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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1912)
THE QQoiBAY flMEMAWSHRlELD, OREGON, TUE&DAlrOBER 2fe, I912.-EVEN1NG EDITlff v-. If 'J rTP,llwWWWafc1 Fl X t r" ; arms LIVE Wl D Scientist Makes Animal's Heart Beat Ten Hours After Removal. JBy Associated Tress to Tbo Coos uay rimes.) ,NEW YOIIK, Oct. 28. Another atop forward in Dr. Alexander Carol's experiments in looklnir into tlin nro lonntlon of llfo Is announced by tlio HqcKoiolior Institute for medical re seirch. Ho Iiob succcodcd In separ ating rrom tlio body or animals, tlio heart, stomach, liver, intestines, kid neys and bladder and in having these qrgans ilvo and functlonato under his oyos for ten hours. Tlio excised or gan Is placed in n solution Buppllod witn blood aorated continuously by an oxygon pump and kept at tbo re qulslto temporatura by nn npparntus much ilko an lucubator. TurkH Hclnfort-cd. (Dy Assoclntod Press to Tho Coot Day Times.) LONDON, Oct. 28. According to t, dispatch from Constnntlnoplo, uf fl,cIonc. Turkish rolnforcomontH have now reached tho front to enable Uio TurklBh commnndorH-In-chlor to nosumo tho offonslvo. It Is stated that threo Turkish columns uro moving townrd tho north and that theso columns nro known to ho nun ported by othor Turkish troops now boing tnkon by wator to Turkish porta of tho Ulack Soa. Whether Uioy will bo In time to do nny good is problematical. THE PEOPLE'S FORUM Tho Tltnoi will bo pleasod to pub Hah letters from Its .readers on all questions of publlo Interest. Each letter must bo signed by tho wrltor, and so far as posslblo bo limited to ZOO words. In publishing theso let ters it muBt bo understood that The Times docs not lndorso tho tIowb ex pressed therein; it is simply affording a means for tho Tolclng of different opinions on all questions , affocUng tho public welfare. OPEN LETTER TO J. 0. 8TEMAL LER. Tako Another Point. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times) SOFIA, Oct. 28. Tho Ilurgnrlan troops today occupied Ilunnrh ssar. 22, miles southeast of Kirk KIIIIb- sou. POSTPONE ARGUMENT. (Dy Assoclntcd Press to Tho Coo Day Times.) ' WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. The Supromo Court ndvancod for nrcu- mont to Docombcr 2 todny tho cases Involving the constitutionality of tho, nuwapapor section of tho postal appropriation Jaw. CONGRESS MUST (JIVE. 0,nly Way Cttlm'N Request for Relic unn iso urantcl. (Dy Assoclntcd Press to Tbo Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. Cuba's r.efliieflt for tho flgurohond of tho ppwor of tho Mnlno or ono of tho nlxtlnch guns rocontly recovered nt llayana harbor, cannot bo granted ftxcppt by nn act of congress. IKINO USES TYPEWRITER. t LONDON, Oct. 20. For tho first tjmo In tho history of Englnnd Uio typowrltor la being used for yio King's prlvnto correspondoncol nt (Balmoral. His Majesty dictates I many or uio letters lilinsolf. bo causo ho likes to hnvo thorn hnvo a , personal touch. Queen .Mary, Iipwovor, has her lottors to nor irjonuu sunt out In tho handwrit ing of bur prlvnto secretary or 'writes them hornolf, for Queen Mary considers tbnt disrespect Is ujiown to friends by those who net as though thoy did not enro to glvo tbo tlnio ueoded to com munlcuto with them in tholr own baud. , Queen Mary u hnudwrltlug, bv tbo .wuy, Is both benutlful and log) uio. Dear Jake: Tho writer has read with Inter est tho program, or platform, upon which you aro Booking to be carried Into tho Oregon legislature. No person who Is acquainted with you needs nny political clairvoyant to toll him that you nro not tho au thor, or ruthor, tho compiler of the said platform. Don't you think tho voters of your district aro entitled to know who prepared this political pedestal