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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1912)
7 f IS THAT VICTORY WON, A TRIUMPH RARE. A DEED WELL D0NE---WHEN WE HAVE CONQUERED WRONG daos S Bed Ksto "In WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES Will Keep your Income, from Furnished Rooms Steady. ""T.'.irrircctireiri ... tws i the focls nuoui yu... YOU enn really help tho family I rovenues by renting a few furnlBhca be Ti town. And If tnoro SflS S ought to own rooms and, If you know how and 1 when to uso tho classified columns, you may keep that llttlo extra In- r..n in fOU""" MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATE!) PltEStl como as "stoauy as a clock." -T7,i i 1878 MARSHFIPLD. (iRPfinrM. VVyVLnoastMa... TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1912 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mali 0. 63. and Coos Hay Advertiser. " IS OF if BALKAN STATES 10 MARCH ON TURKEY n- t .- . fLET us talk it over EXPLOSION ON DESTROYER "?:"" Easi7n" bun l. IsBelng Made by Russia yEngianaionuvum llie uiasn. IssocWed Press to Tho Coos Oct. l.-Kvcrythlng nc X'the dispatches from tho L Tcentcrs scorns ripe for tho aVconnaBraUonn ho v. Auminu iii iiiii mil S ; srln? "lzz fitmJD acuta;. " 5t "h nil speed, accord- ,d!iptches rcccivcu nuiu. ..u -I tltOuJ COUVBI IIU" t,..v... .w rt tbtt tno moment "'"" """ J then UW win cauuu ui- 4 i ...i.. il,n Tnrldnli rrnv- circa ipiu " "" " " .:(. Diplomats nsscn mm muy i. .. - vi nil nn nnv it ii v i. i stnr with Italy, and think if In toe uaiKnns woum mu ...... mrarnmKnl tlin (llltlot. Klin states nt tho snmo tlmo I j.. ,. aA m tltnl. Iilir tlnlfvll. IUMJI 10 till " ""i,, "" r." ilSeihels Involved with tho Ijcmh. I lotlrn 111 CflM'Ifi. liiwclited Tress to Tho Coos mj limes.; fDinC C.r tin fW 1 .lulu ipafa lrtfivlnir flirt print. ilVt rti VUli nnil nflmr rrnr. 4fctUVt iibii w..wi o" llticifltur iiiu minimi tiuui- All! uu.lucoa hviw i, tie employes hnvlng boon or- :u joia ineir regimeiiiH. iim ii cl automobiles throughout i. .... ..j..a.i t .... ....!.... 4cicuiuciuu m nuwuiiuur btsJIitely fo tho authorities iliUJ BIO. BE IS IT NOW "Ae Thousand Men Who m uut Have Returned to work. Edited Press to Tho Coos limes, J WHENCE, Mass., Oct. 1. Tho i tours, declnred by tho fcW Workers of tho wm-i,i pi la tho textile mills of this I" i protest against tho imnrin. NcfEttorand Giovnnifti. mi. ben 12.000 onnrntlvAR E.7 ' "Mined away from tho l filfior Hl.ti.i.nH .. . ...aiuiuuucets are re- usasa IE iSON WITH MURDER V Ynrlc lou.... i i.i i . .. wand Jury for Alleged Kllllnra '"tel Press to th. Coos Da tasM'ifc."..00'' J Burton 0tr ,. ,n"rney of Now ....' aS liPlrl fn 11.- . ""JVoniiM,. l"u Brnna kU.(C,rlshe(1. 'n Greenwood ""f when rowing with jSLEXOI)IHOSIT. 'rj Dpn.T... .. WS f of Cl"I,s. BaySt0 Th0 Coos !iteift:N'0cJ- ' -The Un- .,t0 deposits fi . p,artrrent will ? to falnS a11 wltl nn !5th6crJoaclltat.0 the move- iKlll. '"". JSG1ctnH r ho returned 7rnmn.r 'McVeaBh " cnf,orre'l with ent' Hr . i ,",uuo mo nn- 7 " hdieat. , .if llloro waa dePosJta. the necessity of LTr--- r- sriiryix. fpo-i, GltoCEnv'-y rt ?t60Verd,DB Way be DEFEAT IS DECS! II Voters Turn Down One Propo sition and Adopt the State Election Law. Tho npoclnl city election hold yes terday resulted In ono proposition being dofcutod nnd tho other ono be ing cnrrlod. Tho proposition to mnko It posslblo to bond tho city for 15 per cont of tho assessed valuation nnd to glvo tho city council nddltlon powor was badly defeated. Tho to- tal number of votcB for tho proposi tion wan 10 whllo tho number against It was 22C. Tho proposition to ndopt tho stato olcctlon lawn in holding city olec tiotiB wna cnrrlod by a voto of 187 to C7. Tho judges of tho olcctlon who served woro J. II. Mllnor, C. L. Pen nock and S. I). Cuthbort. Tho clerks woro V. O. Goldon, It. O. Graves nnd Charles Donobrnko. TALK OX HUtlOATIO.V. (Dy Associated press to Coos Day Time ) SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 1. "In creasing duty of water," Ih tho Rub Joct of nn nddresR by Prof. I). A. Etchovory, head of tho Irrigation do partmont of tho University of Cali fornia, scheduled for oponlng tho