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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1896)
s r THE PLAINDBALBR SEPTEMBER 10. 1S90. LITTLE LOCALS. .A Salsinau. tha reliable jeweler. Coal tar and resin at Marsters'. JLinie and sulphur at Marstera'. Oaro Bros, are the boss merchants. .'J. T. Bryan, the Busy Watcbuiakp r. .Go to tho Boseleaf for tho best cigar. Good goods at the lowest prices at Salt- j Go to A. O Marsters & Co. for school ibooks. County claims and warrants bought by D. S. West. School books and stationery at Mar kers' Drug Store. Dr. F. W. Haynes does all kinds of up-to-date dentistry. 1. S. West does insurance. Office opposite the post office, Neatsfoot oil, machine and lubricating oils at Marsters' Drugstore. A fine line of gents' phoes at J. Abra ham's. Prices just right. Munyon'a Homoepathic Remedies for .sale at Marsters' Drug Store. An endless variety of combs, hair and clothes brushes at Marsters'. For bargains in family groceries, call at thePepoIe's storo, Cass street. Munyon'a Homeopathic Remedies at A. O. Marsters & Co.'s drug store. Bring your clocks and watches to Slow Jerry the reliable jeweler tor repairs. Chrushed fruits in soda and all the new drinks ice cold at the Kandy Kitchen. Dr. Haynes does crown and hridgo work and guarantees the sanio Don't forget the number. All tins of saams on boots and shoes bought of us wilt be sewed free of charge at the Novelty Store. The Kandy Kitchen is headquarters for cold drinks, chruihed fruits, ico cream and all new drinks. Dr. Haynes makes all kinds of artifi cial dentures such as gold, platinum and tjpminum plates, also rubber and cellu--IIqH. .-Seye money and time. To parties rsoing East, go by the O. It .& N. short .route. Call on or write to V. O.London, jRoeeburg, Oregon. New and wU assorted line of print a. cotton dress goods, inushn. toweling, table liueu, Uolo oil cloth just received at the Novelty Store. A. C. Hcorie sella flour at 73c and SOc a eack, and 10 pounds of lard for 75 cents. People should take advantage of these prices and give him their patronage. . Da Gas. Physician and Surgeon, offica in Marsters' building. Calls in town and country promptly answered night or day. Residence, Oil Mill street. JT. Rice, one of ocr enterprising furni ture dealers has now on sale a tine lot of furniture of the latest style and finish. Give him a call before purchasing olsc wbere. L. Langenburg ia Mill on top. He carries a full stock ci choice music, mu sical instruments, violin, guitars, accord cona etc, violin strings of beet quality , always on band. ,low Jerry ths jeweler has 14 ea.-it pJiUd gold ladies watcher now ou sale. .-TricfJ reduced from 25 to $13, decided -bargains. Don't fail to examine them fcelore .purchasing elsewhere. Those having second hand stoves, furniture, etc, tor sale can receive the highest cash price by calling upon N. Rice, the furniture and supply dealer, 221-23 Jackson street Roseburg, Or. Mrs. G. W. Rapp will continue to buy and ship fresh salmon from "Win chester or Wilbur to Portland as hereto fore and pay the highest market prices for same. Address postotHce box 123. Jack Abraham, genu fcrnisher, keeps tha beat goods and latest of eTery thing in bis line, and sells them at a lower price than any of his competitors. He also sells boots and ehoes at astonishing lJow prices. VyOd paiturcaje lor sloes at reason able :atea by the month. All stock taken Absolutely aud entirely at .ownartisk in every particular. For .particulars enquire of J. M, Shafer iRobena creek. Place to Kent Containing j acres, rgood house-and barn and all necessary .out buildings, good orchards and fine jgarden spot, in the city limits. Good jgarden partly in and balaace plowed and 3fae cheap rates of five dollars cabin mid two-fifty steerage including meals And berth are still in effect on the 0. R. it 2T. Co's. steamers from Portland to San Francisco. Steamer leaves Portland every five days. Dr. R. W. Benjamin, late of the denial .college at Atlanta Ga., has fitted up eOtal room3 in the Marsters block, rwbeie he is prepared to do do first class -work in all the latea improvements, Crown and bridge work, gold and porce lain crown, fillings and extraction of Jeeth at hard-time prices and all work piaranteed. Remember, room 1, 3Iars fenJ' block. Cure for HenUaclic. As a remedy for all form9 of Headache Electric Bitters has proved to be tho very t it effects a permanent cure and the inot dreaded habitual sick head aches yield to its