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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1912)
;t-, t- , j', ,..., rt. - ,- -,-r.J . B'-.r,-.-wW..J4-' V--" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1912 EVENING EDITION. SCHOOL 2K5 wijlj' y gL22!'-T1- IHGH SCHOOL. Tlio Seniors aro rehearsing tholr coimnoncoment play almost ovory ev ening. Thoy liavo arrangod a stago in one of tlio vucant rooms, wh'oro It can romnln unchnngod from ono rehearsal to tho next. Misses Oraham ontorcd tho high school last Monday( coining from Stlllwator, Minn. Tho Literary Society has bad luck. It has rnlnod every tlmo tho socloty lins mot for tho last eight mcotings. Thoro woro over forty present Thurs day night, In splto of tho rain, and thoy all seemed ' to qnjoy tho now song book. Tho society Is conside ring a mock trial for tho noar future Mr. Qrannls is gottlrig things start ed for tho track moot, which comes in two wooks. Tho toam has bcon doing somo good work, and will show tho visitors somothlng mostly heels when tho tlmo comes. School bogan at 8:00 o'clock Fri day and lasted until ono, so that thoBo who went to Coqulllo to tho oratorical contost nood not miss any classos. It catno in handy, too, for thoso who wanted to go fishing. Among tho other advances, a class In Public Spoaklng is planned for next yoar. High schools in gonornl neglect this department, which Is of groat valuo. Tho courses wo can offor next year will bo moro llboral and bottor than tho ordinary school of throo times our slzo., Athletics. Tho Coos County High School track moot which will bo hold on Friday, May 10th, at tho MaruhUold fair ground track, purports to bo ox tromoly Interesting. North Dond, Coqulllo, Dandon and Marahtlold will each enter tonms, and tho prospects nro that somo for mor county records will bo brokon. Evorythlng is being dono to mako tho meet n success and thoso who nro fortunnto onough to attend will not go away disappointed. Tho following Is tho dramatis por- Bonao: Miles Standlsh, Cnpt of Plymouth Ernest Harrington Garret Foster of Weston's Mon. . . Chaunccy Clarko John Mnrgeson of tho Plymouth Colonists George Johnson Phlllppo Do La Noyo of tho Ply mouth Cblonlsts . , George Johnson Miriam Chilllngsloy, cousin to tho Captain Mnry Prlco Durbarn Standlsh, wlfo to tho Captain May Preuss Resdluto Story, aunt to tho Cap tain Esther Silverman Hobo De La Noyo Nora Towor Place: Plymouth In Now England. Period: 1G22-1623. Act I. An early morning in AugUBt Stolon fruit. Act It. An afternoon in October A maid's toys. Act III. A night In March Tho rod light on tho 'snow. Act IV. Thou next' afternoon Tho bottor man. History. Tho Sonlor class In History will soon comploto thofr text book work, but Bupplomontary work and thomes will occupy their tlmo for tho ro mnlndor of tho year. Each mombor of tho class Is to present a 1500 word themo upon subjects already assign ed, tho subjects bolng somo raattor in history directly concerning tho United States. Tho Junior Class In Physics havo complotod advanced work and nro now proparing for roviow. Dogtnnlng with next year, tho Fresh men history class will tako up tholr work In Ancient history from a now text by tho samo author as tho pres ent book, but In a moro comprohon slvo stylo, moro sultnblo for a ono year course EIGHTH GKADE. In tho bnskotball loaguo which closod rocontly tho Froshmon won tho chnmplonBhlp of tho High School soctlbn and Johnson'B toam tho championship of tho lowor grado sec tions. It was nocossary to play throo games botwoon Johnson's toam and Urudloy's, tho runnor up, as both tonms had won six and lost ono. In tho final gamo, Bradloy'a toam was woakoned by tho loss of ono of his rogulars, but ho put up n hard