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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1912 EVENING EDITION MILLICOMA HATS rr tfSt, f rKSHCaEsMSEHExS For Spring Wear " The Best $3 Hats Made New, Stylish Shapes Woolen .Mill Store Leading Hatters & j ', Marshfield Oregon Always "The Busy Corner" The Rexall Store Great Perfume Sale Saturday, April 27 CLEAN-UP DAY One Day Only Uradow Pink ArlaUon Lore's Joy Golden Girl Yllcy Uly JUjr Uoquct Apple Blossom Princess Grand Violet Klorella Dtbut 29c Per Ounce THE FOLLOWING ODORS: Hoso Atloro Mlnoln Mills Tube Itoso Ocean flprny Our Jnck 29 Cents Per Ounce Curio Ylnng Ylnug l'oinimdour Gyp California Wild Flowers Frnnglpnniil Santa Ilnrbnrn Heliotrope Arlitou White Pond Lily Honey Suckle Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE -MAIM. 298 ps Selected Investments FIILST-CLASS DAIRY RANCH; lr5 ACRES, 100 ACHES BOTTOM. BALANCE GOOD BENCH; FIRST-CLASS IMPROVEMENTS AND DIIKIXIKI) 1I0AT CHANNEL; A CULTIVATED, PAYING PLACE 123,000.00. 200 ACRES OF FIIIST.CLASS BOTTOM AND HUNCH LAND. IMG ORCHARD, GOOD IMPROVEMENTS. LAND WELL SHELTERED, AND OP THE REST TO 1113 HAD. EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT 112,000.00. NT. Alii: OFFERING SOMK GOOD IMG BARGAINS IN CITY PROP KRTY, AND SOLICIT YOUR CARE1TL INVESTIGATION OF OUR LIST. I. S. Kaufman & Co. J 77 Front Street. R IK V"'-" " IlMljt P B The Beauty of Bathing In n moderately equipped lavatory U that It la a luxury to bo enjoyed In stead or a duty to bo performed. Doesn't cost any moro to bathe lux uriously than In the old way. Let us give you a few figures on tho cost or modern plumbing. Willey & Schroeder 303 North Front Stroct. PHONE 77-J FREE!!! 1 3JJ isjpn loq diavpuuou TT Purchaser of hats at the Vogue J. ;ew hats arriving every 'k. giving you the very latest ideas ' ilhe millinery world, and tho prices U1 urhrlse vn,. r... i . , ... --. vn OUJC Ul urn " House store. North Bend, Ore. -NE2urfet th TurkUh Bth"- Dayton Bicycles Marshfield Cyclery BICYCLES FOIt RENT?, SAVE 9300 Six-room two-story house on Com mercial avenue. Dullt threo years. Largo lot CO x 140. Is a swell homo HasSrine lawn and small garde spot In the rear. At this price it I. the biggest bargain In town. Price $2500. E. S. GEAR, room 22. First Natlonnl Dank. Try The Times Want Ada. IOC j PERSONAL NOTES O008 BAY TIDES. Del w Ii given the Urn. and height of high and low water at Marshfield. Th tides are placed In the .order of occurrence, with their, tlrats .on tho first line and heights on the sec ond linn of Aoh ilavf a MmniHina of consecutive helghU will' indicate wncinor it is nigH or low water. For high water on bar, subtract 1 hours 34 minutes. Date. April. lira. .5.27 11.12 6.06 12.21 Foet .2.0 5.2 0.0 6.9 Hrs. .0.14 12.42 0.20 1.01 Foot .1.2 6.4 1.0 6.3 Hrs. .7.00 1.33 7.08 0.00 Feet .0.4 6.0 1.3 0.0 Hrs. .1.36 7.44 2.21 -. 7.48 Foot .0.0 0.2, 6.6 1.7 THE WEATHER. (By Associated Prose.) OREGON Showors In west and ralr In cast tonight; Sunday showers; winds "southerly. LOCAL TEMPCTtATURE HE- POItT. For twenty-four hours ending at 4:43 n. m., April 27, by BenJ. Ostllnd, special govornmont me- toorological obsorvor: Maximum 68 Minimum .' 