influence. Wc ergo all who are afilieted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of babitaal consumption Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed toco to the bowels, and few cases Inns resist tho use of this medicine. Try it once. Large Iwttles only Fifty cents at A. 0. Marsters & Co.'s Drug Store. For Over S-"Ifty Ycnis. x Old X3D W'.l-Tbied KzxEir. Mrs (Vinilow' Soothing Briap has been uiod for over City years by millions of mothers lor their rhlldnm while tcrttilns, with perfect b-jcccm. It soothes the child, noltens the gum. allay all in. curt wind colic, ani istbo t' remedy V . H . rrhcea. I pleaaant to tho taatc. Sold by 1 .. m every rrt ol ths world. Twenty ... JZZ a bottle. 1U value Is incalculable. .rrf sV for Mrl. Wlwl9w oolhlng 3yrup, and other kia.l. To the Public. S)a and after this ilste, I with it under stood that my terms for all undertaker's goods aro eash with the order. 1 find it impossible to do business on a crcdi basia, and belive that I can do better by my patrons and myself by eelliDg strictly for cash. V. Bexedick, Undertaker, .Roseburg, Ore., April 12, 1S95. To Trade. 'Two'lort.iu Marahfield for hogs. Two and cn.0 half lote intforth Rocc burg, for stock; hack or buggy Jo part tuayiyeut. Call ou I. F. Rice & Co. BRIEF MENTION. Tho City Council meets tonight. Oats aro being Bold in tho city for "5 cents per bushel. Klmor lloovor has gono to St. LomV, Mo., to study medicine For a good smoke call at Slow Jorry's bazar, and get a Los Amores cigar. K. J. Montaguo. who has been in East- . orn Oregon for a year, has returned. Don't forget that Mr. Hermann speaks at tho court house tomorrow night at 7:30. Budge Yes, sir; 1 am a democrat. Trudge Ah! But what are your poli tics? A good many of tho farmers aro haul iog wheat and storing it in tho ware houses here. M. W. Pruner anl brother of Riddle mado this office a pleasant call whilo in town today. Hon. C. A. Sohlbrcde will addreesi the Coles Valley McKinley club, Saturday, September 19th. James Cole, ono of Calapooia's sub stantial citizens was in town Tuesday, transacting business. Mrs. P. Eubanks and Mrs. Nancy Hermann of Oakland are visiting friends in this city this week. Miss 0. Green cf Walla Walla was visiting friends in this vicinity Monday and Tuesday of this week. J.G.Smith of "Waverly, X. Y., and son-in-law .of W. C. Uildebrsnd, has taken up his abxlo iu Koaeburg. Mrs. Pauline Young and Mrs. J. A. Uuderwood aro spending a week in Oak land visiting relatives and friends. Missrs May Stearns, Yinnio Young and lloy Stearns of Oakland were guests of Judge Stearns the first of the week. Women who are weak and nervous, who have no apiwlite and cannot sleep, find strength and vigor iu Hood's Sar- Eaparilla. There will be a social hop at Slocum's Hall Saturday night in honor of Bert Benjamin, wno leaves Sunday night for San Francisco. The county court is now in session. Present, W. L. Wilton and M. D. Thompson, coniniUsioncrs. Judge Steam?, presiding. Rev. G. W. Black will preach at the Soldier's Home, ISunday at 3 p. m., and his farewell sermon at tboBiptist church Sunday evening. Remember that Congressman Her mann speaks at th9 court house tomor row at 7:30 on the political issue now before the people. At the house of Mrs. Short, September 1, 1SSC, E.A.Hinkle and Mits Mary Short wre United in marriage, Rer. G. W. Kennedy, officiating. Mis3 May Benedick of Elkton was adjedged insane Tuesday, and was cent to the asylum in care of her father, on the overland Tuesday night. The S. P. R. R. Co. is constructing an elevated track in this city on which will be switched wood trains to economize timo and spice and expense. Messrs. Wm. and Grant livens of Galesville are in the city today on busi ness. Theso gentlemen are out-and-out McKinley men without an if. At the hcrue cf the officiating clergy man, September 5, 1S00, Ezikiel Allen and Martha Renfro wero united in marriage, Rev. G. W. Kennedy, otficia tinz. Leonard Perdue, pcstmssler at Perdue on tbc South Umpqua, above Canyon ville, was in the city Tuesday on bust ness. Regular meeting of Rosebur Lodge No. 320. B. P. O. Elks tonight in their hall in Odd Fellows Temple. Initiation and other important business. All mem bers cf the order are requested to attend The utw front to Mrs. Josephson'a drygoods emporium is having the finish ing touches made by the workmen Thote larro plate fronts will greatly facilitite business by the admission of more light. Rev. Ed Pugh, who has been laboring in California