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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1912)
MMUirewtayjuW. , ,,, t fLliVflS'i P-i p IPbillL li 11 (Continuod from pago 2.) About two hundred mombcrs of tlio I three lodges attended. Cards, danc ing and tho banquet In tho lodgo Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Toello, Mr. and ! rooms furnlshod various diversions Mrs. A. II. Dorbyshrlo, Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Dalloy, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. G. Colonmn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jas. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Wallace, Mn and Mrs. M. E. Everltt, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Simpson, Jr., Mr. nnd Mrs. H. 13. Rlggs, Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Horn, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. II. O'Mnrn, Mr. andflaMrs. J. II. Grovos, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Will lama, Dr. nnd Mrs. I. Ii. Hurtle, Misses Ellen Anderson, Edith Horn, nnd Florenco Peterson, Messrs. It. J. Coke, C. II. Uroulllard and Thomns Stora. 0 Tho Ladles' Art Club mot yostor day with Mrs. Wm, Sehrooder In West Marshfleld. A nice luncheon was served and mndo aplcnsnnt end ing to tho nfternoon of sewing. Mrs. McCullough, Mrs. Wlllcy and Mrs. Crawford wcro guests of tho day. Present also wcro Mrs. John Dlatt, who will entertain tho club noxt week, Mrs. Chns, Curtis, Mrs. F. M. Flyo, Mrs. Wm. Hoagiand, Mrs. E. D. McArthur, Mrs. Dorsoy Krcitzer, Mrs. A. L. Housoworth, Mrs. J. U. Klnnoy, Mrs. Lydln Lang, Mrs. J. W. Hlldonbrand, Mrs. J. W. Mitchell, Mrs. Ivy Condron and Mrs. William Schrocdcr. O Tho North Bond Mothodlst Lndtos' Aid mot nt tho M. E. church Thurs day nfternoon. A momborshlp con test has bcon going on for somo tlmo, that wns ended with n soclnl nfter noon. Tho winning sldo which en rolled twenty-two uow mombors was headed by Mrs. Elmer Russoll, and Mrs. Wm. Nollson, captain of tho losing fildo, with her holpors, will glvo n chicken suppor for tholr suc cessful rivals nomo tlmo la May. Among thoso present Thursday woro Mrs. M. L. Grout, Mrs. W. J. Stovons, Mrs. Wm. Nollson, Mrs. F. Stovons, Mrs. Elmer Wood, Mrs. HobBon, Mrs. M. E. Everltt, Mrs. I. Frcolnnd, Mlsu E. Guornon, Mrs. A. Smith, Mrs. Bnb cock, Miss Guorncn, Mrs. L. IUtchlo, Miss Covoy, Mrs. Hoy Brnlnnrd, Mrs. Lewis Bolslngor, Mrs. Isaacs, Mrs. Harvoy Russell, Mrs. Young. Mrs. W. A. Mooro, Mrs. Stownrt, Mrs. Chas. Van Zllo, Mrs. Goo. Soils, Mrs. W. II. Chapollo, Mrs. A. L. Gubsor, Mrs. A. L. Hlsoy, Mrs. N. C. Mc Lood, Mrs. Fry, Mrs. Edgar McDnn lol, Mrs. Goorgo Tnylor, Mrs. Clnudo Nnllnor, MIbs Gonorvn Smith. Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. J. S. Nowklrk nnd Mrs. Llvongood. Tho ladles nro giving a hot chicken suppor nnd an apron nnd mlscollanoouB nrtlclo snlo on Sher man nvonuo this evening. Tho Young Pooplo'B Socioty of tho Norwegian Lutheran church hold Kb UBiinl business mooting Wodnosdny ovonlng nt tho churctt linll followod by n program nnd n soclnl tlmo. An nddrosH wnB glvon by Mr. Mullln, n piano duot by MIhs Mabel nnd Miss Corn Mnthlson, n road lug by J. Mart inson, ronuing or tho socioty pnpor by Miss Mnbol Muthlson nnd n plimo solo and oncoro by MIbb Myrtlo lsnnc Bon. Following tliq program ro froshmnntB woro Horvod by MIbb Ulnncho Tollofson nnd Hurry Johnn Bon. Thoso )roHont woro MIbbob Ingoborg Lnrson, Ingrltl Olaon, Alleo Mnthlson, Myrtlo iHnniBon, Gonoviovo TollofBon, Lllllo Gldmnrk, llorghlld Olson, Coru Mnthlson, Mny Ilurko, Thorn Lund, Dlnncho TollofBon, Dlna IIJollO, LOUU Llllebo. Elslo Lnrnnn. Jonnlo JohiiBon, Ellznboth Tollofson for nil tastes nnd tho evening wns universally pronounced ono of tho plonBnntest over given by tho Joint ordorB. O Mrs. Geo. F. Murch and Miss Char lotto Murch wero hostesses at u ro- coptlon Friday from two to flvo In honor of Mrs. Tozar of Minneapolis, a slstor of Mrs. Murch, and Miss Iloso Stein who is visiting MIbb Murch. Tho color schomo of tho Iioubo and tho tablo decorations wns pink nnd whlto. Apple-blossoms woro tho prlnclplo greens used and woro strown ovcrywhoro In bunches and clusters. In tho dining room woro four small tables with brass, pink shaded candle-sticks ns centro-plcces. In tho receiving lino woro Mrs. Murch In whlto with applo blossoms, Mrs. Tozer In lavender with lilacs, Miss Murch in old-roso with applo blos soms, Miss Stein in yellow with cream roues, and Mrs. Horbort II. Davis, Mrs. John Smith Handson, lato of Minnesota, and Mrs. W. T. Stoll, lato of Spoknno, Wnsh. Mrs. A. II. PoworB recolved nt tho door. MrB. P. A. Snndborg nnd Mrs. F. M. Pnr sons assisted in tho rooms and Mrs. A. E. Adolsporgcr, Mrs. E. M. Bnrry nnd Mrs. W- II. Konnody In tho dining-room. Among tho guosts blddon woro Mosdnmcs C. J. Mlllis, D. Y. Stnffonl, C. K. Porry, Wm. Grimes, F. O. Horton, W. F. Mlllor, S. C. 8mall, M. C. Mnlonoy, J. W. Bonnott, I. 8. Knufmnn, Wm. Horsfnll, Jr., F. E. Loofo, C. W. Towor, J. S. Coko, M. 0. Horton, W. S. Nicholson, E. D. Convorflo, E. B. Strnw, R. E. Drown ing, F. A. Hnznrd, Mnry McKnight, J. T. McCormnc, J. II. Flnnngan, E. G. Porham, G. A. Donnott, N. Ras musBon, D. C. Vnughnn. W. T. Mor- chant, Harry Nnsburg, II. Songstnck- on, i'. w. imguo, A. ii. Powers, Alvln W. Myers, D. C. Groono, Claudo Nns burg, Lovl Dohlo, E. G. Flnnngan, E. F. MorrlHsoy, Win. Magco, R. IC. Dooth, J. T. Hnrrlgnn, M. McKlnnon, Joha Kendnll, P. A. Snndborg, R. O. Graves, F. M. Pnraons, C. S. Dodgo, Cnrl Evortson, J. T. Hall, J. F. Hall, E. MlngUB, Chrlstlno Kruao. J. A. Mntson, F. E. Cohnn, W. A. Toyo, H. H. Davis, C. A. Smith, C. M. Dylor, L. J. Simpson, Goo. D Mandlgo, W. U. DougluB, W. C. Urndloy, A. B. AdolBporgor, Doraoy Kroltzor, C. R Pock, John Smith Handson, A. L. Housoworth, E. 8. Dargolt, E. M. unrry, a F. McKnight, C. F. Mc Eldownoy, Qulncy Suthorland, Ward M. Illako, II S. Towor, W. H. Kon nody, Bllznboth AduniB, I). D. Oatllnd, Dnvld NoIboii, B. W. Olson, L. W. Holmborg, E. CroBthwnlt, A. T. Hnlnes, Burl