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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1910)
"""W' l" ,,rUiipipP!p!P' "'"kifWV "JUMlpur" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 19Y0- EVENING EDITION. mmiim:mjmmmmttmtmmimtt5: mjmmmmmmmmjmmtwmmtmimmm . w Tr -n "MP W TTBT TT- y -Wl v - . II ALE at the GOLDEN KILE M BIG REMNANT S :: tt tt :: tt i: tt h tt t 5000 yards of Remnants and MillEnds, Consisting of Outing: Flannel, Fleeced Goods, Ginghams, Madras, Chambreys and Muslins. THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO SAVE ON THESE NECESSARY STAPLES. YOU CAN BUY THEM FOR ONE-THIRD LESS THAN THE REGULAR PRICE. REGULAR 12i2c. TO 15c. FLEECED GOODS, DARK COLORS, ESPECIALLY GOOD FOR CHILDREN'S DRESSES :. 8c REGULAR 10c AND 12V2c MUSLIN, 36 Inches wide 8c REGULAR 18c. TO 25c. CORDED MADRAS, per yard 12c (Fine for Men's Shirts, Boys' Waists, etc.) WHILE YOU REGULAR 15c. WHITE OUTING OR DAISY CLOTH, EXTRA HEAVY, 9c. TO 10c. PER YARD. YOU CAN HAVE ALL YOU WISH. THIS IS AN ESPECIALLY GOOD THING. 1 REGULAR 8 1-3c. AND 10c. AMOSKEAG APRON GINGHAMS 6cT0 7r 8 REGULAR 121zC FANCY OUTING, LIGHT OR DARK COLORS, 8c TO 10c PER 1 YARD. YOU WILL NEED MUCH OF THIS BEFORE SPRING.. WHY NOT BUY if NUW A LIMITED AMOUNT OF 12i2cCHAMBREY 9o ARE IN LOOKING AT THESE REMNANTS, REMEMBER THE STORE IS PACKED FULL 0 F NEW FALL GOODS BOUGH T IN THE EAST AT THE LOW- ES! MKIUtS. wt CAW SAVE YOU LOTS OF MONEY ON YOUR UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY. THE GOLDEN RULE MARSHFIELD R. A. COPPLE, Proprietor BAND0N 8:tm:mtmmmtmmttmttttmmromfflmmtm L CAM (Continued (rote pano 1.) thnn to kill by Inches with a vicious Wo." L)cm XtlKROlH. "Whenever you Interfere with n man's schctncis (or flnnnclal gnln, look out (or his opposition." "All tlio great ovlls and vices o( tho day havo somewhere n ifionoy root." "Tho brutal Iloman guards sitting by tho cross of Christ gambling (or 7iIb garmonts aro typical of that largo class to-day Indlffcront to Balvatlon." "To frlvoloiiH, superficial society pooplo of Jerusalem Christ's crucifix ion was a mcro entertainment. Tho 8amo class to-day hnvo similar opin ions of theso meetings." "Tho modorn Phnrlseo Is tho man who boasts of his own goodnoss. Jesus eald thoy wero whitened sopulchrcs, without respoctablo, but within rot ton." "To bo thnnkdil you must bo thoughtful. If you got tho pooplo of this city to consider honcHtly for n elnglo day tho grcnt Issues of tht judgment hundreds would bo seeking salvation." "You say you nro not nfrnld to die? Neither aro tho cattle." "Clod never accepts drafted ppldlers In IiIh service, only volunteers''1 "If tho lovo of God does not awnken your gratitude and draw you to re pentance, nothing will. If It Is n sad thing to sin against light, it Is Infi nitely sadder to uln ngaliiBt lave." "Ood will never ask you to do any thing Impossible Kvory gift h,0 of fors Is for your good." "Somo of you promised your loved ones when dying you would turn to Christ and accept lllm. Pay your vows. Havo you dono It?" 4 mils, fahhinoer, 4 Teacher of Plmio. Homo Studio, South Broadway. Phono 270-J. FLASHES FROM THE WIREl A book o( SormouB by DA.V SHANNON'. Price, Fifty Cents. Address Vlsnlln, Calif. Better Clothes at less money That Is whnt wo are able to glvo you. Clothes that aro up-to-date, look well, (eel good and aro satis factory nnd you will bo surprised to sco our prices. Drop around and lot us fit you out. OLUETT SHIRTS. MOXAUCH HHIHTS. COTTON UNDERWEAR. WOOL UNDERWEAR. HOYS' I.ONG SWEATERS. MEN'S IONO SWEATERS. NIFTY NECICWEA1L STYLISH HATS. old srrrs .maim: new." Savo tho price of the new ono by letting us do your cleaning and press ing. Phono 1S1-L nnd wo will cnl for tho suit nnd deliver It. COOS HAY TAILORING CO., J. V. Josephson, SIgr. 18 South Broadway, MnrMiflelil. NOTICE To The Public H i-1 THE BAZAR House of Quality Phone 32 Tho HfiANCO DINING ROOM nnd grill was ro-opened under now man ngotnent September 21st . First-class meals at all hours from 25 CENTS UP Free Cooking Lessons HOY HUNS AWAY. Hoy Hunch of Loon Lake Disappears From Ills Homo. Mr. nnd .Mrs. Wnlter Hunch of Loon Lake nro anxious about their son, Hoy Hunch, ngotl alxteon years, who ran nwoy from home. Tho young mnn It has boon learned went to Elk ton nnd thoro taken an