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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1912)
SjQjpNGWjNWE give QURsaVES A LITTLE BIT THE BEST OE IT .- nrRIlTI0INa In Tho TIMES I vfiW - - " " " . . rTAlVEIVn0,Na In Tho TIMES E. lt Voir Ileal EsUto "In tbo ltokotM Effectively I m put the fact, about your nr boforo Uo eyes of nil "pos VWlS iu town. And If one of them who ought to jlblS W" "":,..? mii in .en . J"" " Q10OB mn Mmm MEMBER OP ASSOCIATE!) PKESS tou xxxv iCstjibllslicxl In 1878 nq 'I HJ nmtu If BESTCOTT FOUND II MARSHFIELD, OREGON SATURDAY, APRIL27 laig-EVEMlMEDITlOM. EIGHT PAGES."" WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMKfJ Will Keep tlio Inconio from Yor I'll rn l.ilicd Rooms from Lapslagt YOU can really holp tho family levonucs by renting a fow furnished rnnmn nmt. If vnn Irnr.ttf how And when to uso tho classified column, ! you may keep that Uttlo extra Income as 'steady as a clock." BaniaHHMHHniHHHHHHH GUILTY II COQUILLE TODAY A Cotisol hint Ion of Times, Const Mull Jq, 244 niid Coos liny Advertiser. AMERICANS SAFE IN OLD MEXICO in Murder Case Brings .in Verdict of Acquiuai After 24 Hours. 0 BALLOTS TAKEN; fJRST WAS DIVIDED an Charged With Murder Chas.iMurray Goes Free -Verdict a surprise. Special to Tho Times.) OQUILLE, Ore, April 27 -After . ... nimoat twenty-four hours, riirr In the enso of Goldlo Bcst- l.r hrnunht In a vordlct of "not Ctf" it 11 o'clock today. Mu, a many oxpoctcd that ow- U the Jury bolng out so long fcwrwimcnt wouiu rcsuu. tm ballobs woro takon. On tho t kiiiot. tho voto wns Bovon for Edttil. thrco for mnn slaughter. iin for second dcgreo muruor. n iiootlnE ooctirrod Marnhllold Ed I few days biforo last Christ- s. Murray was a unrtcnuor. no I xco a consort of Goldlo Bcst t,fbo wis tho mistress of a North Ktitrcct resort. Bho mot Murray forth Frott stroot and af tor n fow utea' conversation, n pistol was chirjed, Inflicting u wound from Id Murray died iMor at Morcy ;.ti!. At tho tlnio, It wnB claimed tjtilouir prornptoa tno snooung it tie trial the principal ucrenso ithttho shooting wns accidental. The jury In tho llestcott enso i composed of J. W. Qardlnor and 17 Kern of North Bond, Mr. Ilnll Untie Point, Mr. of Co lie, Mr. Ererendcn, who Is n :wr near Coqulllo, will Thomas Htllle, Mr, Nosier, who is a Co- tiller rancher, Mr. Young who 1 1 Mwmlll at Dora, Engineer i of Coqnlllc. Geo. Qago of Rlv- , Mr. Goodman of Rlvorton. Hoy ui Lire White of Marshflold. NO REPORr ON EVANS PROBE Coos County Grand Jury Files Partial Report today All Blind Indictments. i(8poolal to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Oro.. April 27 Tho 'Coob County grand Jury made a par tial report, mis morning, bringing in a couplo of blind Indictments. Tho nnmes will not bo given out until aitor tno accused nro arrested. Tho grand Jury did not make nny .report on tho Jacob Evans murder enso which It has been Investigating. Xolthor did U lllo nny rcnort on the jvliogod investigation of tho death of unrvey Molcair of Empire who wns found drowned nenr tho mouth of South Slough sometime nco. Tho grand Jury was not discharged iind it Js.oxpccUsd that there will bo xl further investigation of the Evans cjibo, somo now cities hnvlng develop- ea recently. The old grand Jury brought In a "not a true bill" against Ilcrt Ilcllcu. tho MnrBliflold barber, wns wns brought back from Vancouter, Wash, n fow months ugo on tho chnrgo of hiving mudo away with diamonds be longing to Ills wife ns well ns somo of her cash. "Not a tnio bill" woh returned In tho raso of Dort Johnvon, chnrged with n statutory offense. Reports From Sonora Are That They Escaped Outbreak There Buford Will Sail Monday. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Da Times.) WASHINGTON, April 27. Ilea surlng advices woro rocclved today by the Stato Department from Mexi can points. Amorlcnns In Los Mochls and Pornnzn, Sonora, whoro sorious conditions wero reported sovornl days "bu uro Baiu to uo safo. It Is from this point thnt Americans will bo taken "by tho army transport Buford. WILL SAIL MONDAY. Unfold to Leave for Mexican Const to Get Refugees. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, April 27. Tho Unltod States army transport Duford, which Tccolvod orders from Wash ington yesterday to Bail for points on tho west coast of Mexico to tako abroad American refugees, will loavo port hero Monday noon WN GAVE RICHES TO EDUCATION D. K. Pearson, Who Bestowed $6,000,000 on Small Col leges, Succumbs. (By Associated Press to tho Coot Bay TImos.) CHICAGO, April 27. Funeral ser vices for M. IC. Pearsons, tho aged philanthropist who died todny, will LUMBER r Puget IS C T TO SHARE FRONT STREET TERMINAL RAILWAY LINE Willi MUtUP ABOUT HARBOR WORK Sound Manufacturers Raise Quotations on Prac tically All Kinds. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Bar Times) SEATTLE, Wash., April 27. Tho prico of virtually all kinds of lumber. bo held next Tuesday, Uurlal will bo except spruce, was rnlsod flf tv ccnta at Hinsdale. Iloforo his death, hoi a thousand by tho manufacturers ye- gaTo six minion dollarn to smnll torday. Tno prico of shingles ralsod colleges In different parts of tho'Hvo cents a thousand, mnklng the country. GET READY TO NEW REVOLT IN I BEND IS AMERICA Civil War Breaks Out in Para guay Again Warships Badly Damaged. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay TImos.) DUBNOS AVHKS, April 27. Civil war ngnln brciKO out In Paraguay. Tolcgrnms from Asuncion todny stato that four government warships bom barded tho revolutionists who nro J commanded by former President .In WINNER AGAIN UVan Zile Carries Off Coos County Oratorical contest Honors. i. J. vn 'n h.....i .. i in at Villa Encnrmnclon. 17o mlloa i Bend hie Vchool won o ' "oiitliwiBt of Asuncion. The nro ro- 0y II J 8c oo 'Orntorlca"! tlirnod on l,, war8h,,," Wfl8 " wo" 'titCoqimc iBBt oVonlnr I es ! '"roctort that tho warships were com- .. .... 4 ",0 ,l18' 0Oning. 108- .,. . , ,n .In,.,,,,,,! pninll. quotation the lilghost In two years. OR ShTS WlOn. rfinroirnlni lm Mni-ol. "h School cnrrlod off nnrnml i North Tend will bo tho pos r for the next yoar of tho silver ' n presontod by Dr. J. T. e and two more victories rre It permanent duskokhIoh nf " f otter contestants woro Miss Wlln Of Codllllln Inln t3,0' Dandon, and Dora Horrls- rue j'oint pellod to rotlro In a damaged condi tion. Dllfir T SENATORIAL ELECTION House Postponed Action on the Con ft tut onnl Amenilmciit. i By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON. April 27. Tho Houso will not net on tho constltu- Timrn wno n Hlonal amondmont for the direct olec- wowd Drcsont n ! ono. , tlon of senators until tho postolllco yrt Program was nrosontod. npproprlntlon bill Is dlsposod of pro- i ? ero 1rof' Orubbs of : hnbly noxt week. ' UU. Blint T A. nn.. r i. I "of, .Howard of Conulllo and WATCH our WINDOWS for HAH ''JM of Ilandon. (3AINS. COOS BAY CASH STOIIK. v. ii, tleaveaof CoquIIIo pro Arrange Blank Verdicts by Wholesale on Titanic Vic timsAccident Verdict. 211) BODIES FOUND. By Associated Pross. NEW YORK, April 27,-r-A wireless from tho cablo ship Mackuy-Bonnott nnnounco thnt 75 more bodlos, making n total of 219, woro found at tho scono of tho Tltnnlc wreck by tho Mac- kay-Bounott and thnt mnny have boon Identified. 