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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1912)
FOR HUMAN OR ANIMAL FLESH ". ?s,aasrtMa,5 a: ww BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT (no i null dlJettiCS leavei wnicn 11 othsr rood rubbc remedy blame. and many woria or on cently household enm- Put tip in Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle. JAMKS F. BALLAItD rnornicTOR ST. LOUrS, MO. For DHw ' at ke EfK, Sttphtna Bye Salve la an Effective Itemed?. It ICaaea rla aad Carta Permanently. ,MKHAltT-PAR80NB DRUG CO. ISow MP RteoMMENamBvl TUB BUSY CORNER" THE REX ALL STOItE. GET A VACUUM CLEANER For That Bering Houecclcaninjr. ANY "GUILD CAN OPERATE THEM No Dust or Dirt Satisfaction Guaranteed LIOIIT TO HANDLE AND WILL LAST FOR YEARS TRY ONE TRICK ONLY fiO.OO C. A. Johnson. Oldest Furbltmra Store oh Com JUy r PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY nB.A. J. HENDRY'S U Modem Dental Parion. Wi are equipped to do high cltu ttrk on ibort notlcu at the vary ItiMi prleoa. Examination fro Lady attendant, Coka building, oppo litt Chandler hotel, phon. 1U-J. DR. 0. W. LESLIE, Oftoopnthlo PhyalcUa Onduite of the American aobool ol OiUopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Offlcc la Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 13; 1 to i' Fbone 101-J; MarabUeld; Orogon J W. BENNBTT, Lawyer. )S oier Flanagan & Bennett Dank linifltld Orogon niu J. T. McC'OUMAO, Pbyalclan and Burgeon Maribfleld, Oregon. Jfflce: Lockbart Building, Opposite post offlro. Phono 10G-J Union Oils JAfiOUNE DI8TILLATX BENZINE KEROSENE BAUSON GAS ENGINES and CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS CoosBay Oil & Supply Co. Hanhnfld, Ore. PnONE 80S-J MaU Order Solicited. W.K.Wiseman The Old Reliable Now car nes a complete stock of HousefuriiishiiiKs. Every thing from Kitchen to Bed room, Now Goods. Reasonable Prices. 323 South Broadway. Phone No. 210-J. ST AD DEN All Und. of photograph work, bromide enlarging and kodak Inlihlng. Blanchard's vLivery We have secured the livery busl bHL L' " Holsner, and are pre frea to render excellent service to "J people of Coos Bay. Careful thii ?m. g00d rlB8 nnd evorythlng iii. "J, mean satisfactory service to " i public, phone us for a driving th u a Tls or anything needed In hi I .' 1,ne- Wo also do truck "5 business of nil kinds. ULAXCHARI) 11R0THERS .. Phono 138-J uyery, Fwd aiul 8alea ServjCe. "I First and Alder Streets. Try The Times Want Ada. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. At tho closo of business, April 18, 1012. RESOURCES. LoniiB and Discounts $432,792. CC Banking Houso 50,000.00 Cash nnd Exchangos 251,981.90 To'il $734,774.62 LIABILITIES. . Capital Stock paid In $ CO.000.00 Surplus nnd Undlvldod Profits 55,663.67 Doposita 629,210.95 Total $734,774.63 CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tho closo of business April 18, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $208,201.03 Bonds, warrants and securities 78,9 47.06 U. S. bonds to securo circulation 25,000.00 Real cstato, furnlturo nnd fixtures 81,011.34 Cash and sight oxchango 198,268.68 Total I001,428.?1 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $100,000.00 SurplUB and undlvldod profit 8,815.49 Circulation, outstanding 25,000.00 Deposits 467,013.22 Total 9001,428.71 In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability of Stockhold ers Is $100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. CHANDLER, President. M. O. IIORTON, Vlco-Prcsldont. DORSEY KREITZER, Cnshlor. At the Churches (Ministers and others aro request ed to hand tho Bunday church no tices not lator than Friday evening to Insure insertion Saturday.) METHODIST EPISCOPAL M Rev. H. I. Rutledgo, Pastor. M Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning sorvlco at 11 a, m, Epworth League at 7 p. in. Evening scrvico at 8 p. m. Prayormcotlng on Thursday ovon lng at 8 o'clock. Strangers wolcomo. EPISCOPAL BaMaaanel Cborcfe R.r. Robt. B. Browning, Rector. 9:30 A. M. Sunday school. 8 A. M. Holy Communion (2nd and 4 th Sundays. 11 A. M. Morning sorvlco and sermon. 7:30 P. M. Evening -eorvlce and sormon. Sorvlco at St. Luke's Episcopal church, Empire ovory Frldny even ing, and In St. Mary's church, North Bond, ovory Sunday aftornoon at 2:00. NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. Sunday school at 10:00 o'clock. Blblo reading at 10:45 a. m. