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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1910)
7"Vpjtji ) "HW1" JTTTinW1 IWWSWPWF'J 'lJ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1970 EVENING EDITION. F""-r gam 355 1 Your Kind of Clothes S feS Kraraasrojana Did you ever stop to admire a Smart, business-like man on the street? Like the looks of his Suit orOvercoat the way it hangs the smart appearance it gives him Something different from the other f ellows? That's the kind of clothes ve can furnish you. Good; honest; stylish; all wool cloth ing at $J5; $20 and $25 Woolen Mill Store Mill to Man Clothiers Marshfield, - - Oregon fSSS Si J RL- frmmrnp j3M&mg . W " I a3 rrvir -sr,t.v UNI foafc K?$m:. Will Hhe Picnic. Mrs. Honry Sengstuekon will give n picnic to-mor row nt Cooston. it Is In honor of Mrs. T. It. Sheridan of Rosoburg, win la visiting In the city. COOS BAY TIDES. SEPTEMBER High water Date. Friday... 23 Saturday 24 SUNDAY 25 A. M. h. m. 3:10 4:14 r.:30 It. 7.3 G.G CO P. M. h.m. 3:00 3:49 4:50 ft. Died nt Lnnjdols. M. O. Hawkins of Coqulllo has received word that his father died suddenly nt Langlols. Mr. Hnwklns, nccompnnlod by his sis ter, Mrs. T. J. Langlols, wont to Langlols, 9.0 8.0 8 SEPTEMBER Low water A.M. P. M Date. Friday... 23 Saturday 24 h.m. ft. U. S:49 9:37 SUNDAY 25110:42 2.41 9:10 3.1 10:50 3.9 0.0 0.2 THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Fair to-ulght and Saturday. re- spi It's Ud to You I V Make me prove the merits of PACKARD SHOES They are here in all the Fall shapesi , Patent Button High Heel $5.00 Gun Metal Button, high heel ., S5.00 Gun Motal Double Sole Walking Shoe, just the . thing for wet weather-. $5.00 Vici, Toefit $4.00 Large Assortment at $4.00 tp $5.0u Every Pair Guaranteed t M T ICurehfleld. MM Special This Week! ! ORNAMENTAL ECONOMICAL DURABLE. t Manning & Bowerman's Chafing Dishes Hot meals can bo proparod on tho dining table, as can be cooked a a gaa range In the kitchen. Anything that neods constant atten tion can be cooked away from tho hot kitchen In a coolor room, 't's a great convenience In preparing hospitable little lunches In the evening for your frlonds. HEOULAR PHICH. . $20.00; REDUCED TO 31800. REGULAR PRICE, $14.00; REDUCED TO $0.00. Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. Marshfield, 'The Busy Corner" , -a 7"Cjc-. j - .s Oregon MTU), Housekeeping office rooms or ,. . "- I'.MJ, ""in furnished cottago. Times I H. engine In good condition. F. Virtue, Owl Furnlturo Store. WANTED. A chambermaid at the Lloyd Hotel. FOR SALE. AH my household tw nlture and fixtures, Including piano after Oct. 1st. Inquire Mrs. W. m! Lawlor, 371 First st.. North. Marshllold, near in. Bargain. Call at 421 Golden avo., or phono 147R. LOCAL TEMPERATURE PORT. For twenty-four hours ending at 4.43 P. M., Sept. 22, by Mrs. Mlngus, special government me teorological observer: Maximum 70 Minimum S3 At 4.43 P. M 59 Precipitation Nono Wind. Northwosf, ;Clonr. tinny arrived on tho Breakwater niiu to-day was being unloaded on a scow Rack From Ten Mile. Col. W lam Grimes and Dennis Flynn of OV lahonia, who hnvo been nt Ton Mile on n Ilslilng ami minting trip, nave returned homo. Col. Grimes got somo lino ttsh and Mr. Flynn killed somo ducks. Gets Fine Hoarse. Walter Con dron, who Is opening a new llvory and food barn, yesterday received on tho Ureakwater n line bourse for sor vlco on tho liny. Ho 'has also received a largo number of fine now rigs for tho now business. HORN. CONHO. On Thursday. Sept. 22, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Conro, of Plat U, n daughter. Trial Trip To-Morrow. Tho trial trip of tho ntow gasollno launch Coast er will bo made to-morrow and then Capt. Olson will begin loading th boat nt once for tho first trip to Cur ry county. Mnx Tlmmoriunn Is Jus finishing tho final work on tho boa Sulli To-Mornnv. Tho