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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1911)
"V THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSH FIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, 28, 1911 EVENING EDITfON. .tiMl 9 m WMt If -fi' t ; 'r K FW COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MAJ.ONEV. Kdiior Jirul I'uli. DAN n. MAM)XKY Nuwh Kdltor Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMKS. Mnralillnlil :: :: s: '' Oregon IK E Au Independent Republican news- TOM RICHARDSON OUTS IIKIIIXD papor published ovory evening except Bundny, nnd Weekly by The Coos liny Times Publishing Co. Dedicated to tho service el the peoplo, that no good cuuso shall lack a champion, nnd that ovll shall not thrive unopposod. Entered nt tho postoffice nt Marsh Hold, Oregon, for transmission through tho mnlls ns second class mall matter. SUUSCRIITIOX ItATKS. DAILY. Ono year $G.OO For month CO WEEKLY. Ono year I1.&0 When paid strictly In advanco the subscription prlco of tho Coos Day TImofl Is B.OO jwr year or $2.50 for six months. OfTlcinl I'nper of Coos County OFFICIAL VAIMCR OF THIS CITY OF MARSHFIELI). AOI3 AXD TIII3 I'lMCSIDHXCY. THE nrgumout against Governor Harmon that Is causing most worry to his friends Ib thnt of ngo. Ho Is paHt 07 nnd, with one i'x coptlon, Is older than any man over elected to the prosldoncy. Tho presidential ngo Is by usage BOtnowliero between fiO nnd 00, with moro procodont for golug bolow tho in I nl inn in than nbovo tho maximum, flrnnt, Clovelnud, Pierce, I'olk nnd ItooBovolt wero nil under CO when elected. Vivo presidents only hnvo boon chosen nftor tliroo scores, nnd two of tliein died In ofllco. Senator LnFoIlotto lu GO years old nnd Prosldont Tnft Is GJ. Wood row, Wilson Is GO. Mr. Hrynn, tho young oet ninii over nominated for tho pros Idoncy, Is only G2. Thoso nro nil nt tho favored ngo. Hut Chnmn Clark is 02, nnd his frlondH, llko thoso of .Harmon, nro somowhnt concerned. It Is n good precedont thnt keops tho presidency In tho hnuds of mon of youth nB woll ns of maturity. Only n mnn In tho grontost vigor of IiIh years could hnvo gone thiough whnt Roosevelt and Tnft hnvo endured. Tho physical strain In something to bo taken Into account In naming n man for tho burdens of nntlonnl nd-mlnlstrntlon. LANK COUNTY ASSKT CO. TO EXPLOIT IT DIG MKKTIXG IX EUGENE. Tho Eugono Gunrd of Wednesday prints tho following lnterostlng rail way nows nnont tho Lano County Asset Company: "An Important Joint meeting of tho Commercial club nnd tho Mor cliants' Protectlvo association, to which tho cltlzons In general nro In vited to nttend, will bo hold In tho club parlors this evening to tnko notion on tho matter of building tho railroad to tho coast, which tho Lano County Asset company .has already started. Tho company has mado good headway with Its grading work, having completed four or flvo miles of it so far, and tho crow Is still nt work. It Is tho plnn now to completely reorganize tho company under nn othor namo with now mon at Its head nnd In this way It Is thought thnt tho united support of tho cltlzons can be obtnlncd. Ono of tho plans to bo discussed tonight Is to get enough money to securo tho cntlro rlght-of-wny from Hugcno to Coos Day nnd nftor this Is secured to turn It over to tho first company thnt will gunrantco to build tho road. Thoro nro other proposi tions to como up. Tom Itlchnrdson, tho Portlnnd booster, has boon omployed to exploit tho proposition nnd ho Is In tho city now to meet with tho citizens to night. All clnsdos and factions In tho city now scorn to bo united lu the pro ject, nnd tho prospects for tho early completion of tho road seem brighter than over before." NORTH IlKXI) IS KNJOINEI). PERSONAL OYKIIFLOW. MI18. J. W. UM8TADT and son, liny, Jrnvo returned from nn extended visit nt tho Tabor rnneh near Ton Mllo. Properly Oivncrs Secure ItcMnilnlng Order From Judge Coke. Judgo Coko this weok granted nn Injunction to tho proporty owners on Mnrylnnd street, North Ilond, ro strnlnlng tho city from collecting n sum lu excess of whnt, tho original ostlmnto of llio city engineer was for tho eoBt of Improving tho stroot In front of tholr proporty. Tho ques tion Is n highly Importnnt ono nnd Involves n ninttor Hint dovolops fre quently between cities nnd proporty owners. Tho original ostlmnto In tho North