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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1910)
""pvi$iwir' ' " WTmj' 'jtrmqirr r ; THE COOS BAY TIMES, MABSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1910 EVENING EDITION.. COOS BAY TIMES Untored at tne postofflco at Alarati field, Oregon, (or transmission Arout'l tho malls as second class sts.ll matter. Addiocs all communications to COOS RAY DAILY TIMES, AWshfleld :: :: :: :: Oregon Jfl. O. MALONEY Editor nnd Full. 3AN li. MALONEY Nowo Editor REPUBLICAN ANTI TICKET ASSEMBLY Top Representative' In Ctmgrcss (Flrt District) D. F. MULKI3Y, of Jnokson County. For Governor ' JUDGE GRANT D. DIM1CK, of Clncknnms County. For Secretary of Slntc Q. WINOATE, of Clntsop County. For Stto Treiisiirei T. D. KAY, of Marlon County. For Stnto Printer WILLIS S. DUNIWAY, of Multnomah County. I'or Attorney-General A. M. CRAWFORD, of Douglas County. For Labor OMiuiiNsloner GEO. M. OHTON, of Multnoumh County. For Justice of Supreme Court HENRY J. BEAN, THOMAS A. McBRIDE, FRANK A. MOORE, WILL II. KINO. For Water C'omniWsloiu'r (lt DIst.) JAMES T. CHINNOCK. For Representative Coo and Curry Counties (dlli DIst.) S. P. PEIRCE, HERBERT HUME. For Judge of Circuit Court JOHN S. COKE. DENJ. r. JONES. COUNTY TICKET. For Representative ED. RACKLEFF. For County Judge II. O. HOY. For Surveyor A. N. OOULD. For County CommlftMloner E. E. OAKE3 For Coroner DR. It. E. GOLDEN. For County Central Committeemen, 'rcclnrt No. I) DUNCAN FERGUSON. For County Central Committeemen, Product No. 10 F. E. ALLEN. tho spotlight whllo ho keeps his litackmcii In the glaro to tho ond mut ho shall keep tho people thor ounly fooled ns to tholr faith nuu virtue while tho public eyo Is blinded to tho finesse and trickery ho and thoy are. dealing. Mr. r.ousevolt recently described the dlfferonce betwoou n leader and a boss by saying, "the former loads and guides the people, whllo tho boss drives thorn'.' This Is clear nnd ra tlonnl nnd acceptable. That's whr tho Portland bossos aro trying to d with Oregon Republicans. Driving them to support a ticket that t.i have soleetcd. Thoro nro conditions and Him." whon tho people need a leador to help them out of untoward situations an to solve grnvo problems, both of which are oftonor than not oroatlons of tho bossos, nnd thoy wolconio the ninii nnd sorvlco nnd follow him l'und lly, but never blindly. Tho Portlnn: bosses who are back of and boosting tho Assombly nro notoriously knov They wrote even tho local call for the Coos county Assombly. Tio Time has fnlth thnt tho Republicans of Coos county nnd C003 Day will ro buko nnd repudlnto theso bosses at the polls to-morrow by voting ngalnBt tho Assembly cnndldntos. Tho boss Is on his way to oblivion In Coos county and Oregon and other sections of tho nntlon, and the pooplo aro authority for his cxtlnc Hon. Card Parties A book Is 1111 Ideal prize for curd parties. We entry a ionipleto line of novelty bookH, Just the thins for your next party. We would be pleaded to Imve you inspect our line. Crosby & Homer, AFTER TO-MORROW, After to-morrow tho fnco of tho political pool will bo wrought to florco agitation nnd will bo kept In an uproar until tho closo of tho polls on that fateful Tuesday In Novombor; and Incidentally thoro will bo a group of soro bonds bitterly nctlvo getting oven. CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself us a can didate for the office of County Com mlsslonor, Btibjcct to the will of the Ropubllcan voters of Coos county nt tho primary olcctlon on Sept. 24th, 