and gritty gamo. English Department. Tho Sonlor class who nro study ing principles on Argumentation havo boon making briefs with regard to ovldonco and as prnctlco In tho work havo boon writing brlofs on Uurko'H Speech on tho Conciliation. Tho Junior CIuhb nro studying En glish Essayists. Essays from Lnmh nnd Do Qulncey nro bolng studied nt prosont. TIjq Sophomoro clnBs nro studying tho "Merchant of Vouico." Scones from tho play nro bolng dramatized. This wook tho trial scono botwoon Portln and Norlssa Is to bo given. Tho class has heou divided for this, each half to prosont tho scono. Tho double enst of characters follows: Gratlo Sidney Clarko and Goo. Johnson. Duko Carl Larson and Albert Hnlnos. Antonio Tom Patterson nnd Miss Graham. Dnasanlo Chestor Isaacson nnd Guy Stutsman. Snlorlo and Clerk llosslo Flanagan and Agnos Snndqulst. Portia Iluth Hoaglnnd nnd Ilruco Kolloy. Norlssa Kvolyu I.nngworthy nnd Mnybollo Fnrloy. Shylock Vivian Carlson. Walter Jonson nnd llnnnlil McGoorgo. Portia and Norlssa Alta Soulo, Harriet Hanson, Mao Myron, and Lucy Powers. Marian Sonmnn, Mario Whoolor nnd Delia Oldland woro among thoso absent this wook. Wllda Harris of Sumnor ontorod tho A division of tho Eighth grado on Monday. Somo vory good tost pnpors havo boon handed in this wook by Isabollo Ferguson, Graco Williams, Carl Dack, Eva Hanson, Nolllo Warwick, Floronco Powors nnd Roxio Hall. State oxaminntlons will bo hold In tho Eighth grado May 9 and 10. It Is oxpoctod about 24 will pass tho preliminary tosts and bo allowed to tako tho stato tosts. SIXTH nnd SEVENTH GRADES Goorgo Graham nnd Dudloy Hill of Stlllwator, Mlnnosotn, ontorod tho Sovonth grado this wcok. Nottlo Snoddon has boon nbsont from school throo days bocauso of illness. Thoso nbovo 90 In ArJthmotlc tost In tho Sovonth grado woro Irmond Carlson, Ruth Cowan, Helen Dow, Myrtlo Nolson, Wcsloy Sonman, Cnrl Sandqulst, Harvey Waltor and Chns. Crulg. FOURTH GRADE. A now pupil, Robort Fnlrchlld, on torod tho low Fourth class this wook. Ho enmo from Portland. A clonn-up squad was organized In this room for team work Saturday morning In this district. Edwnrd Knox, ns foroman, Wnltor Hnglund, Cronjlo Nolilo, Arthur Hanson, Ed win Johnson, nnd Charles Snoddon cnustltuto tho tonni. uigii grades abovo 90 woro car ried homo this wook by Dorothy Thomson, Uornlco Mlrrnsoul, Elwlu Johnson, Stella Magnus, Lillian Son man, Ebon Connor and Edw. Knox. Amolln Alrola from Llbby Joined tho high Fourth grndo Mondny. FIRST nnd SECOND GRADES. Thoso receiving tho highest grades in B Second grado woro Maybollo Mc Laughlin, Nlva Lakln, Stcon Magnus, Bolton Kummerer and Frederic Ho ngland. In tho A First grndo, Myrtlo Conk llu, Alton Kardoll, Lloyd Haworth and Philip Thomson receivod highest marks. Tho B Second grndo bought now Prlmnry arlthmotlcs to uso tho ro mnlnder of tho year. Tho class havo finished tho Whool or's Second Rcador nnd nro now read ing tho now supplementary renders. Evelyn Koontz, Dick Wnltor, Km orson Neff nnd Harry Walp havo been nbsont this week on account of Illness. CENTRAL. SCHOOL. Frank Maupln of tho Primary, Ed na Maupln of tho Second grndo and Ella Maupln of tho Fourth grado havo left school. Thoy will go to Coqulllo. Besslo Mozena of tho Third grado has beon dropped, to go to Eugono. Glcndn Farrel. of Oklahoma Is a nowly registered pupil of tho Fifth grado. Oscar Johnson of tho Socond grado will go with his parents to Eugono. Alta Lash nnd Johnnlo Burko, both of tho Fifth grndo, havo boon absent this wook. Chestor Lonot, of tho Sovonth grade, who Is Buffering from blood poisoning, tho result of n cut in tho hand, will not return to school this year. Ruby Pitman of tho Sixth grado had porfoct spoiling lessons ovory day last month. 