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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1910)
" 'WM eQ ADS NEWS ,, nSlNES9 19 SLOW, AD 0 combs GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY HEADING THE COOS MAY T1MJ58. ALL THE NEWS AUi TUB TIME TEHSELY 10L1) t: :: : r oTiel." THAT ij. i" "-- PENCb".,D,,Q 1..VKRYW1IEHE it Less HUup"" " MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Established lit 187H ns Tim Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1910 EVENING EDITION. ..xxxin. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall ii ml Coos Hay Advertiser. Il0. 58. "WW ifelj titt?H vV' " Utt Jit W, )od$ VI KoAifl,, '. n Mr. siew 22W. lic ind it from re- 10 'or t. IK KILLED AID ii m LINES ARE I II ELECTRIC LI WRECK ,.! cull Qnnnrl finmn pars uDiny ,u" w, Together Near .Fort ' Wayne, Ind. l0l GOING TO ATTEND STATE FAIR. -.. k Prnuirlnrl Pan pew ii Hiiy u" Ul ""-" " Escaped Death .or Injury. i (By Associated Press.) i ronT WAi'XE, Ind., Sept. sa. fllrtwlno dend Ih tho toll oxnetod , tie Fort Wnync-Blufftou intorur- udlMitcryCBtcrdny nnrt this niitu rniy to Increased by lutur duvol ptttti. A number or the iiijiiroil rt In a precarious condition. MoBt ; the dead and Injured woro on a MtJ cxcurlftm from BluffUm to lie State Fair nt Fort Wayne. The tin ro melted and the trash tepomlblllty of tho nccldont litis not tea fixed, but It Is alleged that nn dort lo teat out tho excursion ur, ii!eh was ten ralrutosilnte, by n i!il, remlted In tho crash. Tho col litoani between n southbound 11m (d and a northbound local car nml tnrred at KlnRslnnd, Intl., eighteen :!! from Fort Wnyne. Tho enrs, blsj at full speed, met on n cunc TALKS ABOUT WATERWAYS President Taft Gives His Views on Several. Important Na tional Questions. ' CINCINNATI, O., Sept. 22. After speaking of tho development during the ten years In which ho hns been absent and Baying hu expected to take up his residence hero aftor his duties In Washington woro concluded, Presi dent Tuft dovotod his remarks to Improvement of Uio Ohio Itlvor froi. Pittsburg to Cairo and tho outlook for the futute. The I'rosldont point ed out the necosslty for tho economi cal handling of rfelght at terminals, anil especially the necoseltr of over coming tho physical conditions nt iietlthoutn warning. There- woro(tnninniH duo to tho stage of water M ilxty persons on tho car nml 1 1 siimmornnd winter. The Improve- 'ft tl any escaped death or Injury, ment of the Ohio Illvor on pinna thus rar ninpjicd out, the President s.Ud, will cost $C3, 000,000. Denouncing tho Congressional "pork barrel," President Tnlt urged the reconstruction of tho method of dealing with water ways Improve ments In the United States. Ho as sorted that a "piecemeal" policy of npuroprlntlon of government funds for rivers nml nnrbors was not only lndefenslblo from a bnBlneBs view point, but also gnvo rise to "a (.pedes of legislative nbnso that 1s cry near vorruptlon In Its effect;" STRICTlSTEAMER ISTHMIAN RAMS THE EPORTS FIND A RICH ONE WEAlTUY T.OGGEH KILLED. Mur Wesley Miller of Curry County Tells 'of Discovery jof JGtald There. tt'filey Miller, projirletur sd .tho tmx Cold iJcuch, who Is In tin. titj looklni; after tho shipment l n !ftt supply of goods, roporta thai -Mold And on tho Chetco Itlvor Jit toy county has created great ox-, "meat thero and that tho