nutomobllo, so It Is thought that ho probably reached tho railroad and went to Portland or some other city. Tho par ents not having heard from him nro anxious nbout him. LADIES Lot us clean, dyo or press that dress or garment and make It as good as now. Experienced men do tho work (or us. Wo gunrantco our work to bo satisfactory. Consult uh nnd wo will gladly tell you what can be done nnd tho cost of it. Oho us a trial order. Phono us nnd wo will send for nnd deliver your suit promptly. Men's suits also cleaned, pressed nnd repaired. Hates reasonable. Murhlillolil Cleaning ami Dyo Works, Phono 270X. ISA So. llrondwny. "Wo nro cntorors to tho trado and only employ White Help Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 2 14 J ' Mrs, D. E, Kennedy in charge . . Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons bept 27th and 28th, in Marshfield. U Phono I. S. Knufmnn & Co. your -onl Order. 51.H0 PER TON. FOH TIIH QUEEN OF Tim HAY, BEE KASTSIDE. NEW LIVERY Fancy now rigs, good horBcs nnd caroful drivers nro now at tho dis posal of tho Coos nay public at HEASOXAHLE It AT MS. Hlgs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip anywhere any time. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. New hoarse and special accommo dations provided (or funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S Livery & Feed Stables South Broadway, Mnrahtlcltl. Steamer Newport will Mill September 221 from Port land for Coos Hay. Order your freight hliippeil on her. C. P. McGEOHGE, Agent. Have that Roof Fixed Now See CORTHELL PHONE 100-L. Dear Madam: We cordially invite you to call at our Wholesale Store and witness a demonstration of economical and fancy cookery, A booklet! ot receipts will be given FREE to lady visitors THE MODERN COMPANY WILLIAMS BUILDING Sole distributors of K A O L A PURE COCOANUT BUTTER THESE FHEE COOKING LESSONS WILL HE GIVEN IN NORTH 1IKX11 OX THURSDAY AND FH.DAY, SKIT, so AND o, AT OFFICE OF i;" KU-CT", CO- ALL LADIES OF NORTH HEX., AHE COHDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND. Our Work is Our advertisement OUlt GUARANTEE IS YOUIt SAT. ISFACTION. MARSHFIELD HANI) AXD STEAM LAUXDHY. Wuuey linn., Prop. Phono 220-J, B I I. ik HOTEL OAHDIXEH. at Gardiner, Oregon, has uoen ro modelled and Improved nnd Is under now management. Special accommo- datlons for stngo passengers nnd (or people desiring a rest at tho seashore. "lou'll Llko tho Place." J. E. SCHILLING, Proprietor. H-H-tt-a-a-H--a-tt-n-B-a-M a-a-a-a-xt-a-aa-a-a-a-a-a- BEST MENS' SUITS ON EARTH at $8.50 FIXUP .'it i l ! lit rt i :f r Home Addition To Eastside NOW ON THE MARKET This addition Is sltunted Immediately East o( now Eastside Mill. The lots aro 100x211 and larger, nbout eight ordinary lots; and prices are $150.00 up (or those largo tracts. This plat was filed Weduosdny last, and wo havo only fifteen lots romnlnlng unsold. This Indicates that tho property Is Interest ing to purchasers, and anyouo wishing to secure a lot should act promptly. Terms one-half cash, balance equal paymouts, 3, C, J) nnd 12 months. For particulars, seo Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. K General Agents EASTSIDE . I - ! " .. .,, Henry Sengstacken, Manager. Electrical Fixtures at Less than the Manufacturer's Prices. THINK OF A $55.00 FIXTPRR &KI.LI.NU FOR $27.30, AND CHEAP ER ONES IN PROPORTION, THIS IS A RARE BARGAIN IN THE ELECTRIC LINE NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN MARSHFIELD. COME IN AND LOOK OUR LOT OVER XD UK CONVINCED. i 'THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Wiit ,i,-,!1;:9Ull,1'l:,) W,T" WIRELESS) M '. V, im-0ULAU T,"1s OAHHYING PASSEXGKH9 AND ItKIGHT HETVEi:N COOS HAY AND SAN FRANCIS- ViTiiinn iEIlVATI0-VS KOU 1'ASSENOERS .MADE AT ritvn J "CK' MASFIELD AND INTEH-OCEAX M VTml!rE 11L,)G- SAX MAXCISCO. FOR IXFOR MATIO.N PHONE -11.J 0 285 SAII FROM SAN FRANCISCO, SEPT. ai, FOR COOS HAY. j.u6k.ui,tos TRANSPORTATION CO. fHSH5H5aSH STEAMER BREAKWATER Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage rnoNE 237-j. a 8 jfl SnlU from Aliwworth iwir w , .-..i.r. --- ..UX.M. l uriiiiiiii ii i Arkt 'riiraui SalU Jrom Coos Hay every Satuwtay at service ot time. Heserratlons & will not be held later than Friday noon, unless tickets nro purchased. K W. F. Miller, Agt,. Phone Main 35-L ,