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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1912 E :2 ,--. ,i.iyilmi. wbHlvttYl'fVw-uiNi iAiVMf ' aHBaisaHManH)aMBMailiaaHMMaiMMHMMMHMnMHHMWHHHMwn PERSONAL notices of visitors la the city, or ot Coos Bay people who ylslt In othor cities, togother with notices ot social affairs, nr gladly recelted In tbo social do partmont. Tolephono 133. No tlces ot club meetings will bo pub llsbod and socrotarloa are kindly requested to furnish same. Llfo doesn't scorn tho flame to us ' Since father bought a limousine. Our thoughts, our dreams, our talk yes all Arc flavored now with gasoline. 'W.0 reallzo what wo In years Of llinouslnoloss llfo havo lost, What joy to boo tho nolghbors stnro And know thoy'ro wondering what it cost! Wo. go out riding every day, And you can hot wo cut u dash, Although wo must admit wo aro Extremely short of ready cash. What though tho sordid tradesmen wear A look that's not atnll soronot Our llfo Is so much broader now, fllncc father bought a llmouBlno! ALWAYS and overywhero nowa days it Is tho samo old story black, conventional black, tvdtos Edwin A. Nyo on "Tho Abject Drldesroom." Entire paragraphs In tho society columns aro lit up with descriptions ot tho wedding docoratlons, tho gowns of brldo and brldosmalds, oven tho bouquets carried by tho maids ot honor. Tho groom's toilet gets one lino. Tho grootn'H Imlr in combed Just -ns ho combs it ovory day. Tho collar ho wears will bo ot tho samo stylo ho Is accustomed to wear. Ills trous ers will bo n little more sharply itirouBed, and tlioro will bo a little more expanse ot shirt bosom. No ' color, mind you, nothing but whlto nud black. Ho is pormlttod to wear "tho con ventional black," n meek disposition and n doubtful Btnllo. And thus nttlrod ho Is led like a . whoop to tho slaughter, and as a lamb .before his shenrora ho is dumb, ' On the woddlng day nobody pays any particular attention to blm. He Is a sort ot necessary ovll. Tho show could not well proceed without him. ILo Is not to say a su- pornuuiorury, but tho spotlight doos not hovor ovor Ills station on tho sUnga Ho Is on tho program, but Jiot featured. Ho Is In the cast, but receives no applauso. Ah, my brethren. t Is a far cry, this studied neglect of tho groom, from tho days of tho atone ugo, wiien tho man wooed and won his wlfo with a knobby club ana dragged hor homo by tiio hair. It Ih a far cry, indeed, from tho day wlion tho wedding ring placed nu tho flngor of the bride mens. uomothtng. You know tho wedding ring Is a aiiivlvnl or tho time when tho brlao wan lltorally and actually owned wlion tho ring, Instead ot bolng put mi tho bride's finger, was put about hor neck or about hor wrist, for tho convenience of her owner mid lord. Ah me, my brethren Those halcyon dayH of absolute .lordship are ovor. 