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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1902)
t V DON'T OVER LOOK THIS While you are out shopping don't thinkabout buying before you call and see our line of Spring aud Summer Dress Goods as they are the most complete and up-to-date line in the city. Our line of Wash Silks, mercerized Gingham, Dimities and colored Lawns can't be beat in price and qualit)'. 1 Our Ready-to-Wear Waist In thi line we excel all other as our lip i tin' most complete line in the city. Whit Waists from "hi cent ami upwards. Millinery Here is the Uue we can ave .von nioimy iu. Walking Hats and street hape. An leijaiit Sailor fur 50 centa. Ladies Shoes Our Imperial 13 Shoes for laditU will comi-etc with any 3.50 shi in the city i the war of j wear and leauty. hirts Gentlemen, our line of Golf aud Fancy Shirts are the latent and most complete line in the citv. The place to get these gcods is "at the People's Store. Clothing The celebrated lavid Adler A Sun's line of Clothing i" known far and near and that ii the line we carry. The price:' are right and the tit is perfect "and it you will step in we will surely convince you that we can wvynii mon ey if buying of us. Neck Wear Here is where we shine. We hae tlie s-ucll-cst and most complete line in Southern Ore gon, and for the newest and .latest tiling out don't over l.Mik us us we have them in the line of neckwear. Gentlemen's Shoes The celebrated W. L. Douglas -Shoe which we are sole agents for. speaks lor itself, if yon will -ive theni a 'rial. We hi ve them in Oxfords, hidi cuts, a No in tans and ox-WixhI coiors. one iUnr -oath oi tli I'M-t 'ifl.'C. I The People's Store I. ABRAHAH Proprietor CANNON'S Book and Stationery Store XKV ROOKS. Audrey - Kit M'lt Uorothy Vfrnon- t'l .tfur TheKteroal Cljr- Ha" "" Uoratbn tioatto-i'vs Hearts Coiragean-Ktitrt The crii """'" The Klgtlt of-WS- rtiwiTi Blenerhaiweue P"'" The Cliter--:'ti I Troth Dcitrr "vm.( The Rotter nd the Cty-r"f.i, A M Jtld of VrHlce ---fT The I'ortion of litooi WHthit Ttie Hnllnr PaMlea- 1 ' 11 ClrcamaUince JM.&Wf ;od WIIIm It Itorl' Vncle Terrjr-Jf To Have ana to Hold The Sign of the Irophet-.VB.Wr Klaoore w'ani Count HaBUib!-"'"""" Tarry. Thou. Tir I InthePalaer -u - The Helwr' . . - r - Alice off OM V- - ' And II '" We it v-- " ivni A SelllnS .--- i S By Mat'. - We r . 'tie " iiook ! ajc per w CANNON'S Rrtnic an: . i Mirc a rr T 1 Ti. a. fi W. E. Jacobs who has been in Alaska for the past three months ret nrned Horn. In Kosebur, June VJ. l"ui'. to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cobb, a girl. lr. C. F.. llotrue. of Myrtle Creek, wag transacting business in Kobur;j Satur day. Mrs. 1". 1. Alley and i.ia.ily arrived hi iue irom a very enjoyable viit with hum ioik in Lane countv Sundav en- Louia Thursday. Commandant W. W. Shipley of thejV Soldiers' Horee returned from Vortland j,. yart., for many years county Thursday, nhrre he has N-en on bnsi- i ci0rk ofl.ane county and a-highly s mm. ! t.evnied pioneereitizcii nf Eugene, died a Mrs. Ed. T. Naghel. w ifc of the eeiiiiu hi- home in thru city Sunday tnorninj. aud obliging night clerk at the McClal- Marrie.1. In the j-irlora of the Hotl len Honoe arrieel in this city Thursday ! hclalleii, in Ko-eburp, June 12, WJ. from Rarrameuto to resiie. j Mr. I'ox and Mis l'ror.ia Lake. F.l- Jlri'. Harvey Jones and daughter. 