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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1902)
II A I dvertising ill ''ill f . o fa ob Printing la a very important factor in J Ijwhinchs. 1'cor Lrintintr re- ? ?S.3 M H .a CT iff !M if la busy seasons brings you yoor share of trade; $ HI l.r I I I '! r-4 p !8 I, advertising ia doll sea- J sons brings yoa yonr share, and also tbat o the merchant who "can't af- ord" to advertise. 'l. cis to credit on a gocd m Insinebs Lonse. Lt ns do yoor Job 5 1'rintiDK w prnarautee it to be io 0 every way hatihfactory. Published on Mondays and ThursdaysEstab!ished 1868. A V Gk. J 9k r iM iei is iiifl a s ?????? y g n a a a h ti zr Vol. XXXIII. ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, ORHGON, THURSDAY, JUNK 12, 102. No. 47 swnrmii rsr50000 NEWS SUMMARY q rroi'lcut, . Vice President t'a-liiiT 0 8 O Douglas County Bank, Ks'uOlisl-ietl Incorpomtetl ion. Capital Stock, $50,000.00. J Important vents of the Past few Days. BOARD OF DIRECTORS K. W. KKNSN, 1L A. BOOTH, J. H. URTH, J. T. BKlDil".S J. K. KKU.Y, A.C.MARSTKRS, K. I. MILLKR. . , 9 A jrencral banking business transacted. anl iiiFtoinert- given overy ; V accommodation consistent with sale and conservative banking. 5 Rink .'ieii from nine to twelve and from one to three. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo MATTINGS ) k STATE, GLNER.U, fUREIGN. Cream of the Dispatches Dished Up in Condensed Form for the Busy Reader. LAT tit - NEWS. II BOLD W&W ?! ' 5 I -r-v.,;i i .articular XT TT .." . 1 0. al,..i.:lyoir GardinerCoos Bay Stage Teams Dash into the Sea. One Team DrownedOther News. Salem Man of Clothes . An elegaut line of Linen Warp Mattiugs in all the latest designs $ -' and colorings have just arrived Have yon teen crnr elegant Car- lets, containing cotton chains, all woi'ls and a full line of thrt-e- J quarter goxls, ranging in irii-e " from 25c to $1.35 ht yard. tHir r line of carjiets 1s far snperinr to 6' - '.i NfSnVv anything we have ever shown in V V 4 previous years and we delight in V V'HV. showing them. B. W. STRONG, '! S THE FURNITURE MAN. Roseburar. Ore 5 f. A it Bring Us Your i CHICKENS. EGGS, ... BUTTER. ' FOR CASH OR TRADE J; F. BARKER & CO. An e.'i; ! is lving m.rii' t-i arhiira;o the strike ';i m i lv;vuv:i tin' phiiiiiiu ijiili :'. nor .i:i ! !.;! ;!.. Mayor Lioci. Xt'Llrfi'-inr iiiU-rivvUiu ljiii..ii in the matter. It i- a very mo'let vleaii" that is ii"l h-ttiiig itself Iw lu-ard from these days. Kx-iate .I'riliter Tralili C raker i said ;..l..ive wn fttK oti the election. It 1 r:a;e l l.e W; on the may. .r of Tort- an 1 "ii v : : 1 1 .fria; n . Kx-heri:: A.J. Ne.l.n.of Lake 1 " i : i -ty.'-.a- f..a;id sullty .! t-o.U-szlin thl 4 t-ln eotnitv cint- iv iurv Mtiil.iv. .Ir.dje Ik'H-lu will !.a.-s sente:..v. l!.e i-l-i'V.iii he aj i-eaie i t. the Suj.reine l'o:m. : ( .( ieer !:'. jr.-t re.t iv,-.! from hi-frifii-: 1'.. f. Taao. inerly f ti.e I'r von K"'a at t'har'.e-t'.n. r;. C. a vial of .Ir.-t from the erui tion Ml. l'clee. Mr. l aj. .- vatl:. u it i" ::' of the t-i::.ers hi.-h . ea; vi oy the k;u of it.i teeth. Kiijeue -ei'e i:ave .'e'ei'l.-! je-t to teiebr.i'.e the i oiii tli ! .luiy. .i'- i:. their ener-y ;::vi ):: ;iey i"..r !'.: grat.d street fiiir and candv.d t- jriveii early this :a:i, thedat to d-i ale.I i'.i- ii at a J ahiic mo t:: V' e Ine-lay i.:jh! Business i 12 he -'a-' e;. '": ! ah d..y oa the 4th. ResDltitions of Condolence The foK..w hi K ..i:ti"-- f...i.. lence were u::a:i' i-!y a.'; .,,;.