sec ond dny's session of tho International Irrigation Congress. Tho morning session Included speeches by J. II. Caso of Kansas, Dr. .1. A. Wldtsoo of tho Agricultural Collogo of Utah and Willis L. Moore, chief of tho United States Woathcr Bureau. WILSON'S MOVINCJ 1)AV. (Dy AsBocIatod Press to Tho C003 Day Times.) TRENTON, N. J., Oct. 1. This Is. moving day for Governor Wilson, of ficially, politically and personally. Ho formally roturnod to tho Stnto IIouso from his summor capital at Seagirt. Ills family moved their belongings from Soagtrt to Princo-ton. VISIT SIGNIFICANT. (Dy Associated Press to Cooa Day TltBM.) LONDON, Sopt. 30. A visit con sidered significant in viow of tho Eastorn situation, was paid by Sor glus Sazonoff, Russian forolgn min ister on roturn to London today. Ho called on tho Itnllan ambassador and romnlnod with him as his guest nt lunchoon. MANY ATTEND OF P. MEETING Next Countv Convention Be Held at Marshfield in 1913. Tho county convention of tho K. of P. yesterday nt North Dend was well attended. In tho nfternoon thoro wns n business mooting. It was decided to hold tho convontlon next year at Marshfield under tho nus picos of Myr'tlo Lodgo No. 3. It wns also votod to securo tho grand lodge for Coos Day tho first yenr after tho railroad Is running to this place. Ono candldato, Harry Kern, was taken through tho rank of Esqulro. At 5:30 a banquet was hold at Loggia's hall. Tho dologates then nttondod a smoker nt tho Commercial Club and wont back to Loggio's hall whoro they attended a theatrical per formance, which was especially ar ranged for tho occasion. Doforo tho dologates left for tholr homo they woro served a night supper. AMONG TnE SICK 4 II. R. Hydo is reported quito ill at his homo on Hall nvpnuo. Paul Sandon of Bunker Hill suf fered a painful Injury to his foot this morning. He droped a pieco of Iron on It, mashing several of tho toes. Axil Lindburg of this city ran a lumbor hook In his hand this morn ing while loading lumber, which oc casioned medical treatment. Tho llttlo McDonald girl, who un derwent an operation rocontly, Is reported much better. Tho llttlo son of R. A. Chapin of Dunker Hill la suffering from a se vere attack of bronchitis. Tiir nmnmltiini. t nti41.nHMi.. . .- Against amendment authorizing bon ds nor For ntiicndmcnt applying state election laws to city elections'. '.'.'." "i87 Against amendment applying stato olcctlon laws to city elections. ' 57 THE RESULT of yesterday's special city olcctlon Is exceedingly grnt irylug. It showed very plainly that tho pcoplo of Marahf lold still miuuiBiui u 1,0 vnmo 01 tiioir uanot. Wlillo tho voto was perhaps ot as largo as It might havo been. It was sufficient to show beyond any question tho ficnora feeling of tho pcoplo. Tho results show that tho pcoplo aro willing to ndopt anything that is sensible. Tho votors by big majority carried tho proposition to ndopt tho stato election law nnd innko It apply to city olections. This Bcomcd to them a thing rcasonnblo to do in ordor to avoid confusion, but tho votors did not ndopt tho first proposition presented on tho ballot. uy tho overwhelming and unques tionably majority of 225 to 10, tho votors of Marshfield exhibited in very plain terms tho fact that they did not Intend to disfranchise thom solvcs. Iho men they havo in tho pnBt elected to tho offices of council men and other city official positions, and tho men they elect to those snmo plnrcB in tho future thoy hnvo confidonco In or they would not voto for them. Uut theso snmo voters do not intend to glvo up nil their r ghtB. In short tho men who votod yesterday expressed tho fooling that thoy did not Intend as citizens of Mnrshflold to vest In tho city coun cil any unduo rights. Thoy ovldontly intond to rotnln for themselves yet spino volco In public affairs as far aB tholr rights as cltlzons go. Whllo tho voting upon n public proposition In soma partB of tho country may Boom to bo a Joko It lins certainly proved in Marshfield as being n moans of tho citizens asserting rights. Yesterday's Bpcclal election wns enough to Indicate that tho city of Mnrshflold Is In no dnngor of having In tho futuro any laws Inflicted upon It which might