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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1902)
Oregon Historical Society 1'OWTi.lfT m TV W WvW fflff ft? w V ob Printing dvertising J o ! Is a vry important factor in Im-iiiif-bs. F"oor priDtintr re- In busy seasons brings you yonr share of trade; advertising ia dull rea I S I'.wis no credit on a good lustrums Louse. Let ns do yonr Job l'riijii'ij wh tuarautee it to be in every way hsdibfactory. sons brings yon yonr 6hare, and also tbat of tie merchant who "can't af- ord" to advertise. Published on Mondays and ThursdaysEstabiished 1868. ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNK 16. 1002. No. 48 Vol. XXXIII. Ul I 1 y . t i 3 President, Vice rrvsi.lont. t'lcdiior cooocococoooooeooo ooooocooooooocooooooooo O i minm A.r MARSTF.R? 11. C. o.U.l Y, O o 8 o 0 o Douglas County Bank, EstablisMietl 18S,v Incorporated ioi. Capital Stock, $50,000.00. 5 0 BOARD OF DIRECTORS O F. W. HFSH S. 11. A. V.OOTH. .1. It BOOTH, J. T. BUI Ui KS V I. 1. KFL1.Y, A. C. M ARsTKRS, K. L. M1I.1.KR. ; t .....i i..,..i;t lkiiiii.i iranc-ii-tl nn.l I'tKt.tnuM-s eiven everv y A s;euei.o ..woon - ...-... .... - r.- . v accommodation consistent with safe and conservative bankme. Y 0 T.ank 0111 from niue to twelve and from one to three. 5 0XK00XKOOCOCXX000XX)X)X0XC I MATTINGS I b - - ! LATE NEWS SUMMARY Important Events of the Past few Days. Ill I 1 I' Si An elegant line f l inen Warp ... Mattings in all the latest designs (i and colorings have just arrived. $ Have yon seen our elegant Car pets, containing cotton chains, all wools and a lull line of thrt-e-viuarter goods, ranging in price iroui 2Sc to ? l.r5 per yard. Our line of carpets is far superior to anything we have ever shown in previous years and w e delight in fhomiii" them. STATE, GtNERU, fOREIGN. Cream of the Dispatches Dished Up in Condensed Form for the Busy Reader. LATEST NEWS. B. W. STRONG, THE FURNITURE MAN. Roseburg,Ore 3 a Bring Or Us Your ... CHICKENS. EGGS, BUTTER. FOR CASH OR TRADE i i J. r BARKER & CO i i Krtijse & Newland First class Groceries Our prices are always right and stock complete k k k k k k" DEVER'S BLEND COFFEE .Also a full liue of... Kii.un;i. tin- ll.;.u!aii ..:i-.hh.. .-it'iii o! itct i it y ;iiter a ten years" .sleep. The next legislature will consist of 24 republicans in the senate and i demo crat. In the house the jvpublii'ans have 4" 1i:.'1ii1h i and the oemocrats IlV Wasiiiii:ton county i- to 'in its .;i rt in hnil.tin t forty mile bridge across the (ireat alt I.ak.-' c -ntractor has coui- i.ieuced cntiir. !:,. i.iiins: u.r that pur- -e iil the tiin'-. r l.ear ' .a-loi;. friday in-.mii.t: " ar:in Mi-s Addie rtotHer. of Aii-any. u.t caught in a hlinj: lt d and when ra. ln-.l by h.-r mother, v inj h.-a : d her Fei.-an.-. a un- nii : !!-. ;:eariy -!!:: i.ered . i..v. Whit ar.ei-. lb.- s-rst i.eniorof M ."n. i- .il at Kujexie. lie ni l tii'Vfriinr b--!y are the-nly living ex-s:ovcrnor cf l!.e Male, lotheni "as;e is like a luty winter, frosty br.t kiudly. lh ii. lle:.ry r.hiekm.iii. laic en. liiiate tor ;.! tre.!-iu r. of 1 i-ij.-r. Ut n ill the cite till- Week. He i..k- Holt tin- w..r?e iii t'oti-..jt;ciicr o: hi-defeat. Portland l'i.-i atch. Vo;; ier il he ha iiitr.ltiifd an "i lier Home iill- lately. t're-o-, VoH the l.lgi.e-t p reel. of at 'lie t'h.irle-t. .ii expo-ii;on (if any stat.- in the I'nion. This i- ppJue live of a tei! ereat -ati-f.u -1 i i but not -;trpri-e. e-i tre'on i- aiway- a prize uinm-r. The r. i:o:i exhibitors reCeii-l ?"H i:ie h.!- ai.d ibpioi'.a-. It i- c .ntid- :.; Iy ai.ticipat.--l that the v : - i M .i!:ii..a.ii cunty ni'.l U- lini-hed by the time .v.