Downing, A. B. Noff, G W. Knufmnn, R. F. Williams, 0. F. .Mcuoorgo, A. u. GKIIoy, and Mor ton Towor of Emplro; Misses E. Sil verman, Inoz Baldwin, E. Bruco Kol- joy, jwainio Mnlionoy, Agnes Hutcho erly of Emplro but now of San Fran cisco, has donated two lots nt Bunk er Hill to bo nwarded as prizes. O Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Toyo ontortnln od Rov. Father Munro and Dr. Goo. B. DIx at dinner Tuesday, O J. W. IJennott nnd wlfo and J. II. Flnnngnn and wlfo expect to lonvo noxt week for Portlnnd. Thoy will nlso visit other const points boforo roturnlng. Mrs. E. S. Gear and baby loft to dny for Wnlln Walla, Wash., whoro oran hall was boautifully docorntod with bowors of follngo nnd flowors, while tho tnbles which woro placed to scat about forty pooplo woro very artistically arranged. After n soclnl hour tho following program wns rohdered under tho nblo leadership of Miss Francos Franso: Solo Floronco Rohflold Duot. .Eddova Wheeler, Edith Ayro Reading Mrs. B. Kellcy Solo Alpha Mauzoy Reading Mrs. Patchott Solo Eddova Whcolor gong "What a Friend Wo hnvo in JeBUB." Following tho progrnm nn clnbor thoy will ppond a fow wcoks nt tho to banquet was served, after which homo of Mrs. GoUr'a parents, Mr. nnd several lonsis miiHuuiuuvu m . Mrs. A. A. Wllfloy. Whllo thoro thoy an " 8 work hro W01i.B L" will nttond tho mnrrlngo of Mrs. on-, J ss, ,Frn"S( ,w"8 V"13'111811"088 Gear's twin slstor who visited horo "nd c2 lcd for tho f?',0nB,Vr T . InBt fall. MIbb Wlllloy will wod Mr. r ?h"re ;? S,',,;..L811 nvn., .. t.n..tin ,.. "Work of Our Sunday School"... "X 1 " t ' ...r' ""V," "."-""? . '' Claudo Stutsman en routo to visit horo last summon Mrs. C. II. Droulllard nnd MIbb Delia Uroulllard, of North Bond, woro guests of Mrs. Clnudo Hockott, of Empire, for tho first dnys of tho week. O MIbs Violet Henderson, who loft horo ton days ago is still at Oakland visiting her undo, Hugh Brown, and othors. Sho writes friends that oho Is having nn oxcollont tlmo. Sho hna not ndvlsod her frlonda of hor itinerary for tho balanco of hor trip Thayer Grimes who Is in Chicago taking a courso In art writes his rela tives horo that ho Is gotting along nlcoly. Ho will spend tho summer In Chicago and thon go to Now York to study for a fow months boforo go ing abroad to comploto his training. Mrs. F. L. Groonough, Mrs. Sorcn son nnd Mrs. J. T. Sullivan, of Ban don aro oxpectcd horo Tuosday to nt tond tho Mny Breakfast at which Mrs. F. K. Gottlns will be hostess nnd to visit friends. Mrs. A. L. Housoworth is planning to ontcrtnin Wodnosdny ovoning or Thursday for a party of friends from Bandon. , Doric Chapter, Ordor of Eastern Star, is planning n big social session nt Its noxt mooting, n wook from Tuesday, following Initiation work. Tho Altar Guild of tho North Bond Epltcopal church mot Thursday with Mrs. L. J. Simpson for election of oflkors nnd other importnnt business. Tho Btnff chosen is ns follows: Prosldont Mrs. I. B. Bnrtlo. VIco President MIbs Gortrudo