0 Captain of Mount Temple Says Ice Kept Them From Rush ing to Their Aid. I (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay TImos.) , WASHINGTON, April 27. Two steamers and n schooner woro only n short dlstnnco from tho Titanic when Bho iank according to testi mony of Captain James II. Mooro of tho steamship Mount Tomplo today boforo tho Sonnto commlttco Inves tigating tho tragody. Ico was tho barrier that hold back tho vessels from hurrying to tho rcscuo and t'.io Mount Tomplo did not nrrlvo at tho 1 spot whoro tho Titanic sank until two hours after shu had gono down. Tho Mount Tomplo Intercepted tho Tltnn Ic's rail for holp, Mooro snld and Im mediately ho turnod his ship's courso toward tho crippled llnor. On his way to tho scono of tho tragedy ho (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) HALIFAX, N. 8., April 27. Docu ments giving verdicts of "nccldontnl death" wero prepared horo today to bo In readiness for tho coroner's Jury saw tho "raised" lights of a schoonor which will Inspect tho bodlos of tho within a, fow minutes' dlstnnco from Titanic dead now on the way hero on board tho cablo ship Mackay-Bonnett. Tho nam os of tho drowned will be filled In Inter In cases whore tho names can bo ascertained. Tho un clnlmod and unldontiflod will bo bur tho sceno of tho disaster and coming from that direction. When day broko, tho Mount Tomplo discovered a tramp schoonor closo by. Tho Id entity of nolthor tho schooner nor tho tramp was llxod. Mooro said ho toBtll BEND NEWS. IfOthera ,! nv.-., . . l ilJl t0 lmvo tho church 1 wereliea May 12, Mothers' i SaIth. of si. n. ..- ' a honiLw--".' r"ua . "'y0' Wifni ,7 ""'"K lonigni in m new homo Just finished. Clara Pe'erson and children. . ure . np Dxnn.ii Ifiie.,. . . "I'"iik ll lew w Wd North Bond. 'Noble la cxpntwo.i o . Wllng for rcnalrlng tho North kre(i""e!tt Mn"y Tor' ro' many of tho -a iv rumor shaky. "ixcoqihIk. f'hnrrV '!'" I'sonngo of tho esm.7..:u,:y. April NEW PASTOR TO COME TO BAY Smltj, ; 0, . ..- --.--- i "nhneW.n.S''.Tay- "J . 4' " vnns, 'oqulllo Sentinel. f'WXliY saTT.. . OitllMo "''' l .11,11'. ;RITTLP 0.nd S,1"day PEA 0Cx,, and TAFPY at 20c BRirnrr nxh PHOTOS. Rev. R. 0. Thorp, of Portland, Accepts Call From Nor wegian Lutherans. Rov. R. O. Thorpo of Portland has nccoptod a call from tho Norwoglnn Lutheran ohurohes In Mnrshflold and North Bond and will arrlvo on the Bay about July 1 to tako up his now duties. Ho will fill tho vacanlos causod by tho resignation of Rev. A. O. Llnd. Rov. Mr. Thorpo Is about 35 years old and Is a very able pastor and Is highly recomondod by the congrega tions ho has servou in me jmni. EASTSIDE SNAP Seven of tho best lots in Eastsldo, nt 225 each. Can bo sold In pairs or nil together. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO., 177 Front St. led in tho Halifax cemetery and stone f " ? "L"!1. LXl "n,'J u,u iiu. dvuu ii' nil luvnuio IIIIIIDUII becnuso ho feared ho might divert cutters nro at work preparing suit' ublo headstones. i Tho Mackay-nonnott will nrrlvo hero Monday. Pross reports today coullrm the statemont thnt tho bod ies of Astor and Strauss are on bonrd. The essel will bring 189 bodies hero from which It Is assumed that six toon wero so mutilated thnt burial at soa was necossnry as sho reported previously that sho had picked up 205 bodies. TRY AGAIN TO FREE H. K. THAW Another Attempt Made to Lib erate Noted Prisoner From Insane Asylum. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Time ) NEW ROCHELLE, N. V., Apr. 27. The fourth attempt through the ngency of the law to liberate Ilnrrji K. Thaw from tno .Mauowan stnie hospital where ho has been imprison ed for slaying Stanford White six years ago because of "Insanity" was inaugurated today before Justice Keogh of the Supreme Court In New Rochelle. other ships from hurrying to tho Tl tnnlc. Ho said tho Titanic, In his bollef, was eight miles furthor oast than tho position given In tho calls for help. HOWARD'S LEWIS'. HOT TA.MALES AT oii riAVnv RATiE at STAF FORD'S SATURDAY and SUNDAY. STORE GKIULIHNE McCLOY will sing Mmo. Paul's great success, "Last Rose of Summer" In English and FaB" TOMORROW night nt tho ROYAL. PURE sVls'T "Afumlnum Kitchen UTENSILS at COOS DAY CASH COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES Portland Finally Takes Game From Oakland San Fran cisco Shut Out. PORTLAND. Oro.. April 27. Portland took yesterday's gamo from Oakland by a score of four to