-ri...r C'ham-bt-rlaiu elect i- r.ady to take hi--eat. l"..r -low the oiiiei.'o- ho do Vote coin. tii;u and iii in M'iitnoi..ah i'.iity at tli- ., .i i ..; n..- ela--. 1 he rk they have tiii? year ha- been a i'.i-'r.l. e to the -tate. The Vi.-i.:ia corr.-p-.tident of the I 'aily Kxpress s;-y- a report ha- lea- hed tin re !:-!!) t o:.;;:. 1. 1:;, t-. the cin ct that Ar.i'h t'iln-!. :i-u have ma acred a c;.raaii of v.e.iill v ;.. .chant- in tie- desert :.t a .ii.t ir.i;.-. :;..iu Kk it. in A-a:atie Tci rvi-v. A- e. r i;n to tin- t'on-taiitnioi.Ie r- i-.rt, :i!v w r-"ii it o! the ' n!.oeo!i:i,- .-e.l t he . ara .iti e-cape-h t-iuc- th.e 'i' .".t r pattof tie-"hit' ha-.e left Mariihi ii':.-t:ie i.i--jr-s ima;jn;e that the i -hit. '. I- at h-iuth theirom TiieV h.l'.e :ili l e.ecl'.tj a lictTo L'"V- eri.or a:. l ther .i'.-ei. Ti.e "joverii ur" ha- already ii-line.i-h.-.i him-eif by l.H.tin and ex. II.- i- -aid to have ama--i'd e..::--;.l rai'h' wealth by pilbi'iUj: h"i:-e- ali ..v.-r t'ne l.-lan-'t. His foilow.-rs are inllam'.-l by .'.rink and give thcm-elvc- up to orgie- of the luo-t revoltim: des-ription. Convict Ingram to be Pardoned Rumor . Says Crater Lake is BoilingOther News. INGRAM'S BRAVERY RKVVARDKD WITH PARDON. Salkm, June i ;v Iu auswer to au inquirj" of The Tele gram this moruing as tc whether he contemplated pardon ing Frank S. Ingram, the life term convict who was hot by Convict Merrill while trying to protect prison guards from being shot during the outbreak Monday, Governor T. T. Geer said: lI am disposed to pardou Ingram, whose splendid ac tion 1 believe deserves recognition, and unless valid objec tions should be raised and presented against such clemcn e-, I think I shaU take the matter up favorably in a week or so. There is no immediate hurry, as Ingram is n -t in condition to be moved vet. and besides I want to give time lor all persons to be heard iu the matter." Ingram was sentenced to life i ptisim".:t County for killing his own bro'.'.ier ten wound was in the right leg, which was so icd'.v that amputation was necessary. i : !.!::: . His t.c: d CONVICTS ELIDE POSSE Progress of Coos Bay Roseburg Rail Road Survey. PRESIDENT STANDS BY CLBA Eugene to Hold a Street Fair September 10th to 14th Other News. o! I I '. W- I.I.I I'K ITH-t tll-. Nli.:.', . .Im... i:;.-Tl.e . f.,r Tra-c.-y ;,iid Merrill h;. de-m-rate-l into a !;. .-re blind -earcli. All effort- to pick :p the trail to lay have proved futile. The po e I- n. .v. wandering aimie--lv in tie i.--l.'!d-.rh.l of t!;.- draves ran. i.. i: tie-trail is not found t'.lay, ti.e ii proba1 iy v, ill ! abaii'lone-1. and t!if wl. .1 ' party will retnrn home. ' v A . ...1 Oregon ( ;ty. joined t! - m i.ii.g J arty t -.ljy, liain U-eii r h r.-d ..-it lal evening. The a!en i .i -:! :m .!, j, .no, have Ih ii "I i- ! e i p. .:.,e. m Are yon parti.-niar about vonr Coffee, Tea and Spices 3 II Vol' AIM-: ( Al.I. AT CURRIER'S GROCERY A I A-K TOi: morjopoi,E BRANDS I'ri.-e i- ho i.!.h-r ah ! e;.-ry can guarante:.! T n Rosfcburg'5 turners, Leading Grocer Suits ' -,.! .v t in, :,: : ' ! n rn.- by l a I ..1:1 el.-nr.- . f lerr se 1 C'hari. t.itphol.e th lv an-H.-riitj ' Ii z SISTER SAYS INGRAM ACTKD IN Si-i.i'-Drl i-NSIi. t::e :i :.n: iu t;:. I n 1 1-: r k x 1 k x c k . luce 1 ;. A sistc- V 1 t convict who came so near losing his life a: t'.i - is working in the hopyards across the river ft--: Her name is Mrs. Isabella Buudv. She was Tuesday and learned the current report that her I was dead. She visitedth e Penitcutiarv at once with of caring for the body, but learned for the firs t ti:ue ui h: probable recovery. Mrs. Buudv, while supposing he dead, insisted in the innocence of her brother, wv... .