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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1911)
' n ,J7rjvv.1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. Personal Notes LOCAL & GLEANINGS LOUIS WIRTIl enmo In from Mllll coma yesterday. Y Tomorrow The Last Day of Clearance Sale Look at the prices OU may think you don't need a new suit right now, Any body needs one at these prices Hart, Schaf fner & Marx made most, of these clothes and we made the prices LOT ONE $35.00 Suits $30.00 Suits $27.50 Suits $25.00 Suits $22.50 Suits $20.00 Suits $17.50 Suits $15.00 Suits $26.50 $22.50 $20.00 $18.50 $16.50 $15.00 $13.50 $11.50 LOT TWO $25.00 Suits $16.85 $22.50 Suits $20.00 Suits $17.50 Suits $15.00 Suits $12.50 Suits $10.00 Suits $14.85 $12.85 $11.35 $9.85 $8.65 $7.35 WOOLEN MILL STORE Home of Hart; Schaffner & Marx Clothes NOTO-BAC IS A GUARANTEED REMEDY FOR TUB TOHACCO HABIT IN EVERY FORM. You might call It "Nnturo's Own Romody," ontiroly harmless, nnd produces lta effect becnuso It builds up, fortlRos. rojuvonntcs the weak and unstrung nerves nnd at tho sarao time- holps Naturo orndlcato tho poisonous Nlcoilno from tho system. Holps mako weak mon strong, gain wolght, manly vigor, and tho old man fools Improvod after quitting tobacco. ' Price $1.00 Per Box Monoy refunded If not satisfactory. lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY COBNER" Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. FOR SALE AT THE RUBY CORNER. PHONE 208 ( ' Vi IjaingrS'fgr'fJSL WANTED A innn to linul gnrbngc from Palaco Rcfltaurant. FOR RENT Furnished hoiiHekeci, Ing rooms. Choap to parties with out chlldron. Apply "C" Times. FOR SAIjE 10-foot Inuncli, good niodol, oak tlmborB, well built, 4-horso-poworj Dray onglno without coll nnd tlmors, ?CG. See M. G. Coleman, North Bond. Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $100,000 AssetslOve'r $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits LOST Gold Star pin with pearl nnd garnot sot botwoon Forndnlo nnd South Broadway. Flndor return to Times' olllco and rccolvo reward. WANTED A girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. W: U. Dou gins. WANTED Girl for general hojwo work. Apply nt onco Mrs. Wm. Cox No 188 Second and Park uvonuo. FOR SALE OR TRADE A Colum bia rlvor flsh boat C. J. Van Zllo Phono 490, North Bond. LOUIS STONE of Catching Inlet was In tho city yesterdny. MISS MAY MAQE12 of Emplro Is In Marsh field today. PETE PETERSON of Hnynes Inlet Is n Mnrahflold visitor today. TOM NICHOLS was n pnssongcr on tho train from Co(iulllo today. OUS PETERSON of North Inlet was n MnrBhtlold visitor yesterday. FRANK PARSONS hnB returned from n fow days' trip to Portland. L. A. LILJEQOIST of Coqulllo 111 a business visitor In this city today. T. C. RUSSELL and wlfo of Beaver Hill arc MarBhflold visitors today, FRED ICRUSE camo down from, tho Kruso ranch on Isthmus Inlet yos- torday. MRS. JESSE OTT and baby of Al lognny wero Marshflold vIsltorB yestordny. JAY LAWYER of tho Roynolds Do volopmont Co., returned to Spok nno this morning. JOHN SCHETTER of Ton Mllo was In MnrBhtlold yostorday on a short business (rip. GEORGE CATCHING of Sumner wbb making a business visit In this city yestordny. MISS RITA ICEANE was tho guest of Mrs. J. II. Flanagan for Bovornl dnys this week. MRS. E. L. ROBERTS and tlaughtor of Catching Inlet wero Marsnnow visitors yesterday. MRS. McCONOLOOUE and two chll dron camo In on tho Bnnshoo from Camp No. 2 yestordny morning. Shirts With Collars Attached rPLntr nvn it'liuf vnil willlf. forlnmtimr. cammnir or out- mr. and mrs. floyd coFFELTof -" .. W I mg trip. Just nt tno tiino you win it. r.hnni wn arc trointr to ....... no JmB BUCCoedou in gelling jac innkO SOinC special prices RQnT BWANT0N of th0 Drawn Bans to abandon tho "blind pig that Will SIIVC money for you. ... Co. Ioavoa Sunday on n buslnoas in tho South Slough dii Read This List $1.25 Shirts for only 85c $.1.50 Shirts lor anly. .