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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1912)
. .jkajt.h ftoi JwiHBBBMWBWePWUOIf"WT&UW 4 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1912 EVENING EDITION COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEX Editor and Pub. DAN E. MALONElf New Editor Entered at tho poBtofllco at Marah ield, Oregon, (or traoamtulom through tho malls as secoad data mall matter. Address all communloatlong to CX)OS HAY DAILY TIMES. Mrhflcld :: : :i tt Oregoa Dedicated to tha lervlc ot th popl, that no good cause ahall lack k champion, and that orll ihall not iSrlv unopposed. jr." ' SUBSCRIPTION RATB0. DAILY. tJae year M'JO Per month r WEBKLY. ' One year H'.O Whoa paid strictly In adranc the ifabscriptlon price of the Cooi Bay Tftmoi li $5.00 per year or $2.60 for nx months. ' Official raper of Coo OoHaty An Independent Republican nows apor published ovory ovonlng except Bhnday, and Weekly by Xbe Cooa Hay Timos Publishing Co. ThoogMs on The Titooic CDEEBE A NEGLECTED foow. kNB of tho most common articles of diet Is chooso, and yot Its valuo 1b llttlo iH J vnlnn la llitlo nnnroclated by tha gcnornl public!' Ono canot say, la falniess, that, chcoso has not won .favor In this country; for nn article tlmt Im found In bo mo quantity or otlior In almost ovory Amorlcan homo nnd tho yearly output of which Is col. nldorably over 300,000,000 pounds In ho United States, with a valuo of nearly $29,000,000, cannot bo ro Kardod ns ontlrely unpopular. Do iiplto thoso enormous flguros, tlicro Is ?i provalcnt current bollef that checbd b prone to produco physiologies Jls lurbanccn arid that, as tho expression Wes, It 1 "hnrd to digest." The nutrition oxncrtn of the United Slate Department of ARrlculturo havo been Investigating tho caso of tlio American public versus choesu Tho fuels nnd findings aro essential ly an follows: Chectio of various typoH, oaten raw or carofully cookea, compares favorably with othor foods la thoroughness of dlRCStlon 111 healthy man. It docs not causo con ntlpatlou or Induco other physlnloglq HiisoU, even when eaten In nbund anco Choeso Is moro than readily dlgofltlble. it Is highly .nutrltloub, icnmparlug In this respect with othor combinations like incut, fish and orkv. and above this, cheese is nn economical food, competing easily with the foregoing from tho stand .inlnV.of cost and nutritive offlcluncy. If tho causes for tho fnmtllnr lndlf foronco to chooso ns n moro central Toaturo of tho diet aro sought, they probably Ho In part, according to tho Journal of tho Amorlcan Medical A.. Koclatlon, In tho continued popular ity of tho moro oxponslvo meat In 'this country nnd In tho fact that our liouiiekeonors lack tho culinary ex perience which would bring chooso Into a moro prominent rolo on tho bill of faro. NEW TEACHERS CHOSEN llnnrioii School Hoard Selects Instnic lorn for Coming Year. That tho report thnt Prof. P. E. Goldoti, of Mnrshfleld, might bo choaon to head tho Ilandon schools for neu year waH Incorrect as Is Hhowti by tho following Item from ih Uamlon Itcrordor: Prof, II. L. Ilopkluu was re-elected superintendent for another year, nnd MIk.i Rltchlo wns nlso re-elected In the high school. Miss Ilolat, who bus been teaching In tho grades this year, was promoted to the high Krhool and thero Is ono vacancy yot to bo filled. This position has boon offoivd to Miss Ellznhoth J. Rodgorti, wlu formorly taught In tho Uandon thigh suhool, nnd It Is hopml sho mny wropt it. although the board ins not f.i ,et boon nDorlsod of her decision In "the matter. In tho grndos tho following tencli ow have been elected: Eighth ttralo. Miss Hiighen; seventh, Mlsa Itogeri of Prefcott, Wash., sister of WIsn Kllznboth J. Rogers; sixth, Miss Ooiily. or Wnltsburg, WnsJi,; fifth, MImk Abbott, of Portland; fourth, nlls.1 Hluudoll; rnmblned third and fourth. Miss Knhey, of Wnltsburg, v"hIi : third. Miss Gibson: second. Mis Wilkins; with ono second grade y,'Qe 8 )Unn jvi in in1 uiii'ii; ursi grime, .win. Popf was elected to one room and