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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1912)
lEVJLUgVLfflOS, BAY, BUT SOME OF THEM LOVE THEMSELVES MORE rlTrvmiTI8lNa In Tho TIMES I V j - A . TTJJvEnTISlNa In Tho TIMES wi Pt Your ltel EsUta "in 01003 vUtttttfi WANT ADVERTISING In Tbo TIMMfl Wilt Keep tho Incomes from Yowr Furnished Rooms from LapslBgl YOU can really help tho family to vomica by renting a fow furnished rooma and, If you know how and when to uso tho clanslflod columns you may keep that little extra lnoomo as "Bteady as a clock." tb Market" Effectively! ill put the facta about your rir before uo eyes or an "pos- 'IT buyers" lu town. And If iHVono of thorn who ought to KM you-nscnit! MEMUER OF ASSOCIATED PltESS ftau VOL XXXV Usfnbllslicd in 1878 n, Th Const Mnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1912 EVENING EDITION BESTCOTT CASE HI. 10 J " WWIWWfc,lw"MlWWWBMWWiMWWlWBIH !! I WL btffltn UN uufK also mm A Consolldntlon of Times, Const .Mnll mid Coos liny AdvertNer. No. 243 o TOM L Verdict Reached in Marsh- tea WIUIUUI niai m 1 4 O'clock. H.NY PROPHESY HUNG IHANI no APnillTTAI JUni "" wuwuii mu . P.miiuifl n( Dnnnl Four Jurors ouuu.uu u, ., tO iry W. n. ruuio Murder Case. (Sncclal to Tho Times.) moUILLE, Ore., April 26. Tho . - t rA-Mftf nlinrtvAfl with Ijloorooiaio ui owv. ...... ,. nnrdor of Chas. Murray In umbfleld lost Dccembor, wob sub- -- . it. iitr nr ii:tii rn r dtted to J-, . - ;;--.:-;- OTlns "u",nnnr. . .Anllmnnt nmODIT tUOSO fol- Iiflilat tho trial Booms to bo that Bho "J be either acquitted or thoro will to banc Jury. TWi Biiornoon iuu wvuuuk i ... TV TCmmIm ttW 111. mill. l.flntrr W. II. ruuiu . iuu .uui- Jr of Wilcox Ib undorwny. At 4 't!ock four Jurors hod boon ob- The grand Jury has not mado nny riMrt this week and It Is doubtful II tter will report beforo tomorrow n of tho principles theories nd- ,ixt br tho dofetiBO was Mint tho footing was accidental. They maln- ultedthatOoldlo uestscou was ibik li to Millet whon Murray camo up a them. As alio turned to boo Mur tir, her muff In which alio cnrrlod tho rtrolrer slipped downward. Sho nlbed, they roalntnlnod to Keep tno u from falling and In grasping It, dicbined tho wonpon. They also Idtlmed that Millet In grnsplng her us, tamed the gun upwnrd toward Kimjr. WRITES ABOUT UNCLE'S DEATH P. A. Graffort Greatly Shocked By Tragic End of Jacob Evans Last Week. P. A. Graffort, of Los Angolcn, a ncphow of Jncob Evans, who was found slnln last weok at his homo .on South Inlet, is expected here short ly, to aid In forrotlng out the crlmo nnd In looking nftor tho estate. Mr. Graffort hno written hero to this ef fect. It Is expected that there will bo n lively contest ovor Evans estato, which 1b presumed to bo upwards or $10,000. Wm. Turpen, of North llond, Is In chnrgo of tho property at present, having been nppolntcd by tho court to look after it for the fivo children of Evnns by his Indian wifo. Kvnnn, it is Bald, loft no will or nt nny raio nono has uccn found so far. In a Icttor to Tho Times, Mr. Graf fort says: Through tho courtesy of Edgar McDnnlols, I was Informed vestordnv of tho horriblo and hcnrt-brcnklng muraor or my ucar uncle, Jacob Ev nns. If 1 had know whnt I do now, I should havo loft for there Imirn. dlntely, but I did not know how long no was killed beforo ho was found or If an Immediate burial was necessary nnd I was at a loss to know whnt to do. I sincerely trust tho officers Will put forth every effort posRlblo to know who and why such a tcrrlblo doath should bo his. In my recent visits not onco did 1 hoar him nay n word against anyono nor