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTI8TS f C. J. Colo, pastor. Sovonth Day Advontlst services are conductod ovory Saturday as follows: Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Preaching sorvlcos at 3 p. m. Como and spend an hour with us; wo will do you good. CHURCH OF CHRIST Regular services orry Lord's day. Sunday school, 10 o'clock A. M. Communion serrlc. 11 o'clock A.M. Y. P. S. O. E. 6:30 o'clock P. M. Prayer meeting Thursday evening MCh week I o'clock. ! MARSHFIELD K PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH X Sundi.y ichool at 10:60 A. U. Christian Endeavor at 6:10 P. M. How to Fertilize ii Out DW 24-p.M .book. VrtitW by DM who low, coulci much umu1 ilot mttioa on IrttiEziof wtAna Mik M3llMOIIIqiMa) JjSgg J Mill. nMiMdiiMoaiqui. i.m The Chaa. H. Ully Co SeatUa, Waih. Thoro novor was a tltno whon poo- plo appreciated tho real merits of Chamborlnln-s Cough nomody moro than now. This Is shown by tho In croaso In snlod and voluntary testi monials from porsons who havo been curod by It. If you or your chlldron aro troubled with n cough or cold glvo It a trial and bocomo acquainted with Its good qualltlos. For salo by all doalors. SWEDISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Comer Third nnd Commorco. Sunday school In English ovory aununy at umu a. in. 4 FIRST BA1TIST CHURCH. Rev. Q. LoRoy Hall, Residence 592 Sixth street Phones: Rosldonce 256. Study, 289-L. Bunday. II A. U. flanday School. Clail. ttutanaa, suprlnteadat, 11 A. M. Preaching Borvlco. I P. M, Boys and girls' meeting Mrs. O. L. Hall In charge. 3 P. M. Services at Eastsido. Young Pooplo's mooting at 6:30. 7:30 P. M. Evening sorvlcos. Rov. F. C. W. Parker, gonoral missionary for tho Stato of Orogon, will speak at tho morning sorvlco and tho pastor will speak at tho ovonlng sorvlco, his thorao bolng "Living Stonos." K CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. M Christian Science hall, 8S7 Third itrcet, North. Service Sunday at 11 a. m. Subject, "Probation Aftor Death." Sunday school 12 M., Wodnosday 8 p. in. 4 .MARSHFIELD CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rov. A. R. Munro. High mass will bo aolomnlxed at 10 o'clock Sunday morning, tho Rov. Fathor Munro, colobranU UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH OF NORTH BEND. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Proachlng service at 11 A. M. and S o'olock. Christian Endoavor at 6:30 P. M. NORTH DEND PRESBYTERIAN Rev. D. A. MacLeod, Pastor 4 Sunday school at 10. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Preaching morning and ovonlng. NORTH BEND CATHOLIC CHURCH. 4 Rev. Father Springer, Rector. Mass will bo colobratod by the Rov. Fathor Sprlngor at 8 o'clook. NORTH BEND METHODIST CHURCH. 4 The services Sunday will b. m fol low.: Sunday school, 10 A. M. Preaoblng services, 11 A. M. Junior League, 1:80 P. U. Evening service at 7:80 P. U. THERE'S SATISFACTION IN EVERY SLICE cut from tho loaf that conios from this bnkory. You'll find tho last Just as moist and toothsomo as tho first. Wo don't know how long our broad will stay moist. For It 1b so good that It novor lasts long enough to got n chanco to dry out. Try a loaf as a test. Coos Bay Bakery The place for good goodies. Phone 111-L Market Ave. Marshflold WEIGH OUR FEED AND GRAIN by what they will do for your horso. If thoy will improve his condition nnd valuo you need thorn nt any cost. But ns thoy will cost you no moro than you pay anyway you do not havo to consider tho cost. Wo claim that our feed and grain will mako a hot ter horso of yours. Give us tho chanco to provo It. A. T. Haines Supply Your Kitchen Needs Now, You can't afford lo rlik health .by untie om , KOOklQff UICO' rail. worn (1 r -::-- ", i whlch chlDi 0(1 and ouki atom Eh dlisaiai or ratlv. leaky tln-wro. wMM. anAlt. fl.vnrl And Wllltl food Keplaco Uio old waro wltb "1892" Pure Spun LAlummumfeSfi , one of tho many rella-; . bia linei wo carry.. kWenavo juii ro-j i ceivea a new ' lot. Coma la and lee thie lurjcrlor iroodi and get a louveoir tree. You can depend on anything you buy her. Phono 1O0J Waterfront, Mild. KKRLAD & SON. bbh -mi n ii .fz win nwh ' i MrAtflnlrVjJrl Jiff ' SAFE AHPlr P jr " SQUAKkJ ir . viniyws x. 5 Ov. - fpKESmW) NX '.rnxw. ,.,., ft imI CMS BAY REALTY SYNDICATE. CCALCAS JZA6CNTS. COAL COLONIZATION. &AIW. 1 FARM FDUT. MIWUL, rwwjJTO iatfri i j OkSAnmiis or IMUSWAl CWPAMIS A SKOALTYsi. " rh oast ha. proven that inv.aiment. In small acre tracts near growin, cities are the met