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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1896)
CAMPAIGN ECHOES. Free trade means fre soup, as wage earners have found out under this ad ministration. American Economist. How unfortunate for Mr. Bryau lliat be did not lose bis voice at New York instead of Pittsburg. Ohio State Journal. Mr. Bryan is complaining of throat trouble. Ho appears to be setting it in the neck already. Minneapolis Journal. To doubt that Major McKinley will ba elected President is to doubt tbo in telligence and integrity of the American people. Springfield News. When election day comes Bryan will have taken poor Greely's place as th6 worst-beaten candidate for President in a hundred years. Louisville Post (Dem.) "Vote for Bryan and get 2 for fl" would be more promising if it were not mid bv the men who shoulod "Vote for Cleveland and get fl 25 for wheat." Call. The republican platform points a way to opening of the mills and factories without waiting for the aid ol any oilier nation. New lork Commercial Ad vertieer. It is curious to notice how precipitately Mr. Bryan has dropped his free-trade notions of former years. He hasn't a word to say nowa-days about tbo tariff. Scranton Truth. I would willingly defend free trade with mr life." said Mr. Bryan in bis first speech in Congress, and as he is defondinc free silver with his lonima onlr it is esr to see to which policy he is most devoted. Call. Mr. Bryan, as the advance ajent of bankruptcy, is a glittering success. The baiiaesa failures for the first eight days of August last year aggregated $2,403,774 whereas for tbe first Bix days of August this year tbey foot np nearly tr.WO.OOT. Chicago Times-Herald. Mr. Bryan says be was not "the hired man" of the silver barons. He only up held their cause at so much a night, the contributions being furnished by tbe misguided victims of the silver agitation. A distinction without a difference will be the verdict cf tbe American people. Philadelphia Telegraph. 9cooeooooooaoooooooooo9oecooooopopGioo9ooooo zou.uuu To Be i n Given Away this year in valuable articles to smokers of Blackwell's Cenuino Durham Tobacco A, 2 Attorney at Law, Koom2.MRistoraI!ulldinB, ROSEBUKU, OB. MC-BustneM before tbo U. S. Laud Office and mmlDK cases a specially. Late Kcculvcr U. 8. Laud Office. GKOllGE II. BKOWN. jgSOWN & TUSTUT, Attorueys-at-Law, R. WILLIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Will prnctlco In all ths courts of the Btate. Of. I aco in trie Uuurt Uouee, Douglas county, or. The Best v fimnklrp'Tnhnr'r'fi Mnrln oo9oacoooooodooKooooooftooo&&oaoooroooooooo You will find otic coupon in side each 2-ouncc bag, and two coupons inside each 4-outicc bag. Huyabag, read the coupon nntl tcc How lo gel your sisnrc. THE THIRD ADDITIOR BR00KS1DE. The Howe Farm, cast of town, has been plat ted aud is now on the market in Lots and Blocks containing 3, so, 30, aud 40 acres, rangiug in price from $25 to $ioo per acre. Any one wanting a fruit, vegetable or chicken farm or a suburban home can now be accommodated on easy terms. All lots sold iu I;irst Brookside addition have more thau doubled iu value. The prospect is much better for the future. More fortunes are made in lauds near a grow ing town or city than any other way. Sicze the oppor tunity. For information or conveyance, call at ony Rea Estate Office, or on 6 T. BBIiDEN; Propr. How to Advertise. The rraeetion of method in advertising hoseharisg infinite range. The mat ter is one of tbe very first importance, And cannot to too carefully studied. One thing about it that may be set down as tree is that every man's advertising, in its language and style, should be char acteristic characteristic of the