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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1902)
-The Tivice-a-Vcek- Rbscburg Plaindealer I'r.t'.islieit Mou.lnys iuu1 Thursdays. PLAlNDIiALER PCBLISHlVi CO. W. C. Cos, Fdilriid ruhlis'ncr Fiii:b Wkioiit, City LMilor, Solicit.'!. T. ( : . lit i n. Foreman S.C i'. mi i:r it, i'r:uoiiii ": it" . Tic-a-Vck Plaindc.-.k-r, p.r year, SLiO Filtered at nhe IV-t OiH. e in Hi -t'i n iv:. IVe.. j. second !.!! n.a :! i!i:itt-r. . Advert isius; hate, on Appitcnt.oii. .KM: Hi. h LEUI5LA10RS EUICr TO PRELUM." III the tvcut of thci (loveiatir foil Ttaio the- legislature in speeial sos sion ou or nfttT July 1. I'.'.1-, tin' Dewiy olfcte1. ieprestut stives ;-ii i senators au.l n -; the oKl as vt:i fot tuerly ann on ::(' J woul.l pm lii ipa'.o i in its ptoepe .lilies. It is sui.l ti- j tions n; o to be eiren'atoJ ;u.l pro-; seated to thi frovcraor astit hint t- convene the legislature in eti.i ej- siou. The proposal loe5 not fceein to meet with any gtvat ataonat of favor by the tji-ess cf th. state or by tLe members elet of tin legtslit! u ro. Both parlies in Hie reeeut t'aiup-t;t;:i Ipciare.I in f:tv.-r of llie passing of u rlat saJnty ia.v I the next':i .(" of the legislature antl lite nietul.-. i- iif tUe Wislaltite mid slate otlte.-is eJeoteJ are pratt!e.i!ly plej!;e.l 'o tnch.a law. All the passage f r.neh a l.iw at the reg. o.r in session of the !eiri!stnr'. a d I hi lh;enees at wctk for a special are not clearly .Mined. If session is calie.l thos-o i.u iitila si eeiai ; .1 ,Mlii the movement e-aiitea.l that ii nt ces . sari.y -will have to (e c.i-iYud ron.e ; few .weeks prior to t tie tjiur of thej regular sessicn. that ample time la-y ! be given for the cinsiJeiatJOuv-f :he , important aiHtteis of legislation to: be proposea. It ill t (npiire sov.ial .1 ir I.-, ii.i rt.o tr-.-;.,t IcSriV H'l.t- : vitlJ ' .-v.. .l. n. ing laws that operate in cor;cectiotj j with the present fee system. It -is estimated there are nioie than a sc-o:e : of Etatn'.ef regulating the fees t f !he( Secretarv of State's Jepsi tment I alone. "It is thought the work pro posed to be undertaken will c-us-sidp he laajor pari of "Jd days, the inaxi- mam terui Hlio.ved for special leisla-j ir tiye sessioa-. Spe-ial setsior.s ate nsaally very espeasire f;.r the tiix-i '' payers and when oa-5 js pr. pore.l tij !' be caliel so near to the date of the!'U1' tegalar session only au extiauidin-.ry orcasion ehouid deaiaud it. ."o stub reason is known or t.t.uor.r:-e:l ai.d the people will scarcely favor a sj e cial session. BY UETHKONED BOSi-ES. Geer writes v. Cb;.uibi-tldiu: I r gret very luuc'u tht circn-.n-tHLiee-i made the electioa of a demt-crutic i goverhor possii,.?.. bnt since jt xvas fo.'" etc- If i ti'-t ptobiihi buw ?ver. tha' Mr. (ieer very tu'i'-ii "j -greds'' liieeir- utiitaiices, and reu't- lhat be Lh,1 a I-irsje parti'! iiiuo-.j iin? ah.Kit. We arc- to Lave h .ie,::t jratie -rovertjoi- bec.t i- ! ti n iLia!!,' nitv and niauti"s-. of d.-tbru:i-"l ...'.i tical lK.--es--viia).:i. tii. Loweil ar.d local xvLipper-pnappfis thro-.h-oiit the state, wiiu conlilti't hive thiols all their own way this year, and worked in coDcert for roveno. It will not be forotlen iua.lay. OWOSES EXTRA SESSION. The 'Je-aioerat.bbn always been op pooed to extra s-esi-ioris of the Mate legislature -ad will cou:ntt j be at the present tiaie. hr runc-b as it Le lieves in tLe flat salary system. The "next Iegi?lat tire hhould do justice to .tl.e occasion at the regular sniioa. AlbaDy Dt?niorrat. EASTERN OREGON S SL1CIDE Ihis part of the f-tate cannot tveil coruplaitt of "iVesIerti Orfori's yre" 1 iness wbea it refa-.-3 to t-ikn a lvan 'tareofifs own opportunities-. The blow lhat Kas'eru (Jieon received was dealt bv its nwii hind. CLT5 NO ICE. ietr for T. S Senator 1-a-i a ma jority over Wool, but that fact will not have au iota of weight xv:ib the lesinlatare. lefiVroD Itvie-.v. .' ()revu elected two congressmen, and both are lip'jbl:cin, one by T0')0 plurality, anil the other by pinraiity, & jare.'.nn over xvo y-:irHi apro. Th" leyi-l;:titt(. -.xbiiii xx;il elect a Utiite.l States sena'or. if, in pi.biican bv 7 tol. Th scuttle pia! foriu ndopted liy 'lie O.-fon Demo cidts made the Mate hhno-t unani-Diotf-ly lieiiiiblir-au u nation.ii in Files. All the Itepiiblicaii cnt.diilates in Oretfon were eiecled by big major ities except the man named for ov ernor. Oregon miibt l.e a lively place for a H-iatcb-fenst. 'Jlobe wDemocral, St. Ijoui-i. jitn.iic.ti ia toad and expresses ilM-lf thus vij orotisly: "lli' ieis al lea-t this s.-it-ififaction: (--r xx ii! tsot b" 'overtioi bfter ueit Jautia.y I ret.-tinx bi be been if lie can niece d Sin, on as (.'. ,S. Senator. 11- ma h) victory posi Lie for the ihuijocrats in Ore. n. He assist ml Oregon democracy in ad ministering a repriujand to I'resitieiit lioosevelt, and will a republican leg islature reward bini f. :r thin Ireach ery? Will toy iep ublican Kenator or rept'-sentative endorse bis (iishonoi- able metods by voting for him for V. ! 