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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1912)
WHEN REPUBLICANS FALL OUT DEMOCRATS ARE ALWAYS "DEE-LIGHTED "TToVKBTISINO In Tho TIMES WU1 rt Your Ileal EsUto "In WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMJW Will Keen tho Income froni Yox I'tiroiiilicil Rooms from Lapttagt YOU can really help tho family lovenues by renting a few furnished rooms- and, If you knuw how and K-liPti t'i uso tho classified columns, vmi inn) Keep that .little extra inconio i t-tendv aa a clock.".. . ttn t, will put the facta about your " rt. boforo ,U eyes of all "poy- W? huvorB" Ifc town. And If ? V- one of thorn who ought to own . uu MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Bgcanarar (Koos VOLaaav m TIio CtwHt Mn MARSHFIELD, OREGON' MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1912 EVENING EDITION- MHE KILLED N GKLAKOMA FIFTY-FOUR " MARCONI IS WITNESS AGAIN TODAY! SATURDAY IT Consolidation or Times, Coast .Mall q, 245 mill Coos liny dcrtUor. mn ntUnnn Ininrnrl in Over lou VS '" western State. NUMBER NOT INCREASED UI inc umii- - .. Heavy Property Loss Besides Large muinuui u. own ties Reported. I iBr Associated Press to Oooa Bay Am AtimfA filTY. Okla..-Anrll 29 I while thoro havo boon no additions (to toe use oi uuj-iwu "- , . lorn In Oklahoma Saturday, tho ,w . - -!..-. I ...lit nvnniii 100. r'. . 1 In m lin.VV Xiepropori luwwim - w vfflQi,T, 1R DELAYED (Bj AModotcd Press to Coos Day ttiiiPAV. Anrll 29. Tho Mac- i nniH4..-. --I : . Ii.. n.nnntt nni n. wlrolcss tnCBSaRO tyijg ibo oncountored a storm and Till cot cnicr purij uuiuiuiuiiuni II BATES I WASHINGTON U. S. Supreme 'Court Sets side Orders of State Railroad Commission. IB; AiioclnleJ Prosa to Tho Coos Day Timos) WASHINGTON, U. "C., April 29. Ktcie (hero wus not sufticlcnt ovl- Icci o( public neoot.slty for tho or- w, the U. B. Supromo Court today b tlftct annulled tho orders of tho ruUtcton State Ilutlroud Commie lu requiring rullroadfl tif Eastern I'uhlngton to make certain tractr ::ikuods. The court's coaision is side lth tho specific agreomont it the commission may tnko tha :i'.ttr n? anew and hoar oridenco. EP GUNBOAT FROM BO NOTED AVIATOR IS BADLY RURT Leading Birdman of France Probably Fatally Injured By Fall Today. (Dy 'Associated Pross to Ooos Btvy Times.) PAIIIS, April 29. Jules Vcdrlncs, tho moat famous nnd most popular aviator of France, was probably fat ally Injurod ns tho result of a fall of his monoplnno today at St. Denis, n suburb of Paris, whllo flying from Doual in tho Department of tho Nord to Madrid. Ho was brought lo n hos pital hero. FRANCE FEABS "BEDS" IN PARIS Relentless War On Anarchists Declared Two Aulo Brigands Killed. I By Asaoclated Press to Cooi Bay Times.) PARIS, April 20. Relentless war against minrchlHts In Franco will bo ono of tho results of the operations of tho Bonnot Hand of auto bri gands, two of whoso leaders wcro klllod yesterday nt Cholsy Lo Rol, near Paris, nftor a bnttlo with tho police nnd tioldlors. Tho police .aro nmazed by tho discovery that many of tho nnnrchlsts have Hnken rofugo in Pnrls from various Europ ean countries. They will bo arrest ed nnd driven from France n6 ene mies of society. MERGE LAUNDBY PLANTS ON RAY feted Stales Fears Danger lo vessel at Ports Warn ing to Yorktown. ' Auoclatod Pross to Coos Bay nVniAa WASHINGTON, 1). C, April 29 torpedo boats Prelilo and Porry under ordrrr, to Intorcopt the 'wat Yorktown by wireless nnd 1 ter not to stop at uny Moxlcnn .1 for i-nnl 1.. ..!..... .i. ...n '" - ... , 1JVW Ui illU CUI1UI- - r.vmiiui); ,u .MOXICO II IB f2ed iMftvlunt.ln .it. n AMtnlnaH 1-oCat In rirnu I.. .. ...... iv, it IIM Vk torpedo destroyora Perry ana HU whlt. lor, o. .-.i ...i i - --.vH ,tv Oiiu wiuu cdiu;- r - mil uuuur orutra irom wasii- fn Knt -.. . it. m - . am uiiuruiiiig uuuer m ecuen ol the commnndor In chief ,.