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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1911)
ft THERE'S NO CHARGE TOO SERIOUS OR DAMAGING FOR A BAD LOSER TO MAKE YOUR. ADS CARRYING elimil1 nnmnr nn Cons SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A stoic's advertising npneo In newspaper, compared with tlio spneo used by other .lores, should doll no I to comparative Importance In tlio community! Docs your store's ad vertising spnee do that? hxmt& your iorc-iiB. '-" rcCulnrly as does this newspaper. If .newspaper omitted nn issue now d then oven for so weighty n rea son ns fearing tlmt It might rnln Jl yfOtlld not uu " k" MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS 3: Established lu 1878 as Tlio Const Malt VOL XXXV MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1911 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times. Coast Mail and Coos Day Advertiser. No. 11 r $f- !mj SEVENTEEN PEOPLE LOSE LIVES ENGINEER Failure of Memory Causes Awful Wreck on Sea board Air Line. FAST FREIGHT CRASHES INTO EXCURSION' TRAIN Forty Others Off For a Holiday Are Seriously In- ' jured. (By Special Long Dlstnnco Tele phones to Tlio Times.) DURHAM. N. C July 27. Sev enteen pereon8 woro killed nnd forty others BcrloiiBly injured at Hainlot, North Carolina today In a head-on collision between n honvy freight , train on the Scnbonrd Air lino nnd n speclnl excursion train run as the second section of a passenger train. Special twins with pHyalclAiis and nurses have boon hurried to tlio scene which Is described ns some thing harrowing. Dond'nnd Injured are piled Indiscriminately In tho mass of wreckngo sonio of tho pas senger conches being reduced to splinters. Tlio wreck Is snld to havo been caused by tho engineer of tho freight train forgetting his 'orders. Ho hnd a mossngo directing him to wait rtf n Biding for the passonger but wliori tho first section passed ho forgot about the second section nnd pulled out on tho main lino nnd was going ' "" '" '"' " ...... "" n-"o full nnnn.l m'Iimi Mm n-vnuralnn Irnln crashed Into tho frolght with awful results Government Opens Permanent Recruiting Station In Rose City. Sometlmo slnco Cnpt. Roynolds s,ent an urgent domnnd to Washing-1 Sometlmo slnco Cnpt. Roynolds ton tlint n govornmont naval mnn bo miioneci permanently nt poruiimi giving Instructions to tho Orogow naval militia. News hnB Just boon received thnt the govornmont Is nbout to open Its first permanent naval recruiting sta tion :u Portland, and It Is thought possibly that tho man In charge of this Btatlon may bo detailed as In structor of the mllltln. Commander H. A. Wiley, U.S.N., at present In Portland Installing trie new stntlon. "The navy Is not Bhort of men," said Commander WUoy recently, hut wo nro accepting good material to fill vacancies as they occur. Thore is always room for deslrablo mate rial. J'Tho standard of men In tho navy Is steadily Improving, and I can say that wi have as fine young men as therO fim In iin miTttiv Tnnrnltlnf the government is very careful And) particular in regard to tho inoral character of tho applicants. Also they must be In perfect health. "The opportunities are equally as Good In tho navy these days as In other occupations. Wo have many Tvho earn ns high as $135 n month. Of course the young men hdvo , to rk their way up to get tho high es Pay, but promotion la rapid when deserved. . ''The starting of another training school at Chicago makes a heavier demand for material In tho ralddlo states, and to till vacancies In the 'est we desire to get good young men from this part of the country." P'SH and GAME LAWS at tho 5 1 TXT w- - - . "".CHl WHEN MAY JOIN NAVY I U kallllU t SCANDAL COMES NOT FROM THE GAME El I ORDERS MEETING PLAGE Colli i oil Switches From City Hall to Attorney- Office Many Disappointed. Mayor Straw and tho momborB of the Marshfluld city council acting as n committee on tho wholo met with tho applicants for tho new street railway franchise In City Attornoy Cobs ofllcc. Although It wnti not specifically ntated tho understanding was when tho council ndjourncd Monday night, that tho meeting would bo hold In tho council chamber and some of tho councllinen did not learn of tho change until thoy re ported nt tho city hall' nt 8 o'clock anil wero told ' by Recorder nutlor llitit tho meeting wns being hold nt tho city attorney's olllco. A number of cltlzouH and business men