1 S. fctuatorT Wethinkiiot. I'ukiii Li, own euo as an example ij;;:;; J;: V.ditor Itobort of the Myrtle Point " The revision of tli IVes! vi. nan creed seems to be . ! I'. I 1 . ' . I i I'll I' n i-liuu li since their mother took 1 1 ; o : 1 1 there." -" " Sn'i'i hi; ict. f'. I' til. '.,.,, , iVkik.I a ie-.ii- in the I'tit!''- 1 S'ides Somite aniioxiiii.m of Cuba ( i ovt'i n lib-1 p:-..,- l'l'liUOU-Vo CiK Ct- llHS COlnlllt'I Ceil I'-nniht the San ('til!. 'I lie Productive l:ntpiiii3 Valley. 'l'!i.- !. 1': 1 I'I l I'll. a. -y . .l.n-Li-oii, nit i.iun: to 1 1 n i.'i'iiooi. atthi-ti. : .ti u t li e V-.-. . I '- :'. i :i t tte-t Ml' 1 Mr. K !. i' V. ri t-r i , i :i e. ! V. 1. .-re P.. :!.:,, a pomt :l h. ii. "I'I" ill v..-.. I the !.-.! 1 In- iine I l.! rllliot t . n'.y of Mr. . h.i- 1m.ii ,- tl..- line vera', lav the i'i'. '. ", i-.l-i X.l M XI- Mr. ,. f.ii: "i, . A: 1 .! u i j.' ,.(.'..,:,' x -. , ,r. j (. ( ; t ( ,( p,.,..:;..,.; ,., r, -,;-,,?, . u.-ade by ma:iy f-.t ' p-:'--u v-''' -' 1 - ' ' : ' ''- ;' ' ' v ' '"-s , , ( ; t j. ... ; ,K. I I- 1 II . iia-d ...t'iiu ttie i.-.'.tl hate '..en very . 1 w .. i1.. i.a e i .e.'ll ilies in the various ty I---M- thi- s " 1 1 : oe.i U p. haiu II. in ; -j, ! i.i ,e ru.p,!!.! i'l-,-. -o-ell '.a ,:.d p:tl'ire, i- ai.l i.eavv 1!- the 1 -' ii..-: 1 :- a ri ih- It-.,, ' 1 1 ! " I '' a; ii .;i .1 !. ..'-t .0 w a x hapi- : t Vv .'- Ml.' 1 : i.- a . - w . Tiie l"n: r. !l I..O 1:1 e :- tt erv a.n-i t in IT turr "t o-el.:il x i.- c.-i 1 h-rto .-! pi V..I-) 11 I To th.- jvismorv of J lm Bovd nr.. i a p h.-t ( fii. r. hi :tlll. lh i,.p;iie !,1 h.l-k ;,, I I I ti.isi :;..t ore u- 111 - '.I-'- -1 ! o-:r u Y.-.. -i i t ,r i .1 ri' f a c'..'r.i v r !'!.- in .J. el tho'l-ll . liner ' 1 itiou. ! 1 ; 1. .1:1 ; ;. II- - a Atie-ri.-a i' t-i - of ti.' ".1!-. Xt 1 I !1 t '!- til. k ! ii-;-.i' : What P.vd. r c.- i-!-' l'-.;, 1 tint brio 1 i:. a i..-tter v. lioi.ii- -...ui A -. t h it tie niV a'j-l -linn v :. i-j'.li le I John N 1: u: I ::;i.i. (irand A. O. V. Y. Parade P I. X xt. Jniie I'i. Me- -!;;;! A. ". I. 'A . , pat.-d ii e t tiir .i ' i e t CVe .- s 1 1 'l!l:.'. a a- parti.-i-t ii.. marcl y .11 II. ;.!. !j.:il -'.i.-ei- of Poll all i- ol citizens rroud- iaiid l-l t! I! Il'- iii'e ii -1 iel-...i i 1'C o h. t !; i :- !.-i;-t h of I he ii.- parade was review-; til- IV.iiiu:.! I -: Workman A. t sei.t.-.tiv.- to li ita- lh-- .-:i. ma.!.' in iioii-.i-N" an ai d of 1. -iipivme Ma-r.-Lf. Tii- .-r hoi- Im-sI-Ai t! lion Lode Harxt ick and t l.e 1 Supreme I.ij.a,.. j I .i-Hion-tratioi, , "! tie- Mllel .tell. ill Ins for th. ha be.-n made. -1 ii L I he Kxposi- 'ppoaiinjr eL'e drill Irani roti'.r liiiiidiu,' la.-t evrliitii;. Protectivi - , .... I , 01 -aiein. ts. lir-t pri.e, and i I Portland l...i.j- -. ojal i ie. 1 I Probate Orders. Ja.-. II. Ieilin-. adnn ol thr al. l Alt'. .11 I.a ;. d.-.-.-.i-e d. pr.-. nt- 1 his final j iieeoiii.i for -.-Mrln-iit. Ti.e d.-.v -. t ..r I Ihi- ttlon 1. , .le!.- 1;- 11. Im: . of i i I -late "I A.11. 'II I K..-1-, .;. . ea-.-d. !j-d ;i al t !." en. I ol .I in:. Ufa I In . Xt it il it showing 1 ' tlill he 1,11 j hand a -.mi ..f s'..V.i'l xxitii tthich he could p;'-. out siandiii- chtiins iie.iinst -aid .-stair, at tii-' .io rata of ." M-r cent of die face of those allowed. This ttas ord-l i-d to he done. 1 J he lion. I .,f .lane Adam.-, -iiardian o ib-nry and K.i!.' A-lains, minor heirs .. t he . -slate of Henry Adiiins, deceased e.l i .. ... I ...... io- . a. 11 a.j.oie.. .I..II1I a 1 . t 1 1 . - . . 11 1:11- Kramer ami . t . 1 . t oi nint ttere ; 11-' d ai)iiai- I s.ll- lat. 'I'i Ilk- M'l. '.Voi 1 11 1; , n.v n. i i,,. I'l.xiM.i' u i 1: i- threat 1 n.-d suit . P.10. ( 'oimrr tv.uld 11.1 lh -ebnr- it ii a lii.el .1. ...1 a ii'll.- nolii.-ty f this kind. I'oilll Ki.'.-i i ri-e. - M vr: I To l:..-l.l:l il', Pl.o'..;. 1 ,,r ,.IM. lleei - I hae been solicited by HUIllCr- ou po-ebnr.' friend- to apply f.,r ibe H incipajship of liie .-rhool.- ,,f thi- citt . While I de-ire pr my thank, to IliC.-e ..;o...! ,,-opie .,r I!.. t hex repo.-.- i.i. and the ho,,o to do Im-, I nil:-! add lhat I ticiii-.' law I'.i.d have 1... pre. ' 'ililldence 1 hey seek am lit I"'-"'. iiilt-ii- tion oi d,ai . 1 i 1 -j ll.'l elt'olll. 'latcfiilly Vouis, l.ot is ).tu,i:i;, , S.C. BARTRUM SECURES A PLUM. ! Is Appointed Supervisor of the South ern Division, Cascade forest Reserve. i Mir worthy tow nsmeu and tore eo-jic limit pat, traveliiiji representative f the j Pi xiii:.xu:k. S. t'. Bariritui. rrccixed in '1 ilicat ton -aliirdax from fciiati.r .lolin II. Mitchell, at Washington, that he had heCIl .1 S.iiilln nly appointed suj-i'or uf the in livi-ion of the t'a-:ide l-oii--t Ke-erve to succeed Nal Lanjd. resigned, it ho wild Supt . Arms'iv strongly recouj Mr. I'.artrniu's appoiumcul. Thi come if a txoll le-erxel promotion for Mi. lliirtruiu, win. lm icu the gov ernment efficient service ior three xcar jpastinttie . ajiai liy ol lori-M i auger, tthi. li sjiteii him liiurh and valuahle eNH-riein- in thi hranrli of ;:oteriuiiriil M-riee. a well as thor - oii-lilv arotiaimiuir himvtilh tin- ill- hint with lln- d - vision of '.he I'as.ade K.