Mnndlgo, Eocrotnry Mrs. C. M. Bylor. Tronsuror MIbb Anna Klnnoy. On tho olovonth of May tho Guild Is planning to glvo a cookod food salo of which Mrs. Jas. Alton nnd Mrs. Geo. Golsondorfor will bo in chargo. After tho business, tho hoatosa sorvod dollclouB rofreshmontB to hor guests nmong whom woro numborod Mrs. John Lonnnn, Mrs. Goo. Golsondorfor, Mrs. w. c. Ilnlloy, Mrs. Fred HoIIIb tor, MIbb Anna Klnnoy, Mrs. I. B. Bnrtlo, Mrs. J. 0. Horn, Miss Gor trudo Mnndlgo, Mrs. C M. Bylor nnd Mrs. Jns. Allen. 9 ' o "Influonco of tho Junior Work".. Mrs. F. E. Whcolor Importnnco of B. Y. P. U. .Geo. Doll "Missions, nt Homo nnd Abrond". Mrs. A. Z. Downs Mr. Hall ns a Brother Workor. . . . Rov. II. I. Rutledgo Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnll woro tho recipi ents of two lovely presents which woro given by tho Lndles' Aid of which Mrs. Alva Doll is prosldont and Mrs. Lnura Smlthgnll vice-president. Thoso nttondlng tho rocoptlon woro: Rov. nnd Mrs, II. I. Rutlcdgo, Mr. nnd Mrs. D. A. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Doll, Mr. nnd Mra. A. 55. Downa, Mr. nnd Mrs. G. N. Bolt, Mr. nnd Mrs. Claudo Stutsman, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Gosnoy, Mr. and Mrs. E. Drows, Mr. and Mrs. Fltzgorald, Mr. nnd Mrs. R. P. Hnrrington, Mr. nnd Mrs. B. II. Pntchott, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Rnhakopf, Mr. and Mrs. Plcrco Colvln, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. sinrsn, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. R. Colgnn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Donno, Mr. nnd Mrs. Goo. Ayors, Mrs. Orn McCnrty, Mrs. Lnura Smlthgall, Mrs. John Naglo, Mrs. Wnlter Rlchnrdson. Mrs. Slglln, Mrs. J. C. Swlnford, Mrs. A. J. Carl son, .Mrs. A. Robo. Mrs. Holon Bnld win, Mrs. F. II. Drcssor, Mrs. L. C. Soulo, Mrs. C. W. Vlors, Mrs. J. II. HoiiBcr, Mrs. E. L. Grnof, Mrs. A. O. Hans, Mrs. M. R. Smith, Mra. M. G. Anderson, Mrs B. Kolloy, Mra. Re becca Stumn. MIbsob Mnmlo Gulov aon, Slgna Stnmson, Rnndn Stnmaon, Ethel Holsoth, Alpha Mauzoy, Altn Soulo. Holon McLnughlln. BcbbIo Ay ro, Elln MncLnurln, Zoo Dalon, Max Ino Jonos. Bcatrlco Carlson, Bcntrlco Barrctto, C. Mno Blnko, Frances Hall, Holon Colgnn, Helen Gulovson, Ed dovn Whcolor, Edith Ayro, Alleo Rlchnrdson, Zolln Swlnford, FrnncoB F. Franso, Messrs. Irmond Cnrlson, Ralph Richardson, Leo Byorly, Clny Church, William Blako, 0. W. Leslie Harry Jones, Clifford Doanc, I. S. Smllh, Howard Kolloy, Arthur Whereat nnd Georgo Doll. 0 MIbs Floronco Potorson of Mny is spending tho' wcok with hor slstorn In North Bonif, Mrs. M. G. Colomnn nnd Mrs. E. E. Rlggfl. MIbs Sponso Wilson hna bcon tho guest of Mrs. Frod Kruso nt tho lnt tor'a homo on Isthmus Inlet this week. 0 Tonight tho bonoflt danco nt tho EngloB hall for tho Marshflold Ilnso bal Club promises to bo largely at tended nnd to bo n most cnjoyablo ovont. "TTTI -f!. . on natural lines without being conspicuous That's tho spirit nnd tlio letter of Handsome Comfortable Clothes for Men of