profltabl.. Th. O. B. R. S. ha. auch to offer, m J. Bruachke. Harahfleld. Or.. . City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and reasonable charges. Our mono. "Will ko anywnero m fir.IlrJLBl.nco Hotel and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phones-.o iSaicCT COODALE, pWprIeto. Lynn Lambeth Fred Nemlo Cadillac Auto Service Good Cars Reasonable Rates All Night Service Careful driving assured. r,t,oneBIanoo Pool Room. 231-K until 1 1P.M. After 11 P. M. phono 5-J. Palaco uesiaurani. THE ADVICE OF THE YOUNG JlXAUNpnV-VpRi PSSIP'' PJ4W THE PEOPLE'S fORUM Tho Times will bo ploasod to pub lish lottors from Its roadori on all auostlons at public Intoro.t. Each (lottor must bo elgnod by tho wrltor, and so far as posslblo be limited to 00 words. In publishing these lot tors It muBt bo undorstood that Tho Times does not Indorao tho vlows ox prossod therein; It Is simply affording a moans for tho voicing of dlfforent opinions on all questions affecting the public welfare. Editor Times; Didn't you overdo tho thing a llttlo in that "Lot us talk It ovor" about tho I. W. W. In which you stylo thorn ns Industrial porvorta nnd stnto that tholr plans aro for pillage and plundor? You say thoro Is no quostlon bo twoon tliOHO Industrlnl dlsturbors und tho bosses and that It Is a quostlon for tho city and community. Thon It would appear that thoro Is no quos tlon at all if not, botweon tho bossos nnd "Industrial dlsturbors", yot you tnko up tho quostlon and swat tho I, W. W, one on gonoral prlnclplos. You havo dono moro In this llttlo "Lot us tnlk It ovor" to create n question than olther tho "Industrial porvortn" or tho othor porvorts. Yes, oven moro than a cortaln business man who Is reported to havo said that tho first agitator should bo hung to a polo. A llttlo such talk as your editorial and that of this buslnoss man goos a long ways toward croatlng a quos tlon for contention. But say, If thoro Is no quostlon, why discuss tho sad question 7 You hnvo said too much, for wo all bellovo thoro Is a question between tho bossos nnd the I. W, W. now since you havo boon so porslst ont In stating thoro Is not, but wo had not hoard of It before on Cooh nay Foniothlng must bo on In tho Inslilo of your inai.tor projudlco lagoiiiHt tho I, W. W. hoforo tho ques tion arises botweon them and tho bosses you must know that tho Is often well worth taking. One does not hnvo to wear a gray beard In order to bo wise, nut some of us do not cut our wisdom teeth until wo havo profited by sad oxporlenco. Are you getting as good Laundry work as your would like? If not, try our establishment once, nnd we know tho class of work, the service, and the prices will keep you a regular customer, Coos Bay Steam Laundry PnONE MAIN 5T-J THIS WILL INTEREST MOTHERS. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for child en, a Certain relief for Fever lsbneB8, Headacho, Bad Stomach, Teething, Disorders, movo and regu late tho Bowels and Destroy Worms, They break up colds In 24 hours. They are so pleasant to tho taste Children like them. Over 10,000 testimonials. .Used by Mothers for 23 years. Thoy never fall. Sold by all Druggists, 26c. Sample mailed FREE. Ad. ess, Allen S. OUtated, Le Roy, N. Y, bosses are going to rnlso tho ques tion. Am posltlvo that you do not know what tho I. W. W. will do, for you hnvo botrayod your lgnoranco all along In regard to tholr oporatlons. You soy tho I. w. W. ropresonu no recognlzod union. Plonso run that thought through your mental mill onco again nnd boo If It comes out tho sarao. You should In justice to yourself moot tho I. W. W I be llovo you would recognize thorn. Th. tcxtllo bosses of MassachUBo'ts rocog nlzod thorn and gavo thorn a scale of wages that amounts to from 15 to 25 por cont Incronso ovor what they got botoro they mot. You say tnero Is work ana wol como for all honest mon who como horo animated by an onrnest doslro to do tholr sharo In tho dovolopmont of this soctlon. You aro probably Innocont of tho fact that hundreds hnvo walked 90 miles in tho ralu, mud and slush to got out of her. this winter becauso no work could be found. ABk tho pooplo who llvo on tho roads. Thon Just think of a hun gry workoc coming horo with an ani mation to dovolop this section. If you will allow him to havo BUfflclont wngos nnd employment to onnblo him to acqulro land, tlmbor, merchandise or uowspnpors to soil ho will sudden ly possess that animation to dovolop this section also. Somo of you nows