-.-erte. 1 he Pi tiviu Ai i:i: and Mr. I'.artruur uunier- j i,,,.,, i0 ;l barber shop for a .-hate and I rjl'''".v value un-l-i the ii fl it oil Southern On-poll friend join i j then 1. 1 the jail. Ilis tirst tt ish t as for ! e"re ol t hi drman.l." he -aid, "ami he.irlilt con-rat ulatin him upon his ap-i ;l ,,f bare, n hich tt a n. ! j al itin.1. 1 '"" ,vi'' pi'hah.y r.itness enor- poiutniriil and well der!'e.l pi'ouiol ion. I le i t;hlv .pialdied for thr po-i-! lion, i- a "eiiial eriitleiuaii. xthose utrict i integrity and lailhful and -.ut-ieiituuis ' discharge of any dulir or obligations j devolx inj; upon him has xtoli ior him j I he hiulie-t . -teem of the lillblie xtithiH ' 1 i tlie raiejr f hi ai .jMaiiitaii.-e. lhat Le v, ill render the .iternnieiit elticient and . laiiiiful serx ice in the capacity of suj-er- : viorof thi- dixi-ioii of the f..rr-t reserve i his maiix friend stand ready to guarati-; tee 'I'lie -n hit l.iellt- il :mv have vet . I I - I 1 il .....t.. .'. .r ... . .it ll. I '.Ml ii. i an 1 .-rt hern dit iioiis of the t 'a-; 1'ori-et Ke-erte, bate n.. yet Imtii 1 announced. j NEW DLP()I I OR COri AtiE URONE W ill be used Jointly by S. P. and O. & S. Railways New Sawmill. i'"irt!.t (, .luue IX rurr il Manager koehlrr. of th Soiithrru pv 1- j rili.- t mpauy. arrived till itioriiin oil 1 : - 1 : spi-cial car and comiileted lirt;..tiat ions it h I.ou-.- .v. Ki.wham for the x rd 1 ..... II.- r-.t r....! ml- .1 ! io,.,. i j I n ro!isi,ler..tioii ..I t In- raul a in- de ii.t tti.ll.e erected iiuiin-liatrl v. The v. j ii.-tt -i i 'iieture xt ill ! built vtheie'thr ple-elll e.t stand, onlx a little lurtb er bars, so a to admit l another track. The new huildin will 1 u-ed by the J tin -on .x. i.iitheatern r.sid a well, and i xt ill he a nis-tie,-r and freight de-.t . !t will l-e.Hilll' fe-t. T i ti n i ii Reni.. ' t. i: t .Xovi:. June 15. The new iniil to l- hiiilt in the Ij.iij A lliny l.ani A lditi'.n t" tl.i city, niention "f xtb.i.-h l a- l-ru made, ie noxx au aitred the order i..r the tnachinery hating Ken i.'i.irr. x- it h a Portland linn till ' vo ',. The mill xx ill originally I HO, ; ' H) capacity, and a- s..n a the UoLeiuij j r.iilio.r.1 !;n,. cm carry !. . l.-id- r laud alrradv ohtaiue.1 be . tt.e I j Company on lor Itixer. the Capacity ! :li U iii.-n-aisl to lO.'.0"tl feet. Long X l'.inhiiie will bold the ctitroMin in ' t-Te-I in the plant, and Mr. Iuii-ham -t ited that the mill will 1-e iu j .; rat i..ji lUiihty- from date. I Another iiiirt;-.iit improxemmt al. id x- under wax- i- lio- revtii.ti iiu.l . -nt ..1 lien It. a Lr... ; 11 -"--s- ; tloiir.n.-mid l.uiidin- l..rinrrly x.w ne.1 oi a . t . i.oi,' ,v ..n. i nr m.n ninerv i. : .v S-.n. t) 1 hich tta -pi in-, w lip! 1 to ll.axl Htxer this wln-re it is to l- installi-d in Ion- - new mill iu that s tioii. rniiisdeU.! and relinishe-l i..r i i Xlll I- thi-purjM.-e, the work bavin-; alrea-ly i"--uii. I he r etalor i l-;n torn d..n and '.in-addition to the initi hiiildinj i- 1- in rai-.-d ! the height of th main part. The hot.-I will lo! !0J -ta-sts. and i en. p!.-.-l in y.Jdays. ui-i-vmui.-late ex;s.ted to at ' I W. C. U. Lh Item. The seventh annua! convention of the I '.man's Cbri-tiaii TeinirfTance I'nion jxvillU- held iu the M. P. ehiireh at Ib-ehiir-. .Iu:ie L'"i. L'lh .tli. We ho I litoli- xx ill send full dle,;atioli. The Ih.s.-I.iir I " iiii in will proiidc freeoitirr tainiiiriit and xx ill try to make it a- ! ph a-ant and protilahle. a i.-ibl to all ivho w ill att.-iid. c are -lad t note the new intere-l j lasrn iii the Pnioii and -aiu in inei,,l-r- . 1. : . . xx- 1 . . 1 . . i-nil.. i.i'i.t'F nai treasurer, in see j that -late due-are -ent iu to the state j treii-iirrr that we may have due credit. 1 Ail cunlv dur should 1- eut to the county Ir.-aiirer, Mr Piddle, im mrdiatelv. Amy Merriam. ) ! Die secoiidrteniii.' of the convention ;i -old me lal coiilrsl will held. All j iii..-,- ho. line silver medals in the 1 county are invit.-d to take part. Mr.! Jennie Sc.. tt. ol Kiddle. iM-ounty Ua-r-j tntrii'ieni. x l ll 1 1 pr.." r. 1 111 ..t the ron veiitiou will be riuted later. Mils. Int. MxRstkr, I'o. Pre. Mr. ('. J. Amu rxoi:. Co. Sec v. Youngest Shriner in Oregon. hollow i 1 1 r a 'sl pi.-liireof .1. O. John ii Jr. in Sun. lav's ( Mr 'onian. the fol- twin- -ketch appcari-d re-arHinr-a well ! k,,,,u " p-pubir ynun man of brain, ' ouiitv : The di-tinction of tiuiug 'he y --( Shriner iu reon belxiig P. J. 1 1. .1. .Im-.. n. Jr.. of lirain. He haa he.-ii in Portland since the day of the oH-iiin of the Imjicrial council, and has bi'cly as-i-le I Captain Iti own and Jhn iMikehart iu the eiitrrtaiument of the xisilors from the differriit teiii.K-. Mr. .1. liii-.tii is a native of Orejfoii. liigxest Celebration On Record. i l iind l oim h of July celebration at I the well kiioun grounds iu Scolls; N'allev I near Yniiealla xx ill Im- -'ivi-u under the auspices' of the Yolicalla I'lieiiien. j Tiaii-noi tation 1. rot idud from Yoncallai 'to celebralioi, yrouhd- al reiiaoimble I 1 I rales. Thr .ro.M-ain will si-t of: 1; ,-,i... 1 1 ...... 