for you and to know who la really tho power bohlnd your nomination and campaign? I do, and If you ngreo with mo In this, I shnll bo pleased to read your answer to tho following questions, and I hopo you will mnko those aiiBWors public. Is it truo, nB reported, that you aro a member of a corporation known ns tho Coos County Tax As sociation? Isn't It true that said platform was prepared by or with tho activo assistance of tho secretary of said Tax association and tho attorney for that organization? Wns not said platform, In fact, written by tho secretary of said or ganization in his own office? Isn't It a fact that practically overy plank of your Bo-cnlled plat form viib taken from tho platform of I. b. Smith, who Is also running for Btnto senator? In It truo, nB reported, that this samo Coos County Tax Association, at It own oxnonso, has a man In tho district distributing your vam- pnign iitcrnturo and doing personnl work In bohnlf of your candidacy? Tho authors or compilers, of that platform scorn to Intlmnto that you hnvo not been living up to the InwB and also hnvo committed their cnndldnte to advocacy of a princi ple n fnvor of "cheapening Justice." Itcnd tho program over and toll us whnt you think thoy menu by the term "cheapening Justice" Yours respectfully, R. A. CORTHELL. NOTICE TO MAIUNEUS. Steamer Washington Sails Wednesday Noon, October 30th, from Coos Bay for San f rancisco and Los Angeles WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT F, S. DOW, Ageat. Ocean Dock. ''- 1 f El! if" ' 'i 'TIIK FH1END OF OOOfl BAY S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails from marshfield for. Portland thursday, october 31 CONNECTING WITH TID3 NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono 44. C. F. McGEORGE, Agent. KEEN KUTTER KUTLERY tho knives with tho Keen Edgo. Aro GUARANTEED nt THE GUNNERY LIbhy COAL. Tho kind YOU have ILWAYS USED. Phono 72, Pacific Livery and Transfer Company. Times' Want Ads bring results. ' FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped with wlrclees and submarine bell SAILS FROMSANFRANCISCO FORMARSHFIELD WEDNESDAY, OCT. 30th at 3 p. m. All Passenger Reservations Fr om Son Francisco Must Ho Mado at 805 Flfo Rliildlng, or Pier No. JO. All reservations must bo to ken up 21 Itours before sailing. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44. C. F. McGEORGE. Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sjegmship Breakwater b ALWAYS ON TIME. HAILS FROM AINSWORTH DOCK, PORTLAND, At 8 A. M., OCT. 0, JO, 28, 00. FROM MARSHFIELD AT THE SERVICE OF THE TU)E, OCT. 5, J 2, JO, 20. I Phono Main 85-L. J. O. MILLER, Agent Fisher Auto Service Win. Fisher, Proprietor. Phono orders to Hlllyor's Cigar Stand, Phono 18-J. After 11 p. m. phono C-J. Night phono 181-R. Marshfield. Oregon. ('SPALDING nthlotlc TMK GUNNERY. GOODS nt John Volbort, Fostor, Cal states: "I have Bufforod mauy years with kldnoy and bladder troubloa and although I havo paid hundrods of dolnrs to doctors and havo taken nil kinds of kUuoy modlclncs, I cpuld novor got any relief until I tried Foloy Kldnoy Pills and thoy offoctod n complete euro." I havo novor boon botbored with my old troublo ulnco." For "nlo by I.ock-hart-Parsons Drug Co., tho Dusy Corner. For GOOD SHOES nnd GOOD REPAIRING uH?. lit RIGHT PRICES. Go to August Oleson 210 South Broadway. VOTE FOR I Will furnish Your Mouse on the Installment Plan iW. KWiseman 811 North Front St. Bui.tPhonn 296-X: Res Phnn 16B-.1 Blanchard's Livery Wp hnvo secured tho livery bus noes of L. H. Ileisnor. and nro pro pared to rendor excellent service fc the pooplo of Coos Day. Carotul drivers, good rigs and everything that will mean satisfactory service to Ujo public. Phone us for a driv ing horse, a rig or anything neodod in tho llvory line. We also do truck ing business of all kinds. HLANOILtRD BROTHERS, Phone ;138-J. Livery, Feed and Sale Service. 