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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1 912-EVEN1NG f PITION. rT'T- n- Kitchen Heaters Are Practical Household Necessities in homes not equipped for heating kitchens otherwise. You can enjoy the use of gas all winter in a comfortable; clean kit chen KITCHEN HEATERS area neat; handsome attachment for the gas range They take up little room and burn your refuse and garbage OREGON POWER CO. TELEPHONE 1 78. 'TUB FRIEND OF OOOfl DAY S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIl'FKD WITH WIRKLKOS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. EUREKA SUNDAY, OCT. 6, AT 7:30 A. M. OONNROTIN'a WITH THE NORTH DANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NOIVTII PACIFIC HTEAM8HIP COMPANX". Phone 44. O. F. McGEORGE, Agent. FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped with rrlrelcu and submarine bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY Friday, Oct. 4, at 3 p. m. All Faaacnger RcnervAtions TVom Ban Francisco Must De Made at 805 Flfo RulldltiK. or Pier No. 10. INTKR-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44. C. F. McGEORGE, Agent. EQUI1TED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. BAILS FROM AINSWORTH ROOK, PORTLAND AT 8 n. in., BEIT. a, 7, ia, 17, aa and a7. from mahshfiemi at the service OF THE TIDE SKIT. 1, 0, II, ID, ai and at). Phono Main 85-L. J. O. MILLER, Agent. Steamer Washington Will Sail From San Francisco for Coos Bay Friday, September 27th WITH PASSENGERS AND .FREIGHT F. S. DOW, AgeaC Ocean Dock. WE WILL MAIL YOU 1 for each sot of old Falsa Toot Bont us. Highest prices paid f'ir old Gold, Silver, old Watches, broken Jewelry and l'reclouv Stouos. Money Sent by Return Mall, l'hllii. Smelting & Refining Co. Established 20 Years. 803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, I'a. TO DENTISTS. Wo will buy your Gold Fillings, Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Illgu est prices paid. Marshfield & North Bend Auto Line GORST & ICING. Proprietors. Cars leave Marshfield every 45 minute from 7:15 a. m. until 12:30 midnight. Leave North Bend on amo schedulo, starting at 7 a. m. until midnight. Bee Saturday Times for schedule. A modorn Brick .ulldlng, Eloctrlo Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Mctlln, Prop. Rates: 00 cents a day and upwards Cor. Rroadway and Market SEE THE NEW SHOES AT The Electric Shoe Store 100 pairs of RojV Scliool SAoca now on sale. 180 So. Broadway. Mnrshfleld. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GORTUELZ phone aiai. You Auto Call Footc PHONE 11 t-J NIGHT AND DAY' Stand front of Lloyd Hotel TWO NEW CARS After 11 P. M. Phono B-J. Resldcnco Phone U8-J. Will Muko Trip to CoqulUe. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PnONB MAIN BT-J Marshficld, Oregon, T. J. SCAIF A. 11 HODGINS S Marshfield Paint Decorating Co. Estimates MARSHFIELD, Furnlbhed. Phone 1-10.L. Oregon IMAGINATION Tliis quality of mind is as necessary to the successful business man as to the writer of popular fiction. Seeing things that as yet have no material existence ; that is what the shrewd real estate buyer docs. To his acuto vis ion a certain vacant lot is the logical site for a sky scraper or another va cant lot is the ideal site for a handsome residence. To tho dull and unseeing mind, a vacant lot is just a vacant lot, so much unused land, .nothing more. It is not luck that causes the property of tho shrewd real estate buyer to increase in value. Give the credit to his power of imagination and to his courage in acting on his judgment. From Cause to Effect Does First Addition to Marshfield