1 ; . 1...1.. I iii-.i'iuij; '! 1 HV. im t iMinimii v.r( I Mill- 1 prudence, oral ion. horse race, font race and bicycle races, also oilier amusements' iuclndin ha-eball -am. I ii extork iu I he evening, tiraud ball afternoon and tueiiiiij;. Mucic by n jih.iI band. Thin xx ill be th- bijreest 4tb on record. l oriirlher particulars-, address, C. llllSH Kli. Secy. Fire Dept. Kansas has; just added to her wouder- fill collections of freaks: a deaf and dumb man, vi bo talks in bin sleep with his liandij. CHILD MURDERER CAPTURED. ; Haul Underwood Apprehended at i South Bend. Sam Kknu, Wash., June", 14. Paul ..( the murder of his 111 tlu '' " otismess tudav. lie say-tbrce-xvcek--old baby, was- 'captured i li'o receipts of his oftiee hate l. u u a built ii:.W .clock this luoruiust near ! i--.-. I-n t .-lly large this year on ac I here aft.-r a two week chase. the S.,rl the ..UiceK have Weu trailing hiin. rxlw-riem-e-l ttoo.lsiiien, keel. in- th- trail, while the other. M.iisslit to bra. I the fugitive olT by Ijeatin I he ttoo.l ahead. A unal, they tarti-.l mil at ' daybreak this morning, and at the hour slated Sin-riff I'lidiliee m I'iiiler'.too.l eon m ilottn a hill, and the latter, evi- . .leutlt pyilJf; the ..Hirer, .Iropped lulo .Hie thu tall ra oil the t idu laud at the Uittoiu of the hill, but ;ate him-elf up promptly hen t'tidih. e rame nj t iiii.i. , He bad aboiil ball of hi mippIv of uro- . lle had aboiil half of hi siipptv of pro- 1 1 isUi left when cai.tiu.-l. Mr ttas ..I II t vni KWiM.u i M.ks iKi.iat. I' ii. lrrwo.l talked iiil freely tthru a-slired that he ttxiild l.e liealr.l fairiv. Hit said : 'My bahy tta vt hen I thre it ill the n.iler. "I hi i the m.1' truth. I had lu tkr iiionl ol thecal ..( it l.e from the start. Ir I It.l n.v Uaby 1 1'i.ui'v. iiioietluii I did my vrlfr. She lid uol rrui t have much love fur it. It slejjt on my aiui at uiht. an. I I had to ttasl. and take rare of it. It then I took si. k. 1 -u! t.ije ratliii tea, nhich did llot M'r'.li to .io it Utll.'h It wuilld nurse all the milk my ttife had, and 1 Hotild f.-ed il more out ! a cup, and thru il Mould Ihiott it ail up. Mr. i Uetlei told tut- It Itiiylit hate the Si 1 ii. Utrr. and if it I. .id it could n-.t litr. , 1 n lj) ni-ht. hrfoie ttr left it na' the ! nm-t ill. 1 told her we ul.i 'A r t r r x - tthiiiuud m.t r to A bt-rdrt 11 . tthriv iu iiMolher ttoiild I i:lad to can- l- ril. "er l-'lr,'"," ''''' not know tnat she had I a t.ay : out my moinei .11.1. iu i i.e I oi l me to hl ili ' il home."' I iidrrxt'Kjtl fairly rae.l hri: iiitorm- i i '"" " ",; r.-,-.n-i to naxr ex il'." ''. i;' ... ov wo.-. I "i.l lr ttt with, and had laid the t.Iau.e uii him. 'he U .to that i a lie." he aid. Why don't -he t -1 1 the truth and i. lone with it. iie wanted tne to r; rid l..f the hal.x . and I n tu-e 1 1'ijoit. he aid she didn't ttallt atit bahi: and I I old hrr that it w;i n.. usi- j..r to ln together then. Will, "ho held ..lie side id the -ack hr-n we dropped th baby into it with the r '. and then j.l?od the Lae. She knen j!i ,t.iit w hat I tt a I S-xine to do -. h'-n 1 iiop-d tire bahy in the wuler. If 1 iiad ati!e.i the bahy 1 would imt ha',r .. that loll- to do it. I r..n. luxe I d.Hie it al I'.liiarJ. tthri, c e;- -t i.i to . atch the t.- take li e tr.'inj lor A'-rJeeu. I "'It Ihs-.mii I" i;i. ..hi and then l...r, i I e - . i I It had liot slept xt ell ..r tin. in; :ht- happened l.. ban- al.-n a iiltle t.ttie ..f j .1 lor"!. Tm l !-n-o! i.r mx wire t.. take ihinnp li'm hut M:s. Ilet Irr s.lid it wa daiejetoii- t.. ii-- unli A di.-tor w a pre-, nl . al. 1 I did m-t ir- it thru. Thr bahy n.-r ie-1 -i'p. and I ! put a lw dr.-p- ..:i my lu:i ikrr.-:ue: and 1 . . . nut V. oxer t tie mot - m - I! -f.-...e I ! .. : . . .., ", ' .' 'l-rvn-. .. lime ttin.e alteixiuM it hhe alteixiurd . . . . ern-invi an-i seeme.i to ira.ii. i hen I lrap;i. j, tu.r It t, pj-d o:eathii.; ... u .. .... .1 . . . , I ..M -' . - 1 . . '-II. i i.'lt I lit. bahv. Thi n I put n.t e..r .'....t 11 t.. ... l.ieaM aiel it- la-urt ba t is U-t- -'id- in. We put it in the sa.-k ilil the .iter, we ..ii-jht ma.ui-1 and -urn il a . I. an I I f.rrit i: ! 1 h.tle is- J 1! LlTi.ti. ' Uii. i ..1' ti nth. J -t..ry on the inw.e-. 'aud. tell li,..- It was ., health) luh,aul ttitii prapr-r JCiit rare it ,,, bate lixe 1 ' CMASE'IS AT AN END. Cosse Abandons Effort to Capture Tracey and .Merrill. S xi i. xi, .1 una l"t. No trace of Tracey and Merrill, the ecape 1 cm i. t. ha U-en found since tbey h-ft the 1 rave farm, near Needy, Thursday afternoon. Keor! froiu New Kra and llarh.w xes terdav evetiius. to the efleel thai the 1 I outlaw f bad leeu seen in t h..