'Tho shoo Ih on tho other foot! And it Ib tho fault or the benedict. Hlu permits hluiHolf, on tho very vorgrt ot his matrimonial venture, to bo suppressed, subjected, snubbed, ignored. Why Bhotild wo wonder nt tho sequel when lie gets what Ih coin-iiiKt Mrs. J. II. Mlluor entertained at jix Utiles or "Five Hundred" Friday afternoon mid Ih hostess ut Hrldge loil.iy. Hor homo waa prettily decor ated with bowls of apple-blossoms jind wood-greens. At tho cards I-'rl-lay, Mrs. K. K. Jones ami Mrs. C. W. Tower woro fortunate In winning prises. Tho guestH Invited Friday Innltnled Mrs. J. S. Coke, Mrs. Eu gene O'Connoll, Mrs. I. S. Kaufman, Mrs. F. A. floldon, MrH. J. II. Flana gan, Mrs. T. Harvey, Mrs. W. s. Nich olson. Miss. Evelyn Anderson, Miss Agues lluteliosnu, Miss Alice llutler, Mrs K. E. Straw. Mm. J. T. McCor nine, Mrs. B. L. C. Furrln, Mrs. W. I'. Murphy, Mrs. 11. SongHtncken. Mrn. Win. Seott, Jr., Mrs. O. A. Bon mitt. Miss Edna Ilarnuiii, Mrs. B. K. Jones, Mrs. O. W. Tower, Mrs. V. B. Duiigmi, Mrs. F. B. Hague. Mrs. N. A. Owen, Mrs. 1). Vatighiiu mid Mrs. Norls Jenson. Among those bolng eutertalned to day at Hrldge are Mrs. J. T. Harrl gnu. Mrs. J. W. Honnett. Mrs. Win. Horsfall. Jr., Mrs. Arthur McKoown. Mrs. E. S. Ilurgolt, Mrs. Ward M. Hl.iko. Mrs. E. (J. l'lM-hiini. m. u S. Turpen, Mrs. W F. Miller. Mrs. 10. Crosthwnlt, Mrs. W. 11. Kennedy, Mrs. MrKtnnoii, Mrs. C. K. Perry, Mn. D. Y. Stufford. Mrs. E. I). Me Arlhur. Mrs. M, ('. Maloney. .Mrs. Horsey Kreltzer, Mrs. A. L. House worth. Mrs. F. M. Pursuits. Mrs. A. O. lingers, Mrs. W. A. Toye. Mrs. W. IT. Douglas. Mrs. F. M. Frledberg. and MiiM Cora Mno Montgomery n Ouo of tho daintiest of tho year's spring luncheons was given Thurs day afternoon by Mrs. S. C. Small at her homo on Commercial avenue, when favors were laid for sixteen. Tho house was beautifully decorated with trailing Ivy, huckleberry and huge buuohos of apple blossoms, mid howls of lilacs In the corners. Tho t tablg was especially lovely with a SOCIAL CALENDAR TONIGHT & North Bond Tennis Club, dan co. Mnrshflold Basoball Club's boncNt dance nt Englos' hall. MONDAY Tho Progress Club, with Mrs. R. E. Browning. , TUESDAY C. I. E., with Miss Edith Hlldcnbrand. Sisters of Dethnny with Mrs. C. K. Porry. Royal Nolghbors, reception. WEDNESDAY Mrs. P. K. Qottlns, breakfast for Mrs. W. A. Rold. Women's Auxiliary, PrcBby- torian, with Mrs. Eva Gammlll. Prlsclllas with Mrs. Henry Olson. THURSDAY A. N. W. Club with Mrs. J. T. McCormnc. Soclnl Sowing Club with Mrs. Will Chapman. Mlnnlo-Wls Soclnl Club with Mrs. Mary Thompson. FRIDAY LndlcB' Art Club with Mrs. John Blatt. Thlmblo Club with Mrs. M. E. Evorltt. SATURDAY Coos Bay Concert Band, danco. contro-ploco of pink and whlto rosea In a high brass baskot tied nt tho handlo with filmy pink tullo bow. At each placo wns a pink tlsoue-pnpor roso favor with a tiny lighted pink cnndlo in Its hoart. Qrapo-frulU and straws, tied with whlto bows and caught with sprigs of apple-blossom woro Ilrst Borved, followed by cold Jollied chicken moulds and casseroled potatoes, with radish and splcod clior ry. Poor and nut salad, and plno- iipplo shnrbot with n covering of pink whipped cream and almonds, and coffco woro tho finishing courses of this dainty luncheon. Mrs. Smnll wns assisted In receiving and serving by Mrs. W. S. Nicholson. At tho Brldgo, which wan supplementary to tho luncheon, Mrs. C. K. Porry won high honors and Mrs. P. A. Sandborg tho consolation prize, tho formor n dollcnto water-color, tho latter a rosy box of Dink and whlto tinted candles Smnll baskets of tho provalont pink, flllod with cnndlos In bnby shapo stood on tho card tablos during tho playing. Tho lunnhoon guests woro Mosdnmes 0. K. Porry, Is. P. Mor rlssoy, II. S. Tower, W. A. Toye. Win. Scott, Jr., F. M. Parsons, w. v. Jill