tholr homo In South Mnrshflcld Sunday, Octobor 27, 1912. to Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L. Mas- Some Are Gone Others Going but wo Mill Imvo left 6omo choice bargains in realty In and about Myrtle Point. Several business opportunities Lands In small IraclH, largo trnctri, any sl.o you wltdi. Timber lands, etc. All roads lead to Myrtle Point. Get n move on. Horace W. Ames &Co. Myrtlo Point Oregon WANT ADS. WANTED A Swedish or Finn girl to assist In a boarding house. Call at 409 North Broadway. LOST Saturday, nrrmv lnt wntch fob with gold bond. Itoturn to Times olllco. sey a twclvo pound boy. Mother and child nro doing well nnd the father feels pretty "ily" as tho lit tle stranger wns ushered Into the worm just as Aviator Chrlstoffor son was soaring through tho air near me .Mossoy home. (Jive Pinlv Tlln N'nrwoclnn T.nMi emit Young People's Society will give il ,Inawe'on party In tho church par lors i uursuny evening. miiimieeii Party Miss Frances trnnso Is entertaining tho llnptlst luuiiK i-eopies union this evening at n Halloween party. Now Clerk. Lurkhnrt & Parsons nro expecting n new pharmacist on mo next iironkwntor to assist Messrs Parsons nnd Winkler. Meet Today. The Ladles dutld of tho Episcopal church Is being entcr talncd by Mrs. Harry llradflold nt nor noma mis afternoon Hallow con Dance. Tho Fortnight ly uancmg uub hnB lB3ued Invita tions for a Halloween ball to lin Hven at tho Eagles' hall Thursday night, Octobor 31. Kills Goose. C. G. Magnus this morning Killed one of tho largest wild gecso brought In this fall. Tho gooso had strayed from the flock nud was snot on tho mnrsh near tho railroad dock. Play Here Friday. Tho Coqulllo High School football team is oxnoetoil hero Friday afternoon to piny tho Mnrshftold high school team. Tho gnmo promises to bo ono of tho best of tho season. At Grays Harbor. G. A. nonnott rccolvod a card from Johnny Swnnson saying that ho was nllvo and woll nnd locnted nenr Grays Harbor. Mr. Swanson hns been nbsont from tho Hny for twenty years. Given Surprise A. E. Gagnon wnfl given a suprlso pnrty last evening by n number of IiIb friends nt his homo In nunkor Hill. Mr. Gngnon who lonves on tho Nann Smith on a visit to friends In Minneapolis nnd rela tives In tho Provlnco of Quebec, expects to bo away several months. Injured Foot. D. A. Jones Is limping theso days as a result of stop ping on tho sharp end of an 8 penny nan which punctured ills snoo nnd was drlvon through his loft foot. Dnvo says that a too nail Is tho only thing thnt Is Intended for a foot and horenfter ho Is going to cut out tho eight-penny variety. Ih Inspector. Wm. Wnrron han been appointed Inspector of Coos County Hnrbor shops by tho Orogon Stato Tonsorlnl Hoard. Ho Is now visiting tho various shops. Only ono violation hns boen found so far nnd that Is In a North Rond shop which is being conducted by tho proprietor's wlfo during his lllnojs. Sho hns no llconso but tho circumstances aro ox- tlnuntlng nnd tho offonso will probab ly bo excused by tho stato hoard. Cable Hronks. Tho big lowering cnhlo of tho McDonnld & Vaughan Danlols Cvook enmp hroko yostorday morning wrecking a couple of cars loaded with logs. No ono wns hurt In tho nccldont. but tho camp will bo ftliut do'vn for n fow dnys whllo about 1200 feet of broken cnblo is bolng i op! need. About 8000 foot of cnblo Is used in tho lowering of lh cars, which genorally car ry about 12.000 feet of logs. Son Is Horn. F. B, Haguo of tho Pioneer Hnrdwaro Co., rocolvod n lot- from Jns. Green announcing tho birth of nn eight nn ouo-hnlf pound son Octobor 20th nt 0:20 p. m. In Sun Francisco. Mrs. Green who was born and raised on the Day will bo rom omborcd ns Miss Mnry Mlnot. Tho now arrival Is tholr first child and their