1 der Henry Bamhart otficiatint;. Mr. Tuo. Iubney left Friday tT I.os-, j t Thornton who has leen atteudinj: A'eW.Cal., to attend the bedside oi j the 0rt.j;Il Arienlturc Collepe at Cor- Ihmii i Mre. Junes father, w ho is , va;iiP i,as retnrne.1 home to spend hi e: 1 1 !. Yoncalla Real Estate TIMBER and LOANBKKE ..LIKE ANI 1-1 i NfKA"CK. Timber lands located and for OvT Der A. P. APPLEOATE, YOSCiU.. UKE If You Have a Sweet Toothi : tod will find the freshest and best ASBortment oi csnaies id to Call end see as WOOD & QUICK, Proprietors eriouly ill. T J. luMl, a prominent fruit sirow. r o" t" ! -iiville. made us a pleasant ':,:!. transacting bugip.ess in Koe r ii. . Friday. He report the fruit croj. ., i -ivti.-n not as larve as last year. better .pyality. brain cr-ps a c.ay are ab-ve an average. ..iiher Ayee. es-leinocra:ic .. , :". r county clerk, was cros ; with Ids many Ib-seburg i V I ri lav. .ii'' he seenis to take his , o.. it.. : V. TV p'.i'OM'pIlU .!. "e ir, -i c. ii .ids'" 1 cnniewhre at sunn-j "mv-h-v : e-s:i;ic ;trrivel for the , , , . :, . . -u-li Y.-'.-iU i i railp-ad. ml liur-.-i- vt-iniii'. June 12th. a ..itr:; V.-i !. i : i-l -viirje "i" t'ollduct r I".. I. .i f i t: i i i i .1 lltiniphrev oUHll ... 1 "A' irouids : h . ;n the rk oi the ;. I. rowds .f t 1 ;i' 1 : e .lelot r flu- i witness, r.f iTd'i l on t.;j O. S. Lwder. :-n;--lin'eii ion? o- ir I w.;.-Tr;.iis. Fridav and j:. C'ottaie ir.v.-, T. 1'. Siui;isi i. M.jnt Alto llan.'. aetuij bubinesi m loun putting in lu'.rve-t supj'.; 's, U- ,!.-forme-l n.-that -KJ tons ot --r hr.v v i 1 1 be put np on the ranch this :na. t.:i crop beiun immense. He says i a nioi on horse back in s''.ie. of hi- nn id .-x . the erase has mideuich l.cvth it trill tie serosa tie s:d I ! f.i. St ...i he lay, ie rolling f..t. Mr. stid Mrs. E. r. Ijoiu anive 1 h . u lueeday from A-hhind. wh-:c tin y i...v. resided for some time. Mi. !n; h. jiven up his position. Lieak'.nz out i Ashland for the S. P. Co.. an 1 an-epto position as conductor on tac C t?. railroad between TJotta'c Cli'nv and l herni. Mr. Long has many lri:n Is i: Cottage Grove who will bcla 1 1 o ictrn that he and his estimabh; w fe ai c i,a' n located among us. CotttjjC (ir .vc I-ef. O -v J rVf o o o o a & o o o a o n o c o E3 o ee this Opportunity of buying good goods cheap. It's a saving to yU f Money, Time and Worry. Tbese'are not sale goods, but regular merchan dise very best in the market, and just when you need them most to be had Very much Underprice-COME. An immense line of fancy lawns at 5c Summer corsets, (new goods) 25c and 50c Corset covers, splendidly made, 20C to 65c Lace stripe and fancy hose, extra values, 25c DSS 50, 75, $1.00, $1.50 n ujf.$1.00 to $6.00 ,e: new20c, 25c and 50c Men's Cellular knit under- C1 nn . . wear, a superior article Ql.00 per SUlt Men's white hem stitched handker- 0 OK chiefs - 3 for 25C They're worth it. An Elaborate Showing of newest Novelties in Men's Neckwear O a o a o a o o o o o a o a n o n o 0 You can t feel r when you aee our jr(KKls and price?, thoujrh your dolbra may fewer, we will make thni go farther. Value were never o low a rijfht now. What lunch mmmmiaA The Busy Corner. O O O o o o o o o o a o o o o a o o o a o o p o a a AO i a o vacation. Ist. I'K'tweeii Mclre and Hoseburr' H-akin or conversation tube. Finder willcmfer a favor by leaving same at the rursnKAl KR office or with II. Scott. Melrose, Oregon. lbu. E. f . Stra:forl reti:riu-l home Satnnlay fr.-iii a few days trip through Jo-phiiie and Jackson countie w here government land matters required his attention. Melfonl i; to have a new- Theatre. J. TJ Wil.