$l.lo $1.75 Shirts for only.. $1.30 $2.00 Shirts for only.. $1.45 Como at onco to got these prices. The Bazar HOUSE OP QUALITY ' , PnONE 32. Drug Co;, leaves Sunday on vacation and hunting trip to Brow stor Vnlloy. MRS. M. C CHAPMAN nnd daugh ters, MIbbos Dolla and Ada, left In California. IAJCAL TEMPERATURE KE- PORT. For twonty-four hours ending nt 4:00 p. m., July 27, by Mrs. E. Mlngus. Bpeclhl government moteorologlcnl obsorvcr: Maximum 04 Minimum 40 At 4:00 p. m C8 Wind, Northwest; clear. HORN. CROOKS To Mr. and Mrs. William CrookB at their camp in South Marshflold, Thursday, July 27, tt boy. Mr. and Mrs. Crooks nro vaudovlllo actors who aro taking; a summer outing camping trip nlong tho conBt coming to Coos Day from California. They have appeared at tho local theatres. Mother nnd child aro doing woll nnd tho father says ho Ib a hond Unor nnd his net is a "scream." BLAIR To Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles Blair of North Bond, Thursday, July 27, n boy. Mother and child nro doing nicely. New SIitii Whistle Ndrth Bond hns Installed a slron whistle nt tho Porter mill for uso ns a flro alarm. Tho tost of tho signal will probably bo mndo this wcok bo unduo nlarm need not bo folt If tho whlstlo blows for somo tlmo. lnfnnt Dies. Tho thrco weeks old Infant child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jns. Mc intosh of Bay City died at nn early hour this morning. Tho funeral will bo hold this aftornoon. Autos Busy. Tho Drnln-AUcgnny auto carrlod a largo numbor of pas sengers out today. Thoso ongnglng Boats wero Mrs. John Mitchell, Miss Zotta Mitchell, J. Lnwyor, Yorrlng ton, J. CarlBon, J. A. Gnmblo, R. S. Edwards, W. C. Hay, M. B. Wakc mnn, R. L. Nov61. Closes Wind Pig. After n long and strenuous cnmimlgn prosecuting Attornoy Llljcqvist announces that ho hnB succeeded in getting Jack ir n buslnoas in tho South Slough dis trict. It is announced that thoro la to bo no leniency shown to liquor law violators In tho future Number Decision. Attornoy tors, aiihos uoim a.m u, M0 , CrftWford hoWg Umt num today for a month's vacation visit ,rwPI, i.phR nf'unto bors on tho forward lights of auto mobiles woro not nocosBnry, but that nn mntniivAlna Mm rnilat rntlnn mtm SHERIFF W. C. GAGE of Coqulllo ' .... nn thn llffh. camo over from Coqulllo today on t(y thg tho noon train to look nftor somo ,. . ',,, in ,, Mn. civil business In this city.- FOR RENT' 5-room houso at Bunkor Hill 912.00 All kinds of houses in town for rent from 8.00 to 925.00 Call nnd Soo . , k AUG. FRIZEEN t. WANTED To purchase city prop erty, Addreas "A" cara Times. WANTED First class mechanic. Ap ply In person to Boavor Hill Coal Company. First National Bank OF COOS DAY AT MARSHFIELD, OREGON, Capital and surplus and profits $107,000.00 Total resources. 535,000.00 United States depository for Postal Savings. Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, OFFICERS:- W, S, Chandler, M. C Horton, Dorsey Kreltzer, President, Vice-President, Cashier, DIRECTORS: W, S, Chandler, John S, Coke, W, U, Douglas; Wm, Grimes, - John F, Hall, S, C, Rogers, F, S, Dow, W, P, Murphy, M, C, Horton, A Want Ad will sell it for you WANTED To rent good dairy ranch by experienced man. Address "P caro Times. FOR BALD My farm 600 acres la one lot or will cut up in parcels to suit. 0. W. Sanford, Marshflold, ALICE II The Popular Picnic Boat. Now makes regular schedule tho South Coos River run. Lostas Marnhflold week days at 3 p. m.' Ai rives in Marshflold at 8:46 a. at Sunday, leaves Marahfleld at 8 a.m! Returns at 6 p. m. LEVI SMITH, Master. on WANTED Girl for general house work, Must havo roforencos, Mrs. O'Donnoll, Buukor Hill. AUTO LINE Ciira nt any