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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1910)
frwiwnr'" ADS, ms NEWS BI,PV Ill'SlXISS IS BLOW, AW ! Ss . PAVB 19 BVI- nriV 11V SUCCESSFUL 11US1. GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BIT HEADING THE COOS UAY TIMKS. ALL THE NEWS ALj THE TIME TERSELY TOLD t: :: :: :t t y?.mg EVERYWHERE t: MEMBER OP ASSOCIATE!) PRESS Established In 187H lis Tlio Coast Mall. MAflSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 191 0 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall and Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 60. -y.. ,0L.XXXUI' iiiS it! ESA GREAT FLIGHT OVER THE ALPS ANY DIE II A RAILROAD WRECK REPORT THAT S. P. IS TO lGege Chavez Makes Air Trip I,0J.H1 orion. Sw tzcr and. r to Italy. Ukthirtyfeet ur i hi- ten Machine Turns Over and Heisuepnvuuui ., 000 Prize. (By Associated Press.) ,,. Italy. Sent. 23. GcorK mvd tho Peruvian nvlntor, flow L Brleg, Switzerland, over Ibo jsp'on Pa successfully to-ilny, but ,' .ii.hiinif at Doiuoilossoln, Italy, 3lJcn gut of wind overturned hit uiMM anil the nvuitor suuureu a breken thlglt mul leg nnd Ills machine rM demolished. Furthor oxamlim- lloiihoRCd mai uoui iut, "u, "" atd the left thigh fractured, H.n inertl condition Is not considered ptve. Chavez made a wonderful flight cter the mountains nnd camo down ptefully on tlio Italian sido nnd ti within thirty feet of tho ground ttta the accident happoned which Mitd him of tho $20,000 prlzo fd for tho succossful accomplish- snt ol tho feat. During Effort. Chavez's feat wiis ono of tho most jrloj efforts ever proposed for tlio air men. Ho had wnltcd patiently lor Uvorablo weather along tlio rotte, whero stong winds nro tlio rs. Doth sides of the Alps reported dear weather to-dny, but tho top of Sloplon Pass was obscured In (h ChiTtz determined to mako tho at Ijnijt. Ho roso to a height estt cated at 700 feet, mnlntnlnlng this altitude at least half an hour nnd fol lowed over tho road built by Is'npo Won orer tho Slmplon Pnss. Ho nc- eoapllihed tho eight miles thnt kroorht him over tho top of Slmplon, tlm tailed gracefully over tho eigh th miles down to Dontodossoln. Ar iMbj there ho had left tho hnrdest frt of the trip behind him when tho uddent occurred. Tho nctunl flight 'Utobe from Hrleg to this city, but wn Domodossoln to this plnco tlio ilJIcnltles nro almost of minor Importance. AMl.WCAN FAILS. Illy Associated Press.) BniEO, Switzerland. Sent. 23. If Weymann, tho Amorlcnn nvlntor. waded at 1.10 this nftonoon to fol- " Chavez over tho Slmplon Pass, 't only remnlned In tho air four 'tei and came down. , nermann on his second attomnt 'M In th0 air twenty-seven minutes "t tOUld not roach ihn Biiminlt nf Eiaslon. ANOTHER FLIGHT. Hly Associated Press.) HOME. Sent. 93 a n,. trnm wbwn Italy states thnt M. Palletto, tltor, made a flight from Brleg, "'tierland, to Stressa, landing safe- IT CASE ' IS ADVANCED J.E. I IS OE G.A.R. Annual Meeting of Civil War Veterans in Session at Atlantic City. (Hy Associated Press.) ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Sept. 23. John E. Oilman of Huston was elect ed commander-in-chief of tho O. A. It. for tho coming year. John Me Elroy of Washington, I). C, was the only other camlldato, and withdrew before tho balloting bogan. With a flue tribute ty the soldiers of tlio Confederacy, Commnndor-ln-Chlef Samuel R. Vnn Cant, of Mlnne Hota, yesterday formally opened the business session of the nntlounl en campment of tho Grand Army of the Republic. Tho commander spoke earnestly as ho expressed gratification nt tho Increasing fraternization of tho "Uluo nnd tho Qray." When he said no braver troops wcro over mar shalled for conflict than Southern soldiers nnd that tho union veterans now realize that no men over mndo greater sacrifices for what they be lieved to bo right than their former foes, tho commnndcr was vorlflrously applauded. Many mattors affecting tho welfare of tho Grnnd Army voto rnns will coma bofore tho onenmp liont nnd an effort will bo mndo to mvo tho lowest pensions, Increased. Tho pension commltt of tho G. A. It. condemned ns too great a burden upon tho government tho proposition o pension tho union veterans nt $1 a day during llfo. Tho report recom mends that widows of veterans re ceive an Increased pension, nnd nlso advocates thnt tho pensions of vote- rnns nbovo seventy years of ago be Increased. Rock Island Train in Accident Near Clayton, Kas., and List of Dead May Reach Twenty Five. (Uy Associated Press.) OMAHA, Neb., Sept. 23. A special dispatch from Norcatur, Kan., says twenty-ono dead have been takon from the wreck of tho Hock Island train near Clayton. Tho dead aro the engineer, fireman, conductor nnd eighteen passengers. Norcatur Is nbout seven miles from CInyton. VOTING PU ES CHOSEN There Are Three Precincts in Marshfield For the Pri maries To-Mororw. The voting places for Murslilleld have boon decided upon for tho pri maries to-morrow. There nro thrco precincts this time Instead of two. Tho voting places selected aro as fol lows: Ninth or North Precinct. Tho old voting place, either city hall or Tower building opposite. Tenth or Central Precinct. Tojvor building corner Contrnl avenue nnd Fourth. Elovonth or South Precinct. Dulld Hnll. Other voting places nro ns follows: Hunker Hill Precinct. Hunkor Hill storo. Eastsldo. In usual plnco. North Bond, North Precinct. City hall. RELIEVES IK ROADS Be Heard in Supreme Court ' aepiemDer ana Decided. , .ea,nstH- Sengstackon and oth atlt'hM '8 th 8lllt t0 te8t tno con' onHty of the existence of tn Court i08 Ba'' haa by the SuPeme iotUt SaIera been advanced on tin l and win bo tried tr Novom- ti. B?.ed,ate,3r aftor th0 court r0' toaV tPetndtleton. The port Mva,V nea lnat th0 caBe Uc Tie , 8na tho Pla'nta c-nposed It "Qvancement of tho enso on the tfor7. that a defln,te t,mo ' It it , "8 hearing, while otherwise iotb. ,. tho "swlar place on tl" t trhi a year ,n con'ns ljltCnessCUrtl8beb,ndayea' StEnN-8tMli4XE,v8. 1 WAKE at XHLNEIVS. North nond, South Precinct. Old and Pat Flanagan. postofflco In Wlnsor building. Tho voting places aro opon from yenr's rules. NINE KNOWN DEAD. (Hy Associated PresB.) DENVER, Colo., Sept. 23. Ac cording to a dispatch from tho chief train dlsuatchcr of tho Rock Island Railroad at Goodwin, Kan., nt least five unssoncors woro killed with four trainmen when tho westbound passen ger ran Into n washout near Clayton, Kan., early to-dny. The chief dispatcher bollevos three or four moro pnssengers mny bo burled In tho wreckneo. Eluht In jured woro tnkon to Norton. Owing to Interruption In wire communica tion, no detnlls of tho wreck have been received at tho division head quarters. INDEPENDENT TEAM FOUND Another Football Organization Getting Ready For a Sea son of Games. Tho Marshflold Independent foot ball team was organized nt a mooting held last night. Tho other team formed tho night beforo will bo known us tho high school team. Tho Independents nro ready to moot any challengers nnd oxpect to piny with Myrtle- Point, Coqulllo or nny of tho other cities that may form teams for this year. Sunday aftqrnoon they will moot nt the ball park for practico and aftor Ing nt comer of South Second and working out for nwhllo will assign tho