-Lu said, killed his own brother in self-defense. She leturncw iu the evening and resumed her work iu the hopyard. N. a h '-t tl. ..t V' :. i:er : (". V.. r- th- nr. ha--l ry --tor.- in New lira A !ar:,,er 'in-' to.vard ..I lv... iim 11 carrying yun ! , -,, t.r.i. 1 ii.-y i-.lll.p- a:i i uei.t t...irds the rixer. -i '!. y will e.-t a 1m! near on pure and r. -- to ti.e I - !1 tliere tl.ey Il.a" Jo lip nd r. a. ! Portland ia Wiil rid -w.-eo t..i;:."tit. I'olii- N.ttio.'ia: oiar l. return l.ul.. ti.i- ..:;.-rii.-.ii. vh-r.:t- lUtbili and other- of the 1 N.-e-;y at la-t report- f ;! I 7 i ess t 4 We have a liue that is a good one. The latest style and cut. Ti in all the Balbrig gans.Mnen mesh and light weight wool Hats iu Straw and Felt, iu the new Florodo ra Shape. 'Phone 353 Cocs I; -kesthurg Ri!roiJ i 4. - -Mrt-l fr.-n in i a 1 .! r.-1 1 Tie- d- :i..r. .(lv jf In.e'.e Al-j Seeds Highest price paid for Produce. Give us a call Zr-SPUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASEe Kruse & Newland It's Just Fun For us to get a chance at flitting the feet that other stores CAN'T fit. One reason is We Know How, and. the other reason is we have Queen Quality Shoes There are other folks w ho "know how,"' but thev DON'T have :. QTJEBN QUALITY SHOES Tuis Style No. 5 38 Aek to ee it, enoes, d.w, uxioras, .ou PLIHT'S SHOE STORE, Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in good cooking, is. to have good fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly when you order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181 for good goods and good service. C. W. PARKS & CO. IK II. 1 1 iffi r - AND- - v . '-"'"rr'-'ffT---- -mil ul -EMPIRE- .Liverj Feed and $ale ' f&airle Q. P. Barnard, Prop. Saddle Horses. Single and Double Rig at ail hours Transient Stock gven very be ' care Rates, always reasonable CRATER LAKE BUlLING. . Medford Oregouiau: Crater Lake is begiuin t j and steam, according to reports of recent arrivals. though none of those interviewed have se.Mi the lake it they claim that clouds of steam could be from where the Lake is located. As the tions of Pelee have already kindled so many tires in other craters, some believe it may be responsible for the boiling of Crater Lake, if reports are true. t 1 Roseburger's Close Call. Jt'cTioN Cm. June VJ. il. Ii. atch, conductor on a freight train he. with -Junction and Ih'.-eiHir.;, had a ! call lor i lis lite on Wednesday. While--atleiii.liii to board the engine til" his train at t'omslKk hi- f j-t slipjx-d and he fell, striking his side oh the cor ner of the tank, tailing, to the ground verv close to the rail. Mr. Veatch inks he fractured some of hi- ribs. lie left lor hoine on the ov-rlaljd feeling verv sore. Camas VaUey. Mr. i;.ihanhcn from . an I iancisco Kad in the Vallev a fevvdavs ao visitin? ith Ids lau;:hter Mrs, Lizzie bund- h. Jhe "Lions" eave -their sup-r and etitertaininent hist Saturday even- in', tlier.i bein' uU: a crowd prevent, Ir. Tavlor anions the miuiber. l:oad-supervisor I"avis has taken a force of hand- down below the alley for the purpose of improving the roads, mid from thesoiiml of the numerous blasts we should jude that said lm pruveineiits arc beiiia iicide. t'nder Mr. Iavis'B suiervision we are asKiired of pout roads. Mr. I'.ai Ix-r i- reinovin stumps from his ranch w ith dvnamite. Others who lire troubled with stumps in their fields would do well to adopt Mr. I'.arluT plan. The slice station has recently lecli moved from Mr. 1'e Oroat" to A. L. Brown-. Me Bkia. For Sate or Trade. WILL ASSAULT OLD GLORY. - Washington, June 12. After several years of aln.o-t entirely theoretical work, the General Hoard of the Navy is now preparing to demonstrate by