Taste -BENJAMIN- Smart Clothes for $18 to $40 Tho fabrics this season nro unusually attractive Ens. llsli, Scotch nnd Irish Mixtures nnd domestic wonted with grays, browns mm! blues in popular favor. "Money Talks" Stetson Shoes HubClothing&ShoeCo. S"HU MARSIIFIELD on Hat, BAKDOX W. T. Stoll and family of Spoknno A farowoll reception, tindor tho nuHiilccs of tho Ladles' Al.l of thnl Bntitlitt nliiirf'ft wna tnrwlArn.l Tnt wlin nrrlvm! tinpn ft.nnitu frnm a. son, Gonoviovo Songatnckon, Lnurn nnd MrB. Hnll Inst ovonlng boforo knno to moko tholr homo aro ploas Kruso, Gortrudo Mundlgo, Evelyn tholr coming dopnrturo. Tho Luth- nntly located In tho R. T. Street bun- uiiuibuii, iiKnuB unrponior, i.ininn ..niiuiu, nunoo rainier, corn .Moo Montgomery nnd Bdnn Lewis. O Tho C. I. E. Club was ontortainod Monday ovonlng by MIbb Mary Ilnn Hon at hor homo In South Mnrahflold. Tho rogulnr club momboru woro pres ent. MIbb Edith Hlldonbrand will bo iioaioHB 10 mo ciuu Tuosdny, April 30. O Mm liiirnvin iVn .!! Vh0WUltMT;' Mo-- ?"vor homo ubout tho mid die of Ma? fro. t1:""0".. Sir.1". ,!!!:8nc.,oit.o.r ,or w inland to visit!? iBaacBon, Gllbort Johnson, Emll Gld mnrk, Goo. Johnson, Warron Kn holm, ChnB. .Alapplor, NoIb Ponnleon, Carl Yprognrd of Soattlo, Arthur Kol Btnd, I. Mullen, Abel Bngstrom. Em ll Olson, Alfred Jnro, Frod liontz, Hnrry Johanson, Edwin Brlckson, Chrla Leo, Andrew Anderson, John Tollofson, Albert King. Emll Gnbrlol boh and Jim MnrtliiRon. A weok rrom noxt Wodnosdny MIbb Mnbol Mathlson and ChrlH Loo will havo chargo of tho program. dnilghtOrfl. Mr8. IlOVd M. ninhnnlunn nnd Mrs. Wm. Ford. Mrs. Rlchnrd son and daughter and llttlo son will probably rotum with hor for n stay of n fow wooIcb. 0 - Tho Jolly Dozen woro ontortnlnod Wodnosdny by Mrs. Oeo. Rourko at a pleasant afternoon of sowing, music and rondlug. Prosont woro Mrs. J. . Lungdon, Mrs. A. L. nutz, Mrs. it. S. BiiBli, MrB. J. Urockmlllor, Mrs. L. Chrlstonsen, Miss Mnbol Mnthlson, nnd MIbb Laura Dubny. Tho club will moot May 8 with .Mrs. J. Urockmlllor. --O MIbh Phoobo Lnrson.slBtor of Mra. .x. uiismuBBson and Mrs. W. II. Kon nody. la oxpootod homo on tho Rodou- uo una wook from San Francisco to Hpunu ino Bummor on tho Uoy. O Mlsu Nolllo Montgomory loft todny for uii oxtondod trip in tho onst, In rinding n vlhlt nt hor old homo In Mlohlguu. sho oxpoits to bo gone novornl wooUa. O MIbb Ada McConnoll of Portland who mndo a formor visit fmm nu-in. I -- -. ..- ....... Wf(t- . nnd Mrs. McKlnnon of Saul , "'" ,0 Mn' A- l- iiles n yoar or Uio an Buendinir a fnw dnn .wo .HK 's arriving on tho next on tho liny ns guortU of Mr. nnd Mrs I ",wkwtdr to spend a fow dnys at J, T Hnrrlgnn. . "nlno homo. Lator sho Is plnn- n "'"K to visit Los Angolas boforo ro Tl o Ladles' Aid of the Swedish !,,r,j'"8 to hor present homo In Port Lutheran church of Murshlleld will "Ult1, hold their annual outline ext Wed- o Hosdny and will spend tho day nt En- The loug-nntlolpntod Tennis Club ogron-H Clrovo on South Coo uivop. D.nco Is to"bo