IJond cuko wns ?13G por lot, but tho netunl cost camo to 1441.44. Which ever way tho enso Is decided It will bo appoalcd to securo a flnnl decision MRS. D. C. McKAY of Mnrshflold pnssod through hero this morning on routo to Dlllnrd wlioro she will spond n fow dnyH visiting with frlondH. HoBoburg News. MI18. JOHN MITCHELL nnd chil dren loft this morning for Eugono, Oregon, whoro they will mnko tholr homo for tho next six years whllo tho children will nttond school. Mr. Mitchell will lonvo for tho South whero ho will spond tho winter. MOXOGHAM NERY. OIL nt THE flU.V. Aftor tho show try u Turkish Hath Phono 314-J, Hunting AXES nt tho OUXXEUY. A TUHKISII GOOD. Phono DATII will do you 11 4-J. FltYEHS SATUHDAY nt 8TAUFF GUOCEUY CO. XOTICE TO FISIIEIUMEX. Wo want fresh salmon nnd nro prepared to pay tho highest cash prlco for thorn. For furthor parti culars seo C. O. HOCKETT, Emplro City, or GEO. F. SMITH, Coos Rlvor. Cartridge NERY. MELTS nt THE OFX- MASEMALL GOODS nt THE GUX- NERY. If you have anytning to soil, trade, rent or want help, try a want ad. headquarter: FOR GROCERIES Wo Imvo absolutely tho best teas and coffees on the markot, Our prices are the best, We will take a back seat, for no one, quality considered, Try a 31b can of our Arlington Club Coffeo, Only $1,00, One can calls for another, AN0NA GROCERY 130 BROADWAY. Tomorro Ar& a W w - Special Sales Day for the Men Merchant Son Offer Extra Inducements For This Day. Note PricesTake Advantage Clothing Department Vc are going to close out our entire stoek of clothing regardless of cost. The remaining stock of bpring and bunnnor uai'inents all going at a great sacrihce JNc row is your opportunity. $15.00 to $16.50 Men's Fine Suits, Sale Price $9.50 $18.00 to $20.00 Men's Fine Suits Sale Price $11.90 $23.50 to $25.00 Men's Pine Suits Sale Price $16.50 $30.00 to $35.00 Men's Pine Suits Sale Price $22.50 Young Men's Long Pants Suits Ages 14 to 20 Years $10.00 Suits Sale Price $5.50 $15.00 Suits Sale Price , ,$8.75 $10.50 Suits Sale Price $10.25 $18.00 Suits Sale Price $11.25 $20.00 Suits Sale Price $12.50 $1 .50 to $2.00 duett Dress Shirts, $1.15 $1.00 to $1.25 Monarch Dress Shirts Each 50c Arrow "Brand Collars Each 10c Men's Cotton Work Gloves Pair 5c Men's Heavy Work Shirts Each 38c 50 to 75c Men's Suspenders Each 33c ANY $3.00 to $3.50 MAN'S HAT IN" THE STOKE ; $o,15 $1.00 to $4.50 Men's Fine .Dress Shoes, while they last $2.93 $0.00 to $7.00 Nettleton and Bannister high grade Dress Shoes SATURDAY'S SPECIAL $3 50 BOYS' SHORT PANTS' SUITS, AGES (j'to'll YEARS. PRICES RANGING FROM 3.30 to $8.00, TO CLOSE OUT ONE HALF PRICE We have reduced everything all over the house for this Semi-Annual Event. Come early and take advantage. MERCHANT SON i ' , L' ' Mg ' 1 I w W tef ft Don't Kick Yourself For forgetting your winter's supply of wood, Order now and be happy later. Dry Timber Ends While they last, we have on hand a fine lot of DRY blocks for fire place and stove wood, ORDER NOW C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Broadway Yards ' . Phone 190-J Carrying: Lamps From Room to Room is Dangerous The kerosene lamp has a long list of acci dents to its discredit, it is so easy to trip and fall while carrying a lighted lamp then fire and personal injury, How much safer and satisfactory is the use of Electric Light. ; The pressing of the buttonany hour of the I night gives you plenty of light Instantly in any room of your home. ' ) The cost of equipping your home for elec tric service is not great, I Our lighting experts will call at your request, plan the best installation and have cost est!- I mates made for you, as part of the service. :, Oregon Power Co. Telephone 178 Your Sunday Roast Wo have It roniv ,. Wo have It ready for you. Sweot nnd Juicy. 110AST 11EEF UOAST MUTTOX ' Union Meat Market 3Ha Ua Your r. . -ww ROAST PORK Phone Us Your Order. Phone 68. Beaver Hill Coal MODNT DIABLO ND JOSSON CEMENT. The beat Domeetlo and Imported brandu. Piaster. Llmo, Brick and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN , GENERAL CONTRACTOR "'"v,n "ux" "ROADWAY. PHONE 901 MKi ' 7 " ' -mtmm i 2r' m?" m " " For Exceptional Bargains unt;i8aa;hd0ReBldenM Propert' la North Bend-anfacreage la Cool Standard Investment Co. OranUmDINQ NORTH uSm ZT ORBOO" ,GHT YOUR JOB PmNTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFlit I J i