lend to troublo or disaster. The pcoplo showed that tho pcoplo do now, and will always, rulo. IT was a splendid victory nnd ono thnt adds omphnsls to tho fact that pcoplo aro compotcnt to rulo thomsolvcs nnd run tholr own govern ment. Tho Times docs not nrrogato to Itself nny especial credit for tho ro nult, except that It was tho medium which Informed tho pcoplo of tho truo fnctB Involved In tho election. Tho oloctornto acted on tholr own Inttlatlvo onco tho fnctB woro In tholr possession. That Ib tho great safeguard of tho pcoplo's rights and IlbortlcB a froo and untrnmmolcd press thnt will present tho facts untainted nnd un blnscd. Its cdltorinl Influonco Is nt nil times mensurod by Its honesty In serving tho pcoplo faithfully and giving thorn tho facts uninfluenced by personal PpJudlro or pnrtlsnn favor. ISLET KILLS ON AND INJURES EIGHT DYNAMITING CASE STARTS 0 Willett and Burr of San Fran cisco Will Build Smith-Powers New Line. Tho contract for tho construction of tho logging rond for tho Smith Powers Logging Co. which will ox tond from Myrtlo Point up tho Bouth fork of tho Coqulllo rlvor, has boon lot to Wlllott and Durr, contractors of Snn Francisco. Thoy havo n mnn on tho ground now nnd It Is oxpectod thnt tho actual work will begin with in two wcoka. Tho contract is for tho cntlro length of tho road, which Is botweon 10 and 20 miles. It Is posslblo thnt tho contractors may sublet n pari of tho work. Tho grado 1b said to bo a comparatively easy ono. Thoro Is ono tunnel about 2C0 feet long. Tho road will bo n standnrd gaugo, henvy track road. Tho company expects to bo hauling logs over tho road noxt Biimmor. It Is likely that tho contractors will at onco put to work 400 to !00 men. Tho road will reach n rich tract of timbor which tho C. A. Smith Interests own. LUMBER DAS MADE BIG ADVA1E Increased Demand Has Caused the Price to Take a Big Raise Upward. (Dy Associated Pross to The Coos Day Times.) SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 1. Tho uvorngo mill prlco of lumuor nns au vnncod $3.02 n thousand feet, over tho low prlco of last Docombor, ac cording to tho figures ot tho West Coast Lumbor Manufacturers' asso ciation. Dccombor 28, 1011, tho nv erago mill prlco was $0.09. Ship ments for tho yonr If tho present do mnnd continues will exceed tho cut by 111.3C3.000 foot. TRE RAILROAD MacArthur, Perks & Co. Deny Connection With Medford- Port Orford Road. A press telegram from Now York which has been published In Coast newspapers states that McArthur, Porks & Co. deny absolutely having anything to do with tho proposed road to Dandon and Port Orford. Tho telegram, dated Now York, Is as follows: .... "Vigorous and explicit denial Is mndo by MacArthur, Porks & Co. of tho published statement from Co qulllo, Oregon, that they aro back ing n proposed railroad to run from Port Orford to connect with tho Pa cific & Eastorn near Modford. F. C. Hitchcock, general agent of tho firm, declares: "Wo aro not backing nny projects In Orogon and know nothing of tho lino that Is mentioned In tho rnniinio nrtlolo. I havo no acquaint ance with any of tjio parties men tioned and havo no interest 111 u whatever. Wo do not know tho en gineer, Mr. Valjean, who Is said to bo making tho survey, and havo no idea who ho Is.'" mi,n rnmi linn boon nromoted for several months past and In somo of tho newspaper stones primeu iu dtntfiS that MttCArtllUr, connected with It, thus bringing out tho denial. The promoters of tho road had pre sented the plan to Myrtle Point and n.miiiin iiisinpis men and at Dan don It is understood that a number of business mon havo put monej iu tho project. Maskoy's Candy at Stauff Grocery 'Company. Ab uaflUed want mum ik&abpS TImw Wwt fcrlac reaulU. DIX IS STILL . IN TRE RACE Will Be Candidate for Governor in Spite of Prevailing Gossip. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) SYRACUSE, N. Y.k Oct. 1. In tho face of gossip today, that Governor John A. DIx waB to bo olmlnated as a candldato for ronominatlon beforo tho Domocratlc stato convention to meet horo, the governor sent a mes saco In which ho said: "I havo no Intontlon of withdrawing either for my enemies or for my friends. My namo will bo presented to tho con vention. That Is all I caro to say." "Apparently," Bald Charles F. Murphy, tho Tammany loader, "thoro will bo many candidates presented to tho convention." Fifty-One Defendants Appear to Face Charge in Indian apolis Court. ' (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coon Day Times.) INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 1. Station ed within tho rail of tho small court room whoro thoy occupied almost half tho space, tho defendants charg ed with complicity In tho McNnmnra "dynnmlto plots" woro placed on trial today boforo Federal Judgo An derson who ordorcd called tho "Con solidated caso No. 3 of tho United Stntcs vs. Frank M. Rynn ot nl." Three Dismissed. On motion of tho govornmont, tho cnBOB against J. W. Rynn of Peoria, 111., A. J. Kavanaugh of Springfield, 111., nnd Pat II, Ryan of Clovolnnd, Ohio, woro dismissed. Tho govern ment announced thnt thoro wns no ovldonco to warrant a trial. All tho mon had boon Identified with tho ironworkers union. At tho outset Ortlo E. McManlgnl pleaded guilty. Eugono C. Clancy and Olaf Tvltmoo of San FrnnclBco ploadcd not guilty. All tho othor defendants nt tho arraignment last March had plcadod not guilty. Dan J. Murphy ot Brooklyn, former oxo cutlvo bonrd mombor of tho Interna tional Association of Drldgo nnd Structural Ironworkors was unnblo to appear bocauso of a broken log. Ills nbsenco left CO mon to bo tried. A motion to sot nsldo tho order con solidating tho enscs was mndo on be half of tho dofondants. This sepa rated tho various Indlcctmonts, but loft tho defendants to bo tried to gether. McManlgal'a plea qualified him ns a wltnoss for tho govornmont, for which purposo ho had beon im prisoned for 18 months, but It occa sioned no surprise Lieut. Donald P. Morrison of U. S. Navy Loses His Life in Accident. OCCURS WHENVESSEL WAS MAKING TRIAL Unfortunate Boat Was the Walke, Carrying a Crew of Eighty Men. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Cooa Day Times.) NEWPORT, R. I., Oct. 1. Lieut Donald P. Morrison was killed nnd olght men woro Injured todny by tho explosion of tho steam chest on tho torpodo boat dostroyor Walke. She la n sister vessel of tho destroyers Perkins and Stcrrot. Ilor displace ment Is 712 tons. Sho carried a com plete crow of 80 men. Tho nccldorit occtirrod off tho Urenton Roof Hglit Bhlp, whllo tho vessel wns propnrlng for her second quarterly trial. Tho eight men severely Injured woro: Lieut. Robert L. Montgomery ot tho destroyer Fanning nnd E. R. Crnwford, gunner's mato of tho de stroyer Patterson, tho umpires who wcro named to watch tho test of tho momborfl of tho Wnlko'B crow; J. W. RumpR, machinist's mato; IL L. Wilder, machinist's mato; D. S. Kelly, chief machinist's mato; J. D. Elanoy, first-class Ilromnn; W. IC Krnus, F. U. Conway and J. D. Con way, ollors. Tho forward end of tho port tur blno, together with tho steam chest. wob blown off. Tho dostroyors Por Iclns, Storrott nnd Mayrant Immed iately went to tho nsststanco of the Wnlko, but tho starboard onglno was In commission nnd sho steamed bact to harbor, running alongside tho hos pital ship Solaco, when tho wounded woro transferred. Tho Wnlko wont to tho torpodo station for repairs. Opening of Trial. JOHN M'ISAACS ILL. Well Knon-n ling llpo Player Con fined to Ills Home, John Mclsaacs, tho bag plpo player of Coos county, Is quite 111 nt hi homo in Forndalo. Mr. Mclsaacs baj not been feeling woll for somo tlmo past and for several weeks ho ha3 beon confined to his homo. His con dition has been such that It hn caused anxiety on tho part of his friends. fr MoTRnnpo nn n.bac Tllnor Is well known. For years he was tho only piper In this part or tno siaie, and for this reason has an extensive acquaintance especially . among tho Scotch people. Many an ugly girl Is compensat ed for her lack of good looks by the knowledge that her friends are (rue ones. (Dy ABSoclatod Prexs to Tho C001 Day Times) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Oct. 1. Whoovor participated with tho Mc Nnmnra brothora In tho series of dy nnmlto nnd nltro-glycorlno explosions which preceded nnd followed tho wrecking of tho Los Angeles Times