man, characteristic of his stock, characteris tic of his commercial position. For every man has his peculiarities of devel opment. When he speaks we know it is he, thongfa vcrytsmr-BCft belooking at him, and Ms advertisement should rep resent him lite his "voice. He should put Ms eiperienee, his industry, Ms en terprise, into Ms advertising. It is as tonishing to see how merchants who are tireless in their industry at the store early and laic, dose buyers, eager seek trs after business, quick to embrace op portunities for enlargement of lines end extension of trade it is surprising to see how inch business men continue their advertising in the language of the old rut, and announce in the same words and the same type that did duty for tiera years ago that "B. Franklin (or any other man, the name doesn't matter) is still to bo found at the old stand, with a choice stock of dry goods, notions, "etc, etc" (The two eta's are indispen v&feta m an "ad"' of this kind.) There is another and a better way to do: If a xnerchaBt has any snap, any energy, in himself, let Ma show it in his adver tising. If be has any bargains in his store, let Mm say so. If he has connec tions which enable Mm to sell better goods, or the same goods at lower prices, than anybody else, let Mm say that; say it plainly, strongly and in a way that wDl carry conviction of truthfulness; and on the rams principle that leads him to treat -visitors to his store so that they will call again, let him write his adver tisement to that Ms next advertisement will be looked for; if you get a person's attention once try to hold it Tbe whole thing is summed up in this: Ono should itudy advertising as he does every other department cf Ms business. Advertis ing is a science, simple, it is true, as to its main elements, but requiring more thought and system than many of our business men bare been accustomed to give it Valno of Changing Advertisement!!. Picking np an old journal the other day I found a statement to the effect that a certain patent medicine firm had not (at that time) changed the wording of Its aaYemscments lor thirteen years. While I am thorough believer in indi- dous advertising I doubt if such adver tising as that would accomplish any good after a few months of publication. xio uoudi ninety-nine reaaerc ont 01 a hundred would throw aside the paper at sight of tho familiar heading with the exclamation, "The same old story." Though publishers may save consider ably in composition bills by permitting advertisements to "stand" in their col umns for a year or more, they must loeo considerable in the fll effect upon other would do advertisers. It is to the interest of publishers that their patrons should find that "it pays to adverbse, and those advertising col trams are most attentively perused which are most frequently changed. A publisher who allows an advertisement to stand without change in his columns for over three months is doing his own business an absolute barm. Advertise ments are being looked upon as news, and as such they should be fresh and in teresting. Invite your patrons to make frequent changes in their announce menta. It will pay them, and this will bare a reflex action npon your own re ceipts. National Publisher and Printer. The Central House. W. H. Gordon is now tbo proprietor of this popular house. The table will be supplied with the best in tbe 'market, good beds and courteous treatment Heals 15 cents, and beds the same rate, MRS. N. BOYD, DEALER IS Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crocker-, Glass and Delfwarc, Tobacco aud Cigars, To-s, Notions and Fancy Goods. Higest Prices Paid for Country Produce of All Kinds l'lucst Ulue ofXKAS In tbe City. lUcc item lie t c irr