for several months, has re turned to Roicburg, and is ready to point cut to the sinner the straight and narrow path that leadcth to life tho o'.her way he knows already. W. P. Hcyden, county surveyor, who has a government contract for surveying lands in Coos county, returned Wedncs day evening after finishing cne town ship. He will go back to Ccos in a few days to survey another township. W. W. Citticart, our affable ex-dep uty aheriff, has returned to Roseburg to refeide sicca bia retirement from cfllco and will be a citizen cf Roseburg. Mr. Cathcart is now tbc agent for tha Hud eon mill lumber company at this place, Divine services will bo held in St George's Episcopil chnrch, Roseburg, Sunday, September 13tb, at 11 a. m. and SO p, m. Sunday School at 10 . m Holy communion will be adminiitercd after the morning service. T;ios. Neil Wilson, Clergyman. Miss Kato Field is dead. In her wi'l ehe provided for tho disposition; htr remains by cremation and thai the ashes and a certain gold ring worn by her ho urned and burled ovy tho coflina of her mother and fatter in Ml. Auburn cemetry, Caiubridgc.IaEB. Lo Huns Chang, tho Chinese wceroy to tliis country, is creating coiiaiiirablo attraction in tha United States. Ho is being feasted aud tcadiedjto whin his tirsthrcn of less note arc oBtracieai and rouniy damnol by tho msjotityif tho citizens of this flpnntry. Ami w goes tho world. ! Mia. Al Morris aud daughtf4 1,a' .. i. iid now Al has to do .culinary work. iS'sayBit "ia a novel but pot Anlcrc'nt an'l thoush he has devoted muiA 5t'enlion to tho Ibusincsa, the coUV; Pa0'1 ml bash haye not improved1 ,lttvT since ho begun hia appreull p tu cookery. YONCALLA. io.ncalla, Sept. 8. Thoro aro lovely town sites in Douglas county, and Yon- calla is one of tho most attractive. It is on the broadening of a urand valley with level and rolling lands. Tho villago is beautified by its surroundings of hill, treo and boulder gray, and sloping oung orchards, and trim cottages, and uear the confines of tho town n majestic school houso Btands monarch of all it surveys, Church Bpires eccm as guards, aud stores and shops and comely dwellings congro- gate. G. A. Burt settled hero in 1850 and Yoncalla is built on his donation claim. Tho S. P. Railway camo through in 18J and ho gave tho company forty-eight acres for a town silo, and had to buy back lots for his dwelling. Iho placo grew grandly a while when litigation im- psded progress until somo of tho con- testants went to their long homes; then threo years ago tho place aroso from its Rip Van Winkle liko oleep and has been adding to its growth ever since. Yoncalla has a 53003 school houre, rresbyterian anil Al. l:. cuureues, auu Bantist and Chris tan organizations, it has the A. 0. II. W. lodge, G. A. R. Post and Women's Relief Corps, and a social. Intelligent iieople garnered from all parts of the Union. It has four general stow, two hard- ware stores, ono drug store, millinery and racket store, a lurnilure anu narness stiop, blacEsmttii cnop, meat market, two hotels and livery, and postofDcc, tel- egraph and Wells Fargo offices. It has three grain warehouses with an aggregate capacity for 13.0C0 bushels of wheat, oats and bailey, which are tho chief crops of tho region. Tbe orchards, chielly prune, are young and promising, and pears, peaches and plums aro likely to roward the owners, J. . ise, Bon Huntington, II. C. and S. G.LoDgand George McDougall aro the leading stockman in this belt of country, but instead lol breeding aud raising they buy aud fatten. nmoer, ur anu oax, piemy auu hundreds and hundreds of cords are I piled along the railway tiack. ater pure and cold is unlimited in quantity at fourteen feet, and the climate is de lightful. A few miles from Yoncalla are the Boswcll springs, a capital summer resort, rich in remedial waters which are hipped to Cili'ornb, over Oregon and Washington, and this is only one of the many little towns in Djuglas county which combine the grandeurs of Nature with good soil, pure water and all the elements which make lovely and happy homes. Yoncalla receives two mails a day and hss four pasieoger and two freight trains all carrying passengers, and tho roatL are in excellent driving cenditiou. The postoffico is a model of ne.itncs and dis patch and is located in tho business home of H. D. Yett, who is also post master and ens of the liveliest business men in tho county. His mercantile house is HO feet in length and ii amply stocked. His w&rchsnse proves this is a great poultry country as therefrom are shipped hundreds of dozens of e?gs a week, and produce of ever description seems to center there. 