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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1912)
IE WEATHERMAN IS GOOD TO THE BIRDMAN gj&JMSRBi COMES FROM -rKHTlSlNQ In The TIMES S rut Your Real EsUto "In fflnoa lay tm?a WANT ADVERTISING In Th TIBCKI Wilt Keep your Income from Furnished Itoonia Btwwly. YOU can renlly help tho family revenues by renting a fow furnished rooms and. If you know how 4 ih Market" Effectively I 1 m nut tho facta about your 11 , before , tho oyos of nil "pos- frsln town. And If thoro 01 bf thorn who ought to own li on..?1.',1, in whon to uso tho claeslflcd columns,! you mny kcop that llttlo extra la co mo as "steady ns n clock." B,ie" BU MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED MIES I i WVll Eslnl)H9"i "V?. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1912. EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall nnd Coos Bay Advertiser. No. 88. IVUL. AAAM Tho voiun ""' ii sihfferson w ,..--- 1 FLY THREE TIMES 1 01 1 - FLIGHTS TOMORROW. nlrmnn ClirlRtoffcrson will , mke a lenst thrco tnoro free ' Irdroplano Blgnm tomorrow. Tie first will bo at 11 o'clock, the second nt 2 o'clock and tho ttlrd at 3 o'clock. Somo nddl- itionil flights may also bo mndo. llu Cbrlstofferson, tho Coos liny Uses' blrdman, today mndo sovornl eori lucccssful flights with his hy Jroplue, carrying sovornl pnsson pn ca hli aerial Journeys. Tho CIiMs today wcro oven prcttlor tha bit aeroplnno flights nnd fully Kcccssful, Hit exhibitions brought a grcnt trod to Marshflold from tho snr reaailBR country nnd business wns trutlolly suspended during tho loirs of hts fllchts. Till afternoon Sunt. TIedgon h'nd Kaool dismissed early to onnblo tho icjlii to vfow his exhibition. Supt. Raab nnd President Jon tl: of tho North Bond ochoolB hi school dismissed thoro onrly no i!it the pupils could sco Chrlstof knon hen ho passed by In his 3 oclock flight. Goon Hunting. Ol his last, trlii thin nftnrnnnn. CWitofferson will tnko D. L. Footo wl trr to got somo ducks from tho Wj machine Foot Is n good Mil ni will tnko his pump gun. Jw laanch Kid hns boon engaged " Pick up tho birds. Carries Miniy. M, C. Mnlnnnv nilltn. nf HPlin I b Bay Times was tho first pnss tr lth riirlolnf rnronn (lila mnrn. . " K. nooth nnd Miss NolIIo wer as Riicsts of Tho Times " taken up soon nftor noon. ! utaers who wcro takon up this me00?. Wro CrtIt. Edgnr Slmp- r w o. .Ilorco or Curry county, -. Steele nnd Mr. Clorst. Oth- "1 BIT al80 lm tnlrnn ,. nnn nun. '"being taken nt n'tLno. Aaomber havo spokon for flights sorrow and Chrlsrotrorson would a $.!nty nU tho tlmo taking .' 01 thn annllrnnls p w.C?i'.s,,t I',v,, "Duck. tfuv ..i , ihiic n uvo wim Dr. 0o p flCk thoy flow ,nt0. Birr .....: " """ viuiuruciur CS'fn TL,,Gtts ant nrr, also r"H BD With him i- .it.,- KOjn '" uiv mm UllUl- w SUSPECT m. Sesc JSSSS r mu tn nun ". mi iu rinu WTCMWDSEB JIMtb' BinumHN rum wii Schools Dismissed Early to Enable rUpilS tu vmnuoo Exhibition. simxiatj flights. parties desiring to mnko tries on tho nlrshlii nro rc ...ii to mnko prompt resor ption at Tho Tlmos offlco. ' Se price l HG.00 por flight. lOilr a limited numbor can bo Utra and permltB will bo 1b n:ed In order In which thoy i ut received. Think Former Funmaker's Troubles Caused Him to Murder Miss Singer. (Dy