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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1912)
fifST iGEEDINGS OF V? nil1 .in" .-. jonMr".,ii,idttcH. KSSESSt- finftiia iliii -- " ' Vnvmont contrnct, R.. jl. Harry, poynicni 30oo.00 A L:y.rVoylnR. making M. flould, Bun-w."- r- ,-.. -.. ;!., etc '""..-- .:,- .Harry contract, , n. fiTb:No.l2......4.GO i.rj?nwnBr....::..2:oo AW. cjBh Paid Massey a. .Tlam, l"rtlnl Payment ut .... n D. No. 30 . .1200.00 i- -li. Ate II. D. No. 30... ..?. ,Cn' or. chalnman, 11. D. 30 lon Custer, chalniuu it. u. II RUwhorn, . K;D;No.aB 10 R. D. No. 3.75 lruon Wlicox, axman, 1 JO '' Cfjit Wilcox, nrman.H D. No. 30 2.50 . 'iTnVuid.' surveying, mllongo, Wl Mast, Ingram, II. D. No. ii "uu u.rlon Custer, chnlnmnn, Most, "X.R.D.No.30 ...... ..3.00 to Laawoll, axman, Mast, Ingram, . n.V 10 2. CO Mtrion Custer, chalnman, Mast, . n n Mn nn 1.HO Ingram, . u, ... -- -- - t i uwhorn, sorvlccs nH Bpoclul ,oil master, R. D: No. 11 ...8.40 LA. Lawhorn, sorvicos nB spccim road master, It. D. No. 12 ..12.60 L A. Lawhorn, sorvlcca ns special roia masier, iv. ". "v. . ....w General Itoail Fund. rlnr Point Roads. A. N. Gould, surveying, miloago, profle " u.,lnn Pii.lnr. rlmlnmnn .. ..3.00 Kott Landrlth, chalnman .... 2. CO BOUUI i'OrK.IILTIIinilll Jiomi. A .V. Could, survoylng, mlloaBO,'; .. . . m.20 IT. Slalln, vlowor, mlloago, ..9.00 Virion Custer, chalnman .. ..3.00 Hartley, chalnman .. .. 2. CO A N. Gould, promos, Allogany, MliMln Pork ami llnnilon riln. 4.50 A. N, Gould, maps, profiles, cstl- citei, etc., various roads, . .32.00 lfnrkliflf..Hii!!iiii'r Itoml. A, N, Gould, survoylng, nnd mllo- 1(0 u.uu LT. Elglln, viewing and mllcngo C.80 Elbert Dyer, viewing nnd mllongo .... .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Zm.Ov (icnernl I'nnil. Cooi and Curry County Fnlr Asso- wuon, ror premiums, qtc.. suo.oo CtittofOrecon: Cocotr of Coos: sh. I, Jamea Watson, County Clbrk for woi wunty, stnto of Oregon, ox cflelo Clerk of tho County Court for uia ixuntv nnd Ktntn mm nr nn r.t forecorda, archives nnd flics of snld wtniy, ao horcby certify that tho ion jolng Is a truo and correct Stato- KCBt Of tho nmnuntn nf lillla nllnu'. ed oa (lie -various funds of tho Coun- v "waned Mj tho County Court of UU COtintV flmt Rlnlnnl ttm n.1ln..r. djuly 1912 Term thoroof. nq tlm Mm appear In tho Journals of snld w"i now m my onicp tnd custody. witness my hand nnd tho sonl of UtMld Pnltrr nffl..,l il.l .l. .!.. wptember, A. I)., 1012. JAMES WATSON, ' County Clerk. ".MJrais OK THE COUNTV wtilT I'KOCEEDIXnS, HE!'. TWlj:, 1012, T.ERM ", Vacation exiicnses July nnd . August, 1012. if. f ,aI?rlca 2091.CG 2-3 Z !Valary ioo.oo woy Court Dalllff 3.00 Wlienu liaOO toUwt Soldiers .. ..'