37 At 4:43 a. m 43 Precipitation nono WlndB northwost; clear. MRS. E. L. BESSEY, of Coos Itlver, was n Marshfield Bhpppor today, i EAItL GRAY, of Allogany, was in Marsbflold today. i S. B. CUTLIP, of Coos Rlvor, wob in ' Marshfield today on business. WM. CANDL1N of Coqulllo is a Mnrshilold business visitor today. MISS OLLIE RICHARDS, of Sumner, Is visiting friends In Marshfield.. . FRED HOLL1STER of North Bond is a Marsbflold business visitor today. TOM MOFFATT waa in from Beaver Hill today on business and picas MISS GLADYS ROBERTS of Catch ing Inlot, Is visiting frlonds iu Marshflold. MRS. R. A. CHURCH and Miss Clark of Kontuck Inlot woro Marshflold shoppors today. MRS. F. A. HAZARD roturnod last ovoning from a short stay with friends In Coqulllo. JOHN A. WALKER is making n combined plcasuro and business trip to Bnndon. E. E. DEFFENBAUGH of Los Angol- os Is visiting bis cousin, R. T. Kaufman, for a fow days. Glvo Concert Director Fonton of tho Cons Bay Concert Band announ ces that an opon nlr concert will bo given at tho city park next Wodnos day evening nt 7:30. Tho program will bo announced later. Kile Account Candidates In tho rccont primary election nro busy to day making up tholr campaign ex pense ncrounts. Tho law roqulros that theso bo filed within 16 days of election and a penalty of $26 por day Is Imposod ovory day attor that on tho dollnquont ones. Goxs Mny Win John D. Qoss'may bo ono of tho ton delegates from Oro gon to tho democratic national com niltteo nt Baltlmora noxt August. Ho only lacked a fow hundred votes. according to tho last roturns, and . these did not lncludo Coos and Curry counties, whero ho received bis larg est voto. DISTRICT DEPUTY STARR, of tho Modorn Woodmen of Amorlcn, ar rived hero yesterday from Eugene to visit tho lodges in this section. F. A. WARNER, of tho C. A. Smith company, loft on tho Nann Smith todny for Bay Point nftor a fow days' stay on tho Bay on business matters. J. D. GOSS returned last night from Coqufllo whoro ho was aiding In tho trtnl of tho Bostcott caso, bo Ing ono of tho nttornoys for tho do-fonso. OEO. W. ARTI8 of North Bond was a Marshflold business visitor today. Ho In still busy making tho 1012 assessment In tho northern part of tho county. OEO. B. M. CUTCHEON is oxpectod homo soon from Linn count;, whero ho in on business connected with a tlmbor claim which ho was arranging to secure Very III. Mrs. HIIIls 8hort isjro ported critically 111 at tholr homo in Ton (Mllo. Sho is suffering fronj an attack af appendicitis or nn'abcoss. The oxnet nntura of the HIiiorh could not bo lonrnod over tho phono. mSIio mny bo brought to Mercy hospital for troatmont. Sho was resting ortalor nf nnnn tnrinv ' . ' Vo Ilimilon Machinery. Ray. Kaufman, secretary of tho Coos .Bay Oil and Gas Company, has boon' ap prised that tho stockholders of tho. Mloceno Oil nnd Gns Company which is drilling a well on Boar Crook havoj nuthorlzod tho ofllcors to' turn tho machinery over to tho Coos Bny com-1 pnny whon tho Bear Crook well Is complotod. It Is oxpectod thlss will bo In about sixty days. If oil Ih not struck whon tho 3,000 foot lovol is ronchod, tho project will bo given up. Tho Bandon people aro to tako Htock for thd cost of tho machlnory which will bo usod