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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1910)
i"f Trrr&mpi i s T-' f frrr --( Wr -WT-WWft" ADS. UBtW-1" .',.! r -.... th.ya ijl P nV SUCCESSFUL HUB1- 101 tw SLOW, AW AYS IS KVI- 3 HOfSCS KVBIIVWIIKKB vEoojs imra lot. xxxiii. IMnblltdied In 1KTH an Tho Const 'Mall. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY HEADING- THE COOS 'JAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS AL.i THE TIMK TEHSELY lOLD t: :: u is it MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1910 EVENING EDITION. U - m-- A Consolidation of Times, Const Mail and Coos Buy Advertiser. No. 61. If IF SCHOOL TEACHER IS FOUND .BURIED IN ACID BUS 3URN FINE RESIDENCE ains of Eva Swan Con cealed in Cellar of San francisco House. jAMES GRANT IS ARRESTED AS SUSPECT. ... . Unrl Ctiirtnntlw fung woman pau wimuhuj i .1 rl Duninrl IBeen Muraercu aiiu dumw Under Cement. ID; AiioctatcJ Press.) IsiX FRANCISCO, Sept FASI RIDING lOLLS SIX Automobile Near New Orleans Runs Into Canal and All Are Lost. (By Assoclntcd I'resB.) N'KW OlM.t'AVS 9J A I.I.. (-.- ,, ........... ''I .. - at -- llf Inuring enr supposed to contain six IDCruonH mil Into I lie rutin I whlrli nnr. .' . ' -" '" Idproad Inc5tIuntIon was Btnrtcti nllels tho shell road this morning, 24. A ... kr tho police In nn effort to tie rcfponslblllty for tho denth or . C-.n II VOimC 1'BBO UUDIUB Throe bodies, two men nnd a womnn, were recovered. Tlio pnrty was return ing at nn enrly hour from n resort Jo , w , . ,, VIIV UOfc viiii uuiiih i- nihil BJi'uu MHehcr,whoBonciilontciibodyjnjonB tho flhcll roml w,on tho ftM(0 . . . I 1n ii I if It f Itl Milt llfIRO 1 antkt1 ri Mil Artnlt.i.1 littn Mi. ahmh! fcj RflCOTCriU luoiv mb"- "w -- ntivuvw Hint -iiioinu iinw .iiu .uiiuii I... - Mntinimi hnunn In tills i Work moil who witnessed tho nccldent I, Gallons of nitric nclcl had boon"'" n Hmnco rnn to tho spot but sartwrer the body, but so enre- .. ' ,,, . .,,.,'.,, -w. ..v rwi.,w ua tiiw tix.u BUi- f bid the burial boon senled by p0MS(, ,0 ,mvo occlip0(, tho nmchlno g t too body una ueen won im.- progressing. Irrtd Initead of dostroyed. Don Cause Loss of Fifty Thousand Dollars By Fire and Rob House of Jewels and Many Other Valuables. y Aioclnted Pre-..) CHICAGO, Sept. 24. Burglars burned tho $50,000 homo of W. E. Muse, a Hinsdale attorney, early to day after stealing thousands of dol lars worth of stlverwaie, Jewelry nnd expensive relics, according to the owner's report to tho police. The thieves loaded tho plunder Into nn ex press wagon. Muse was alone In the house, the servants having gonp with Mrs. Muse on ft summer outing. The attorney claims ho was forced to He In bed while tho burglars carried out tho property. Tho flames had such headway they could not bo extin guished when Muse finally called the department. IS U. S. FOERAL SOON TO BE INVESTIGATED -1 --'" "ti. WILL RECOVER GERMAN STRIKE FROM INJURY CONDITION BAD BREAKWATER Ait. Militant to Dr. James Qrant lulled the place to Ihc police Grant ' Itoiand It accused by Gordon of krforisilDR n operation which ro- ktt la death. Grant declines to Mkt t statement. A man nnnlcd lEUm Saachc, supposed to. bo in hnlaad, Ore., Is alleged to havo no- Ld Grant In disposing of tho body, Ilka had been burled sovornl oalhi