called at tho city hall to bo proBont at tho frnnchlso discussion but woro disap pointed. Some woro told of tho meeting nt tho city nttornoy'a olllco nnd Bomq woro not1. , It Is .Wrterstood tho chnngo wns rniylo nt thefliiggcstlon of Mayor Sftraw who'tVjKircBSod tho opinion thnt as It wnir merely a commlttco mooting and not an opon council --o -- mnnllnir It U'nfl lint noCGHSnrV to hold it in tho council room and that moro could bo accomplished by meeting with tho applicants for tho frnnchlso In this way and talking It over prl vatoly and not hnmpored by a lnrgp audlonco. No effort was mado to bnr nnyono from tho mooting but as very fow k t fow know of It except thoso ln- horo woro not ninny pros- Among thoso tfi ofllclnlly preBont wore: Mayor -Straw, uounciimun Coke; Uavago, Powers, Albrccht and Ferguson nnd nctlng City Attornoy J. C. Kendall, for tho city and for tho frnnchlBo appllcanta.thero woro L. J. Simpson, ropresonting tho Simpson Lumber Co., Arno Meroon, ronrosentlnK C. A. Smith, W. S. CnnnuIor, j. h. Flanagan nnd J. W. nenneu. Tno nnko f rnnchtBo wns taken as thfl bn8(J ,, wn!cn to wori n tho nrniinrniinii of the now contract. A number of what woro termed minor changes woro suggested . tho princi pal ono bolng a permit to uso stoam. It Is understood that tho city attor noy Is to prepare a frauchlso accord ing to these suggestions to bo sub mitted to tho council and Inter to bo submitted to tho voters of tho city and at tho same time nnd on tho same ballot tho people will bo per mitted to express their will on mun icipal ownership of the waterfront railway so that tho Ibsuo will bo pri vate franchise or public ownership. It developed at tho meeting that tho applicants for the franchise woro not entirely unanimous ns to what thoy wanted. J. W. Bennett wanted tho road to run down Brondway in stead of Front street. This wns op posod by Mr. Chandler who pointed out thnt a waterfront railway should ho on tho waterfront, nnd that ho would not contlnuo with tho com pany unless it was so built and the franchise so ' granted. Mr. Bennett was opposed to a steam railway In front of his bank building. Front street was finally decided upon and tho franchise will ho bo prepared. It was, also decided by the appli cants that a certified check for $10, 000 would bo deposited with the, city council aB a guarantee thaj. the rail way will be built If the franchise Is granted. WOMEN'S auxiliary of tho PKES HYTEIUAN1 cftURCir will hold a FOOD SALE at CORNER OF FRONT St. and Central Ave.. SATURDAY jnly 29. WAS CHANGED LET US TALK IT OVER THE TIMES Is plcnBod to noto tho nctlon of tho North Bend city council In appointing n commlttco to confer with tho MarBhllcld council to socuro uniformity of action on public utility franchises. Tho public lntorests of North Bond nnd Mnrshflcld aro so closely allied that harmony of nctlon In thoso mnttorB Is not only deslrablo but abso lutely essential to tholr mutunl .prosperity and progress. It Is also equally deslrablo for tho operation of theso utilities whether they bo publicly or privately owned. The Times would Uko to, aeo this uniformity that 1b to bo secured In tho features of tho proposed afreet railway franchise. Also extondod to uniformity of procedure It Is to bo hoped that the North Bend council will And It ndvantngcouB to cooperate wlti the Mnrshflold coun cil In placing thla railway franchlso bcfOro tho people to bo voted on in connection with tho municipal ownorshlp plnn. In this mnnner tho ex pression of tho peoplo of tho two cities on theso questions would bo secured nt tho snmo tlmo. Tho franchlso application of Messrs. C. A. Smith, W. S. Chnndlor, L. J. Simpson nnd Flnnngan & Bonnctt Is one of tho best and most busl ness like thnt has ovor boon presented to tho city councils of Mnrshflcld nnd North Bend. Novortholcss Tho Times ndhores to tho principle thnt municipal ownorshlp nnd control Is tho best solution of the problem. Tho high character and business standing of these applicants Is In Itself sulllclcnt warranty of tho commercial stnndnrd of any transac tion for which thoy will Bland Bponsor. Thoy express themselves ns not merely willing thnt tho peoplo should have nn opportunity to voto on their franchlso but they desire It. TIiobo men represent property Inter ests In this community thnt aro so largo nnd extensive that tho pro gress and prosperity of tho community Is Inextricably lntorwoven with