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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1896)
1 juiiiM rnj-i- it" ill "'"j IF YOU DON'T READ ir ruu one n in j TIlA PlniTlflpnlAV The Plaindealer . You Don't Get tub News, j Vol. XXVII. ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, i8g6. No. 57. i IT IS SO. j f. 1 A. SALZMAN, (Successor to J. JASKOLEK.j Practical : Watchmaker, : Jeweler : and : Optician. DEALER IN ; WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. AND FANCY GOODS. t5Kjr.Js-a.MA am. apeetnl.9r. Gonulno Brazilian 13yo GIhshoh mitl Spootaolot) A COMPLETE STOCK Or Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco, Cigars and Smokers' Articles. Also Proprietor and Manager of Rosoburg's Famous Bargain Store. Ml H. T. BLUMB,. Proprietor ol The City Meat Market, And Dealer la PRIMEBACON, HAMS, LARD, m AND FRESH MEATS Order taken and Delivered Free to tnj- part of the City. A. C. MARSTERS & Co. "Wall Paper LIME PLASTER AMD CEMENT. fl'-FULL LIftE OF WIflDOW GLASS ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, m quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of 3D. S- KL BTJICK, EAST AND SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. KxprMS trains letri Portland (Ully. Booth I I North 10:44 A. K. Portland - Ar. Roseburg Lt. Bin Francisco Lt. 8:10 a. k UMr.v. 8:00 r. x. Lt. -Ar. - A bore trains stop at East Fortland, 0 reran CltXi Woodburn, Salem, Tomer, Marlon, Jcffcr eoa, Albany, Albanr .Inaction, Tangent Oitddi, HalMT, Harrisbnrg-. Junction City, Irrlnr, Inzece, Cretwell, Drain, and all itatloni frera Roseburg to Aibland incluslTo KeqCfcarr Slall Dally. Portland Roaebnnc - Ar. Lt. 4:40 r.M 8X0 A. M Ar. iBalem Passenger Dally. iinr.M. ILt. - Portland -I Ar. Baleo Ar. Lt. 10;LS a. x. 8:00 a. x. DIKIHG CAH8 OJt OGDK ItOIlTC Pullman Buffet Sleepers AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CAIIS Attached to all Through Trains. West Side Division. Between Fortland and Corralll Hall train dally (except Bandar). 7:20 a. x. 12:15 r.x. ILt. Ar. Portland Corralll - Ar. I Lt.I 5:40 r.M 1:00 r.x At Albanr and Corrallli connect with trains ol Oregon Central fit Eastern railroad. Express train dally (except Bandar). (:4Ar.x. 7:25 r.x. Tt7 Ar. PoriT snd Ar. Lt. :2i a.m. S:M a. x. McMlnvlllo Through Ticitcta to all Points In tbe Eastern States. Canada find Europe enn bo obtained at Joivt eat rates Irons Coorjro E(cs, Agent Roaebare. R. EOZBLER, , E. P. ROOERa Hsnager. Asst. O. F. & Pass. Ag gcn PORTLAND OREGON. Poultry Flan anil Game, In Season. S OF ALL KINDS. 1 Roseburg, Or. A Choice Collection, at Prices that Sell FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR FOISTS TiORTHRM)PAGlFi RAIIaROAD Is the Line to Take To nil Points East and South. Tlx the DIKING CAR ROUTE. Itruni through VESTLBULKD TRAINS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR to 8T. PAUL " CHICAGO (so chasok or CABS) Compoted of Dining Cart Uniurpatstd, Pullman Drawing Room Sleepers, 01 Ltiest Equipment, TOVII1ST SLEEPING CAIIS Best that can bo constructed and In which accommodations arc both FREE and FURNISHED to holders of First or Second-class TlckcUf, and ELEGANT DAY COUCHES A Continuous Lino connecting with Ail Lines, affording Direct and Uninterrupted Berrice. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured In advance through any agent ol the road. THROUGH TICKETS To and from all Points in America, Engl .America, isngisnd and Kn roro can bo purer at any Ticket Office ol this Company. Full information concerning rates, timo q! trains, routes and other details lurnisbcd on application to li. a. IC. DVICK, Local ngcntatRoecbrg,Or.,or A. D. CILVULTOK, Assistant General Fassenecr Aecnt. No. 1ZI First Bt, cor. Washington. PORTLAND. OREGON. r RAPP'S DRUG STORE. Swiss Buttermilk -fr ftonp only 15c per box of 3 cakes. RAPP'S DRUG STORE Sacrifice Sale Now in ZIGLER & PATTERSON,. Depot Grocers DEALERS IN ALL KINDS QF kSTAPLE . AND . FANCY . GROCERIES. COUNTRY PRODUCE Give us a call. Goods delivered to Corner Lane k Sheridan Streets. The Collins House Tint Sheet cast of Depot, oac block north, First Class $1.00 per Day House. Recently remodeled, rvnovalcd and rclarnlihed. FIZICD AMD LIVERY 5TAI3I.1; IJ CONNECTION. MYLIE PILKINGTON. Successor to G. W. NOAH,) General Blacksmithing jm.?orj lEOnSXUEOEIXCr. rROTTING AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY, REPAIRING OF ALL, KINDS PROMPTLY DONE. Hliop ou