11 I). Yett is a native of Tcnncisce and narrowlv escaped being a North Carolinian. Ho came to Oregcn in '51 and settled in Doualas county anil hi? been successful in everything he under took, including teaching, farming, stock- raising and merchandising. He .owns the best properties in Yoncalla, includ ing hotel. Etone bnildiu?, dwellings and lots and a big sheep ranch. Mr. Yett in business aud society is worthy of all respect and regard. His ctnel clerk, h. w. ttelurd, is a son of the Mother of States, and ever bright and enterprising. G. W. Cartwright, general merchant. is having the wind blowing through his whiskers at Baodon, acd Grant Apple gate, the railway agent, ia weighing sugar and measuring tape, checking bag gage, telegraphing aud expressing W. F. Louman, merchaut, mov a.i tniA bis new building on Monday. Ho built tho store himself and proved tbat he has mechanical ability. U. H. otair was away lalciy to c.ugcne attending a grand family reunion, the Occasion being the golden wesding of his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. c.,rf i,mriinnriiv i, mi ill tiiotr livinu children and crandchildren 'at the home of their ton. J. F. Starr of Eocene. The veteran couple lud joy heaped upon them, and were the recipients ol many gold presents, includiog gold spectacle?, gold trimmed umberclla, gold headed cane and other golden tributes of love. O. u. fclarr was brought from Illinois to Oregon in 1S57, locating iu Benton county, auu has been in l oncalia six years. He own? a ranch of 137 acre?, and has tixty acres plaited in hve-acru lots. Ho has planted various fruits, in cluding prune trees, and nil aro growing nicely. Mr. Starr is a hardware merchant in Yoncalla, and his father is in the same business at Junction City, Three yeara ago E. Jones became quite an acquisition to Yoncalla, not only as a business man with principle and enter prise, but as a broadguaged man and exemplary ciluzn. He owns twenty cul tivated acres adjoining town, a hardware and implement houso admirably stocked and managed, and iu which ho lias built and is buildiog a wido trailc. Ho also owns property in the stato of Wash ington. The gentleman was bom in Indiana, nnu visiieu several aimuu ueiuiu cuousing , 1 .... -I Douglas county as a permanent place of business and abode. Mr. Jones haB been a soldier, a Inrmcr, a carriage builder councilmeu Irom tho tirst word juBt bo und a merchant, aud did honor to every fore leaving. Mr. Yates carries with Venture. During tho war ho Eorycd with tho redoubtable 1'Jth Indiana, and. iu peace ho is over progresaivo in all per taining to development. Talk about having many iruuo iu tho fjre, S. K. Adams of Yoncalla Jhas Iota o Ihptp and ib successful as well. Ho is furnituro doaler and undertaker. Ho makcB harness aud has a Bliou ehup. He deals in books and stationery, and sells flour and moat and produce and he is telcBronh operator, manipulating tho wires for tho Postal Company of Mackay Bennott. Thou he is tho leader of tbe Yoncalla band and takes timo to dis course on the glories of this grand coun try. Mr. Adams is a I'euuBylvmian, who came to Oregon in '93 und ho is as patriotic aB a native son could bo W.W.Shipley owns tbe drug storo, (en acres in prunes, and tho Rev. J. H. Mooro divides his timo dispensing .drugs Qnd gospel and painting buildings. James Cars well McKinley' s Letter. We ij8U0 a supplement with today's Fjihuealeii. On first page, is William jicKinley's letter of acceptance. It is a maniy. courageous and inspiring appeal to intelligence, conscience and patri0tiflm of tho voter. It is truly worthy of tho statesman he is. "We also Ciu tno attention of tbe readers to the hottors of Senator "Wolco't of Nevada, and of Governor McConnell of Idaho, aQ(j nuotaii0nB from speeches of Senator gtowart 0f Nevada on the gold standard and unlimited coinage of silver question in 1874. and to extracts from Senator Sherman's great speech at Columbus, Ohio. This supplement is a superb campaign document, which we itsue as an extra for our readers. It is a eood ,iocument to nreaerve for future reference and (o 6ll0W yoDr IfC0 6iiver neighbors. Douglas County Republican Club, Quite a number ol republicans have united and formed a republican club whoie object is the better to do effectivo work for the republican ticket. They mot at Hon, C. A. Sehlbrede's office Tuesday