-1 l v (ak Can:j No. oi W. Monday ev:i- niiiL'. .' e..e '2. l'.H' : llali of Oak fan.,,, . V. .. W. i;..-n:r:. Or., .lane -. lv-.. To the olti.-e:-and :.-::' :- : "ak CV.m 1 to We, voiir i";i.i: :;:. :.; dri.ft lie-' 'nU'.'.iS of I odoh-mv on the death of Nei.-'..iT .!e.";'.-r- - i 1'. Il.uian. Im-u liave t. :ei.ort i'o.;. -: Whi.::.:.'.-. iVati. h.i for the :ir-t ti ve a:, i : e::'. o e i . r -;it .". .irf,, - , i'. Kruse & Newland ft ! V!-it(-l o".r i va:..j. o:r -tear Ne.-:. Hai:an : t'l. 'i : ; ;-. Tliat v..-exo-;j.l our he felt sy.npalhy to the wurnv reia,'.'s in this- th.dr honr of .!--o gci'-f. Mnv tlie Father ia ! kiiida- - i -.i:enih- First class Groceries... Our prices are always right and stock complete 1 e5 DEVER'S BLEND COFFEE ...Also a full Hue of... Seeds Higliest price paid for Produce. Give us a call OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASE --x Kruse & Newland It's 'Just' Ftin. For us to get a chance at fiitting the feat that other stores CAN'T fil. One reason is We Know How, and the other reason is we have Qeen Quality Shoes There are other folks who "know how," hut they DON'T have QUEEN QUALITY SHOES This Style No. 5 38 Aek to see it, Shoes, $3.00, Oxfords, $2.50 FLINT'S SHOE STORE. theh Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly when vou order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181. for good goods and good service. C. W. PARKS & CO. fl LIVERY. 1 -AND- iC,-""yiw ' " in .il EMPIRE- Lilrerj, Feed and ale fables C. P. Bakkakd, Prop. . . Saddle Morses. Single and Double Rigs at all hours Transient Stock gven very bet care Rates always reasonable -v l'i"t the fdoti !s ; ;.; fr Ilea-.-. .' .oo. ;. That in ken oar i.fle - tiori and i-o:u::io:i s.irr.ov we do for thii ty day d: a-our ei.arter in nioiind::. 11 - That a vei.y of t:i. reoh'- tion- In- - lit to t!," r. '.a'.ivei and a copy to the I'ai ific W.Hs!:i:jii. and that they hj.rea l up :i the r-.-..r.U of tie- ainp. r:site.-nal.y nhte!tteL J. A. lh :mvn 1". C". I. 'i.i N. T. Jt.' ;:rr. Cream Wanted. l4iiieias County t'tvaniery wants' crean: and will payhihe.-t e.ih pri.-es for hntter fat. Write fr cream cans-. Will inrnish yon i'reani "-M.arator that are s-eond to none i;i totality and Price on lnost any condition ymi nuiy de-ire. The bharilcs Tnl'iil.T ('ream Separator lead-;. 1 loiighis county creamery rJer-anc-s'Fir-t National Lank and Douglas- Coimtv Iku:lc. Losehiir'. Or.'L'oii. Smiths' Dandruff Pomade. Stops itching sculp upon one applicition three to six removes all dandruff and av!!1 stop falling hair. Price -"0 cent.-.. For sale hv Marst3i s Lru' Co. Mltf. S. T. Wi-t. hi'.viti,' accci.ted sf-veral old and reliaMe fre inMiran.-e i onij.aiiies i now to do a general tiie in- nrance hiismess. Insure Willi lnni. Orlice at the City ifall. tf. L. - If you want to buy a farm If you want furnished rooms If you want to buy a house If you want to rent a house If you want to build a house If vou want to move a house Ji.You don't know PAT T C Daffprfnn -Contractor, fill oa or4drM... JaCCBrUIl, U4Utti"dr lieaeburg, Oregon, 9f wry ST JS WILL CORE YOU i s et mm 4 SkkWokbj A RUN AWAY DKSASTHR. GAKidxi-.K, M.iy io To the I'l.mndi-.m.j r;. The- Co -Uav Cv: Gardiner .'t-.tgo lino had quite an .evident ou the L'acL a icw Jays av;u. Four iiorses were hitclicd on to the stage, to start out from their stable, one of the four not be in;: driven on th. leam only occasionally become frightened and the infection spread to the others, whereupon they made a wild dash in to the ocean. Thel eadcrs become Io sciied f:o:n the otlier and came i nt, the coaii'.iuj; jo.Ie br ke and the wheeler dashed on to their death, with the lr-'.::t v.hfiAs Ti;e driver Mil'.on Cully spiang' Ut and swam a-'u-re. The hind wheels and b' x w ere :eeovered. The dr .vne i h-.