practical test the soundntss of its theories. Rear-Admiral Philip IL Cooper has been placed "in charge of the preparation for war f the district extending from Chatham light, Cape CoJ, to Baruegat light, New Jersey.'" Rear-Admiral Louis Kempff has been given duty ot a similar character cn the Pacific coast. These two officers will follow out the mans ot the board by placing the defenses of this coast, which come under the control of the Navy iu condition best to w ith stand a mimic attack of a foreign fleet, stimulated by the North Atlantic fleet ou the one side and the North Pacific squadron on the other. 1 have a lew more "ood horses lor sah or trade. ai-o, a sinirle dnvtiur luijiiiv siikI harness, l ine Jersey cow lor sale. A lew mi l e excellent liuildiiijr lots ill l-auliful Uiverside Addition, for sale This is 111 v individual property and v.,11 want any oi it. see meat in v ollice J ' ' r I.oi m Barxi'.k NO SUNDAY FAIR IN ST. LOUIS. r at e .1- - lay II .: M ill ; !ll- 1 . A r- in charge oi . t atf.dr- from . n ii r .- th.-!' h.-a 1- . - i n..-,., i. o whether the - :r-e : tlie -1 i.i.rk.- u...'.n i;.i: d. Another nessage for Kitiprocity. 1 ' II. Ii a t lei: - .t a- i.e e var:';i ! the i-.hti--.-t- t:...t; he m;?t ' tl.c-i.e-: - .:! .rter-. but can- is si'.-tit and create a t..!-e iin Ihe in. M.ia- f..!.v: a e.i'.thy ai.l! Na a is a vo'ir. rein.bac. sli'.i a !.. .. e p. lis her hirth. h-.-e t'i: ure, w h. -e ery life, mu-t de 'ii .-ir attitude t-'War-l lier. 1 ask -. h.-!p her .Is she -tnti.'ie- t:p ioi. tin painful and ro;id eriihieiit and ihdcM hdchCe. I a-k this aid for her l-oause -ho is weak, l-ocau-e she ut-tsU it, levau"? we a' aidol her. I ask that oi-n- a , : 't n .1 r. I , .-I -e! St. Louis, June 12. President Francis has been auth orized by the exposition directors to sign a coutr::ct with Leslie M. Shaw, Secretary of the Treasury, in witch the World's Fair mauagemeut pledges itself nop to operate the 1 . . . . n I 1. . ......... . . -. - . . . 1 . . . , . , . . . A I iuii uii ouuuoy iu any nine. i ins .uiiuii uua iaKtii .is he ;. u i!l p" result of a letter from Secretarv Shaw, requesting the com-'be-t a-Uanta-.-. panv to comply with the Federal act appropriating $,ooo,- 000. 1 lie becretary notihea tue company mat none ot tue vouchers of the National Commission for salary or general expenses would be allowed, unless the contract was signed. La handed help, .fa kind which a self-re-s -1 ; 1 i r jviple call accept, In ;iven to I i.ha tor the ery reason that we have i.-ii her -ach help in the jmst. Our -..Idler- height to ive her freedom, and I T tliree ear- our repreM-ntatives. civil and ii. Hilary, have toiled uncva-ineU-, lacing di.-i-asc of a jH-culiarly siui-ter and fatal type with patient and iincoin plaini::,.' I'ortiin.le. to teach her how to u-e arijht her new fretstom. Never in hi-tory has any alien country ln-eii thu. a lminister.-d with such hih integrity of jinrjx -u. h w;-e judgment and such a single-handed .ieotiu to the country's iinere-t. Now I a-k the ("ukum ible chance to tie to the the freedom of which ! Americans have such rittht to !c l.roiid and tor w hi. Ii so many American lives have been sacrificed. hif.oihum: i:ooskvi-:i.t Wliite House,-June 13, 1W2. 4 4 4 4 ? r T J "v v 4 4 T 4 T 4 f 4if,rfr44 .J- TT 1 tl wear that btdge, and ask you to visit our store and examine our Urge and complete stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries We are n .w over-stocked with pnrriy niminiurc nun cm 4 ' . . Ore Prhe Wollenberg Bros. 1- -VTe v. Stot - cl.v, ted. t n rt u n u r phi! lltliiliil II iL IHIJ ULIiUJIIlii Aud.t:. - u..: to reduce this stock we are prepared to make the mjt attractive prices. It will paj- you to cail uu! ecq r.ire. Fresh Farm Produce is our Specialty W. L. C OBB Mrs. K .v A'- ..'el stall 1. - Titer -ts. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 000C00000OOOC!CC0 l A. SnLZMAN Practical Watchmaker. Je wler and Optician Carries a complete stock of Watches, Clocks, Tewelrv. Diamonds and b'.Iverware WATCH ltKPAlUIN'i A -PKCIALTY. r.oSEBVKO. OKB 9 OOOOCOOOCOOOCOOOOO O COOCKC 0KCXCOOOC000 DEATH ON THE RAIL. Ii . 1lliV- A WARM BABY isr.'t a .vay- a cinfortableone, any more t; a:i a ::.a;i i- in warm weather with hi- ce.tS ;,. . ,s,iars wilting, uheu tliey are not properly latuulr.l. When yHir -hirts. ohar- and cuffs are laundricd her-- . u -ciVy forth under a broiiiujt July sea happy in the knowledce that your lhieii will hot "tucker ont" before the day i over. Try a sample of our Summer lanndrying. 1 ;--'J' w .pvktcnT ii III STEAM IBRI Nashville, July iv Through a collision of passen ger trains on the Nashville, Chattauooga and St. Louis Railroad live persons are dead and sixteen injured. KILLED UNDER ELECTRIC CAR. Portland, June 13. Dr. McDaniel of this city slipped and fell under the wheels of an electric streetcar this fore- He was instantly killed. noon. If you waut to buy a farm If you want furnished rooms If you want to buy a house If you want to rent. a house If you waut to build a house Tf.vmi want to move a house Reseburg, Oregon, Cream Wanted. Doiielas, County Cicamei v wants your i -rea 111 and will pay highest, cash pi ice for butter fat . Write for cream cans WdJI furnish vou Cream Separators that liro sno'iiil to none in vnanty ami nice oil inort any condition you may desire. The Sharpies Tubiiler Creaiu Separator leads. Iioiiwlas eouiilv creamery refer- ances. I'ir-I National l'.anl; and Hoiiilns Count v I'.auk, I.'osehiii-, Oregon. Sini lis' Dandruff I'omaJj. gfops llehtnr scalp upon one applieat ion three to six removes 'all dandruff and will stop falling hair. l'rice ."0 cents., lor calc hy Mar.-teiu JJru Co, Mltf. TRUSTED EMPLOYEE WENT WRONG. Nkw York, June 13. A trusted employee of the Wes tern Union Telephone Company embezzled $16,000 from the company and fearing investigation of his account has disappeared, CUBAN RECIPROCITY. Washington, June 13. President Roosevelt sent a special message to Congress today, advocating the enact nieut of a law providing for reciprocity trade rebtious with the Cuban republic. IZtiKene .Street Fair. l.miAK. June . At a meetiiii: oi a number of business men at Mavor G. R. 'hri-hinaii's ollice this foreiiiHin it was ciilcd to hold the street fair audcarui- il on Wednesday, Thursday. Friday and Saturday. S.-i.temUr 10. 11. 12 and II. .1. Arnold, a street fair promoter ;ind owner of several attractions. :i resent nt the meet ini:, as was Ko Mr. l ri-st, w ho has Ih'cii in the ,-ity several weeks in the interests of the proiiosed 'air. .Mr. ArnoM lias such amusement as the following, nil of which ie. will hrinu' to Fueene for our carnival : Haloon as cension, lldison's electric shows. Turkish actors, German villasre, nierrv p)-riinnd. ocean wave minstrels, etc. STUDEBAKER tl, CATARRH for inrFNT F JSKVa .Ci'fl.rcCOlDl TRIAL SIZE ' i'-. . i? A 1 Ely's Cream Balm I Civet Relief at once. It rli-Mum, BixitliM ami Iii'hIk llii" .iie;if0tl iiiu- lirniif. It iiirt'ii atie-rh niul .Irivi-. invnv a Col ...i...ii.,i,i,.,-Lic. niini v ii. PmtfHtS tli 4lrtllbrti. pur, , i run i -" k - j ALY UKUl UUlS, WYurui!UXvl, Yotfc, Mountain Gear Farm Wagons. Wade to last. ?o Cast or 9atca6e iron Steins. 9o poor material covered up with quadtf oa int. We just received a fine line of Studebaker Hacks and Buggies. Churchill k Woolley Sfa'SiiK, F F. patteFgon. 2H38,