-. ""I'tuo uoui uuilllll wun HOaaitcru c ii... ..i., .i HIT la l. .. . lit i ftllu''ii ro not en roiuu NVMTMIM TO ALASKA Kne Court I'pliolils lutcrstnto lOtlllnnfj. .... I. , I Li -.... iiiiiiiiiiiiiu. oclaud Press to tho Coos Bay Tlmnt: Eh,lH.,?QT0N' D' c" AUi II 29. Li.: 'i a'usku is an organized i7'B. sui'ii'mo Court of tho lu ei loduJ' 'loclded tho In- - i. ,ir fft l. ...... nu.rt.i --... .v 111 VI O UAlVJiU "TAP Lim;-. dkcision I,ncl Italhvnys Not ConsUl J1 Wiiiiion CaiiieiN. ao"lated Press to Coos flay Tlninu I!T,Tf . n' C. April 29. not common cur uoral was tho of- i of the Intorstato ?! (i Tr ui, h , c' a d i i,. P-Cer. a'V- 1 year e c r msslon handed down an .Mstlgatlon of moro Hie' AM r...i... mL. . ..... rSoflsiv" V .:"" me i.aaiea h Kv Swodlsh Lutheran Ch;L l ,0 hoi"e of Mr. and Wu)a Kren, The outing lr.u ? Wednesday, May 1. 1 K'a boat has been char iti occasln and will leave lOOt Of P.nmmoll 4 . l-sharp. "' "" Coos Bay Stearn Laundry and Marshfield.Hand Laundry Consolidated. Tho Wiiishflold Hand and Stoam Laurie -y nnd tho Coos Uny Steam Launch v woro combined today under tlio latter nnd the cousolldatod busl nca will bo conducted under tho namo of tho Coos Bay Steam Laundry. Tho iaor has l)cen pending for some "jdAnnger J. C. Jones of tho Coos Bny Stoam Laundry figures that the cost of operating tho plants under one mnnagomont will bo considerably rodutod and also plans to furnish bottor sorvlco by systematizing the plants and dividing tho work botween Both Plants will bo maintained, tho former Marshlleld Hand and Steam Laundry being devoted to rough dry work and tho other being linndlod nt the Marshlleld Stonm Laundry's plant. Tie for Nomination C. L. Pcn nock who defeated O. S. Torrcy for the republican nomination for Justice of tho Peace In this district has Just been notified by County Clerk Witt son that ho (Ponnock) and lorra wore tiod for tho democratic nomina tion. Mr. Watson requostod thorn to go to C.uiulIIo and decide the tie b "lot." t NOItTM INMJT NKW8. V -V T ' ' Tho Coos County Cruisers spent las week In this MUnlty. cruUIng S3 locating building and impro montB. We hope that their J ort will bo the means of everi real e. tato owner paying taxes tho Improvements and the timuer that Is In his possession. Frank HomlltoThw been off duty this weok on account of Illness. Oscar Johnson has been In charge of tho scow Turtle the past week, HOWAIUVS genuine MEXICAN Ti3S.ES delivered any place In the dtv unUl 13 O'CLOCK at n ghi. They a?e READY to SERVE. Phone 835. Inventor of Wireless Tries to Explain That He Did Not Hold Back News of Titanic Disaster. (By Associated Pross to Tho Coos Times.) WASHINGTON, April 29 Endea voring to repudlato any Intimations that ho sought to suppress or delay any nows of tho sinking of tho Ti tanic, Marconi, Inventor of tho wire less, nppoarod today for tho third tlmo boforo tho sonato commlttco of inquiry. Marconi had discovered, nf tor loavlng Washington last week, that ho had sont a messago to the operator on tho Carpnthla urging him to send nows of tho dlsnstor to the wireless station, at Siasconsot, Mass., or two vossols of tho United Statos navy. Ho road coplos of tho mes- 'snges and dcclarod that when ho was examined boforo ho had forgot ten nbout tho messages, Marconi read other messages asking spoctllc messages nbout tho fato of cortaln passengers but got no roply. Ho stated tho operators woro probably too busy to reply. Marconi oxprossod tho belief that tho Captain of tho Carpathla did not dcslro to Buppross nows of tho disaster. An effort will bo mado to chock up tho work of tho operators to as certain h6w much business was trans acted In connection with tho Titanic disaster. Chief Engineer Snmmls of the wlrolosa company Intorruptod to stafo that personal messages woro handled from tho Carpnthla at tho rato of forty or fifty nn. hour. Mar coni said Operator Bride told him on landing that from 400 to GOO moss ages had boon sont from tho Car pnthla and ncknowlodccd by shoro stations. Til ASK COUNCIL FOR FBANGBISE .C. J. Millls Expected to Make Application in HVlarshfield This Evening. Tho Southorn Pacific's proposition .for entrance to Marshlleld will bo siurted to tho Marshilold city council .this ovoulng, according to announce ment today. It Is understood that C! J. Millls, who la to arrango for ter minals and a routo through Marsh Hold, will appear bcfnro tho council nnd ask a franchlno through tho city on cortaln strcots. 