Corner 'Washington and Kane 8ta., Rosebarg. ROSEBURG Marble and Granite Works. Estimates Furnished on all Office ana Halesroom. ;jh onb Street. To The Unfortunate. Dr, Gibbon Tills old rcllablo and tho most eucccsstul Bpeclallst in Euu Fran cisco, still coutinucs to euro nil Sexual and 5emlnal Diseases, such as Oonnorrhcca, (licet Stricture. Syphlllls tu all its Inane, Skin Di seases, Nervous Debil ity, Impotency. Semi nal Weakness and Loss ol rianliood. tbo couse- ?;ucncc oi sen auuse ana excesses prouucing tnc ollowins symptoms; tallow countenance, dark spots under tho eyes, pnin lit tho bead, ringing in the cars, lots ol conll Jcucc, dlOldeuco In up proacblng strangers, palpctation ol thu hearts wcaxncssoi inoiimusana uact. tossoi memory, pimples on tho face, couitlis, consumption, etc. uk. uiunun nan practiced in pnn frnnt'lfco over thirty J cars and those troubled sliould not fail to consult hint and recelvo the benefit ol his great skill and experience. The doctor cures when others fall. Try him. Cures iruar anteed. Persons cured at home. Chnrga reasonable. Call or write. Dr. J. P. tllbbon. Om Kcsrnev Strct1 San Francisco, Cil. TAKE A LOOK AT THE DISPLAY OF FINE J Toilet Soaps A iu mm ivtNhniv Progress. BOUGHT AND SOLD. cny part of the City in short order. ROSEBURG, OREGON EJ.AGHWHOJrosrs. Dealers in all kinds ol Mnrbic and Granite Monuments and Headstones, Portland Cement JtToi- Cemetery Curbing JLiOtH. kinds of Cemetery Work NOTICE. Notice is hereby alven to all whom lt hit eon earn that I hive arnolnted D. W. HUarna of Cala. pooia precinct Deputy Inspector ol Stock for said precinci; piMtomce aaurtss, uaxiana; also A. J. unapmanor Wilbur, ana KaiDbHmith. at Kate burg, to act during ay absence, and others wil be added as parties inspected make their desire xnownto me. Roseburg-, May 4th, 18S7. TH08. SMITH. Incvctnr of Stock far Douglas branty. Or. Executor's Notics Notlco is hereby given to nil pcissns inter cstcd Hint the undersigned, V. L. Wilson and Aimer Riddle, Ims been by tho county court of Hondas countv. appointed executors of the will of RlchRnl Owens, deceased, and nil per sons having claims against tho estate ol said deceased must prefcut tho same with proper vouchers duly verilled to Ettid executors at their residence in Riddle precinct, Douglas county, Oregon, or to their attorney nt Rose burg, Oregon, within six months from tho date ol mis notice, usicd juiy 27, W. U WILSON and ABNER RIDDLE. Executors; of tho hslato ol Richard Owen, Deceased. IRA D. KIDDLL', Attorney for Executors. GARDINER. On the Umpqua River. One of the Loveliest Milling Towns in the Union. Nine miles from the ocean and on the Umpqua river, is the bright and beauti ful town, Gardiner. Rounding a bend, the handsome steamer, Era, gire3 its passengers one of the grandest scenes in thia glorious land of mountain, valley and flood. The river, two miles broad, is alive with row boats nnd sailing craft, and a dainty little steamer is puffing its way to the creamery, loaded with milk cans shining in the sun. The town ia radiant with its lovely homes rising terrace upon terrace and vieing with each other in white and cream, and slate and lavender. Bed roofs here and there, make tho lawns, gardens and orchards a brighter green, and the big mill at one end of the town, and commodious balls with flag etafls. look as the parents of the family. Across the river the salmon canntry answers whistle for whistle, and the creamery on the Gardiner eide keeps teams rattling along the road. From the creamery ex tends the home ranch cf State Senator A. W. Reed. It has great level fields on which browse 00 milk givers, and his 300 acres in cultivation. On each side of the Umpqua, great mountains rise, and trees in autumn coloring. Gardiner is built on the donation claim of Ks-Governor Gibbs and the lion. A. W. Reed holds the patents When Reed came here twenty-eight years ago, from Maine, there was a mill, three dwellings and a store. He went to work in the mill and has risen from the eaw mill to the senate. lie was fore man of the mill fourteen yearj, then ioos 10 sieamooattng ana is sun in terested in tho river steamers. He is the manager and owner of the cannery known as that of the Gardiner Packing Co., the output rsachmg 15,000 cases of salmon a season. BosiLcss was resumed two weess ago ana is now in full swing with every Jiklihood of a prosperous yew for the Map Brand." There is no better equipped bntter