Mlsu Jewett, of Oregon City, to tho ouiey The school board also at this samo mpotlng Issuod n call for an election to decldo whether or not tho district will Ih-suo Interest boarlng time war rant!! for tho purposo of building a gvmii.islum nt the school. This elec tion nasi railed as a result of n peti tion, slgnod by about 1G0 tax payers nnd presented to tho honrd, and ow ing to tho Inrgo numhor having signed the petition It Is considered quite certain thnt It will curry. The tax for tl'ls would bo practically nothing for several years, nnd would novor be ovor ono or two mills. The election will bo held May 17. MEMORIAL FOR THE TITANIC VICTIMS ANNOUNCEMENT comes to us from tbo capital city that an effort will bo mnuo to get jon ptorq tn nnnronrlato a sum. annroxl mating $200,000, to bo added to n similar sum of monoy ralsod nt largo throughout tho nation, In order that a hiomorial Bbnit may do orectou in mombry of tho horolc conduct of MnJ. Archibald Dutt. who wont down with tho lllfatcd ship. Whllo" wo! are as yet uncortnln as to whether this ston will bo conBum- matod as nlanncd, yet wo cannot forego a word as to tho unfairness nmi iiRnlessncsa of such a momorlal. In tho first plnco wo might ask, why commomorato tho heroism of Mnjor Butt moro than countless others wno wnnt down with tho Ill-starred flhlp, with that bravery and Intrepidity that mark tho true soldier. If reports bo true, there woro many w'ho might bo worthy of n similar momorlal, and why Rlnglo out ono becauso ho hap poned to belong to tho army nnd was a closo friend of tho Prosldont? Wo would Hko to soo nil thoso bravo men, nnd women too, who faced doath bo unflinchingly, bo given n silltablo momorlal so that futuro gen erations may know that tho tradi tions of tho sea woro kept In n spirit, ns well as In lottor. Then, ob to tho nature of tho mo morlal. It scorns ridiculous and ut terly usoless, from a practical point of vlow, to cxpond such n sum of monoy on a shaft, whon tho samo monoy could bo put Into a .memorial that would boneflt humanity. That Is what wo aro nil hero for, to holp others, nnd to erect a plcco of mar blo, whon a hospital or Bomo othor chnrltablo institution might stand In Its' nlnco. oxtondlng tho blessed holp of healing nnd comfort to hundreds who need, seems tho height ot rony, nn unworthy nloco of oxtravnganco. Wo alroady havo too mnny of thoso useless memorials In n world that is crying on nil sides for holp ot ono kind or another. Lot ua erect momorlnla that will do some real nracttcnl good. If thoso who aro thus commemorated could return nnd toll us what they think about It, they would say at onco that this Is tho kind of momorlal they would ronlly want. Tho cnsunl obsorvor doubtless novor stops to think, ns in muto ad miration, ho stnnds boforo thobe memorials of tho Ptolomlcs of Egypt, the Pyramids, Just what monumontR of usolessnoss thoy nro. Tho millions thnt woro probably spent In erecting them mluht furnish n pleasing spec taclo for tho globo-trottor. but thoy havo novor glvon, so far ns wo know, ono lota of holp nnd comfort to thoso who need. The Unxlnkulrto Hlilp. Silly It Ib to think thnt n great company, spondlng millions to safe guard In othor ways llfo intrusted to Its enro, could skimp on llfoboats merely for tho ponntoa (compared to tho other dollars) to bo spared In that mnniior at so frightful a cost. Too utterly nbsurd Is this for snno consideration. For think of tho ultl ninto prlco to ho paid by thoso who fallod to havo tho llfobonts, as tho captain brnvo who Buffers misfor tune must forfolt his command nnd ns tho "hoodoo" ship muBt ho desti tute of paBHOiiRorfl. slnco mon will not tempt Provldonco In unlucky hulls, so tho company thnt loses mul titudes of souls must honcoforth sco tl o voyaging world turn fearfuli away from Its vessols. No, no, thnt could novor bo tho explanation. Whnt then? Theory tho thoory of tho uuslnknblo ship tho Bhlp that Is u city afloat. Theory, Tho Drltlsh Hoard of Trade has hud absolute faith that the greatest of tho modern ship.., flushing across tho sens with mult.