glvm, tonight iu Nor Tho luiim h Wnh-Te-Wuso hno i, i li..n,i n.,.i ,,,?. ..i f ' ...... ll chartorod for tho trip nnd will levaleld nro oxpootod to ntten.1 it a i . . "' ?., Vs ",ia MarshBeld J inoinbers of tho club nro working nt 10 o clock WodnesJiiy morning. equally to mnlco tho dunco enjoyablo. Sunset Lodge No. 57 nnd Sunset i Preparations for tho fnlr nnd ha- lincampmoiU No. 43. I. O. O. V.. mwl znni whlnl. M.n . , al .".".. Wostorn Stnr Roboknh lodgo. gavo n ' Cathollo church will glvo at tho Tab. VrMrivJ. l00!?1 u,nd b"auotiornaolo, May 9. 10 nud 11, nro prog- Tho Cordiality Club mot Thursday ovonlng with Mr. nnd .Mra. J, 0. Klnnoy. Mr. nud Mrs. J. w. Illlden- braild WOrO nualll fortlinntn In ninnr. Ing tho prizes nt progrosalvo whist. ' air, anu .mib. a. II. Cumpboll will bo hosts Thursilny, Mny I). O Miss Mnmlo Mnhoney hns Issuod InvltutioiiB for n lloclpo showor nt hor homo noxt Tuosdny ovonlng compli montary to MIbb Clmrlotto Murch who will bo n Juno brldo. Mj-b. 8. D. Hurpor loft todny to Join Mr. Hnrpor In Bandon for n fow dn8' stay, 0 Mr i-rnmuio are suendiimr a taw iim- SSSI SJBJBJBJ BHflflSJ SJBBJBBBJBBK SJBJBSJBBJBJBWA BJBJBJBJBM1 , BBBBH BBV 1 . BBBJ jgMBT BJ fci MSB BBS jt BBS .iSm BMi b SBB Tv (M f?3ra-VbbbbV bbbbbbbbW bbbbV bbbK3PbS bVbW "u ' TTBliJ. "'l' SBBBBBBBV BBBBl BBBHl KflBBH T3b1 J Jj V fiyA 4BBBBBBBBBBBBV BBBBBBtflriBJir W li Jk Mi ,11 M I bV I VLJLJI 1 1 HI 1 V . .; W i it xi V rA , m Llttl Pi gnlow in West Marshflold. Mr. nnd Mrs. Street nnd baby who nro visit ing relatives In Ohio7 will not roturn to tho Bny until Into In tho summor or full, nccordlng to tho latest nd vlccs tholr frlonda hnvo received from them. Tho second of tho aorlcs of dnncea plnnncd for tho spring months wns glvon lust night nt tho Englos' hnll by tho Mnrahflold Dancing Club. Tho oc cnslon wns moro thnn usually 011- Joyablo as tho crowd was largo onough to All tho hnll comfortnbly for dancing without crowding it. Among thoso nttondlng woro Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Turpen, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. G. Porhnm, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. K. Bal llngor, Dr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Horsfnll, Jr., Mr. nnd Mrs. F. M, Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Pock, Mr. nnd Mm. Eugcno Crosthwnlt, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. T. Hnlnes, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Knmmcror, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mnt son, Mr. nnd Mrs. J T. Hnrrlgnn, Mr. nnd Mrs. McKlnnon, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Scott, Jr., Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Konnody, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnrron Pnln ter, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. Bylor. Mr. nnd Mra. D. Y. Stnffonl, Mrs. W. T. Merchant,, Mrs. L. J. Simpson, Mrs. J. W. Uonnott, MrB. Eillo Fnrringor, Mrs. P. A. Snndborg, MIbbos Evolyn Andoraon, Mnrgnrot Johnson, Mnrlo