.. '.lcioo w Bounty, 1.2 ,tnto .... 24.00 'n Ito Justlro C'QiirtH. i J. V. l)lst. N. l, A. P cu .Stat0 VB- KI"B' tfShujter.J. I. poes ....11.45 "P. Emery, constablo fees ..12.70 JWeRobnson ... in ?? Welling.. ':? Edm ti. v. I.i U aw! "? mo U Pnii... ' ..1.70 fKi:. hs ".MeKay .v.::. v.::5:7 Herbert Am.,J"rorB! Dralna'rd '.: ;; ;; "f0 M.IJodson .. JlXX H. Painter. .'. J'JJ J;lMMst No a. " ' t 0. D in 2 V8, Clayburg. "Holden, J. p. Poea cob &?,I).H?Jn8'?eW-. ... r!!' constablo fees, etc. 8.'20 O.n ,VV8, nobort8n. W. T riden' J p- fees.... 8.30 ail..-'. Lessna. constablo tPna '"TalVot-''- - "7.70 . st,,1'1!01'. aeas 6.70 .D; u?andLeekly. StnVo , ' ' r' lees ' .7.40 ' Ctuj.? pate vs- Snowdon. UMna, making arrest 1.00 fit., ' 1)ist- N". 5. 'f-nA-ttJV8pJ?hnSOn' '.C. n,"8e' J p. fees 2.4R uiiin;" .!.... ii. ij. " . .i i Burns contra $500.00 ' Ptemm1cn8tablo fees. . . . 1.20 Auemmler, acting Dep. Dlat. 5.00 THE COOS BAY TIMES, J. 1. Dlst. X. 0. ' State vs. Conch. C. It. Wiulo, J. P. fees 7.00 S. S. Shields, constablo fees . . . .5.85 Almti JnckBon reporting nnd trans cribing testimony, claim ?34.50 reduced $7.00 27.50 Witnesses: David Fox i.eo II. L. Houston i,go Harry Lockwood l.RO It. 15. Iluhnlcutt i.r.O Guy Dlpplo i.r,o A. W. Shlittcr Frank IJralnard i.r,0 lrf'116 Ctironer'H Court. Inquest ot, Chns. Hndloy, Deed. C. 11. Wado, noting cdronur, pro- pnrlng transcript .. COO S. S. Shields, constablo fees, guard ing body, otc 11.70 F. A. Holmnn, marshal! .... 1.00 T. MancleU, reporting nnd tran scribing testimony 22.50 II. L. HouuCon, attending physician .. .. .: . . K. ... io.oo R. V. Loop, attondlng physician tO.OO Jurors: C. E. Kopr, . 1.00 O. O. Howoll 1.00 John MorrlB . - 1.00 Chas. Lockwood' 1.00 D. P. Ptymalq 1.00 E. Doak . . 1 1.00 Witnesses: Nolson Hrown l.fiO Lloyd Jurge"nson ,1.50 .loo Conch .1.50 Hnrry Lockwood 1.50 Jntnes Wilson 1.50 Eldon Lnnglols 1.50 Frnnk LoRoy .. .. i 1.50 W. K. Hnnna 1.50 Tuvenllo Departiiu'iit. W. B. Cox, arrest of Ellenbcch, do- llnquonts 2.50 ThointiB Anderson, witness in Ro Lylo Porrlno .'. 7.20 In Ho Elections. Howo, Davis company, Reg. Re jected applicants, envelopes 40.00 Coijulllo Vnlloy Sontlnel, election notices nnd bnllots 111.50 In Ito Jiuigt'ft'anri Clerks of Election. ,5"Lnkoflldo No. 1. Each claim $4 reduced and allowed 1 $3.00. Judges: Peter Monognt 3.07 Frnnk liowron 3,00 Ohas. N. Norrls 3.00 Clerks: J. D. Mngeo 3.00 A.F.Johnson. 3.00 Hlllls Short..'' 3.00 Mllo M. Plorson, claim 4th Judgo $4.00 not.nllowod. No. 'J, North Slough. Judges: J. II. Plnkorton 3:00 Oscar Ohman 3.00 Axol Ruth 3.00 Clerks: D. D. Drainnrd . 