'Alfred Anderson has boon droppod from tho Second grado. ' Tho Sixth grado has had an un usually largo, number of absonccs this wook. First Grade A Dorothy Ferguson returned to Bchool Mondny nftor n slogo of tho chlckon pox but was takon out again Fridny bocauso thoro aro othor canes in tho family. Galo Tlmmorman hns again ro turnod to school nftor sovoral wooks' absonco following an oporatlon. Claronco Anderson hns boon drop pod from tho roll. His paronts havo moved to Bunkor Hill. Othor cases of absonccs on ac count of sickness aro Arthur Upton, Lompt Kulju nnd Jny Montgomory. Painting buttorfllos was ono of our host things In wntor color work this wook, HOWARD'S gonulno MEXICAN TAMALE8 dollvorod any plnco In tho city until 12 O'CLOCK nt night. Thoy nro HEADY to SERVE. Phono SMB. SECOND nnd THIRD GRADES. Robort Sneddon nnd Kolly Wnlp woro nbsont on account of Illness this week. Twotity-nlno of tho pupils woro uolthor nbsont nor tardy this weok. Arabia and tho llfo of tho peoplo thoro was tho study In Geography and Lnngungo. Tho work wns lllus tratod with pnpor cutting. El in Ira Alrola Is n now pupil in tho Third grndo. No. 13 JrarwJ iFiV mmm Send For This Seed Annual-Free Electric Servants Expect No Days Out Electric washing machines and vacuum clean ers aro ready to perform their work quickly and well all the time. In many small households there is too much work for the housowif e a large part of it can be performed bettor electrically and leavo much time free for more important things and recreation. Any servant problem is easily solved in the electric home. If your home is not wired, a tclohono call to 178 will bring an export to explain our prop osition. OREGON POWER CO. Telephone 178 Steamer Washington Will Sail for San Francisco From Coos Bay Sunday, April 28, at 7:00 A. M. F. S. DOW, Agent. Ocean Dock. THE FIUEND OF COOS BAY S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails From Cocs Bay for Eureka Sunday, April 28, at 8:00 A. M. connecting with the north hank road at portland North pacific steamship company. Thono 44. O. P. McGEORGE, Agent. LIVikJi tnirflnlfor purity ! rnninitioa. No di aia t Al Ul Utlui liM two quuitirl ihow ihtVtfvliiffK.AffnJ.iil- Outfutltf qufpptd Utofitory undtr iht uirtuvll M a.niiH ami ciprn Kcd UCtt iffnovM U guru wcik. Wfirn buying Lilly'i Luy bctucd crop. Stnd fi c.uluj. Th Qim. H. LiHy Co., Sctttlt WAST AND COaiMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AND SUIlMAHINE HELL SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR. COOS BAY Friday, April 26, At 3:00 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANV. I,',0I, 4'1' O. V. .McGEORGE, Agent. For rhoiunntlsm you will find nothing bottor than Chamberlain's Llnlmont. Try It and boo how quick ly It gives relief. For snlo by all dealers. Tho Ninth Grado havo tlultiluid the atudy of "lvnnhoo" nnd nro studying Lamb's Essays. Tho Ninth grado II nro studying tho "Lays of Ancient Romo." Tho prnxmin ulvon by tho Liter ary Sofloty Thursday oven Ins, April 2fi. follows: Essay Vivian Onrlson Dolmto- Rtttnlrwl; That ships ply- iUK between Anierlrau ports should pass through tho Pnuiuun Canal free of toll. Aflli'inuMvtt: Arthur Knlstsd and Will Ilortou: Necntlviv Mux Uelgard and Carl Lareou. SIiiIiik by the soelety. Rohivtrsals have begun on the Sen ior iii iv which is to tw given In May aiiirram ii i - - !..-....