when found. Miss Mario Mes- kie&mldt, a nurse, wns arrested Ilia Grant and admitted to-day that im Me wife. She also stated that tut vaa not tho real nnm'o of the Milan but declined to glvo his true nt lnnil thin nftnrnnnn nt 1 o'clock with Worked Mnrkiiull. th(J foowlng passengers: la a statement to tho detectives Mob to-day eatel ho hnd pursued pr Grant for sovornl months nnd wns -irlnj imall sums of money from '- In this extortion Gordon says u aiilsted by n man named raiam Saako and another known ns hKl.M When Grant finally rofusod JlT up any moro money, Gordon !1 the pollco of tho denth nnd Jflil of Eva Swan. Gordon, Sanko : 'Pike" worked In tho lumber it Of the Northwest for a whilo ' the alleged murder n,nd roturn I to California. Lnst Saturday Gor ia rttorccd alono to San Francisco M Jfain SOIldu mil Hranl tn llm !rJw of getting money. iOT KNOWN IN I'OHTLAND. IBtf Associated Press.) PORTLAN'n rim on.. oj .ri... Mn of this city know nothing of "Ulam Saacbe alleged to bo con- ' h the disposal of tho bod) "las Eva Swan, whoso murdorod as found In San Francisco lnst L Tha ln.i ....i ....... I., --v ,uvoi uniiiurmi'B nnvo no! communicated with by tho Son county "EWAllli FOK MUItDEHEH. 'Mock, Who Killed Lin at SIcd 'oril, Has Escaped. Arard of jaKfi i . . -- t-wv o UUOICU 1UI ill- 2 'atbatw lead to tho arrest lor iv A' Mock wanted Medforcr " murder of Jesse A. Smith, J. CUrred Oct. 20th. Of this -; 0 Is offered by tho U ci , ls off(?re1 by tho Bhor rl L . county- Mck'8 do- 114 r 7 '"''i wojgnt aoou- oTl ' aged about 3B year8- eo,t "J cmplexlon, black hair ani' lK1J aii- lun noso "Bht kneo flen i. . pronounced limp. , . 'ast seen wn ,i j . 'Uk mi. mceauu in now Hani.. wun De tops. Tho LEAVES TODAY Sails at One o'clock This After noon With Many Passen gers For Portland. Tho Breakwater sailed for Port- Peruvian Aviator Who Made Great Flight Yesterday Will Get Well. (By Associated Press.) DOMODOSSOLA, Italy, Sept. 24. Gcorgo Chnvcz, tho Peruvian aviator, who thrilled tho world yesterday with his flight over tho Alps at an altitude of over 7,000 feet and who then lost control of his monoplane when he hnd descended to within thirty feet of tho surfnee, passed a fairly good night. It will ho n long tlmo boforo his broken legs nnd thigh will bo suf- llclently monded to permit him to lcavo tho hospital. W. E. Bronson, W. T. Kummort, Mrs. F. W. Stevens, S. W. Wheeler, Fred Mnttlo, John Eastman, Mrs. H. Day, F. II. McCarter, Mrs. McCartor, Wlnnlo McCnrter, Frank McCarter, Mrs. O. A. Ferguson, Mrs. A. A. Smith, Mrs. F. A. Squlro, Florenco Ferguson, Mrs. J. W. Mitchell, W. G. t Mnstors, Mr. Flynn, Mrs. A. Solan- dor, Arthur Selandcr, Mnbol Ferry, Mrs. Housoworth, Mrs. Kroltzer, Mrs. Grimes, J. F. Arnold, E. Gnlenn, Mrs. C. A. Battoy, Clydo Gibson, Mrs. M. L. Gibson and child, Audroy Gibson, Anna Leo, Mrs. M. Bridlsoyolo, John Leo, Win. Grimes, Mrs. K. McKonzio, Geo. Goqdrum, Wesley Brown, u. a. Potorson. Chns. Ray, Mrs. Jas. Os- trom, Allco Cooper, Mrs. C. C. Holla- potor, Miss Hannnh Walker, M. b Mannlon, Miss M. Griffith, J. II. Bon nott Mrs. J. II. Bonnett, Alva Custor, Jess, Day, B. Bllvens, M. Hnirlo, J. Lakal. H. Mahlo. d. Hamilto, J. F. Wilson, B. Mullary, N. Jurgolar, M. Blrdlslao, M. Harlyok, John Carlson, Snrontz Combltcho, R. A. Nelson, Frank