threo. Tho scores in tho Coast League were as follows: At Portland R. II. E. Portland 4 11 1 Oakland 3 4 2 Reputed Clash Over Appoint ment of Receiver Said to Be Cause. A now mlxup ovor tho harbor Im provement has como up and may lm pedo tho improving of tho chnnnol between tho Cold Storago dock and Porter ns was contomplnted. Tho Marshflold Chamber of Com- morco assured tho agrooment that tho Port Commission hnd made with tho govornmont for dofraylng tho oxponBo of tho Improvement. Bo Bldoo tho fund of $7,000 which tho govornmont required plodgod and which was put up by tho morabors of tho Chamber of Commerce tho govornmont required thnt tho bulk heading, handling of tho shore pipes, otc., bo pnld for by tho Chamber of Commorco. President McCnrmnn nt tho Chnmbor of Commorco thought thnt boforo this, tho receivership pro ceedings would bo nroeressoit fnr enough so thnt tho receiver could care for this out of tho tax monoy. Howovor, J. W. Bonnott Is said to Uo Insisting that ho bo allowod to noloct tho receiver and tho old port uumiiiiBHiun momuors aro insisting that Dr. E. Mlngus bo named as rocol vcr on nccount of his familiarity with conditions. This Is snld to hnvo dolayed tho appointment of n rocol vor. Monnwhllo, F. E. Loufo. thn nniri. noor In chnrgo, hnn started to work. Guy Lottln in chargo of tjio plpp gang Is wondorlng where tholr pay will como from. Unloss tho mninr5i Btrnlghtonod out within n fow days, Englnoor Leofo snys there will bo nothing for him to do but to rocora- menu to Major Morrow that tho pro Joct bo droppod. Ho is very loathe to do this. Prosldont McCormna mny cnll a mooting to try and straightened this out again. Petition for Election. Now petitions to tho Coos county court, which will meet noxt Wednes day, asking thO Cnllttlir nf n nnnnlnt olectlon for tho reorganization of tho Port of Coos Bny, will ho clrculatod Monday or Tuosday. Tho doto of tho olectlon has not boon determined up on. Loft Small Shoal. Englnoor Leofo snys that ho wishes ti.o uttontlon of navigators called to tho fact that n small shoal war lnfi on tho east uldo of tho ohannol In iront or tno Alllnnco wnrohouso. Ow ing to encountering a largo amount of conl and ballast that had fallon in tho bny from ovorturnod scows, ho considered It dangerous for tho Ore gon to try and pump It out. Tho shonl Is about 200 foot wldo, sovonty flvo foot long and about flvo foot high. Mr. Leofo has asked Major Morrow's permission to havo tho Lar son bucket drodgo romovo this shoal Lato this aftornoon. Mr. Leofo ro. colved a telegram authorizing him to secure tho Larson drodg'o to roiiTovo tno oaianco of tho shoal. "WANT TO SHARE C. J. Mfllls and C. A. Smith Have Conference About, Right of Way. NOTHING DEFINITE HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED YET Said to Be Willing to Take Same Kind o( Franchise as Terminal Has. Coos Bay railroad nows today scorned to conter nround tho negotia tions between tho Torminal rallwjiy and tho Southern Pacific rolativo to right of way through Marshflold. Conferences between C. J. Mlllls ana C. A. Smith and later a call upon Mtf. Mlllls by J. W. Bonnott and Tom Bonnctt causod much of tho dlscuA slon. Howovor, nothing doflnlto noA been done so fnr and Just what m&yt matorlallzo is difficult to say, It Is understood that Mr. Mints' In his conforenco with C. A. SmltM. stntod that his company would ho willing to accept n franchise allowing them ono track on Front street and -to accept a franchise Imposing tho snmo conditions as tho Torminal ralK wnys. Jn addition to this, It is said, that ho stated that thoy wouUL'J) . willing to havo tho Torminal railway dcslgnnto which sldo of tho BtreftU thoy wished. Whether thoro will bo othor con ferences botwoon Messrs, Bralth and Mlllls nbout tho mnttor" Is not known, What matorlnllzod nt thn rnnfnr- onco Dotwoon J. w. Bonnott and Mr Mlllls is not known. W. S. Chandler, of tho