In sinking a well on Catching Inlot. ' , Notice to Church Goers. Tho boardwalk loading up Markot Avonuo la being put in such shapo as to ninko It posslblo to attend tho churches on that street without serious Inconveniences, MRS. OLSON, Mrs, Thomas, Mrs. Albort Wlcklund nnd Mrs. Olo Hogloy, of North Bond, wero guests of Mrs. Honnlng Larson, of Marshriold, today. HENRY HAVERKAMP nnd brldo nrrlvod hero this wook from Rod Cloud, Minn., whoro thoy wore re cently mnrrlod. Mr. Havorkamp formerly resided on tho Bay. uinvn this Rirrir ' Albort DavlB, tho son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dnvls, Is quite III of pnoumonln. ' MYRTLE POINT POINTERS Nowh of Upper Coqulllo Ah Told By Tho Enterprise. Humor has It that Myrtlo Point is to hnvo a vinegar nnd plcklo factory erected this summer. Consider ing tho largo amount or vogotnblcs thnt could bo raised In tho vnlloy t would scorn that an enterprlso of this character could bo inndo a success nt this point. Whllo tho supply would probably bo light this year, tho ranchos of tho valloy would no doubt bo ready to moot tho demand nnothor yonr. Royal BAKING POWDER Ahewhtimiy Purm Used and praised by the most competent and careful pas try cooks the world over Tho only Baking Powder made from Royal Grapo Cream of Tartar made from grapes ARRIVE TODAY ON Steamship In Early This Morn ing From Portland Will Sail Sunday. Tho Alllauco arrived In this morn ing from Portland with n good pan songor list and a good cargo of freight. Sho will sail .at 8:30 tomorrow morning for Eurokn, Call. Among thoso arriving on (ho Allt nnco wero tho following: O. E. McKlnnoy, W. Holdon, 8. Robortson, E, Doffonbnugh, J. Pi Aslio, Mrs. R. B. Collins, R. B. Col lins, II. T. Hanson, J. E. Laust, E. Potorson, L. S. Taylor, J. W. Murphy, A. Klnos, Jos. Shoa, Mrs. J. Bhen, A. E. Aslacton, J. II. Lystor, Mrs. W. H. Bontloy, W. II. Bontloy, E. Van Nobo, E. Burmann, D. MoDonald, R. C. Cof fott, W. Cull, C. A. Rogors, A. Mu calo and A. Nichols. Tho Alllanco will return horo noxt Wodnosday morning and' sail at 11:30 Wodnosday morning for Portland. LEAVE TODAY ON BREAKWATER If f Photo BuppUos, developing and printing. Walkor Studio. NOTICE Special mooting April 20 for do groo work of Myrtlo Lodgo No. 3, K. of P. All mombors and sojourning brothora turn out. O. F. ROSS, O. C. Ansco Films at Walkor 8tudlo. "Eugene Abraham's Dream" Thos. Hood's dramatic poom, anothori of Sir Henry Irvlng's groat successes will bo presented by Mr. McCloy nt, the ROYAL TOMORROW NIGU'x, If you want something good, horo It Is. HOWARD'S gonuino MEXICAN TAMALK8 dollvered any place In tho city until 12 O'CLOCK at nlghu Thoy nro READY to SERVE. Phono 33ft". WANT ADS. STOLEN Thursday night from R. Rooko's ranch on North Coos River, rod skiff, 14 feot long. Reward for Information leading to its return to 11. G. Rooko. LADIES' and misses' sowing of all kinds; eight years' pxporienco. 