sponk of any one whom bo bo 1 loved wns an cnomy. My opinion is this: In our letters, ho was nlan- Dirii - HI 1 1 I nr n m"K l0 c"mo lo J'08 Angoies io mauo III L U IIIUIIILII !.!?Ji?j itiiii(i nv nnu iiiuiivj, niiit.ii iiiiii, nnd yet ho never had much monoy with him nnd I cautioned him novor to enrry any. Another thing, who- ovor committed tho deed, was one who was acquainted with his dogs, ns I do not bollevo vory many mon could havo como upon his promises wltl. out tho attention of tho dogp. For this they woro trained and living ulono, ho wns always armed for any thing evil that would come ills wny. Yot It Is a mystery. Uncle was plan ning coming enrllor with mo nnd if ho only had, nil this could and would havo been avoided. It grieves me terribly also to know thnt ho wns alono. While I know Iiold thsi iii niinniinn. .,.7M.n. ' o " many nnu goon wnnii inunu. K and tt bJn ? ho lived nlono bo many years nnd uouDie and flow Into n. rngo and,;,,,, ,,, . nftVor anw nnf, . pea a revolvor. Sister Ship of Titanic Forced to Abandon Trip on Account or Trouble With Crew. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SOUTHAMPTON, England, April 20. Tho whlto Star llnor Olympic hold off Itydo, Islo of Wight, slnco Wednesday by a strlko of flromon, todny abandoned hor trip to Now "iork and returnod to this port. This wns mndo ncccssnry by tho desortion of soatnoa this morning, whon tho Jinonuomptcd to roplaco tho strlk lug firemen with non-union inon. Tho firemen having signed for this voyage havo lnld thoir.sclves opon to tho chnrgo of mutiny. Immediately following tho wnlkout,' tho Whlto 8tnr lino nppealod to tho authorities with tho result that tho Olympic's whole complement of sonmon, num bering 04, were nrrcstcd when thoy enmo nshoro. Thoy will bo nrrnlgnod In pollco court nt Portsmouth on tho charge of mutiny. The trouble on tho Olympic start ed over tho llfo Bavlng nppnrntus aboard tho vessol, members of tho crow maintaining thnt It was Inade quate, b KILLS FIND S OF I mi n MnTurn (Louis Whitlock of Portland Shoots Mrs. N. Bellaire When Rejected. (By Auoclatod Press to Coos Day Times.) PORTLAND. Or.. Anr. 20. Louis fetlock, nged clghtcon, today shot ul killed Mrs. N. llollalro. propria- of a dye-works horo In hor olllco. utlock had gono to tho olllco to W!ki bis attentions to Harriot Dol- e, tne flf toon-voar-old dnuchtor of SHtt.ffi,E.- r,. 8? y-B W.WSK Remains of Col. Astor, Presi dent Hays and Isador Strauss Recovered. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Dr Tlmos) NEW YOKK, April 20 Tho bodlos of Col. J. J. Astor and Isador Strauss, victims of tho Titanic dis aster, havo boon recovered, accord Ing to a dispatch to tho White Star lino today. (Dy Associated Press to the Coos Day Tlmos.) HALIFAX. N. 8., April 20. Tho body of C. M. Hays, president of tho Grand Trunk railway, has beon add ed to tho list of identified dead ro covorcd from tbo Tltanto dlsastor. TO NG WAPPKN8TE1N TO PIUSON Former Chief of Pollco of Seattle' on Appeal, (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) OLYMPIA, Wash., April 26. Tho Hupromo court todny denied the pet! U. S. Army Transport From San Francisco to Succor Refugees in Old Mexico. (Dy Associated Press to Coob Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 20. Tho army transport Duford will loavo San Francisco Sunday for tho wost coast of Mexico to pick up Amorlcan rorugces wno may wish to leavo tno country. Tho Duford will mako calls at soven or moro ports. F.I n co tho robots began to mako headway In their operation's along tho Pacific Coast, communication has been cut off with mnny Interior