appeal to you as tho logical location for a beautiful residence district? Isn't it just tho right distan'co froni tho down town part of Marshfield to insuro against undesirable features? Isn't it naturally very attractive and admirably adapted to Lome building on account of its level ground? It is sheltered from the northwest winds. It is accessible by present methods of travel and likely to be first to benefit from future improvements in transportation facilities in this city. Act on your own Judgment Secure a desirable building site in this heart of tho home section of Marshficld, while prices are still low. fi0xl20 foot lots for only $300, on easy terms. u Reynolds Development Cp. Telephony 160 Coke Building Owners. COM 0 1 0 1 (ConthTUodfromPnoFo burial of J. I). Griffith .. ..24.00 County Infirmary, P. E. Drnno, mdso 101.30 Lyons & Jones, mdso 19. 1C City Harness Shop, Blind 6.4 C J. A. Lamb & Co., hardwaro.. 6.00 Coqulllo Hardwaro Co., hardwaro 4.25 W. C. Laird, mattress COO Walter Culln, mod. nttendanco 4.00 Skoels & Son, rail bo 00.05 R. S. Knowlton, drugs C.6C Goo. A. Robinson, mdso 19.80 11. N. Loronz, mdso 20.C0 Johnson Moat Market, moat ..20.30 Coqulllo Mill & Morcantllo Co., fencing 13.29 Winifred Drown, labor . . . . 70.00 Allan McLcod, 2 mo. salary as Supt 108.33 Insane. Walter Culln, examination of Al- klnso and Rhodes 10,00 S. S. Shlulds, care, custody, etc. Rhodes, Insano 17.30 In Ro Taxation. Coqulllo Valley Sentlnol, pub. de linquent tax list, 5481 lines 274.05 Hlngor Hermann, refund of taxes erroneously assessed .. ..136.88 Honda and Bridges, Special. Moon & Ilarclay, partial payment"" contract, R. D. No. 26 ..1000.00 Mntt Nystrom, balance In full llurns contract, R, D. No. 26 766.17 II. V. Hoverstott, balance In full contract, R. D. No. 11.. ..C76.00 E. N. Harry, balance on contract, R. D. No. 12 869.60 CoqulUe Hardwaro Co., 40 cases powder, R. D. No. 12.. ..240.00 L. A. Lawhorn, services as special road master, R. D. No. 11.. 11.34 L. A. Lawhorn, services as special road master, R. D. No. 12, .. .8.69 L. A. Lawhorn, services as special road master, R. D. No. 30.. 10.33 A, N. Gould, surveying, mileage, etc., R. D. No. 11 10.50 Marlon Custer, chalnman R. D. No. u 3.00 Irvln Custer, chalnman, R. D. No. 11 3.00 Myrtle Point Enterprise, pub. no tices to contractors, R. D. No. 30 1.75 A. N. Gould, surveying, miloage, Mast, Ingram contract, R. D. No. 30 14.00 Marlon Custer, chalnman, R. D. No. 30 6.00 Refund 10U Void Tax, It. D. No. O, Special. J. R. Hunch E.25 J. D. Davis, executor 44.92 Harry Winkler i.o Robort Wakoflold 6.82 Simon Enogren 3.93 J. D. Davis 12.30 Charles S. Hoffman 9.60 Geo. W. Stemmcrman 3.80 John Enogren 7,50 W. r. Squlro 1.86 Refund 1008 Void Tax, R. I). No. 20, Special. Phillip Ploffmnn 24.00 Joseph W. Korr 23.80 Roads, Bridge and Ferries. General Road Fund . . East Marshfield Forry. , . Evening Record, cloth signs . . 3.60 Columbia Machine Works, drift bolts, clinch rlngB, labor.. .,1.30 Norton & Hansen, 1 record 76 Sumner Hardwaro Co. 1 Ck. valvo 75 C. A. Jobnson, 1 II. glass, 2 frames 12 ft. moulding 1.45 Coos Ray Wiring Co., 3 lamps . .2.70 Pioneer Hardwaro Co., supplies furnished 6.90 Marshllold Hardwaro Co., hose. string, otc 17.80 I. A. Hall, 2 mo. salary as captain 140.00 Oeorge Elliott, 2 mo. salary as en gineer 140.00 Goo. Rhoda, 2 mo. salary as deck hand 80.00 J. N. McNalr, 2 mo. salary, cash paid for ropalrs, CoqulUe ferry t t M3tUU D. F. Shlolds, 2 mo. salary, Dul lards ferryman 120.00 Wyman Albee, 2 mo. salary as South Slough bridge tenderlOO.OO Roads and Bridge. Ruling, Lundy ft Sons, 4000 lbs. L. F. Stump powder 471.67 J. W. Grout, hauling plank, South Slough to Sunset Day .... 