jrol. iVN EXTRA INDUCEMENT.. io 10 1 10 10 1 10 13 , 10 10 1 10 1 10 1 si 5:M.'QM 1 to u U:v 1 mi jour trade, 3.15 10 u in inducement lo jet it W I a tic the folkuriss lib- IS eraloSrr Call and 1 will 10 present jva tilth a card J; like the one printed op- pos'tc, and nba tbe J card It cwd up you may 5 Kcurc tbe portrait. & BKISG thi Card wtlh tqu and nave your C.Y;H fCRCUASES punched oat to the amount of JW. and jou can bare a Life-like Portrait, Crayon or Water Color Tint, from any photograph or tintype jo may d ft Ire. Wc lurthrr ajvjre yoa that ii the jvrlrait if not sat isfactory yon newt not accept it. c sivc you the portrait FREE, you raj only for the frame. The evil oi tbe frame, glut, etc, will Ue st nbuk ule coit price. 2i 2i 3! ii i i 10 1 10 I 10 1 10 . 10 , 10 It) 1 11 IS 1 13 I IS 111 .Li . Li J Call and see sample! of these beautiful portraits displayed in my show win-Ion and let dc present you with a tlexet. cry iruiy yours. Corner Jackson and Cm Street, KOsEBCKO. OK I.4. 1 have on hand a :&n;c assortment of BOOKS, suitable for both lanre anJ siuatl i'-. tlrcn, which I will sell at wc'-eMic pnee. Tnccnttre 101 lor r aie very cneap. Alexahder & Strong M. CRAWFORD, ritXD. rAUE-TUSTIN. UoomH 7 and 8 a i Wlkou lllock. KOaEBUKO. OK. J. F. BARKER & GO. GROCERS. TEAS A SPECIALTY. p A. SEHLBREDE, Attorney at Law,, Orfion. UtSce over the I'uiitutUco on Jackioo itreet. y" W. CAKDWELL, Attorney at Law, KOSEBURO, OKKGON. A ipsclal Lrncd jluiinJulUiultd Tttt. Ou prize COFPEE la harinfr a large ile New elyla Glass and l)elf Ware at astunUhiug low pn:ea. Our own canned tomatoes are Yery popular. I.A Kayetti: JUDtlK L. LOVGIIABY JANE & L0U0HARY, Attorneys & 'Counselors tit Law Jiutebtirt, Vrryoii. V ill ntHcllce iu nil the cotitla of Orrvun. See in the Tailor-Wilwn block. Of- J D. STRATFORD, Attorney at Law, THE ROSEBURC Does Up ALL COMPETITOSS his is the Place to Buy Groceries. A full aud complete assortment of all goods usually kept in a first class grocery. Everything offered for sale is fresh; aud sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits aud vegetables, to which we invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. WO OD WARD i C. W. PARKS & CO., Qrocers. Uimum X and 4 Tuylor i Wilton Block. KOSEBL' UU. OB JP'RA BROWN, M. D. i-riCE, MbJackt.)nblre:t.alrtv Idenceot Xr. J. Bluer. Wc arc always in the Lead, ami r.t-au to keep there. Tlie(ii)hlcn Harvest is upon us, arm farm era are sciiliug Iccau3C Wootlward IoU3 to their interest. KOiEBUKo. al. L. BRADLEY, M. D. Ph'sician & Surgeon. OiBee 110017. from 12 U3 r.n. fay to: A n ;h..u Brk k HOaEllUKO. P R. COFFMAN, Phj'sieitm aud Surgeon S. Eaminin; burgeon.) OFHCK. Koqrns 6 and T MarstcrV Buildl-j;. Kcsideuce. t lrt door south 01 Mrs. Currier Uoardlu; lionse. FT2 Eneeiai attention I.) survcrv aud the mKais ot omea. j" J. o.t.l, 31. Physician aud Surgeon, ROSEBCKli, OR. Udico in p. Maris A C0.1 Block, upttaln. CaUa rou:pi:y aaawcrctl day or night. Full Triinuicd TEAr HARNESS Those are all Leather and Warranted. SADDLES At Reduced Trices. Consult your pane and be sure aud ice Woo-twaril bciorc buying. W. . WOODWARD J ti. MLLI.EB, Si. D., Sui'geon aud Homoaopathio Physician, liwjrfrur, Oregon. Cd5Cbtucw diirarrt a JU!tT. w ILI P. HEYD0N, and Not;iry ruljllc. Ornci: In Court House. JiUti for j-incvtaf: anil Hvld Notes hould W adUrcMctl to Will !'. Ifeydon, Couutj- fur veyor, r.oDury. 1 r. T P. BRIGGS, U a. Deputy "Ilticrnl Sureor miU Xotary I'utillc. On iic. ( oautT-Iail Building, up itairs. -sjHvial a'.'