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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1912. EVENING EDITION. ' 6 "- i '.v- MILMT NEWS BENNETT IS COHH USER ALBERTAGITED OF COOS BAY BIG BOOSTER IS JP AGAIN ASJXAfflPLE Two Outfits at Work on the South Fork of the Coquille , ' Coast Line. D. A. Curry, who recently re turned from n hunting trip to tno Upper Coquille vnllcy nntl Curry county, encountered two surveying outfit nt work on tho route ot tlio railway from Gold 1 1111 or Grants Pass to tho Const. Ho mot one of tho employes ot the outfits nnd from him learned something nbout tho route. Whon ho saw them, ono of tho parties was stationed near Eden. Thoy woro surveying tho lino from Myrtlo Point. Tho second outfit wns going up tho South Fonc and planned to swing off at Johnson's Crossing to Hock Crcok nnd thence proceed to tho Upper Hoguo Hivor Valley. Ho wns Informed that they wcro getting a good grndo nnd thnt only two short tunnels would Do ncccssnry. Ho wns nnnhlo to loam much about who wns backing tho project. However, ho was Informed thnt projectors woro figuring wim tho Smith-Powers Compnny nbout buying that company's now cxton-, slon nnd utilizing it in tho now rond to tho Const. I Plnn for Coiwt Line. J. It. Smith, formerly of North. Bond, hut now with his brother, ' who Is bond of tho Western Fuol ' Compnny In San Francisco, nnd who Is now visiting friends on tho Tiny, oxpocts thnt tho Southern Pa cific Const routo from Coos Day to San Francisco will ho n realiza tion much' onrllor thnn Is gonornlly. expected. Ho wns Informed by n1 bnnkor frlond In Snn Francisco just boforo coming to tho liny thnt tho MncArthur-Perks Co.. tho contract-, ors of tho Kugono-Coos Uny lino, lind Just mndo nrrnngements for doing tholr western banking nt San rr.'inelsco. Tho scopo of theso ar rangements Indicate a much bigger project thnn tho few miles of road nn flnnn Tlnv tnt wlitnli Hint fnfnln. ed tho contrnct, nftor thoy sublotj tho project from Nntl tunnel to tho, southern end of Schoflold Creek Ton Mllo tunnel to Porter Pros. This Is tnken ns nn Indication thnt thoy expect to go nhond with , tho contrnct for building south to, connect with th Southern Pnrlflo nonr Ruroka In tho nonr future Ily. snmo It Is bnllovod thnt nrrnngo-l nionfs for (IiIh nlnn wero nenrly perfected when Mtey throw tholr ndvnnro mon In horo last summor, but that nu unexpected hitch In tho const lino to tho Eureka connection wns tho real cnuso for tho ronslng of operations on tho Pny tempor arily. Sumner In Portland. IT. A. Sumnor. tho head of tho Pnclflc Orcat Western nnd North Const Mno which tho Sniithorn Pa rifle took over for tho Kugono-Coos Tiny cxtoiiHlnu. Is now In Portland, lie wns In Snn Francisco n few wcokR ngo nnd In conversation with n Mnrshflold man said thnt bo In tended to spend tho winter In I'nrtlnnd. Jlo wns rnther reticent nbout Ills plans nnd did not men tion tho offer ha had snmo time ngo to go to Turkey to do somo rail road construction, llo said thnt bis son, Tj. A. Siininor, was now work ing on n Canadian lino. H plan ned to return to Portland tho wcok boforo Inst. Somo think thnt TI. A. Sumner Is now really working with Wllsov, who wns nssoclnted In tho Pnclflc (Trent Western nnd North Const Lino prnlects, on tho now project which Wllsoy has been conferring with European cnpltnllsts nbout. Wllsoy wns expected In Portland a fow days ngo from tho enst. Special Feature Writer Leaves For Coquille Valley Today. Addison Dennett, tho spcclnl rep resentative of the Portland Oregon lun, nnd ono of tho best newspnpor and fenturo writers In tho North west, left today with his photogra pher, Mr. Tuttlo, for Hnndon to get data and special views of that sec tion for tho wrltoup of Coos county. Tho spcclnl wrltoup Is to bo mndo a feature of an carlv edition of tho Orogoninn. Mr. Dennett nsldo from his pres ent mission in horo is a great no llovor In tho futuro of Coos nay and a great boostor for It. Threo years ago, ho had