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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1911)
" R- I. ?) - sP' MANY A RACE HAS BEEN LOST BY A BURST OF SPEED AT THE WRONG TIME ua ADS CARRYING Vmtr store-news, should appear aa i..u. n4 does this newspaper. If GJtm?0 SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising space- In a newspnper, compared with tho space used by other stores, should define lt, comparative importuueo lu the community! Does your storo's ad vertising .space do that? Ine'l1, 0,,,,Uo,1 "" ,HB,I n0W d (hen even for ho weighty a rcu- !, ns fcnrliiB ""'t K "'Wit mill would not " w" -i-- MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PHES3 -ynrw.--Mrvr ''-wrf " GJflflB lag VOL. XXXV established lu 1878 as Tlio Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1911 EVENING EDITIONEIGHT PAGES. pORTLfll IM AH CHARGE "WHITE A Consolidation of Times. Coast Mall and Coos Day Advertiser. No. 13 SLAVE" TRAFFIC A CI 0 L Brought a Pretty Girl From Coquille to Chandler Hotel. HIS VICTIM IS ONLY SIXTEEN YEARS OF AGE Is Taken From Bed at niglit to the City Jail.1 Dr. A. W 1'orter, whoso business cant states ho Is n professional corn N AAAWWM IS CALLEDJENACE Chicago Physicians Say It Is Detrimental School Order Attacked. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Tim OS.) CHICAGO, 111., July 20 Vaccin ation wns characterized is u inen- ln Congress Provides That Waterways Work Be Under Direction of Department of Commerce and Labor. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay TlmeB.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 29. Tlint the Dtireau of Harbors mid Waterways Is to ho under tho De partment of Commerce and Labor Is provided in n bill introduced by Representative Slattden of Texas. The bureau would bo officered by a corps or united states civu engin eers nnd would hnvo chnrgo of tho "construction, conduct nnd preser vation of harbors and waterways work." GIVE STANDARD T IE WIND OIL COMPANY UP ITS AFFAIRS TOO OF R doctor nnd manicurist with an offlco'nco to mankind by Dr. J. V. D?ison i 175 Madison street, Portland, wns nnd Dr. Joseph F. Rlohn, bnclerlnto- HiHted by Sheriff Gago and Mar-If8' "' Alined bofon, Commit arrceau u; Blonor Hutchinson. Their testimony thai Carter nt midnight last night In tnkon n (lu)OHltlonH t0 bc Uf.c;, roomllu, Clinndlcr hotol, In Uiocom-!n ntitl-vncclnutlon, litigation being jinny of Marcclla Smnllcy, n pretty cnrrlod on In St. Louis. Tho lltlga rixteen year old girl of Coquille. nr." Porter nnd his victim nr tlon is In tho nnturo of nnuhvnn proceedings to compel tho S Louis Mill I'LL ER.R. 1913 rlvcd from Coquille on tho nftornoon honrd of education to nnmi' n coin train yesterday nnd went nt onco to ' ptilsory vaccination order ( l tho tho Clinndlcr. Doth parties rogistor- ground It Is unconstitutional. cd under their own nnmcH and wero m hire' different rooms, tho "Doc tor" being given llGnnilMlBHSmnlloy 112. Nothing particular wns noticed In their mfpenrnnco or conduct that would lend to suspicion, hut Miss .Smnlley bad announced to sumo of her friends tlint tho "Doctor" whom sho thought wns n "real nlco man," hud Tolunteered to pay her faro to Marshfleld nnd give her a nlco llttlo r'"":, J, :; rrZTIi. At Least Congressional Bill -white sinvo" tmfficer tho siioriff do- ppovidcs Everyone Will Ride termlned to keep n watch on tho pnlr i Ho bonrded tho sumo train tlint was On StCCl CarS. taken by the "Doctor" and his victim. A880QlntC(I Pre8B t0 Coos Bay Arriving hero ho shadowed them to , N Times ) tho hotel., but ns thoro "was no att-( ,..., ' Tll, n tempt nt concealment In roglstorlng "", " " -"' -" L i .i u , ii nr Everybody will travel on steel rail ed us they hndUeon nsslgnod dlf- "-'" ' ' . . .... .... i4.wny enrs nfter Juno 1, 1018, and nil feront rooms ho thought thoro might" w,l " , , , , ..., be nothing wrong but determined '' J" m u . iww yearn uuiiivi it um mn "... by Roprosontntlvo Tnlcot