-e x icini- t ie. I urned ..nt to e ranardf.. I ra-01 and Merrill di-:i.sare.l a i-oin-plelelv a if the r..iiH.l bad .pue 1 and swallowed them. iIJ-rinleiideut L-ep of the Priiitriiti- arv. and r-fient? Diiinin are lioldmr j renferi ncr tbi. afternoon, l. plan a course of ii. tioQ for the future. There i little 1. rohabilit v that thechiise will li re-unnsl uiilr- the convict" ha!l be heard from apain. s.irxi June 1 h. rilf ..i..l all uiMnhoi ,t hi im.-lu.liu" the militia, and Mr. I "arson with the hlond- hounds, returned lant evrnin from their futile rha-e ..I the fleeiuc ronx irt-iuur-drrers. They rejM.rled that the rumor of the i-onvi. t'a visit t P.arlotv and Next lira ye-t.-rday tu'.rnini; tta uirtrue. and that they are still in the cotinlry east ward and nnrtli from Needy, ( 'hicl.aiuas County. Mr. h'.lds himM-lf in I readino-s to resume the chase a ston a Sheriff J Cook, of Clackamas County, hall notify him that the lii-iliti-s are a;;aiii l.a-ate.1. XV BV V" list: Wis III RT. While there i cotisiderahle -rtt i-(iii of the uianner f the pursuit and its fail ure .so far. the fact that no casualties have resulted has mitigated the disap pointment and tun generated u feeling of tliaukfulncss to Sheriff iMtrbiu anion" the relative, of those tt h nstitiitr.l the puisiiins party. Offers $3000 Dead or Alixe., r., June J4. The reward for ,,'" -!,r'"""". 'lead or alive, of Tracey and i :u i..,. ..;.!. ; 1 a.. ..,..,.,. -"rrl" "H:" "l "'S'" """u ciaxoou, or $1500 for either man. The reward of f.'itKI for information that xvill lead to arn-t and conviction of Ilie parlx- or parties w ho fumfished the convicl xtilh rilles and ammunition remain 1111-chan-ed. Charles I'errell, of" Hem,, Nev., brother of Frank Ferrell one of the murdered jiuards, last night offered an additional reward of tlou f,,r the capture ilea. I or alive, o Iraeev.who is I known to have killed I'errell. The lutv injj; prize lights in not intended to apply t physical culture contests, between husbands, and wive. MR. BOOTH INTERVIEWED. Roseburg Laud Office Besieged by Lnlrymen. PoitruM), June 12..I. H. booth, if i eivcr of the Hum burg Land Office, war ol r"--' tor liiiilicr i hiim. 1 lie .leiiianu o i- I iiiiitt-r Hi t lit- roilli tirs of Josephine, ("tiny, l.ajie aii.l" Jul!;la." In-, '-bi.U fair to tiallsitar lh- i !ov-ruiiu-iil lioMiui: to thr lian.l of private citi.rii in a little while loud er. In fact, the hulk of thr it tak ii up now. aii'l only a iMnall proportion 'Kinaiiik to Lt- i-ii'.-n-.l. ri I ..." . i j ll" ".k ior a tei t urine r.a-tt rn Ue- maud lor t in: Ian. U in l:.i-r tiact I thi.teai-. and kuo of a lai-r number J "' iu.piirie lion, .-.ipitalislf tt ho I""' " luiehase I... lutui. I " 1 lluh.'l all. I r.iiiliol l.e! " 1 imhei land r.uniot I. eh. a. It aiicing iiioii sale. I not i i- tint tin- Southern Parilir ( 'oiupuiit has it it hdra vi ii all it limlrt-r lands I j . i u thr lu.iik.-i. pi n.iir.c i I i-c in a hie. a nd t hi- in. '.r ..lone tt ill have a trndrm-t to mi-e tiie pii. e of timber hind all oxer the .li i Id ol the R..ebtii; l.aii.1 t !!!.-- 1 ,e . '.t'iM ell only i.lati-1 ti ..ud ha- de . idfd to n-M i teall its l:ire Uli.- in drlinitrix . "Home-tfad i litlie haxe Um imne iiumeroii than timber laud entries id Mie. nr -ji i. -mi, i Till sle s II. at 1 ::e eo.isi count ie are ..n liiii up n it h a d o ahle . la .t H-...h- xtl... intend to Hat in the! ry. there is not tllllch llioliet ill holi.e!ead clitll'-s for t he i. iVr I'll men I as t i in r is f. !' t he I iui- j her lands l iim. howr-.n thr latter l-ril.- Sv ' e.a ii tol ctrly .jliaitrr sec- lion t.ikeii up Thr lees lor thr lioii.e;ead are 1 olii.aiat it ely mall. but the rlltrt llu.l li.llSI l.Ve ..I. tbe I: . . , 1 ..In! 1 " I.TPOR I. ANT: SCHOOL .TEETINO. Principal and Teachers Employed i fnr Ills Vnr An in. ;.;!. in! n.fctii. - .! the K e- hnr- N.-h.r-i t- jr.1 w a held 1 lidax rveti- ili and all.o!.- ii.'-l '.'.S11K-. the .ei-r- ti.n of a ( i in. i .,l .1:4,1 n hers f..r el.sun. tioii of Plol. the ch : c..ii,e ;. pr... i. x a- . sch.H.i v.'ar tl..- .iii t-.i r . M. "a-..!.. -e of '. lie !k ,( '.pil.l iittej,- 1 or prim ipa i s ! att te. i- a- l'r..f. s'.n:t..ier- it liiMy ie. ..tniii i i-!oia!r e I,. I. I i'e-a:-. a t .el. .11 I .i n; i ' t . He h.-i. 1 !it i-'-itc.;, ..i j , it.cij.i .t ti,y i;;;., .n ad. my i.-r s-.n..- tim.- ano i- t.eij and !ar..:x sii -x :i thioii..!,..iii tn- !i..!tii- era j- rtio'i ! tiie ta'.e All of the 1-,. i.el .1 the jrn.l.; w ie r- x.-.i fi. -pt M.-i t . Sinttii and p.n. i'-r the:r ie-j c.:r. M - I .. .i.. it '. del not appix : tr l .'i..i !..r another I t.i..-i ! -a . r-.-: ,,;-, Ml Csk W ami. Ti e T. - T-.wsei.d pui !. s.-!..-.)- .f.-.r.i.; . Creamery (V.. at 44 et-.d St.. I'ort :r ti .! .. ', .-, ...i j , land, wiii h:ehe-i i,,ritet price lor , '.. : ciijUj. W iii M-ll x ..ii I'rraiii Separa- .rv.. .si. i i.. j.,r nd tle ..ur crejn in paxment. ... tm .e ;..e.-. ' 4ltf. ! t l.e t 'allX I.X li! thr ;.,: -. :. .l.e ; I t a. . at'ph--a;...:i -.f e-1 yoi.i.,- iadis- I hv at I i tan' ' prm. alel I I ... I w io ,1, ".i ... : . . i a ,. a:.. I re- 1 it -.el eii P;... 'tlio I--; -y :ii standara. . . , .1.11. -,- ! . 