qulto a visit horo nnd then boenmo grcntly Im pressed, so thnt nsldo from tho business ho has hero now, bo Is grcntly elntcd over his visit. Ho Is Impressed with tho dovclopmonts thnt liavo taken plnco in tho threo years nnd snys that It Is but a mere Indication of tho great trans formation that will follow tho com ing of tho railroad and bottor trans portation facilities. Mr. Ilonnott Is nlso a great boost er for tho great undovoloped om plro of control and castorn Oregon and bollovcs that that torrltory will In tho not distant futuro bo a great contributor to tho growth of Coos Pny nB a port and commer cial center. Mr. Dennett will spend several days with his photographer in this tertian collecting tlnta and gotting pictures for his wrltoup. OIT.NS l'Olt ItK.VT TIIK fil'.V-XKKY. How about a l'OIJI) Al'TO, fully equipped, laid down in Murtdtllolil for $700? See GOOMIUM. Times' Want Ads Tiring results. TALKS AGAINST SINGLE TAX Walter M. Pierce of Hot Lake Sent to Coos County to Campaign. (Spcclnl to The Times.) 2AM3M, Ore., Oct. SO. Walter M. Plcrco of Hot Lake lato today decided thnt ho would mnko n whirlwind campaign against sluglo tax In Coos county nnd nccompnu, led, by T. S. Alexander of Portland loft tonight for Uosoburg onrouto for Mnrshflold. Mr. Piorco, who ran against Harry Lnno for tho Democratic nomination for United States sonntor, Is known ns an or ator all over Oregon, nnd his de cision to campaign In Coos county wns mndo at a moment's notlco, "I mil n Domocrat first nnd Inst," snld Mr. Plcrco. "I nm cortnln that Wilson will bo our next presi dent. I have been campaigning for lit in . but in this single tax Issuo we bnvo n mnttor that Is ahovo politics. Hondcd by a tricky law yer and n solf-ndvortlslng soap mngnnto, propaganda work has been cnrrlod on In Orogon to dollvor ov er overy bit of renl estnto to the stnte. It Is but two years ngo sluco ono of tho lending sluglo tnxors cnnio to mo nt Hot I.nko nnd nd vlsed mo to soil overy scran of pro perly I own and convort it Into bonds. I told blm my faith In Or ogon wns too grent. I nm not n tax dodgor nnd I nm nlwnys will ing to pny my slinro of tho tnxes. If n fow plain words from mo will swing a fow votes so that tho U'lton crowd of pnld workers nnd their pernicious measures enn bo swung mrcver on tho Junk honp, I am rondy." Mr. Piorco will rench Mnrshflold tomorrow night. Ho will campaign for two days and hopes to roach "ovtlimd for another engagement Snturdnv night. DRINK HABIT RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT Tho OUUI.NE trentment for the Tlrlnk Habit can bo used with nb 6oluto confidence. It destroys all doslro for whisky, beer or other alcoholic stimulants. Thousands b nve successfully used It mid hnvo boon restored to lives of sobriety and usefulness, nn bo given se cretly. OHHINE Is prepared In two fi.rms: No. I, secret trentment, a powdor, absolutely tnstoless and odorless, given Becrotly In food or drink; OHHINE, No. 2, In pill form, is for those who deslro to tnko voluntnry treatment. If you fall to got rosults from OHHINE nfter a trial your money will bo rofunded. Costs only ft 00 per box. Ask for booklet tell ing all about OHUINK. OWL PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY, FRONT STREET. LITTLE TALKS ON TIMELY TOPICS By W. A. REID. S4f The latest get-rlcii-qulek schonie Is the unloading of so called hnnnna plantations on tho unsophisticated Ameir.nn public. Tho grnftlng promoters secure options on unim proved land In somo of tho Contrnl Amorlcnn republics nna without spondlng ono cant on Improvements, Issuo stock to the credulous Investors, setting forth in glowing de scriptions tho enormous profits to bo derived. Unrtium wns right in saying tho Amorlcnn public likes to bo hum bugged. Tho Stnto Dopartnient nt Washington is kept busy Investigating theso frauds. Coos liny real estnto of fers tho best Investment right now on tho Pacific Coast PEUHAM PAKIC is tho present Mecca for all homeseoKers nnd small