many Coos Hay frlonds will un- llto In extending follcltntlons. Mr. Grcon Is woll known boro, having visited horo ninny times when on tho rond for n wholosalo confectlonory. MIhs Relative. Arthur Lucns and brothor of Clovolnnd, Ohio, nnd win. hnvo boen rocontly omnloycd In an automobllo factory of that city nro visiting nt tho Clins. Malialioy nomo on North Coos Rlvor. Mr. Lucns and his brothor traveled from Cleveland for tho solo nurnoso of visiting C. M. Darlt, but on their nrrlvul hero they found that Mr. Darlt had moved to Portland. After n visit nt tho Mahaf. volvlng nn assessment made for North llroadway and contested on tho grounds of errors In the survey, was nrgued before Judge Coke today and will bo tnkon up again Wednesday. Yesterday J ml go Coko heard argu ments on n motion to set osldo the re feree's findings In the Sehappers-SIm-pson case. About 700 pages of trans cript nnd other records nro to bo looked over before he decides It. PERSONAL NOTES rajs "The Busy Corner"---The Rexall Store FOR S Rhodo Island ply to F. E. Hague. ....,w MMMfti& iVVMfW foy homo they will go to Portlnnd Short Iose.s. Judgo J. S. Coko to- ur -ft ti,omti..iiiiivcl (lny decided tho suit In equity ovor JTlu si oarh Ai-V'o Lnkcsldo hotel property between slnnd Rods, ?1 each. All- .. H. . . ,Inppv Wiikina ln f. vor of Wllklns. Ho hold that Short's claim wns moroly a verbal option. Tho quostlon of possession of tho pro perty wns loft to ho decided later and Judgo Coko nnnounced ho would hear argumonts on n motion to asses tho costs to Wllklns. City Ciiho. Tho enso of Josoph Lapp vs. tho City of Marshflold. In- FOR HUNT. Tlirw-rooin furnlshod. Apply 749 Fourth street. linusc, South FOR RENT Modern B room Hat fur nlshod. Apply uotweon i nnu o in tho evening nt 0S3 Tinru nnu uign land. jtem8t cjency Purity Honesty lur Plying Colors Are 'ckhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" -MAIN 298 US Junes Does Job PrintingM FOR SAM) Matti-ess ami Uphols torlng factory, with patent enrpot plnnnor In connection. Must no sold at once. Inqulro of Homo Trust Co., ovor First Nntlonnl Rank, Mnrshflcld. MONEY TO LOAN On Piano, furni ture, persoiud property, otc. Call from 0 to 8 p. m. H. H. Harper, 334 First stmt. Phono 349-J. WANTED 100 buyers for Ford nutomoblles. Flvo pnssongor, $700: Roadster. $C2G; Delivery, J72G. All fully equipped f.o.b. Marshflold. Geo. Goodrum, L'oos county agent. PORTLAND HOUSE Room and board. 207 N. Third St., corner Commorclal. WANTED Eight or ten room house or apartments, unfurnished, close In. Address M, Times offlco. WANTED FiirnlsJiod houso r apartments. ddress RX care Times. WANTED Girl for general house work. Family of two. Apply nt once at No. 620 Central avenue. FOR RENT Ono furnished room, Address 334 First street. FOU SALE -Dry wood, fir and al der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phono ISfrL. ROOM AND BOARD The Kojrcrwt, 888 First etreet, Phong 123-X. GEORGE WALKER Is In from Ten Mile. EVAN HODSON Is In MnrBlificld today. T. F. SMITH of Daniels Creek Ib In town. WILLIS KENNEDY went to Ilnndon todny on business. MRS. STAMI1UCK enmo down from Coos Rlvor todny. MISS LULU HODSON of Allegany went to North Rond todny. HERRERT STEVENS of Allegany Is In Mnrnhflold for n fow dnys. O. H. MOORE nnd wlfo of Catching Inlet nro Mnrshflcld visitors. CHARLES DINO.MAN of South Coos River Is hero on business. MRS. A. D. ROONE of Cntchlng Inlet is shopping In Mnrshflcld today. MRS. EMILY McFARLIN Is In from hor North Inlot crnnborry ranch. MRS. MAGGIE OGREN of Uandon Is tho guest of Mrs. Solma Thomas. MISS INEZ DUNCH of Coqulllo wns visiting In Mnrshllold Sundny. ALUERT 8EELIG was a passenger for Ilnndon this morning on busi ness. MISS FLORENCE ROOKE of Loon Lnko is In