1 late 1 ...! t . 11 l.Ml. r.tit-.u 1' m t iin... tetlil Tl fur ! ItoSehiii X liIlict N-'. 4. ptxtsvxl ul? iMu"Oy Ii.ib after ti j-.:i. the seboxi i eii.:Liiy in ; a j; very we; I pleJte 1 ttilii the i resei.; UiaiiR(fj j ineiit the :itT'.r of Ibia ich.x 1 I Hie ineell'ie- wtr. ciilied to order ..r-.;.i.i ..e- isu ..fii.. '--s7-ji oi 11 v u a.) .', V44v beititf,-i.oM..iaec,eta.Y. Miss l";ra Ihllaid. tin. of the .ui'tiiiiig I'oiaio. eiei. ci u.a ,- . . , lihttic'. presided nn 1 reml the u- 1 ' . 1 ,- - , - --: iiual report atnl exhibit which Kb.,xe.l u;tola! io:jw;t .f Too pnptl f.xr the year, aaiu.t f.-r lust vear. ji Cxdi 1.11 l.'in.l m lime of mal-im. lhat annual riort V"i-'.''. there l etnir' j at thu aauie tune nn ii.dhtedii n of i 1 .01 ou the tietv addition lo the tuool 1. tin. in., ih l.iiauriai atate ineiii iteaeiiie't umihv -uoweu tuat I'll lll, luH JJusl xeitr lll.n TI.Oll in ilel todDfJs hhd len entirely wipadj ul, with 11 cV:i !,!a:i tn band of fUosi:. F. V. Woolly and Mias ClRra Dil-1 lard were prm-tn-allv re-elected di-i rector and clerk respectively byac j clfiiiiMti'ti;, t'.iere I ieltnj iiii 0ppo1.1t loti Whatever to tlieir re eiectum niel Itut twelve vie ei-t. Mr. Windier w re-elected for a three year term n ! directory nnd Miss. Dillard. for t lei k for one year. Him hemp her fifth terry. The board now ciiiijii isej 15. W. Sit. ir.).'. '-Iiniriiinn. S. C I'lmt ni.d V. Y. Wool lev. - M. S. T. Wr-t. 1 ixite" accri.le.l exetal ild and reliahle lire in-iirance coinpiiiiies i noxx pr. parrd to do a -rin-ial tire in surance business. In-iire wilh him. Odiue at the t'iiv Hall. if. - Patronize Home Industry. Prove your loyalty to home indtistrv and use Pfttilas t 'ounly I'ancx Cream ery Hotter. Contrary to some ttho mi-epr.-seiit u. we air here to assert that our i-ancy . renmrrv is ina.le aim alnav I. .. i .. ., 1, 11,. 1 ' lias lipcii w holly t pure cream separated 1 . . , . , I oil Ilie lilt III. alio Is clean, eleeant illlxl feiaiiiie. liit e it a ti i ll ; ll w ill speak for itself, il it does not suit send it back to w Im you rc! it of and it cost t on nothing. I'.oih leading markets ,,1' iie I'acilic coast -ay our l aucy Creainerv Mutter is 1 . K. lou!as ('. Creamerv, I.'osrhlll-e, i h: Virulent Cancer Cured. Stiirllinj: proof of a xtoiiderful adt ajict in medicine i. 'jixen by drue-ist (i. W. Ih.herts of Klizabelh. W. a. An old man there had Imij; suffered with what j;oo.l dts-lors pronoiiiu e l iii. uriihle can cer. They believed hi case ho.elrs till he Used Fleet rlc Uitter and .applied Ihicklen's Arniea Salte, which treat ment (tinpletely cured him. When Fleet ric P.ittrr. are used to expel bilious, ki.liiev.itud microbe pnis'oiia at the saiue 1 time this eulxe exert. ils matchless heal iux Mixter, blood diseases, ekiit erup tioine, uUcimtud sores viinisJi. Hitters 50c, Salve -3c at A. C, Marstcrs A C". A RUN ON THE BANK Is not to be compared to the run on T. K. Richardson's Music House at Cottazc on May 27th. Three instruments in three hours and one -later in the day, making in all for the afternoon four sales as follows: One Kimball Piano, one Singer Piano, one Need ham Piano and one 6-Octave Kimball Organ. It is fortunate for us that u'e have already on the ray a lot of fine pianos to supply our prospective customers. --Our Second Car-loadr For this season will arrive iu about 10 days and our third car-load is ordered. The Rose burg i also enjoying a good business: oue large stock of Organs are all gone and only thre pianos left: One fine Chickering, One fine Kimball, One- finiv Cable. Our prices are such that the people see it is to their advantage to patronize us. VU will lillll tL" lft IO-ke T. K. RICHARD50N MUSIC HOUSE AT ROSEBURG OR COTTAGE GROVE. i mm ! ' . ". V'S . VA' V. A . N . V Told in Side Heads '. VA-AAAtSAWN v Axtiii-tV. O. Wright, i-rant Paee. iroa. -old and silxer i. rupper ' 1 1, t ill ali.l r'.evt roivt ie auVe. 1 ok ti-sj.1 drixiuor ridiu . ... .... - . .. ..i i .. . .i . i ... t . i it.- ' "-" r" "eipi.i i. ininuriM iir. , i.uquire at ihioriice ur at the Jvar.flv Kitchen. KoR .-X . rolt-!!:. Pe'irahle i-ftrj?. home, in !:. bur, 10 acre p.t and upw.rd in . . ; xi, -jHltV I ... 1 " i.'. ::. - i ' - euu.i aiatj.- i in 1 er out. . K. llrn-a. !t.ertirc Ore. JM' I.i MBkji ( Koo-h or hni-hin-; him!r. tl rir.p. runic-, t-ti-., tirt cln. , 'U-hxr-rt-l or t the yard atolalla. Fori t rio-s and trrn apply to W. P. Well-' 'iada. I reyri.. (J16p. ! i'.:Mnnixrii.K.i MU-l l.ate a line ..t Polar.d rl.ii. p:?- hich I i,-, ali. froa;e. Take amiaS in txi.i-e,, ;.f r.-..-r.ah!e pri.-.-.. Write or;,;me ,, VyU ,.ain ja , 01ir j Ore;..,,. ,..rm ... Robert, t reek. ,Up Max l or. f x. k.-i.,i ra.. I.av f. r sab- ii-. h r- h. ti. hr- ke and ui. broke. Ii.oiiir, . f i.ra.hire- IIlxiI'..xx Me'-e t'rrjori. exen miie wi -t of; m:i 1 ni m .xie-ia:i.e nnr iA. ito, . it . a, 1 .. a n ne ur -1 ipr.D- ara hrre ..I pr.n- and New tKi rrini fuii.mer nui.ihery, -w tKi arriving exerx weet. lad. eg iioxrltir. etr. I'r; es To j '.ejfr c:ton.i r. Juix I in.ii l.txa io :. J-a-hty a.