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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1899)
F P. NUTTING Ed. and Prop. n.uveru.1 attne nunt i . . . Particular! An yon particular about tour laundry r.kT . - - i;a to wOTk"or"prtrcQuTpoopT becase J writer or the newspaper iutsrvlewer lor beliere tbey eppreeiato oureflorteto dojchronc,j,,g n,.d, of heroism, at tint rliu intk. . . i i i. th Phillnninea WYare ela.ys willing to rolaunder free -. . ... ..M kirk nut h Milt m pi imiur . . iv.w ...- j , We run oar laundry on a system, II we promise job your bundle on a certain time jou'.l get it. . Bend in a tried order and be convinced that e are turning out laundry work that will pleare. Telephone SI. Magnoua Sisaji Lackort, Albany, Oretton For home-made mince meat gugarBowl. ;ry the People tainted with scrof ula very often develop con sumption. Anemia, running of the ear, scaly eruptions, imperfect digestion, and enlargement and breaking down of the glands of the neck, are some of the more prominent of scrofula symptoms-are forerunners of con sumption. These conditions can be arrested, consumption prevented and health re stored by the early use of Seoit's Emulsion Your doctor will tell you so. At 0 dnmiMs ; ex. and f to. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemista, New York. Freeb cider at the Albany Trading Co's tore. A delicious drink. NBWCBOP Lemon peel, Orange peel, Citron, Raisins, Currants Fg, Dates, Walnuts, Almonds. I have everything that goes to make up a fiiet class fruit cake or any other kind of a cake. A. O. Beam." C. E. COLLINS At Second and Ferry etreets, in former jrnoiograpn gaiiery, ooes Upholstering, Repairing of Furniture Picture Framing. Givelhim al. That Tdoth needs attention Remember it can be filled or extracted without pain 1 DR. ADAMS. At Second and Ferry. Mr. Julius Gradwohl will now be found in his own store at ths above location better prepared then ever before to serve ths public with a first class stock of crockery and glass ware, and standard groceries. . ... Ths lighest place in Albany. Every thing in sight. Good goods at low prices. Mr. Gradwohl has always dona ths guare thing with his cast busts and will continue to d so. . Also writes insnfanc in ret class ompanies flilVITA Utttmrf VITA L try, LOST IUVT AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting1 diseases, ui '""'TiT I abuse, or excess auu cretion. A nerve tonic and blood boilder. Brings tnc i ), tn na1 cheeks and restores the fire of youth. n mail KOc rer box: 6 boxes for $20; vntn a wntwu eu tee to cure or refund tbe money. wrnviTA MEDICAL CO. i Clr.ton A Jackson fits-, CHICAGO, ILL Sorofuia and Consumption Pit t Cur Kansas would cromd ' . iu his start la the Tageia river - h.ida of bit publishers long ! Inhere Geuerel Boiler wou,tl hM d-ue U'ter if h f quipped with a wmw -0,i istratlon to restrain him- admiral iMrvera a rain . t.L hj.. nna.tmnk fil'S a Very large ; book, bat h. mlM no r-tereoee lo U to oy inconvenience mas ht ! "0,,wd SmpMn" ..ideal that tbs lata Gsnsr- '.i T aid not depend on the typs- ome oi Lie fin. Mr. Qiay, no doubt, begins to believe the truth of that saying, "Blessings britthten as they take their flight," slues tbe senate seat is hat slipping away. Brother Wauamaker ssems to luvs worked a bargain counter deal on It. Kow that the UonTsam Jones of Ohio, Is to run for Congrats we venture to sug gest to him that II he is eoCMselut In breaking lo, he will find the Golden Rule department ol tbe Congressional Record iu badly toa-dowo condition. a P.r l ex Dressed gratitude to hie American Iriends, but he will not nsg lect to hand out bullets to soldiers light along. His adage seems 13 he rrsy unceasingly and keep your powaer ry, as woll as seeing that tbsrs la a liberal supply of cold lead. Cleveland Leader: In Illinois is now heard a threat that has often been made in Uhio. The trnsts there complain of the hcatile altitude ol the courts and the legislature, and declare that they will move to oth states. They would soon find that the anti-trust lentiment it not confined to en place. In New York state, Tom Piatt ia be ginning to discipline bis Teddy. Al ready there is talk of an organiaation nmninea foraovernor next year, because in a presidential year any old t hing for governor can be elected, so tbe Senator thinks. Accordingly Teddy's grin has become less pronounced and be ia show lag bis teeth.witb a vengeance. The Civil Service reformers have ihtsed np a fine argument in favor of the merit system in reviewing tbe ad vancement ol Gen. Leonard Wood. But it mn.t nnt ha Ioat alsht of that he did aot reach his prssent position through ... . t k tt aitffsr toincsie ana ir relevant questions propounded by a commission. There appeals to be very clear evi dence that postmastsra in Utah have been appointed by J wno are charged with being polvgamisU, yet when an effort was made in tbe House of Representatives lor an investigation of tbeee charge, tbe republicans promptly voted against it. Of coarse ths proceed ings to remove Roberts show no abate ment. Tbe consistency of