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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1912)
1 il glllTSjHOW SAWING WQQD AND TACITURNITY A RE GOOD R UNNING MAT ES -Zn In Tho TIMES SSvourltea."'" B"?1. tho Scs Of ttH "POB L.t before tuo o thoro tc" in iu". - . . . ... .u nuifc'- SP" .!SS'oown o" "in It! fffl '" (tea fdC& efattw MEMRER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) WANT ADVERTISING in Tho TIMES Will Keep your Income front Furnished Rooms Stoutly. YOU can really help tlio family revenues' by renting u low furnished rooms ami, if you know how and whon to uso tho classified columns, you may kcop that llttlo oxtra in- como as "stoady as a clock." Urmmur u.u.ubx1WJ1- . rszzr TTT-.i ... n78 niAncunici n nRERfHI ...iil Eiiaim""' - : mnn..i .-.-. ...., XAAV'm The ". 1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1912 EVENING EDITION. i ORISDRGED OS I U I If LUliflL UUniHtnblAL bLUbo A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll n cc nntl Coos liny Advertiser. , lv,u uo wuuwmiinniii I ... cnt tn Rnnt. Robert Cm " 1 1110 1 " ksjffiw SUICW'U" " .... ntinrt n Fnnt That Rill Be a Big Year ( oruoosDay nf iirclnc ft sur- jwv'v".: .... . nni. 1 i inn mill rnnrc- , POft tOIDDIlMi" - (.f)larsMlell and Cnmmorchil '" .. ....... ....... Iw.lil vnn- .(North ucnu, n . i- i.iu fiiv. Every ifintrnoon in -' - l(reli anxious that tho Biirvoy ttfprolwtilioul.l ho mndu this JUlble. Telegrams wore l,r' ..,., , i..l l.o W '" A ,. 1o this 110 Hie mu - J p 'McssIIRfS. ....i.- Mm f int luIoitrnniH iwereiint, nil bcliiK directed ijtila Robert: Tiixii. ii. Honnirr. r.lEBglnecw, rortinnu. uregtm. ...u.l mmHm? nf tlin l'Ort of By Commission, held this day, .-.IJ..I n-fia rnniio'tteil to wire tut oa account of tho Increased aw promised lor 1110 year . in.ion II lu vnrv essential il kiio wrvcy for now project H. On their behalf I would ittroanso your heat endoavora .maimmeiiiaio survey ho huh Hirninln Imfnro lmil weather m. wv wuv v". - - ...I.- m.if linvi. mi nnrinr. jtoiKore appropriation for lin- u rtuti v. mo lowing hcbhuju MFtM- . h. J, KI.Ml'SUIN. htlajtbatan emergency oxlHts xiat ot Ihe absolutely nHStirotl Iw of fomracrco for Coos liny (tktletn thirteen which wo bo- UU tt least CO per cent, wo !r urge you to hasten nurvoy fill to that wo may ohtnln np- puoa it the coining session of to. IBA n. baiitli:. !t North Dond Commercial -wtrje prompt action on ro- atnrreyof liar and harhor In ptet matters In shnno to nak p lor relief this coming hob- D. C. RIIEEM. H Hirshflcld Chamhor of -rce. '-b to endorso messnKes of uicciuay Commission. MarBh- M Commercial Cluh. '" 'a Lumber and Mnnufnc- Coawny. 'Xi Lumber Company. film n.a... n . .. i. i .;.'"" v-uiii puny.. ,.. ., """"in v wiuimiiy, 3L aM nanU of Coos Day, -JlKa t Hlnnnl Tln..l. V il v""v,v lll. jMtlonal Dank, North nond, ff Omirnn W.ii. r . y. -Sf? Jran,PrtBtlon Co. - -uos nay Ktoamshlp ittivL nn08rburR & Eastern TV ' Co. ffiICS,e!lm8,,l Co. :.M Lumber Co." i7tt-faeturlnB Co. "iB'J Shipbuilding Co. tSnins Co. ic ,,r"ai L0- JtS.lmCo, wWI CM1 and Fuel nn 'Jrovrer p0 ' futhrie Co.! by P. S. Dow, SCOOU. HVK:S!J : ,o--"-1 '-v "". ., ..,". TK l cnntlnnoB to I-'-HL.V '" rI,0rtS- I7'r 'l-'tr, , "i" HHl Tirorpj. ' ",ll"i conui- 'nX, i rrrort mnrkoil ! ,1-8 1 - )nve aliout ''f- ., , 1n 'i mdle. Fir J . t f I 111 Mm l " ,. ( , ' i(jo '''"il...,; "" lumber Iocs ,,0B t&. run' Curs are ." ctiay. BREAKWATER ARRIVES TODAY Brings Large Cargo of Freight and Many