building, Octobor 1, 1010, whon 21 persons woro killed, tho government hopes to dtscloso In tho trial which begins todny beforo Judgo A. D. An derson of Dl mon. At tho bond of tho list of defend ants, who thus aro brought Into court exactly two years aftor tho Los Angolos disaster, nro: Frank M. Ryan, president of tho International Association ot Drldgo nnd Structural Ironworkers. Ortlo E. McManlgal, onco known as "J. W. McGraw," on tho Pacific Coast, n confessod dynamiter and accomplice of tho McNamara broth ers, who hns bocn kept In custody ns n witness for tho prosecution ovor slnco his nrrcst In Detroit a year ago last April. Herbort S. Hookln, successor of John J. McNnmnra as secretary-treasurer of tho union, whom McManlgnl accuses of bolng tho orgnnlzor of tho "dynamiting crow," nnd ono of tho originators of tho alarm clock BChcmo by which explosions woro sot off several hours aftor tho mine was placed. Most of tho othor defendants nro prosont or formor union officials whom tho government charges woro linked together In a conspiracy by an oxtonslvo corrospondenco from 1005 to 1011, during which tlmo inoro than 100 explosions in stntes scattored from Massachusetts to Cal ifornia occurred In works undor con struction by employers of non-union labor. Fifty-four mon woro indicted last February but John J. McCray of Wheeling, W. Va., nevor has beou located and tho McNamara brothora aro In prison In California. Court Room Heady. Tho courtroom which probnbly for wcoks will bo tho sceno of tho trial, has long beon ready. Evory precau tion has bocn taken to securo quiet. Tho windows of tho smnll room, lo cated on nn outsldo cornor of tho second floor of tho fedornl building, havo been heavily curtained to ox cludo tho daylight. Recently Judgo Anderson had the walls and colllngs thickly padded with folt to Improvo tho sound conditions. United Stntes Senntor John W. Korn hns beon rotnlnod ns counsel .for tho defendants, whllo tho gov ernment will bo ropresontod by Dis trict Attorney Charlea W. Miller and his assistant. ' Sixteen defendants were placod under $10,000 bonds each, to appear W AT LEBANON FATAL One Killed and Three Injured in Accident in an Oregon ' Town. (Dy Asaoctntcd Probs to tho Cooa Dtr Times.) LEBANON, Orogon, Sopt. 30.-4. runnwny nccldont nenr horo InaX night resulted In Mrs. Goorgo Mo Cormtck bolng killed, Mrs. Charles McCllutock bolng sorlously Injured, nnd a llttlo daughter of Mra. Mc Cllntock being painfully hurt and Goorgo McCllutock bolng badly for trial, and tho othors onch undor $5000 bonds, making an aggregate) Lin bonds of $350,000. Tlirt'o Clmrgos. Each of tho 32 Indictments re turned last Fobruary contains chnrges against all of tho dofondants and tho chnrges aro ombraced 1. threo groups. Thoy nro: Transporting dynnmlto nnd nltro glycorlno In passenger trains from ono Btato to nnothcr, as Ortlo E. Mc Manlgal confessed wns dono whon thoso oxploslves woro cnrrlod In suit cases from hiding places nt Muncle, Ind., Rochester, Pn., Tiffin, 0., and Indlannpolls, to cltlos whoro "Jobs" woro to bo blown up, Conspiring to violate Interstate, regulations rolotlvo to oxploslvos. Conconltng knowlcdgo of tho con spiracy or abottlng tho Illegal trans portation of explosives. Twenty of tho explosions occurred In Ohio. McMnnlgnl'B confession was tho basis upon which tho government foundod Its case boforo tho fodoral grand Jury which returned tho In dlctmonts. And It Is expected to flg uro prominently In tho prosont trial. IJADLY HURT IlY FAILLINO HAY. Jim Jonklns, who resides on a ranch near Rlvorton. was sorlously Injured last Friday whllo loading hay onto a bcow from tho Contra! waro houso at Dondon. A bnlo of hay, wolghlng over 200 pounds, broko looso from tho hoisting hooks, foil about 20 foot and hit him n glanc ing blow on tho nock nnd loft shoul dor. Ho wns knocked unconscious, nnd for n wholo day It was doubtful whether ho would Hvo or dlo. Ho has beon undor tho caro of Dr. Msum nnd Dr. Leep, Jr., and Is roportca to bo improving rnpldly. Ho woh ablo to sit up a whllo Wodnesday. Mr. Jenkins Is a brothor-In-law of Roy Fox of this place. Coqulllo Son-tlnol. Buy experience If you want a per manent Investment.