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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1912)
ae MAIL LEAVES AT NIGHT. The Best Made MILUCOMA $3 HATS New Fall Shapes Now in Stock Woolen Mill Store Mill-to-Man Clothiers Dayton Bicycles Does Advertising Pay? I have been asked tlis question innjiy. tnncs, spnie- times even snceriiigly. Live, Honest Advertising Always Pays. Interesting Advertisements Are Always Read. Let us put LIFE into our ads and make tho ad vertising columns as interesting as the news columns. It Will Pay Us All "Life is real! Life is earnest" was not written about advertising, but we can put "life" and "earn estness" into our ads and make them' "thrill" and PAY. I have used more advertising space in proportion to my business than am' other merchant ever used in Marshfield. I have obtained resints which many never believed possible. I have never made an untruthful or exaggerated Statement in my advertising. That's Why it Paid I have solfl fin T) A VTOTsT TlTnvOLES SINCE DEO. 23, 1911. I have made good without question any defective part shown me. e I have sold the best bicycle ever offered in Marsh field for the price. Do you know of one buckled frame in sixty DAY WNBJQYOLESl tfo! pan you stop six bicycles of any other make with out finding one buckledframe? No! ' that's why I sell so many DAYTON bicycles. We are now selling bidycles at Vdry low prices. Not Cheap Bicycles B Bicycles Cheap JP3l in. Hi . I, ' t"1 Marsjbf ield Cyclery " .DAYTON AGENTS Winter Hclicdulo Goes Into Effect on TucMliiy nt Local l'ostofflco. Tho winter mnll schodulo went In to effoct yestordny. Tho mnll goes out now in tho ovcnlng, Instead of tho morning. This Is hecnuso tho stngo to Roseburg leaves nt night, InBtend of in tho morning, n plnn which Is nlwnys carried out In tho wlntor season. Tho mnll for outsldo points now closes nt C:30 p. m., so letters which nro expected to go jut must bo In tho postoffico beforo that time. An unfilled want causes unhappl Jess Times Want Ads bring roaulti. Try Tho Tlmos' Want Ads. TONIGHT at The Royal Lnnd of Dcntli. One vh. One. Gmiinout'H Weekly, No, 11). (orinimd-Kord Co. nt tho Rtnr, North llenil (his week, opening hcru next Monday. COOS HAY TIDES. Bolow Is given tho Hmo and height of high and low water at Marshfield. Tho tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on the first lino and heights on tho second lino of each day; n compai lson on consocutlvo heights will lnillcato whothor It Is high or low wntcr. For high water on tho bar, subatrnct 2 hours 34 minutes. Ilrs.. C.49 11.23 G.U 0 0 Feet. 3.o 3.r r..o o.o Ilrs.. 0.G3 8.08 12.27 7.13 Feet. 0.0 3.0 4.1 D.5 WANT ADS. FOR RENT 1'he room cottage, modern conveniences. Apply to 12. A Anderson, Phono 252 1. FOR SALE At Imrpiln, lot. mill five modern houso In North Ilond. N enro Times. FOR KALE CHEAP Two second hnnd nutomobllcH In llrst clnRS condition. If you want n snnp sco Geo. Gondrum nt onco. HORSE FOR HALE Five yenr old and weighs 1GO0 lbs. Apply Carl son & Kotkn, Denver Hill. I'OIl HUNT FurnlBhod rooms for light housekeeping. First nud lllrch strcots. Phono 239-J. WANTED Cabinet nuilccr and eiir pentor nt Woodcraft shop, nt 25C Market. First class men only. WANTED A position by young man experienced In shoes, mon's furnishing and groceries. Ad dress 1), euro Tho Times. WANTED 1'urclinHer for n houso and lot in Ilolso addition; slr.o of lot approximately 33x300. Prlco ?900 Torms $300 ensh and ?lti por month. Hero Is u chnnco to get rid of your landlord. Sco Tl tlo Gunrantco and Abstract Co. FOR HKXT I'rlrnf o gnrngo closo In. Apply Dr. J. T. McCormnc. TO HEXT A neatly neatly furnished room. 1014 Contral Avonuo. I-'Oll SALE Dairy ranch; head of navigation on Ilnynos Inlot. Ens terms. Address, Porry Crouch, Mnrshflcld, Oregon. FOR HEXT Or Snlc, OB-ncrc ranch 1-2 nillo from cronmory. FIno dairy ranch. Will run ton cows. O. W. Stnrr, Drldgo, Oregon. FOIl SALE Dry wood, fir and nl- dor, nt Campuoirs wood ynru, Ferry landing, hono 158-L. WANTED A good book ngent nt onco. Apply Box L, Times ofilco. FOH RENT Clean, comfortnblo rroms. with or without bonrd nt 135 N. Second street. Undor now mnnngomont. SPECIAL- OFFISH. THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Fair tonight with light frost In west portion and heavy frost In tho cast portion. Thursday fair and warmer ex- copt near coast. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For 24 hours ending nt 4:43 a. in. Oct. 2, by DenJ. Ostllnd, special govornmont v meteorological observer: Maximum CC Minimum 41 At 4:43 n. m 41 Precipitation 12 Wind Northwest; clear. Will Entertain Tomorrow. Mrs. L. F. Falkonstoln of North Bond will entertain n fow ladles nt her homo tomorrow afternoon. Entertaining Today. Mrs. R. P Harrington of South Fifth Rtrcct Is entertaining tho Baptist Ladles Mis slonnry Aid this afternoon. Hand Concert. Tho Coos Bay Concert Band will glvo n concort In tho pnrk Frltlny ovcnlng, October 4, nt 7:30 o'clock. Tho progrnm will bo announced later. Aulo Line Open Again. Tho Alio-gnny-Drnln auto lino Rtnrtcd again thin morning with ono enr nt this end of tho lino. Ray Campbell drovo mo car anu nil tuo scnis woro inicon llulld New Home. Jnmcs R. Wall has lot contracts for building n now rcsldcnco nt tho comer of Fourteenth nnd Commorclnl strcots. Tho "llttlo bird thnt tells" says when It Is built Mr. Wnll will occupy It, but ho will not bo nlono. Entertained at Portland. Tho Ev ening Tolcgrnm tells of a pleasant skating party at tho Oaks, given by Mrs. O. K. Jeffries of Portland, In honor of hor guest, Mrs. Holon Gnlo of Mcdford, Oro. Mrs. Galo recently visited frlonds In North Bond. To Go to I,on Angeles. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Rennto of North Bond nro Dimming to Icavo for Los Ange les, Cnl., In nbout thrco weeks, which city they expect to mnko tholr fu turo homo. Their largo circle of friends nnd acquaintances will rogrct vory much tholr dopnrturo from Coos Bay. Church Meeting. Thoro will bo n business meeting nt tho M. E. church immediately following tho prnyor mooting Thursday ovonlng, October 3 nt which nil mombors of tho Ln dlcB' Aid socloty, tho Methodist Bro therhood, tho Epworth Longuo, tho olllclnl bonrd nnd tho choir nro earn estly roquostod to bo present. Mat tors of Importance for tho ensuing year nro to bo dlscussod. Llbby COAL-. Tho kind YOU hnvo Weekly Oregonlan by mail for ATAVAY8 USED. Phono 72, Pacific ono year, only 70 cenw. morion iV Uvery find Transfer Hansen, agents. Company. tBiJt? ?i Trustworthy Toilet Preparations Don't make the fatal mistake of using strange toilet requi sites, without any guarantee as to their quality. If you do vou're taking big chances of ' ruining your complexion. Bad toilet goods are worse than none, for they not only do no-good, but often contain ingredients that are actually injurious to the kin. We can recommend all tlie toilet helps we sell as " b'eing pure, fresh and excellent, containing only ele- , tnents of high nutritive value to the skin. , , REXAH CREAM OF ALMONDS is one of th'a gafest and surest of skin beautifiers known to ua. This 'deliehtful preparation Is absolutely pure, and free front all grease arid oil. It softens, whitens, soothes, heals and 'preserves the skin and insures a fresh and fait complexion. Sold with the Rexall guarantee. , ' r i ' ' Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "IE Busy Corner" "TOLRexall Store ,t rf i i MAIN 29$ nt PHdNE US (fl MaRps HomeBakina Easyanl Profitable WAL BmmPmmm AddsHealfulOualteioHoil The DnlySaKi ngPowdcr made jranrnoyaiurape uearnojiartar. BlrS 7FOS No . Ume Phosphate fll Ho trs I Alum PERSONAL NOTES SI T. H. HARRY of Emplro wns In tho city todny. I MRS. R. SARTER visited frlonds In Mllltconin yestordny. MR. M'MULLEN of Emnlro wns In Mnrshflold yestordny. J. C. KENDALL wns n business vis itor to Coqulllo this morning. W. O. EOLESTON of Onldnnd, Cnl., Is registered nt tho Chnndlor. MRS. ANSON ROC1ERS or Coos Riv er wns u Mnrshflold visitor todny. DAVE LILJEROTII of Denver Hill wns In tho city yestordny on business. MRS. HARRY RUSSELL of North Rend wns n Mnrshflcld shopnor to dny. MRS. VERN RUELL Bpont tho dny with hor pnronts nt Mllllcomn yes tordny. II. M'ADAMS of Ronvor Hill wns n business vUltor In tho city yes tordny. MRS. II. OMAN of this city Is spending tho dny with friends In Conlodo. 