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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1911)
.toUMIU'W''IHO' ' "Ml '- ' 4 fctiiniinMa'. i THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1911 -EVENING EDITION I 'I Wearing; Qualities as Well as Style That's what you get at The Toggery always, It Is acknowledged that we stand at the head when It comes to all the latest and niftiest in men's wear but quality is never overlook ed HIGH ART SUITS , KINGSBURY AND STETSON HATS HEIDE CAPS PAQKARD SHOES 'Mien nuaiinr - w unibt III ROUTE: I I rsrw Arv i ne i og2 ;eiy Formerly Geo, Goodrum, GODS BAY'S IDEAL 5 1 Bad Condition of Coos Bay Wagon Road May Give ' Myrtle Point Mail. C. I. Unman!, mall contractor nnu mnnugcf of the Coos Bay-RosebtirB, stage lino, arrived In tho city yea torday on a orlef business visit. Sir. Harimrd says If Coos county j nnd the business Interests of ainrsh-j field ,do not bestir tlieuisolves in tho . matter of Improving the old Coosj Day wagon road thoy may loso tho mall on that line and rcceivo it via! aiyrtlo Point next winter. Ho slates that nil tho bad places in tho Coos Iinv wocon rood aro Just tho other' aide of Sumner and thnt tbelr con- dltion Is so bad that it-will bo Ini-. noBsililo to Eet through when tho1 fnll rnlns begin. "Tho U. 8. mall Inspector told mo Inst wlntor," air. Dnrnnrd continued, "thnt If this stretch of road was not improved this season tho mall would again bo sent nround by tho aiyrtlo Point rond and that it would not bo changed ngaln. As tho postofllco do- FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES . FRUITS Prices more reasonable this week. AVc have n good supply for our Saturday trade. Peaches Apricots Plums Prunes Seed less Grapes Large White Grapes Green Apples Lemons Oranges .Bananas Canta loupes Watermelons Strawberries Logan berries Currants ' VEGETABLES Green Corn New Sweet Potatoes Tomatoes Telephone Peas Coos River "Wax Beans Cucumbers Cauliflower Radishes Onions Head Lettuce Cabbage Beets Carrots . Turnips. , ' PHONE US YOUR ORDER. OLLIVANT (& WEAVER PURE FOOD GROCERYMEN A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE. FnONE 27B.J- -Corner 3rd & Central tho fruit thnt wo may pay for all rc cpivpd.' Wo nsk you to givo this your earn est nttcntlon. Ench specimen will bo pnrtmont is Insistent on good roads lnbolcd with tho nnmo of tho pnrty While Portland Swelters Coos Bayites Wear Light Overcoats. Evlclonco continues to multiply thnt Coos Iln)' possesses tho most Ideal climate In tho world, i Lmi Wondny, when Portland wiih swelter ing In 00 degree heat, Mnrshflnlillto wcro cool and comfortable nt 71. When tho mercury roso to a point J within Rovontonths of a degrco or tho 100 mnrk Monday afternoon nt 4:20 o'ciopk, Portlnnd banked In Its holtoat tompornturo Bluro July 30, 1D07, whon 102 dogrooa was record ed nnd that samo ovcnlng tho pcoplo on Cooh liny woro wearing light overcoats. Porthind wbh not tho hottest placo in tho United States, says tho Orego nlnn, but it Was not fnr from It, Ac cording to tho Monday Weather Hu ronu reports. Phoenix, Ariz., led tho list of cities with 102 dogreos, nnd Rnsoburg nnd Walla Walla wero tied for second placo with 100 degrees. Tortland enmo a close third with her HD.3 degrees. New York's maximum whoro mall Is delivered by Btago, I prefer this road but If some-thing Is not dono I know It will bo lm posslblo to got' through during tho next winter season nnd If I mako this roport tho route will bo imme diately changed to tho aiyrtlo Point rond nnd It may bo found moro dlf flciilt'to got It changed next time It seems n pity thnt Riich a condition should continue to exist when It would require only about throo miles of planking to put this road In renlly first class condition. Myrtlo Point Is building n first class road In thnt section. In fnct moro work Is being dono on thnt road this year than