towns whero Americans reside This has loft tho Stnto Department without Information ns to their safety and this is in tho faco of wanton acta of bandits nnd orgnnlzod rebels. Thoro has boon n constant nppoal to tho Stnto Department for aaslstanco for theso pcoplo but officials havo trlod to ward off tho necessity of sending United States vossols to tho coast. Today's reports of tho situation throughout America shows it is gen erally becoming worse While tho Duford Is a government vessel, stress Is lnld on tho fact thnt Stato I HADLEY EOOGES MISSOUR INTO THE ROOSEVELT COLUMN ASK PERMIT TO BRIDGE BAY tlon for a rohoarlng In tho enso of Charles W. Wapponstoln, who wns no soldlors will bo aboard. Kontonccd to servo threo to ton yoars Department advices nro thnt porhnps In tho stato ponltontlnry. This ends fivo hundred AmorlcnnB nro likely to tho litigation and moans Wnppon ntoln must go to tho ponltontlnry. avail thomsolvcs of tho opportunity to Icnvo Mexico. No shot Mrs. Del- did not know nor nover saw ono or Bii v Vi - iiMi., . "'" ."" . his relatives until I mado him n visit it;i, ff."", . " ir... Insr Jnlv. Ills llfo E TAPPERS lit Aim i... . r.V 'asf J i iv. his mo wns inn oi nu- StaTnCVr LbIa..C' "T.VMtu... -nd ho enjoyed telling me llDoiifnVru.i tiMi.? ,",',";'" or ins 'mm oxpenonces nnu sceinvu li th Im,7.' ' ,Whl l0?k'fl brthI-! lo onjo, llfo, yet bo told me ho ren- hi I' if.n f"'1 of onQ of Mrs' Do1' Hxod wns jr-ttlng old nnd wo flaughtera. llre0(1 ,.im to eon,0 with us. I urged " I my family to come, Just nrriving I a weolm ngo from Mlcblgau, and liero wo woro planning on uncle coming to spond his remaining dnyj. ' I rnn hnrdlv renllzA It. If I COUld havo reachod tnero I wonia nnvo ieu I Immediately or could ho havo been kept, but I did not know whnt to do I or say. I will kindly nsK you io semi mo tho nnnors thnt I may know what tho offlcors havo found nnd I ngnm re pent I hope thoy will go over u care fully. ... . Undo hns told mo of his buslneb affairs of which I am familiar anil yot this Is only n minor nffalr as com pared with his life. It may bo nec essary for mo to como to jinrsnuoiu to look auer auairs nun yui mm unclo Is gono I havo no desire to re turn.. I do not know whnt or who ' I mny put In claim ns thero are eomo IKE G Me Messages Cost New York Bookmakers $75,000 on One Race. pj Associated Press to Coos Day vPn, ... iimo.) ir. . on Bratlwny today, a gang nd SUNDAY. "end . ..... . 'fiiffit .1 """'" "isuimu ciuo s i "'l llttlirn nt l.'..l. 1 tt.ii r...... ' "l"ht i"H' iiun niinir- . 'terrnan p.,..-,.... ,. . , irojj, u,aiu rjpns nt lieu HOUMimi.o FUmi.'c'I'T, Konulno MEXICAN f'J an ii , aRy P'c ,n the ' untu 12 o'ormr n niv, . "e "RADY to SI3RVE. Phone Lved calling Cards at Red branco In uncle's llfo. FIND DEMOCRATIC JUSTICE. f " """ " ' "IIB nthniKi w.t. t . .. M. ..- - .... ... IMfromt. i i ny '" things which woro a uiuer rumum- J uuiin mil uiiru iiiwirniiiiir l-t BOOl rr,n... ,.. . .. ', .. I r conn w" '"T ,vom " raphlo V7. "'".ll" Lw ." .-BC" '" pool room that Sunorstition fraud "J"! .r"c. ,.at Jftwoftown. is hnii. i "" uioeuverun uiiiii BOllr lt-r nl,nn r i. town - i. . ""l' ixuruiuil ntis towa to be the real winner. t,utv.... ...t:::..l:- pirrvi-o."' 