'It is understood that this action practically means tho proposed no glotctiona botwoon the Southorn Pa cific nnd Terminal Railway whoroby tho 'former wan to taker over tho lat or's franchise havo bean, practically Hlveu up. On what strcots Mr. Millls will nsk n frnuchlso Is not announced. Tho TormLnnl holds franchises on many of the through streets and whothor this will lntorforo with tho council granting tho Sothorn Pacific a right of way on cortaln strcoUi is not known. Tho Tormlnnl nt prosont is ronflnln,g Its construction work to Front struct and along Uio water front. Kugliiecr Haines Butty. F.uglntt'r Unities Is again busy on or near tho old Coos Bay and Holso survey near Coqulllo. Just what his artlvltlos protond, ho has sot divulged. Ho loft this morning with n number of mon, Including (ieorgo Trlbboy, Jr., to work on It. Mr. Halnos is keeping his plans and operations very quiet. It was icporteil a whllo back hat his present actlUtltos might be for tho road which tho Smith-Powers Logging company Is plnnnlng to con struct to reach their tlmbor along tho forks of tho Coqulllo. However, others In touch with the Coos Bny nnd Holso, doclnro this Is not tho enso nnd uny that thoy have rocolved Intlmntlons from outside ourcos that thoro Is llkoly to be startling developments on tho Coos nay and llolso within a vory short tlmo. GET JURY! TRY I R. FOOTE Expect to Complete Panel in Murder Case at Coquille This Afternoon. It Is expected that tho balance of tho Jury to try W. 11. Foote on tho chargo of murdering Chas. Wilcox at Coquille a few months ago will bo completed this afternoon. It amybo that some of tho testimony will be tnkon today. Judge Uenwn adjourned court Saturday afternoon after the sixth juror had been borured. tho vonlro thon bolng exhausted. It was too late then to get a new venlro to com plete the panel and Judge Benson and the attorneys camo to Marshlleld to hpond Sunday . It Is not expected tha the trial will be of long duration. Proseoutlng At torney Oeo. Brown Is reported to have stated that ho oxpectod to get In his testimony within a few hours. I. W. W. GO TO JAIL Tlilrtysl Scntm ccl In Canada for Intimidation. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) KAMLOOPS. B. C. April 29. Thirty-six members of tho Industrial Workers of the World havo been sentenced from one to three months each in Jail for Intimidation. 1 J. Arnold Doyle and Associates to Get Busy On Coos Bay Line. Tho Itow.'buri; Nowu Friday prints tho following: "That J. A. Doylo and associates, who aro connected with tho proposod Oregon and Southern Ilailroad, ex tending from Marshilold to AbIivIHo, via Cnnyonvlllo, Rosoburg nnd Mod ford, aro dotormlnod to construct nnd equip tho lino as previously promised, appears evident from XIio tolograrns received from tho olllcora of tho com nanw this morning. "In ono telegram received In Iloso burg this morning, tho sondor said that Mr. Godfrey nnd family, Mr. Tanon and family, Mr. Mitchell arid Mr. Doylo wero to arrlvo hero Sunday- direct from Spokano, Wash., whoro thoy havo been spending Uio past two months. Tho mossago nlso Implores J. W. Perkins to hold n nuinbor of office rooms In his now building in which tho compnny contemplates es tablishing hondquartors. Another messngo recolvod by 0. P. Schlossur, of tho RoBcburg Commorctnl Club, askn that housokooplng rooms bo re sorvd for nt loaat two families. Mr. Mitchell whoso namo is among tho expected arrivals, Is chief euglncor of the Oregon & Southorn Railroad, nnd is fjulto well known throughout tho Northwest. "Tho recipients of tho messages re ceived In Rosoburg this morning havo Uttlo to Bay regarding tho plaus of tho Invading company, other than thoy expect to carry out tho instruc tions contained In tho tologrnmu. Mr. Perkins hns already reserved ofllcos for tho compnny, whllo Mr. Schlossor Is attempting to secure living suites for the married members of tho par- "J. Arnold