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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1911)
vf hip Hf wt'Xns flwiwpn' P-ir'-tjn ' t VOU CAN LIVE A LONG' TIME IN THE PAST TENSk IF YOU'VE SHOWN CLASS tJrTads carrying J0Ur nore-nowa, Should wear n rcCulnrlynslooH tl.18, nowi.ler. If nevspnper omitted an issue now , for so weighty a rcn- Ln 9 'rln Hurt It might rah.- ffioos lag tm?s SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising spneo la a newspaper, compared with (ho space used by other stores, Bhould define ltv, comparative Importance- in the comiininityl Does your storo's A vcrtlslug spaco do that? t would not u " "' -..-,- MEMBER OP ASSOCIATE!) PRESB Established n 1878 ns The Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1911 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times. Coast Mai! mid Coos Day Advertiser. VOL. XXXV No. 12 - SJT, --W, J Jt CDOSBAYftOREBON GENTRALR.R. FILES $10,000,000 MORTGAGE Papers In Important Railway ' Project Go on Record In Coquille Yesterday. PHILADELPHIA FIRM WILL DO FINANCING Francis H. Clarke, President Arrives Home But Makes No Announcement. p n. fllarko. president of tho tfoos liny nnd Oregon Contral rall- unit In tho city today from Portland coming by way of Rosoburg nd Myrtle- Point. Ho stopped over yesterday In Coqull'o whoro ho filed . mortgngo. Tho mort gage as nied of record runs from tho Coos Bay nnd Oregon uonirni u My Co. to tho Commonwealth Tltlo i..,.rinrn and Trust Co. of Phllndol- rhla. securing bonds to bo Issued by the railway compnnyln tho aum of nn.nno.OOO. Tho mortgngo covers all tho proporty of tho rnltwny com pany acquired or to bo ncqu'rort ne tecn Coos liny nnd Roaoburg or, nolnt ton miles from RoBoburg.l Tho dociimont wns forty-two pngca long nnd wns executed by Francis II. Clarke ns president, nnd William A. Bartz ns secretary for tho railway company, nnd Dimmer lleebor ns president, nnd Jnmes V. Ellison ns iwrclnry of tho Trust company. Tho filing fees wero $42. Mr. Clarko rays ho lma nothing to lay for publication nt prosont othor than tlint the fnvornblo outcomo of this rnllrond project bcoiiib oxcollont. From othor sources It wns lenrnod that Mr. Clnrko was accompanied from Portland as fnr ns RoBoburg by Mr. Cornell, presldont of tho.Colnm bla Trust Co. of Portland nnd who Is treasurer of tho rnllwny company. la Itoseburg a mooting was hold Wednesday evening which was at tended by T. It. Sheridan of tho First National Bank and n numbor of oth er prominent proporty ownors nnd capitalists of tlint city. At this meeting n movement was started by hlch tho Hosoburg cltlzons guar antee to Mr. Clarko and his nsso clates right of way from Cnmns to Rotebtirg nnd also right of way tbroiiRli, and a dopot slto In Roao burg. All of which Is good nows for tho reoplo of Coos Dny nnd nil this Bec tlon. Mr. Clnrko wenrs his customary optimistic smllo and says. everything li looking lino for tho early consum mation of this big project but re frains from making anything that might be construed Into nn announ cement. L PLAY SUNDAY Marshfield and Worth Bend Will Cross Bats at ' ? North Bend. ' Chief Traver and his fire laddies, je not satisfied jthat, tho recent ball Bijmo with North Bend was a truo test of skill. Another benefit" gamq "1 bo plnyed on tho North Bond grounds Sunday nflornbon. The Marshfield boys have strength ened their team in all the', weak Jsfidts "d nre going after North Bend" with a new eng'no and all the,, hose In the house. , J, , . This contest will bo 'for blood at -water. U will probably bo one of tho most Interesting games of tho season. TIM...,.' " , (" ,. ' ' HSIIIKR CRUISERS packsacks qt "gut'XNERY. REMEN WL STILL INVESTIGATING INVESTIGATORS Resolution Introduced In Con gress o Search the Searchers. (Dy Associated Prcsa to Coos Bay 1 TlmoH.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 28. Having for Its purpose tho "Investi gation of Investigating committees," n resolution hnB been Introduced In tho Houbo by Congressman Roberts of Novndn to And out tho "numbor of Junketing trips" Investigators hnvo taken, also how much, thoy havo spent nnd to whom It has been paid. TS F T Ex-Government Forester Says Taft's Special Explanation Does Not Explain. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C. July 28. "Prcsldont Tnft leaves tho root of tho matter wholly untouched In hU mossngo to tho Sennto denying thcro hns boon nny monopolization of tho waterfront of Controllor Bny, Alas ka," says Plnchot In his statement In reforonco to Prcsldont Taft's special mossngo. Continuing ho snys: "It Ib unfortunnto tlint tho friends of conservation, In their efforts to bring nbout thq dovolopmont of Alnskn for tho "benefit of tho people nro conti nually obliged to expend tholr ntrongth ngnlnst mon who ought to bo tho protectors of tho pcoplo's proporty. It looks to pa llko unne cessary duplication of work, when wo must first fight policemen boforo wo enn got n chnncq to stop looting." Plnchot says tho omission of the. ouBtoninry thirty days notlco tlint tho land would bo oponed to entry gavo Ryan whnt ho wanted. "It cut off nil chanco of, any competitor to lo cato on termlnnl lands until nftor Ryan had mndq Jils selection. No amount of nowsrmpor notices to tho country nftor tho exocutlvo. order wns slgnod could Innny respect Interfero with tho pronrrnngod work of Rynn's agents or onnblo any rival to enter a foot of lnnd on Controller Bay ex cept that not wantod by tho people whom Ryan ropresontod." "In splto of all Taft's explana tions, tho fact remains that In open ing tho lands around Controller Bay without notlco to tho public, ho has glvon tho interests behind Ryan op- nortunlty to acquire tho key to tho channel of Controller Bay ljefprp t ho. public know what was going ont, Re garding tho Present's aqniai or mo Htntnmont that there was any mo ment of secrecy In tho Issunnco of the oxecutlvo ordor opening Control ler Bay on October" 20, Plnchot de clares that "Taft does, not mention hfit nn Mm dnv he slKiiod the order and notified the. press In Washington, i . ... i .1.. Ryan 8 surveying pariy was miou) In Alaska nnd thnt by November 1, or four days after tho order was made, and before the government of ficials In Alaska find been notified of thotorder they had -.begun the,survoy ofif the Ryan claims on Controller Bay." - diaries Tnft Makes Denial. (By Associated Press, to Coos Bay , (Times.) , WASHINGTON. D. C. July 28, Ji cablegram from unaries Tan, - , , ., ME HO 0 Ml 0 WILL REOPEN Geo. Doll Leases property From Reynolds Develop ment Company and Will Operate. Geo. Doll, at present, oporntlng tho South Marshflold. Coal njlno, hnB secured a lenso of tho Old LIbby BANKING TRUST WILLJE NEXT Congress yVill Appoint Com mittee to Investigate Great Banking Combination. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmca.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 28. Tho next big Investigation to bo un dertnken by tho House will ho to de termine whether thero Is n great banking combination with power to control credit, exchange nnd deposits nnd causo business depressions nnd panics. After hearing Representative Llndnbcrg of Mlnnesotn yestorday, tho Houso Coiumlttoo decided to re port favorably a resolution at Mb noxt meeting. Carries Largest Shipment Con densed Milk Ever Made , From Coos Bay. Tho Redondo dopartod this after noon for .San Francisco .cnrrylng In, nddltlon to nbout 700,000 foot of lumbor1 ftom tlip Cj As SmUii,mlll, ono of tlo largest cargoes of miscel laneous iroignt ainco sue nns ueon flying tho Smith flag. Included in tl'o freight cargo was 2,500 capes of condonsed milk from the, Coos Bay Condensnrjv ono of tljo largest Bhp n'onts pf milk over mndo from Coos Bay. . ' . j . Tho following Is tho ,11st of .pns sejngors: , . Mxfi, ,M. q. Chnnmnn,. M)gs Ada Ciapiiinn, JUIbs D. Chapman, Miss Flora Schaffod, Mrs. A. G. Aiken, Mrs. M. J. EIrod. W. Ogron, Mrs. W. Ogron, Miss Solmn Johnson, Miss Clara Johnson, Mrs. Albort Solljg, y. C, Scott.fW. D. HutchlnBonJ. It gorsoll. Mrs. E. E, Rlggs. P.Potor - BO,n, Qoldle Rlggs, Mrs. Capt. Donnld sqn, Martha Donaldson, Robt. Donnldson, Adam Donaldson. Domlo Donnldson, Miss Mary A. Soils, Claronco Klnghnm, L. G. Irwin, Bert Hnnson, D, L. Scrlb- nor, Mrs. D. L. Scrlbnor. J. L. son, II. Sherman, Jamos G. Scrlb nor, A. S. Henderson, Mrs. H. D. Jer rift, Lai Wo, A. F. Ranco, nnd