and cheese fac tory in the state than that of Mr. Reed at Gardner. The building two stories high, is as white as purity, and intern any is admirably arrranzea, while ex ternally it can receive from land and river. I be machinery includes a S iwenty-nve horse power engine, receiv- cream vats, the unsurpassed Alpha No. 1 separator, batterworker and cutter, and all the auxiliaries for first class production of butter and cheese. This eeason the creamery re ceived as high as 6500 pounds of milk in a day, and has been in successful operation since April last. More 1m portant than the machinery khowevor, is the fact that the manager and maker is one of the most experienced men east or west. Reference Is made to W. J. Per kins, who was bom m Herkimer county and raised in O'Neidacoanty, New York and they arc celebrated as the treat Eastern centers of batter and cheese manuiactuie. Mr. Perkins has been in the business for a quarter of a century, and has gained a national reputation and has been manager of five first class factories. liis luanutaclure is worthy ot premium honors and commands the top of the market. Mr. Reed also owns town site and 1200 acres and a big mercantile bouse, a beautiful home and tho good word of everybody on land or water. His chief aide de camp and accountant, Frank Rogers, has lots to do but 13 equal to every task, ana Mr. Reed has been quite happy in his choice of lieutenants, The Gardiner Mill Co. is a famous corporation, and their mill after import ant improvements is now sounding the soprano of the saw and the baritone ot the planer. It has two engines, COO and 400 horse power, respectively, propelling double circulars and g.tng saws, gang edges and pony circular, granting capacity ot 60,000 leet ot hr ana spruce in ten hours. The planing mill does its duty to S0.000 feet of lumber at the same time, and the output of lath is -0,- 000 feet. The mill is as trim as n roan of war and thero are no ghastly heaps or slabs around. The dock, J50D feet in length, cost several thousand dollars, and there is a mile of boom capable of holding eight million feet of logs. The superintendent, W. F. Jewelt, has been at Gardiner for seventeen years, and is a State of Mainer. His men sbv thero is no more popular or capablo mill man on the coast or anywhere else. The statement is borne out by one tiler with him ten years, planer man, nine years ; sawyer, seven years : gang saw yer, seven years; log hauler, seven years and fireman, fivo years. The accountant, O. 15. Hinsdale, has been with tho company seven years and formerly with the Puget Sound Mill Company. He has vessel interests, bank stock and real estate mado by en erpy and good judgment, W. F. Jewett is president at tho Ump qua River Steam Navigation Company, with tho Eva sailing daily to and from tho ocean and Scottsburg, and the Juno also daily from and to Gardiner and Sul phur Springs up Smith river, and ho has interests too numerous to mention. Tho Jewett mansion at Gardiner is a dream of cream colored beauty, with emerald lawn and many beauties ol the floral kingdon, and attracts and holds every eje. The mill manager, P. A. Brownell, possesses thiriy-two years experience and he is a stirring citizen. He owns a beantifnl home which cost him $3,000, and that Gardiner has many attractive and substantial buildings is shown in the following: The Jewett residence, $10,- 000; Hon A. W. Reed's Sweet Home, $3000; the Frank Fly cottage, $2000, and that of A. E. Anderson, $1500. Fly and j Anderson are stevedores. Captain Corn wall, captain of the Eva; and general manager of the Cornwall Staged: Navi gation Co., has a lovely $2000 residence. The Masonic Hall, cost $2000 and the O. O, F. Hall being built will cost a like amount. The Baptist church, (nnion services) cost $1500. The Gardiner Hotel, $3500, and the scboolhouse well, the sooner they get a building worthy of the place the better. The GardinerMill Co., own an avenue of beautiful cottages and no two build ings alike, and strips of green down the roadway. Their big mercantile house carries np to $30,000 worth of goods and they supply all around directly and in directly about 400 men. Gardiner has numerous lodges, the most prominent being the A. F. &A. M., I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W., Maccabees, and Foreeters of America. 