Marshfleld for n fow dnys. MRS. H. WUKASCH and daughter of Lakesldo aro spending n fow dnys In Mnrshllold. FRED McLAIN Is hero from Ilnndon whero ho hns been aiding In log ging rond construction. JOHN PROVIN, foreman of Smlth- Powors Camp No. 2 Is In Marsh- field today. HAROLD MARTIN haB returnod from n summer stay at Rrldal Vail nnd other enstcrn Oregon points. MRS. J. O. STEMMLER returned to hor homo In Myrtlo Point yester day nftor n fow dnys visit with frlcndB. REV. R. W. GRAY who hns been living on n rnnch near Allegany hns moved his family to North Rend. WATT BHORT, Goorgo Horron and Fred Hagolstoln aro spondlng tho couple of weeks hunting in tho Fall Crcok soctlon. O. A. RROWN loaves tomorrpw on tho Nann Smith on nn extended business nnd plonsuro trip to Calif ornia. FRANK RURKHOLDER camo ovor from Coqulllo today to attend tho Good Roads meeting In North Rend tonight. ALRIN GUSTAFSON enmo ln from Loon Lnko with n shipment of crenm for tho Coos Ray Cold Storago Co. todny. L. K. RALLINGER, who has boon employed nt Camp C of tho Smlth-Powors compnny Is spend ing n fow dnys In town. MR. nnd MRS. GEORGE MYERS, who nro visiting nt tho Jnmcs Lnndrlth homo on South Coos Rlvor, nro In Mnrshflcld todny. P. F. CROUCH, who recontly leas ed his ranch on Ilnynes Inlet to his brothor nnd has located In North Rond, wns n Marshflold visitor. MR. nnd MRS. I. S. KAUFMAN who hnvo boon mnklng nn oxtonded oastorn nnd uorthom trip nro ox pectod homo overland Thursdny or Frldny. MRS. J. C. NOEL of Coqulllo passed through horo en route to Gardlnor whero sho will visit frlonds for nwlillo. Mr. Noel accompanied hor to tho Rny. W. U. DOUOLAS wont to Lakesldo today to attend tho snlo of tho Lnkosldo Croamory by Mllo Plor Bon, the rocoivor of tho company. It mny bo bid In nnd conducted ns a co-oporntlvo concorn. THE VERY REV. FATHER M'MA HON, Provincial of the Domenl enn ordor, and tho Rov. Father Donnelly loft yostordny morning vln praln, aftor a fow days' bus iness visit to Marshflold. JOHN GROSVENOR. who hns boon SOCIAL CALENDAR. Tuesday. Ladles' Guild with Mrs. Har ry llradtlold. Umbrellas Covered nt tho Marshfield Cyclery DAYTON AGENTS. Phono 15K-R 172 P roadway Pictures & Framing Walker Studio WE HAVE 'EM Phili Nuts Tho new nuts from tho Phil ippines. Two Pounds for n Quarter. Also Hallowe'en Pumpkins and Sweet Cider Stauff Grocery Co. PHONE 102 MABKEY'S CANDIES spending n conplo of months nt the Herbert Rogors homo, left via Ilnndon yesterdny for his homo nenr Los Angeles. Ho has n lemon orchard of about flvo acres nearly ready for bearing. 11. F. WYATT has returned from n business trip to Curry county nnd reports thcro Is consldornblo ncttv lty In thnt section owing to tho presence of Engineer Wolfram and tho Southern Paclllc surveyors nnd of n second surveying pnrty whoso Identity Is not known. TOM FREESE nnd fnmlly moved from Ferndnlo to their now homo on part of tho Wltto ranch on South Coos Rlvor todny, which ho recently bought. WARREN REED enmo down from Gurdlnor todny on business. Thoro Is little now In tho rnllroad situa tion thoro, but tho prospects nro good for activity on a big scalo soon. MR. nnd MRS. EUGENE O'CONNELL who hnvo been visiting In tho cast nro enrouto home. On tholr homo wnrd Joiirnoy thoy will visit in Tonnesse, thonco to Now Orleans, Los Angoles nnd Snn Frnnclsco nt which plnco they will visit frlonds, nrrlvlng In Mnrshllold about tho llrst of December. M. A. SWEETMAN Is spondlng n fow days nt tho Chns. Stauff ranch In tho Sand Hills trying to kill off tho wild ducks thnt nro roportcd so numorouB thoro. Tho present storm Is oxpectod to mnko tho hunting good, tho fnlr wenthor Sundny having forced ninny of tho hunters to roturn with empty bags. S. P. PIERCE, tho republican noml neo for Joint