Passengers Sails Saturday. Tho Btcntnor Urcakwntor arrived todny from Portland with n lnrso cargo of freight nud u hlg iiasHcngor llBt. Sho will nail for Portland nt 1 p. in. Snturtlny. Tho following uro thoso who nrrlved: W. Itudolph, W. U. Uohlnson. L. Caller, Mnry Knrgo, Mtb. Ii. T. Maury, MIhh Mnury, Luuhlld .Tohansnn, Mrs. C. I). Illckor, D. E. Smith, J. 11. Vnl len, P. Olooor, h. Chard, C. V. Mll lor, J. A. Kennedy, C. II. Prcomnn, Mrs. V. 13. IllankoiiHhlp. Wolln lllnnkoiiBhlp, Dolln Vest, J. Ostllnd, A. .lohnsnn, .1. N. Gould, Evolyn Young, V. J. Ilocyo. .1. Pruoss, .1. I)titton, 0. Moss, .1. Pulwln, E. .1. HnsmUBHou, C. M. Dinkey, O. II. .lor tiulst, O. Pylwln, .1. KroinliiKn, R M. Storn, A. V. Dorrlngor, C. I). routo, Mrs. It. 13. I.ooiiiIh, Mrs. J. Could, FIohhIo (lould, Ivor .lohnuson, W. II. CurtlH. P. 13. Ilnguo. Mrs. P. E. Ilnguo, A. Conch, II. P. Mod, Mrs. IIIbIiop, Eunlto Wurrou, Mnhel War ren, Ilnzol Moody, .7. M. Ilowon. J. P. Itynn, Cnnrles SulpoH, Mrs. .7. II. lllrkH, Tlim IlookH, J. M. Hicks, P. CnrlHtm, 13. Ecklow. J. h. Orny, C. II. ChnmhorH. P. MnlT, J. .1. I.nwrenco, I). Lund. C. I). Shocmnckor, .1. 13. Ed wards. 11. Ii. Nichols, W. T. Ilolen hor, P. h. Stums, J. C. Sottlor, P. Sain, A. Hook, Uzzlo Kromlngn, Hu tlolph Kromlngn, Oertrudo Kromlngn, Itlchunl Kromlngn, M. (lldloy, Mrs. M. Qltlloy. It. C. Young, Mrs. It. C. Young, Prod I.lch. THE ELKS HE A BIG RIGHT Initiate a Number of Prominent Citizens into Mysteries of the Order. LnBt night wns n hlg night with tho Elks. If you nro In douht nsk Dorsoy Kroltzor or Prodorlek 13. T.eofo or An Bon O. Hogors. Thoy will toll you thnt It wns n hlg night at least for thorn. Then thoro wns Archlo Kruso, Colby K. Porry nntl V. S. Turpen thoy will ndmlt thoro wns "somothlng doing." , , Thoy wnntlorotl througli tlio mngicu forosts to tho clear, cool pools of Elkdom. Tho occasion was n largo Initiation nnd nil tho cnndldntos nntl sevornl of tho inombora woro prosont. Nono of them, howovor, would dlscloso what took plnco during tho initiation. Aftor tho rogulnr ortior or uusinusu thoro wns a banqpot, whoro n "feast of ronson and n flow of soul" enliv ened tho ovonlng. h. J. Simpson nctod ua tonstmnstor nnd filled tho chair In hla nccustomod grncoful nnd oloquont manner. Among thoso who responded to toasts woro Anson O. Rogers. Ivy Condron, C. K. Perry, W. R. Ilnlnos, C. P. McKnlght, Archlo Kruso, Prodorlek C. Loofo nntl others. Tho occasion wns most dollghtful nnd ono thnt will bo romomborcd by nil whom participated. SUPPLY RUNS OUT. s ss Capt. Macgenn of the Steamer Breakwater Tells How Traf fic Is Growing Greater. That Coos nay Is enjoying an In rrengo In business Is plainly shown by an Intonlow with Cnpt. Mncgonn of tho Htenmor llronkwatcr. Tho captain Is quoted ns follows: "In Bumming up whnt has boon handled during Soptombor wo found that 1000 tons more wero transport ed on tho Hrcnkwntor than during Heptemhor 1011. Resides thcro has boon n mnterlnl Incrcaso In passen gers, nntl It cannot ho wald that It Is a sudden spurt duo to tho railroad activity, for It has been apparent to nil concerned In handling cargo for months thnt tho gain has been grntl ual. Coos Ray Is not n boom center, consequently thoro nro no Inflated real cstato values or It I nil red advan tages doing taken of tho good times." In fact Capt. Macgonn snys that tho outlook Is so onrniirnKlni: that It HAVE GALLED W S Rev. Burkehart of Medforcl to Take Charge of Presby terian Church. Tho