- tudes of souls, could not sink, Thoy might crash Into wrockngo from col lision but thoy would not sink. They might thunder upon n reef and ho wrenched asunder, yot would tho IrngmentR rofuso to sink. This wns the theory; tho Drltlsh Ronrd of Trudo muBt hnvo hold to It nbsolutc ly, olso never could thero hnvo been allowed oi nlneo In a llfobont for four, or ono for threo, or one for two. Fiict. Man t Inks nnd thinks nnd bullns nnd builds to dofy nnturo. Oreat works lie. achieves; ho puts them to testa; they moot tho tests today, to morrow, next day. Then Is our heory established that at Inst man's nlm to meot tho power of nnturo Isj it'iiiizeu in iiioso groai worH, uubu of tho theory. Then nnturo answers. AliONO THE WATERFRONT Tho Sausallto sailed from Dnndon for San Francisco last ovonlng. Tho Elizabeth and Brooklyn ar rived at Dandon this morning from San Francisco. Tho Nann Smith nnd Oraco Dollar sallod tills morning with cargoes of lumber from tho Smith mill. Great Britain Is evolving a wire less scheme whereby tho omplro will bo onclrcled, thoroby doing away with 'marine cables. The whales caught last year In tho Mnrfti Pnrlfln. wnrft tho fattost over. known. Tho blubber lay 15 InchVa. thick. ' Thero is to bo built at onco a big modorn drydock at Vancouver B. C with power to lift 15,000 ton.,, 000x65x80. Tho threo yonr Btrlko of tho Sea men's Union, Involving '15)000 mo.i on tho Great Lakes, has como to an end nB tho rcaull of a roforondum, in which a largo majority of tho mon voted to return to work. Tho strike was marked by much violence nnd bloodshed. Tho pennant of tho battleship Malno is to havo a permnnont home In Chlcngo. It has been Informnlly presented to tho Spanish War votor nnB of Chicago by George C. Mages, present ownor of tho omblom, nnd will bo recolvod with npproprlnto cor omonles on Decoration Day. A writer In tho Edinburgh Rovlow says that somo sailors assort that Mahan's "Influonco ot Soa Power" has dono England moro hnrm than nny othor hook ovor published, be causo it oponcd tho oyos of othor na tions to tho valuo ot command of tho sea. Tho Rovlow writer wondors what hook, in Its turn, will opon Eng land's eyes to tho vital Importance of command of tho air, which is be ing rapidly acquired by Continent powers. It Is ngnln rumored thnt tho skele ton tnnstB with which all tho battle ships of our nnvy nro now equipped aro to ho abandonod bocnuso of tho drawback of vibration. Thoso masts woro adopted becauso thoy woro bo llovod to ho Indestructible, which fnct nlono would gtvo a ship bo equipped a big ndvnntago In action, for tho ronson thnt tho tiro control syntom which Is locntod In them would nt no tlmo bo threatened. Tho position of tho ran go finder, a com missioned offlcor, Ib nt tho top ot tho mnut. Lighthouses without llghta are to bo established by tho French govern ment. Instead of lights, Ilortzlan waves will bo made uso ot and In this mnunor vessels properly oqulppod will bo enabled to rccolvo warnings in tlmo of fogs, when tho ordinary lighthouses nre useless so far as shedding their warning rays abroad. Offlcors of theso vessols will bo on nhlcd to dctormlno nccurntoly tho di rection from which tho Ilortzlan warnings nro bolng rocolvod, nnd so got their bearings. CURRY GOUTY PRIMARY VOTE SUMMARY OF RESULTS THERE ON REPUBLICAN AND DEMO CRATIC TICKETS BMITII HAD RIO LEAD .OVER GETTINS. GOLD BEACH, Ore, April 27. A partlnl Bummnry of tho official 'ijount of tho voto In Curry county Is as follows: For President Robort La Follotto- ..-.. 118 Theddoro RooBevolt ' 15" William it. Tnft .... , For Senator - Jonathan Bourno l3 Stephen A. Lowoll 22 J. W. Morton , "1? Bon Selling ,....101 Sbcrotary of State Frank 8. FloldB . . . . 74 Ben W. Olcott .189 Prosecuting Attorney George M. Brown 173 C. S. Jackson 129 State Sonntor Fred K. Gottlns 85 I. S. Smith 181 Joint Representative A. J. Marsh 139 S. P. Pelrco 170 Sheriff s W. A. Blshet ....' 