papor mon know ns much about tho governing laws of material Interest ns I do about tho fanclos of a million aire No working man, with noth ing moro than a roll of blankots, and an ompty stomach could bo oxpoctod to got animated about doing his part In developing this soctlon. Porlsh tho thought. Noxt I noto you say, "Thoro has novor boon any complaint of food or wagos In Coos County camps." In this statement you oxhlblt moro lg noranco than did John D. whon he tostlflod In Chicago that ho didn't know whothor Wntors-Plorco Oil Co. belonged to htm or not. Everybody olso did. Samo horo. Evory porson roust know that the workers aro not satlsflod with their wagos and novor will bo till thoy got all tho wealth thoy produce The placo whoro thoro has novor been any complaint of food or wngos must bo In hoavon you havo misplaced It. I bollovo conditions nro ns good on tho Bay as olsowhoro, possibly better, but It Is a common mattor of know lodgo that ovory camp Is full if com plaint of food and wages and hours thoy havo to work. Go out and Inter view n fow loggers and learn for yoursolf. Noxt you say this monaco has al ready boon tolorntod too long In Mnrshllold. What monaco aro you talking about? You havo already stated thoro Is no quostlon botweon tho workers and tho bosses. Is It not a fact that you and a few business men hnvo something up your sloovos to start in tho Interest of tho bosses nnd that you aro trying to mold public opinion In your favor? That Is tho only conclusion to bo de ducted from your odltorlnl nnd from tho uttoranco of this "business man" who Is roportod to havo Incltod lynch law for tho first agitator, A ntrlko and a fight horo will hurt ovorybody most of all tho buslnoss mon, employers nnd farmers. It will hurt tho workers tho loast bocauBO they havo tho least to loso and from past oxporloncos wo know that whore troublo has dovolopod Into a strike tho conditions nnd wagos woro poorer boforo than aftor tho strike. Some carry away brokon hoads and some don't enrry away any hoads at all. Hut tho gonoral result Is better wages and bottor conditions for the strlkors. Whon MnrBhflold gets an I. W. W. strlko for betto.- wage- or freo speech, Marshflold loncs, you loso and I loso financially. Th,o "Intorosts" will loso nnd tho otrlk orn will win bocnuso thoy havo noth ing to loso. You nro taunting tho bull with n rod flag, dot n whtto ono. If thoro Is no question for goodness Hnko do not ralso ono. Froo speech bus not boon donlod In Mnrshllold and wont' I don't bollovo. If not donlod thoro will bo no troublo. If Smith and Smlth-Powors nro gottlng along alright with tholr mon or not Is none of our buslnoss. Lot us wait till It Is. (W. C. Woavor) Socialist. BALMY SPRING By tho Poet Philosopher Whon with his chain that tyrant king, old Wintor long hnth bound us, how plensant thon Is gentlo Spring, whon sho conios smiling round usl Thon to tho barber I ro palr, n gny and blltho cavortor, and hnvo him amputnto my hair and cut ..i,. ulilaUnrn ahnrtnr. With SUIinV smllo nnd sprightly Joko I wander through tho city, nnu put my ovor ennt In soak, and sing a cheorful fllilv In Hnrlnir tho burden Of my years scorns fallen from my shoulder. ana I'm as insKy as uay aiuuro i not a blnma bit oldor. I'm Just as chipper as can bo, my vim could not bo groator; I'd chase a pooler up a tree, or whip an alligator. And whl.o I'm fooling blltho and gay somo sin ful agent passes; ho soils a tonic mndo of hay and barks and buds and grasses. Ha backs mo up against .t wall and saya j need hie mlxturos to honl my liver and my gall nnd divers othor fixtures. Ho proves that I am out of whack by reading toxts and versos from Doctor Faker's nlmnnuc upon which book my cutho Is, And poI tnko his dopo and then my buoy nncy's dopartod; I'm feollug old and tough again, and etalo and broka.. hoartod. Whon spring time clothes tho smiling hills, rojuvonates oacu ncro, bowaro the agont and his pills., bowaro of Doctor Faker! WALT MASON. PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEYTABSORPTION METHOD. It Ju offr frum tlftdlng, Itcblnf, blind or proirudlug I'llr'i Mnd m your mldriM, auil 1 will ttll you bow to cur yourwl( at bum by tbe new lUorptlou trratairuti tad trill lo kuJ tomt of till" booia Irtiliurnt frre or trial, wltb rcfrrrocM from your own locality It rrquratrt. ImmnlUte re lief and rrnanrot cure auurrd Krud no tnonry, but trll otbera of tbla offer. Writs today to Un, M. Simmer., U-n f, Njir D.uie, lad.