-...!! now ring Vf .in. r nun llumlrixl llUm Kwril lot any - " i'uirrli llmt uuniiol t our) Uj itult ' tliul r.i curu. f J. I'llKNKY .V. TO., Tulmlu. O. .lli. nnd. r.lgiivil, Umi' In-'wii P J. ( iur liny fur (hi- Ul 15 yi(', umt U'llfk Uliu iht jiMitu lio maiiU in nil liiutiiuu iimiuu'llnii. mi'l iluuii' mllv HhU luctrr out huj uUIIu Ujik uimk' l lilk Arm. WilblMI, KlSNAN A MiHVIN, ImliMilr DrilllKUtf.TuhHla. O. UnU' Cntarrh Curcl IhUimi lnterimll, net-, tusUliec'ily iiHiti (lie liluoil mid iminms mro twv nl tlio )li in. Tt4llmi)"iHU tent (rve Vrk'f 74 n iitn per bottle. Sold by all ilriiniitkt. Tk. lUII't Katully fllU (or iuiistliroii. Superior quality is always recognized. Not only the National League but the bin majority of all other league, college! and icliool throughout the United States have adopted tlio Spalding "om2:l.!!:'M Cork Center Ball $1.25 each As their Official Ball, as it is the Official Doll of tho Woild Series S3PALMNG GB&BS) BASE BALL UNIFORMS AVOHN 1IYTHE CHAMPIONS All the big league tennis play with tho Cork Center Hall and wear Spnldlng Unsc llull Uniforms Swid for tamplf a of mlrial, Mi'aturement lUnVi, etc, rrcc. Copy of S,l.l.n C'aulonua I'ico on requett to imy aJJiata, A. G. Spalding & Bros. 150 Geary Street San Francisco We Carry a Ccmplclc line of Spalding Athletic Goods THE GUNNERY front Street Marshfield, Ore. II heavy team harness A express harness R light delivery hnrnoas N light double harness E singlo harness S light road harness S It It's a harness wo havo It HOPSO.V Cor. Central Avo. nnd Wntor Sts., Mnrshflold. Everything for tho horse but shoes and fowl. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance I'M North Front Strret EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT O A. M. O.V APRIL a. 10 17 and "I TlVr Tm,?M CS "AY AP,llt "' ,!, 2" AS" 27.ll ! SI-mvicE OF L. A. PARKHURST, Agent. Pliono Main 33U. A Modern Rrlck IluIIdlng, Eloctrlc LU'ht, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL COOS C A. MISTLIN, Prop. Ratet: TiO cents a Day and Upwards. Cor Iiroadwny and Market. Marshfield, Oregon, Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire 1 Ilf w ' ana marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY 8E.VG8TACKKN, Mgr. Coqulllo Offl.e Phone 191 Marshneld Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lando a specialty. Qendral Agents "EASTSIDK" WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 PRO-NT ST. yTa!?'K:i1JJi:My13T"il'',''1',l'''l'l'''iril'''lllilfJ Have That Roof Fixed vow Seo CORTUELL t'hnnc 81m men r.IUM "riiii u iKtiur a mcI.ntiuk Get Busy AND GUT OUR PRICT SHIXOLKS AND GET MTER THAT ROOF, Rl'T FIRST COMF IV HOOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, $1.25 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfi?. Co RETAIL DEPARTMENT. & NnSnirona undorslgned has been annV!111 mlnlBtrator of tho ortSfftM. uuuui ii.ii, ueconBca. Now nil VUTei having claims against said 1 ,P, horoby required to present ffi?U ? proporly vorlflod, together W proper vouchors at tho Zir tt Jnmos T. Hall, at Marshfirt i"C6 within six months from i.'S' this notice m lh8 hi ei Dntod nt Marshfield n, 23rd day of March, 1012 h0n' lU Administrate" l Ollvor Landrlth, deceased Ut cl First publication March it. . publication May 4. 2' ' SUJLM(va IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP t. STATE OF OREGON. INAMn 5? THE COUNTY OF C003 W John S. Colto nnd John K mi.v plaintiffs vs. ii, A. Mondtr fondant Summons. "r' fe Tnamod; Mada dcrcnil , 1NOREBGoTIEOPTI,E8T0r You aro horoby required to ipjii, nnd answer or otherwUo pleiuiuJH complaint filed against you b?vo entitled suit In the tW,2 titled Court on or boforo iZh! tho 4th day of May, A. D. 1 "S if you fall to so appear and i'.S or otherwise plead to said coophS for want thoroof, tho plaintiff,' apply to tho Court for the relief ii mnndod in thoir complaint, a uiJi Btatomont of which Is ao followi roqulrod to porform tho condltlotiJ your ncroomont to purchaio entmi into on tho 16th day of Octebtr 1 D. 1900, by and botwoon youn,!li3 L. D. KInnoy for tho benefit