Investors. This property is located In the very heart of Mnrshflold and is tho only restricted residence district on Coos Pny. flood valuos. Easy torms. SEE JtEID AIJOUX IT, Owner's Agent, Coko Building. (Continued from Pngo Ono.) struck. It wns referred to tlio Btrcot committee. The bridge is near tho P. M. Wilbur and Glen Aiken homes. Charier- Amendment. Mnyor Straw Inquired of City Attorney Goss It thcro wns still time In which to Biibnilt n charter amendment or question to tho voters nt the coming city election. Mr. (loss looked It up nnd Bald that no found It required tho Introduction of the measure no days boforo tho election. This shuts off nnytning being submitted at tho December olcctlon. Mnyor Straw did not stnto what question or nmonunient ho thought of submitting, but snld thnt Boveral had naked him noout It. Itoiilevurd Up Again. Mayor Straw brought up tho hou lovard question ngnln Inst night by nsklng Councilman John Mer chant whnt ho would do nbout fur nishing a bnlf mllo right or wny across tho Merchant holdings, west of Eirod nvonue. Mr. Morchnnt snld he would mnko a proposition. Fred GcttlnB, who has boon survey ing tho boulovnrd routo, promised to bnvo maps nnd profiles ot tho routo ready In threo weoks. Need Drainage. The question or draining tho low lnnds south of Elrod avonuo nnd west of Broadway enmo up. Somo ditches wcro dug a year ago to drain this, but City Engineer Old Icy Btntcd that during tho winter s high tides, tho tract Is too low to bo drained nnd tho only thing to do wnB to fill It up. Tho city honlth officer ordered tho d'stnet filled three feet a year or so ngo but tho Drcdgo Orogon wns unnuio to dn It. City Attorney Goss suggested thnt It would nor no long uiuii mo j. A. Smith' Compnny's now lS-lncti suction drcdgo would bo completed nnd It might bo posslblo for tho property owners to hnvo it fill tho area. Mayor Straw snld that something would hnvo to bo anno. Ho blnmcu this nrea for tho largo number of mosnii toes which ncstcrcd tho com munlty last year and snld thnt tho stngnnnt water was a mennco to tho public health. Ho said thnt thoro would not bo so much danger dur ing tho rainy season when tlioro Is lots of fresh wntcr coming In, ns during hot wcnth6r. In this connection, Mr. Goss mid Mr. Allon snld that somothliig ought to ho ilono nbout D. A. Curry's duck ynrd. They snld thnt ninny were complaining nbout tho stanch from It. Mr. Allen snld that cur ry hnd promised to got rid of tho ducks by October 1 but hnd not dono so. City Improvements. Phil Itelchcrt nnd others on South Urondwny near Hall avonuo requested thnt something bo dono about nffardlng thorn sowngo facili ties. Thoro Is no sower thoro now. Tho mnttor will bo Investigated. Tho question of grading Elovunth street to nffan! street facilities for residents of South Mnrshflold wns brought up ngnln. Tho property owners nro still unnblo to ngrco nbout the grndo nnd City Engineer tililley is unnblo to flguro out uny change thnt would benefit thorn, Some of tlio proporty owuors wcro present and suggested tnui Tenth street bo planked as far its Ingorsoll nnd then Ingcrsoll bo op ened to u (To id temporary service, City Kccordor Diitler snld thnt ns tncro wero few nouses nlong Tenth streot, ho thought tlioro would bo ninny protests. Councllmnu Alton snld thnt ho hnd conferred with tho directors of the Odd Fellows' cemetery nbout dedicating for streot purposes tho rondwny. 20 feet wldo, along tho north sldo of tho cemotery, tniis mnking n street 35 feet wldo. Tnoy hnd opposed It. Ho had offered to put in n cemont wall and Iron picket fenco. tho city to pity for it, but this did not bring results. Mnyor Straw suggested thnt tno city might pay for tho comotery's half of tho paving. Mr. .Morchnnt snld ho thought the cemetory turn ers wanted tho city to mnlntnin tho street forovor. City Attorney Goss said thnt tho city should not bind Itsolf to such n thing nnd thnt It would bo chenpor for tho cltv to condemn tho roadway, slnco It would not molest nny grnves or plats ana icit sure it would lio secured vory reasonable. Finally, the streot rommltteo and City Attorney Goss wore Instructed to mnko nn offer to tho Cemotery directors and if thoy do not nccept it, tho understanding wns thnt con demnation proceedings would be stnrted. Meanwhile tho property owners nnd city engineer will try to flguro out n better grndo for ElovonMi street. Chas. Shields Punctures W. S. IBM M I "l".. At U'Ken's single lax ar gument in Debate. (Special to The Times.) csmi.'u nn.. Oct. "'.