3.00 Chester R. Dear 3.00 R. A. Church 3.00 No. -I, Allegany. Judges: John Porter 3.00 Gcorgo A. Gould 3.00 C. A. Rodlno 3.00 V Clorks: C. E. Edwrirds 3.00 Z. T. Thomas 3.00 Alfred Rodlno 3.00 No. 5, Cooston. k Judges: Carl W. Johnson 3,00 W. F. Rny ..3.00 A. J. Arnot 3.00 Klerks: Wm. E. Horrtmo 3.00 A. A. Rny .!-T. 3.00 A. G. Rani 3.00 IJJo.jO.iCoos Itlvcr. Judges: J. J. Clinkonboard 3.00 W. If. Morgan 3.00 Jay Clinkonboard 3.00 Clorks: L. I). Smith,., ,. 3.00 W. II. Smith.'. 3.00 No. 7, North Ileml North, 1st lid. Judges: O. E. Mnyboo 3. ,Gco. W. Artls 3.00 C. II. Worrell 3.00 Clerks: C. A. Nollnor 3i00 Ira E. "Whcolor 3.00 Frod Lystor 3.00 No. 7, North Rend North, 2nd lid. Judges: L. F. Fnlkonstoln 3.00 0. W. Artls 3,00 J. G. Horn.. 3.00 - Clerks: John G. Million 3.00 Frod Lystor j 3.0 C. E. Maybeo 3.00 No. 8, North Rend South, 1st 1W. Judges: J. W..Grout 3' O.A.Davidson 3.00 R. C. Holmes 3.00 Clorks: N. C. McLeod.. 3.00 A. E. Sinister 3.00 W. II. Davenport. .. . ... ,'i No. 8, North Ucnd South, 2nd IW. Judges: Edenr McDanlel JtY N. C. McLood J. W. Grout ..3.00 .. 3.00 Clerks: J. M. Thomas 3,00 John Anderson ;?"" W. A. Davenport. ... .. "" No. O, Murshflchl North, 1st Hd. Judges: J. R. Llghtner ' J.. II. Mllnor 3.-0 E. O. Hall .f J,,J& Clorks: F. A. Golden 3.5 Max Tlmmorraan ij." A.D. Wolcott ,V.," No. O, Mawilifleld North, 2nd Iltl. "Judges: T T. TTnnil , ..J.UW "' ."" o nn A. J. Savage. E. O. Hall . . ninrlrn! T n Omllli 3.00 UVU J. UU..... f.f. j V) Tliincrnn .. ii"'"" M. A- Sweetman. . ... 3.00 No. 10, SInishflcJd Central, 1st and 2nd Bds. Judges: C. A. Johnson F, M, Frledborg "'" Levi Smith 6-G0 Clerks: C. L. Pennock -" Jno. O. Merchant M" O. H. Marsh l,i No. 11, Mnrshlleld South, 1st Ud. Judges: D. A. Jones ,- MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1 E. D. McArthur 3.25 R. E. Plnegor 3.25 Clerks: Geo. A. UnlncB 3.25 Edw. II. Joolmk 3.25 F. A. Tlodgen 3.25 No. 11, Jlurshtleld South, 2nd lid. Judges: O. W. Urlggs 3.00 Geo. L. Dlntllngcr '.3.00 It. E. Plnegor 3.00 Clorks: F. K. Genius 3.00 Alva Doll 3.00 C. It. DIndlnger 3.00 No. 12, New Port. ' Judges: . Enoch Holland .".3.00 Henry Harris 3.00 A. M. Alrola 3.00 Clorks: James Oldland 3.00 Wm. Wilson 3.00 Wm. Henron 3.00 No. lit, Hunker 11111. Judges: Dnn S. Orr 3.00 Edw. A.' Harris 3.00 A. M. Peters 3.0Q Clerks: G. D. Stnddon 3.00 Arthur Williams 3.00 No. 1 1, Kustnlde. Judges: Chns. E. Jordan 3.00 Martin Drccn 3.00 S. S. Acklcs 3.00 Clorks: W. 11. Cavanaugh 3.00 E. A. Stonccyphor 3.00 Wm. J. Lonton 3.00 No. 15, Empire. Judges: Wm. Saunders 3.00 II. D. Ingersoll 3.00 John Pedcrson 3.00 Clorks: C. G. Hockott 3.00 T. II. Hnrry 3.00 No. HI, South Slough. Judges: C. A. Sohlbrcdo 3.00 GuBt Johnson 3.00 II. Stlmmoll 3.00 Clorks: T.J. Rlngham 3.00 Stanloy Oldland 3.00 No. 17, Ooos City. Judges: 55. T. Slglin 3.00 