-oti of that city i now building a new l-uildinj; for that purpose, the fl..r is tolx- 40x' fe-t The building will have .itin -capacity for TOO. the ta-e if 24i"ii feet. The ladies of St. (.corse's church w ill sive a lawn fete at the home of Mrs. Ftisley at the old K'e residence at the head of Jackn street, nest Thursday evening. Cake and he creain will le servel. All are invited. Hon. J. T. r.rif'ges, of Kosebur. regi er of the United States landoffice. i be ing cared for at the St. Vincent' hospi tal n Tin? city. He has leen in pv.r Leaitii t'.ir mt time. Mr. F.ridges i a iriuii:'-iit memb'er of the Elks and i iK.aii 1 i.; the Elks' itxui at the hospital I orii.tnd Jonrnal. i Mire l.nlu Currv, who has been at i n i.n. ; '.hrm! at St Helen" Hall, Port j . in 1. a. .'mpanied by her brother Wil i ii.ini, w ,i-i li i been attending Hill's mil- n ary a i'-ny in the ame city, arrived on Satuid-jv evening's local and will i j-en-ltli-.i v.uationat their home at i Kiver 1 1. ! r :n no: r this eity. .ttv I." i l'weeof this city, de I'v. i J ;.n ,iu !i ss at the closing exer- 'js,--oi tir- i ?csc school Thursday ewuin.'. Mi. IV rf sj-aks very high lv o t:. con i. ion oi rhe chool nuder i..c .-tu:ossful manajciu -nt of the teach er. .vi is' .wet- v. !iim--iiMaru. i .radu?tini wer. Ai xan ler Conn, Orace ihithews an I C'athvi n I'ilir. Y. K. Orcit.' . cirose, was a visitor at till: '-Mi c Satunlay. He cainO to Rostl urj t meet an old n tend, V. D. Kn.irp, Alexandria, Xoith Pikota, who is it.iss'.nsf through lh's'untry loomlora .ocation. Mr. ( )i n t stales that Mr. Ki.appw ill return to Dakota Mid try to in lu e a carload of people .o iiiiigrate to S,u hei a Oregon, t 11 i .: ; a- his is mucn piease i wi.n uns teciion o; tne state Knjsineor 1". J. ( wife and fmiiiiv. lelt Thurslay lor I' rtland to re sale, Mr. Connolly liav n; taken a run between that point an 1 Ii-xeiurrf. Mr, Cnrinoiiy ha sol 1 hbj resi lt'ii'.o property in tnis citv to Kather m- A. Lane. Fran'.; mi been running out for this stati n) for many yeai. ah 1 w II i very mil ii iiiisspl bv h'.e manv Iri rii Is here iw'ias Ids cto:iuble wile. All re- trr . f looje Bucii '(mi -it;zeii aun boo" t.i t tiiev luav E'im d v irturn to Ills "tV Cs le. License to uiarry hare been issued to Ernet Hilliwell and Siline H. Lantnan, aud Frank Parker and Ethel Speer. Mr. Have Blake, of Seattle, aud Mi. Bert Stratton. of Tacoiua, are visiting their sistt-r, Mis. S. K. Sykes. of thi city. L. M. 1' will build a neat ix room cottage on the old ( juilhogue prop erty on Mill street. F. F. (Vklereas ha secured the contract. E. F. Cucklerea. the contractor, will h ave Tuesday for Kiddle to build a residence for N.'U. Winter-on his farm near that place. Prof, and Mis. O. ('. I'.rown. T. Krown and lavid Hunter returned Fri day from 1 rain. where they attended the commencement week exicise at the Normal school. Mis. Fred l'ilkiiif.'toii arrived in tliis city Siiii'lay evening from Nortli Yaki ma, Wash., to join her liHsband who is in charge ol the old liowen Hlacksmith Mud machine shop on Stephens street. J.J. t'hadwick, the Missi-uvi IV"t tnm" farmer wa transacting business in Koseburg Saturday on his return home from Portland w here he had been attending as a delegate the Masonic tirand Lodge. t'ol. .las. Jackson, iiisjiector general oi the National tiuard, inspectel Co. E., 4th regiment. O. N. i.. in heavy man h ing order at tlie Armory Fridav evening. The company presented a very striking ap earance in their Kahki iniifurni. 