1 If SAFELY MR. nnd MRS. L. W. TOZIER nro homo from n brief vncntlon trip to Dnnilon nnd vicinity. MR. nnd MRS. HUTTERS enmo down from AllcRnny this morning nnd roturnod this nftornoon. The Hardy, After Trouble on the Bar, Sails for San ' Francisco. Tho Btcnmor Hnrdy, which had troublo on tho bnr when crossing out nt 4 o'clock yestordny nftcmoon, not nwny snfoly. Tho Hnrdy wns londod with lumber from tho C. A. Smith mill nnd In nddltlon hnd nbonrd nonrly 200 empty oil drums and oil hnrrolB. It Is not Known JiiBt what hnpponod but tho vesuol whllo on tho bnr listed heavily to ono sldo nnd then turned ovor to tho npposlto sldo. It Is thought thnt probably tho lash ing brolto nnd nllowcd tho enrfio to slldo. Tho dock lond of lumbor nnd tho oil drums nnd barrels woro lost but tho vcnsol finally rlghtad hor solf nnd after stnylng around tho whistling buoy for nbout hnlf nn hour Btnrtod townrd tho south, so was probably not dnmnged. Tho nil druniB floatod nbout nnd during tho night lnndod nt Dnstcn- dorf's bench nnd In tho neighborhood of Arngo llghthouso. Tho loss or tho drums nt this tlmo Is Inconvenient ns tho Stnndnrd Oil Company Is linv Ing difficulty In supplying oil on account of n shortage or drums on tho Const. C. P. PAPE lort this morning for nnndon on n business trip, whoro ho will remain ror n fow days. MRS. FRED POOR who has boon tho guost of Mrs. H. Oman of this city will loavo tomorrow for hor homo In California. MRS. J. E. MAUZEV and children, Allca nnd Dnlo, spont tho nflor noon with hor sister, Mrs. Honry Holm nt Plat R. E. E. JOHNSON of Coqulllo was In tho city yestordny. Ho mndo tho trip horo In his nutomobllo, nc- companlod by momuors or nis family. MR. nnd MRS. L. J. SIMPSON of North Rend hnvo roturnod from nn outing nt Ten MIIo. Miss Bar rett wns tholr guost at Ton Mllo for a row days during tho outing. '.MONTANA KID" HERE. Export Pool Phiyer "Will fllvo Exhi bition In This City. II. II. Roan, known on tho Coast as tho "Montana Kid," and nn ox pert pool plnyer; Is In tho city. Ar rnngcmonti nnvo been madp by 'ho P.lnnco lllllard hnll to hnvo Mr. Ilcf.n glva -a free exhibition thoro nt 830 o'clock Krlilny ovonlng. Mr. Henn I n famous pool player nnd will show remnrkable playing. The bctt lornl Player than enn bo round In the city WlU play n tame ngnlnst Bonn. MEET AT COQUILLE. County Central Committee Holds n Hcssion 'mere luuaj, rrh Tfnnnhiirnn county central comraltteo Is holding a mooting today at Coqullle. Among those who went from this city to attend were I. 8. 8mlth, P. B Allen; O. I. Relgard, O. O. Lund, F. O. UOW anu d. u, nuiyer. Tho uuslness man's wire thinks ho must practice great self denial not to have any sora plllowa In bis office. Tirau' -Wt Ad brlBg tmuIU. AT THE HOTELS. CHANDLER W. E. Elgllston, Onklnnd, Cnl; P. P. Hart, San Fran cisco: Phil Fiend, Portland; C. M. Eborhnrt, Portland: R. J. norland, San Francisco: W. E. Bright, Port land. COOS Wm. Strnng, Dnnlols Creek; W. A. Vnrnoy nnd wlfo, Coal edo, 7i. J. Zlnn, Balom; O. A. Smith, Snlom; Goo. Noah, Allogany; Honry Shnnz, North Bond. CENTRAL II. A. Korn. Ton Mllo;r Morris Andorson, North Bond. BLANCO Robt. Skools. Coqulllo; W. J. Wilson, Coqulllo; J. H. Bon nott, Coqulllo. THE MAN WHO KNOWS IT ALLv Evory town hns a mnn who knows It all. U ho is at a ball gamo, bo knows exactly whon tho umpire In wrong nnd enn toll you ovory tlmo a plnyor mnkos n mlstako, says tho Ob server. If he Is at a horso raco hr will Inform you whoro a certain drl vor lost tho raco. At tho whist party ho will toll you how you could have won another trick by playing differ ently. In short, ho knoWB It all tho tlmo. It doesn't pay to nrguo with him. You can't knock any of tho concolt out of him nnd you will only 'oso your tompor. Don't nrguo with a man who knows It all. Tho only possible thing you can do is to try to toll a bigger Ho than ho does, nnd thon you want to toll It last. T .,. K.v. anvhlnr tO lll. trtfle r ront. or want help, try a Want Afl. Derimol THE LATEST SCIENTIFIC CURE FOH POISON OAK, OUAR ATSTEED TO CURB OR MQNEV HACK. hone 158-R , , . -, 172 Broadway ,).'(.- ' ut Bit. T'' n"''",' naanv? WO'i M' HUM v. yc 0as.l , . . J o- . I. 1 t V i 1 .'i I bi'W . ' ' J ?'