-rscs and front wheels will likely be washed ashore by dn iixm in j tide. Vol STOlt HORSf S AND RODE AWAY Seen Later at (icrvais. L'lood lioi'.nds on Uitir Trail. The Dead fiuards. m.: i, .In:,.- II. I i:r: u the ni.-iit r..-y al,d Mei riil. the - aped con cai..e throiljh Sa'a'n. o!..ta;i,.d i -e "thin. se.!- a t. an. ..f h-.r-' id i,. .f. 1. Vie-an:::', y t '1 ihu.-i. Al-a.' o, I;,.. ,, . J. n... . i .. .''i -;....-:'i v. ., . .- ' -i.t . !,'.- Coffee, Tea and Spices CAI.I. AT CURRIER'S GROCERY . AMi A-K FOR moriOFGXB BRANDS Price i- :: higher and i v.-ry can v'"arantetd Roseburgs i-7 Z A Z fi fi. Leading Grocer 1 -1 PARTICULARS OF THK PHXITH XTiARY- Kl-Vi I.T Sai.KM. June o. The prison, is en.: 1 ye.i ia the ry were marched to work at 7 oY:. ',-, i ad t-t-.t inolding-roiu, w ith Shop Guard Feuel: i:i:de au-t tVr.iiei Stap'etou in an adjoining rco:n. mi ;-i :ily, :i ing, Traccy and Merrill produce : , Traccy ::i:.ii:: :v. Ferrell, when Ingram, a life prisoni : , afempted t- disarm Trac-y killed l.i lea: r l . a;ui v:i::o-t r.ihtant- the scaled v he Trace'. Instantly Merrill sh;t Iniv.m Ferrell, the latter falling forw ard an I .y The two prisioners at once made for the wall near ih northeast corner of the stockade, where wail bv means of a ladder. When they the wall Jones, on the northwest corner of the stockade was killed, being shot twice, in the abdomen and 1 ami killed instantly. Tiffany was also .-hot,; ped off the fence, engaging the men in a hgh were ti, : n.i r..n :.' . .U;..:i.e ti.e li at Ir ; vr-:; a.i 'o e'.. - -i. i j .:, tie i;.r.:.irt ! ; .1 1 . i thr. .llil to t'.o-Ui 1 i.u-r iyii.d:t .!!,-:,. e-.n-11 i. it. ti.e san.e J -o.-.l it orr- pl.u' inrtii.-r . 1 f-T tr.u.!. ;.;i tiie :. .:-.::i I:.. 9- . i. I i ' h U i ml !.' wmm Suits We have a line that is a good one. The latest style and cut. Underwear 1 2- in all the Balbrig gausdinen mesh and light weight wool Hats r r;i.: : ti.e t- t'..- i' I ? A i --t-r t ' - -t I t j ' t'CV i.. fs. lei .:. i r J.- Z to Li.: :.a i. t:.e e:ty ::: F.r--.k- in Straw and Felt, 111 tlie new Florodo ra Shape. Phone 353 i :- t!::;t tiiv i Si Woilenherir Bros. .i o a i -s 1 c j :Co- nc uro; - One Prke V " 'r'" '" ' :- " ' ' k. '.h-i-ei tys tur.!.-v- esct-L-led. .- . T' M. r v. 1 f W ere 1 ! Hi :,::.! t : r.n ; i s, "I i A-...--t iberar was soon empty, and he was taken by the esc.r.)e as a shie-d. They made for the timber. Out of range of the prison they stopped and ly killed Tiffany, escaping into the tiu uc-r im:.:.diatcl . They had taken Tiffany's gnu. but finding it cir.p-y th.rcu it away. Duncan Ross, a new gu?.rd, was o:i the fence ne.u Tiffau)', having been ordered up- to relieve the latter at his post. Ross was unarmed. These escapes shot at him, the bullet stiiking him in the forehead and the bullet glancing and inflicting a slight scalp wound. The tiiree gnirds killed were all highly respected men, and all have