Tormina!" railway, Is expected horo within tkt fow days from San Francisco nnd hto arrival may mean somo developments In tho situation. Tho railroad commlttoo of tW' Chnmbor of Commorco was discuss ing tho calling of a special olecttott tovoto on tho matter of right of w,ay lui mu ouumoni rnaiwo mrougn Marshflold but nothing has been dono. Furthermore, it is claimed that tho Tormina) company's frnn chlso covers nil 'the direct route through tho city so that unloss soruo nrrniiBcmonts botwoon tho Tormina! railway and tho Southorn Pacific In made, it will bo difficult to do any thing. C. J, Mlllls wns vory rotlcont about tho situation today. Ho said that ha was simply "waiting." Tom Coko. In chnreo of thn rn.i- istructlon work on tho Torminal rail way, said today that ho expoctod more rallB and matorlal on tho Hrv dondo tomorrow. Ho Is holding oncic on tho work until W. 8. Chnndhi- ar rives as thoro Is somo quostlon whether piling should bo driven at cortnln points along Front streot. FIELD MEET DATE MAY TO TWO KINDS OF ICE CREAM ON vmm HAY LEWIS' AND THE OTHER KIND. P BIG SUCCESS Coos County Track Contests Postponed Week Plans for It. Tho dato of tho Marshflold High School track moot has boon changed from May 3 to May 10, tho lattor day bolng more satisfactory as It will glvo more tlnio for trnlnlng. Arrange ments will bo mndo to closo tho busi ness houses from 2 o'clock to 0 o'clock on tho afternoon of tho meet and If poslblo tho band will bo gotten out to holp mako this year's event tho greatest high school attraction ovor pullod off In this pnrt of 'tho stato. A special train will bo run ovor to tho vnlloy In order to acco modate a largo number from Bnndon, Myrtlo Point and Cnuulllo, Mnrshllold's prospect for wlnnlug honors scorn vory bright nnd Coach Grnnnls will hnvo a strong team re presenting tho purplo nnd tho gold, S. Clarke, Larson nnd Stutsman aro all doing somo good work in the At San Francisco R. II. San Francisco 0 3 Yernon 1 9 At Los Angeles R. II. Los Angeles 9 13 Sacramento ....8 13 "THE KID" Is tho COMEDY act TONIGHT nt tho ROYAL. Miss Mc Cloy will sing by request "Thoso Songs My Mother Used to Sing." Summer SliTRTWAIBTS. See tho prices on them, at COOS HAY CASH STORE. Vast Amount of Debris Re moved Under Direction of Improvement Club. "Cleanup Day" started with a grand rush this morning and tho cru sado against arbngo and unsightly accumulations In lots and alloys con tinued with vigor all day. Scores , short sprints and Larson, I.ccocq, O. of school boys and men undor thoiClnrko and Capt. Harrlgton will he direction of tho special commltteos of i ontorod In tho runs. In tho high tho Marshflold Improvement Club nc- Jump Marshflold will ontor 8. Clnrko, compllshod a vast amount of work, nnd Locorq, and In tho broad Jumps. Harrington, Stutsman, Larson and S Clnrko. Ilandon will bring ovor almost tho samo team that won last yonr's moot, Bowman. Laird and Gulllor. bolne n busy hauling today, thoro are many ; hard trio to bent and Bnndon Is pin- piles or ruiiuisu on tno sidewalks nlug Its faith in them A little stroll nround town will con vice anyone of this. Tho amount of refuso and dobrls gathered will run Into tho scores at cartloads. Although many teams are around town that await hauling away. Tho Cleanup Brlgado gonornlly mot with hearty' cooperation. Somo fow places that could not bo reached today, will bo cloanod up Monday. Early next week Mayor Straw says ho will begin the rigid enforcement Of the city ordinance prohibiting tho accumulation of garbago at any place lnsldo the city limits. Little nows con bo gotten from Co- qulllo but North Bond Is trnlnlpg; hard and is confident of winning. Hodson, Von Zllo, Grout. Goldor Han son and Co nro will probably consti tute North Bend's team. , While the recent rains havo some what dolayed workon tho track, U will bo pushed rapidly so that every thing will bo in excellent condition for tho meet.