players nnd got down to business for the football season. Thoso who lmvo Joined so far aro Arthur Rluichard James Cowan, Lesllo OUn;l ivt, Carl Johnson, Harold , HrlggJ. fltnuloy nrlKK8. Max Krngor, Iris Elrod, R. C Dlllnrd, James Merchant, Rob Abbott Tho tenm will play undor last It is llkoly that II. O. noon until 7 P. M. LYON CAMPAIGN ABOUT CLOSED Gravos will bo tho coach. A. N. Gould, Primary Candidate hor surveyor, airong huvu cate of Improvement. TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF COOS COUNTY: Since I am a candidate at tho pri mary on Sept. 24th for tho offleo of County Surveyor, I think It only fair to tho voters to inako a few state ments concerning my position. I bo llevo in tho primary election always. I Relievo In the permanent improve ment of nil our county roads, for which I havo earnestly worked tho past four years. Tho county has spent moro for roads this summer than nnv nrovlous year, and while our systom Is not perfect, tho peo ples' monoy has beon wen spom, mm by another year tho work will be so systomatlzed that tho best possiuioi results will be .assured. I havo tho ofllco well equipped, .ih o fnm Miio nrlntlnc plant nnd nil nrvossorles. and In tho best possi ble shape, to give tbo people the best possiblo service, ana u oiecieu ji.-ubU nivaoif tn mm no nalns for the fur- thoring of their interests in every re spect. i wo lived in Coos county since a boy and followed surveying and en gineering for tho past seven yeuia, nm familiar with every nook and cor ner of tho county, and I honestly be lieve I am in a position to give m neonlo bettor service than a stranger could possibly give. Yours for better roaas, uim w. Improvement of conditions In the en tiro county, without favor or par tiality. Very respectfully, A. N. GOULD, Present County Surveyor. '(Paid Advertisement.) TilllllAIlY NOTES. Tho story hour Saturday morning will bo for tho older children and young people. This will be the caso urnntn Rnturdavs from now on. without further published notice. Three Days Remain of Present Campaign Sunday win Be Great Day. (By Rev. G. LoRoy Hall.) TABERNACLE PROGRAM. TO-NIGHT. 7.46, "From Bondage to Free dom." SATURDAY. 7.15, Opon Air Meeting. 7.45, Evening service. SUNDAY'. . 11 A. M., Union Morning Ser vice. 1 3P, M., Men's Meeting. 7.30 P. M., Evening Service. Tho closing servico of this campaign will be hold Monday evening. Mr. Lyon nnd Mr.- Har ris go from .here to Iowa for ttiolr noxt campaign. .. WL ADJOURN GOME BT IT OF FLORENCE Route Is Said to Be From Junction City Down the Siuslaw. SURVEY ON ROGUE RIVER C. McGovern Meets With Hill Railroad Engineers Near Grants Pass. Activities in tho railroad work lr Josophlno county nro reported by C McGovern, who hns Just rtfturned homo from thnt district. Ho was cruising tlmbor In Douglas nnd In Joscphluo counties and ran across some of tho railroad surveyors. Thnt tho Hill lutorcstB nro direct ing townrd tho mouth of tho Roguo River In Curry county sooms quite probable from tho observations mndo Mr. McGovern says that the lay or side of Grants Pniis over a wcok ago tho ongtneors who wero snld to be Hill men had their stakes set and bench marks mndo for a dlstanco of six or eight miles nnd thnt tho sur veyors apparently Intended to work down tho Roguo Rlvor to Its mouth. Mr. McGovren snys thnt tho Iny of tho country Is such that to go down tho Roguo River Is tho only way for tho railroad survoy to And nn outlot to tho const. Mr. McGovern also mot tho South ern Pnclilo survoyorB. They aro work ing In tho neighborhood of Wonder In ENGINEERS ARE NOW AT WORK. Eugene Paper States That Work Is to Start