1910, I liave been n resident of Coos county slnco 1S93, nnd am willing to bo Judged by my past record ns n citizen. .Yours for tho Improvement of Coos county. E. E. OAKES. Bandon, Ore., Sept. 12th, 1910. fPald Advertisement.) NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Tho second Installment of taxes for tl'o yenr of 1900 Is duo nnd poynblo on or boforo Octobor 3d, 1910, nnd If such Installment Is not paid by that time, penalty nnd lntorest will be nddod from April 4th, 1910. W. W. GAGE, Sheriff nnd Tax Collector. A FINAL WORD. TO-MORROW tho Republicans of Coos county will Indicate by tholr votes tho principles for which thoy stand. The issuo Is clear and clean cut. Tho only question Is whether tho Republicans are ready tc repudlnto tho direct primary nnd rt turn to tho old convention system with Portland bosses running and ruling the State or whether they shall assort their Independence of the bosses and choosG their own candi dates In their own way. From nil over tho country come tho nows of tho success of tho pro gressive Idea In tho Republican ranks. the reactionaries nro be ing repudiated. From all parts 01 Oregon comes tho same story of pop ular uprising ngntnst tho Assembly. Coos county should and Tho Times bolloves will Join this profession 0 progress nnd lino up with tho New nationalism tnnt Jtopuullcnns ovory- whoro nro espousing. One of tho clearly significant things Inhorout In the present politi cal rebellion Is tho doom of tho bos' big and little. As ho has always boon tho logical ftsuro of tho old system nnd Its most Intolernblo ns woll. he Is, naturally, the special object of attacl by tho now movement, and his doom is as cortnln ns tho (light of tlmo and not fnr dlstnut on tho courso of thr flight. Thoro was never a rotlenor hum bug than this political boss; ho ha novor had n scintilla of right to ex istence; ho has never beon anything but n low grnftor whoso stealings were wrought under tho cover dubious rotation to tho people and tho hidden chain of pickers and pickings that formod his bulwark between th tronsures of tho people nnd his prl vato lair. Men hnvo tried to Invent htm with n romantic and soiitl-allur-Ing gulso; but thoy fnlled became Biich garniture will not stick to the thief nnd his thievery. Ho Is, accord ing to his hlstoryaf lowjirlgln, slnco It tnkos a.manVof sjfdi to rec oncile himself to tho dirty program Indlsponsnblo to the post and busi ness of boss. Tho rule Is tho same pverywhoro from Portland, Oregon, to Portland, Mnlno. Ho Is gonorally In tho gum-shoe brigade, ho tnkes caro to hldo from II. (I. HOY'S .STATEMENT TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS. I nm a Ropubllcan. , I nm n candidate for nomination as County Judge. I nm an ntturnoy nnd nm compe tent nnd qualified (0 perform tho dut ies of the olllco I seek. If elected I will mnlutnln nn office or weekly ofllce days at tho county seal t; will insist on a fair and oqunl assessment of taxes upon all property within tho county, Including standing timber, wheroby tho gcnoral rnto of taxation will bo reduced whllo tho revenue will bo incroasod; will glvo the county good roads; and will glvo you a careful, honest business admin istration. Look for my namo on your Repub lican bnllnt: H. G. HOY: "GOOD ROADS; COUNTY SEAT OFFICEl NO - PARTNER; NO FAVORITES; THE SQUARE DEAL." (Advertisement paid for by II. G. Hoy.) Mm rfc Is the thought uppermost with every shopkeeper. One of the iiiost econom ica! and simple ways of doing this is by lighting your store with LA TUNGSTEN MPS Your Store wsl! then Attract tht New Trade You Are After. The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co. EOR CONGRESSMAN Hawley or Mulkey, Which? W. C. Hau ley Is tho assembly can dlduto. , t m Jl. F. Mulkey submits his cnndldncjv 10 ine pcopio. 