discovery' ms to be a very rich one. TJjo gold 'Mint found about llfteon miles in. toa Harbor on tlw Chotco Jtlvor. He discovery was uindo by jxw old filter named Halter, who locnted ii atr of his friends boforo tho find ' Bade generally known. , ' Jliller sass Hint tho discovery lejtfd lUUCh exe.luiilHnf nml Mint Jjlex had o trouble- In finding main ""tn Killing to Blvublm $250 ns wcauoa fee .Mining claims hnvi r" uken P all through tho neigh Wood until thero Is nothing loft to "Where near where tho fire Koijold was made. Mr MllJer SaVS Mint Mm t-nlrl ni J" to be on th0 surfneo mid near '""face, it g ln n BOft Bnndstonc 'cannot be termed ns quartz. W. H the forester for tho' Brook- Lmber Company, who was In ' wiinborhooij when tho find war Wd m a r,ch clnlm' Tno Placor u to !Arrfaco y,ew from 25 n four feet thick which is rich "SOld. If tlmr I- ....-- . ..... Iv Of Quart. ,.. .... .... . . We oath- .1 . r lmB' wnBt ,a V15 lit i n ' nmKefl u a rlcn ono . Jill er iiya tbBt onj n)lner whp 0'iriD.i fl b"xem mea from th0 tiljk, """"ered what ho n iV,1, maln ,ead- JIr- Mlllw " Ibat whiu .t.. . ntto. u lo imas mignf. turn to thinir ,u p0cket8 n Is inclined ftitii, fl' U"a d,scovery s tho. mt ! as been niad n Gurry iSf a! " Wil1 ovolop Into n 0n . nt wlnlng field. lJ01uatof the ru.h for claim.. woL'T7 Cases' belns kPl tie oBt Watch the c,a,mB for toB.l! 8nd EC0 that no no elso - erouna. . pkone Oal n. . 'Ufr. $4.50 PER TON. Hryiin Copgop Wn Evidently illeitnl nt flentfle. (IJy Associated Press.) SJUATTI.E, Wnsh., Sept. 22. A stub wound In tho back of tho neck of Ib;ynn Cogger, n wenlthy Hood Canal tlinbormnn, whoso body wn found aiiulcr np unoccupied house on .Mnyniwl nvenuo nnd Mnyno strcot. mnkes It certnln Hint ho was mur dered. It Is supposed robbery was tho motho. With his wlfo ho enmo to tho city recently nnd sold logs for $8,000. Ho took 9400 of this nnd disappeared. Tho wlfo reported his disappearance to tho nuthorltlos but no trace was discovered until recent ly when tho toody wns found. Republicans May Vote For Democrats and Democrats May Vote For Republican Candidates in the Primary Election. Uy n strnngo coluctdenco Times received the following tw6 Inquiries iJirough tho mall recently: "EDITOR TIMES: 1 am & Repub lican, but desire to cast a vote In tho .primary election for Hugh McLnlL for Rallwny Comuilslsoncr. Can 1 di so and If I do will It bo counted? "REPUBLICAN VOTER." Tho other letter was from a Demo crat, ns follows: "EDITOR TIMES: Alfliough of n different political faith, being n Dent ocrat, I deslro to cast a vote for tho Assembly Republican candidate, W. .1. Butler. Will I be permitted to do this nnd enn I call for two bnllots? Please answer. A DEMOCRAT." The editor of Tho Times was about to answer both communications with nn emphatic NO, that It couldn't be Hone, but remembering the peculiari ties and vngnrica of tho law sought tomo legal advice. Conmtltntlon with STRIKE IS ON IN POJTLAND Grain Handlers Want An In crease in Wages, Which Is Refused. two of tho lending lawyers of the cltj developed the fact that Republican voters can vote for nny Democrnt nnd any Democrat can vote for unyfte publlcan In the primary election. The voter cannot receive two bnllots, but must write tho name of the caudldnto on his own party ticket. Here Is the provision of tho lnw that authorizes this action: Puge 24, Section 23, Prlmnry Elec tion Law says: "THERE SHALL BE LEFT AT THE END OP THE LIST OP CANDI DATES FOR NOMINATION TO EACH DIFFERENT OFP1CE, A BLANK SPACE IN WHICH THE ELECTOR MAY WRITE THE NAME IF ANY PERSON NOT PRINTED ON THE BALLOT, FOR WHOM HE DE SIRES TO VOTE AS A NOMINEE FOR SUCH OFFICE." This Is very explicit. It does not sny (lint tho cnndldato you voto far must bo of tho snmo politics ns tho voter, but you niny wrlto tho nnmo of ANY porson. The printed tickets nre nil provided with this extra lino ns specified In tho lnw so that tho nnmo may be written thereon. This Interpretation means that there wll bo considerable of this scrutch voting nt tlio primaries. (By Associated Press.) PORTLAND, Ore.. SepL 22. Tho grain hnndlcrs of this port went on i strike ycBterdny. They demand 40 cents nn hour and CO cents overtime. Thnv hn-i'n liren cntllnir 35 cents m hour nml CO conts overtime, ns' Breakwater to-dny woro tho follow. agnlnst 30 cents nn hour nnd -no over- Ins: BREAKWATER TAC01 300 PERSONS ABOARD REPUBLICANS OF COOS GO. S Brings Passengers and Freight and Sails For Portland Saturday Afternoon. Tho steamer Breukwntcr arrived to-dcy from Portlaud. She crossed In this morning nnd reached North Bond about 11 o'clock. Slio will sail for Portland '.Saturday afternoon nt 1 o'clock. Thoso who arrived on tho tlmo paid at Puget Sound ports . Tho employcj s horo say thoy vlll not meet tho demands. INSURGENTS WIN. NOT F R FROM THE KINGDOM "Being Near Means to Miss It Entirely," Say's Rev. . Lyon. (By Rev. O. LoRoy Hall.) TABERNACLE PHOfiHA.M. Jiuues A. Tawney Defeated in Vifht Dlhtrli't of Mlimesotn. (By Assoilnted Press.) ST. PAUL, Minn., Sopt. 22. The insurgent cause Jn Minnesota mado jotter, O. Pnttorson, great strides when James A. Tawney of tho First District wns defeated for renoinlnntlon. Sidney Anderson, nn Insurgent, dofented Tawney. S UE L BALL SCORE L. J. Simpson. M. Lauglry, A. Mc- Clellan, Miss McClollan, W. Hutqhl son, Mrs. Hutchison, R. Browning, Mrs. Browning, Mm. Forgucson,, Win. Knrr, Mrs. E. A. Knrr, Mrs. W. L. Karr, P. Len, Mrs. Lea, T. W. Donny, Miss Nygren, Mrs. Nygron, J. A. Reese, Mrs. Reese, L. Nelson, Mis. Nelson, Miss E. Nelson, Miss M. Nel son, II. Bnrdoy, J. B. Kelly, MrB. Fln- W. Llghtner, ASSERT YOUK INDEPENDENCE OP PORTLAND BOSSES AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION UY VOT- INfl THE ANTI - ASSEMBLY TICKET. Hero Is n copy of the official nntl nssombly ticket. Republicans, of Coob county who do not Ilka to tnko their politics canned nnd' branded by the Portlnud bosBca should assert their Independence Saturday by vot ing tho nntl-nssembly tlckot. The Times hns heretofore stated thnt Its only concern In this contest Is to up hold tho principles of tho people's rule. Mnny of tho men nominated by tho nssombly nro good men nnd par ticularly Is this truo locally. Tho Times hits not n word to say against them personally, but this Is a contest of principles. It Is a question whether tho people shall rulo or tho Portlnnd bosses. Tho cnll for tho Coos county nssombly wns written In Portland nnd wns Issued hero by Dr. E. Mlngus, who Is. In tho employ of tho Sonthorn Pacific irallway, nnd even tho secretary of tho county con- trnl commlttco wns never notified of tho meeting nt which tho call wns promulgated. Thnt Is what tho ns sombly represents. Republicans of