Uroakwntor will sail to-morrow nt L P. M. fov Portlnnd. Died In San Fmneloo. Mrs. Ethel Young, fonnorly Miss Ethel Anderson : Mnrshllold, died at San Francisco on Sept. 21st. Legal HoUday To'MorrowS The primaries nr'o to bo hold "to-morrov and It being a legal holiday tho bank will bo closed. New Engine AitIws. A big ongtno for tho Smlth-Powors Logging Com- t corsets Better than ever. Is (let tint: Roller. Mrs. Arthur Jenkins returned from Uoseliurg Sat urday, having spent sevornl weoks with her brother, Cnrl Walker, who was hurt by falling from tho car whllo braking at Drain, nnd who Buf fered an nttack of typhoid Immedi ately nftorward. His fever Is broken but ho Is still confined to tho hospl- tnl, but Ib oxpectod to bo able to leave soon. Coqutllo Herald. IHch In HllitiilH. A. E. Morton o' Llbby has received word of the death of his brother, Charles G. Morton, which occurred nt IlOlvldoro, III., on Sept. 15th. Tho death was duo to heart trouble. Mr. Morton wns n rail- road englnoor on tho Chicago and Northwestern road for thirty yonrs nnd was a member of tho Knlgjitr Templar. Ho visited horo two years iiuo and stnrted tho Eddy grocer storo n year ago last winter nnd made many frlonds hero who will learn o his death with regrot. Ho Is survive by a wlfo. REPRESENTED EXCLUSIVELY HY US I Magnes& Matson .4 --. -. t-.-! .i .1.-I.. . WANTED. Aa experienced girl or woman for genoraj housework, "Ap ply Lock Box T44, Marshfle'let. Oood wages to right party. WANTED. Uoyn to lenra to deliver Tho Times after squooI, Must, be at least In Fourth grade at school. Apply Times olflce. M FOR RENT. R-room cottoge, West Marshfield, J 10 per' month; also 2 rooms In dwelling, closo In, $8 por month. Apply Hall & Hall. FOR SALE. O Iota ud 12-room house; $5,000. Apply Hall & Hall. WANTED. Two glrU at Oie .Marsh flold Hand & Steam Laundry at onco. Phone 229-J, WANTED. Roy aged 11 to 18, go ing to school, o work, n -Times of fice before and after school. Ap ply at onco. FOR SALE Cheap, 7-room houbo, at 858 11th street, South. FOR ItENT. Furnished elght-nKn modern house In South Marshflolti, . Apply C, Times office. WANTED. Experienced coal inliTf and tlmbermon. Apply Beaver imi Coal Co. THP 1 1 OYH MrhflM' popular Kinlly inb Luuiu llotf A11 (UIUimra p0r nd clean. Velvet nnd Axmlnliler carped In verr room, Four utorlei of aolld comfort, Kale reduced to- day, 50c, 75c and 11.00; week, 't 0u to 15.00. Alto a few hounekrcptiig apart- i iu with cu ranvei. 112.00 ter month. Kree (.a.ui. Take liu al depot. Mn. llrldxei. Vrop CaniTouCain " . j ' ft, rtf x-"- jr4' . - ? . -If Vou' can fcari, wo can furnish you what you need to can or can can. W. W. Pimly tier-. W. W. Purdy is In tho city a guest nt tho Chandler Hotol. Mr. Purdy Iuib for somo time past been omployed undor contract as engineer nt Lnkoport to look nftor tho onglnoorlng work thoro. He re ports thnt thoro hns boon consldernblo bttlldlnir uir nt Lnkoport and thai tho now sawmill Is In oporntlon thore now nnd furnishes lumber for those who want to build. At Langlols, whoro tho business section watt re cently wiped out by flro, Mr. Purdy says that propnratlons to robulld nr bolng mndo. Hotol accommodations for travolers nro provided for In r largo liouso nnd tho business section of tho city which was burned will b built up as rnpldly ns possible Romombor mnsqucrado ball nt Sumner Saturday oronlng, Sopt. 24. Launch Allco H. lonves Mnrsnlloia n.t o'clock; launch Sumnor loaves at o'clock. K:m::tt:Hmm:n::::m::m::wm:m- Personal Notes tj:::n::t::::n:::::::::n:tn:::5n:i: JOHN HOPE of North Inlot was la tho city to-dny. JUSTICE PKNNOCK Was In Coqulllo to-dny on business. ANDREW STORA of Cntchlug Inlet Is a Marshfield visitor. C. U. SELUY Is homo from Coqutllo, where ho attended court. MRS. JOHN FITZGERALD of Coos River visited In tho city to-day. FRED ROSS and Goorgo Ro3S nnti wlfo of Isthmus Inlet wero In