time. Phono 231 R, utter midnight 181X tli ld. ipl.oop.ljl j.rta.ntj, I u. I i'i:nioH nuIJM mttA Tl fliAAt tn Silvia cb.rfool Bitter, of St. John B.pllit (Ep.oopl1 Oou.f uu, ACM.mi. sa iiibihwj vipwwih, Hlllf, All, S1MBU.B. UTBUHVB. For ctlo aare tub bi ncu b ur oincou, at. iieien linn t7 CVr. VS. FIRST OX YOUR WANT LIST ) fv j Nj Fleischman's Mgic Yeast Fresh Daily UNIFORM RESULTS MAKES BREAD OTHER YEAST. IN nALF TIME OF 2 Cakes for 5c OR 1 Cake and 1 CIpupon i- ORDER TODAY ;N V. Lockhartfs CJrocery Two Private Plldnes 5 andi 305.p DR. McCORMAO visited tho school nt Bonvor Hill yostorday in his capacity as school Buporvlsor. To day ho wont to Utter City for tho Bamo purpose, E. W. WRIGHT, tho Portland capi talist who haB beon making somo honvy Investments on Coos Bay, has returned from n brief business trip to tho Roso City. JULES HENDRICKS, of Load, South Dakota, rocontly concluded a ploasnnt visit with his friend John Blatt and returned homo. Ho was very much pleased with Coos Bay and promises to return ngaln. n. P. nARNARD. wlfo and llttlo daughter, and Mrs. C. H. Foster loft for poIntB on tho coast this morning whore thoy will spend two or three weeks onjoylng tholr annual outing. Rosoburg Even ing News. ATTORNEY REUBEN MARSTERS leaves for tho Loon Lnko country Monday whoro ho will Bpond his annual vacation. Ho will bo Join ed by Mrs. Marstora and children who nro nt nresont sojourning at Marshflold. Rosoburg Evoning News. mnttor, as tho law Boomed to bo con tradictory, and tho question wns sub mitted to tho nttornoy genomic of fice by Socrotary of Stato Olcott. Medfonl VWtorH Hero. Mr. How ard F. Dudley of Modford, and Mr J. II. McKay, a promlnont nttorney of Now York, camo up tho coast by automobllo yesterday from Croscont City nftor making tho trip from Mod ford to tho coast. Thoy aro spondlng tho day at Shore Acres as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Simpson, and tomorrow will loavo for tho Umpqua valloy via tho Myrtle Point route. Mr. Dudley expects to roturn to tho Bay soon nnd will probably mako somo Investments In Coos Bay prop erty. , Ato Raw Mont John Kronholm recently returned from Euroka tolls of nn unusunl Incident there. A hunter who hnd killed n door out of soason and wns taking n fow cliolco plocos of venison with him was raught by tho gamo wardon. He was locked In a room whllo tho wardon wont for a convoynnco nnd tho man began ontlng tho raw deer moat thus hoping to destroy tho evidence. When tho gamo wardon returned ho had oaten considerable but was seiz ed with convulsions and when John loft ho was still undor tho caro of n physician. MRS. H. J. JERRETT nnd baby rricu l iB..w.u . daughter loft today for their w UHU "" "' ?oulu "V T . not rot nn , woro married last ovonmg at oigm homo at Georgetown, Cal., on tho N Redondo. Mr. Jorrott will meet them in San Francisco. Mrs. Jor rott was Miss Edna Mageo of Em plro, and has beon visiting at her girlhood home. MR. J. B. BUCHANAN of Washing ton, D. C, who was connected with tho Marino Engineering Depart ment of the United States Navy for four years, has arrived in tho city and plana to locate hero perma nently. Mr. Buchanan la a brothor of Mrs. Robert E. Browning. WINCHESTER and SAVAGE rifles at TnE GUNNERY. o'clock at tho residence of tho brldo's paronts In South Marshflold. Only a fow of tho Intimate frlonds of tho brldo and groom woro presont. Tho Groom's popularity was responsible for nn old-fashioned charivari but as tho appreciation of tho soronadera was prompt nnd generous It did not long continued. Tho happy coupio left today on the Redondo for a three weeks' honeymoon In Califor nia. A generous phowor of rlco was glvon them as thoy embarked. Furth or details of tho wedding will appoar in the society department of Tha Times In tomorrow's Issue, CARBIDE at THE GUNNERY. t.