Thnnnor, Otto Vnngorow, Mar tin Carlln, James Wngnor, Thos. Symo, C. S. Stanley, N. Jarvls, Wm. Smith. PAYEES DEFENDS BILL. (By Associated Press.) LYONS. N. J...Sept. 23. Represen tative! Pavne. chairman of tho ways and means commltteo of tho House of nonrosentatlves andnuthor of the tariff bill bearing his name, made a warm defense of that measure before tho Concessional convention which renominated him hero yesterday. THE WHEAT MARKET. (Bv Associated Press.) PORTLAND, Sept. 24. Track wheat prices: Club, 84c; Bluestem, 90of?91c: Red Russian, 80c81c; Valley, 88c; Turkey Red, 82c 86c; Fortyfold, 8Co86c, lein' vmI Eoft b,nck M. Patent "w shoes With W nu "er wfl. - " I..7 . "'D "D .'tettdo, ;rTa aU over a Fortyfold 80oB.8bc. bctwecn Mme L,na CavalIerI ue !,". -'" weni to Bmitli's' CHICAUO, sept. . n w. t. nnnrn .cpr and hep lIHbnnd JMi d UJllt SmUh WnS t0'da': September, 97c December, - chaner has beei WIlag hi a """6"' oniun wns to-aay: epioniuei, v Joking Vm ue" Sm,th mad0 Bonie 99c: May' t1'05'' oj ana v tab0Mt keenlnB Mock's TACOMA, Sept. 24. 3 Milling: l tu T. '",uuo"1 keeping Mock's TACOMA, Sept. 34. aiuimBJ u Mock efnVil.n i.. .it . i ni. it..i. Hit 'Rrnort: la the d r The murder occurred Bluestem, 91c; Club, 84c; Red Rus k sr!enf 0t two other m"en. b"t slan, 82c; Tortyfold, 88c. ucceeded in making good his I " - .. TR..I I Am ". TO PLAN WORK FOB THE TEAR Chamber of Commerce Will Meet Monday Evening to Discuss Future Work. Mondny night n meotlng o.f tho contributors to tho Chamber of Com- morco will bo hold In tho headquarr- tcra of tho organization. Tho fiscal year of tho Chamber of Commerce closes Mondny and nt tho meotlng thoso who havo contributed toward tho support of tho organiza tion will bo nsked to discuss plans for the future. Miss Violet Henderson, tho secretary, is sending out personal letters to all of tho subscribers ask ing them to bo present. Some plan of work for tho noxt year will bo out lined. If Settlement Is Not Reached Thousands Will Be Out of Work. (By Associated Press.) BERLIN, Sept. 24. Gorman In dustry Is seriously disturbed by strikes and lockouts. Unless tho dis putes can bo ended within tho noxt few days soicn Mnmdrcd thousand workmen will bn idle. Negotiations nro In progress for n Bottlcmont of tho metal workers strike, which Involves 200,000 men. Shipbuilders, textile workers nnd othor trades aro Involved In tho strlko nnd they nro being as sisted by tho Socialist party. NO ESCAPE IF YOU NEGLECT Mr. Lyon Warns Tardy Ones to Get Ready Splendid Service. (By Rev. G. LoRoy Hall.) LYON'S COMPENSATION. Tho only compensation Mr. Lyon receives whilo horo will bo In the nature of a gift from tho people on Sunday. To-morrow, therotoro, n special offering will bo called for. People who aro not ablo to attend tho services nro asked to send their gift by n friend or lot tho pnstors know of tho amount. TABERNACLE PROGRAM. TO-NIGHT. 7.15. street mcctlni: at nost- WOULD PARDON JOHN B. WALSH SRVEN KILLED IN A WRECK Collision of Electric Car and Freight Train Causes Fatal Results. (By Associated Press.) SOUTH BEND, Ind., Sept. 24. A special from Peru says s,even wore killed and fourteen Injured in a wreck on tho Indiana-Peru division of the Indianapolis Union Traction Com pany to-day. The accident occurred mllo north of Tipton. The wrecv was due to a collslon between a trac tion car and a Lake Erie & Western freight train. WOULD BREAK AGREEMENT. Petition to President Is Filed With the Department of Justice. (By Assoclatixl Press.