lor, D. C. Oroono, W. P. McEldownoy, Win. Horsfall, Jr., P. E. Haguo, P. E. Cohan, Esther I). Converse J. M. Up ton, and P. A. Sandborg mid Miss Corn Mao Montgomery. o T''o Mothers and Toachors' Club of North Bend mot nt tho Central school Friday afternoon for tholr rogulnr session. Tho high school quartet, Cnrl Ooldor, Fremont Hod son, Harry Conro nnd Lylo Chnpello opened tho program with n soloctlon, followed by an Instructive lccturo c.i tho "Caro or tho Teeth" by Dr. II. B. BurmcHter. Tho olectlon of ofdeors resulted In tho rc-eloctlon or all the prcsoiit Inciimbonts, who havo served for six months, ns follows: Prosldont Mrs. Goo. Hnzor. Vice-President Mrs. I. B. Dnrtl... Secretary Miss Bosslo Immel. Treasurer Miss Graco Williams. Arrmigomonts woro mndo to hold a union sorvlco Mothers' Dny pro gram Sunday. May 12, In wlilcn nil churches will Join. Mrs. Charles Cnvauniig.i, .V.u. Kate Rood, Mrs. i. li. Bartle and Mrs. Win. Ncllson woro named ns a ctutiniltteo to tnko charge of It. School plans woro discussed mid It was decided to glvo a school tali about the first of Soptombor along the lines of tho work started by tho "City Beautiful" committee umi the commercial unit). Miss Josephlno Griffin wns chosen piesldout of tho Fnlr Association nnd soven departments woro made. Mrs. Herbert Armstrong Is secretary Iroasuror or tlo association. Ot tho bowing department Mrs. Ilcbsoi., Mrs. Monro and Mrs. M. Sleep nro in charge; of tho cut flowors, Mrs, I. It, Bartle and Mrs. C. A. Smith; or pottod plants, Mrs. M. E. Evorltt; of artwork, Miss Giioruen; or cooking, Mrs. A, II. Imhorr. Mrs. W, Nollson and Miss Anna Larson; or home eco nomics, Mrs. Kate Rood, Mrs. L. F. Falkoust.eln and Mrs. W. G. Sholloy; or carpentry, Rev. I). A. McLeod and Mrs. Geo. D. Mnndlgo; or onibrold ery, Mrs. G. Hnrtmnu nnd Mrs. Hob son. This ended the afternoon's work. 0 Mrs. Herbert Lockhart and little dnughtor who havo beon traveling in southern California for several months, nro expected homo about the latter part of May, Mrs. Emma Niis burg who accoinpnnlod hor dnughtor, will stop In San Dlogo to visit Mrs. Harry Nasburg before returning to the Bay, Mr. Harry Nasburg Is plan ning to leave noxt week for San Dlo go to roturn with his wlfo nftor her visit thero with hor rather and moth er. O Tho A. N. W. Club mot Thursday with Mrs, I. Lando ,nnd spent the afternoon In sowing nnd In discuss ing plans about tho "Cloan-up Day." They decided to do all they could toward helping on the work. Mrs. Moo and Mrs, Stump woro guests ol CONTRIBUTIONS concerning social happenings, intended for publication In the society depart ment of The Times, must be sub mitted to tho editor not later than 6 o'clock p. m., Friday ot eaoh week. (Exceptions will be allowed only In cases where events occur later than the time montlonod.) . tho club. At tho closo of tho duy. Airs. Lando sorvod a dnlnty lunch. Mrs. J. T. McCormac Is to bo hostess Thursday, May 2. Present wo'j Airs. M. R. Smith, Mrs. Mnry McKiiight, MrB. J. T. Hall, Mrs. P. M. PrU Iborg, Airs. L. AI. Noble, Airs. J. T. McCor mac, Airs P. E. Allen and Mrs. S. Lando. o Airs. P. A. Hazard and Airs. C. P. AlclCnlght aro spending tho vif Iting frlonds in Coqulllu. o The Allnnle-Wis Club will bo on tortalnod Thursday, May 2, by Airs. Alary Thompson at hor homo on South Fifth Streot. 