Assoclntcd Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, Oct. 30. Although tho pollco kept n shnrp lookout for Chnrlos D. Conwny nnd wlfo, want ed In connection with tho murder of Miss Sophia 0. Slngor of Baltl moro, yesterday morning, no trnco of tho couplo could bo found enrly today. Tho pollco discovered tho Con ways woro desporatoly poor, duo to tho amputation nt Conway's foot nnd tho Illness which followed, nnd bollova thnt dosporntlon mny havo led tho former circus clown to commit tho crime Conwny suffer ed excruciatingly from tho knowl edgo thnt ho hnd no money for fur ther modlcnl aid and treatment. This mny hnvo cnuscd him In dcB porntlon to kill tho woman to got her monoy to rollovo IiIh ngony. Tho flnnnclnl returns for tho mur der wcro not great, according to tho police. IS SFTE FRAUD Jerome and Detective Burns Will Watch New York Ballotintj Tuesday. ' (By Assoclntcd Press to Tho Coo liny Tlmos.) OYSTER BAY, Oct. 30. Colonol Roosovolt today nnnounced thnt lib hnd rotnlncd Wllllnin Trnvors Jo romo nnd Dotectlvo Wllllnin J. BurnB to look out for frauds nt tho polling plnceB In Now York state election dny. Burns enmo to Oyster Bay today to tako luncheon with tho Colonol. ROOSEVELT I T R MttllCMX IS wn. SS"5' Y" ' ?0' -H In n- vu'""-,ii, represonia- if..0n6rtss from thn twentv- Wttaa anU a cand,lnto for ro- ws.; ' r". '"" aoaa m jus v louay, 8Iaroan.MiEn teixs. lSW8. ind., Oct. 30.- PttntW,, ""'wen iNieiNinnigai, " Rran -T u"Buor ana Frank Wow Aref,dent of th0 lnle isrjrt J.i oclatIon of Brldfto and 3 deserlb-atenogra- N SAN D0K0 VICE-PRESIDENT SHERMAN DYING Physicians Give Up Hopes Lies in Comatose Condition and Is Rapidly Sinking. SIIEItMAX SINKING. (By Associated Press.) UTICA, N. Y.t Oct. 30. At 3: 45 p. m. Shormnn wns In a comnroBo Btnte nnd wns slowly sinking. Ills kidneys still ro fuso to perform their functions. (By Assoclntcd Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) UTICA, N. Y Oct. 30. "VIco President Shormnn's death Is a qucfltlon of only a fow hours," said Dr. Peck, soon nfter leaving tho Sherman house nt noon todny. Dr. Peck said that Shormnn's kidneys hnd refused to act since- 2 o'clock yestcrdny and that most of tho tlmo slnco then ho was In n comatose condition. For n few min utes enrly todny ho was nwnlco but delirious. Ho soon dropped orr to sleep nnd has remained oblivious to tho world over slnco. Ho hns not been rational slnco Monday Dr. Peck expects tho end during the afternoon or tonight. Mrs. Shormnn todny received a mcBsnKO of Bympathy from Pros! dent nnd Mrs. Tnft, expressing tho "hopo that tho symptoms mny bo como moro fnvorablo nnd thnt your dear husband mny bo restored to his friends nnd his country." TURKS CLAIM BULGARIAN DEFEAT Admit Loss of 800 in Repuls ' ing Allies Greeks Claim Victory for Army. (By Assoclntcd Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. Cnbles from tho Crook foreign ofTlco nn nounced thnt tho right wing of tho Greok nrmy yestordny occupied Ka tnrlnn nnd wns In pursuit of tho Turkish forces. Tho loft wing Inst night orcuplcd Erknlnr. LONDON, Oct. 30. Tho Bulgnr Inu nrmy was defeated by tho Turks at Visa, Homll nnd Sornl yestordny, nccordlng to an official dispatch to tho Ottoman embassy here. Tho Turkish loss wns eight hundred kill ed and wounded. BIO BATTLE ON. Over