'this is a very ...beautiful ana very healthy country, hut men will got hurt on the mountains, in the mills or on the river, so Gardiner has-a first class physi cian and surgeon ia Dr. J. L. Elwood His lather being a pharmacist he began his druc experience at eleven years of age. He is a member of a great phar maceutical family, as not only his father bnt his brother, three uncles and half a dozen cousins are pharmacists. But Dr. Elwood went farther and graduated as a physician and surgeon and is held in high regard professionally and socially. With his office he has a complete estab lishment devoted to materia medico. 1 he uardmer pest olhce, aithongh iso lated from railway and stage road, re ceives by steamer, which connects with stage lines, one daily mail, two semi and two tri-weekly maila The postmaster is a veteran, for thia country, as in that officiate he has granted unqualified satisfaction to gov ernment and the people for about eight een years., Reference is made to J. H, Butler, who is also a pioneer who has bad a remarkably interesting career. He was born in Massachusetts and came to Oregon in 1S61, locating at Scottsburg. He worked with his father, then took tu the river, steamboating, succeeding which mining attracted him to Idaho, where be also engaged in packing and saddle trains, then when the war news came, he joined the gallant Oregon Cavalry. After the cessation of hostilities he showed me chanlcal senius and came to Gardiner in IS73. He has since been not only post master, but deputy collector United States customs, and in lesser positions showed public spirit. He has also been landlord and owns a hotel building which he rents, and he nas a snag resi dence, and the post office building, which is detached from other structures J. H. Butler is a business man cf princi ple and ability, and a gentleman held in the highest regard, by young and old, rich and poor. The Pacific Hotel is rented by J. G. Daley who lately bought the big Gardi ner House, and he runs the two, the smaller house being used for apartments. Mr. Daley came here.fonr years ago and he didn't have enough "to sat him up." He now owns the hotel and nil that ia in it, and a ranch of 160 acres, and can pay in a minuto all he may owe. He is an Austrian, and a capable ad., as be is 250 pounds avoirdupois but active all over. Gardiner is busy and deserves to be, because all the people pull together and there is no snarling as everybody has a good word for everybody and Gardiner in particular. James Carswell. The Question Solved.. Editor Plaixdealer: I am not a scholar, much less a political student, but by your leave I will correct some cf the errors which have, either inadvert antly or otherwise, crept into your con tention for a gold standard. The Bryan programme ia as follows, as near as the writer can explain it: First open the mints to eilver coinage at 412)2 grains to tho dollar. This coin to be the standard and measure ol everything. Wo claim that the opening of the mints to silver will raise the price of silver bullion by creating a demand for silyer It will decrease the demand for gold, thus decrease tho value of gold bullion ; and bringing the two metals nearer to gether. Then if 'gold refuses to circu late, nud we think it necessary, take a little gold out of the gold dollar and put a littlo more silver into the silver dollar and thus the question will be solved. J. McD, It is evident that the writer does not understand the Gresham law of money circulation. Ed.1 nuckleit'H Arnica Snlve. Tho Best Salve in tho world for Cuts- Bruises, sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fover Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chillbains, Corns, and all skin Erup, tions, aud positively cures riles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale at A, O.Marsters k Co. LITTLE LOCALS. A Salzman, the reliable jeweler. Coal tar and resin at Marstere'. Lime and sulphur at Marsters'. Caro Bros, are the boss merchants. J. T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker. Go to the Roseleaf for the best cigar. Good goods at the lowest prices at Salz man'?. Go to A. G. Marsters & Co. for school booka, County claims and warrants bought by D. 8. West. School books and stationery at Mar sters' Drug Store. Dr. F. W. Haynea doea all kinds of np-to-date dentistry. I. S. West doea insurance. Office opposite the poet office. Keatsfoot oil, machine and lubricating oils at Marsters' Drag Store. A fine line of gents' shoes at J. Abra ham's. Prices just right. Mnnyon's Homcepatbic Remedies