Doylo spont Bovcrnl weeks In Rosoburg last fall, and nt tho tlmo gavo out tho information to tho effect that ho Intended to con struct n lino from Ashland to Marsh lleld. In fact, It is said that ho in vestigated tho country lying between Rosoburg nnd Marshlleld qutto thor oughly, as woll as proparlng consid erable data rolatlvo to tho most fea sible survey. With this work com pleted ho went directly to Spokuno, western headquarters for tho Hill In terests, whoro ho hns slnco spont most of his tlmo. .Messrs. Godfrey and Tannan will be accompanied to Rosoburg by their families, expecting no doubt to remain horo for eomo time. "Tho leasing of ofllcos nnd house keeping rooms In Rosoburg Is recolv ed with somo satisfaction by local peoplo who havo horotoforo looked upon Doylo nnd his associates with suspicion. Tolegrnms woro sent to Mr. Doylo this morning Informing him thnt tho requests of his tolegrnm bad been fulllllod, nnd that a com mittee of local business men would moot the party at tho train Sunday morning." CONTRACT IS LET. Tuohy Brothers Will Built Line's New Cut-olT. PORTLAND, Ore., April 27 Two by Brothers, of Portland, wore awarded tho contract for tho con struction of tho hoyen mlloa of track for the Southern Pnclflc company be tween Salom on tho mainline nnd Fir on the Woodburn-Sprlngflold brnnch, The contract price avorages $20,000 n milo. Tho routo Is practically lovol. About 1500 foot of trostlo will havo to bo bUJIt. A tongont about six miles In length will bo perfectly straight. Work will start ommedi-ately. TO CONDEMN LAND. Another condemnation suit has been filed hero by tho Willamette Pacific Railway company, projecting a line from Eugeno to Cooa Bay. Tho defendant Is Otis W. Brewster, ROOSEVELT PLACES TAFT IN , "ANANIAS CLUB" IN STATEMENT TRUST CASE IS FILED TODAY Government Begins Action to Dissolve International Harvester Combine. (By Associated ProBa to Tho Coos Timos.) WASHINGTON, April 29. A civil anti-trust suit asking th6 dissolution of tho International Harvostor Co., under tho Shorman law will bo fllod In Mlnnonpolls tomorrow. This Is tho culmination of an investigation of flvo years' duration. Tho International Hnrvcstor Co. is a $140,000,000 corporation composed of six subsidiaries, tbo McCormlck, Dcorlng, Champion, Milwaukee Os borno and Piano companlos. Tho company rofiiDocl to separate In any plan of dlBsolutftn, tho McCormlck and Dcorlng compnnlcs, said to bo Its two principal subsidiaries, rondortng futllo tho efforts of Attoruoy Gonoral Wickorsham and tho International's counsel to reach nn ngrcomont. Tho govornmont maintains tho so-called trust as a wholo controlled from 8G to 90 por cent of tho hnrvcstor busi ness of tho country nnd McC6rmtck nnd Doorlng firms reprcsontod from sixty to slxty-livo por cont of tho bus iness. DISTRESS CALL IS PICKED UP Norwegian Ship Admiralen Requests Aid Other Ships to Help. Oporntor Moo of tho Marshlleld United Wlrolcss Stntton last evening picked up uu "S. O. S." call from tho Stonmor Admiralen of Norway, nlio was nbout twunty-llvo miles off Hum boldt Bny nnd had lost her rudder and wanted a tug to come to her aid. Tho distress call wns first hoard about 8 o'clock and wus ropeatud a number of times. Tho wireless opor ntor on tho Admlrulen could not ro- colvo vory woll nnd Mr. .Moo and othor wlrolcss operators along tho const had dlillculty in gutting any do llnlto Information from him besides that thoy wanted a tug, Tho wireless station nt Humboldt Bny, California, got In touch with u tug boat captain but tho lnttor re fused to go out on account of tho bar thero being vory tough nnd especially slnco tho Admiralen wns so far oft shore as to not, bo. in nny Immediate clangor. Finally tho Stenmors Carlos nnd Centrnlla, both of which aro equipped with wlrelobs, answerod tho distress call and Btartod for the Admiralen. Thoy woro Bomowhoro In her vicinity, Nothing further was hoard from the Admiralen or tho other boats dur ing the night, so It Is presumed that ono of thorn rcachod her. WARNING TO SOCIALISTS. Washington Judge Makes New Itul liii; on Rights