'kih't uurrriin Mir m .,.' Ul ' nt STAFFORD'S "u Tho Inw requlros thnt the County Clerk shall enll to his asslstnnco In cnnvnsslng votes east at nn election, two Justices of tho peaeo one a re publican tho other a democrat res idents of the county. Justice E. a D. Holdon of Cooullle. and Justice C R Wade of Dandon were sloctd by tho clerk for the performance of this service for the recent primary election. Heretofore, we are iuform ol. it has been Impossible to secure a democratic JuUp In this county, bti In this Instance Dandon furnished one of this political faith and the law was compllod with. Coquille Herald. kodak"" films developed and 1 PR1NTFD at the RED "ROSS DRUG STORI Tho world's biggest apple orchard Is In Kansas. It coutalns 04,000 trees. WOULDN'T 60 JAPS NOW IN TO AID SHIP OLD MEXICO Captain of Califomian Accused By Nembers of Crew In Affidavit. ' (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 20. A sworn statement that tho captain of tho liner Cnllfornlnn rofused to go to aid the Titanic although she. was only a fow miles away todny was filod by Ernest GUI, a donkey on ginomnn on tho Califomian, with tho senate committee Investigating tho Titanic disaster. GUI said tho distress rockots were plainly visible from tho Cnllfornlnn nnd must havo been vlslblo to both tho bridges nnd lookout. GUI was placed on tho witness stand Immediately after Chnlrmnn Smith of tho investigation commltteo finished reading GUI's affidavit. GUI testified that somo time be fore midnight, a ship ho took to be tho Titanic, passed tho Cnllfornlnn. The Califomian at tho tlmo was caught In a field of Ice and her ei. glnos stopped. Gill testified that tho vessel must, havo been plnlnly vlslblo from the bridge nnd lookouts, as well ns tho rockets sho sent up lntor. The rnntnin of the Cnllfonilan. GUI snld, paid no nttontlon to distress slgnnls Confirmation of Deal Involving Big Territory Near Mag-' dalcna Bay. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmos.) SAN FRANCISCO, April 20. Tho prosont condition nt Mngdnlona Day, Mexico, Is reported in splendid shnpo to tho Examlnor from an oxpoditlon of three stnff correspondents. It Is reported that oxtenslvo concessions of timber nnd agrlculturo lands, ac companied by n grant of fishing rights for soven hundrod miles from Mnnzanllla to Sallna Cruz, woro ob tained through tho Jnpanoso ambas sador to Mexico for thirty JapanoBO scientists who nro now on tho ground making olaborato surveys and Inves tigations. Among thorn is Katsuyo Tago, as olllclal roprcsontntlvo of tho Jnpaneso government. Tho conces sion wns mado' to a private company backed by Solchlro Asnno, president of tho Oriontnl Steamship Company and n wealthy bankor. It Is ex plained that the expedition wan, sent to Mngdalena to investigate tho ro portod purchnso of Moxlco landB by Japanese Interosts nftor tho mnttor had been brought by resolution bo fore tho United States Senate asking and tho refusal to got up steam and , President Tnft for full Information im io the nld of tho strnngor so in- regarding tho roportod purehnsos. ronsed the crew that GUI trlod to or- Tho dispatch declares that tho ox gnnlze a protesting party nmong the plorntlona along the Moxlcan const are ueing mauo unuor mo direction of mon directly connocted with tho Japnnoso gorornmont. IllOll. 110 SniU IHO uumuruiuu urn not get up steam until sometime nft or S o'clock: CONDITION IN MEXICO From Mexico American On Return Sin U. S. Must Intervene. (Dy Associated Proas to Coos Day gt0 n Wi Rdgington, 177 Front St., FOR a good TWENTY YEAR LIFE Investment Contract, ono which pays DIVIDENDS nnnunlly, Times.) NEW ORLEANS. April 20. De claring that slnco President Taft Is sued a rocont proclamation to Amoi leans In Mexico that llfo for Ameri can lu Moxlco has become unonuur Mnrshfleld, Oregon. FJno Jewelry at tho Red Cross Jewelry Department. lIPJYim lllllTTT.!,'! nml T.1WI7V able, according to Cloment Gulon, 0 C'KXTS pot'ND at STAFFORD'S owner of tbo Julia Carlisle mines In SATURDAY