for sale at Marsters' Drag Store. An endless variety of combs, hair and clothes brashes at Marsters'. For bargains in family groceries, call at the Pepole'a Btore, Cass street. Mnnyon's Homeopathic Remedies at A. C. Marsters & Co.'s drug store. Bring your clocks and watchea to Slow Jerry the- reliable jeweler lor repaira. Chrushed fruits in soda and all the new dnnxa ice cold at me tumay Kitchen. Dr. Haynes doea crown and bridge work and guarantees the same. Don't forget tho number. The Kandy Kitchen ib headquarters for cold drinks, chrushed fruits, ico cream and all new drinks. Dr. Havnes makes all kinds of artifi cial dentures each as gold, platinum and aluminum plates, also robber and cellu loid. Save money and time. To parties going East, go by the O. R .& N. short route . Call on or write to V. C. London , Roseburg, Oregon. A. C. Hoxie sells flour at 75c and 80c a sack, and 10 pounds of lard for 75 cents. People should tate advantage 01 tnese prices and give him their patronage. E. Da Gas, Physician and Surgeon, office in Marsters' building. Calls in town and country promptly answered night or day. Residence, 911 Mill street. X. Rice, one of oar enterprising furni ture dealers has now on sale a fine lot of furniture of the latest style and finish. Give him a call before purchasing else where. L. Langenburg ia still on top. He carries a lull stocx ot choice music, mu sical instruments, violin, guitars, accord- eona etc., violin strings ol best quality always on hand. Slow Jerry the jeweler has 14 carat filled gold ladies watchea now on 3ale. Prices reduced from $25 to $15, decided bargains. Don't fail to examine, them before purchasing elsewhere. Those having second hand stoves, furniture, etc, for sale can receive the highest cash price by calling upon N. Rice, the furniture and supply dealer, 221-23 Jackson street Roseburg, Or. Mrs. G. W. Rapp will continue to bay and ship fresh salmon from Win chester or Wilbur to Portland as hereto fore and pay the highest market pricea for same. Address postofiice box 123. Jack Abraham, gents furnisher, keeps the best goods and latest of every thing in his line, and sells them at a lower price than any of his competitors. He also sells boots and shoes at astonishing low prices. Good paatnreage for stock at reason able rates by the month. All stock taken absolutely and entirely at owner's risk in every particular. For particulars enquire of J. M, Shafer Roberts creel: . Place to Rent Containing 3 acres, good house and barn and all necessary out buildings, good orchards and fine garden spot, in tb.9 city limits. Good garden partly in and balance plowed and ready for planting. I. F. Rick & Co. The cheap rates of five dollars cabin and two-fifty steerage including meals and berth are still in effect on the O. R. & N. Co's. steamers from Portland to San Francisco. Steamer leaves Portland every five days. Dr. R. W. Benjamin, late of the dental college at Atlanta Ga., has fitted up dental rooms in tbe Marsters block, where he ia prepared to do do first class work in all the latcs improvements, Crown and bridge work, gold and porce Iain crown, fillings and extraction of teeth at hard-time pricea and all work guaranteed. Remember, room 1, Mars ters' block. Cnre For Headache. As a remedy for all forma of Headache ElectricBittera haa proyed to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and tbe most dreaded habitual sick head aches vield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual consumption Electric Bitters cares by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and lew cases lone resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only Fifty cents at A. C. Marstera & Co.'s Drug Store. For Over Fifty Yens a. As Old and Well-Tjusd Remedy. Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions ot mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens tho gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of tho world. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Bo sure and ask lor Mrs. Winslow's oothing Syrup, and take no other kind. A Snap For Some One. A small business paying 100 par cen in the city 01 itosenurg, lor sale chea for cash. Good location, good building have private reasons for selling. Ad dress S, care of Plaixdkalkk, Roseburg. To Trade. Two lots in Marshfield for hogs. Two and one half lots in Xorth Rose burg, for Btock; hack or buggy in part p ty ment. Call on I. F. Rice k Co.