- Some times npplutiHo tolls tho story of u meeting, soinetlines It does not. Anywny this wns whnt happened nt tho big Shiolds-U'ilen debnto In tho armory hero Inst night, when At- ....... f'. ,.i.-..l Prnwfiird took tllO chnlr. W. S. U Hen opened his chnt on wliv Oregon biioiiui vmu ui slnglo tax. He wns npplaudcd four ll.o 'rlint tnntr n IllllllllOr of BCC- otuls totalling GG. Clinrlcs II. Shields told tlio opposite srory iroin U lion nnd the norncy-iiniiuun d- l....,ll.,n irenntml Mill In tilt? CXtCltt of three mlntitoB nnd threo sec onds, tho minimise extending over six periods. During the closing period u nun a rUn.ld (heir nnllllS tO- gothor for a total of two mlnutcB nnd soven seconds, whllo tho fol lowers of Shields clnpped for Just 11 seconds longer, tiio mini uum u'ln QiitntiiM five minutes nnd 21 '.,. I m.,1 tl'Drfin Hiron tnllllltCB oi'iuiiu, mil. w ..., -r. nnd 12 seconds. And this really tolls tho whole story nna tno sen timent of tho meeting. U'lten, to the surprise of nil, wns forced to cover. Ho sought resort In figures nnd Shields outflgurcd him. U lion's main argument was tlmt nlnrrln Inv wnB L'OOd for tllO poor ninn. Shields urged that it would confiscate nu tno innu io ,1. iinln Qlilnhln linrlPi! Ill) II IB statement' with the dcclnrntlon thnt tho tax sltuntlon in uriiisu uoium- bla wns not luring farmers anu m- alnnxnil Mint RO hnd left HOOlI HIV- er nnd 120 roturncd. Ho rond a lotter from nn Albortnn, J. Jeni oiiso, who declared that last year his taxes in an Alberta town of 2000 population wcro fl on threo lots nssosBCd nt $900. This year, ho Bald, tlio asBcssmontB hnd been Increased to $2000 nnd tho tnxca to $145. "I enn't oven soil tho threo lota for $800 or loss than ono-thlrd of tho nsscsscd valuo," ho concluded, "and I rnthor guess tho fitato can hnvo them ns n gift." Mr. Shields showed thnt under n pnrtlnl appli cation of slnglo tax In Albortn, tho hind tnxes wcro 10 por cent, whllo Bchool tonchors nnd public officials could not obtnln their snlnrlcs, whllo nt lenst 20 cities went bank rupt. Theso cities, rcprosontntlvcs met In Innlsfnl to protest against tho government taxing thorn nut of oxlstence. Thnt seemed to bo enough for Snlom. 1 Monarch, Derby and Eskay Gloves HUBDRYGOODSCO. The List Breakwater brought us another express shipment of Ladies' Coats nnd Suits. Wo doubt if you will find anotler assortment like it short of Portland. "We hnvo sold so many Coats and Suits " that we feel entitled to the name a lady bestow ed upon us rccontlly. Tho Garment Store of Marshfield." Do not fail to see this new lino before buying your coat or suit. Coats, $10.00 to $3?.50 Suits, $15.00 to $35.00 No charge for alterations on garments of $15.00 or more. i IIOTMj AIUUVALS. CHANDMSH. Frank Hurkboldor. Coquille: John Cnvnnuugh. I'ota- Iunin: W. 13. Hlbhnrd. Port nnd: W. W. Brady. Portland: Joseph Jn- cods. snn Krancisco; iionry Hlock, Portland; Frank II. Pngo, Porr Innd; W. P. Iteod. Onrdlnor; A. McAdnms, Denver Hill; Archlo Phil lips, North llend: N'ollUi Domcnt, Myrtlo Point; L. J. Cody nnd John Cody, Dnndon; M. J. MeKcnnn nnd wlfo, Dnndon; C. It. Wndo. Dnudon; Kd. Anderson, Denver Hill. CIIICKK.V TAMAMIS will bo on snlo nt tho Methodist church nftor I o'clock Wednesdny nftornoon. DAXCi: nt lUOIiKS' HAM, SAT 1'im.W NlfillT. KKV.KIf.S Olt-CIIFSTUA. I G Your Druggist Stops That Itch If you nro suffering from Ecezema. Psoriasis or nny other kind of skin trouble, drop Into