1-ollis Kieel.steill and Fred Wright went to Oakland Saturday evening to attend the dunce and visit w ith the lat ter' old friend, (.'baric Hoval. the pi.p- ular young song writer and cmi.ser. who i a! present pi tying in that i ity with the Nowitv (.' t'oinpany. Passenger Hrukemaii L. Smith, who runs ln twt n Koseburg ami Asluand on train 15 and l(t. wa middwnly atllictcl than attack oi heart failure while en route to Ros. burg on No. 1 Saturday. He was left at Olendal to r. eie teli: pjrary lmslical assistance. Mrs. Faulkner and little daughter Eva, left on thie morning', local i r Forest fJrove to attend the graduating exercises at the college at that place at which time hr wm Walter will gradu ate. I ater she w ill visit The Fa"i- and Moier, Oregn, where they formerly relied. -"restr (i. itilhertson. a genia! and well known South Iouglas citien who re sides at -r n ar ilendah made u a pleasant call Saturlay. He reports consi'Ierable activity in iud aVi.t f ln ftale. The n:n, wl ramp and lumber plants of that vicinity are all very active jut not. Mr. L. A. Kbert. of Myrtle Point. Mr. L. S. Heisner and Mr. Kate I-n-d i, of Marshri Id. d-:e.-re to the tri.-t fonvenlion of th ladie- atixiiiary rf the W. O. W. which convenes in Fii' gene this week. -ei:t und.iv in lcse burr. Thi offi.p ws iaorel with a pleas?. nt call. E lwar'l I.ewel'.en. ! the Myrtle Point furniture firm of J. L. Lew el'eti i. indinu the dav in hoset'ttr.:. on Ii: wit to (Vrants Pas to attend a a .!: fate from hi home lodge, the Iitrict CfinTentiori ot the . '. v . whirfc c-i.- ene thiweek. Thi oriVp wa fao:' witli a pleasant call by our old frierd. Starmer k Jtayle t-l 150 returi.n Phriner at their f-.pu!ar railroad e.itmg hou1 this morning, i lie company mi, nrjfa.1 Oregon delegate returniiig home frrim the great Shriner convention -1 in San Franrisco last week. Another eompany consisting of Ui or ii le gates will dine here tomorrow t tl:e sams eat ing house.; The enterprising spirit inanite-td by I). P. West, J. S. Hildeburn. All-rt Abraham. Elmer Pashford and M;s Padie Wells, who, at their own ex-nse, graveled and improved Pine street Ii'-m Cass to iKjuglas. i" indeed comnieinla Me. It would 1-an excellent thing for the city if this enterprise should le come eoutageou. CVovcrnor Veer has appointed the fol lowing peron to serve a members .f the board of nsgents of the Central re gon State Normal School at Drain: Pen I Boswell, of Hoswell Springs; J.ei h Lvon. of Irain : Ilolert M. Veatch. of Cottage Mrove, all reapi'int ed U'T full term of six years : J A Mack of Irain. to nil unexpired term of C 1 Drain. resignel; W W Kent, f Drain, to till uncxpined term of H A Pooth. these tsrms to expire on April 10. 'M't ML Flos-ie Shambrook, who f,r the past four years has held a position mi the Pi uxdeai hij's comjKiing force, severed her relation w ith the paj-er last Saturday in order to assiet her father in the County clerk s office. Miss fchambrook has rendered the ri.AivnE.ii. kr faithful and valuisl services and proven herself a eomjietent, and faithful compositor and a very w orthy and ee- timable vouna ladv. Her presence will be greatlv missed in this ofhiv, where she is held in the highest esteem by the entire force, who, however, unite in wishin; her naught but future happiness and prosperity. Charles Calender and wife leave on j tonight's train to visit friends' " in ' Pi.rT-" land. Miu Euunii Southwell, oi Tin Dalles . Oregon, is viidtiug her brother Ii. H. Clark, of thi city. Mr. I'arfleht Molian and baby, who ; hale I. iviaitiugin Riddl. for som time past, rwtnrned hom. thi moinijig. Mis Vivian Jewel t has accepted a 1 position in the Pi.aimk.iler otlice, and : ia occupying ii case in the composing j room. All those interested in ba.