tholr own fortunes. All tliOHo things nro guarantees that they must in a mcaauro protect tho city's Interests becauso In so doing they nro pro tecting tholr own. For theso. reasons Tho Times believes thnt If this frnnchlso Is ovor to bo given Into private hands It should bo givon now to theso applicants. The Times thinks thnt this frnnchlBo should becauso of Its Impor tance In tho city's growth nnd development remain n communal asset. If thero could bo nssuranco that tho franchise granted the present np pltpnnts would nlways ronvnln under their personal control nnd supervi sion, there might ho nothing to fenr. They nro only mortal, howovor. What Is theirs today, tomorrow belongs to their cstnto and later to somoono else. Corporations hnvo no souls. Thoy nro qntlroly Impersonal. Tho city lives on whllo citizens die. The protection of this waterfront and Its dedication for all time to unfettered nnd untramellcd transportation may bo secured only through municipal ownership nnd control. In this mnnner overy railway that ovor cornea to tho shores of Coos Bay may bo assured tho uso of n terminal railway without paying apo dal tax or trlbuto to any ono nnd every railway that comes may uso It on absolutely oquablo terms. It will bo placed up to tho peoplo for decision nnd In their hnnds Is tho ultlmnto disposition of tho problem. May tholr Judgment bo mado In wisdom. PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL MESSAGE Taft Sends Communication to Congress On the Controller Bay Affair Pinchot Talks. (Special Long Dlstanco Tolophono Tho Times.) . WASHINGTON, July 27, Presi dent Tnft'B special messagb to Con gress on tho Controller Bay affair was sent to Congress yoatordny. In It ho 'denounces tho "Dick to Dick" letter ad a rank forgery. Tho Pres ident takes full responsibility for tho opening of the 12,500 acres of the Aldskan forest resorvo and aayB hla brothor, Charles P. Taft had nothing to do wltlu It nnd hnu? no interest whatever In tho Controller Bay properties. Aged Man Is Murdered In New York Hotel by (i . .. Burglars. ' (By Special Long Distance Tele " phono to Tho Times.) ,, NEW YOttK, July 27, Burglars today beat to 'death Win. Jackson, an aged millionaire, In hla room In a fnshionablo hotel. Appearances Indicate vUiat an attqmpj was made to chloroform thei old mnn whon lie awakeped and' the flgh.t that follow ed resulted In his death, PHONE I. S. KAUFJIAN & CO., YOUR COAL ORDERS, ? 1,50 TON. After the show try a Turkish Bath phone 214-J. RUBBERS KILL MILLIONAIRE Pinchot Talks (Special Long Dlstanco Telephone The Tlmos.) WASHINGTON. D. C, July 27. Glfford Pinchot, formerly head of tho forestry department In an In torvlow hero today snld that Presi dent Tnft'a dofonso merely proved how hard It la to mnko n good ex- cuso for a bad mistake. Ho stated that tho oponlng of tho 12, 500, acres of Alaskan forest resorvo by Presi dent Taft wns dono socretly qnd gnve tho Controller Bny rnllw'ay pro moters nn opportunity to obtnln tho key to tho channel beforo tho public know what was happening. Tho President's message and Plnchot'a Interview nro tho sensation of the dny hero oven ovorshndowlng tho European war talk. DEPOSIT SUP Damaging Testimony by a Bankqr In the f.orime.f Case. l (Special Long Distance Telephone to, The Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C.. July 27. Tho principal witness before the Lorimer Investigation Committee today was H. K. Holtslaw, son of state Senator Holtslaw who confess ed to receiving a bribe of $2,500 for voting for Lorimer for senator. II. K. Holtslaw Is cashlor of a bank at Cayuga, III. He exhibited. t.o the committee a deposit slip for $2,500 Issued by the Chicago State Bank to his father on tho day father re ceived tho bribe money for his vote fqr Lorimer. R ME i BUT ER0M THOSE WHO TRY TO BEAT IT WAR CLOUDS CAST OMINOUS SHADOWS OVER ALL EUROPE THE'WOOL BILL LaFollette's Measure Succeeds After Defeat of the Underwood Bill. . (Special Long Dlstanco Tolcpuont to Tho Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 27. Tho Sonnto today pnssed Senntor Ln Follctto's wool bill which provides an nvcrngo of 37 per cent below that of tho Payno-Aldrlch bill. It wna passed after democratic leader Un derwood's hill wns defeated. Tho Underwood bill provided nn nvcrngo of 44 per cent reduction. Senntor Bourno voted for LnFolIetto'a bill. y List of New Buildings Being Erected In Marshfield and Vicinity. That