D, Sglea, OIL and GREASE GUNS at THE GUNNERY. ; vvsvwsnvvnvsvvvvn (brother of tho Presldont, donylng that ho was lntorestou in Aiasica or Controller Bay nnd declaring hoi never nBked President Taft for any ' 'fo,vors for R. S. Ryan, was made pub- die yetsorday jaUthft w.nlte HoubQw j REDONDO FOR SAN FRANCISCO IOOTOGENARIAK IS ;' COLLEGE STUDENT BERKELEY, Cal.,' July 28 Mrs. Amera Woodward Trues- idnlo of San Franclacjj, Is In col- . lege at tho . agoof ,80. She en- , tered the ,summe .school of tho . University of California hero ' O last week, registering for the course In English poetry. , ., Mrs. Truesdalo s an alumnus ' of Stanford university, nnd hns' ! .written several books.' . !,! , !;,. PWUME AROUND OLD L MINE mlno from tho Reynolds Dovolop mont company, nnd will begin pre parations nt onco lor tho operating nnd marketing of coal from that old tlmo producer. Ho plans to oxtond oporatlons as rapidly ns ho can ex- tend tho market until tho mlno will bo pushed to Its full capacity. Mr. Doll expects to bo ready for operations about September 1. Remains In Ajr More Than Four Hours In a Monoplane. (By Associated Press to Coob Bny Times.) MINEOLA, July 28. St. Croix Johnstone, Chicago aviator, broko the American rcrord for monoplanes nnd biplanes yesterday when ho ro malnod In tho nlr for four hours, ono mlnuto, llfty-threo nnd throe-fourths seconds. Tho best previous record wns mndo by Parmaleo nt Snn Fran cisco, January 20 and wns 3 hours 30 mlnutos 40 and half seconds. MISSING BOY IS F Eddie Hayden's Body Found Under Wharf Near Old r North Bend Mill. Tho finding of tho body of Eddlo Hay.dc,n, mo nlno-yenr-old,'Bonpf, Mr. add Mrs. Chas. Haydon of North Bond.-'ulider'Uio wharf near the) old mill', in old I"orth Bond thlB morn ing by Carl Hayes, was tho Bad soqpol of n .two days' search. Eddlo Haydon mysteriously disap peared Inst Tth'sday aftornoon. Ho was ongngc'l in hauling kindling from the, mill to his. homo. Ho had mndo ono dr two trips, tho Inst ono nbout our o'clock when ho wns seon by Robort McCnnn, , foreman who with tho lad'H mother .wub.Uio last porson to seo him nllvo. Whon ho did not return, Bearch waajnnda for him, the sled with Its lltTlb load of wood was found but no trnco of t0 mi8sing( boy. H-ltgoughthe iplght . Nn ' rf whnr hla t At first, It ywas havo gono to camp No. 2 where his slBtor,,Mrst Andrew Collon '.lives nnd where ho know somo small boys of tho Hunter fam ily. Word waB Bont to them yester day and Mr. Collon nrrlvod In North Bend last night to say ho had not been seen there. This morning tho G IN BREAKS RECORD OW John-Loarch Wft8 ronowe(, wUn red0ublod vigor and a largo number of Bearch ers turned out for tho llttlo fellow wns n gonornl favorite. Tho dlscov pry of tho body In the bay ended tho search. How ho fell Into tho bay cnn.only be surmised. jjjb Borrowing parents have tho sincere nnd heartfelt sympathy of tbclr many friends. , nnESSED DUCKS first of tho sen- Bon SATURDAY at STAUFF grocery '' . TOWN GIVES NEGRO v a I'J'.aiNtix AiuAuruui w BOHHAM, Texas, July 28. Tho clty .council has passed an ordinance providing thnt nqono may soil peanuts pn tho Btreots of Bonhnm until hq has Burrpr- ed the amputation of both legs. . Tho purpoBo of the ordinance. Is f to permit nn ngeu negro wno has lost both legs to "freeze" out all able-bodied competitors IniUie peanut seeing .jlne, , STEAMER EMPRESS QF- CHINA GOES ON ROCKS NEAR JAPAN BAILEY AGAIN This Time Resigns Froni Sen ate Committee and It Is 1 Accepted. ' (By Associated Press to Coos Bay TJmca.) WASHINGTON, D. C. July 28. Becauso ho dops not bpljovo In tho Sennto's methods of taking testimo ny In Its Investigations, Scnntor Bnl ley today resigned fom tho commit too on Privileges nnd Elections. Ho mndo no explanations to tho Sonato and his resignation was accepted without comment. THE SITUATION STILL SERIOUS - J Premier Asquith Says Some Solution of Morocco Prob lem Must be Found. (Dy Associated rrcsa to Coob Buy TlmcB.) LONDON. Englnnd. July 28. Promlor Asquith mndo n Btntement In tho House of Commons yestorday on tho subject of Morocco which ful ly bears out tho description of tho situation ns ono of real anxiety. Tho situation, tho Promlor