lias been dono on tho Coos Dny wagon road In six yenrs. Thoy aro spend ing probably ton dollars a day filling rutH on tho Coos liny wagon rond nnd tho money Is absolutely wasted." air. Hamard has expressed his willingness to contribute $200 per iiillo personally If tho county would put In n plank roadway on tho bad spots on this rond. air. Uamnrd was accompnnled by his family whom ho Is tnklng to Dan don for an outing. Ho will return to this city In n dny or two. Tho Times suggests thnt tho Cham ber of Commerce appoint n commit tee to confer with .Mr. Ilnrnnrd on Ills roturn as tho situation Is one thnt warrants prompt nctlon. COAST LEAGUE 1MLL SCOIUvS. growing tho fruit or vegetables oxhl bltcd. CHAMBER OF COaiMEIlCE, Dy Dr. J. T. aicCormnc, Pros. HAVAUK mako THE GUNNERY. ammunition nt PROFESSION ALJ)IR ECTOR Y MlTs. L. EKICKSON, Profc'NsloiuiI Numo 26 First Street Phono G1-.T Am prepared to accommodnto pa tlents. Conllucment cases a specialty p. 11 A. C. ISUltHOUGIlS, D Scientific aiussnglst, Treats all diseases OIllco, cornor Second nnd Central Avonuo. OIllco hours 11 to 12 a. in. 2 to 5 p. m. T"K. II. IJ. MOORE, Chiropractor. -' Chronic Diseases a Specialty 203 Coos Uldg Phono 81-L OIllco hours 1 to 5; 6:30 to 7:30 Sunday 3 to 5 rR. G. W. LESLIE, - Osteopathic Pliyulclau Oradunto of tho American school of Osteopathy nt ICIrksvlllc. Mo. Odlto In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phono 1C1-J; Marshueld; Orogon. rR. J. W. INGRAM, '-' I'liyslclnii and Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Uulldlug hones: OIllco 102J; Residence 1021. (Dy Associated Prcsa to Coos Times.) Day J. V. DENNETT, Lawyer. Good Livery Service Fancy new rigs, good homes and areful drivers aro now nt tho din osal of tho Coos Dny publlo at REASONABLE RATES. Riga or rigs with drivers ready for ny trip nnywhoro any tlmo. Horses joarded and rigs cared for. New hcarso and speclnl accommo dations provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERV AND PEED STAI1LKS PRONE 27.T-J UNIQUE PANTATORIUM Dying, Cleaning, Pressing nnd Ro pairing. Ladles' Work a spoclalty. Wo do nil kinds of Hat Work. All work guaranteed or no chnr ges. Wo clean rugs, carpota and Loco Curtains. Qoods cnllod for nnd dollvorcd. SUITS MADE TO ORDER. 230 CENTRAL AVE PHONE S50-X ROSS (8b PINEGOR PROPRIETORS At Los Angeles R n Los Angoltw i Portland 2 7 At Oakland , It II Oakland 0 ft San Francisco i ft At 8ncrnmonto R n Sacramento 2 7 Vernon 1 S (11 Innings.) R. J. T. McCORMAO, and Surgeon Mnrshflold, Orogon. Jfllco: Lockhart Dulldlng, opposlto Post O.IIm. Phono 105-J PORTLAND, Oro., July 28 Tho'offlco over Flanngan & Dennett Dank was 81 dogroea nnd Chicago 78 do-, coast leaguers played great ball yes-i Inrshflold .Orogon crccs. fJnlvi'stoii. Tiy. wiih llin rnnl. I tin-itiiv n tii. imm oi.r.,..., t,.. .i.,J est placo In tho United States, a max-, star game wns an eleven inning con-!)11, J' ' McC' imuni tempernturo of ftS degrees be-itest between Sncramonto nnd Vor-j, Physician ing recorded nnu tno wonthor bolng'non, which was won by Saorninouto clear tbore. Tho following nro tho scoros: Portlauders ahould lend n help ing hnnd to that railway project so iiat thoy might run down to Coos Rriy ami enjoy Its balmy breezes dur ing such hot spells. High Temperature In I'arltlc North v'kt Monday. Portlnnd ' 00.3 Oregon City 102.0 Dolso $):. o Miiik1iI1'1(1 7J,n HosVhurfc v.." 101.0 Rpoknnn 34 Taromn. . . ., 02 Walla Walla 100 Tntoosh Island 70 BlancharcPs Livery Wo havo sco'urod the llvury bual noss of L. II. Holsner and nro pre pared to ronder excellent sorvlco to tho peoplo of Coos Day. Caroful drivers, good rigs and everything that will mean satisfactory sorvlco to tho public. Phono us for a driving horse, a rig or anything needed In tho livery lino. Vo also do a trucking business of nil kinds. HLANCHAHD BROTHERS. Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streets. Phono 138-J Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELI Phono (MUl ' WATCH! NOTICE!! NOTICE TO FIU'IT GltOWEItS AND ILWCIIlMtS. You nro earnestly requested to.MarShfiel Hafld and iimuu ii Bpuuilll oiiori 10 BOUll cuoico i fruits or veKotabloa to tho Chnmbor MAR8HF1ELDJS .POPULAR family noTEii Honior Mauzey, an of tho drivers) THE LLOYD nd tho solicitor for ua is out for nes roduced to: Dny 50c, 75c nnd foundry. Watch hUa! ho Is liable fl.00; week $2.00 to $5.00. House to atop you on thq street and oxplaln i keP'lB apartment's with "gas ranges all'dotalts of Laundry and also to bet 1000 to U8.00 per month. FREE at your nomo any tlmo. Ho knows "PATHB--K. WT. SUIiUVAN. Prop. Laundry business from A to Z. I. 'of Cotninorce ns wo nro propnrlng nn! uio inrKisn untiiB. nxlillilt for tho Salom Stnto Fair, also for a permanont exhibit nt tho Chamber of Commerce. Wo will bo pleased to havo a bill accoinpanlng Don't forgot lMIOXE 2M.J. Hunting KNIVES at tho (luunery. Steam Laundry ION. 220-J PIION r I I APRICOTS A SMALL Shipment on the Redondo Your grocer will have them while they last We Work And Advertise To bring a customer hero tho find time, after that he comes of lilx own accord. Vou know hv. 'REMEMBER j Thero is no kink, or cuo thnt mo can't do. "THINK IT OVER 1ARY." Coos Bay Steam Laundry I " PHONE MAIN IJM ii ii ... ' IIETU ?(IJeo,.,ll'hha'molm-cnllvoiiblllfy nlClir.,,dewri,o)"KKI.KV A MclNrilll' SAFE INVESTMENT For Information concornlag high-class bond Investments, bearing G Interest not, wrlto O, D. Hinsdale, care J. H. Adams and Company, Los Angeles, California. WE HAVE A LOCK LAMP GUARD that will keep you from losint,' that .Mazda lamp In the hall you havo had to roplaco sojjfton. It Is thlsf proof. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J " I . UVl -T?tar- . Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTAOKEN, Mgr. Coqullla Offle Phono 181 Marshfleld Office 14-J. , Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. ueusrai Agents "EASTSIDE' 3 Days Thursday, Friday and Saturday We have 28 odd suits where there is 'just one of a kind left. Take Your Choice at 1-2 Price ' 1 ! i 1 $10.00 $15.00 $16.50 $20.00 $25.00 r. $5.00 -a i -V-$7.S0 $8.25 $10.00 $12.50 No two a like Nearly all small sizes "MONEY TALKS" ' Hub Clothing & Shoe rCo. MARSHFIELD DANDO.V DRAIN-C00S BAY AUTO LINE VIA ALLEGANY NOW READY FOR HUSINESS LEAVES .MARSHFIELD DAILY ROAT LEAVES ALERT LANDING, MARSIIFIKLU 5:30 A. M, ARRIVE DRAIN 4 P. M. SAME DAY. TICKETS FOR SALE AND INFORMATION AT THE 11USY COR NER DRUG STORE, PHONE 208 PAST AND CO.UMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails From Mnrshficld for San Francisco Friday, July 28, 1 p. m. INTEH.OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44 o. F. McQEORGE, Agont. THE FRIEND OF COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH DANICROAH AT PORTLAND SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS BAY FRIDAY, JULY 28th, 6 r.' m.. NORTH PaJIFIO 3TEAM8HIP COMPANY PHONE 14 a p jicGEOROE, Agent EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sleamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME "" "" SAILS FROM COOS RAY AT O A. M. ON JULY 5, 10, 15, SO," 2, 7, 12, 17, 22 AND 27. V " SAILS, FROM PORTLAND AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON JULY' 25, ao; - . ; L. II. KEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN 85-L "FIFIELD" THE ONLY WAYTO TRISCO BAY" The Steamer Fifield M WILL SAIL FROM BANDON FOR SAN FRANCISCO, Saturday Jjuiy 29th at 3 P. M. TICKETS FOR SALE AND IN'ORMATION ATIIILLYEIVS CIGAU STORE. - 9 fl fv Y , - I M'IM II I! ' I " rAci r,n, p-'AI J "" H'Al CKVICM: l"f" DnCCDTIIirt Our autos, leavlnS MarshileW at 0 o'clock orexy mornlag, coa- nect wltli tho evftntnfr t.i ., COOS BAY ROSEnURQ STA GE LIVE OTTO SOnETTER, Agent, n P RAttVAnn vnoNsMi aPT; a c J) Ml t-iM --i l i' .i r iEai