.cntloa raid to Transfers and .'onvi-ja-.o.s. Andrew, KOSEBUKG, OK. H. C. STANTON Hu juit rtetl6l a new ani eateneiTe ztork o DRY : GOODS CO.VblSTlNO OF Ladies' Dress Goods, Kibboas, Trimmings, Lace-s tc, - ALSO A FINE STOCK OF- BOOTS AiI SEIOJ28 Of the beat qualltr and fluiih. GROCERIES , Wood, Willow and Glass Ware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. AIo os hand in Urtc qaajititle an J at rricts tc jolt the time.. A!o a Urge totk of Custom-Made Clothing Which is offered at ecit prire. A fall and select stock of SCHOOL BOOKS Curstantlj-on hand. Als-jlhe LATiiST NOVELTIES IS STATlOSEi:? THE POPULAR HOME FURNISHERS.... 3t and 3'JJ Jackeoti SL Bet. Oak and Washington. Largest and Best Auortcicnt crcr hm pnpep I I i ILL 1 ill JLw 1 V brought to tkmthcrn Oregon, aud I PARPETS. A Lar;c aud Kltjant Lino Wc call the attention of our friends to our beauti ful stock of Kasy Rockers I Bed Room Sets yyAAj Parlor and Dining Chairs And all Household Articles Our Stock is Unexcelled by Any House South of Portland. ? And all Household Articles no tkouislu to r SHOW QOODS. Ik ALEXANDER X STRONG ..oS!?Slw A ROSttBURO, OIlKGON. 1 1KB ID II HENDRICK'S BLOCK OIIOHITIJ DlirOT. Carry constantly on hand Nor and becond Hand Goods ol All Kinds. Which woillSelI at Hani Times Friccf. JIvc us a call and be convinced. Hccond Hand Oootis Bought and Hold. mjcJC2jc2VN est ;. A. C. Hoxie,. Wholesale aud Retail Dealer it! W-s H"tl Goods delivered free to all HOUT. ICQ, parts of the city. Leave j ' your orders with me and DmvicinflC savemonev. Roseburu. Dr. ! lU V IJ5lUlI2. NEW FEED STORE CAWLFIELU & CAWLF1ELD HaCi'.t bi-ut.d a firj;-OaM F011I store and haTt on hand a !are invoice of the best Uccburcand Va..ijr Flour, Baled Hay. lirain and Feed o! all kind A. I pnrchaws UdiTCrcd IfX. Cor. Cass and ljos street. JERRY J. WILSON, Watclimaker ami Jeweler, ,5iK JacUMUtt Street, At LuorvtU t fiKr Factory. KOsEBL'KU. Itepalrlttu citlrustctl lo ny care will lie iMtOJiPTl.Y mitl carefully done. lKHES 11EA-O.SA1I1.E. JERRY J. WILSON, Propr. IMitwr to .-KSATK SALOOS.' A nil'l'LAU UICSOIIT. Choice Cigar aud ail kind ol Temperance l)rinicon tnnt'you band. Kiuiowd. from r .r. Oak aud J.ickkou to l'Aill-.Oi r BCILDISi!, JAl-KSOX oTKEET. UOiEBriKi, OHUliOK. LOST MANHOOD Easily, Quickly and Permanently Restored. CCLTCnXTED Exousn Keuedv NERVIA. It is sold on o ro3il'r0 cuaranteo to euro ony form of ncrrous pros tration or any disorder of tho genital organs of either rex. caused , FJnfnrn. bv rimR.! ubo of Aftnr. Tobacco, Alcohol or Opium, or on account ot youthful indiMTction or over indulgence etc, IlinlncM, ConTulsionn. Wakefulnc. HcadscLe. ileutal Dcrrcwon. Softpningof tho Brain, Weak Memory, lionrinR Down rains. Seminal Weaknrss, Hyjlfrin. Noctiirnnl Emitnlons, Spcrmatorrbors, Lfs of Fower and Irapotoncy, which it neglected, niny lead to preruaturo old nr;o and Insanity. ruitivoly Runrsntetd. 1'rlco. Sl.00 a box; 6 boxes for?J.OO. Sent by mail on recolptof Price. A written (,-uaranteo furnished with ovcry $5.00 order reccUcd. to refund tbo money If a permanent cure is not effected. v 'HEllVIA MEDICINE CO., Detroit, MlcU. Sold by A.C. Marslers & Co. sATiiffrr, Gtneral scent for etery Tarlely of sutriptlon books and pf rljjicals .pubUtied in the United Etates. I'ersons wishinj readins matter of asy kind Till do to give me CITATION. T.N THE COl .My COl'KT OF THE SliTE x oi Oregon, in aud lor tbe Couuty of Douglas. In tlic matter of the Etatc oi John Free man, DvecaJed. To William U Freeman, Jiautoiu 1 ne:iin, Jsrncb C. freeman, Joan A rrcfmau. hit beth Oarn.vm. K. C. McCulloch. V. 1 . Free man. Frantic E. C.Mcrklin. Kuth. Skuinir. Hlla C. Wallatc, Kobcna A. Boll, Tllm A. K.'lib, Mary E. Fields, Ira A. Sherman,. vaA. Sher man", le.vle E. Sherman, Elnora J. Sherman, aud hlla A. Sherman, heirs at law.tbc next of km and all arsons lutemteu in the said c; tato ot the said John Freeman, deceased. Whi-rMs. nil lhrt .11 !ftr nf Jtini. 