lfiO.OOO Engaged in n Hnttlo Todny. (By Associated Press to Tho Coot Bay Times) CONSTANTINOPLE, Oct. 30 Tho Turkish roinmnndor In chlof, Nn hlam Pnsha, telegraphs that n big hnttlo has been In progress slnco this morning. Tho troops engaged on both sides numbor 1C0, 000, Nn lilain Pnsha, says tho position of tho Ottomnn forces Is favorable TURKEY WILL LOSE. Think nullum Allies Will Dictate Peace TerniH. (By Assoclntcd Press to Tho Cooi Bay Times.) LONDON, Oct. 30. In tho ovont nf a declslvo bnltlo nt Adrlnnoplo, Turkey Is sure to biio for pence, according to Goorgo II. Mosob, for mor United Btntcs minister to Greece. Ho snld tho terms nf pooco will bo dedicated by tho Bal knn nlllcs without hlndornnco from tho powors, TURKS WON AGAIN. Claim Bulgarians Lost Heavily In righting. (By Associated Press to Tho Coo? Bay Times.) pnVSTANTIXDPLE. Oft. 30 Ma- hnmoud Mukhtnr's division of tho Turkish nrmy repulsed tho Bulgar Ian troops yesterday, Inflicting n sovcro loss on thorn nt Tchorkes- skectl on tho Tehorlu river nnd on tho railroad midway botween Con stnntlnoplo and Adrlanoplo. HEAVY I'lGHTING ON. Being Decisive Engagement Now I'Oiight In Turkey. (By Associated Press to th Coos Baj Times). LONDON, Oct. 30. A big hnttlo, pcrhnps tho declslvo ono of tho wnr, Is proceeding somowhoro to tho onst of a lino from Constantinople to Adrlanoplo, between tho Turk ish and Bulgarian armies. Heavy fighting Is also taking plncc around Adrlnnoplo Itsolf, ' No particulars from tho sccno of action hnvo been received. ilOO ARE EXECUTED. Turkish OukVi-H ami Men Executed for Panic. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) CONSTANTINOPLE, Oct. 30. Thrco hundred Turkish officers nnd men wcro executed in connection with n panic among tho Turkish troops nt tho taking of Kirk Kills soh by tho Bulgnrlnns, BULGARIANS ARE REPULSED. i!rttllrl iZ B,,on or Rri nay by Tl. P rvUi, . ThTdynnmU conspiracy & Rran . ,1B. ha(1 maintained. Sbriitv11! t1lat tho entire ro 'om i"v.f taiislnc tlio exnlo- tMA lu'""ng mo oxpio for,o.i J J- McNamara. lomerty VM employed by Eft is it,V testled that on . ae Tw. v . -"iKiM cuiuu M f. ""'"urKera- office nnd U Ont . ;lIc:saninrn. MnNnmnrn a' lln t.1? nynn- nn r- T rjlk.rt , i" Uyan 8 offlc0 t i." "" uehtnfl Mn.n ,inn. 1" the 1,i(nn!!yan had knoi: VbVsim.!. "000 monthly Blvon ? al8o Identm ay h,s osponses. aara , Vn.ed a telegram that at Pit.,,,.10 a"y w, Leg 'iortafr a8k,B the lat- V." a m'emi,;; f .hb .. milL b1a.rd' appeared d ai h:..wh cl had been . -QUa; T ? mad0 ro vtiii oi nuro-giy. United States Sends Vessels to Protect Americans' Lives. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, Oct 30. Increas ing despair about San Domingo, whoro desperate street fighting In tho outskirts of Puorta Plata la Jeo pardizing American lives and prop erty, caused tho Navy Dopartmont today to order tho Immediate des patch or two warsnipu wiuro. Th Yankton -will sail from tho Now York navy yard today and tho Baltlmoro from Philadelphia Friday . .4 j n..L,A l Tlx. noon. Tney biiouju ""u " " , mlnlcnn waters by tho middle or iioxt weok. reinforcing ino rnuriu with her 700 marines. 