-r-i 1. ear in. Miie svl-- l hf-u-e and church, and i'hO acre tra.-t ne..r I'alU s.-h..I and l-v-V'thce. W iii sell in a tlv or i:x ide up ;u t raxLs. Iiise nH.ut.tin eire.m flow. titn.'.ifii tra.i. i or i.r..r aa tern.f u.idre. W. li. WAiis. tMalla. n-v. HO. FOR NENN HORT! ... .. ...,- Orejon s Paxoritc an. Hopular Sa - r aide Report. . . , t . I. e the alvantate of .rw - ...t..... ivviv i r 1 i.u t tf 1 iii'n vtr i.ri r- ,.,,!.:.uul....Wt. ,rt..;',: " .':"- ""'I0 dr.0anm . ! . .: . T. , , ,, , , eo to rirtiil tlirir vavativj. Ox ttie urea a ' , -'- . waxr. the oiil!.eru t Meltit' t. I'MinatiV . t . ' i U1 "'" Cvrva.... .V ! ern r..i.i.w.l, wni 011 sale, enect ' ixe .Inn lath, rouiid trip tiiketr froiu ! ail .inte in Ore..u 011 the -oiithern I'ariri.- to .NewiK.rt, t.d f..r return uu id ts i.-U r loth, at eptx-ialiy redu.tsl irate. l'..r full information please eufuireof y,,llr ,,. lt. Sheriffs Sale. Im t!. Circuit Court of the State i " r I'.miiUi. County I wiiow aua iierio;tn ) rbinilfta ! Henry 1. Laugtd in and l.dw aril ll.lili Icieti.laul. i Notice i hereby given, that by virtue oi an execution and order ol sale utiiv i.-sur.l out t-f and uUdcr the seal f the als-ve i-ntiilexl court, in tiie above en titled cause. t ttie din-tJ and dated the. "itli day of June, Pirj. upon a judjt- i ment rendcrrxl at:. I entered 111 said court ' on the 17th dav of Mav. PIC in faxtr xd 1 . : . . . . . Ilie ais.te uam.-ii piainuu au i aeaiu.i the alsite naiiit-d deleildaiit. lalwarxl 11 I eieli, and a-am-t the hereinafter men tinned and letvritsl'.l attached t.ropertv for ihesuinef JlW.StV with inteiv.t theris.ii nt the rate of iwr cent ITr an intiu from the 17th dav of Mav Pwr and the further sum of f.1:l.40 e.e-ts and die hnr-enieiit and the cot of and upon thin w nt : Now therefore I will uu Saturday, the 11th Jay of July, 1001 at I o'clock ). in. of "aid dav. at the coutt house frontdoor in Hosrburn.lioti;;- .. .. .. . .1 laK t . ue. sen ai ihiuuc auction 10 me . . . . . . , ,. .. . , , .,.1,, , ill-lit si oi.i.iei .' i...ti i...ii.t, a .. ...v, title and intere-t which the said defendant. Fdward K. Leijth, bad the 1st dav of March. rX', or at nnv tune thereafter, in or tothe following descrils- ed tuoiK-rtv to-xt it : That certain Mill site iu the l-ohcuiia Minitijt l'itftrict in iK.ugl-aa County Or egon, kiiottuas tli .ooii.lay .xiill site and partictilavlv desj-ribeil a lieiu. sit uated alaint three-fotirth. of it mile iiorthwaet of the Annie mining thiiiu. a Unit 40 mile a littte south oi east of Cottage tirove, Lane t'ouuiy. Oregon. and as coiiiiiieliriur'at the location liotu-e 011 11 stake about three-fourths of a mile ' northeast of said Anuie claim and run- liiiit; in a northerly xlircvtion o! .1-1 feet ; thence easterly 47l:,s feet ; thetice outherlv 47SJ: feet : thetice westerly 47fJ, feet; atid thence northeasterly -s!.u4 feet to the place of U-i;liiiiitif. sit uated iu I'ouhis: Countv, (.ireoii, con taining tive acres, with all and ein;ular, the teiieinent. ht-rexlituients and ap piilieiiauccS thereunto U'loin-iiiji or in ! any wise np)ertaiuii)i;. I o satisly said execution, order ol sale, interest, cost and acerneinii cost. Hated at Kosclmrg, thiti 7th day of June. I.102. E. I.. Fx 11 hot r, Sheriff of I . 111-las County, Ore-joii. j ni the Best Tol.fij IlitrUIl-l)t t (he Smiths' Dandruff Pomade. ftoj. itching nj. ci.e appli.tiou three to six rrruove. -!1 d-udrv.8 and will Mop f jllin; hir. Pri. e Tir., Ytx by Mar.ter- Drut V M Itf. Aroo-J tHe Caprtol. W will aoirJ the value one Jl.r and ten i-eut fl.I'J, iu le.!r!. tainin twenty--x jrn ui ink ph---... , re.lmr.l -tetdie-ot a-hin'oli .lie Of ' ... mu'.l l..r f.u .-...!. . .fcK ..r .1 inri iOae,i, Victoria Lruehtetl Sir John Ten- C - niel i-.r eifnilar arti-tie wr.rk in tj.ieloii. lYmir editor ha saroj-ie .f thte ; Nt T-Htl L. Pt hi lHIXf. t"jVll-.,.v. lnVl Thirl Ave.. New York. Catarrh of th Kidney . Kill. tI..u-;i.U of Mi.V.M.tullr : j (1 .l:i .rit,. ,ra. 1 " Kripht - .h-eae. Take S. B Catarrh ' l ure, which r-? the cau of M kidney tn-ttbie. For -aie tv all drtts- i ; jr.i. i-'.k on i atarrn ire. aitv ' Sndth Br.".., 1 re-no. Cal. Y Mar-ler I'rug .'... ..r mis bv 1 tteatiaat K.cfP. All lnruilr a.e re.,'ic;led to 1- prvs- j lit at their meeting tu-xt .-li.r-.iv i ... exenMi; a tr.ere w ii: be oueice- nt im r.rtau.-e a- well a . rri,,,,. ..11 ... .. i-...,;,.! .,....! erxe.i. - ; A JOOd nining lavtalment. i ' , " I Tho Al..r aiel .oIv'.bra.k MiniL. ' j Millii.p and Sniei:iji Con.jnv. L rev-J uIriVi !;iv Mld i..ltrly Vr -a:io-.-i t : . .1 . . . Ior the Ipurjs e rf ..... ' the propertie- .uJ .reafiti- w it bin LKU-la ivuty all i.:n-:rv that iii tl. uear yture i'd jiurpri even the in.t j "au;uiri Worker- of Itiia eal-rpri. :T. , , , . , ; . 