138 Frank H. Owons 20 Wllllnm J. Walkor 150 Assessor Wm. Tolmnn ICC C. V. Woodruff 145 County Commissioner Dolmcr Cologrovo 222 ,A. F. Gardner 74 Port Commissioners Geo. D. Chonowcth 88 Thomas Hughes 49 W. W. Bmlth 47 Willis T. Whlto, Sr 89 There wns no republican candldnto In the field for nomination na School Superintendent nnd among others tho nnme8 of Goo. W. Smith nnd J. J. Weorslng woro written In, tho form er winning by 07 to 58. Tho democratic voto on president wub: Champ Clark 08, Judson Har mon 2, Woodrow Wilson 61. Tho democratic county ticket will bo: W. A. Wood, Judgo; C. H. Bailey, shor lff: W. S. Guorln, school superintend ent: D. Cunnlff, survoyor, nnd Rnlph Hurt, commissioner. J. Huntley, J. R. Stnnnnrd and Jok, Caughell woro republican candidates for county Judgo. dork nnd treasurer, respectively, nnd W. II. Meredith democratic candldato for Joint, rep resentative, who woro nominated without opposition. Thoro woro no democratic candi dates for Commissioners of tho Port of Port Orford, nnd tho nnmo of Hughes nnd Smith woro written In bo that thoy received tho nomination on this ticket ovor Whlto and Chonowcth. A STORY OF MOLLY PITCHER (By Bosslo Snndqulst of the Sixth Grado of South Marshflold Building) In the yonr of 1778 among tho ranks ot tho Amorlcan soldiers, trud irod Mollle Pitcher with a pall of water In each hand. Hor bond wa3 haro, and hor arms woro freckled and bllstorod by tho unrolontlng nun. Sho was trying to reach hor husband with tho wator to glvo him a drink. But as alio pnssed tho othor soldlors bogged so hard for a drink, that sho would stop and glvo them ono, and so havo to go back aftor moro. But tU last sho saw him at his cannon. But as sho' was going to elvo his parched lips a drink, a can non ball whizzed by and bit him. Ho foil dead. Sho stood daxod, till sho hoard tho ordor given to drag his cannon from tho Hold. Thon in an Instant sho wns at tho cannon with hja rammer. She was too woll ver sed In tho ways ot war to bo alarmed or be In Ignornncd ot tho turmoil. She did not stop. firing until the Brit ish troops whoso captain was Clinton flod from tho Hold arid tho Americans woro victorious. Tho next day Mollto Pitcher was told that Washington wnntod to soo her. Sho camo to him with swollen eyes and n small ploro of black cropo pinned on her dross. Ho told hor she wns to havo n commission with half pay all hor llfo. Tho Fronch officers wcro so delighted with hor courage thnt thoy rewarded her with a cocked hat full of gold pieces, and named hor "La Captalno" which monnB "Tho Captain." Got your pictures framed right at Walkor Studio. HEMHMIIEH tho QUATKRMASS STUDIO for FINE PHOTOS. $3,OG Will Boy One off the Best Ranches Meair Coos Bay This ranch Is on nnvlgablo wator, about forty minutes rldo from Marsh Hold. It consists of sovonty-throo acres, of which 35 acres Is Improved bottom land nnd six acres Is Improv ed bill land. Ten coivM will go with land. The total cost Is $1 l.OOO. Will ac cept 9:1,000 down nnd tho bnluuco In pnynieutii two yours apart, to suit buyer, at six por cent Interest. Tho net Income from this property Is nbnut $i!00( a year. This Is the best ranch buy thnt has been offered on tho Buy In n long time. Address or Inquire of Geo. W. Artis, North llenil, Agent, Oregon More New Ones New Suits Every Week " aro sun rccolvu,. p,. latest la 6 " "-1 Ready-to-wear Suits 'or men From $8.50 $25.00 Thoy not only havo on, guarantee, but we looHtt ns long as thoy last-lii', " Interest ns won n. .." "o FIXUP MnrsMiold North Bad At TEe Royj Tonight "A FOOL'S LUCK"-Mrf vory runny comedy ikttti-bJ buiik uiiuruig mibs MCLIOJlDlA by apoclnl request "Those Bosal Mother Used to Slnjr." TOMORROW NIGHT A clover Dramotlc ActbrMR.) DREAM," by THOS. HOOD. Lovers of dramatic arei&oiUi miss tins. Gernldlno McCloy will ilai raurs rnvorito song "LAST ROSE OP SUDIRT In both English anil Itilitt Always Good Picture 10 CBS Round-trip boat ttckketi (m t Tho mcchunlcnl genius of tho na tion has Bent a largo number of 1111 tlvo young men to tho stonm-pro-pollod vessols of tho nnvy nnd tho merchant mnrlno In recent yenrs. Nlnoty por cent of tho