tho city to-day. C. A. SE11LHREDE, who has boon at Coqulllo attending court all week, hns returned home. MR. and MKS. W. S. CHANDLER nro down to-day from tholr Coos River summer homo. GEORGI3 WATKINS returned hotno to-day from Coqulllo, where ho has been slnco Tuosdny. C. F. McKNIGHT, who has been In Coqutllo nil week attending court. returned homo to-dny. WII I. DtTNGAN of Stnuff's Grocory laid up this morning by a slight nttack of Illness. JUDGE JOHN S. COKE Is cxpectod homo from Coqulllo to-night or la the morning to spond Sunday. MISS ROS15 SMITH, n sister of Mrs. Fred NoIboii, who hns been visiting horo, hns left for her home In Portland. ARTHUR SELANDER nnd wlfo, who hnvo' been visiting friends and rela tives, htp, will return to Portland to-morrow. AU13 HARRIS of San Francisco, who linn been making this torrltory for n long time pnst, Is again In tho city visiting his customers horo. D. A. JONES nnd Dr. Hnydon aro expected homo to-day or to-morrow from tho Sluslnw whero thoy havo been enjoying n fow days' 'tnv. HUGO QUIST, Ausgar Lngerstrom nnd Enoch Holmberg lenve to-night for the north fork of tho Coqulllo to enjoy afow days' hunting ami ' fishing. MRS. J. V. SMEATON nnd sons, l Oeorgo F. Murch, Miss Charlotte Mifoh nnd George F. Murch, Jr., left on the Nnnn Smith for Califor nia, whoro thoy will visit. MRS. A. J. CARLSON nnd two chil dren, who hnvo boon spondlng tho summer In MInnesotn, havo re turned to Coos Day, having nrrlvod on the last trip of tho Broakwator. C. C. GOING, who loft Sunday with J. L. Koontz for Portlnnd In an niito, wrote from Rosoourg that thoy got In there Into Monday aftor n fairly good trip. Thoy wero to leave Tuesday for Portland. LOUIS NELSON and wlfo nnd two daughters hnvo arrived from Port lnnd. Mr.Nolson wns horo boforo and wont to Portland to moot his family on their arrival from Min neapolis nnd nccompanlod thorn to this city. Voto for E. Commissioner. E. Onkes for County Voto for A. N. Gould for Surveyor. STlf. ALERT Will mako last EX CURSION to tho LIFE SAVING STA TION noxt TUESDAY, SEPT. 37th. People should tako advantage of this splendid opportunity to- visit tho beach. Bring along your lunch basn et. FARE only OOc. round trip. Leavo Allegany C A. M Marshflold 9, North Bond 9.20. and return at 3 P. M. 'Just now wo havo an especially fine line7 of tomatoes and poas for can ning. Wo aUo have other fruit and vegetnuies lor c.uuuuk. Wo also havo everything for pick ling Chill Coppers. Pickling Onions and Green Tomatoes. v Saturday wo will have n flno lot of CHICKEN STEWS to offor you. Bottor placo your order real early Saturday morning. -'- 3 'Js' ' - Chas. Stauff l .- - 4i.'A-funt modern F SALECheap, 8 h.p. gasoline) bungalow and lot 40x100 in South .... . I .. ,.!..., nlllj. Z. m.- Frot and Coimuerclal, Times office. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF COOS COUNTY. Tho name or M. O. Hawkins hns been promlnontly mentioned as a can didate for the Democratic nomination for 'County Clerk. It is understood that W. J. Conrad has boon mon tlonod ns n candidate for tho Bnmo offlco. Whllo tho moiubors of tho Democratic central commltteo do no dictate to anyone ns to how thoy shall vote, wo feol that as W, J. Conrad h dontlnod with corpornto Interests and Is secretary and tronsuror of tho Coo County Tax Association, that tho host interests of the Democratic party wi bo served by writing in tho nam- M. O. Hawkins for County Clerk o- tho Democratic tlckot In tho primar ies to bo held Sept. 24 th, DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE, , By W..J. Rust, Soc. (Paid Advertisement,) We Have Reduced ----- k ; It I B I ? ? XX I 7 1 I U I u a a i a a i a i ? a i ? I ..8-8-n-tJ-tf-3-W-tt-tt-tt-B-tt-8-tt---tt- Sperry's Best Family Flour Now Retails $ Sperry Flour Co. ? By F. S. DOW B-n--K-M-tX--R-tt----W- tt-H-'n-B-tt-H-B-- - II I XX n i n i n i n i w i n i i n i i