of Now I T Hflt o f 'ithnuo bis vntch. About midnight In company with Mnmlinl Carter ho stnrted nn Inves tigation. He first sought Landlord McKeown nnd apprised him of tho ilttiatlon nnd Mr. McKeown prompt-1 ly offered his assistance. Ho turned over his hotel pnss key nnd tho two officers proceeded 'nt onco to "Dr." Porter's room. It wns opened but found unoccupied. Thoy thon ex tended tho sonrcli to room 112 where tho "Doctor" nnd tho young lady wero found together having ro tlred for the night. Thoro woro tears nnd protestations but nil prov ed useless. Tho men of tho law in fd on Porter's donning his clothe fid accompanying them to ho ci'v jail, Ho assorted that It was Ms first offonso;- tlint ho hnd never been arrested beforo nnd dreaded the disgrace hut tho ofllcorn were obdurate Tho young lady wns consumed with retnorso nnd regrot. She said tlint Porter hnd offorod to ray her faro to Mnrshfleld nnd snld he would bo good to her. Ho cull ed at her room nnd by flattery nnd cajolery persuaded her to pormlt him to reninln. Miss Smnlley Is n pretty girl only sixteen years old. She has been n waitress at the Baxter hotol In Co quille for some tlmo nnd wns n gon eral fnvorlto. Hor parents nro high ly respected people thero, hut aro away at present on an outing vncn "on trip. Sho was not arrested but was given somo fntherly ndvlco by he sheriff who compelled Portor to Provide mdney for hor roturn to Co quille. Porter Is a smooth shaven man afcut thirty years old, not particu larly handsome or attractive, hut a "aooth talker. Ho claimed to be making a professional trip here and was well provided with money. Sher " Gage Is not certain but that ho mav be a member of an organized "IK engaged In the "White Slave" "afflc In this section as there have een other similar cases hero recently. P"j,as taken to Coquille nnd York becomes Inw. W DE W T TAFT WILL 00 Democratic Leaders Are Wor rying Over Course Taft Will Pursue. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July t0. Tho democratic leaders In Congress nro still wondorJng whether the President will slgu or voto the wool bill, tho cruclnl measuro In the nem ocratlc insurgent republican cam paign for a wldor revision of the tariff. Despite the determination to voto tho bill unequivocally accredit ed to the President by those who hnvo conferred with him, tho demo cratic Jeaders express tho opinion that ho might approve tho measure. TAFT CAN'T COD3. President Will Do Unable to Visit Pacific States This Year. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times,) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 29. In answer to an invitation of Gov ernor Hay of Washington asking President Taft to visit Spokane In September, Secretary PlUes wrota that thero wtfs little llkehood of Taft being nble to visit the Pacific states this year. lodged In tho county jail there this morning by tho sheriff. Ho will be given his preliminary hearing thero next Monday Congress Call on President Taft to Arrange For More Reciprocal Trade. (By Associated Press to Coos Bn.v, Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 20. Reciprocity with Moxlco slmllnr to Canadian reciprocity Is proposed in a resolution introduced uy uopro- sentntlvu Burleson calling on Presi dent Tnft Immediately to start nego tiations with Mexico looking to free commerce between tho two countries 0 1 0 TIE TELEPHONE Here's the Way They Hear Our Private Phone Talks. (By Aesoclntcd Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.j WASHINGTON, D. C, July 20. Testifying beforo tho Sonato Lorl- mor committee yestordny, Alfred E. McCordlo, n Chicago attorney, do- clared that Wirt II. Cook repeated to him, tho day It Is alleged hnvo occurred, tho conversation over n long dlstnnco telophono In which Ed ward lllnes Is snld to hnvo stated to Lorlmer that ho must bo olectod and tlint ho wns going to Spring field "with nil tho money necossnry," Cook testified ho overheard this con versation In Chicago and thnt tho man at tho Sprlngflold end of tho lino wns supposed to bo Governor Dcnncn. Tho conversation is alleg ed to hnvo occurred tho day Lorl mer was olected. KILLED MAN TO GET F If Shocking Confession of New York Boy Who Murdered ' Millionaire. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) i NEW YORK, July -JO. Tnul Gel- del, an 18-year-old boll boy was ar rested and has confc3sod that ho killed William Henry Tnckfon the aged millionaire broker whose dend body wns found in his apartments with a rag full of chloroform bluffed In his mouth. ThlB boy confesred that love of clothe3 and llnury prompted htm to the deed. T FLAGGED TRAIN Robert Cook In an Unusual Manner Prevents a Bad Wreck. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times. BELLE FONTAINE, Ohio, July 2Q. With a shirt torn from his uncK Ilobort Cook of Degruff today Hug ged the Big Four flyer nt Qulncy curve, nnd probably saved 150 pas sengers from deafh. Cook, while walking nlong tho track discovered n broken rail. Running hnlf a mllo up tho track ho stopped tho train. THE PEDDLERS TST 111!) L MILITIA GO TO AST Coos Bay Division Will Make Trip to Centennial Cele bration Next Month .Tito Coos Bay branch of tho Ore gon Naval Mllltla will attend th. centonnlnl celebration nt Astoria next month. This wns decided ul tho meeting Thursday evening. Work will bo commenced nt onco on se curing additional enlistments ns It Is desired to hnvo full divisions nnd It Is hoped to hnvo a full two hundred. It Is plnnned to lenvo Marshflold on August 7, and nfter a day In Portland proceed to Astoria where thoy will remain for several days participating In tho exercises attend- nut on tho centennial colobrntlon thoro. After thnt the roturn trip to Coos Bny will bo mado on tho cruiser Boston which will bo stationed at this port for at lenst two months. WALSH IS F OM FAR 1 FOR SALB Two lots high but sheltored. Grand view of bay, 2 blocks south of postofflce. Swell neighborhood. Almost a gift If taken before Redondo loaves next. Todd, Hotel Oregon, North Bend. Photo supplies and finishing at Federal Board of Control Will Not Consider Bankers' Pardon. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. O, Jtl 20 The Federal Board of Parolo has decided not to consider tha cuso of John R. Walsh, the convicted banker to whom President Taft recently iv fused executive clemency unless tho remaining Indictments against him are in some wa,y disposed of. Ac cording to law Walsh I? not eligible to apply fo"r a parolo when tho pil son board meets nt Leivenworth penitentiary in Soafornbor for tho rules forbid consideration of tho case of any prisoner who U still un der indictment. WANTED A girl to at-sist in house work for one month. Apply Mrs. Will Elckworth, Coos Bay Cream- Walker's Studio. I ery. WSWVWVWSrtftWftftWftAWArtWVWAWAAWWVW Chicago Hucksters Call of Strike Against Voiceless Vending of Products. (By Associated PreBS to tho Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, 111., July 20. The peddlers hnvo voted to cnll off their striko ngalust the city ordlnnuco which prohibits thorn from crying their wnrcs. Tho decision nffects approximately 1,500 peddlers. An effort will bo nindo to hnvo tho city council repeal tho ordinance The striko has been prolific of much strlfo nnd n persons hnvo been Injured In domonstrntlons which fallowed tho enforcement of tho terms of tho ordinance. Original Order Modified Ex tending Time For Disso lution of Corporation. HARRIMAN MERGER SUIT APPEALED RETAISS TITLE AS 1 Richard Arnst Successfully Defends His Right World's Best Oarsman. (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) SYDNEY, N. S. W., July 29. Richard Arnst of Now Ze.nlnnd, tho world's champion, dofented Harry Pcnrco, tho chnmplon of Australia, In n race on tho Pnrramntta rUr for tho world's sculling champion ship todny. ITHER'SGRIEF IS FRANTIC Mrs. Hayden Prostrated Over Drowning of Her Boy In North Bend. Mrs. Chnrlos Haydon of