870 South Fifth St., Mrs. Mattlo Blaln. A. McKoown. of Marshflold, was in town last Snturday. making ar rangements for tho hauling of grnvol to tho cara from tho gravel bars ho haB leased in tho Coqulllo, prepara tory to shipping a lot of It to Marsh flold. I Mrs. Honry O. Ploogor roturnod last Thursday from Marshflold, ! whoro sho spont several wcoks with friends. F. S. Dow, tho hustling commis sion mnn of Coos Bay, was a business visitor In tho city yesterdays Tho gontlomnn states that ho oxpectB to pack sovoral tons of saiior kraut horo this rail. Don Greone, son pr T. J. Oreono, or this city, rnme up f rom. ,Marshf lold yesterday and loft pn tho Barnard Laird stngo last evening for Roso burg, on route, to Join tho party of United States survoyors who work on tho Arctic Coast of Alaska this sea son. LOT SNAPS B. S. GEAR. Room 22 First National Bank. Threo lots, Forndalo, run onto tho mudflat; oxcollont factory or busi ness proporty; slzo 160 x 24 x 102; price $700 cash. Two lotn, Forndalo, rino ror roal- ilnnxn nwnll hlllshln vloW! nrOtectod rrom tho wind; slzo 116 x 166; prlu $660 cash. Throo lotB, North Bond, flno resl donco lots; bargain nt $600 cash. Throo lots, 30 x 100; Milllngton; flno location; chonp; $475 cash. Ono lot, 25 x 100; Portland nonr Woodlawn school, 1001 foot ott (Union avonuo; will trado ror lota in Marshriold; prico huo. Four lots, 25 x 140 to 20 root nl loy, near Eaglo'a hall; thoso aro vory oxcollont lots nnd aro a snnp at this prlco; must bo taken at onco; prico $4200 ensh. Two lntu In Itovnolds addition. roncod nnd planted to potatoes; slzo 120 x 120; only $1500 cash. Five lots on EnstBldo, near Whltty Bros.' storo; prlco $1600. Two lota on South Broadway, 25 x 100, nonr Snydor Hotel; thoso lota will bo In big demand within a short tlmo; prlco ror a row days $2000; hair cash, bnlanco to suit pur chaser. Acreage at head or Control avonuo, rino building proporty; will soil any numbor of front feot; prlco $35 por 32 lots In Boise Addition to Marsh flold, $2760; terms half cash; bal anco in ono yoar. Steamer Sails This Morning for Portland On Five Day Schedule. Tho Broakwator sailed onrly this morning for Portlnnd with a capacity passongor list nnd a enrgo of mlsce-l-lnnoous frolght. ' Beginning noxt wook tho Break water will go on a flvo-dny schedule between Coos Bay and Portland) sail ing ror Coos Bay and from here for Portland ngnln, May 4. , Among thoso sailing oni the Brcnkwator thlo morning wore: A. G. Lund, Miss Robo Bloln, Wal ter Moros, Anna Llonon, Win. "Hol land. Miss Montgomory, A. B, Frau ds. J. N. Monfort, Mrs, Gear and child. Mrs. A. E. Lowollan. MrB.'S. O. Orurr, S. O. Gruff, R. O. Johnson, D. A. Rolwrson. Mra. D. A. RQborson, C. M. Hnllot, Miss Poarl Rolgard,. Mm. K. Dunson, Mr. Bnms, Mrs., 8ams. B. Anderson. A. B. Frodonthiil,.-Mni. A. B. Fredonthal, L. Rocs, Mr Smith. Mrs. Smith, Mrs. M. Pounders, J. B. Mnrvin. Mm. PoulRon and cbJ'u.' Mr. PoulBOn, M. Poulson, Mrs, Daisy Holomnn, Geo. Story, Mrs. -J, R. Pago, R. W. Pulton, Mrs. .Souther land, Thles Dollls, P. Paul, Joe Loglo, A. 8llteAol, J. Hondls. C. II. Llvlngton. Compton, M. O, Muntaln. R. Muntnlp, II. L. Ashcroft RAILROAD IN CURUy', ' Itnndon Party Vlnlis Por OrfonI AiKut rrojrcu Tho Port Orrord Trlbuno pays; Pnl Tnn nml Rtnvn Gnlllor. Of Bandon, In compnny with two Btrang ora, said to bo railroad mon, spent Saturday night in Port Orford. re turning to Bandon noxt day JThoy did not tako tho public nor tho Trlbuno Into tholr confldonco. nonce wo can only guess ns to thoir