families. Ferrell was a Woodman, and -loues was a prominent Odd fellow and Workman. Ingram, the life convict who was shot by Merrill, was forced to undergo amputation of the left leg at the knee to save his Hie. INGRAM IS DK A p. Salf.m, June 9. Ingram, the wounded prisoner, died this afternoon at 2:30. Ingram was a life prisoner and in attempting to take a lifle away from convict Tracey at the penitentiary in the break for liberty Monday, was shot through the leg by prisoner Merrill and the bone was shat tered. Ingram was sent up from Linn county for killing his brother in 1901. . . INDIAN WAR VETERANS RHUNINON. Portland, June 11. The Grand Kucr.mpnient of the Indian War Veterans will meet in Portland June 17 at 9:50 A.M. Fare over Southern Pacific 13 rate. This -will be the most interesting reunion the Indian War Veterans, their wives and widows have ever had. Veterans should bring their wives and all widows of Veterans should attend.' The Sons and Daughters furnish a Uauquet at 12 m. and supper at 6 p. in. two tkrriblf: disasters. Lakk Park, Minn., June 10. A, tornado struck 12 miles north of here at 5:15 P. M. yesterday, sweeping a strip of laud two miles wide and three miles loug. It de stroyed nine farm houses and killed 10 persons. The church at Spangle was demolished. Chicago, Juue io.-Of the 34 persons injured in the St. Luke's Hospital fire yesterday, it is feared that three will die, thus bringing the total deaths to 13. MT. RANIER IN LINE. Tacoma, June 10. Some excitement- is caused by spurts of what is thought to be steam rising from the peak of Mount Rauier. The mountain has been a volcano, but is supposed to be extinct. (9 Ho::et bargairi::g is a badge -.-.f nobility. We J 1 t.ti i.... o..u aau p.sjc o' io visit our store anci r. ' (9 cx inune o 1 IA . - 1 arge and complete stock of I I'l.e 7r:.l !.JiMl,& Staple and Fancy Groceries. 5 " -r i i:h rir!.. i .... I: (9 ad a!-.:i in- nirv j ip T i y :: -"i: ! j ( .i an 1 r- .-- ! e-i j .. , J (c Wc are r -.v over-stocked with mm, mm m mm : .. r re ituc this stock we are prepared . ' ( to thc P--'t attractive prices. It will pay you :-n Mir..- o..-r. ilr..-,. (O to call and enquire. ira Doir-! . l -. a t..! i I : t.'.. Siterar U.irh: Ire D.aJ Oua.-Js. .Fresh Farm Produce is our Specialty, St ll.-l.llit- I w. o) J ) e) en ly kid-.l. !c::u'.-:.. t tar. i-h the hear:, j (D lh- I- :i u heie !-: !. ... : aft-r the ,.I fO M'- r-.yd" '.! Man 1. e. ri,er Ja. . ;-. n . COBB I an i Ca- Ms-. i. ' n -ot -p ike. l ..e jnard on No. j il-lo;iie;i. lie iive-1 a : ' it red j aard j 0 .-irij held a pr:-o;;er l.y the t.. A who evidently ainoMto u.-e id in eiaamt. as ' 'a. n S. II.- T. .lolles. t 1? wa-i sh..t in tie- icv inini.ti S. hr.t -auk rapidly, and .re i! asita!, coal.l U- : he di-d. lyi:,b- on the floor of hi station. Tiffany v. . shot in thel while tvir CulIVKt a- a siiU'l I. Ti. com icts delilwratelr i ti.nrdeie l him ; U- hve-1 only a lew ininntes. and l;, w ho Mas w ith hi:n ' culd .io noihii: f .r hii.i, a-li;; ed-Wd away rapidiy, and tlie pn.r fellow died wllh a r;si".. -t to see his wife on his lips. l'ra:.k 15. l rreU was l-,.rn in t'nis city oii .lime .7. 1 -'.7. and would have K-en a", year- old on ;l.e -Jali oi this J !! was ,.r many years employe.! at the j :! .n.:t;.4 tniils as a !l..c.r packer; M-rvd ! r a year on the j.;iee f.-rce an 1 i.-r tlie j I a.-t i'ouryetr- as ;i ei.jrd at tlie prison. He leaves a wife. ni..i!e.