North Bond, Is prostrated with grlof and suffering from tho norvoiw shock following tho finding of tho body of hor nine years old boy in tho hay nt North Bond yesterday. After two days nnd nights of suspense- sho was not propnrcd for tho dreadful discovery. Eddie Hnydou wns a lovable llttlo chap and his mothor's favorite. Besides his parents, two hnlf hrothors, Francis Lovln, of Pnrkors- burg, Oregon, nnd Wnrron Lovln of North Bond, a sister, Mrs. Andrew Collon nnd n younger brother Char lie mourn his death. The funornl will tako placo from tho Wilson UndorlnklnT parlors Sunday afternoon nt 1 o'clock, RbV Hlsoy of tho North Jteitd Methodist Episcopal church, oflhi'nM ig. Hanna Tells Inside History Tennessee Coal and Iron Consolidation. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay, Times.) ST. LOUIS, July 29. A docroo modifying tho original ordor for tho dissolution of tho Standard Oil Com pany was filed In tho United States Circuit Court hero yestorday. Tho modlflcntlon extends until Decombor 21, for tho dissolution of tho corpo ration and tho privilege of asking for nioro time should tho company find ItBclf iinnblo to wind up its nf falrs by that tlmo nlso Is granted. TK.VXKSSKH COAL AND IRON HISTORY A Dig Deal lu High Finance Tlint Did Not Cost a I'ostnge Stamp. (By AsBOcln d Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, July 29. That tho ilnnnc'ng of tho Tonnesseo Coal nnd Iron Company syndicate in 1905 did not cost ns much ns a "postngo stamp" was tho declaration today of L. C. Hannn of Clovelnnd, Ohio, be foro tho Stanloy Stool TruBt com- mlttco. Hannn, who was a mombor of thnt syndicate beforo tho com pany, wns ubsorbod by tho Unltod Stntcs Steel In 1907 tostlflod that tho inn I n purposo of tho men who took over tho Tenncssoo Company In connection with tho Stool corpo ration was to dovolop great mlnoral resources rather than tho mechanical equipment of tho property. Hannn testified thnt nt this tlmo of tho salo of tho Tonnesseo Com pany to United StotOB Stool that tho company wnH In good flnnnolnl con dition nnd did not need to soil, but tho anlo was necossary to avoid tho threatened sprend of a ruinous pan ic. "Tho whole flnnnclnl situation In Now York was acuto," said Hann, "nnd tho fear among tho wlso sot finances was that It would grow worse nnd pnsn beyond control of thoso men In tho transfer," tho wit ness admitted, not n dollar changed hands, tho transaction bolng execut ed by chnngo of stock. Tho offoct of tho transfer ho folt nssurod, sav ed tho day and wns tho turning point for hotter In tho panic. WILL ni: GOOD. Bis- Electrical Trust Promises to solvo Without a Fight. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON. D. C. July 29. Attorneys for tho Electrical Trust yestorday submitted to Attorney Gonornl Wlckorsham a docreo which It Is said they nro willing to havo entered ngnlnst tho nlloged combin ation In the government suit for dls j solution. Tho slgnlflcnnco of this 'movn is thnt tho trust is willing to dissolve wlthouti a fight. It Is said that Bomo modification may bo ac ceptable to the Department of Justice. ANOTHER EXCURSION WRECK. Eight Killed in Collision nt Grind- stone, Maine, Last Night. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) GRINDSTONE, Me., July 29. Eight aro dead and fourteen are in jured as a result of a head on col lision on tho Bangor & Arostock Rail way at the station here last night. An excursion and a regular passen ger train enmo togothor. i' tip Times Want Ads IMPORTANT NOTICE All business men and cltlzons In terested In keeping our present mall service nro urged to bo present at a mooting In tho Chnmbor of Com morco rooms Tuesday afternoon at i o'clock, for tho purposo of discus sing this Importnnt mattor. Evory business man In the city should mnko n speclnl effort to bo present. J. T. McCORMAC, Pres. "THE WATERMELON AM A SMILING ON THE VINE nt LowlV Sunday. THERE ARE A EEW SWITCHES IN THE CAST, BUT THE PLAY IS UNCHANGED