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 24. A peti tion to tho President of tho United Statos for tho pardon of John IV Walsh, former nrosldent of tho Chi cago Natlonnl Bank, from tho Fodoral prison nt Leavenworth, Kan., was filed with tho Dopartment of Justluo to-day. Accompanying tho formal application for n pardon wero thou sands of letters from Individuals In Chicago and the Middle West urging that tho President grant tho petition. offlco corner. 7.45, "Tho Great Refusal." SUNDAY. , 10 A. M., Sundny Schools In tho vnrlouB churches. 4 11 A. M., union morning ser- vlco, "Tho Will of God." 3 P. M., mon's meotlng, "Prof- It and Loss." 7.30 P. M., ovenlng sorvlce, "Over tho Border Line." Tho fnrowell sorvlco comes Monday ovonlng. ' Institutions at Atlanta, Ga., and McNeil's Island Will Be Examined. LOOKING FOR SMUGGLED COCAINE AND WHISKEY. At Leavenworth, Kas., It Was Found Such Practice Was Carried On. (By Associated PrcBS.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 24. An In vestigation of tho Fcdernl prisons nt Atlnntn, Gn., nifil McNeil's Island, Washington, wns ordorcd by tho De partment of Justice, to ascertain If cocntne and whiskey Is being smug gled by tho guards for tho uso of tho prisoners. An Investigation of tho Federal prison nt Leavenworth, Kan., rccontly disclosed such n practice. 1 Y VOTERS JUDGE J. F. HALL, who has boon qulto 111, was nblo to sit up for a short tlmo yesterday. WANT RECEIVER FOR RAILROAD Mr. Lyon spoko last ovenlng In tho Tnbernnclo on "Tho Neglect of Salva tion." Ha called tho question In tho text tho grentcst ono of nil tlmo and one which no ono could possibly an swer. "How shall wo oscnpo If wo neglect so great salvation," were tho words used by tho minister. In tho courso of his address ho snld: "Tho world Is past tho point of dlBbollcf In tho deity of Christ. Tlmo wns when InfldolB nnd agnostics wero numerous but they nro not now. iThero is a great weight of cvldonco on tho part of thinking men In favor of God's word. A dean In n law school recently gavo his students tho four gospels to study as thoy represented tho best typo of truo testimony In all history. But," said Mr. Lyon, "If nil bollovo In tho Blblo will not nil Ik saved7 No. 'Why Is this,' may bo honestly asked? It Is becauso of neglect" Suit Started Against Ches- 'peake and Ohio to Revoke Company's Charter. '(By Associated Press.) LOGANSPORT, Ind., Sept. 24. A suit was filed In the Circuit Court asking for a receiver for tho Chesa peake and Ohio Railroad and that tho charter of tho company bo revoked nnd the corporation dissolved. Fraud Is charged In filing a recent mortgage. Mr. Lyon SwIil Further: OREGON .MAN FOUND DEAD. Oregon Siuwulll Engineer Choked to Death Neur Home. fDv Associated Press.) Action Being Tnken in tho Cluuiler NEWPORT, Ore., Sept, 24. A man Man-Inge Matter. I named Monson, an engineer at a saw- (By Associated Press.) j mill at tho Slletz, was found dead NEW YORK. Sept. 22. A civil suit I near his house to-day. Ho hnd been : . ... i ..... .. . . to set asldo tho ante-nupuai agree- choked to