tho activity In Mnrahllold la not confined to real estate la proven by tho number of now buildings completed or In courso of construc tion In nnd around tho city. Tho following- Is n partial list of now buildings: Swnnson & Davis havo Just finish ed a modorn six-room cottago on North Elovonth street. Chas. Thorwald Is putting tho fin ishing touches on n modorn olght rooni houso In Bunker Hill. R, A. Church hna started n mo dorn bungnlow on South Fifth street. E. A. Andorson has started his flno now rosldenco on Ninth and Flnnngan. Plans nnd specifications being furnished by Lndd& Hunt who wll also construct tho house. Hnrry Nasburg Is starting n Jlno now bungalow In North Marshflold nnd expectB to havo It ready for oc cupancy very soon. Jess Luso hns started his now building on North Front street whoro ho exports to move The Sun In tho near future. Arthur Williams Is building n now houso on hla ranch In Flngstaff. P. M. Moody has built nn addi tion to his house on Bunker Hill. Addison Cook nftor selling his property in West Mnrshflold, la ro modollng tho Cook houso on Sixth and Central. W. L. Walker Is building n mod ern bungalow In Cooston. C. S. Hoffmnn has Just moved In to his recently completed modorn bungalow on West Mnrshflold heights. Quick Trip. Roy Wilson, of Port land, bead salesmnn for tho Bulck auto, drove In tho other day from Ro8eburg. ovor .the, old Coos Bay wagon road In 6 hours. He wns accompanied by Perry Gunning forr morly of Grants' Pass and nn old school mnto of Eric Bolt. Thoy brought In a new Bulck which Is to Jq placed on tho Coos Bny-Rosoburg stage Jlne. Mr, Gunning will pave chorgo of tho machine. NOTICE. Thero will be meotlng of tho Ore gon Naval Militia at the Armory this evening at 8 p. m. for the purposo of preparing plans for tho annual cruise which commonces August 7. E. E. STRAW, Commanding Officer. A TURKISn RATH will do you GOOD. Phono 214-J. PASSES WE M ElEii T The Moroccan Situation Sud denly Assumes a Most 1 Serious Phase. ENGLAND AND GERMANY AFLAME WITH PASSION The Kaiserland Warns John Bull to Keep Hands Off. (By Speclnl Long Dlstnnco Tolo phone to Tho Times.) BERLIN, Germnny, July 27. Thero Is bitter Indlgnntlou horo ovor tho statement made by Promlor Ab qulth of England, to tho effect that England would Interfcro If Germany Insisted on continuing to help Franco In Morocco. Tho angler of tho poo plo and government ovor what la termed n flagrant Insult finds opon expression In public plncco and in tho Gormnn press. Not for ycara has such a war-Hko feeling beon aroused. Tho German -Pr6mlor wnniB Eng lnud to keep lunula off ns tho mnttor Is ono for settlement between Franco and Gormnny. Thero aro many nnd opcrn thrents of war. Tho situation la sorlous. ENGLAND ACCEIH'S (WAGE OF RATTLE Bullish Government Evidently Ap-' prociateN Fact That situation Is Serious. (By Speclnl Long Dlstanco Tolo phono to Tho Times.) '' LONDON, July 27. All leavoa of absenco on English warships havo been stopped nnd hurry-up calls aro bolng sent to officers nt presont on vncatlon. Ono division of tho Brit ish fleet Is coaling up nnd o'thorwlso making nctlvo preparations for oarly sailing. Tho English press whllo not so wnr-llko aB tho Gorman, yot nro n unit In sustaining tho position taken by Promlor Asqulth regardless of polltlps. TO Carries Good Freight Cargo and a Large Passenger List. Tho Breakwater loft at ono o'clock for Portland. She, carried a large freight cargo and many passongow. Tho following Is a list of the pas songors leaving. S. B. Stowert, Mrs. Stowort, MIsa W. Tothrault, B. B. Youman's Frank Wobbqr, Mrs. J. Conloguo, Luoy Conloguo, Dora Conloguo, Dan J. Conloguo, W. L. Stnrr, E. H. Mooro houso, Miss Polhomus, Mrs. Jns. Pol homus, C. R. Morrison, J. M. Rus sell, Albert D. Elliot, O. Rlcketts, Goo. Leqocq, W, F. Preston, J. H, Roonoy, W. G. Woods, P. J. Roonoy, C. A. Solby, C. A. Sohlbrodo, A. Carl son. Clarence Ingoman, Claua Lun dnll. C. W. Wnlllg. T. A. Jamea, Wm. Candlln, C. J. Walker, Tena Freo mnli. W. J. Bulgor, Goo. V. Long, Maud Reed, Mrs. Jonnlo Reed, Jake Gohllo, Martin Bonoh, D. C. Gibson, J. B. Davis, A. II. Kollog, Margaret Doyereaux, C. C. Jackson, Mrs. H. L. Vnmoy, T. F. Drake, Miss K. Sny der, May Atherton. W. A. Gill, G. W. GUI, CI D. Hughes, C. T. Hooker, A. S. Hammond. J. N. Gllnett, M. B. Smith, II. II. Petinuller, Mrs. Pot mullor. FISIT nnd GAME LAWS at tho GUNNfiRY. BREAKWATER PORTLAND