J. D. Ross 3.00 W. P. Fox 3.00 Clerks: Julius Kruso 3.00 Noll O. Watson 3.00 W. C. Woavor 3.00 No. 18, Sumucr. Judges: J. S. Masters 3.00 James Stock 3.00 E. J. Mastors 3.00 Clerks: W. D. Fnrrln 3.00 LcBtor Hazolton 3.00 J. I). Cllnkonbenrd 3.00 No. 10, Couledo. Judcos: Jasper Yoakara 3.00 John Yoakam '"i!'22 Jns. McCutchcon 3.00 Clorks: JnmoB M. Merchant 3.00 W. T. Moffott "" No. 20, llurton. Judges: J. L. Darker 3-00 II. W. Hovlorstott . . .' J.00 G. W. NorrlsB 3.00 Clerks: Wm. Bottys 3.00 II. V. Holvorstott 3.00 W. O. Matthews 3.00 No. 21,J)orn. Judges: E. N. .Harry 3.00 G. O. Swan 3.00 L. A. Lawhorn 3.00 Clorks: Stovo Mlnard 3.00 Edwin P. S. Abornothy 3.00 F. A. Baker 3.00 No. 28, Prosper. Judges: It. W, Dullard i .. ..3.00 rv A. Goodman 3.00 J. A. Morrison 3.00 Clorks: E. W. Fahy 3.00 Frank F. Eddy 3.00 J. A. Hamblock 3.00 MlHCCllancous Election Bills. Mllo M. Plorson, hall rent, Proclnct No. 1 2.60 J. II. Plnkorton, meals for oloctlon bonrd, Pet. No. 3 3.00 North Inlet Social Club, hall rent 2.50 Wm. Homrao, meals nnd hall rent. Pet, No. 5 C.00 F. E. Allen, hall rent, tables, chairs, etc., Pet. No. 7 .. ..3.50 Potor Logglo, hall rent, Pet, No. 8 ,. .5.00 C. A! Johnson, ront, tables, etc. Pet. No. 10 I.GO Mrs. E. Grnndoll, meals for Bd. Pet. No. 13 3.00 C. E.. Jordan, hall ront, mealB, Pet. No. 14 4.00 S. C. Bunch, ruoals for oloctlon bd Pet. No. 21 3.00 Mileage earnod dollverlng election returns, Port of Coos Bay: Charles Norrlsr Pet. No. 1. . . .0.80 Axol Ruth, Pet. No. 3 0.00 C. E. Edwards, Pet. No. 4 . . . . 7.20 W. F. Ray. Pet. No. 5 ,,. .4.00 L. D. Smith, Pet. No. G.. ft ..C.20 G. W. Artls, Pet. No. 7 . . .7 . .4.20 N. C. McLeod, Pet. No. 8 4.20 J. It. Llghtner, Pet. No. 9 3.C0 C. A. Johnson, Pet. No. 10 . . . .3. CO R. E. Plnegor, Pet. No. 11.. ..3iC0 James Oldland, Pet. No. 12 . . . .4.40 Dan S. Orr, Pet. No. 13 3,60 B A. Stonecyphor, Pet. No. 14. .4.00 T. H. Barry, Pet. No. 15 5,00 C. A. Sohlbrede,. Pot. No. 16 . . G.80 Z T. Slglin, Pet. No. 17 .. ..2.80 j D. Cllnkenbcard. Pet. No. 18 3.60 Y" f f Olympic Snow Drift Flour tuiuw. RETAIL PRICE; $1:40 PER. SACK UnrthwMitern hard wheat used ex tioclt 3 duBlrely In filling these brns ot -OIYnPfP ,V1UUI. Jas. M. Merchant, Pet. No. 19 . .1.40 Wm. Bottys, Pet. No. 20 1.80 E. N. Harry, Pet. No. 21 .. .. 4.40 J. A. Morrison, Pet. No. 28 . . . .4.60 In Ho Stationery nnd Printing. A. F. Llnegar, 10,000 2c enve lopes 217.60 A. F. Llnegar, 500 2c envelopes 10.6S Couuillo Herald, printing notices nnd postal cards 4.30 W. W. Gngo, stamps, postal cards, etc 5.91 Coqulllo Valley Sontlnol, pub. court proceedings, notices, etc. 86.07 1-2 Coos Bay Times, pub. court pro ceedings, pub. notices, etc. 177.60 Tho Irwln-Hodson Co., reg. certl