inombora of tho Presbytorlnn church linvo Issued a call to Row Mr. Rurkohart of Mcdford, former pnstor lu North Dond, to ho the pas tor of tlio local church. IIo has re sponded to tho cnll and will nrrivo horo about tho middle of Octohor. Tho Sunday school of tho Presby terian church Is preparing n big rnl ly to bo given nbout tlio tlmo of tho now pastor's arrival In Mnrshflold. Mr. Rurkohart Is qulto well known on Coos Hay, on account of hnvlng been pastor at North Rend. Ho Is nn ospcclally fino vocalist. NEW MANAfiEK NAMED. 11. J. Pyo is Placed In Chnigo or North lend .Manufacturing Co. II. J. Pyo has been placed In chnrgo of tho box factory of tho Coos Ray Manufacturing Co. nt North Rend, succeeding Manager aclsendorfor, who has retired from tlio nusincss. Mr. Pyo enmo hero a fow dnys ago with P. V. Kern of San Francisco, who is tho owner of tho factory. J. P. MORGAN GN THE STAND has been decided to operato tho Hrcakwater with as llttlo loss of tlmo na possible this winter nntl Instead of her schedule being confined to nightly sailings from Portland, she loft nt 8 o'clock Wednesday morning nnd will lonvo nt that hour over Wcdnosdny during October nntl re turn to that harbor Sundny after noons. Tho schoilulo will chnnge Novem ber u to the evening sailings, but so long ns sho gets away from Portland In tlio morning It will bo possible for her to Icavo tho river the snmo tiny. In March tho stoamcr will bo placed on tho k n mm or schedule ngnln, de parting every flvo days. The gasolino schooner Anvil, sail ing from Portland last ovonlng, wns ns full of cargo as alio could bo, tho most of It destined for Nowport nnd Rnndon. Tho Btcntnor Alllnnco, car ried full cargo out of hero last weok nnd had fit pnssougers. Sho Is ex pected In with about tho same load on Friday or Saturday WWWWVW', OLD LAW SUIT TO BET Local Attorneys Go to San Francisco to Appear in Federal Court. Judgo John P. Hall nnd .1. M. Upton will lonvo overland tomorrow for Snn Francisco, whoro thoy will try n cnRO of Importnneo In tho United States circuit court of appeals. Tho caso Is that of 13. A. Anderson and R. II. Herron, tho latter now dead, ngnlnst tho Oregon Conl and Navi gation, coinpnny. Tho enso Involvos tho whnrfago rights of mud flats In Mnrshflold nnd hns boon through tho courts for n long time. Tho caso first wns fitartod In 1 007. It has been throuch tho Coos county circuit court, tho Unltod Stntes district court nnd will now bo tried out In tho Uni ted StntOB circuit court of nppcalt. Tho noxt Btep, If the caso is taken to n higher court, will bo iui nppoal to tho supremo court. Judgo Hall roprosonts Anderson nnd Horron, whllo Mr. Upton roprosonts tho Ore gon Conl nntl Nnvlgntlon coinpnny. Attorney Smith of Portland will bo associated with Mr. Upton In fighting his Bldo of tho cnao. NORTH BEND G011ERCIAL CLUB ' FAVORS PERMANENT ROAD IUI SAAAAWSAVSAVAAW BOAT LAWS ARE STRICT Will Meet Next Monday Night to Take Some Definite Action. APPROVE OF ALL YEAR HIGHWAY NOR PAYROLL BIG 2Vhphkn,n(i Y0D have -- vuiupnny. Cnpt. Mnrgenu Rrintr Hull Moose Huttons from Portland. In ntldltlon to tho regular cargo of frolght on tho steamer Rroakwa tor this trip, Cnpt. Macgonn brought n llttlo shipment of his own In tlio shnpo of null Mooso buttons and pic tures of Roosovolt. Regarding it tho Oiogonlnn says: "When tho steamor Rroakwator loaves today for Coos Ray, Cnpt. Mac genn will tnko with him n gonorous Rimniv nf Ttoosovolt campaign but tons for distribution nmong