nnd SUNDAY. Chihuahua, arrived hero today. He &JfcJ&ViiZ Oo to tho HOVAT, tonight and see Inir oan prevent Intftrventlon of tho ?X American government within Gulon Is a mining engineer of In "THE HELLS," the CO greatest damntlc act In Yaudevlllo. days. New the United States navy Tho McCLOYS will repeat tho .. . i. .1 stiam HmitAnant in iSOW lureuim ix in...... -"";:" T.PT.T.S l,v Bnnn.lnl ronuost tnnlcht at ins miner. . -- --- tne Ulilieu oiii--B iiyj. " " nnv,T he said, was president of tho United tho ROxAL. States Mall Steamsuip company oi New York. Try The Times Want Ads. Southern Pacifio's Formal Ap plication Reported to Have Been Filed. That tho Southern Pacific hns mado npplicatloK to tho War Depart ment to construct tho brldgo ncross coos uny rrom Sand Point to near tho mouth of Pony Inlot, according io mo pinns nnu Bpociiicntlons shown horo by O. J. Mlllls wa tho word that was rocolvod by Coos Day par ties today. Tho application Is said to havo boon filod yesterday or th. nay uoioro. Tho filing of It nt this tlmo and nhcad of tho petitions circulated horo favoring It, Is supposed to havo been so thnt Congress may act on It, It congressional action Is necessary. If a hearing Is cnllod on tho applica tion, as is llkoly, tho petitions will bo presented then, probnbly. Ilnlncs Is Ilusy. F. A. Ilnlncs, who loft tho first of tho weok with Georgo Flanagan art Potor Logglo on n trip ovor tho Coob Dny & Dolso surrey, has sont In for some mon to nld In clearing pnrt of tho survey. No nnnouncemont has beon mado concerning tho dovolop monts In tho Coos Dny & Dolso proj ect, but parties who havo boon koop- ing in cioso touch with it a eel nro that thoro will bo "something doing soon." Retting on Sumner. Tho rallwny discussion was aug mented today by somo hotting on the supporters of tho various projects. It was stated today that ono woll known Mnrshfleld man had wagorod n suit of clothes that tho Bumnor people would bo running trains Into Coos Day boforo any othor lino. Several hats havo boon hot on various qdostlons In tho discussion. Mny Confer Todny Tho Railroad Commltteo of tho Mnrshflold Chambor of Commorco ox poets to hold n conforenco this nftor noon with C. A. Smith rolatlvo to an ndjustmont of tho dlfforonccB bo tweon tho Tormlnnl Railway and tho Southern Pnclflc. Tho hour of "tho conforonco had not boon dollnltoly flxod nt noon. Hnl lies In Town. F. A. Hnlnes roturnod last even ing but whon soon todny wns vory rotlcont about tho mnttor. Ho said that ho had not scon Mossrs. Loggia nnd Flnnngan for sovornl days but, ho would not deny but that ho know whnt thoy woro doing. However, ho wouldn't toll. Ho snld that ho might tako out somo mon nnd do somo work on tho survoy but would not any whnt slgnlflcnnco it hnd. State Republican Convention Finally Instructs Against Taft. TAFT FORCES LATER HOLD NEW CONVENTION Contesting Delegates Chosen Deadlock Broken After All-Night Session. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day TImcn.) ST. LOUIS, April 20. Gov. Her bort S. Hndloy nnd his friends early today swung tho Missouri stnto re publican convention for RoOBoroltJ after a 24-hour deadlock In which tno Tnft Icndors woro finally com pletely routed. Eight dologates at largo to tho national republican con vention, all Roosovolt mon and all Instructed for him, woro olectod after two Tnft dologates had boon elected nnd thon resigned tholr plnccs on tho Missouri delegation whon tho con vention voted instructions for Rooso volt. Taft loaders, dlssatlsflod wltt tho rosults of tho republican otnto con vention which adjourned horo at G:30 o'clock this morning, mot