-e ball ar. requested to be preeent it a meeting of baseball players at the o.lii e of Dexter Kic. at the McClalh-li house thin even ing at T: :t0 p. ui. A gang of workmen w it It a team and scraper are hklay put- tug iue nan gronn.i ,n nilr sireer in j shajKi to practice on. D. T. Pii. hard, the old reliable jew-' clcr. i noiv located in the building formerly occupied by I. J. Norman near the ilejKit on (.'as street and is bettor prepared t repair r clean '"ur w atch than he has ever lu'eii before. It will pa? you to cill and j;et his prices on Clothing Opportunities Upon looking over our stock of Men's Suits, we found several linen which do not move out as they should. To this lot we added all of the odd suits, short lines, etc., and marked a price on the lot which allows us the bare price we paid for them. But our loss is your gain. -'iiQy comprise worsteds, cheviots, cassimeres, clay vorot.eds, etc., in every conceivable color repairing. ti. All persons who have subscribed ior the improvement of the town hill on the Deer creek road, are hereby requested to meet at the courthouse in Roeeburg, on Saturday, June 21st, at one p. in., or the purpose of electing a superin tendent to take charge of the work and coiisjder any other business that may lie brought U-fore them j-ertaining to Aid improvement. 1!. t. Kami, Chairman. J. 11. Pay lelt Tuesday lor Diamond creek, in Curry County, w her. he has six mi'i' at work on a tinnahar mining property. This property, c insisting of five claims, is owned by a Ln l"ii syndi cate and ie said to lie verv rich. This i the same syndicate which has in con templation the construction of a rail ed from Medford to the coast. A re presentative of the syndicate i expected here within a month or six week t" take a trip over the propis-ed route. Mr. Ray will l absent Meifvrd alx.u: two months Me,!!.. rd Mail. I . J. N . n n is :i it ii i" 1 $15 and $16 SUITS ARE NOW MARKED $11.50 and $12.50 $12, S13 and $14 SUITS ARE NOV MARKED 8 to S9.;o $10 and $11 SUITS ARE NOW MARKED $7 to $8 " fs.50 and $9 SUITS ARE NOW MARKED ?6 to $6.50 f: and $7.50 SUITS ARE NOW MARKED $5 to $5.50 All of the above suits are strictly all wool, and guar anteed first-class in every particular. They won't last long at this price, so pick your suit before the sizes are gone The Big Store The Big Store 1 on -heridan railroad I- ! the an i i ai'i and ic s; i, a ,:;, r ; M plea-ant it '. new Hi ndrii k's l-:M:i:g strei t, one d ir ic rth eating hocse. II. i...w- I. a na:est !:: ;..res m tl prej niel to m Mi' ic iTi ji!is'i,i theN-s! Ti e rew re pr.-enls a view. I"!.. ii-ce r w !',;int.i::i , ','T,.pie? the lio-t h '.':' t::e r' with ample i-. ur.ter -p.. e wr -rnr.g In the rearar r,s-:t s .n .K"'', "ii niAy s ami enjoy ii . i x. !.ci ! i. cream served by thi finr.. Th n'.i. !! ' f the rrs-.m tj to the candy, '-.:-.! lion ary. cigars and tobacco Jej .trtrrv :.T NEW HOME CAFE Home Cooking Like Your Mother Used to Prepare. f-'indav .1 new rist:'.'iraiit to ! ki as the Hon." ( 'ate" w as L.iiMing near the de; as .1 reading r''ii. bv the r.-.lT'iitlotls. The foil." ..mpieteli. rei,, .,t,-l ..i. ! et.o , ' V s..l I u-ade!ig... .w u in the .c: i.i.! ay t.m- in-eii v tin.-. A ,:.. ii.,si s?:vir..lit a;.! Wvitr. J Mail Ordeis Piomptly Filled. Evcryihirvj; yuarautecd as represented or money back MONEY SAVERS This Column is Edited by our .Mer chants and Business People. Happy Time in Old Tow n. Itr.wn Hri".i ! I resh eiery day at ers Hakerv. the ihkt :a :tv m. -; l'J cei.te at j f!--ks. Ciik-ks, ("c-ks. mi a: J. T. iiryan'e in C;',.i-n and o:. r'.ls at ITii.t's. Three lo.ivi sof hn-a 1 for i.;iv.r. a!ii's I j--.t Hakerv. li'a-iii j-iality shs-s are :i!l rlfej w it's c." .r eyc:. ;s Kli'it's. ' re !-:cti'n in t.n-a i thre l'iave i-r !'cer.ts at ..itirea".!'.' IVpt I'.aki ry. Iia'.ity an! We J.