death. A man with wnom . . . .Robert Wlnthrop Chanler has been Instituted. by Mrs. Julia C. Chanler, tho former wife of Robert Chanler. Tho papers allege, tho ante-nuptial he had frequent quarrels is missing. JAPS fl)ENY STORY. (By Associated Press.) TOKTO. Janan Sent. 24. Official agreement ' was obtained by Mme. (and positive denial is made of the Cavalicri oy Ifuuu una uuuue iuuu- receni rujiuri, ui a jnut m aoouaeiuuio ence, tne tsmperor. "If many business men put no moro tlmo or thought upon their financial than thoy do upon tholr spiritual af fairs thoy would bo bankrupt In a fortnight." "Natural tendencies aro to degen erate. Earnest effort is essential In religion as In business." "You don't need to antagonizo Christianity to be lost, merely neglect salvation and doom Is certain." "It la posslb,lo bo long to reject Christ that nt last the aoul gets pan feeling. The unpardonable sin ls tho sin that don't want to bo pardoned." "Sin Is like a cancer, It tends to get worso and worse." "The greatness of salvation leave any soul absolutely without excuse for not accoptlng It. "What man would bo excused for forgetting tho hour of bis mother's funeral?" "Our greatest sins are often not what wo havo done but what wo havo loft undone." Rnmomhor mnsqucrado ball at Sumner Saturday erenlng, Sept. 24. Launch Alice II. leaves Marshfleld nt 7 o'clock; launch Sumner leaves at 8 o'clock. Confusion of Precincts and Names Not on Books the Cause. ' ' Tho voting nt tho prlmnrJoBbegftA at noon to-day. At 3 o'clock, thb.YOt-, ers.'Woro beginning to come In more Uvcly than nt tho Btnrt and tho In dications nro that there will bo qulto n largo voto. Eight or ten found thnt they coulfl not voto without bolng Bworn In. In registering thoso who took tho regis tration in somo ensos had fnllod to got tho nnmo on tho registration book. Thoro wait also somo trouble about voters bolng roglatorod In tho wrong precinct, tho contusion bolng In tho central and south precincts. FALLING E CAUSES DEATH Collapse of Building in Sacra mento Kills One 'and In jures,, Two. (By Associated Pross.) SACRAMENTO, Cal., Sept. 24. Ono man, Poter Anderson, was killed, and two women seriously injurod in tho collapso of a three-story lodging houso early to-day. Laborora wero ox- cavatlng for u hew building adjoining nnd undermined tho sidewalk of tho lodging house. BALLINGEIl DOES NOT KNOW. ' Not Informed of Another Investiga tion of AInbku Clulirm. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 24. If there Is Imminent another investigation of tho Alaskan land cases as reported at Spokane, Secretary Balllngor anya ho has not been Informed of it. Tho Sec- rotary arrived nt Washington to-day nnd at once plunged Into a mass oT work awaiting him. RAISING A PURSE. Ten Thousand Dollars Will Bo Given Avlntor Chavez. (By Associated Press.) MILAN. Italy, Sept. 24. Tho com mittee of tho Italian Aviation Society Is raising a purso of ton thousand dol lars to bo presented to Georgo Chavez, whoso nccldent at Domodos Bola yesterday prevented him from winning tho prlzo for the flight from Brleg, Switzerland, to Milan. Phone I, S. Kaurman & Co. your "THE EGO MAKER" will mako Joal Order. ?1.80 PER TON, your 0DB jy. COOK'S GROCERY. , Iteaa tno Time worn u -. L ; MjklfMg. , ' ,;&jy jM .biAb . 4MUiv . v. M U