Very Soon. That tho Southern Pacific lntonds to build from Junction City by way of Florenco to Coos Bny la nnuouncod by tho Eugono Register. Tho rnllroad story Is told under n spojlal dMpatch from Flmenco which deal., with tho vtJt of C. J. Minis to that placo ns fellows: ' FLORENCE Ore, Sept. 20. Thut the Southern Pacific Company will build a lino from Junction City to Coos Bay via Florence Is now an assured fact. Conllrmntlon of tho surmises nB to tho principals behind tho crew of surveyors who hnvo been busy for tho past two weoks comes from C. J. Mlllls, mnnngor of tlio Marshflold and Myrtlo Point rnllroad nnd Marshflold agent for tho stenmor Urenkwntor, both of which concerns aro owned by tho Southern Pnclilo Compnny. Ho Btntos definitely thnt tho surveyors nro In the employ of tho Southern Pnclilo Company. Another conllrmntlon comes from Mr. Jncobson, ono of tho contractors for tho south Jotty nt tho mouth of tho Siuslaw. Ho roportB tho state ment of tho Southern Pnclflc engineer nt Portland that tho road will bo built vory soon. Mr. Mlllls wns In tho city tho first of tho week gottlng statistics of tho L TILL MONDAY To-Morrow Being a Holiday There Will Be No Business in Circuit Court. Circuit Court nt Coqulllo will ad journ .this ovenlng until Monday as to-morrow Is n holiday. This morn Inn tho caso of Dr. Burroughs against tho estate of Mrs. John NaBburg was on trial. It is a suit to recover medi cal fees claimed to bo due. Tho de fense Is thnt tho doctor attended the caso when ho did not havo a license. When this caso Is completed tho caso of Manning charged with stealing some Jewelry at Beaver Hill will bo taken up. WILL FAVOR COAST EAGOE The present campaign In Marsh- Held, which has been conducted' by Evangelist Lyon and his singer, Prof. Chester Harris, Is. drawing to a close. The meetings to-night and to-morrow evening will- be of great Importance. Sunday wjll be a great day. Mr. Lvon nulled off a new stunt last evening when he called for testi monies of people by States. A total nf Rixteen States and five foreign countries wore represented In the con gregation. The sermon was upon tho subject: "Gratitude to God." Mr. Lyon spoko nf Hip clfts of God In nature and his (gifts of environment. His strongest I plea was made when ho came to ox- plain God's gift of His son. no sum that men step over tho gifts of God every day. They nro unmindful of tho giver ns Is tho animal when U eats. Children are to-day overrun ning their parents' love. "It Is more honorable" said Mr. Lyon "to stab a parent In the back with tho dagger L BALL SCORE ; HOW THEY STAND. Won. Lost. P. C. (Continued on p .) Portland ouo Oakland 97 79 .551 San Francisco. .92 81 .532 4 Vernon 85 88 .491 Los Angeles,. ..87 89 .494 A Qnr.rn,,.ontn . ..G2 10G .369 (By Associated Press.) PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 23. Port land won a. game from Vernon anil Oakland won from San Francisco, but Portland Is still In tho lead of tho clubs with Oakland a closo second. The scores of yesterday's games fol low: AT PORTLAND R- Portland 2 Vernon r AT SAN FRANCISCO IL San Francisco 1 Oakland - AT LOS ANGELES R. Lbs Angeles , . . . . 0 Sacramento Tnnnntitnn nAtinlv nnil tw. jt I tfttt AjI i UVOVjjJlliuu v.uui4i; twiu ttj uiawtvu w- i ward Croscont City. Tho onglneors """Bo io uo t..u..m u .. .., began nt a point where n tunnel must,"0"1 Jct,on C" J0Wn L, Crk bo built and nro running their linos " Eugono via the "Wild Cat. from that place back to Grants Pass.," "as very much surprised to find, ,r. .!..,.