said, had reached a point nt Milch somo solu tion must bo found.' Asquith said that Great Britain slncorely (JoslrcB to seo tho corres pondence botweon Franco and Ger many If tho result is satisfactory to all parties, although this country wns not party to It. Ho appealed to tho House not to Book to ontqr into tho dotnils of tho .situation ntl tho prosont moment. Tho Promlor said tho government had thought It right from tho boglnnlng to mnko it cloor tlint falling In a satisfactory settlement Great Britain must bo- como nn nctlvo pnrty to discussion of tho situation. Favors I'llomntlonal Arbitration. (By Associated Press to Coos 'Bay Times.) , BRUSSELS, Bolglum, July 28. La Chronlquo snys It hears that Em- poror Wll!niri fnvora nnothor Inter national conferenco to sottlo tho Mo roccan embrogllo. i - : Ifrniico TIoKs For Peace. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmoa. PARIS, Frnnro, July 28. Tho deadlock botweon France nnd Gor mnny still continues but Franco ex pects n wny will bo found for a peace fill solution, being willing to go to. the limit of conciliation though Bhe cannot agreo to -nn ovncuntlon of Mo rocco or hand over huge blocka of African territory moroly In return for Germany's reiterated nBsuranco thnt France will not bo bothered in tlo future n Morocco. ,'WOMEN'S auxiliary of tho PRES- TVmi?iTAV itfTTInrviT will 1nY! 1 n FboD SALE at CORNER OF FRONT JSt. and Central Ave., SATURDAY juiy zu. .GAME LAWS FREE at THE GUN NERY. , PHONE I. S. KAUFMAN & CO., ,YOUU COAL ORDERS, 81.BO TON. i I . AUTO SUPPLIES nt tho Gunnory. IN Ttjt: SHATTERED VASE Great Ocean Liner Stranded Near Where Stmr. Dakota Was Wrecked.' ALL PASSENGERS ARE RESCUED MAILS SAVED If Vessel Is Saved Will Require r Three Months For Repairs. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay , Times.) TOKIO, Japan, July 28. Tho steamer Empress of China wns stranded on a submerged rock oft Nojlml Snkl light houso whllo at tempting to found tho southern point of Awn peninsula Inbound to Yokohnmn yesterday. Tho paBBon gora wero all rescued. Tho accldont occurred nenr tho wreck of tho Groat Northern steamship Dakota In tho spring of 1007. Tho Empress of China sailed from Vnncouvor July 12 nnd was mak'ng for Toklo bny on routo to Yokohama. As soon as tho nows of tho nccldont was recolvod hero, Vlco-admlral Snito, minister of Marino, dispatched tho crulsorn Aso and Soya o'f tho Japaneso training squadron to tho tiBslstanco of tho dis tressed Btonmer. Tho crulsorfl took off tho malls and bnggngo and nldod In removing 10D pnssongora to the mainland. Tho passongora woro tem porarily housed In a temple nnd school building nnd Inter procccdod by train to this city. Tho stcamor'a bottom la badly damaged and It tho craft Is saved It will tako three months to repair her. Tho sea nonr horo was very rough last night Some of the Passengers. (By Assoclniod Press to Coos Bay Times.) VANCOUVER, B. C July 23. Following Is n list of snlon passen gers of Empress of Chlnn, W. II. An dorson nnd wlfo, Dr. J. F. Bnrr, C. F. BorrnholBel nnd wlfo, Mrs. R. Bloom nnd daughter, and Mrs, Ca Boy, J. A. Crnno nnd wlfo, J, E. Snky, MIbb E. Forsyth, Mr., F. O. Fullldgo, E. W. Hutchlns, M. II. Mnd don, wlfo, three sons nnd daughtor, J. R. McKay, C. F, Morgan and wlfo nnd II. Snedlgor, Mrs. Mudgot, W. T. Hayno and wlfo, F. A. Scrnnt nnd wlfo. THREE HUNDRED LIVES LOST. '' Typhoon. Sweeps Coast of Japan Wlfh Disastrous Result. (By Associotod Press to Coos Bay Times.; TOKIO, Japon, July 28. Moro than throo hundred nro b&lleved to hnvo lost tholr lives In n typhoon thnt swept Toklo nnd Yokohama Wodnesday night. Tho proporty loss Ib lnrgo. Many fishing boats along tho coast aro missing. RUGR M'LAIN ROME AGAIN ! Reports the Flnnnclal Situation to llo Excellent and Business Only Retarded by Hot Weather Hugh McLnln returned laat eve ning from an extended stny in Port land nnd tho Willamette valley Inves tigating prospective public nnd pri vate enterprises In the contracting lino. Ho Baya tho financial situation on tho outsldo looks very good nnd eve ryone BeeniB hopeful. Ho was In Portland last Monday tho hottest day In four years, and says ho wb glad to got back to Coos Bay. ,i& .'hJ