-lt v. r;. I-v ill. (Ii i T -A!;. . Arnica Sal w daughter ! a ' 1 .. It dej'iits y, Corns. l;..n,s. i'.r ;i , Kruptiuis. ! i.;.ii!i! i -V at A. (' M irster i-j -tore. Mraved or Stolen. W nik- icr s air ti.i-n s. at Hint' Th, the 'r i,'1 lir. T :.--.i-Veck I'l :m' llb. :i:Ty :.ii, fl.-'m a year- :';.e Tit V inar.inw-e st I.-i; ;,r::it- and tiiinj ju;rs. V Mali. a': h.,v i h ,th Ma, k iii.iT.e and '.c. p. t in f r-".e.ei. a:i i a ' ' r; rl.t hii,.; ii...!. , :ji,: ..; ; When Iat S.--3. J;y , stadoi h.ii'.-r. A :.y .:.' .rioii ' t i tl,t. n-coi erv of i .1?-.; reuar ivl. II. .1. i. K Ab'tract r f Title to Deeded Land. Papers prepared for f lit on Gorera iiient Land. Ei'ie I 'inte of Township Mape shovlirg all vacant Land;, One Do&ar Each. fRANK E. ALLEY, Architect Abstracter Plans and Estimates lor ail Build-in Special designs for Office Fixtuf ,; . .,.;.! OZce in ZJarks Bailding. 'Phone 415. -.. ... i j Kr-SLBCEG. ORLGOS in 11 hread everv V Hiker. : e-;i.e lay i.i.'i i. i I at ' .NOTICE. Sair! i:i...s w intv t'lerk r piidt-r I'"'.', it h hrfiil and !:t.c nen t. el i.n-.f a.i 1 ov i-.i ha- put in a:i 1 thi- j, is eui'ji-i :n I'r-t-i'lass st v;e cit. U:de white L'tor iseii.n hi.n.e will l e n-.i !e a V i.Te.t many ol our t.,n n -'.pie ilmr,1, at the r re.stannint Sundav and the riMii.i.'' u.ent, Mr. I. -i.r and Mrs;.;.ix ere paid many n.Tnjd'.nient" tor the ar titic arran-et tei.t .,( the tahles. dini:. hV.I and the ev-tot n.X' of t!iebillt. fare. Tlie tahles and ind' dtvmr.iti.ins d out flowers, and see! j'as e, t n-sjn ply exquisite and no n,,.ie -.vholesonie. l.iinti!ul and lux urimis tiinner as eer serve-1 in this city. The Home (.'ate will ) cond'icte l a a t;rsti-la. rt staurant with meals t onlv 2" cent, mi I there is little donht but liat the ladies in charge will I ar e .r led their lull (hare of the public pat. ronaL'e. Letter LUt. KeuMininc niicilie-l f r at the R Wurjf piistiirtice. Person" calling for thse letters will please state tr.e iate on w hich tney are lvertie.l. June Hi lrC'l: Hrownson. Mrs. A K KoU rtxin. N It Ueani, Hash Toinhs. Charley I'ierce, W I. Williams. I'eter I'roiitv. Arthur The letters will lie charged for at the rate tif one eent each. Ym. A. Fmrni, P. M. Bargains in Wheels. AVe have in stork several second hand lurvcles which we will sell at very low nriews nr will trade for wmki. 1 .r I M . ..... ... t l . II .1 , V. 1 . " IV. I Lli" VX V ". DON'T FIDDLE vour time awav trying to do the Iihihs Lihle. It's a waist ot effort. Yu can t enini! the Yose liiano for the money 'Tic Htrietlv hi'dl-LTIlde instriiiiient ru.i-ffct in touch. tone and action, as Well us in lYinu trnrtion. Ileautiflll in desiirn ., .l c, nil, ton mid low nriced. 1 his universally imiinlar piann is sold at low est tKist ihle figures for cash, or on easy nnvinentw. A' (luftrantee with every piano. Catalogue and prices for the asking THE POPULAR MUSIC HOUSE W. A. BURR & CO. McCormick.... ! r. ; r i t df : r - Ki - A Carr a: i n ;-.iin r- ! - ' I'-l-i IV.rty i.-;i!d.r., i l.". open. !-: ! -X. ' -.,1 i. -Xi s are tor i:m- : se.' t ! .-. -h nr '.. t:i iiirs a i m nmaii I n !e and one : . i.n-e-.f J. T. -.. sp-.t ul.y r'.-ad le.i.i:.. , t -l it- j h::i;'i.-r ' 1?. liia-s : vS..l fret ;; 'v -e i v hi a ..ti I;, w ! s .-t-et I-t itl -at. -rs n Terial to ao -.i wd! r,ii:l l- -..j.H ' .et voe.r ai'-!rict II :iM. H- has I -et -f :il str.o t !i-r'K i k. f.: .li .1. ("topi 1". I: 0 :: fo! iijijj '.it t and chea -t ti.ere is. at T;,e 1 ii the mark- I .rc ri;a ke,. I) te i i '.l.e ' j: ! i straw lrry !. r est '-, V. hr.y. U: K - V . t I.