roprosontntlvo from Coos nnd Curry counties, nrrlvod horo this morning to look nftor bin campaign. Mr. Plorco Is sangulno over tho result. Ho says thnt ho la n worklngmnn nnd fools thnt his record In tho Inst loglslnturo en titles him to another term. Ho hns boon busy on n brldgo contract and could not got away sooner to ntnrt hla campaign, MRS. S. A. YOAICAM of Coos Rlv or wns In Mnrshflcld today. Sho has practically complotcd tho erection of tho flno now sovon room houso on the alto of hor rnnch homo, which wns destroyo! by flro Inst month. Sho hns not yet collected tho $1300 liiBiirnnco which sho cnrrlcd on her prop erty In tho Orogon Flro Relief, but oxpocts to soon. Tho Insur anco will not nonrly covor hor loss. MrB. Frank Frnmo of North Renin hns .roturnod from Snn Francisco nnd Is now prepared to furnish tho latest and most approved moaos for tho sonson. Sho will bo hlgnly pleased to moot old patrons ns well as now ones. FOR GOOD ROADS. Tho rnnchors of tho section onst of Myrtlo Point hnvo started a good roads campnlgn of tholr own nnd nro tnklng stops to hnvo tho road to tho comctory nnd somo dls tnnco beyond put In bottor shnpo. A petition Is being clrculnrod among tho farmers nnd thoy expect to rnlso 100 nmong thomsolvos. The pnpors will thon ho circulated In town, whero n numbor hnvo signi fied n willingness to subscrlbo llb ornlly, for tho rond to tho ceme tery needs Improvomont If nny ovor did. Tho county court will bo nsk cd to put up tho snmo nmoiint ns subscribed by tho petitioners nnd It Is hoped to got somo of tho work dono on tho road this fall. Myr tlo Point Entorprlso, Have your Job printing don rhs TiraM o"lc. ON WEDNESDAY, OCTORER !), between the hours of 7 a. in. and O p. in. this hllp is good for $."5 for each sack of Crown Flour -.lurclniMHl through any grocery, ami It inisltlvely will not bo accepted beyond this iwrlwl. Till: certifies that I Imvo purchased through sacks of Crow a Flour for (Insert your grocer's name) which I am entitled to $.25 per sack rebate. Any bwx"" ' Cooa or Gurry Counties Is uutliorlM-d to accept this sill' for 8.2H iwjr sack and the wuno will bo redeemed at our ofllco October 31. HALFOUH, GUTHRIE & CO. By F. S. DOW. Easy to Get Relief , From Indigestion Your stomach should digest tho food you eat, without tho aid of any arti ficial digestives. If it won't do that, th.n you are continually subject to dyjpepsla Indigestion, heartburn, head n:hsa inl constipation. Inn-ad of taking digestive medicines, UV-J steps to get your stomach and In Witnea again in a healthy, natural citdltion. Jay no's Tonic Verniifugo will do this for you if you will tako It reg ularly. It is not a digester of foods, but It will restore vour stomach and I.Ubb tines so that they will attend to their natural functions, digesting what you oat and giving strength to tho body. For more than eighty years thou sands of men and women who had suf fered the pains caused by dypepsla and Indigestion have been praising this Tonic as the only remedy which brought them permanent relief. As the Tonic acts directly upon the stomach and intestines, it Is a natural appetizer and strength builder. Many forms of supposed indigestion are the result of Intestinal parasites, for which Jayne's Tonlo Vermlfugo 1 uosurpassjd. Insist upon Jayne's; ac cept no ocbe". Sold by druggists every waeri Dr. 3. Jayne & Bon, "Philadel phia, Pa. B. & S. Cold and Rheumatis Capsules will break up a coltl or relievo l'lieiinuitlhiu in u few hours, without harmful effects, THEY TONE your bystem, destroy harmful bacteilu, ami elimliinto uric acui from tho blood. Ouo trial At HI convince you that this is tlio best cold preparation on tlio market. Money back If not satisfied. fr kvlVA A ifllWH wm L4 wiiim Mv J J . i