tals slon, If thoy monn business legiti mately, won nnu gooa; u moy aru ...Itfljin. nximntni-a wn hnnn tbfilr clnwB will bo pullod boforo (hoy scratch any or our poopio. wo uvo no faith In railroad words but will accopt tholr works whon wo see thorn. Our county nnd Coos t aro crlss crossod by surveys and If one doos not build somo othor will If the future lnsta long onough. So many railroad Bchomoa havo boon drownod In tho slough or Dospond that their death nowadays dooa not make a rlpplo on Its Btagnant waters, CARD OF THANKS. To tho Poopio or Coos county: . I wish to oxprosB my slncoro appre ciation or tho oxcollont support lyon mo In my sucfosBrul cnndldacy for tho ropubllcan nomination for sheriff' or Coos County nt tho rocont primar ies. Whllo I can only oxpress this appropclntlon In words now, I oxrjoct thnt tho rail oloctlon will bring a victory that will pormlt mo to show It bettor by tho faithful porformanco of fho duties. O. O. LUND. SCOTCH COLLIES $10. Address B, W. B., Norton's Gulch, Empire, Or, POR RENT Ono nice largo room, 343 South Broadwny. i.-i cat. i.' At Breakwater office; 1 emery wheel; 1 bbl. blackberry cordial; 12 cratea blackboard; 1 show caso. BARGAIN SALE; 40 horsepower auto for $000; first-class condi tion; fully equipped: cost mow $3000; will fell for $600 on eab terras. John L. Koontz Machine shop. North Front street. Phono 1 80-J. FOR SAL: Ono new JM-foot gasp lino launch. See Max Timmer man, 862 North Front stret. w n nnnrln nf tho United States Coast and Geodotlc Survoy, arrived last week from San Francisco, nnd is .spending a row days visiting rola ! tivea and iriondB in tho upper Co qulllo valloy beroro leaving ror tho Arctic whoro ho will put In tho sum !mor months as a member of tho party who will survoy tho northern ,. iio.i,. Tho wnrlr Hi Ik num. mer will commence on tho 141st me-, 'rldlan, 30 miles south or tho Arctic! Ocean, and when tne Arctic is roached, Mr. Guerln will extend hia work westward, making the first top ographic map of tho Arctic Bench. Mr. nnnrln nnd their son. Roy. ac companied him from tho city, and will spend tno summer wun nr mothor, Mrs. Garrett. SNAP Threo nice high dry lots In Bank addition to North Bend. All clear and lovol. Best lots in tno aaumon; enn bo had now for $000. E. 8. GEAR, Troora 22, FlrBt Nationul bank. I J. Leo Brown, Ph. Gr. R. AY. Swanton, Ph. p. PURIFY tr-e blood by taking Brown's Famous Blood Purifier and tonlo, con tnlnlng tho well-known and reliable druga ns Barsaparllla.yollow dock and caacura, besides othor Valuablo Ingredients; these are com pounded scientifically, which produco n much bottor action than tno ordinary patont blood romedles. YOUR SYSTEM requires a change nnd toning during tho months of Spring, other wise you do not dovolop your full resources or keop In propor Lealth and trim for tho battio or lUo. A STITCH IN TIME saves nino or moro. Ono dollat eavea you many a ono lator on, b getting tho system In shape. U you suffer from that tired- spring feollng. bolls, plmplos, skin affections, also dorangoments of tho stomach and bowels, and rheumatic complaints aro speedily re lipved by this happy combination of drugs. Prlco 91.00 Per Bottle, or slv for $5.00. BROWN DRUQ CO.