141 First and Alder Htroota To the Voters of Coos and Curry Counties: Since my candidacy for Joint Sou ator was announced nnd my pint- lorm published nnd distributed, 1 hnvo been trying to meot na mnny uiuuiuiu us possioio within tbo ols- met in orcior to undorBtnnd tholr Ideas and lonrn tholr wishes. It Iiob been n surprlso ns well ns a pleasure to mo to find my posi tion on lORlslntiva miORtlnnn nn M forth in my platform, almost unl versnlly approved, and to receive bo many nssurnnces of support from iiiomuorH or .nil political parties. I havo been frank and hnvo tried to Btnto my position fully on ctrl Importnnt quostlons, but if thoro Is nny point concerning which you need a further Btntomont, Bpenk to mo nbout It or wrlto mo If I rail to seo you, for I cannot meet you nil, nnd I want a thorough under standing with you. Tho noxt four yonra will wltnoss groat developments In this district, that mny bo gravoly Influoncea by legislation, nnd It la importnnt tnnt you bo guided in your choice of eglsiatora by sound Judgmont, un influenced by pnrtlsnn projudlco or porsonnl lennliiKS. I wish it thoroughly understood thnt: I'irst. I ropresont no corporations and novor hnvo had any connec tions wuu tiioni. Second. I am nlllod to no special ntorest; my own Interests nro var ied nnd nro fairly roprosoutntlvo or m.. of tho l,eoHl ' tho district. Third. I hnvo mndo no promUes outsldo my platform and no por sonnl promises whntovor. Fourth. 1 am running my own cnmpnlgn, and nm undor no oott gallons, flnanclnl or othorwlso, to anyono. .. "''.'." J nnvo ueo a resldont of the district for 30 years nnd am familiar with Its needs. Sixth. I nm a strictly Independ ent cnndldnto nnd stand squnroly on my own platform. If It is yours. Eiiiiuu mm me. (Signed) J. O. STEMMLER. Candidate, for Joint Senator for Coos nnd Currv Counties. Marshfield & North Bend Aulo Line GORST & KINO. Proprietor. Cars leave MarstiflelA every 46 minutes from 7:16 s. m. until 12:30 midnight. Leave North Bend on tamo schodulo, starting at 7 a. m. until midnight. Be-a Saturday Times for athedulo. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Mali or telepliouo orders promptly nttended to. A big htock of electrical mntcrlal to se lect from. Lamps for nil pur poses. Phono 237-J. 115. llrondwny N. The Wickham House Dining Room COQUILLE, ORE. Reopened October 1, 1912 Nowly iutpcrcd, pointed nn gen erally renovated. Spocinl attention nnd Uio beat of servl.o to Uio traveling public. JJHS. G. R. W70IOIAM, Coqullle, Ore. A modern Drlck .ulldlng, Electrl Light, Stoam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Metlln, Prop. Rates: 00 centa a day and upwards Cor. Broadway and Market Boys' Shoes 100 pali'M lino weJtH 011 snlo nt tho The Electric Shoe Store 180 So. Broadway. SLit-liflrld. BmWJM The Sign of Good Candy Always TSi Star Transfer and Storage Co. la prepared to do dl lclnds of hauling on phort notice. W meet all tralnB and boata and we also have the latent stylo Reynolds Piano Mojver. We guarantee our work. L. H. Heisn.erProp. PkonftB 0-n. 120-J. or 49-L. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOEL OSTLIND, - l'lano Tuner nnd Repairer. 415 S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L g DNa LOUISE LARSON, Pianist and Teacher. Harmony, Musical History Phono 254-R, W. BENNETT J. Donnott Swnnton. Tom T. Bonnott Attorncya nnd Counsellors nt Law Ilanngnn Bennett Bank BuUdlng Marshfield, Coos Co., Oregon. pERL RILEV BALLINGER n . , o. r.J,An,8t and Teacher Residence-Studio, 237 So. Broadway Phone 18-L. EW ICEI'ZER, ., , Violin Instructor. Apply Haines Music Store. CIsa Starta September 1. Barnard & Langworthy See our window display of WOOD ELECTRIC FIXTURES LEADED ART GLASS DOMES PORTABLE STAND LAMM. THONE .184-R. E. Pale & Co. High, Grade Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Imported and Domeatic- Wooleaa Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed Wo do all work right here. 870 North Front Stre4 Marshfleia. VYM. S. TURPEN, vv ARCHITECT. Marshfield. Orotron. T-)R. W. MORROW, DenUst. 