night and organized by electing rj. A. Sehlbrede, president; L. A. Sanct uary, vico president; H. T. McCIallen, secretary and C. W. Parrott, treasurer, This club etarts with a membership ol 70. Tho usual committees will be an- nouoced in due time. The club will meet every Tuesday evening to discuss measures and means ol isuccess. it is composed mostlv of youoir men. Notes From the State Normal School at Drain. Tha state Normal School at Drain be gan its work for tbe present year last Monday with an attendance 57 per cant larger than on the opening dav last year. Ibis was much better than was expected, altbongh it was known that the number would be greatly increased. Many citizens of the town were pres ent to witness the opening exercises which luted for an hour and a half and consisted of Bongs, speeches and band music. All feel highly elated over the splendid showing that was made. Cleveland McKinley Club. The republicans of Cleveland, have or- gitniz;d a McKinley club. Hon. Geo. M. Brown and Judge Looghary will ad dress the club SaturJay, September 12 at 2 p. m. Messrs. Brown and Laugh ary are very intcre tinc speakers and will doubtles meet a large audience on that occasion. Did You vcr Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for vour troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been fonnd to be peculiarly adapted to the re lief and cure of all Feraile Complaints exerting a wonderful influence in giving strength and tone li ths organs. If you have Loss of Appatite, Constipation Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Ner vons, Sleepless, Excitable, .Melancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spills, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and 1.00 at Mar ster'a Drug Store. Condensed Testimony. Cbas. B. Hood, Broker and Manufact urer'a Agent, Columbus, Ohio, certifies that Dr. King's New Discovery has no equal as a Cough remedy. J. D. Brown Prop. St. James Hotel, Ft. Wayne, Ind testifies tbat ho was cured of a Cough o two years standing, caused bv La Grippe, by Dr. King's New Dicoery. B. F. Merrill, Bildwins ille, Mass., says tbat he has used and recommended it and never knew it to fail and would I ramer nave it man any doctor, because il al;va-va cures- M,s- "emming, 222 E u Chicago, always keeps it at hand and has no fear of Croup, because it instantly relieves. Free Trials Bottles at Marster's Drug Storo. For City Treasurer. I hereby aunounca myself a candidate for ro election to tbe oflico of city treas urer at the coming city election. Respectfully, J. A. Pehkinb. Notice. Tho secretary of tho district fair will ba at the Van Houten Houee Saturday, Sept. 12th, at 1 p. m. aud will issuo war rants for premiums acd expense of said fair. Auction Sale. At Fruitvale, September 19, I will offer for salo at auction, farm imnli- ruentfl, furniture and other household goods for caBh. Mrs. F. Gallop. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Hill and Mr and Mrs. Robt. i ates and their families feft this morning on tho overland for Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. Yates has been 1 ... f 1 . citizen oi uosoourg lor several years commending the esteem and confidence ofourpoople. He resigned tho oflico of him to his new homo tho best wisbos of his hoBt of friends here, as do also Mr and Mrs. Hill, fathor aud mother of Mm Yatco Tho Jewish New Yearbogan Monday ovoning. A day dear to every orthodox Jew and hold in great voneration by them. iANSAS CITY GHOSTS FAMOUi SPOOKS OF THE TOWN THE DIG MUDDY. ON ti; Orlclnal Gliost tit From a Case of Fratricide- Hotv the Santa Fe Spook Was Lalil-Uow a STan With the "Jim Jam" Stirred Up a Jail Full or Criminal. It may bo truo that couscieiico makes. awards of us all, but with tho ignorant ml superstitious conscienco is not a cir- enmstanco when compared to a vivid imagination. Tho greatest coward on earth ia tho person who sees in ovory dark sliadow, in each deserted houso and around every dismal building tho rest less spirit of somo departed sinnor whose crimes will not allow him to enter heaven, who is doomed to wander around this earth until Gabriel's trumpet is Bounded, who must hover near tho scene his former misdeeds until tho last day. Tho place by popular consent most adapted to ghost wanderings -and the placo most fruitful in tho production of tho bona fido articlo is naturally the graveyard. Tho drearier, gloomier and more mournful tho aspect of tho grave yard tho more ghosts. But the real be liever