Mnlonoy, Lillian Elmore, Adnca Palmer, Mnmlo Mnhonoy, Alleo Ilut lor, Unia Marsh, Floronco Alkon, Holon Urndloy, Robo Stoln, Clmrlotto Murch nnd Corn Mno Montgomory; MeBBra. A. K. Pock, II. Sengstnckon, Dnn Mnlonoy, F. A. Grnnnls, Clydo Dlndlngor, Mnlr Dnno, Wnltor But lor, Will Horton, Victor Johnson, A. T. Lngorstrom, II. Lockhnrt, Hugo Qulat, Geo. Goodrum, Dell Ilongaton, Preston Jones, nnd John OIboii of North Bond. 0 Mrs, David C. Vnughnn ontortnln od Mrs. Norls Jonson nud Mlim Thon Kruso nnd MIbb Gortrudo Manilla. Informnlly nt enrda Wodnosdny nf-tornoon.' Mrs. J. C. Glscho, MrB. B. L nXS? Bon, Mrs. D. A. 'joncs, mi jflfe nnd T. J. Scalfo. GllcU MIbb Nottlo Savngo nnd Lylo Snv ugo nro plunnlng to lonvo Sunday for n fow days' visit with Mrs. Prlco nt Allegany. O J. E. Xlcglor nnd fnmlly nro ox pocted hero noxt wcok from Portlnnd to mnko tholr homo on tho' Bny. Mra. W. F. Harmon la tho daughter ui .Mr. aim .MTB. . OKIOr. T 10V minnt boiuo tlmo on tho Bay last yonr. O Mrs. Snmuol D. Hnrnor entortnln od on Wodncsday nt sowing nnd luncheon nt hor homo In South Marshflold. Among thoso 'Invited woro Mrs. A. B. Dlmont, Mrs. B. B. Ostllnd, Mra. F. 8. Dow, Mrs. L. Lnng and Mrs. A. B. Cnmpboll. CtUTi OF THE Frldny ovonluc nt tho 1. n n w hnll In commemoration of tholr uinoty-thtrd year of Odd Fellowship. tossing nicely and It nrnmlsoa ecllpso any ovont of tho kind over held horo. Miss M. F. Mullln, form- LITTLE FOLKS aim: kasv to take, ixkxpkxsivk axi intkhhstixg. wiiv NOT KELT AX ALUl'M OK PHOTOS OF YOUR CHILD AS HE aitOWSWKKK IIV WKKIC? T1IRV WILL lilt TRIUSURHI) BY YOLItSKI.F AXI) CIIILDRKX IX AFTER YEARS. E:::::::::::::::::;::::;:asS RED CROSS DRUG STORE MIbb Edna Barnum nt -Tnmnn Ontnrio Is visiting her aistor, Mrs.' . .minor. 0 Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnttimu' Vnnv ...i.n , !..... . .. . ." .,, nuu tv Hpuni ine last month visiting frlonda In Marshflold loavo this weok for their homo In St. Louis. O TllO Chain Of tons nlnnnod liv H.o mombors of tho Women's Anxlilnrv or tho Prosbytorlnn church to Inst through tho month was Btnrtod Sat urday afternoon wlion ivtra i r Horton wns hoatosa to flvo Indies! m Hm ,rs' A-a D,,,,ent: Jus. w. S. Nicholson, .Mrs. F. M. MIbs Robo Stoln, who for the m wook has boon a gucat of Mist Clu lotto Murch, loft todny on the Dr4 water for a visit In Portland befori roturnlng to hor homo In R.i" Wisconsin. Miss Stoln may minft! it on tho Bay prior to IcavlnrforU oast. 0 Miss Edna Lowls, guest of Dr,u Mrs. E. Mingus for the put t wooks, loft todny on tho Brektw for hor homo in Portland, afur 1 ploasant visit with tho man; frlwJi mndo horo during a formor trip, 0 Mrs. A. E. Adolsporgor has Inttl Invitations for Saturday, Mi; I, luncheon and Hrldgo. MIbsob EIbIo Larson, Mabtl MtuV laon nnd Dlna Hjollo were the tea mittoo in chargo of tho necktie Mid glvon Saturday night at the ehurti hnll by tho Young People's Sodttf of tho Norwegian Lutheran chare) A vory sucpossful and enjoyable tr ontng was provldod. About