'io -v.o. , pnrrv nn additional force of 150 marines and It Is be lieved tho threo vessels win u oi flclent to prevent anarchy In tho port of Dominica. Tho increase In tho American naval forco In Dominican waters in dicates that tho special commission .. i iin stnto Donartment to Investigate conditions has failed to innuence mo iuum w tiUtles. whon in need of PLUMBING, HEATING, TINNING, ,nnlF RIIERT METAL WORK, CALL 10I-J PIONEER IIDW'RE CO., Mlien dono by us it is dono right. DANCE at EAGLES' HALL SAT URDAY NIGHT. KEYZER'S ORCHESTRA. K J G LIGHT your WAY with pocket FLASH LIGHTS at GUNNER. Har yonr Job prlnUng dona a ITw Ttna' offlce. Federal Grand Jury Summons Paramour in Pugilist's White Slave Case. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, Oct. 30. Six Indict ments charging violation of tho red- oral "white slave" statute, but none of them, however, involving Pugil ist Jack Johnson, wero returned by tho fedoral grand Jury todny. Im mediately aftorward tho Inquisitors summoned Lucllo Cameron, whose relations with Johnson brought him to tho attention of tho government officials to fulfill her promlso to tell ninny moro details of her associa tion with tho negro. DnCS IN MICHIGAN. SuiTcr Severe Cli?rlc Near Adrlnnoplo Plans Not (lear. (By Associated Press to Tho Cooi Bay Times.) LONDON, Oct. 30. Tho Bulgar Ian troops obviously sufforod r chock In tho vicinity of Adrlnnoplo. Dlspntchcs from Sofia report tho ar rival thoro of many wounded from tho front nnd announced thnt tho Bulgarian plan of storming tho gront fortress had boon dolayod un til rclnforcomonra nrrlvo. Tho Turk Ish commnndor's plan Is not clonr, but It Is bolloved thnt ho will at tempt to rollovo Adrlanoplo and Its garrison of 00,000, whllo nt tho snmo tlmo holding Bulgarians on his loft flnnk. Rumors thnt tho Bulgarian troops hnd reached tho sea aro unconfirmed. LEAVE TODAY ON WASHINGTON Steamer Sails This Afternoon for San Francisco With Good List. Tho steamer Washington sailed nt noon today for San Francisco with a fair passenger list nnd a good cargo of freight. Tho freight car go was a miscellaneous lot, Includ ing much lumber and shingles, Among thoso sailing on tho Washington wero tho following: Mr. and Mrs. Anson and two chil dren, A. C. Beoman. F. McCloud, S. Jones, W. J. Saunders, MIs3 Will iams, Mrs. Williams, J. Stamesat tlor, J. AJnahas, E. Galoneas, G. Thlhoglon, P. Broncoo, Georgo Doll, BIG VESSEL LAUNCHED. SISTERS OF G TO SAVE TREIR CHARGES VN IN THE NAVY Stewards of Ships in Atlantic Fleet Implicated in Whole sale Scheme. (By Assoclntcd Press to Tho Coos Bny Times.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. A sys tern of grafting in tho commissary department of tho navy, which may reach every ship In tho Atlantic fleet, hns been rovonlod by a so cret Investigation. Rear Admiral OstcrhauB reported today to tho Navy Dopartmont thnt tho Investiga tion hns resulted In tho confession of G. T. Davis, chief commissary steward of tho Battleship Louisiana. Ostorhaus' report wns very brief and contains no details further than thnt Dnvls In his confession impli cated stewards of other ships of tho floot, and nt least nix contract ors. Tho Investigation which hns been undor wny several days bc foro n formal court of Inquiry has been conducted with tho utmost Becrccy. TWO WOUNDED IN MILL RIOT Special Policeman and Detec tive Victims at Little Falls, N. Y. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Timos) LITTLE FALLS, N. Y.. Oct, 30. Mlchaol Haley, n Bpoclal pollco man, wns shot nnd Dotectlvo John Kennedy of Albany wns Btnbbcd In a riot nt tho Phoonlx mill whon thoy nttomptod to break up n mass of plckotors at tho mill on- trnnco. Kennedy Bays ho wns stab bed by n woman. Sovornl arrests havo been mndo. Six Lose Lives in Rescuing Ninety-Eight Orphans in San Antonio. ALL BUT TWO OF THE CHILDREN ARE SAVED Mother Superior Dies in Val iant But Futile Attempt to Save Babe. (By Associated Press to Tho Coo Bay Times.) SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Oct. 30. Flvo Sisters of Charity sacrificed their lives In attempting to savo 100 children in n firo thnt destroy ed tho St. John's orphnnngo today. Thoy succeeded In rescuing nil but two children boforo they woro trap ped by tho flnmes. Anolhw "Slater wns burned so seriously that slm ennnot survive. Two Sisters cb enped. Whllo ono child Is known to have been burned to death, nnothor Is missing nnd Is fenred to hnvo porlBhcd. Slstor Mary Kostka Farroll dloi later, bringing tho death list up to six. Tho dead nre: Mother Mary of tho CroBS, wlia wns Mother Superior of tho nsylum. Mother Frnnccs PnBtcur. Sister Pater Clavor Sloven. Sister Lcnradla Nolan. Slstor Monica Montczy. Sister Mnry Koatkn Fnrrcll. Tho injured: , Miss A. Dotomplc, nu employe Miss Stnndlsh, nn employe. Charles Mathlow, orphan, nged 3. The origin of tho 11 ro Is not known. Tho denth of tho Mother Superior was the scquol to u demonstration: of romnrknblo courngc. Sho return ed to tho burning dormitory whon sho heard tho cry of n child nnd a fow moments' Inter appeared at n window with a bnbo in her arms. Firo Chlof Wright attomptod to savo her, but failed. A lndilor wa placed against the "" ondy wall nnd tho chief sculcd It. but lio- .. 1... rnnnlmil her. till MOtllOT Superior with tho child In her nrm foil back Into tho flnmes. Sister KoBtkn J"""? ,'ro'" " 8t fourth floor to reach' n llfo not lost ho" balance nnd fell, breaking her neck. M m B Wnllneo Van Do Car, Formerly of Coos Bay, Dead. Tho Portland Oregonlan says: r m tto ra Pni wns In Portland IJUH 1. I HM -" " "-- -" " yesterday enrouto to Salem on his return from Mount Pleasant, Mich., whoro ho was called by tho death or his iatner, vyaiiu " "" -. .i,li. nfnrrnl Detober 12. The dead man was for thirty years a resident of Oregon and left his homo at Coos Bay last spring to sell his property In Michigan. Ho was Identified with the early de velopment of tho lumbering Jndus i... i xrintiitrnn nml nwneil valuable timber lands in the Coos Bay dis trict. DANCE at EAGLES' HALL SAT TODAY XIGnT. KEYZER'S ORCHESTRA. Siiper-Dreadiinught New York Is Christened Todny. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times) NEW YORK, Oct. 30. Tho.sup- er-droadnaught New York, tho greatest of tho world's sea flghtors, was launched today at tho Now York navy yardnt Brooklyn, In tho presence or 40,000 persons, includ ing President Tntt nnd tho Secre tary or tho Navy. Miss Elsie Cal dor, daughter ot Representative W. M. Calder, or Brooklyn, christened tho ship. Miss Calder was assisted by llt tlo Miss Kathleen Fitzgerald, tho daughter or Ropresentatlvo James Fltzgorald, as tlower girl. Tho day was Ideal and tho great ship took the water without mishap. No speeches woro mado. County