-. four hr.'lhers and one sister, hecea-e lis a nieinlvrj i Salem Camp No. IIS. WiN,Iiiieii t i i tne World, in whieli order lie earritsl a henefn t ertili. ate for f.'.i e. The funer al w a- l- M iivm the family home at No. tl."i State street, Wednesday after noon under the au-piees oi iIk- WmiJ. ii en. ltitermeiit in t h- Kural ccincterv. S. K. T. Jones, K-ttcr know lias, Thurs ton Jones, was a native Ort gonian. He wa- a son of Fieldim: Jones, the honored pioneer ol ' llulihard, and was liorn at V at place on September 10, 1S.'C. He lie.l theie tuitil three years api, when he assumed the duties .,( elia,-,i 1U Penitentiary, and removed his family to a farm one mile east of the nri-on. He leaves a widow , and eight children to mourn his untimely demise. The funeral will lie held at Huhhard under the auspices of the I. 0. O. K. and A. O. I'. W., in both of which he wa on hon- (Coneluded on- second page.) 0000000COCCXXC-OOOCXCOOC0 D 0 o o 'radical Watchmnker, Je wler and Optician A. SMLZMAN Carries a complete stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Diamonds and Silverware i WATCH PvKl'AlRINO A PKCIALTV. ROSEBl Rt;,0K 2 oooocooo ..ocoooooooo coooceooooooooooooo !: y t ' MOST MUST DO TIME. , Ai.ijanv, N. Y., June 10. The Supreme Court this afternoon confirmed the sentence of one year's iniprison nient imposed on Johau Most for publishing an anarchistic article shortly after McKiulcy's assassination. Filthy Temples in India. Siii red cows oflen defile Indian (cm pics, hut worse yet is a hody thal's pol luted hy e-ilistipation, I'on't permit it. Cleanse your syslem with !r. King's New Life I'ills :ind avoid untold misery. They jjive lively . livers, nelive bowels, iiMd diget-t ion, line appetite. Only 25c ut A. C. .Mursterii drtt) store, For Sale or Trade. I have a few more rod horsfi for sah or trade, also, a sint;lu drivim; bu.'L'V and harness. I'ine'Jersev cow for sale. A few mere excellent buildiiiv' lots in beaut iful Kiversi.lo Addition, for Sii '1'hia is my individual property and if you want any ot it, see me ut my 1 1 1 About Ikes. I'll viiii want any honev iroiu vour bees'.' If you do. do not hive tlirin in lxxur k.j when you can get a gnel patent S frame hive complete for only 1.7."). l-'er sections and bee supplies, call on John K. Joiivsov Box 3;!1 Koseburg Ore A WARM BABY :-n t aUavs a .smiort-.',Jeone. anv nnre than a man is ia iv.irni weather with hisci:Tsa:id -liars wiltin- whentV-v are r.-ji properly lant.drie.1. When ytw si.irts. e.i:iir and enff are lanndrie.1 her- von can silly forth under a broiiiu;; July m:;i happy in the kuonkxl. tUt oiir iiuen will not tucker out" K-firt the day is i,VOr. Try a sample .f our Summer lauudrying. II 8TEU 111! STUDEBAKER Jw fM a' n..ri CATARRH 10 CENT t- j WCOID1! TR,LS,IE. M klj o UICUIII Ul'.lill Gitn Re'ial at flnce. hean Iliotiitti-rtiH-it ini-lil. l.rm... II , nr. I '.l.t.i li ftiut ilriv.i nwiiv a t nt lu tli.t II.imI iiii:. 1 is alworlioiU ll'-.ijj ami lr,ii ict.t ttic MfmlTsn.i, llt'SI.M.-.' thf Si-iici ef 'I'n-lo un.l Siin-ll. Kll!l miM ilk-.; 'I'riii! siu ih.; ut loi-;i.-,is or by umiU iiLX Wctixuuts en Wuru suwt, i Yao HAY FEVER Tin . j. - lYiuuntain uear wn Farm W gons. 9fade to laat. ?o Cast or WaUea&te iron Skeins, 9o poor material covered up with auacfy oa int. We just received a line Hue of Studebaker Hacks and Buggies. Churchill Woolley