- I'. .'I.vL. Ti. " ': 5aed from an Awful Tate. jWfi WISH TO ANNOUNCE iTHTTHF rilmpqua Bakery ,r !is iiov opened and we invite von to call and inspect our BREAD, CAKES, ;, PIES, COOKIES, ETC. "An i- the coblert . rk 'f i!:el-r.-adUker." jt'l il I.OAYKS, HONEST LOAVES JKM(iS i FREEMAN , IV-prifctors New P.,-:;.- V.'. lz.. North Jarluno ?ir. i:v !1 s.i ;t;, I'..-, llarue.s la. I i Hi' iltiis o se 1'fVri" . 1- ii i -v ;i ai.. 1 pr oi:r pliirn'oin and r pair n'-:u. all ..rk n-t .-l.-.ti te-si. - "ii i Hav -et! S ,!.. ,,, I ' A the a!,.; :- par. i t,. d-. U-,.n I,;r..,ivrl ;.,ri. on short , an! txx- !'" o:' l '. t; jjn taie r..ris.t 1 .n.-rnmir the Ore- ! M:t"s cx-r'' 1'iii . ivO.. .. , i.iililtli. lor I'..:,!-! ajrtfit f ' 1. s-.h : s. . i i . v or ca.- r I ..:!., If. About Bees. , I0 von want nnv honev irom your .. .. i i i.: .I...... ; lees . II von ui, oi noi one iin-iii in kix or ke). when yon can iret a ijimhi ateiit H frame hive complete for only 41.75. lor actions ami ise supplies, nil n John r.. juiinsun UuX 3;U Hiwehnrg tre Pasturel Pasture! ( ver 4K) acres of splendid pasture to let. near Mvrlle ('ret k. Stock taken to nasture on verv reasonable terms. I.n- Miirenl intetV .Met. oy eiiner at Mr- tie Creek or Itosehur,;, Oregon. Ju h McCormick Binders, McCormick Mowers McCormick Rakes. McCormick Grinders, iWcCormicks are the Best... S. K. SYKES. The surprising thiuj; about heaven is that it remains a heaven w ith so manv different women living u ler the sami roif. $ioo Reward $ioo. Tin readers of this paper will ht nleased to learn that then' is ut least one dreaded disease that sience has lieeti able to cure in all its stace. and that is Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure is th onlv positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh iK-injr a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. HaU'sl'aturrh Cure is taken internally, nctlni? directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the systv'iu thereby destroying the foundation nf the disease, and giving the patient strength by building us the contitutioii mid ussistini! nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in Its curative powers, that they offer One llundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Snd for lisf'lif testimoni als. Address F. .1. Chenkv aCo., Tolelo, 0. Sold by-lrug)ilstH, 7.V-. Halls Family Tills, are the lest. I ,,r ii.forii .:t:.i:. iTou l ire Kelii-f A's on A.J. leu han n: .-oiuitv.H.s.m d. Hi burjf, (lrej.tin. 'ek!v Kxauiiner. Week I v Ca'l tl.Oth W kly "irejr.nian li .Vh U'eekly Chrouicle u year; lea- y..i.r subscriptions at C.nnon' U.k&!tta tioiiery Mvrv. I'or Abstracts ,,f Title, guaranteed to U- full and correct copies of all rei-rds etiit tiiii; trie titie. can m trail t.. Alley upstair in the Marks Imildim:- His work is guarantee.! correct, mid price ar- reasonable. Steam V Cheiinweth have just re ceived a er luad MctVinitieV Mower. Kakes and Hinders and all kinds of ex ir;is. Hay carriers, forks and jmllies. Three kinds hay ro-e, U'st harvester machine oil. Ion't i-omplain ul.ut Utdr'ad when you can get the ls-'t in the country at Seiver's Itakery. ur bresl is no imita tion after goiiiclly else, but a receipt of our own. It takes the lend any phuv wherever the linker's art is known and is appreciated. Sievers Bakery. Stearns Chenoweth of Oakland, ave rtveivetl a car load of iron cladKush rd wagons with outer bearing block. FuUv warrantetl Buggies. Hacks and ultivators. The Il.unniel paint, the est ani ciieapesi. .iiiv" 'anus, wruie leid, tiiN wit'.doKti, tl'siis anil shingles. On account of the irregular siirvevs oi manv of the tow nships in the KoM-burg land district it is almost impossible o locate section corners; ith. ml a copv t the (ioverimieiit siirvev. I'rank K. Alley, Ahstiactor of this citv, has acoini'lcto set of tracings of all survevtsl townships and will furnish blue prints of same, showing all vacant lands, Specialists Coming. The German ami Knglish S licciulists San I'rancisco. will visit Koseburg. June 17th. prepared to treat siiccesstullv, all iiuc tliseases. Kememlier the tlate t :.l n w .. i,. .;:t I ; ' nl I'.