at hotol at 10 o'clock and namod four dologntoB at largo to tho national convention. DUFORD GETS READY T0- M 1 IS CLEANUP DA! Plans Perfected to Make Marshfield "A Spotless Town." POSTPONE "TACl DAY" Owing to somo of tho Marsh- Hold high school girls being" un- ' nblo to participate In tho "Tag Day" tomorrow, It hns beon do- cldcd to poBtpono It Indefinitely. Tho plan will bo cnrrlod out, however, some dny In tho near future Tho "Cleanup Day" brigade will got you tomorrow if you don't hurry. With n scoro of earnost mon and women augmonted by a hundred or so school boys, tho crusado against unsightly rubbish heaps, garbago, old boxes, etc., in Mnrshfleld tomor row promlaos to eclipse anything of tho kind ovor hold on tho Day, Todny thoro woro ovldonces In nearly every part of tho city of peo ple getting ready, somo bolng deter mined to hnvo tholr placos elonuod up beforo tho public campaign got undorwny. Tho planB for tho "Cloan-up" cru sade have beon completed and If tho weather Is not unpropltloiis, to morrow night will likely seo Marsh fled "A spotless town." Tho school boys hnvo beon divided Into teams and a team will bo assigned to each section of tho city to work under the direction of the committeo In chnrgo of that district. Dr. E. Mlngus has been appointed to aid the commltteo In chnrgo of tho waterfront clean-up and P. M. Hall Lewis, who has been doing such ef fective work In "cleaning up" th, orchards of Coos county, will assist the committee In the district betwee.i Highland and Central avenues. Army Transport Prepares for Trlit to Moxlco. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmo.) SAN FRANCISCO. Anrll 26 Un- dor ardors to Ball for ports on tho' Pacttlo Coast of Moxlco, tho nrnyr tranoport Duford, which Is lying" horo, today began coaling whllo pro visions and medical supplies are buy ing rushed aboard. Tomorrow morn ing tho vessol will go on dry dock nnifcl tho work bontomplntod will bo com pleted Saturday night whon tho ves sel will bo ready to Ball. No troops will bo taken but physicians and r dotachmont of thb hospital corps will bo carried ns many roftigoos nro re ported to bo In need of troatmont an n result of privation nnd hardships. BALL SCORES Portland Drops Still Another Game to Oakland Vernon Shut Out. PORTLAND, Ore, April 20.--Portlnnd lost ngnln yostorday to Oakland by n score of 0 to 5. Tho scores In tho Coast Leaguo i'.ainoH woro as follows: At Portland R. II. B. Portlnnd G 14 S Oakland 0 8 At Lob Angolcs R. II. E. Los Angeles .3 8 3 Sncramonto 4 8 0 At Oakland II. II. E. Vornon 0 3 2 San Francisco 1 8 1 ALONG THB WATERFRONT Tho Excolslor and Nairn Smith ar rived in early today from tho south. Tho Alllanco Is duo In tomorrow from Portland and will sail Sunday for Euroka. Tho Dreakwator will sail at 7:30 tomorrow morning for Portland, Tho Wllholmlna completed hor cargo of genornl morchundlso nnd will cross out today for Florenco. Tho most serious chnrgo that can bo laid against a shipmaster, Is the abandonment of his ahlp, for which together with thoso under him, nnd hor cargo, ho Is wholly responsible nnd bound to do everything In his power to snvo beforo ho attempts to save his own llfo. Storjos of cowardlco In shipmasters are rare, oxccodlngly rnre. The greatest doptliB of tho Atlan tic ocoan Is 27.30C feet, nnd the Pn ulflo 30.000 feet. Flno Correspondence Cards and Pnpor at Rod Cross. Tho presidential offlco Is not bolng put to the troublo of going after a man this year. Tho claiming departments of both tho Roosevelt nnd Tnft headquarters aro now perspiring freely. KODAKS and FILMS at the RED CROSS DRl'O STORE.