Coos county should assort their man hood nnd Indopondonco by refusing to ondorso thcno mothods or tho men who promoto them. Cut out this ticket, tnko It Into tho booth noxt Saturday nnd mnko your mark opposlto theso nnmos: Passengers Thrown Into Panic and Vessel Quite Badly Damaged. DISABLED STEAMER TOWED INTO PORT. Collision Occurs in a Fog Off San Francisco Light ship. (By Associated Press.) SAN FRANCISCO, Sopt. 22. Ro porta nro received hero to-dny Hint n collision occurred last night on. San Francisco lightship between tho steamship Isthmlnn nnd. tho stenm ship Tacoiun. Throe hundred can nery hands bound from Alnska on tho Tuconin woro thrown Into n panic nnd considerable damngo wns done to thnt vessel. The Isthmian, bound for Snntn Cruz, wns plotting hor way In tho dense fog whon slio rnmmod tho Tncomn nbovo tho water lino, Tho Isthmlnn stood by until It wnB ascer tained that tho Tncomn wns In no danger. Tho Tncomn wns lowod Into port by n tug. VOTING PLACES GHQSEN REPUBLICAN ANTI-ASSEMIILY TICKET. TO-NIGHT. 7.45, Nativity Meeting. S,00, Thanksgiving service, "Gratltutdo To God." FRIDAY. 10 A. M., Neighborhood Meet ing. 3 P. M Thought Meeting. 3.30 P. M., Mr. Lyon will speak on "Tho Upper and Lower Springs." 7.45 P. M., Evening service. During tho song service this evening thero will bo a testi mony meeting by States. Como with a word for Christ nnd tell In what State you were born. Rov. Lyon mado good again Inst night ln his address. His subject was "Not Far From tho Kingdom." !' 8' Kwtaan & Co. your.iaId ,n ?" .,.. mtn. "Tlio coniraj iruiu iu ". He Pnn .. - uii inn KB El8TViEEjr 0P THE BAY, istrv was the Kingdom of God, did not preach much about salvation HM HOW T1IK1 tl'A.i. ' "" Won. Lost. P. C Portland 89 C9 Onkland 00 79 San Francisco.. 92 S.0 Los Angeles . . .87 88 Vernon 85 87 Sacramento ...01 100 . .504 -.549 ,535 ,497 .494 .305 (By Associated Press.) PORTLAND, Oro., Sept. 22. Port land wns defeated yesterday by Ver non and Oakland won from Snn Fran cisco. Tho scores of tho games yester day follow: AT PORTLAND R. Portland 1 Vernon 5 AT SAN FRANGICO R. San Francisco 1 Oakland 2 AT LOS ANGELES ' 'R. Los. Angeles . . , 3 Sacramento 9 MRS. E. E. DONALDSON has located ln Marshfleld nnd will tako chargo of her MILLINERY STORE at once and Invites you all to CALL nnd SEE her DISPLAY of FINE MILLINERY. ilO Front street. Read the Times Want Ads. Mrs. Llghtner, Mrs. Hnge, II. Finch, Mrs. Holmes, W. Oliver, L. Pnty, II. Paty, E. Frnnklln, J. Carlson, Mrs. Carlson, S. Stoy, P. Pnszell, A. L. Mnunssn, Mrs. Mnnnssn, A. C. Abbott, Mrs. Abbott, Miss Gardiner, P. Hnuor, W. M, Griffin, Miss J. Griffin, Jack Griffin, John Locknrd, N. Griffin, Mrs. Locknrd, Win. Hnglund, E. Klnnoy, Chns. Lane, Frank Lone, J. Qulgloy, Wm. Griggs, B. E. Bolleu, Mrs. Bollou, C. A. Mniinssa, J.. Moorehouse, L. Trlbby, Mrs. Franklin, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Skinner, G. Arhon, J. Arhon, P. Arhon, S. Chlorg, F. GottlnB, L. Ivor son, C. Ellsworth, Geo. Paul, S. Ros so, G. Wostland, J. Mitchell, W. Cus ter, A. Popo, J, Taylor, N. Kody, T. Chlvoy, S. Thomas, R. Hoylund, L. Gould, Miss Gould, R. Whltnker, N. Galen, L. Landor, M. Lnk, M. Ahr, P. Peterson, S. Thomas, II. Hlllmnn, L. Larson. ALONG THE WATER FRONT, v Tho steamer Newport is duo from Portlnnd Saturday. The steamer Redondo sails Satur-da-v trom San Francisco for Coos nny. The tug Roscoe, which was In tho bay, has loft for the Sluslaw with supplies. Tho steam schooner Nnnn Smith sailed this afternoon for San Fran cisco with a big cargo of lumber. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. The second Installment of taxes for tho year of 1909 Is duo .and paynblo on or before October 3d, 1910, and If such Installment Is not paid by that tlmo, pepalty and Interest will bo added from April 4th, 1910. ; W. W. GAGE, , Sheriff and Tax Collector. For ReprvM'iitntJvo In Congri'hW (Fii-xt District) II. F. MULKEY, of Jackson County. For Governor JUDGE ORANT B. DIMICK, of Clnckamns County. For Secretury of State G. WINOATE, of Clatsop County. For Stuto Tmihiirvi T. II. KAY, of Marlon County. For State Printer WILLIS S. DUNIWAY, of Multnomah County, For Attoniey-Gciicrail A. M. CRAWFORD, of Douglas County. For Labor Coininlhidoiier - GEO. M. ORTON, of Multnomah County. For Justlco of Supremo Court HENRY J. BEAN, THOMAS A. McBRIDE, FRANK A. MOORE, WILL R. KING. For Water Commissioner (1st Dint.) JAMES T. CHINNOCK. For Representative Coos nnd Curry Counties (Oth Dlht.) 8. P. PEIRCE, HERBERT HUME. For Judge of Circuit Court JOHN 8. COKE. BENJ. r. JONES.' COUNTY TICKET. For Representative ED. RACKLEFP. For County Judge II. G. HOY. For Surveyor A. N. GOULD. For County Commissioner B. E, OAKE5 For Coroner DR. R. E. GOLDEN. For County Central Committeemen, '.'reclnct No. f DUNCAN FERGUSON. For County Central Committeemen, Precinct No. 10 F. E. ALLEN. Read the Times Want Ads. HELLO! RILL! The great Elks' parado at tho big convention In Detroit will bo shown at the Royal to-night. Arrangements For Three Dis tricts of Marshfieid to Be Made This Afternoon. Tho voting places In Mnrshflold it appears to-day have not yet boom so lectcd. No ono scorned to know any thing about thorn to-dny. It was said this afternoon that tho north precinct voting plnco would probably bo nt tho city hall. Thero was some talk of renting ono of tho wnrohouses for tho central precinct. It was stated that tho mutter had bcon loft to County Commlsslonor Andorson, who would attend to solccting tho voting places this afternoon. Tho voting plnco for Bitnkor Hill will bo nt Squire's storo. This dis trict Includes Mllllugton nnd Flag staff. Tho Empire voting plnco will bo In tho recorder's offlco nt Empire. LITTLE BOY W Wandered Away From Home This Morning and Many Out Searching. Pl'illlp Myers, tho three-yonr-old boy of Mr, nnd Mrs. Charles MyorB, living on Commercial avenue, wan dered away from homo this morning at 9 o'clock and wns not found until this afternoon. Tho parents woro greatly alarmed and City Marshal Carter and mnny of tho nolghbors went on a search, Tho llttlo follow had wandered to the wntcr front and was playing thoro. Ho was nono the worso for his Jaunt excepting that ho wns exceedingly hungry on returning homo. MURDERER KILLS HIMSELF. Mini Wanted For Killing Wlfo Found in River. (By Associated Press.) BELLINGHAM. Wash., Sopt. 2? Tho corpso tnkon from tho I-rnzler Rlvor, a short dlstnnco bole ' o brldgo at Mission, B. C, yesu , with tho throat cut from ear to ear, was positively Identified as that of Charles Rold, wanted nt CInyburn, B. C, for murdering his wife two weeks ago, Evidently ho had cut his throat and leaped into tho stream. im i t f I -ii ' i 'II- m ..Jv.iMfc-aJ