1 .lhet'k Uit afr I'r.ntel aal the!. rj-e placed at 13 .tnt- per ehare ut.til Hui-eT-t .l.xoi..meti: slill late advan- !, ... - t- r . . i 1 va.m, mereasr cf population :,J eu- . r t .. ....v. . u I 1 . . . . liauxnHiit ui vaine ot their prope-rt i . , . . , . I and pruilin-e n? mjueei-a to ta tv , hUr!lv in indflw,nU t et cati afiord and the movement merits. Flock fui a'.e by C. S." Jaxke.u, of Ilo-ebur;. arid the i-ecrrtary of the -om-pany. H. M. Armitaje, of Myrtle Creek, Orejou. Corre-jaiiidam-r i ...licited hr a'd iu teiulinj pur. haaers of ft.-rk and j rv.pec titees will lur-in the liaiid of the public is eooa a they can be di-tnl-ated. i There - alrnidy LKi feet of ttiuuel and shaft work done 011 thi proj-rty with the reult t!iat one lead of M1.." feet .vf t """ CoU-l-..rin- .,,u.rt value- at j and pliable. l-r,-er've- the 'leather Trid fl2CK jsrr toiiand an ls-imh vein .Hiih (Mitehiiij: ir..m u.,-.,...ut -,,.xj.r Abora showing value, of f.i.a sr t..u :f;Vr hariie-a r,r;,t ,.,i miwlse-l ap aU U hid. i very t. the u'it l couipaiiy . xx . xi;tw, It. M. AmiirxoK, l're-ident. tt Secretary, Myrtle Ci Sherift's Sale. Iu th.Cinuil 'ourtf the vUleof Orejou. .r m.iifJa. C-ount,. .'. V. Ktlier, riaiuiiff v- r ilerutaa W i:.u and .Var- XX il-n. Or I Nottce-i. berekT a'vea, that Nr irm of an i S exeeiilixia ! oltler ul isw,rW ma nl . .1Ul 11 Tilt. -r IK. ..1 t, ,01 ...iv - w. s .. 1 . ..r .'Mil, 1 iu mf iwic eiiiui 11 t.u-v, i. me .U, ilatet t-e iu tlax June. ursn a t,ui- menl rrn.lere.1 u. .ntrrea In s.U conrl ni tb Jl.lh .isi el XUy. l .' iq t,,,r t ,; y Ki.hT tilaiiina. ami tih-l Hermann Wj!-n nt Mart XX II. hi, an l at.n-t Hie hrre 1'i.liri aa.l nr., nUni aoa.-lnd '., rriy fur the tim ot ai j ou utt tule-r.1 iliN,n at thr r:x; ul i r i-rni )x-r anntna Irom ihr 1.1 lav -it MrftriuOrr. 1 01, aa.l ihe lunte-r .11 u, ,H i.v .si .u-iaao.l aim (he . aBa u.n iu ..i.i. -uw i.K-irit. R 1 V1U.HI Saturday, the llth day of Julx', njj, at ui'iiN h 11 ui ..f ..M a.v - r. .. . .' house rron' O.-.r In H..sri,,r Mlr,,v onett. -rll at taiblir auullon. ful.i-r t (leuii.tli.D. I.i Hi- hlth.,1 M.I.Vr l. , .h i band all ilia ntt.l. li 1. and nlr ,.,. .irfi n.lntil.i.r rll hrr, il Ihrm la.i . .1.- a. 1, .... of lwil. or at am limo In. rea:trr lu and l.-tlie l.i!uitiux .I's iill real rtv ti-ii: Vberast hstf orihe .mrhis, ' of t. -mill rjl wr H.I..A uvl.iM . s ..s 7 .k """ ru-oui, ..r-f,u, iiiiu,-r I tiltn me t.'rrtiui ie.-elial umi. I e la-lt.uiriB .ir ' aDVH'lM al.Mtli.luitir lu uii... t -. in- i.UKunrf , uncoil. JUitc ti, L- I a . a. .. slieiiaainjn.ia;,.,,,,!, j ' JOttU 1 "ie-dy J Wda to treat. amy aromatic. It ia reoaitred thrwvU the i aoatnla, cl.ana.. . face otar wluca it diffua n,r:. I -II tLa WV, ir-..i I - v mum vj nm 111 ceata. Teat it and jou are aura tg eoaui.a Announcement. To acoouiniod-ta f n.iae u ... ., .'. to Um dim at atoiaiaera in applTing' fioSSI the propriotora prepar, Creaa Wtn ia IkuuJ form. uLtch iU . V-, . Liquid Cream Balm. Pr.'o. tn,iTi .prayi.KUUi.vsee Notice for Publication. Vu-.lri s.'r Lata! OA'je. a---' ur Or o. ilmj f., ri Nxr i Lrrtr f.vra tt.t :n t-oa: J.. a.ibiDf i.uT,.niv(t: Coazr mi ine J. IsTt. i -A art fur Jfce tt mt z tm-. lm in if -ir. t .iorsUt, Or-f-.n. ar,::b I -rrwtjTj ,' as -i !Ti.:ii . iei .tl.e I.aJ iUttta fcy art i .. 1-: . fi .ti iit K ; n e jia-.oii m tt.. .u. iji.atT ..I ol Uul- nti-'i. '. . dy-L:et in m. o3'.rr hi wwni -Et .. t;- t:,r-.aof tte Sorta ...i 'inarirt .-. "iir-n Xlo. fbca.pil ! . rmi-f r l .ft'i i:l r-rof lo taw taM ' ik ti'l -'-i.t i- m' " .!..'. (ori'ai liebv r I2i .iif if r-iU'rii mni tm , e ji. tia h:cut mm. i ;o 1 tfore tae Hrf , ..'tcr aa.l.RcvTr l;..e al hcarbu.-e. VJ "Zl U-Jl: ' .'.1? ' -r l . itv. uai :-- w . il mm . imb S -WT '-ia tttt 9.a? aaU Lcwarl a'.l r! P.r-tof-oB W an:?i-.a. iay bv1 m'.i tn iS. k n fi-mtir th Bl4xe efr--fJ .aB4 mz re:aerit to ise.r ::m -b hneS.- -.a -r .:vrrei'l fiaj p:'sept , 1X2. 9 J. T, BT.tO.K Eej.jter. (..Confectioneries.. Tc fio.-X . !m aa-1 s:ze-1 raa- 5i-. I u I. J, NORHAN IB I Wagons V r u.iy Warranted ; ' Harlu and Buggies OAKLAND, ORE j j-.-, i , MDC UI PttCTrtu i ; --. V 1 i i-repareil to wait cpon old and nevrcurtottiereaadirlenxle with a full and con-piete atoca oi -GROCERIES - .... ..r.-.i au ui ii.e Terr ueer f m4iity. Tea aad co?eee are 'i . 1 ... . ipeciauiiea. lour patronagvj olicited. i ao JirL-xn D -., U- --t piniij i VVfVtavtVfe4J 1900 Water Proof Uaraeis Oil Dlackiitf ln up iu tl.e r..istel-x- oi . ream, and pe.t;xelv will not cum ..r j.; the leather t.r,i .V lie . ... .k ... . . . ' a ox meiie.. i;n.m llarrt . 11. 1 It ' a'" etpaally f.-r U.t ,t h,a. i,r Mm re,-k.0r.'',n"f;,:nirll W. MOTK.'n.-e- V.-.J..,,. aai a, p.;;,.H-s 1 iui Hr-w f-iiait' 1 A r " " V 1 1 1 H H I ft D K e nM . 3 5 ij,i 1. u. kiuule. Prop. 0 Vil T ft ti AL KISD8 or jji Fresh Drugs, nedkinejj, Toilet Articles. Paints. . h i Oils. Glass, Sundries. 1 aW"Precrtitiont promptly filled 0 j " by a competent drturgiet. Q c RIDDLE. - OREOO.N. 0 roU BEST THE NEW MEAL t THE CITY prD Cor. WasLIncton 2 5 rPrVJTC WCiN IS. aud Maia Street Mrs. Iklle Collin, - IAS. FLTtai SOX, Itx.p AH Kinds of Clothing Cleaned and Dyed. . . I'rTi r!1, "I'i1" !atJsfaCti.m I r-flivterian elmn b. liuar:ntee. nil ' 4 S