our store for Instant relief. We will guarantee you to stop tlmt Itch In two seconds. We have sold other remedies for skin troubles, but nono that wo could recom mend as highly as this, a mild wash of Oil of Wlntergreen Thymol and a few other Ingredients that have wrought such wonderful cures all over the coun- This compound Is known as D.D.D. Prescription for Eezema and It will cool nnd heal tho itchv. burnlni? skin ah nothing else can. a sso trial bottlo will provo It. Of coursa all nthpi r1rntpita hnM D.D.D. Prescription go to them If you can t come to us but don't accept somo uig'prom suDstitute. But If you como to our storo, wo aro no certain of what D.D.D. will do for you mat u unci yuu a iuji size uome on this guarantee: If you do not find that It takes away tho Itch AT ONCE it costs you not a cent. Ited Cross Djug .S.toro. Gives Instant Relief, Cures and Prevents Catarrh and Cold in the Head. Tho nulckest. hnst nml en foot Wliv to euro cntnrrh nn n nnl.l I,. tho bead, is by using a romedy nun win -loucn tno spot" nnd do Its work OlllcklV without lonvlmr any bad effects. Elv'a nm ni..i which Is applied to tho nostrils or rubbed on tho throat or chost, gors right nt tho root of tho trouble and relieves ovon tho worst case of catarrh or cold. A fow minutes nfter appllod you can feol a loosen ing up In the head, tho pain and soreness nro gono, tho senso of tnste, smell nnd hoarlng como back and you feol like a dlfforont parson. Ely's Cream Dalm cleanses, heals iiuu uireugwieiiB mo inflamed mem branes, takes away that stuffed up feeling and dull pain In tho head, relieves the throat soreness and stops tho nasty discharge which Is tho causo of tho disgust ing hawking, spitting, blowing of tho noso. nnd foul breath. Hay fe ver victims who are made miser able by fits of sneezing, coughing and wheezing get lnstnnt nnd per manent relief by tho uso of this slmplo remedy. Don't Suffer nnnHmv. ,!.,... Ely's Crenm Dalm will relieve you Immediately nnd a 50 cent bottlo i" "luio man uueiy work a com plete cure. SHOES Come to the new store for your next pair of shoes. We have just received a shipment of the celebrated "Sclby" shoes for women, widths AA to EE. AVc can and will fit your foot perfectly. Our la dies' shoes aro priced at lowest possible figures, $2.00 to $5.00. Try us once for your shoes. Also shoes for children and boys. " MONEY TALKS" - at HUBDRYGOODSCO. O 'Council Bldg. Phono 3G1-J t's a Pleasure .to Si such sweet, tonder Juicy W ,.. i... i.n.i nt tlila mirVeL E- moro plcnsuro to taste it . roast for Sunday dlMM . 1..1 mA jit ... i . nihlft I' It Will COSl you iimuiU - Our prices aro no WW otltors chargo for u mcni. rTani7lKr.n OAfiBl FOURIER BROS. Mnrsblleld Tclcpl.onf-Xoril r.. t ns.n Uiirinl m1- TwnMarkrti R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. Parties Desiring Monuments Erect WOIUU IIQ VC" " l"" "" .. PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WOI t m' South Broadway ana bw; tion from tho large awt ;;, hand. tor. Wilson bos i in hu g: tho only practical marblo nndpj ., ,---.. i-n I nrc i ;niniLV. but tho best work is turned out. Ynn Auto Calif? PHONE WW ?IJS BnKA After 11 1 . jfrjL Will nfafco 'ITU- - Keep From Fear and Worry by protecting your homo, hou hold goods and clothing from de struction and loss by gotting a policy in Tho Nownrk Flro In suranco Co., ono of tho oldest and strongest companies In ex istence; established In 1811, Us suporb strength means superb protection. Surplus to policyholders, $1, 359,881.30. French Realty C AGENTS. 315 Vj No. Front St., Mnrshflold We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7J Marahileld, Oregon. Unique PantjJ inMcrnB nd IIATIU'J AgwtforKdjTardf Co.. Fine Tallprl- make your nm""" An nnfllljl v.vf .m...a MMT..r.Tl. aess Tlmei Wnt Ads briH rwult oAnriupnoifft, PIANOS i - " ..,9 matlc CleanjuB -' worK ob & y I'll . mJwasaM r, nouso Moving A- Wo are PreP"fraact ciCa .- FJj0fJ) jijy Phono 81-J --g iwrimt Rooffl NOW Se0 OOXPM PHONE 3ia-