of Mi S. Coko and John K. KollockbrtlS tormo of which agreement you itrS and promlsod to purchuo and Z for Lots ono (1) and two mi ii Dlock forty-sovon (47) of the To-r2 slto of Coos Day, Plat D, Coot OmJ ty, Orogon, nccordlng to the tW thereof on fllo nnd of record i.n offlco of tho County Clork ol Com County, Oregon, and that yon be rt qulrod to pny to tho plaintiff. hertU or Into Court for tho uso of the plii tiffs nbovo namod, tho turn of TL-h Hundred 8ovonty-flvo (S76) Do'Jw now duo under tho prorliloni ol ul) agreement, together with l0tert4 thoroon at tho rnto of 6 per cut w annum irom me lbin aayotOctOKr A. D. 1906, to date, within in (II) aays irom ino umo or omeriDiifr crco against you or within inch t! bb tho Court may dcom reuomU 2nd. And In caao you fill lotoJi within tho tlmo designated b; Uf Court, that you and all ptruti claiming nny right, title or titm to said real property by, thronftcr under you, bo foreclosed an' fortrtt dobarrod of any and all rljM or t domptlon or equity In said mlpr J orty. 3rd. That tho plaintiffs lm'jbi nwardod Judgment ngalnit yon k their coetB nnd disbursement! of IH suit and for such other or dlffereat rollof ns to tho Court air net) oqultnblo nnd Just. This summons Is served npoam II. A. .Mondny, by publication tie of In tho Coos nay Tlmej for tie porlod of six consecutive wteii (err. en Insertions), commencing wW lie Irsiio of Mnrch 23rd, A. D. 1911, fi suant to an ordor of the Hosont!i John F. Hall, County Judge for ue County of Coos, Stnto of ureps, duly mndo on tho 22nd dayof JlirtS, A. D. 1912. JOHN C. KENDALL, JOHN I). Q0SS. t Attornovs for TlilnllKt Postofflco nddross MarsMUH.O gon. First National Bank duiimjh First publication March II. l Inst nuhllentlon May ii, viwimi it niHIUTflnS NOTICE is horoby siren tkit undorslgnod has uccn oj ot - n, -...... Tu.Iita nf lh COttJ n i. -,, rii..inlv flvfUB. tU beon duly appointed as Exr tho last Will nnti icsmuiwi eatato of Uenjamln F. Rose, oJ ... . .... rn i-...n..lnri. hits Mfl Issuod to him now all persons bn claims agnlnst said csiaie are "' noiiiiua io in -:-" '- --T, y ni 1110 OIHCO Ol J'"" ""nllAMid field. Oregon, Room ll." Eg UIOCK, Willi HO if; ,'-:i within six months from date tew Datod nt Marsliflcw, vw -27th day of March. 1912. QEORQB P. ROS. Executor of tho last Will " tamont of Bonjnmln F. "M,-'r deFlr8t publication March JO. W publication April at. ij"i IN THE COUNTY COURT OF STATE OF 01lt.iiW'v.. 111 IHU Illilitut - , .' Hllbakn, docoaBea-ci . ,j4 rn nH, IJndnH Sofia I eflur ... Annnllsa Tuf and al ?. oH,i in the, estate of sail " grcotlng: Rt .. 0f Qt In tho namo of the Bute gon, you nro hereu """..1 quhW to appear In the CouaiJ w of tho Stnto ot urese". " - tlere ty of Coos, at the Court noomt ,, of, at Coqullie, n v - diy d Coos, on .Monday, the . " . May, 1912, at I" " t i there t noon of that day. thm"d"t show cause. If nny. W d M snoiua not uo s. - . pr0fw Istrator to sell tho rtAV rp horoaftor doscrlhed. jT iartr West half and Southeast ik Northenst quarter WANTED ! ! ! CAHPETS UPIIOLSTEHIXO AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneu. inntic ClennliiK Coiiiimuy. Orders for ork taken nt GOINO A HARVEY PHONE 100 The Electric Shoe Shop I8rffifRSl T,IEV nUY snoES FRO.M $1 PER PAIR UP. TIIR EIPfVpnTn cr... J 180 So. Broadway Marshfield Township 20 Sut . of Jlu is West ot the Willamette ygj,!. Coos County, ui1 " MarstE Block 25 In tlo hBiiji bb por pint or po. -. - wg prepared by K. U i'" m of tfi and of recoru m ., u ,. Plnrlr nf COOS !- VUIIUIJ Vv - K"vitness, tho Hon. J t..j fnnntv Court or na of Oregon for the Cou A with the seal of enld Com this 25th day of March. "' Attest: . q..!) . '?, First puDiicauu... - , publication April 27, ! A