0 Airs. O. A. Bonnott and Airs. R. K. Booth who loft last Saturday to visit tholr daughter and sister, AIlss Alao Bonnott, In San Francisco, nro pro longing tholr stay Indefinitely. Thoy may remain several wocks with AIlss Bonnott, who has been 111 nt Lmw hospital and Ib now recovering slow ly. Airs. Robt. E. Browning and baby will loavo soon tor Washington, D. C, to visit nt tho homo of hor par ents. Thoy will remain until tho fall whon Rov. Browning will go oast to accompany thorn homo. 0 R. W. Edglngton and wlfo re turned this week from a fow weeks' visit In Portland nnd other north ern points. Airs. Sutherland, who has boon vis iting her dnughtor, Airs. W. P. .McEl downoy, for sovoral months, loft to day on tho Brenkwntor for Portland, whouco sho will proceed cast to her homo In Wisconsin, O Mrs. J. C. Swnnson was hostess to Airs. Geo. Ayro, Mrs, J. C. Swln ford, Mrs. Davo Reeso, Airs. Rhodes nnd Mrs. Will Chapman, Thursday afternoon at a meeting ot tho sawing club nowly organized among those Indies. Mrs. Davis nnd Airs. Perkins woro the day's visitors. Tho club will bo ontortnlnod noxt week by Mrs. Will Chapman. 0 Mrs. Geo. E. Mnndlgo ontortnlnod n tow frlonds nt sowing Wednesday artornon, hor guests bolng Mrs. T. W. Ronnie, Mrs. Geo. ClolHondorfer, Mrs. C. A. Smith mid MrB. C. M. By ler. O Airs. Claude Nasburg was hostess to .Mrs. J. W. Bonnott nnd .Mrs. W. S. Turpen Informally nt enrds Thurs day aftoruoon In compllmont to her mother, MrH. Doble, who Is spending n few weeks oh guest of Airs. Nas burg. 0 Tho Royal Nolghbors. Marshlleld order, are making active prepara tions ror the reception they are to glvo to tholr slstor chaptor of North Bond Tuosday ovonlng. April ao. Tho affair promises to bo ono of the most extensive ever participated In by tho two towns. O Tho Prlscllla Club will bo ontor tnlned Wednesday, Mny 1, by Mrs. Henry Olson nt her home on Bunker Hill. 0 Airs. 0. K. Porry wns hostess to tho SIstors of Bothany this weok, on tortnlnlng Airs. D. Y. Stafford and AIlss Corn Mao .Montgomery ns addi tional guests. Among the mombors of tho sncloty presont wero Mrs. Har ry Brndhold, Miss Maude Reed. Miss Evolvn Anderson. Mrs. J. T nine, and .Mrs. Earl Savage. AIlss Maude Rood will entertain the Indies at hor home near Klttyvlllo April 30. O Airs. J. S. Helsey of Vnncouver. II. v., arrived on the Breakwater Thurs day to visit for n short time with her dnughtor, Mrs. A. R. McComb. .-20LMji OI Cloth es m I jj, i W Omar Faith Is Pinned To Clothes Read! j - to - War Our judgment and experience back us up ' this, We know tho tailoring game, and know how easy it is to substitute poor g0()i for fine goods, poor trimmings for good mings and cheap workmanship for high-fp, workmanship. The Clothes we hclieve in an Itein-Bloch Ready- to Cloth- w ear atUNlUJUUlSMAItiailllK u j - - V They arc made by skilful, highly paid tailors who work under the direction of men who haye been trained by 57 years of clothing experi ence. The Stein-Bloch Label guarantees the best of all these things. Tho Clothes Fit and you sec them fit before you take them. Prices Rairage from $2000 to $40o00 Ofther Brands ffrojrxn DttiW7nLULIlSMARTCI0IIHS AGNES & MATSON M man nnd Mrs. Wm. Bailey. Whist was tho gamo of tho evening. Af ter enrds and supper, several de lightful musical numbers furnished a shnro of tho