of City. HOQU1A.M, Wash., April 27. Su promo Judgo Irwin hold tho city of Abordeon has tho right to closo halls wlinrn Industrial WorkofH of tllO World meetings nro bolng hold, on tho grounds that tho "organization is of unlawful mon, working to nn un- Inwful ond." Ho said ho would not nt this tlmo authorlzo "harboring nnd encouraging" Industrialists, "thoy aro rushing Into troublo Former President Flatly Corf- tradicts President About Harvester Trust. SAYS TAFTWORKS FOR POLITICS ONLY, Declares He Subordinates lr terest of People to Per sonal Gains, (By Associated Press to tho Coot Btpr Times.) " BOSTON, April 29. Flatly coBj. tradl'ctlng Prosidont Tnft, Col. Rooe vclt today Issued a statomont reply ing to'Taft who said last flight "Tha" Hnrvcstor trust enso, so far ns V03 rocollcctlon goos, had novor boon dlew cusnod nt n cablnot mooting, when1 I wna prosont." Roosovolt Bald,. that ho clearly r members Tatt participated In tho dis cussion and added that tho prosldoni. trontcil, tho matter In a. way to obqj that ho subordinates .tho Interest ol tho pooplo ns a wholo tp tho purpose of securing political ndvantago far hlmsolf, W P VESSEL crews; Seamen's Unions Order Merrw- bcrs Not to Sail on Ships Below Standard. ' (By Asaoclated Proas to tho Cooa Bay Tlmo.) NEW YORK, April 29. Tho Watorfront Federation, tho contra! i organization of coastwlso seamen, cooks, marine flromen and lonje Hhoromen and othor wntorfronl workers has ordered tho momborn to rofuso to ship on stunmora wlfJi Improper or inadequnto llfo eavlne apparatus. MANY ARRIVE ON REDONDO living In section 12, township, 20-12. lie rofusos to accept $100 from tho railroad colnpnny for a right-of-way through C 1-2 atros of his land. Kosoburg Hovlow. WAITH'S VIEW OF IT. F. II. Walto came over from Suth- crll,i mi hiitil 1144,444 tlilu innrnliiir. An other carload of hoinesoekers from j tho east is oxperted to arrive thero on May C. Mr. Walto recently re-, turned from Coos Bay where thoro Is a renewed activity of railroad talk.' Tho C. A. Smith company has coin-1 mancod building n railroad of tovoral mllos to their big tlmbor belt on tho Coqulllo Illvor, and It Is thought this ..m v. (.vniiiiinllv firnvit n ntiiiclniiH for a line through Rosoburg. Roseburg Review. Steamer In Sunday From San Francisco Big Shipment of Potatoes. ' The Rcdondo camo In yostonluy from San Frnnclsco with n capacity passenger list and big freight cargo. In tho freight cargo was anothor con slgnmnot of rails and mntorlal for tho Tormlnnl Railway In addition to much miscellaneous freight, In lifting somo of tho honvy stool, ono of tho masts of tho Rodondo won brokon. Sho wont to Kruso & Bankn yards this morning to havo nnother mast Installed. Luckily tho mast broko Just ns the heavy load was bo lng lifted from tho deck. Had It aa-. cured n fow Instants lator, It might havo dono serious damago to tho deck of tho ship hb woll as ondau gorlng memberH of tho crow who woro near. Tho Redondo will sail at 10s3Q Wodnesdny morning for Ban Francis co. In addition to hor regular lum ber cargo, sho will tako out about 2, G00 sacks of potatoes. Among those nrrlvlng on tho Ro dondo woro tho following: Dr. E. F. Winkler, Miss Allco Mc Cormac, 8. Swayzle, B. L. Knox, J. II. Smith, E. Magnoson.,1). R. Mor gan, Mrs, Hollo Cnmpboll, Hnrry Monro, C. Bartholomew, R. Austin, P, Swanson, P. Peterson. Mrs. W. W. Parks, F. B. Rogors, J. J. Guogen, J. Loo, M. Salln, P Knspar, W. Long, C. Wlso. P. Maguda, J. Koto, I. King, and ton Btoorago. ALLIANCE HAILS SOUTH. FOR RENT 4-room cottage, $10 month. E. A. Elckworth. Phono 313-L. Steamer Leaves Sunday for Eureka Sails North Thiii'Mlay. Tho Alliance sailed yesterday for Eureka and will return horo late Wodnesdny op early Thuidny morn ing nnd sail Thursday noon for Port land. Among thobo sailing from horo for Eureka on hor wero the following: F. II Chaii'iborlaln, F. Strnuss, Lou Murr, Mrs Lou Murr, F. A. Weather by, J. B. Mllllgan and C, McCnrty. HOWARD'S gonulno MEXICAN TAMALE8 delivered any placo in the city until 12 O'CLOCK nt ntghji. They are READY to SERVE. Phono 883. i