tho mem bers of tho third party In .Moraiinem , nnd surrounding towns. Capt. Mac gonn In nn enthusiastic supporter I nnd ndmlror of tho ex-prosldent nnd attended tho original null Moose 'state convention in this city several weoks ago," Cnpt. Macgonn when ho arrived In Mnrshfleld snld ho thought ho had a goodly supply of buttons, but that his supply did not meet with tho de mand nnd that ho has telegraphed for 1500 more buttons. Have your Jot) prlntlnr done t Ta rplm.aa nfHftA- I'l.XA.Mll'ilk U.mi? i J "'.tin .' SENATE COMMITTEE AHOUT THE CAMPAION FUND. (Ry Associated Press to tho Coob Day Times). WASHINGTON, Oct. 3. J. Pior pont Morgan was tho first Important witness to tostify todny In tho Clnpp commltteo Investigating tho cam paign funds. Ilia npponrnnco enmo closo on Georgo R. Sholdon'B sensn tlonal testimony of yesterday and was expected to ndd nddltionnl testi mony of heavy campaign contributions. SAYS COOS BAY IS BEST EVER . IJ. HAGUE RETURNS FROM AN EXTENDED TRIP THROUGH THE MIDDLE WEST PAVOHS SOUTHERN OREGON. Many Owners of Launches Are Not Meeting the Require ments. An Inspector hns been looking Into tho equipment of tho gasoline boats In tho Const ports with a view of soolng thnt thoy enrry the lights, whistles nnd other appliances that aro required by law. Most of tho Coos Ray boats comply with whnt Is re quired, but there are somo of tho prlvnto boats which do not have all of tho equipment thnt Is necossnry. Tho laws nro comparatively now nnd nil of tho bont owners do not scorn to bo familiar with what tho law requires. Mnny penplo hnvo the Impression that n boat not engaged lu carrying pnssougers for hire Is not required to carry lights, whistle, ate, but that Is a mistake. No mnttor If tho owner uses tho boat only In IiIh own business tho roqiitromonts of tho Inw nro tho snmo. It must bo provided with u whistle, llro oxtlngulshor, lights nntl ono Ufa preserver for each person on tho boat. A foldor furnished by tho govern ment for distribution nmong boatmen gives tho regulations In n condonsod form. Every owner of n lnunch should procuro n ropy nnd become fnmlllar with Its requirements. Thoso who noglcct to Inform themselves on this subject may find thomsolves cal led upon to nnswor for their neglect In enso another Inspector should lslt this harbor to Investigate tho condi tions. Those who nro wise will hood tho warning already given nnd pro vttlo tholr boats with tho necessary safeguards. President of Organization Gives Some Good Ideas on the Subject. Tho North Rend Commercial Club hold n business meeting last night. It wns expected to tako up the per manent rond question hub ns n number of the mombors who nro In terested could not ho present, tho mnttor waB tloferred until Mondny night when another meeting will bo held nnd somo action taken regard ing Mayor Morrison's plnn for tho pormnncnt highway. Tho members of the club nil scorn to favor tho road plan. Tho presi dent, Dr. Rnrtlc, Is enthusiastic ovor the mnttor. Ho favors selecting n road which will sorvo nil tlio cltlca of tho county. Ills Idea Is that there should ho one trunk road to connect with Rnndnii nnd tho sea nt Coon Ray nnd believes that the Myrtlo Point rond Is the best to Improve, for tho reason that It hns tho host grttdo nntl nlso will reach nil of the cities In tlio county. As well ns favoring n permanent rond good for nil times of tho yonr tho mombors of tho North Rend club nlso fnvor tho plan of n ferry from North Rond to Kentuck