-. K...: ;.iii i i:..i. u-i-l U, i i-ire-l." F, - . : I';-t.a-c- j; j. lie safes: cure in t.'ie 'Vorid. a;, I i- i-- lailible for t'.nsgh.s, Coi ! :;. p.r.-.r.. hial AfTtH-tion"! I 1-. '.!!-. ."V a;:d tl Trial Lotties, free t A. C. M..r--ters. Title (jttarantee&Loan Co. KO-SBCBi. 0KKGOS. tiuM.B' f-ecy. aod Tnaa or- a ;s-curt H-wie. Rare tat oalj eom p irfK': ut -:rwr! tsiok la Dooclai Cocntr. Lw-as ci:;tT laj a-i niuicj cIaib. E.t .w i K t ei T-icina of ail rw-MA' P ia the Siw-rt, Ortxon. C. 8. Lasd , " -i. bji b.-t Kiel totaea at an, i li'Tv 4ho :nc m'.t vaj2t 'iorei naenl la&da. N -urr ppb.ic i oce, Iasanno i9tav Cjrreivi.Uence loiieitcd. ij in Prices... AT Store, ,- c.:: ci;i.r. wc. cm K. C K. C. ;.r"s Best Baking Poi B.ihit;"g l'toder.... lktking l'owder s. ,n:i vi Ha:iimer So, V.oid In-i Washing IVwder.. I 'rv irauuiateti M'.inir ..I .40 .. .20 .. .4f .. JR .. St 1.0ft chro and call at the McClallen House. Notice for Sale ot State Lands. "s1 . I t li s .ii il-: In' .. s.ick Iry tir.iuui.ttet Suar 4S0 . iiulvaniied Iron Waj-h liiiiers. each IM (ialvaniisi lr..n Water 1'an-. e;ch Jf l'.iue en.uu.sied ware of all kinds at just half 1 ri. as.j hij cut on Tin and Agate W i re. Larve st.v of plain w hite Ihesp-'initcheiap J" y:ri Ca'.i.t. f,r fl.OO Press tiiimls. iv.;t;iii; Klauncl, (iingham, I ',. k an i Sldrtiiigs at actual eit. Ladies .-hirt Waist and Over Skirts at almost half price. i. - Fine -i.. s. pair $lja . - 1 ineaiid Heavy hoe, pial:tv, f 1.23 to2 v"- ....r . .36 In fact the price will U- rut on all grades ::r.d kin i- o-t" hoes in sttvk. Men's ami Boys' Clothiui:. Ijre, stock t select iron. I'r'hvs cut 'J to i p-rcent. T! is is it. it old -t.K'k. but gHls jast received lir- -priii.-. Thi is yoir chance to get a "1 suit chvap. K,n't ii.raet that you cm get anythtns you '5 l f rvtn a I'.etsl! to a Champion Mowing Machine at cut price, if von buv at BlaACIL'S STORE This Sale is strictly for CASH and wiU con tiuuc until my tock is completely closed out 1" 9 EL .a.. A DRAIN, OREGON A 1 7i Notice is hereby given that the State l.nnd Boar.1 w ill receive sealed bids un til June '.M. l'A2, at U in., for the sale o the following descrilcd State s'bool Lands, to-wit : u....ti 'tli flii.l sli.ntl, ..I "v,.. ..... i.V, lift tow nshin Xi sunt h. ranire 14 West oi Willamette meridian. Section ltiand :t'l. township '.7 south, range S' M-st of Willamette meridiim. Applications to purchase must lv made on regular blanks in accordance with the law for sale of school lands and be accompanied by cash or check for one-tilth of the amount bid, for certiii- cate of purchase or if full payment made deed will issue. 1 Tie right to reject anv and all bids is crved. ' Applications and bids should Ih ad-i A dressed to M. I.. Cliuinlierliii, Clerk ofjj the Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked 1 A "application arnVAiid to purchnse State ! J Lands.' M. L. Cii.imbkklix, jo Clerk of the itoard. Iate.l this Mb .lay ot June, l'Wi. j; O NO VO00000' 8 ,0,.00'.OSOVOOSOV00 The Uirtrost stock of 2 th Ccuturv Goxls in the town Ti FISH ER& BELLOWS CO Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes Hats and Caps Groceries Provisions Produce Rough t Thoue72i.