in spooks and spirits docs not deem it necessary to go among the tombs and graves of the dead to find a spirit Ghosts are numerous. They can d found in all sections of tho country. There la not a Tillage nor a deserted country houso nor a railroad bridge but has its ghost But tho ghosts aro not all confined to tho country by any means. There havo been several in Kansas City that havo gained extensivonotoriety on account of their many visitations, and tho parts of tho city in which they aro wont to disport themselves aro still eyed with suspicion and looked upon aakanco by the inhabitants of Belvmere Hollow, Hick's Hollow and other por tions of the city thickly settled by the descendants of Ham. The oldest, the original ghost tbat is most vividly in the memory of the su perstitious and is most often the topio of grewsome whispers among the people mentioned, waUced the levee between Main street and Broadway 12 years ago. One winter s night, tho fctory goes, a man was lying in wait for an enemy on tho levee. In his hand he clutched ponderous doublo barreled shotgun loaded with nails and slugs. He saw a man walkinz down tho levee. In the dim, flickering light he thought he rec ognized his enemy. Ho raised his gun, fired and hurried away. Tho next day he read in tho papers that ld3 brother's body had been found on tho levee, hor ribly mangled and torn. Tho mnrdcrer winced, bet kept his secret. Then the doad brother's ghost begmi to walk. Ev- crv nieht, at the eamo hour of the shooting, it could bo seen cn tho levee. Each time it would walk btraight to the spot where tho body had fallen. Then tho ghost would fall, go through a death strogglo and disappear. It kept this up for years, and there aro these who say it docs it stilL Tho second healthy, well developed ghost disported itself in tho ruins of the old Santa Fo Stago Coach company's of fice at Second and Main streets in 1S86, So generally known did it become that often largo crowds would congregate and await tho appearance of the nocturnal visitor. Early one evening a young man who wished to investigate a little went into tho ruins. When ho emerged from them an hour later, ho found a large crowd standing on tho opposite side of tho street, near the jail, watching for ghosts. Somo ono in the crowd, thinking that tho young man had been playing ghost, threw a brick at tho investigator. striking him on the head. Ho fell sense less with a gaping wound in his head. Tho Santa Fo ghost has not been seen since. In 1S87 there was a story afloat that at 12 o'clock each night a ghostly cable train glided down tho incline between Walnut and Main streets and disappear ed into space. In tho grip car, guiding tho train, wa3 the ghost of a gnpman who had died a short time before, after having been insane for somo time, the result of grief over tho fact that his train had run down and killed a pedestrian. Crowds congregated at the junction nichtlr to seo tho stranco sight. For the most part they went away disappointed, altbongh there was plenty who declared they had seen "it. Another storv, in which a ghost was never seen, but which smacked strongly of spooks, was tho Conway murder on East Eighteenth street, between Oak and Locnst, in 1SS5. Mrs. Conway, a young woman, and her little girl wcro beaten to death with a coupling pin. The mur derer or murderers wcro never caught. Suspicion pointed toward two men, but thcro was no evidence. Both of them afterward died horrible deaths ono of tho danders and tho other of cancer. Tho ghost of tho victims never walked openly, but that section of tho city was given a wido berth by tho trao believ ers for inanv months afterward. Last, but not least, were tho ghosts ot Clark mid Jones, tho men hung for mur- dcrinK Mme. Wright m 1893. Theso ghosts materialized in tho jails, ono at Independence and ono in lvausas mry. Tho scaro lasted for somo weeks, and tho negro prisoners wero thrown into a stato of terror by any straugo sounds. One night, when the jail was m a stato of comnarativc quiet, a arunKeu pris oner, who had just been brought in, had ui attack of "limiams.' By some stranco coiucnteuco no was pmcvu m tLo cell once occupied by Clark, and the prisoners soon located tho groaning of the unfortunate man. ino negroes, not knowinc that the cell was occupied, sup posed that tho uoiso was mado by a do- parted spirit, and all started to howling with tho "ghost. " xno enect was some thing that can bo imagined better than it can bo described. Sinco tho Clark riiost left tho jail Kansas City has been bereft of spirits, and Belvidcro Hollow is breathing nioro easily than it has lor years. Kansas City Times. City Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons holding Roseburg city warrants indorsed prior to April 1, 1S93, and also warrants numbered 513 and 514 indorsed April 1, 1S93, to present tho samo at tho city treasurer's office in tho city ball for pay ment as interest will cease thereon afler the dato of this notice. Dated this 1st day of Sept., IS'Jti, at tho City of Roseburg, Oregon. J. A. Perkins, City Treasurer. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Km V MT. SCOTT. W. H. Loftin and J. M. Casady and wife have left for Missouri, there to permanently reside. Tbe fall-term of school of Dist. No. 65; commenced last Monday with Mrs. L. M. Connlne in the teacher's chair. IN MEMORIAM. Today is thy birthday, darling, Or would be, if thou wert on earth, How sadly I count the birthdays That have passed since thy heavenly birth. Oh happy, thrice happy spirit, Born into everlasting rest, would not, if I could, recall thee From those fair mansions of the blest. Yet, if one little, whispered word Could come to greet my listening ear, Oh how my raptured heart would thrill, To feel that sometimes thou wert near. But, sb, the lips once closed in death, Forever silent are, and still, Go loving words they eyer bring Across the river dark and chill. I hear the river's rippling wave, I hear the shadowy boatman's oar, As one by one the loved ones go. And they return to me no more. But when the heavenly morning dawns, And all earth's shadows flee away, We'll meet again to part no more, Through all the bright, eternal day. To part no more, ob, precious thought, No tear of sorrow or of pain, We'll ever ebed in tbat fair land, Where I shall clasp thy hand again, Then fare thee well a little while, For He who doeth all things well, Hath promised us they shall return, Who underneath bis shadow dwell. Mas. E. F. Imax. State or Ohio, City or Toledo,! L.CCAS UOChTY, ) Fiiask J. Cheney makes oath that he is tbe senior partner of the fiim of F. J Cheney & Co., doing busineee in the City of Toledo, County and Stato afore said, and that said firm will p3y the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Cat.vbsu that cannot be cured by the Uie of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 18S6. A. AV. GLEASON, 1 SEAI. j- Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, and acts directly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0 Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. "Llverine. "Liverine," manufactured by the An chor S Chemical Co., the great Liver, Kidney and Constipation cure. An in fallible remedy for all curable forms of diseases of these organs The greatest knows remedy for Indigestion. Try it For sale at M.-F. Rapp's drug store Roseburg, Oregon. Strayed. Bay mare, weight about 950 lbs., sad dle mark on back and small white spots on sides caused from saddle ; jaws slightly swollen from distemper and small sore underneath, unshod and iu good condi tion. Please take up and return to C. B Cannon, Roseburg, and be liberally paid for trouble. Notice to the Traveling Public. Mrs. Moore, the proprietor of the Pri vate Boarding House, formerly known as tbe Farmers' Hotel, on Lane street, one clock east of the depot, has acquired the reputation of being one of the best cater ers in the city. Meals 15 cents: board and lodging $3.50 For City Marshal, I hereby respectfully announce myself a candidate for the office of city mar shall subject to the decision of the voters of city of Roseburg, and if elected, pledge myself. to faithfully perform the dutieB of tbo office without fear or favor. Johx R. McCubdy. For City Marshal. I hereby respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election to tbe office of city marshal of Roseburg, at the city election to be held. October 5th, 1896, J. B. Cajbjca. For City Marshal I hereby respectlully announce my self a candidate for tha office of city election marshal, at the coming city held on October 5, 1896. L. B. Keii For City flarsbal. I hereby very respectfully announce myself a candidate for city marshal at the coming city election, October 5, 1890. Jajies Wright. nucklen's Arnica Salve. Tbo Best Salve in tho world for Cuts Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fover Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chillbains, Corns, and all akin Erup, tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale at A. O.Marsters & Co. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder PURE NOTES OF INTEREST. Sheep dip at Marsters'. McKinley and Bryan hats at the Nov elty. For a good o-cent cigar call on Mrs.N. Boyd. Straw bats at coat at the 'Novelty Store. Wood taken on subscription at this office. Get your school bookB at Marsters' drug store. For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Little of Oakland. ' Solid silver tea and table spoons at Salzman's. Pure fresh zroceries and low prices at Casebeer's grocery. Key West, imported and domestic cigars at the Boseleaf. An excellent line of . toilet soaos at Marsters' Drug Store. Ladies shirt waists at reduced prices at the Novelty Store. Goods below cost at Caro's. Nowia tbe the time for bargains. Nobby suits and latest styles at Little Jack's. Prices very low. All styles and Qualities of hats at Abra ham's. Bedrock prices. Fred Floed. lawyer, room 9. Taylor & Wilson block, Roseburg, Oregon. Wanted Wood in exchange for wagon work at Pilkington & Sons. Country produce ot all kinds bouzht and sold at Casebeer's grocery store. On boots and shoes we quote you the lowest cash prices at the Novelty Store. New invoice of boots and ehoes at the Backet Storo. Prices below competi tion. Hard times is what makes prices ap preciated at Richard's Cash Racket Store. Office to rent on Jackson street, oppo site tbe poet office. T. ix. RicHAsnsox. Jewelry, watches, diamonds, cold pens tnd optical goods at the lowest prices at Salzman's. "Liye and let live" is Dr. R. W. Ben- amin's motto. Dental wcte done at bedrock prices. Our summer corsets and shirt waists at ccst to close them out, at Richard's Cash Racket Store. At Oakland, T. L.Graves is authorized to receive and receipt for subscription to the Plaindzalsk. You can get tbe best ice cream in quantities at the Kandy Kitchen cheap er than you can maze it. Caeebeer the grocer, earner Jackson and Washington, keeps the best grocer iee. Try him and be convinced. Largest stock of fancy chairs at Alex ander & Strong's, ever brought to Rose burg and at prices lower than ever. Don't eat adulterated cream candy that comes from tha wholesale booses- Get it clean and fresh at tha Kandy Kitchen. Bring your job work to the Plaixdeju.- zb. office. We are prepared to do the cheapest and best work south of Port- .and. Gents, you ehould see our new line of fall bats, latest styles, go rd 'ices so low th-v will -.s -r ihe Racket Store, T, M Stubblefielu, aoot aua shoe maker opposite the depot, does first class work at hard times prices. Give him your patronage. N. Rice, at his ware rooms on Jackson opposite Marks' iron front, has choice household I urn l tare and tin ware at prices to suit the times. Take notice. Dr. Benjamin, the dent ist, is oermanentlv located and guaran tees all his work. Give him a call and examine work and prices. Ladies, are you in perfect health? If not, why not try the great home remedy, Via vi. airs. Berry is agent tor Douglas county and will fill all orders promptly. If you don't waut to suffer with corns and bunions, have your boots -aud shoes made at h. Langenburg. -Kepainng neatly and promptly done For a good hat, stylish and cheap, call on Wollenberg & Abraham, whose' stock amhracea all grades of head gear. The Square Deal stoie has just opened up a beautiful line of W. L. Douglas shoes, which prove to be the beat shoes made. Come and inspect them. I am prepared to offer lumber or wood at reduced prices. I am taking in lum ber and wood on old accounts and in trade for goods. T. K. Richaedsox. Caro Bros', closing out sale is drawing crowda to tha Boss Store. Low prices and quick sales is tbe order of the day. Goods must be sold at any sacrinca. Call and see. Notice is hereby given to the public bv the undersigned that I do not allow dead ammR to be buried on my prem ises, at Roseburg, Oregon, or garbage dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken therefrom, unless the party taking sand or gravel first' contract with me for tho right to so do; . Tresspassers wilL be prosecuted ac cording to law.. - Aulrox Ro83, Roseburg. Oregon- March 17th. 1895. Lumber for Sale or. Trade. If you have dry cows or heifers you want to trade for lumber, or if you want to buy a bill of any kind of fir lumber, you will do well to addrtss P. 0. bar 125, Drain, Oregon. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. Qold Medal,, Midwinter Fair. CREAM BAKING mm Most Perfect Made. ,10 Years the Standard,