ilcatos of delinquency, etc. 130.05 In Ho Indigents and Insane. Mrs. Jeff D. Wilson, enro of County hospital pntlonts 435.00 Geo. A. RoblnBon, underwear for Clnrn Wcbbor 1.00 JLLowollcn&Soncof (Continued on next page) Harmon Tailoring Co. 128 Front St. Opposite Orplieum Theater. Barnard & Langworthy Seo our window display of WOOD ELKCTHIO FECTUHE3 LEADED ART GLASS DOMJCS PORTABLE STAND LAMPS. IHOm5 181-R. AVKST MARSIIFIELD SNAPS 41 x 90 Corner Commercial nnd Thirteenth $073 70 x 100 Fourtconth St. .91-100 50 x 140 Central Avo....$M7a 70 x 100 Commorclal and Fourteenth 91800 S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Stroot. BUILDING! AND REPAIR WORK, Hoiiso Moving nnd Grading. Wo nro proparod to do this .work by tho day or contract and guarantoo satisfaction. Lot us flguro with you. G. S. FLOYD & CO., Phono aiO-T. Mnraliflcld, Oro. P.OLK'Sj OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory Directory ot each City, Town and Vlllasv KlTlngr d.icrlptlv. .ketch ot etch place, location, population, tele STsph. .Ulpplnc and tanking points alio Clajflfloa Directory, compiled by builnen and profeulon. It. Z. rOUC & CO.. SEATTLE WHEN YOU WANT A MESSEN GER ROY Something went for or delivered PHONE 18 Mj and'wo'll do it. Charges reason able CHAS GRANRY. 173 Front St. Mnrshfleld. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERS, CLEANERS, PRESSERS nnd HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward II. Strauss & Co., Fino Tailoring. Let us mnko your next suit. 255 COMMERCIAL. Phono 250-X BlancharcTs Livery Wo have- secured tho Uvory bus, noss ot L. H. Holsnor, and aro pro parod to rondor oxcollont srvlco to tho pooplo ot Coos Bay. Carotul drivers, good rigs nnd everything that will mean satisfactory servlco to tho public. Phono us for a driv ing horso, a rig or anything noedod la tho livery lino. Wo also do truck lng business of all kinds. BLANCHARD BROTHERS, Phono 138-J. Livery, Feed and Sales Servlco. 141 First and Alder Streets Flour I FiUUR ,i , 912 -EVENING EDITION. CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National BanfcJoE Coos' Bay At Uio clofio of business, September 4, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $305,414.72 Overdrafts 163.12 Bonds, warrants and securities 63,689.90 U. S. Bonds to socuro circulation 25,000.00 Real estato, furlturo and fixtures 80,000.00 Cash and sight oxchango 149,208.65 biiI r.ljltfliii!2j(Lltiiib . .,, ,nn Total ;.$623,476.39 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $100,000.00 Surplus nnd undivided profits 11,419.78 Circulation, outstanding 24,000.00 DopoBlts i i 488,05(1.61 Total $623,476.39 In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability of Stockholders Is $100,000.00. INTEREST TAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. CHANDLER, President DORSE? KHEITZEK, Caslilcr. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee, and Abstract Co. HKNitr SKNOSTAOKSN, Mfr. Coqulllo .Offlca PhoM 111 Platting Lands a. spoeUlty. Farmi Tlmbor Om1 aawti "BASTSIDn" ,0aaral Ac .Mtrahi.ld' Offloa 14-J. STATEMENT OF CONDITION fLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSIIFIELD, OREGON, At Uio closo of buslnest, September 1, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $465,211.87 Banking houso 50,000.00 CaBb. and exchanges 307,835.40 Total $813,017.33 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In :..' $ 50,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 59,552.67 Deposits 703,494.66 Total $813,047.33 Get AND GET AFTER THAT ROOF, nUT FIRST COME IN AND OVt OUR PRICKS ON SHINGLES AND ROOFING PAPER, SHINGLES tl.BO AND UP. rr-7tr n) - ROOFING PAPER, ONB PLY, 11.25 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. mnUi I., RETAIL Triplex Bathtub - MAKES A N& 8ITZ DATH Psi;sSP COMFORT 0F ANY fj&vVV LUXURY ' 1 rz3Mi CONVENIENCE Br V -Mm fill The " SIKKtta It la a luxury In tha bath at It can b hunpj InaWo at th upprj ..rf -f ih. tub alvlna ponvanlane. whll. b.thfnB. F It. , Inalrfa orf th." lubolvlna" 0r..t.r ; whll. bath JB F t. hwld. $ tha ft Nothlno toJ0.t out of ord.r-wlfl lt for (."rations. outside, tub. U Down mw .- w .., .. J - 1L. F0,d, .r.y..y tomnpuUU, that It can i. ua.d by th. .m.ll Jl child and I ." atrongly built that It w HI oomforUbU aupport fu uttlu.t Jul? Tha Trlnlax Dathtub'Cha r a h ohly racomm.ndaa & hoU,em.n.d8Uir., hoSplUl. d aanlt.rlum. throu0hout th. Unlt.d 8tat... , ,...j Mada with all parta pick.i P'"- ith inalda and out, hlohly pollih.d noin UB "MM ""."'". "ij. and ouarant.oa not xo ru. "" wood .at la heavily eoatod with a permanent enamel making, the Tri plex Bathtub-Chalr an artlola. whoje hand.oma aapearanc will beautify any bathroom. Style 1 solid metal, heavily nickel plated $1.50 Style 2-tubular metal, heavily nickel plated $2.00 Style 3 all solid brauw, heavily nickel plated $3.00 HuurACTUM. UCUWYtlY TMI TIH MTHTUI" .CMJUSO..AINOriCI, II UCKAWAHNA VUI, 0HTON, fIH..U. . A. WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneu matic Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken at GOING & nARVEY, Phone 100 Times Want Ads BringResufos f rfi r Busy DEPARTMENT. CMliu, ut Chair Ca W kU m el Um it. J GOING & HARVEY TIONEER HOW. CO. W. N. ELBIiAD & CO. MARSIDTnjLD HDW. CO. PERRY & NICHOLSON E. BANDEL V. IC. WISEMAN O. A. JOHNSON WILLEY & 8CIIROEDER J Bargains in Lots a Bunker Hill Some choice sites It you oo mo at once. AUO. FRIZEEN. 08 Central Ave. iB3