snllor-mochan-ics of tho nnvy nro American horn. Twenty yonrs ago tho proportion of Amorlcans In tho forocnstlos of our merchant ships wns only about 30 por cont; In 1910 tho proportion was 49 por cont. tho natives Inrcolv nro- domlnntlng ovor tho nnturnllzed. Tho movement of AmcrlcniiH townrd tho sea from tho Interior states of Into yenrs has stondlly Incrensod, but troy huvo found employment mostly In tho nnvy, ns our foreign-going mnrohnnr vessels hnvo become fuwor and fowor, . QUIT SMOKING AT 101 SAN BERNARDINO, Apr. 27 "I'u boon smoking cigarettes 4 01) years, but I'm afraid they're .getting mo now," snld Patricio kJatmes, 104 years old, tho pa- triacb of tho San Bernardino .Vallov Indians, today. Ills re- punk followed a visit of a phy- RtrUn. tho first to attend the old ,mau In nil his long life, utter Jutmes had fallen to the pave- incut and lost consciousness. "I'm nfrnld I'll have to quit smoking," ho ndded. 04V Mortal IVldo. I, for nuo, would hold blamo- less nny man who, not foreseeing, could not prevent. But, oh, tho pity of It tho grlof, tho agony, tho llf- long misery and mourning of thoso nshore and out in tho deop waters those others, tre souls that havo pped from this world of mystery to what Is for us of deopor mystery! And, oh, tho folly of tho mortal theory thnt sots itself In pride against the everlasting power! Mst of Honor, Tho list of the snved womnn aft er woman, child after child this Is tho list of honor for tho mon ot tho sen, with tholr noblo law: All women nnd children flrst.olso shall the men all die! To see 1000 cases or champagne go drifting by nnd bo unable in savo any of It wns the experience of tre offlcors nnd crow of tho stenmor Francisco, which recently reached Boston from Hull, England. The chnmpngno was In Iron stropped enses and seemed to be part of the cargo of some steamor which hnd re cently foundered. Tho Francisco was fighting I'er wny through a heavy galo and tho big sens woro breaking over tho docks whon the chnmpngno wns sighted. Ono of tho sailors was walking nlong tho deck whon a big wave brolo In front of him. I-Vom tho vory crest of the wavo ho picked off n bottle which had broken looso from nuo of the cases. HE THE FELLOW THAT YOUR MOTHER THINKS YOU ARE SWAT THE FLY AT ONE MILL A SWAT CLEVELAND. April 27. In answer to nn offor of tho city to pay a reward of n cont for every 10 tiles deliverod dond nt tho City Hull, school children or Cleveland nro "swatting tho tly" with vim and vigor . Tho cm- sado will continue for two weeks. Sometimes tho profit without hon or goes to tho merchant who refuses to advertise. While walking down n crowded city street tho other day I honrd a little urchin to a comrnae turn nnd say: "Sny, Jlmmle, don't yer know I'd bo as happy as a clam, If I only was tho feller dnt me nuu. der t'lnkn I am, 'Sho nnd t'lnks I nm n wonder. Knows ner llttlo ind Would never mix wit' nottlng dut wns was ugly, menu or bud; I often sit nnd t'lnk how nice 'twould be gee whiz, If n feller wns de feller dat his mun- dor t'lnks he Is." So. folks, be yours n llfo or toll or undiluted joy, You still can loam n lesson from the small unlettered boy; Don't try to be nn eartl-ly snlnt, with eyes fixed on n stnr Just try to be the fellow thnt your mother thinks you are. Selected. Just'ce mny be- love with lt eves open, but often It happens that In justice opens them. Aro the oyes of the wife or a iollv man sad because he is Jolly, or Is he jolly because- her eyes are sad? Bridging the Bay Is not of any greater importance to the average citizen of this city than Bridging the Expenses every month. The Big Store helps when it comes to carrying you across the channel of cur rent expenses by providing everything in wearables for the whole family at the least possi ble price. MEN'S SUITS MEN'S HATS Men's Furnishings may be obtained here at money saving prices. Our clothing comes from the best makes in the country and carries a strong guarantee. VSJ 1'i&WV'ty.mMHl - V2J (!? Come to The Big Store and Let Us Save Money for You MERCHANT , SON