ttett; tics, mndo or furnlshod by the UU proBent woro auctioned off by Ike capablo nuctloncor, Mr. Jim Mirtlj son, nftor which tho company vtrt sorvod with refreshments at tU flowor docked tnblos. Amon; thote present woro Misses Dlna HJtUt, Lonn nnd Amolta Llllebo, ElliiUth Tollofson, Blancho Tollofson, Itj- borg Larson, Laura Dubay, aim Gldmnrk, Jonnlo Johnson, ElileLu Hon, Hlldn West, Thorn Lund, Borj hlld Olson, Mnbol Mathlson, LfMu Johnson, Alleo Cnrlson, Alice ui Corn Mnthlson and Ircno Sttnsti: Moaars. Hnrry Johanson, Oliver Lar son, Androw Andorsnn, Albert Kici. Emll Gnbriolson, Albert Orr, Jla Mnrtlnsen, ChriB Leo, V. flenti. Al- frod Jnro, Chris Knutscn. Artlw Kolstnd, Wnrron Knliolm, Geo. Ru burg nnd Chris Potorson, -0 Mrs. II. 8. Towor was hoti l tho Brldgo Club nt tho second of l post-Lonten playlngs, Wednesday tornoon. Mrs. W. A. Toyo and Hn 0. W. Kaufman woro awarded ft pretty prizes. Mrs. J. T. McCorwe nnd Mrs. W. 8. JIcEIdowney atttf na substltuto guoals. Among the ch mombors prosont woro Jirs. t Horsfnll, Jr., .Mrs. W. T iltttljA Mra. J. Albert Jlatson, Mrs. WardV. Blnko, Mrs. J. II. Flanagan, Mrs.'. W. Uonnott, Mrs. E. K. Jonei, V W. S. Turpon, Mra. W. A. Toy 1 art Mrs. G. W. Kaufman. Mrs. Morchant Is to ontortaln WedneaW. May 8. -0 Mrs. Hans Reed Is spending tt weok in Bandon ns tho guest hor nloco, MrB. Thomas White. Miss Clmrlotto Murch. Ml R Stoln nnd Miss Mnmlo Mahoney J guests of Mrs. W. H. Kennedy" sowing Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. 0. II. Marsh was hostess Sat urday to n number of friends. Idtiuj In compliment to Mrs. C J. J11""". Mloo t.-m.,o t n.wlo Aninnc those P'" ent In addition to tho honor woro Mrs. A. Hutcheson, Mrs. w ' Miller. Mrs. E. Mingus. Mrs. v. v- a, u. ,.....o-- --. fVR I McCarty, Mrs. Alvn Doll, " -" whom wns plodced to vtnn,i i, uro?!Br' Mrs-. T." ...t.1W nlodnn.i tn v, ;.i .1" "ssor, airs. . .'''" u chain bv ontr.n7 , " n.r""" .."'". cos Franso, Miss Alpna '- somo tlmo this wook to mnko way.?08 Iu for the twenty-flvo who wIlUnMn WBhonoy' Hutcheson nud Miss M noxt weok. Mrs. C IT U'oU .., 1 ,, iuiui a ' 0 hostess PHOXi: 122-J. guests wero Mrs. D. C. Greene. Mrs.' ' Miss Ruby Hondry was f J- A. Stnddon. Mra TT..,. ni.i. n nlillrtrnn-H nnrtv last SaturflW, Mrs A W. Myers. 'and MrB. A. J. her homo on Curtis avenuo ' Kettrlng. Thla nfternoon Mrs. A. B tnlnlng eight of her schoolmates. ......umw .a umt-rinininc xira n 1 1 . .. .i.,vi 1 Hyde, Mrs. Mary Thompson, Mrs!' Attoml Mnrahflold lma1'" J S. D. Harper. Mra. F. s. Dow and 1eet danco nt Eagles' Ha I ivim,i,' A. T,ei,Ken; Mrs. W. S. "ny night. Nicholson Is hostess to Mra. F. Q. w,rrf "eai innn Mrr' Ai T; "Slne8' Mrs- A- E-"' PKANUT IIKITTLK n.dPffi -enmnn. Mrs. A. L. Barker and Mrs. UO CENTS POUND nt STAFFO"" m S01J)'eLS.e- SATURDAY nnd Sl'.VnA. Jns 11 hU Fye has as Euosts Mrs-. 77". 10 asl luinln' M,r,3, Geo' Ayre. Miss' Tho BIGGEST LIXK of 5. 10 Fj X' M' Wm- "oaslund 15 OEXT nrticjes on Com By nnd Mrs. Chns. McCullough; whllo bo found at COOS BAY CASH &