-... that tho Siuslaw Rlvor dralnod as ing gangs seemed to mean business much as 1,080 square miles. XI. II. nnd thnt thoro woro largo engineer- "" """ "."" T 7,7. , .. tlmbor lands In tho valley, and Hurd ing pnruco. Ky. merc,mnt8j gftV(, Mr MU11, largo number of statistics and ha loft for Marshflold Boomlngly well Impressed with tho outlook for ton- uago, Mr. Mlllls wus vory roluctnnt to ulvo any Information regarding tho plans of the Southern Pnclilo Com pany. Ho did, howovpr, Intimate that there would bo no now company organized but that old survoys of tho Coos Bay Western from Gardiner to ward this place would bo utilized. Mr. Mlllls was aBkod whothor connection with tho mulu lino would bo mndo at Eugono or nt Junction City. Ho declined to answer, but It was evident from his attitmjo that hla own personal opinion was that June Hon City would bo tho ono solectod. "Would Eugono bo given an oppor tunity to make It an object for tho lino to start from that place?" Mr. Mlllls wns asked. "No, I think not," ho replied. "It would only delay the work. It Is ton nago that is wanted, and tho shortest routes. Of courso, thero Is nothing to nrevont tho trains, especially tho pas senger trains, being started from Eu gono." Mr. Mlllls also talked a bit nbouf tho drawbacks against which tno Southorn Pnclflc had had to contoud. Tightness of the monoy market hud troubled, and tho death of Harrlraan had disorganized now work to a largo oxtont, tho new heads of departments not wishing to go nhead until thoy had studied the situations over, but now they aro agreed that tho tlmo hns como for a road from tho Wlllametto Valley to Coob Bay by way of tho Siuslaw. Tho Eugene paper goes on to Bny that tho story Is corroborated by n renort thnt tho Southern Pacific and Starret & Hovey are planning to build to tho coast to got out timber. The pnpor states that It has positive In formation that tho railroad has its rights of way for the line from Junc tion City to Floronco. BIG CITIES t Gov. Stubbs of Kansas Says Railroads Adjust Against Rural Communities. (By Associated Press.) TOPEKA, Kan., Sopt. 22. Gov ernor Stubbs of Kansas at tho Inter- stato rato conforenco to-day declarod tho railroads of tho country lmvo combined to advanco tho freight rateB on a scalo novor before known. Governor Stubbs deplored tho ten dency of tho rallroadB to favor tho inrtFn .Mttp.H In tho adlustmont of rates at tho expense of tho rural communities, which ho declared Is a "crlmo against civilization." TRIED 1)ASLGE SUIT. Actinia of Joelmk Agulmt Hutching Decided For Defendant. Tho caso of E. II. Joohnk against J, N. Hutchlna was tried in tho Cir cuit Court yesterday. It was a suit for damages for 500. Tlio trouble grow out of tho efforts to colloct a bill from Hutchlns. It seems that Joohnk took stops to forco tho collec tion which angered Hutchlns and tho latter assaulted Joohnk InJils office. This happened some tlmo back an Joohnk sued Hutchlns to recover damages for tho assault. Tho Jury aftor hearing tho case returned a verdict In favor of Hutch lns, refusing to glvo Joohnk damages,. Hutchlns was formerly a collector but has been lately at tho Smith mill. NEW ASSORTMENT of ALUMl- NUM WARE nt MILKER'S. Remember masquorado ball at Sumnor Saturday ovenlng, Sopt. 24. Launch Alice II. leaves Marshflold at 7 o'clock; launch Sumner leaves nt 8 o'clock. SELIJY and PETERS' SHOTGUN SHELLS at MILNER'S DECOY "uUCKsTTmiLXEIVS. BURNED TO DEATH. , (By Associated Press.) LOS ANGELES, Sept. 23.-TJohn nnd Annlo Morgan, an elderly couple, woro burned to death In the destruc tion of their homo by tho explosion of an oil Btovo. WINniESTERREMINOTON & STEVENS' PUMP GUNS at MIL" NER'S. K w ' S'i aft" It, J l M ifcBhJi.- ..Aj- -