171 Grimes Building, over Grand Theater. OOlco Phono 82ft. r'iiF 1 JMl Anybody can attach the plug The G.E. Flaliron then hcah itself in about three minuta and will stay hot without fur tnvr uuvnuon. Saves time, steps and fuel i If the washing and ironing arc sent out, the G.E. Electric Iron will still be found a marvclously convenient utensi to have in the house. There arc many little thing! women like to iron themselves, and many times it be comes necessary to wash and iron a few handkerchiefs etc., before the "wash' comes home. When occasion: like these arise, and there is a G.E. Iron handy, it is tin1 work of but a moment to attach the cord to a lamp sockc and the iron is ready. Get one today. IOREGON POWER CO. TELEPHONE 178. CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bj At Uio c1im f limilnots, September 4, 1012. ItKSOUROES. Loans nnd Dlscounto , I30C.41U Ovordratts IK Bonds, warrants and securities C3,C8! U. S, Bonds to socuro circulation. 25,00 Roal ostato, furlturo and fixtures ; 80,001 Cash and sight oxchango H9,20il Total $023,4711 LIABILITIES. ' Capital Btock paid in $100.0011 Surplus and undlvldod profits 11,4111 circulation, outstanding 24,00(1 Dopostts 488,0Stl Total IG23.47I1 In addition to Capital Stock tho Indlrldunl liability of Stockholdoil $100,000.00. INTEREST FAm ON TIMEl AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. '' W. S. CHANDLER, Prcaldeat DOHSEV KlinirZCIt, Caia STATEMENT OF CONDITION I FLANAGAN & BENNETT BAN! MARSnFIELD, OREGON, At tlio cloao of buslnces, September -1, 1013. RESOURCES. , tA Loans and discounts 45C,211J Banking houso C0.000J Cash and exchanges 307,83SJ Total 1813,047Ji LIABILITIES. . rnnni Capital stock paid In I EO.OOOJ Surplus nnd undivided profits Av.l. DoposltB 703.494J) Totl $813,04711 Abstracts, Real Estate, Fir and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co f UKNitY SENGSTAOKKN, Mt. , CoquUla OBc Phono 111 Flatting Landa a apMuUty. Farnu Timber Coal andanti "BA8TSIDI'." Oaaaral Ag Mrhiold Qc U-J G. CHANDLER, Arcldtcct. BUT NOW. Some choice lota In NOltTH BEND can be had at a very reaeonablo price First National Bank. Rooms 801 and 802, Coko Bulldlns , Marshfield. Oregon. rR. BIRD B. CLARKE; LJ Specialist In Ncrvo, Rlieuiuatlcra and Spinal Disease. Offlco Hours, 1 to 5 p. m. Ofllce, 804 Ooko Bulldlne. MARSHFIELD OREGON "T-" I ' ll Get Busy AND GET AFTER THAT ROOF, BUT FIRST COMB IN AND OTTT nmrmn -r onmn.n . r. -nvnriT-, Illlini SHINGLES $1.80 AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONB PLY, 9 1.28 AND UP. C A Qm!4L I U Sir Mfo. 0 nimiir. nomnrrnnm KHl&kllSWl"! DR. A. J, HENDRY'S Modern Ilonfl Wo are equipped to do high class work on short noUce nt tho yery lowest prices. Examination free. Lady attendant. Coko Bldg., Opp Chandler Hotel, phono U2.J. GET RID OP MICE Trap them. They start fires. Care will do much to prevent fires. Our Insurance policies do EV ERYTHING to provent loss on your part If you have a Aro nnd a policy.) Ask us your rate. The cost is trifling, the Insurancq per fect. I. S. KAUFMAN & 0: 177 Front Btreat T WE WILL MAIL YOU l! . M False 71 I ef for ench set oi "'".;-', Bontus. H?st prices pal old Gold, bi, --. pre, broken Jewelry and r SoW Sent by Return ml .Phila. Smelting & Refining Established 20 Years. ' ...o uhiiadelnhln TO DENTISTS- I We will buy your CjyldWj noici ucrayi " - i -lA.a nafd tit i-ar ;, i