1SJ-- Jnlm A. Freeman, executor of the above named estate bavins Hied his sworn petition graying foxan nn!..r In unthnri,! atiill rmnoivrr him tn soil rht- real property bslonglnK to the id ctateOPthe- saiu JOI1U rrvvxuiui, utxvaiAi, wiaaivu lii L"i 1 ' o " . las Couuty, Oregon, and whereas, it was orvtorcd by the Court that a Citation issue lo mid heirs at law, the uextol kin, and all other persons in terested iu taid estate lo aprcnr ia tins Court 011 the 7th day of fccjitember. IMS at the hour of 10 o'clock 11. m, 01 said day to show caiw, if any you have, why an order for the f ale of sid real property should not be made as prayed for In said petition. It is lurther ordered that ser vice of tho Citation herein be made personally upon all oi the abovo named heiri re sldins; iu tho State of Oregon, and by liubliea tlon upon all of the above named heirs U law next ol kin, and all persons interested residing outside oi the State of Oregon, by publication thereof iu tho I'laindcalcr. a weekly newspaper,', printed and published in Koeburg, Douglas County, Oregon, and of general circulation in said couuty for tho full period of time required, by law, tc-wit: Four weeks. The said reaT cs-' tatc asked to bo sold by said petition ui iJ executor is described as follows, to-wit: The Jf. ol tho D. L. C. of John Freeman and wlfe.bcing notitlcatlon So. 116, claim No. -S'.i, aud being parts of sections "Ji, IS, and "J5, iu Tp.. 01 n. tt ., 01 it iiiiaiuuiiu icriuisu liik niiplnc r-rtimli nc-nt ntnl mnn iinrllMtlnrli.-.' described as follows, to-wit: Beginning ax point one chain and fifty links west from tho. iiunrtcr section nost on the line bctwci!ucc-! lions and 2K m Tp. ii south, iof range 7, 1 I . V. ...,u rc .h.l... IILSl, HUH ruiimtIK liieill.u Ul'liu ciiunun nun 75 links, thence west fcOchalni mid Hfty littks. thence south 20 chains, thenio oast IS chalns.y thence south b chains and 7o links, und tht-neoj cost 32 chains mid 2: links to tne place 01 ocgtn iitti' and containing iu all acres of laud1 of which said abo e described lands, (the abovo nillTIIHl ii.iwu1i.ti t II1VIIP.1 lit fill. tllllf. Ilf lll (Until, the said north half, making 159.37 ncrcs 01 lauii 10 00 soia. 1 Therefore you mid each of you are hereby cited und rcmiircd to bo and appear tit saiil) ll... n.l ..1...... 1. ..t..l( null; unit 'ini.( , 1iK.11 nun null, iu puun (.mubvi. if anv vou have, whv such nu onlcr umr. license bhould not Issue for tho saleot said I: north half of the boo described premises U: Tho donation land claim oi John Frcc- man and wife, Not. 11C, claim No. 1'.). Witness tho Hon. A. F. Stearns, Judge otthci Coimlv Court ot tho Stale of Oregon, for the? County ol Douglas, with the scaloi said Court) ..m 1 1 1.1.. icil. .r 1..I.. tk.i.? i 1UI1AI.U liiia .cm (in j ui tiiii, ao.'u. O. A. Seiitiikekk, Alty. For Executor. JOHN If. SHUl'E, Clerk. J-U15 Cottage to Rent. A now 5-ruoui cottao near tho depot to runt, juet vacated ty f. K. Sykcs. City ualor in lliu huuse, ami u gouil well next dour. Euuniro at this oQicu. M J0SEPH50N'S New York Cash Store, ROSEBURG, OREGON. "W -we SELL THEFAMOUS Charter Oak AND superior COOK STOVES. The Best Stove is Always the CHEAPEST. CHURCHILL, W LLEY& MIKENZIE'S Ros&burg Hardware Go. A SQUARE DEAL We are Here !! J to 1 u Stay. I I l-H r-l 1 1 r-l -a -co -1 -JO -10 -co -CI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 Is what avc give to every cus toiuer, for we believe the best advertisement possible is a cus tomer pleased with what we have sold them, they will come again aud agaiu, aud their friends will come too. We are not here for a day or for a month. We are Here to Stay. WoilENBERG) fliHiSft .Roseburg, Or.