73,00 T. M. Hermann, 3160 ft. fencing R. D. No. 28 126.40 Duffalo Steam Roller Co., dump wagon, wheelbarrows, etc 973.20 A. L. Young Machinery Co., Ft. Wayno bucket elevator, etc 110,40 Coos Day. Roseburg & EaBtorn R. R. & Nav. Co., freight bridge material , 12,60 Coos Day, Rosoburg & Eastern R. R. & Nav. Co., freight on rock 70.00 Coqulllo Mill & Mercantile Co., lum ber for R. D. No. 16 .. ..208.41 Sugar Loaf Lumber Co., lumber for R. D. Nos. 17 and 23 . .332.99 Simpson Lumber Co., lumber R. D. No. 3 99.00 James D. Laird, damages claimed by falling of Cherry Creek bridge 64.50 D. C. Kay. 10.750, ft. piling . .698.75 Bandon Hardware Co., supplies furnished R. D. No. 19 . . 328.32 John Shutter, 4 da. labor with team, R. D. No. 1, (Dec. 1906) 16.00 A. R. Enyeart, 7400 ft. fencing, claim $296.00 reduced and al lowed 176.00 Hullng, Lundy and Sons, spikes, bolts, washer, (bridge work) 5.40 Marshflold Hardwaro .Co., 3 boxes powder, R. D. NoT 19.87 Rock Crusher, Labor, .Sfatwlnl, etc. DoWltt Clinton, smithing. . ..10.50 Walter Darklow, labor 10.00 Isom Clinton, labor 66.12 Thoo. Clinton, labor 45.00 J. D. Clinton, labor, cc 172.10 Isom Clinton, labor .. ,. 67 7 T. W. McCloskey. labor .. .'.84'.00 Cal Ray, labor and wood . . . .96.75 Gone Colo, labor 59 97 w ." Pnar??' bolt ,ac,n ...ll2B aUSr- nJnr,0W' ,abor C8.75 Marshflold Hardware Co,, whool- barrows 29.15 Chester Schrooder, labor .. ..94.05 Percy Schrooder, labor .... 35.30 Hullng, Lundy & Sons 33.41 Goorgo Hickman, labor nnd wood 61.12 .J. G. Clinton, labor 26.00 James Darkdoll, labor .... 22.50 Gone Colo, labor 50.00 Walter Darklow, labor .... 40.00 Frank Nelson, labor 159.38 Frank F. Cook, labor 132.80 Georgo Houghton, 'labor nnd team 116.62 John Carl, labor 116.90 Myrtle Point Hdw. Co., hwd.. . 21.22 Theodore Clinton, labor .. ..02.50 R. W. Hnughton, wood .... 18.00 Ray Lewis, labor 77.80 W. M. TracyThicks 1.87 CoqulUe Mill & Mercantile Co.. 8.00 Coqulllo Hardwaro Co., hdw... 2.95 Norway Store, supplies .... 9.60 A. N. Gould, surveying bridge slto making specifications, etc. ..35.00 Marlon Custer, chalnman survey ing brldgo site 3.00 A. N. Gould, surveying, mlloago, profiles, B$ar Creek et nl Rds. . 45.50 Irvln Custer, chalnman, Dear Creok and South Fork rds 12.OO C. W. Marshall, chalnman South x,F?Tk rJ' 6.00 Marlon Custer, chalnman South n Pork rd . 6.00 Georgo Langolr, axmnn South Fork nTA 2.50 U Carman, nxman, South Fork rd 2,50 O. K. Neal, axman, South Fork rJ 2.50 In Re Miscellaneous Bills. GeneralFund. L. A. LUJeqvlst. Deputy Pros. At ty expense in enforcing crira- t lnws 360.00 J. D. Pointer, livery hire, coal 13.60 Coos Day Homo Telephone Co., rental nnd tolls, 2 phones.. 60.69 Mnnsell Drayage Co., draylng for Court House 2 76 Pacific Stationery Printing Co.' bine print cloth, level books 10.75 Quick's Exchange, filing 2 hand Baws 50 A. McNalr, galvanized iron pipe for surveyor 14.83 C. K. Skeels & SonB, oil and gold dust, court houso 350 The J. K..G1U Co., rolls tracing cloth Burroughs Adding 'u'.,l; ..It ribbonn .. . . K. "achl Co", -. Dinuir. lfthn. ". ..1 "wi unn k... 1 court nouBo . . nm Coqulllo River EleVtrlcV;-!! trie current 2 mo Co'' ' Coqulllo Steam Laundry'"' July and August i97i llw ". v. lyrreu, 3 oads ri. ' James Watson. -.!?. o4li , Vol 69 of Orcgoa'" Court reports.. SoBrta, J. T. Noslor, mow'hVi,: ! spading court house- yij1 "' Fuhnnan'8 Pharmacy. & H typo. riDuons, tablets ... W. W. Gago, board oVh,-"' - " ADDrebr!'i4' Dennis McCarthy, crulslnj Mill5 04 acres, otc 7.7' r, Clerk's Offlce.' Inoo F. Tliinrli. 