evening's enjoyment. J. C. Toello gavo tho violin solos, "Tho Herd Olrl'H Dream" und "Dreamy Moments"; Mrs. S. S. Jen nings played two piano solos, "Vnlse" by Durand, mid "Tho Wnysldo Chap ol." Trombone solos "The Holy City" mid "Tho Buglo Cnll" by Robt. Simpson, and the song. "Tnlklng In Aly Sleep" by AIlss Ellon Anderson, followod, Among those present were (Continued on page 8.) Attend Marshflehl baseball club'n bt'iiellt dance at Kul'IcV Hall Sutiir. day night. T.VIKV and PK.Y.NTT BHITTI.B 20 OE.VI'8 POUND nt STAFFORD'S SATURDAY and SUNDAY. HOWARD'S gonulno .MEXICAN TAMALES dollvered nny place In tho city until 1U O'CIjOCK at nteKi. Thoy nro READY to SERVE. Phone :t:W. A TURKISH BATH will do you (JOOl). Phono 2HJ. Llbby COAL. The Kind YOU hare IMVAYS USED. PHONE TJt Pacini Wvery & Transfer Co Motorcycles and Bicycles ii Look over our line before you buy. Our nuwstort of Uicycles just arrived. The Motorcycles arose! ing with us, ns you will notice on the street these dnvs. ilai'loy-Davidson and Indians havo now later ib proveiiients than any other machine in the won. Place your order now if you want ono in thinj days. Factory running behind on orders every day. ROLD EXCLUSIVELY BY The Progress Club moot Monday nrtornoon. April 21), nt tho homo or' Mrs. Robt. E. Browning, with tho Biibjoct "Places or Interest In the. Orient." t very piensunt (innco wns given, last Saturday night by Toollo's Or ehestra. Tho hall was well llllod with dancers and patrons, n number, or people rrom Mnrshflold attondlng. mv, aim .Mrs. j. u. roeiio nre leaving North Bond today tor Portland where thoy plan to stay for an Inde finite time. 0 The Thimble Club of N'orth nAmi gavo a delightful enrd party nnd musical Wednesday evening nt tho boautirul homo of Dr. nnd Mrs. I. B. Bnrtlo. The large rooms wore lav ishly decorated with rhododondronf nnd huckleborry and tho tables wero made pretty with bowls of roses and ' tUllns. mid nlnk-shmlad rnmllna inr. rylng out the delicate pink and green color scheme. Mrs. Bartle was as sisted In serving by Mrs. M. 0. Cole- f Hr-frnnL x - m a . J Ps Jiirn ffiBiillI ' inJciASA sUfcsJLssaLL 1.HH X "TS2 S5i SE:p is r ?raj & r jy 3S 9 ML iHrl a-ss-i w - mi zry- , fr s- i iir x (Hn' tfwix i sjstiu it "i Jm-ir i xv rift , $ wm feL . qqp" PinSBURGPEBFECTFENCE It It the only enduring nuke ind be. come by pnxeu of ELECTRIC WELD ING ONE SOLID PIECE OF STEEL, itnnd ind iuy wire can neither lepintc nor ruit out. Uninjured by heat, cold, or the action of the element ample prorhlon hat been made for eipanilon and contraction, and idjujw Itielf to uneven ground. Our improved proceat malcea It cheaper than any other fence at any price. 1MOXEER HARDWARE CO. S0 Xorth Front Street 2 Jfl SOUPS FLAKED PEAS A small handful of Firtd Wy . hny soup, fifteen minutes fllT1,j to servo; will greatly Improve l wholesomeness. PUREE OF FLAKED PEAS 1 cup S,crry F.1 Vi medium o- it hlonnon "('tv Sauco Salt to taste. Boll ntllnn In ainn, until tanrinr nrlH WltSUP. WOJCS t lie, dash of whlto pepper and salt; then add the ...v osi1 slowly 20 minutes, strain nnd serve with crouionn. whole cloves. 3 cups of beet stock V cup cold water 1 Vi tableapoontula catsup Tiny piece of garlic ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING OONE AT THE TIMES' Of to IBM.' iESBj Feit I M Ta I" 8U! g. rAl !CIi i