Inlot nnd tho connecting of that rond with AlhM gany mid Ton Mllo. W NOT REQUIRED TO DECLARE Figures Just Compiled Show That Sister City Is Making Great Strides. Recently compiled figures show thnt tho total pay roll of tho various Industries of North Rond nggrogdto $34,800 n month. This is equal to nbout $120,000 n yoar. Thoso figures aro baBcd on tho pnyrolla of tho month of August nnd Is n big Incroaso over tho. pnyrolls of six months ngo. All of tho milla nnd fnctorlea nro run nlng nnd nro abort of mon. Tho monthly pny roll of tho city In detail follows: Simpson Lumber Co $ 8,800 Kruso & Ranks shipyard. . . . 10,000 Rox factory 0,750 Sash nnd door factory 4,000 Shlnglo mill 1.000 Foundry 1.000 Condonsary 1,000 Oregon Power Co (in North Rend only) p00 Rrowory p0 City schools l.00 Total for month $3 1,800 OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT. F. W. nortrnm, formorly with ci,.m'a x. rn nt Rnn Francisco. wishes to announco thnt ho Is open Mr and Mrs. Frank E. Haguo re-' for business nt 130 N. Hrondwny. Ho turned today from nn extended tour W1U' carry a good lino of clocks, through tho Mlddlo Wost. Whllo watches, Jowolry, diamonds, sllvor nwny Mr. Haguo underwent n critical waro, optical goods, otc. Flno watoh operation nt tho hospital of Drs.ropalrlng and ongravlng will bo dono Mayo in Rochester, Minnesota, but by him porsonnlly. All goods bought ills present ruggod nppoaranco war-; jn his storo will bo engravod f reo of rnt.t tho statomont that ho Is now 'charge Good goods, popular prices. enjoying tho host of health and has fully recovered from tho effects or his operation. Mr. Haguo saya that business con ditions on tho outside nro oxcollont nnd that ho looks for a largo Increase In businoss In genoral, nnd nlso on Coos Hay within tho next fow months, Whllo nway Mr. and Mrs. Hague visited all tho principal cities of the country, but nowhere did thoy find any placo that looked better to them than Coos Day. PETITIONS FILED. Candidates for Commissioners nnd County Surveyor Go on Ticket. Tho potltlons of L. J. Simpson nnd Peter Logglo for mombors of tho Port Commission nnd tho petition of II. C. Dlors for county surveyor have been filed with tho county clerk, al so tholr lottors of acceptance. The clerk stated that tho potltlons and letters wero In duo form so theso North Dend mon will bo candidates. Republican Central Committee Does Not Demand an Expression. County candldntos on tho Repub lican tlckot woro not called upon to doclnro thonisolvca for olthor Rooso volt or Tnft by tho county Ropubllonn central commltteo, the inombora or which mot yostordny nt Coqulllo". P. M. Hnll-Lowla, who la tho chairman or tho commltteo prosldod. Thoso nt tondlng rrom tills city wero C. I. Rel- gnrd. who hold n proxy or F. M. Mtz gorald or Eastport. Tho commlttoo mot nt 10 n. m. Tho mutter or prox los nntl vnenncios was rororred to tho commlttoo on vncauclos, which did not roport until nftornoon. A com mltteo on resolutions wns nppolntod nnd roportod nt tho nftornoon so sion, nftor which tho commlttoo on vnenncios reported nnd nllowod tho proxlos, A resolution was prosontod endors ing tho Ropubllonn plntform nntl tho administration of Taft nnd nlso ro quosted thnt tho county cnndldntos bo asked to declaro thomselvos as to tlio alloglanco to Tnrt. Mr. Rolgurd took tho stnnd thnt this could not bo dono, ns It would bo contrary to tho lnwa or Oregon, which provldo that It will bo lllognl for any cnndldnto to do claro hla