1 TELEPHONE 178 STATEMENT OF CON DITION OF THE First Trust and Savings Bank OF COOS BAY, MARSHFELD, ORE., SEPT. 1, 1010. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in. . .$100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 3,995. CI Deposit! . . ..'. 1SP.6C5.40 Loans nnd discounts .... J12C.516.9S Overdrafts 254. SG Bonds and securities .... 20.990.16 Unnklng house, furalturo nnd fixtures 5C,Si0.50 rash on hand and duo from banks S2,0GS.31 '3" For Canning Aid- ITALIAN PRUNF.S, CUAn APPLES, PEACHES AND TOMATOES. 1 Wo also carry n nlco of fresh fruit and vegetables, Including green corn, cauliflower, peas, beans, celery, cab bage, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, ruta bagas, turnips, beets, carrots, squash, lettuce, green onions and cucumbers. Coos Bay strawborrios, pears, peaches, pineapples, prunes, Gravor. stoln apples, blnck, muscat and tokay grapes, cantaloupes, oranges, lomons, bananas nnd cocoanuts. Phono us your ordor. Hawley opposes Statoment Ono, fil rect legislation nnd popular election ot Sonatoru. Mulkey stands for Statement One, tho direct primary and .popular elec tion of Sonntors. V Haw ley stands for CaiinonlBin, rlchlsm nnd stnudpatlsiu. Ho voted for u revision pf tho'tariff toenrlcW special intorests. Mulkey stands for n revslon of thqffi tariff downward to benefit tho con-r bumor, Htands with the lilsurgonts nnd Roosovolt to mnko this a "govern ment of tho people, by tho people, for tho people," instead ot for tho trusts and special Intorests, ' Hnwley Is reactionary. Mulkey Is progressive. Mulkey has challenged Hnwley to debnto tho forogolng Issues. Hawley hns repeatedly declined. ' Why? ' Which do you prefer? If you aro u stand-patter, voto for Hawley. If you aro a progressive, vote for Mulkey, No, j:l on Ballot. (Paid Advertisement.) Total $263,651. CI Total $293,551.01 W lr.7l!a ysrr tttontlon to tie Btrong condition ot this biruk at ? zy :rr .- atntomrnt to :t: Cash reserve i3 par cent of dopailts. Roservo retjulred by law 15 k cect ot deposits. Reservo In excess of legal requirements... .2S per ccut a: dep:lt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JOHN 8. COKE, ProBldont. JOHN F. HALL, HENRY SENGSTACKEN, STEPHEN C. ROGERS, DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. W, S. CHANDLER, . WILLIAM GRIMES. DR. C. W. TOWER, M. C. HORTON. Vice President nnd Manager, DOES A GENERAL HANKING AN D TRF8T BUSINESS YOt'lt BUSINESS SOLICITED. , If'youywere A Millionaire w T K i a VA THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL BANK Wells Furgo Nevada NatJouAl Bank, 8an Francisco, CL Tho United SUtea Natlotml Bank, Portland, Or. Tho National Park Bank, New York, N. Y. Tlio Corn Exchange National Bank, Chicago, HI. The Bank of Scotland, London, England. The Credit Lyoiuials, Paris, France. In addition wo draw drafts on all principal banking eenUrs in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, China, Japan, North. Central and Couth America. Personal and commercial accounts kept subject to chock. Certificates of DapoBlt Ur iad. Safe Doooalt Boxes for rent. , Mj PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J"R. J. W. INGRAM, - Pliyslclnii nnd Sargeon. Onico SOH-SOU Vwn IluUdhj. Phones Offlco 1C21; Itcttdence lttl J- W. BENNETT, Lawyer. OfTlco over Flanagan & Dennett But Mnrsliflcld, 0;t(OL TVT.M. S. TURPEN, W Architect. Ovor ChnM''cr of Commerce. NOTICE TO THE i'L'HUC. Draws Drafts on FLANAGAN &. BENNETT BANK MAR3HFIELD, OREGON. Oldest Bank In Coo County, Established In 1880. Paid up Capital nnd Surplus, $80,000.00. Assets Over Half Million Dollars. ' Does a genoral banking business and draws drafts on tho Bank of California, San Francisco, Cal.j Hanover National Dank N Y First National Bank. Porthnd. Ore.: First National Bank. Rosel burg, Ore.: Tho London Joint Stock Bank. Ltd., London. England. Also sella exchange on all of the principal cities of Europe Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to cheek atm deposit lock boxes for rent. v J " cnecK: 8aW , OFFICER8: v w,"rK.N7:Tr' knt. 1'. WILLIAMS, Cashier. J. II. I'LANAGAN, V.-Prea. GEO. E. WlVfMlFQTWu x.. f . INTEREST PAID ON TIME DRPnS"""' AMt Cft8b Coos Bay.-RosebrgStaga Line IWly stago between Iloseburs nd MaiSltleld. sgo lcvM in, I havo pli:.J la public jmlwi bus to nieet ,s!l trains nnd Trill Dili calls on pho'no orders f hone sasbt; 13S-J: livery trntulent fcoi tire, 120-J; residence, 49-L; la cli'f. 13S-J. I do nil kinds ot drarbjr.l hauling haul anything thitUlXH at both ends. I also handle a good grade of coiL Why pay $5.00 or C00 per toa for coal when I will bring It to yourpci most nnywhero for 11.50. per toif Look nt theso figures and see ilrt looks the best in hard tlmei Lmj. J4.50; nut, ?2.C0: screening, JW. L. II. HEISNER, Livery wid Sale StablM. HOME LAND Co See us for Investments oa Cot Boy.. Vp gunrinteo owner's prif M be our price. Phone 741. JO Freot St Sunday at 0 A. M. Farf $0.00. OTTO SCHKTTER, Ageat, 120 MARKET AV., Marshfleld. PHONB 11 Stugo leaves) dully nnd O. P. BARNARD, Agent, ROSEIUIRG, ORJC.' 0LUVANT& WEAVER The Pure Food Grocers, Corner !Id nnd Ctmtrnl Phone ,73. Ae. REAL ESTATE. I hnvo somo ot tho best buys on tho Bay. Can arrange easy terms, Houses and buildings for ront. AUGUST FR1ZEEN, GS Central Ave. Marshfleld, Ore ""Read the Times Want Ads. YOU COULDN'T BUY ANY BETTER COFFEE THAN WE SELL AT FROM 25 TO 45 CENTS A, POUND. THESE COFFEES POSSESS A FLAVOR SU PERIOR TO ANY OTHER WE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT. 23 TP 45 CENTS A Ppi'ND AND WORTH EVERY CENT OF IT. USE LESS OF IT THAN OF OTHER COFFEES. COOK'S CR0CERY 4T1I AND CENTRAL. PHONE 1S9. -TOasiHsas ainAMHK M. F. PLANT 8 Sails for San Francisco every eight days. I HREAKWATER HOTEL Front St., Mnrsliflcld, Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Has been thoroughly reaoriW nnd newly furnished. Room rent able, by day, week or montb. Mrs. J. H. O'DONNELL, Pro?. G. W.Dungan Undertaker Miindifleld, Oregon, Parlors, 181) South d St. Telephone, Day or Night, 10.W. TIOICETS npsuniT-n im w ,. -- . ( iiii ajB- 'iiih .limiiriT j-k- RltSERVATIONS WILL HE nAVT." "!'. S r.PRa Tin., , .V ""'" rti XUAT TISIE LESS TICKET IS BOUGHT. F. S. Dow, Agent. UN- IWarshf ield Ore Kaini5i'52SHSKKK?Wirpir3ir3ir3ra,TT-, uc acacsdSeSHSMa'irscJcarncnr-.r T 93 V V 1 1 , - f oeaver Mi t i NEW TRANSFER UX& M. E. Mnguiro has started transfer line In Marshfleld anJ ranged for prompt service Ulnds ot hauling. He wW "" stand nt "The Busy i;m -- storo or nnrtles can reach il tylphonlpg orders to 29S. tt---------,,i,,J'r i i For Strictly SfOCNT DIATITXI am . -Uo best Domestle and Imported brands. ""' "" n " kinds ot builder. ---- t HUGH McLAlN - " 'fflK'Efl material. 201 Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice ST Cold Storage FREE DELIVERIES 8 A. M. nnd 2 V. f ' rsMnrfrfiVii sAi jH,