Shorts at Haines. Action of Chief Engineer Hood of Southern Pacific Indi cates Coast Line. Further confirmation of tho ru mor thnt tho Southern Pacific Is going to rush tho construction of tho Coast Lino botween Coos Bny and Euroka, connecting up tho Eu gene-coos nay lino with tho Euroka- San Francisco lino, now being com plotod, camo today. It wns a lot tor from Chief Engineer Hood of tho Southern Pacific to O. II. Marsh, right of way agont for tho Southorn Pacific, Instructing him to accompany Addison Bennott on a trip down over tho survey. Mr. Bennett Is writing up speclnl articles on tho Coos Bny-Eugeno lino and nlso on tho towns of Coos county for tho Oregonlan and hnd oxpressod a dealro to go clear over tho projected route. Tho Southern Pacific oluclals heard of this and consequently ho nnd Mr. Marsh will lonvo next week ior Eurokn over tho old Const lino survoy, which Is being retraced by Englneor Woir ram nnd his party, which Is now In Curry county. Mr. Bennett has Just returned from a trip to Bnndon, Coqulllo nnd Myrtlo Point, nnd praises thoso towns nnd that part ot Coos coun ty highly. T WISH THE PEOPLE TO KNOW. That Iceland lor equal and exact Justlro to nil taxpayers In tho coun ty. I hnvo no friends to favor, no enemies to punish, but will treat all, both rich and poor, with tho samo consideration. I solicit your support. H. H. HANSEN. Republi can candldato for assessor ot Coos county. BECKER MS DANCE at EAGLES' HALL SATl URDAY NIGHT. KEYZER'S OR CHESTRA. 'TNZWM Times' Want Adi Drlng reaulU. T DIE IN GRAIR Former New York Police Lieu tenant Sentenced to Electric Chair. (By Associated Press to Tho Coon Bay Tlmos) NEW YORK, Oct. 30. Charles Bcckor, former pollco nontenant, convicted of procuring tho murder ot Gambler I Ionium Roseuthnl, was sentenced todny tn dlo In tho oloc trlc chnlr nt Sing Sing tho weok ot Docombor 9. Sentonco wns pro nounced by Justlco Goff. Booker's oxecutlon will bo stnyed, however, by notice ot nppenl from tho ver dict of tho Jury, soon to bo fllod by hlB counsel, which mny tnko year to dotormlno. Ho was at onco dollvorod Into tho custody of Sheriff Hnrbtirgor, who took him to Sing Sing, whoro ho will bo confined until his fnto Is determined. MrB. Bockor had a short talk with- Beckor In tho Bher Iff's hendqunrtors bororo ho wns taken to court. Mrs. Bcckor want n.i tn lmvn lmr husband's romovnl to Sing Sing delayed. Tho sheriff was obdurate Bockor mado no statement to tho court nnd ho henrd hlmsolf con demned without any show ot omo tlon other tfinn tho closing ot his oyes and tho compression ot his lips. Mrs. Beckor will nccompany her husband to tho penltontiary to tako up her resldonco nt Osslnlng so ns to bo near him, Slayer Phvids Guilty. (By Associated Press .to Tho Coo Bay Times.) NEW YORK, Oct. 30.-"Red Phil" Davidson, tho slayor, alias "Big Jack" Zollg, gang loador. win escapo tho oloctrlo chnlr. At the opening or tho trial todny ho with drew his rormer ploa or not guilty und entered a plea of guilty to second degrco murdor. Tho penalty may bo llfo Imprisonment. A pie or second dogrco murder wbb ac cepted on tho stntomont that tho man Is wenk mentally. Sontonco ws deferred. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have AIAVAYB USED. Thono 72, l'aclflo Livery and Transfer Company. ti vx