support of any rortnln can dldato on tho grounds that It might bo dono to ndvnnco the interestit or hla cnmpnlgn. Tho Inws being thua oxplalnod to tho committee that clauso In tho rosolutlon was stricken out nnd tho rosolutlon endorsing the Republican ndmlnistrntlon was pass ed. , Tho proxlos wero allowed by tho commltteo on vnenncios. but Mr. Rel gard statos that he and others who hold proxlos do not feel themselves bound to any nctlon or the committee on resolutions as they were not ad mitted to n seat on the committee un til nftor tho rosolutlon committee wns named. Charlos II. Marsh was named as a committee member from Marsbfieltl to tnko tho place of P. M. Hall-Lewis, who now resides In Coqullle. Mr. Hnll-Lowls It not a member of the committee, having given up IiIh resi dence In this city, but he is still the chairman. Men and womon nro dlfforont in this. A man can bo drlvon to drink nnd n womnn can bo lod astray, Tho result Is about tho sanio. L BE LARGE ONE Big List of Candidates and Many Measures to Be Voted Upon. Tho ballot which must Im voted by tho peoplu lu November will he u long one. Tho secrotnry of stato has com pleted the ballot practically hh It will bo certified to tho countv dorks of tho different counties. Resldos tho 38 monsures and soven local measuroB to go on tho ballot In certnln coun ties nlono there Is n long list of cnn dldntos. Flvo pnrtlos nro ropresentoil with cnndldntos for doctors. Thoy nro tho Republican, Domocrntlc, Pro grosslvo, Prohibition nnd Snclnltst parties. Flvo doctors nro to be vot ed Tor. For roprosontntlvos and senators In tho Stato Loglslaturo tho bocrotnry of state cortlflos only thosa who nro to bo cnndldntos In two or more coun ties. Tho cnndldntos nro certified ns tholr nominations appear ns filed with tho secrotnry of stnto, and tho county clerk solocla thoso who nro to nppoar on tho rospoctlvo county bal lots, It being tho duty of tho ro spoctlve clorks to prepare tho ballota ns thoy finally will be votod on nt tho olcctlon. Wing Time Cloned. Tlmo for filing acceptances baa dosod and only thoso who are nom inated by Individual electors still hnvo nn opportunity to ohtnln spneo on tho bnllot. Such potltlons mny bo rilod up to within 30 days preceding tlio gonorul election. McLnlu ns Elector; Hugh McLnln or this city will bo n cnndldnto Tor doctor nnd not ror stnto Bonntor. Tho fallowing Is tho nnswor glvon Mr. McLnln by the soc lotnry of stnto: "As you filed n formal petition with tho Secrotary of Stato under tho primary law to have your nnmo printed on tho olllclnl ballots of tho Democratic party na n cnndldnte for nomination ror prosldontlal elector, wherein you promised, ir nominated, not to withdraw, nnd were nomi nated, It Is hold by this office thnt such nnmlnntlon tendered ion for the olllce of state senator by tho membors or the Democratic pnrty writing your nnmo thereror on tho ballot. Hence, your name will bo duly rortiried to the lospectlve county clerks only as n candidate of tlio Democratic pnrty for presidential doctor ror the rensnn that section 33S7, Lord's Code, provides 'no per son shall be qualiriM to be a candi date ror more than io otflee to bo filled at the san -'. on.' " The average woman vWm all men; bachelors because they nren t married, and tho married men be ci'uso they have tho kind or w!vea thoy have Sunshlno In n woman's bosom Is better than a sunburst on P - but you can't make her bellovo it. i ; i ' ' I 3 1 ;J Ml ' il l . . j-a iiili r1 -g