1,. Irtn matin 1i 111! Assessor's Offlce IIS Idn Eisner. Inhm. W Dorothy Wntnnn. i.V- Hi AanAi)HHJ- A. B. Collier, labor T. B. Currlo, labor .. .' ,! Jann Lnwn. Inhn.. II ' ...MJ, ,, .. IIMln TJirlff 1nl,.. IH Sheriff', nm'l " 1S,l Mnbol Crouch, comparing UijJ Idn Elsnor, labor'..".. '). W. M. Richardson. ..V;"'' Commitment GuBtafMa. 1, a S. Shields, special depatr'i rest of LyloPcrrlne...;'''1, Robort Emory. sDoclal rt.nn..".. ' vlng bonch warrants, ete! 11 5r,,5TTBpcf1Mde')u4iiii . .. ,..i-twiB, county rrult b. upoctor, por dlom and eiptu, i,r.V. ",. ltd vrnuur iuiin, a mo, salary at ui-uiui uiuior 11. tir tt n..i I :" '"til . 11. uuueu, county scDool iim I salary, oxponno. einenm t.n. ors training school, etc District Scliool Roard Conreufci B. J. Myorn, S. D. No. 3 n J. O. Whlttington, S.D.No. 'll W. A. Arnold, 8. D. No. .. ,j 'J. J. Stanley, S. D. No. I .. ..u F. A. Tlodgon, S. D. No. ) ,.j O. II. Sell, S. D. No. 14 : M. J. Clinton, S. D. No. i "Edna 8. Fahy, 8. D. No. 21., J. A. Dcadmond, 8. D. No. 11, ,H E. M. Clayton, 8. D. No. 21.. ,. J. J. Morris, 8. D. Ni. 29 li 'Albert Darklow, 8. D. No. ll,,il uonjamin Roborts, B. D. No. II. tt J. E. Fitzgerald, 8. D. No. 10.. II M. O. Stommlor. 8. D. No. 41..1! J. II. Darklow, 8. D. No. 41. ...II M. D. Prlco, 8. D. No. 45 II Chas. E. Jordan, 8. D. No. 41, .11 II. D. TlBdale, S. D. No. DO.... il J. H. Pinkorton, 8. D. No. 51. .11 M. Drouor, S. D. No. 64 1.1 Georgo Tobln, S. D. No. 65. ...II C. B. Mattson, 8. D. No. El.. II 0. A. Sohlbredo. 8. D. No. ST.. II S. A. Hufford, S. D. No. 68.. ..M Andrew J. Frodorlckson, 8. D. ho. 79 II Josso D. Clinton, 8. D. No. 10 ..II Mary E. Thompson, 8. D. No. II II County Court. John F. Hall. 2 mo. salary u Co. Juilrn. cash advanced for llurr 1 otc. XMIH W. T. Domont. nor diem at Co. Coram., mlloago, etc .. .. IUI Goo. J. Armstrong, per dlm u Co. Coram., mlloago, etc... HIH John F. Hall, cash paid for Mb hire, oxam. rdB. and brldiwUM Geno WIckham, auto hire for Co. Pniirf II" In Ro Rills Continued, IUdotfdf Not. Allowed. Alma Jackson, carbon copy of teri mony, Btato vs. uoacn, i.v Ptnlm nf Pnlnr Menecat. Ttlti BC ron. Chas. N. Norrir, J. D. Mwn A. F. Johnson, mills anori, jwi nnd clerks of election luttu procinct, reduced l.uu nv- if iin f Plnraon. 4tu jasP Lakesldo Pet. $4.00 not tnoirfl A. R. Enyoart, claim for iewi .i..-.i i 01 nn A XT Rnnlit nntlmateg. mP. ' 'Cooston roads, mt. 130.00 11UUUU. , ...l., Application of Georgo Ell oil W croaBO In salary, as eui""' Mfld. forry, continued. , uiaim 01 uuai guttu.i ---.,. for labor performer In R. w. ' referred to J. w. uro' "'" CTalm of Coqulllo .Hardware Co, H J3.50, roturnoa ior iicu""- .Dlont- ..,rt0lH uiaim or w. w. uUb ..-" . and Clayburg, continued, A. N.' Gould, MtaWlrtmeBt rf J uov't corners, cmi "-.hbI-I red back for Itemized iUUW I Stato of Oregon: County of Coos: bs. , rI,.vjrl I, James Watson, Count! aw '(J Coos County, binie ui J," .,1 offlcio Clerk of tho County Com' J said County and bw. " rf tlie rocoras, nrenpre. --- - ,hlt tt Vouml'a?- J""JnnWi0iti BWfl loregoing ia u ii" ""' , niiu WI mont of tho amounts of u ., ed, continued or not ww- vn.lAin fiinilR OI IHO vuum. . ... ed by the County Court of uu ty and State at tho RM'wth7 ber 1912 tero were"., r cmb appear in 1110 j"'"- ,- Ar now in my ofllco and custody. , .. Wliness ui " --- . tb iiu tho county ou" " ,91 day of September A. D. ' ny, JAMBa "",., I County ""i AUTO RACER nORT. Brace Brown Meets With Acd . f- n cod (By Associated Press to i"" Bay Timeo. M MILWAUKEE, Oct. ,.,ii Brown, auto racer and b tUf Injured very seriously -V i(t turning of his car on the v .- ran hnrn today. "" itd broueht unconscious to m hra thii relatives nave for. LmM