ths republi cans is thus mads plain to ths country. Ths fact that sn Assistant Secretary of tbe Interior, a man as close to McKinley as ths Hon. Webster Davis is now on his way to ths Transvaal, should not bs lost sight of by ths public. It is claimed ha visits that country lor bis health, but tt strikes the ordinsry observer that South Africa is a very unhealthy place for Anglo-Saxons Just at present. It is siid bis visit wos prearranged and de signed to show to Enrops ths compact between this country and Great Britain, for tha purpose of intimidating any European power from interfering in be half of tbs Boers. New List. Hickory Nnt.e Home mads Mines Meat, Black Figs, White Figs, Popcorn, Maple 8yrnp, Sweet Pickles, Bulk Olives, Silver Prnnes, Fresh Hominy. Sitter Kraut, Celery. ' A O, E Baowvux's. Cream mlxd, fancy mixed, petit j ml.n nljtn mised and EU1JLV', IWV.W ... , French mixed candies at ths Sagar Bowl 2nd street. , .. . - 1t i a ainirnUr tnatfl that cifltloi t suited in ths varied and large selection f . u ,li tt K Lark's. Ths best VI ronvu swsr m goods ana reasonable prices. I other fins chocolate car amels at F. H. Pieifier's. Tha AiKanv Tradintr Co.. now are mnninir their own delivery wagon in soring prompt delivery. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Lixativb Bbomo Qoiaura tab lets. All druggists retail l tue money u it fails to cure. E. W.Gaovs's signature is on each box. 25c. Cnristmas tree toys st Viereck's Sugar Bowl. Tha arnrat faatur nt tha situation SSVS O , 11' t. I .. . t I kt aw. L... .t,M.a.t Mil satlrs atteDtton to money getting, I am one ol these who were io foolish as to be - a iuk. n uvciwr ia iu ww uat-w .m.ww wu. ilaaa that whan anr larrltnrla ware fill aJ ari anul.I attrntidil to hlaher A, . fv.f.v. .1.. nU.Et aa rlstocy. SinchbeOivil Warthearit - tocracy ol wealth has arisen. This Is in ereaslng. Observe the United Sutes Senators worthheir millions! All this . . . . , . , . , , ., taudt to the aboluteoontrol ol the raon- n,ln nnliili,a,"phaseof therhlllpploa ques- tioaUthl: Why should we go to tbe Philippine for trade when nine-tenth, ol tbe tradt of the South American nations is with KngUnd? It is said that tb Europeao nations ars going to break China. I do not believe It. China has . . - a .... . a existed for 4,000 years, and she will be riaht here In 4.0) J yee tn jre whether England is or not. The bist thing lor China we can do e tsilrhsr up. Tba will awaken her to vorapetltion with the Western nation, aaJ she will drtve their goods out with her cheao labor. One of tbe weiuhttest arguments for our kaspingontof the Oriental couutriss; evident from the recent f arhamentary pott, which states that folly 55 per cent ; the English troops have to be sent hnma litt..t viM, vnhllttiti riinaaaiia ' Do we wish to send oong men to the PhiliDDlnes and run the ri.t of a siml-ar ,- Itls bard lo find ont Just how the public stand on tha nnaatinn of rataininir Mia . - Philippines because ol the attitude uf tbe brigand press. Rat tbers is everything sgaiostlretaioing possession of the Phil ippiue. and thsre is nothing In favor ol it. win imvo Lwiv e out the love which cornea with children there may tie a nouae dux never a nome. hM. 1 i-Vk, it Matnr I , . hh wVnlyfourwilsd; roof baa been made a home by the i 4 TV WVI . TJanMta TVimaira-4a-i agency of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion. Nature seta her face against child lessness and "Favorite Prescription " works with nature to remove the ob stacles to maternity. I had been a uflVrer Son nterine tremble for about three yeara, haitf two aiacan'Kea In that time and tbe doctara that I coniulted aaid Box 41. wnea aaoiR to aiv ap in oespair. a 7. . . ... . rl . mvajol a imuc n is. . i . rmwwnm . . ' ticm and after taking It felt better than I bad for ran, Pelt improved before I had taken one hall' bottle. After taking four and a half bottles I gave birth to a bright 1 four months old and Baa atnr girt who ia now ot bad a 6he iaaa brtobt as can be. I cannot aav too much in ptmiM of In. Pictcfs Favorite freamption." Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser a work for every woman is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay coat of mailing only. Send si one-cent stamps for paper cov ered book or 31 stamps for cloth covered to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Bewaid fnr an mm nf flatarrh that cannot ba cur4 by Hall's Catarrh Core. F.J.CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, O We, tbe undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney lor tbe last 16 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus iness transactions snd financially able to carry out any obligations made by tbeir firm W8T A Teuax, Wholesale Druggists, Tolfldo.O. Waixiho, Kinhax & Mabaix, Whole sale Drmreiets, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cur is taken intern ally, acting directly upon tbe blood and diucjos surfaces ol tbe system. Pries 75c. per bottle. Sold by a1! Druggis's. Testimonials Ires. Hall's Family Pills srs the best. Educate Tour Bowels Wain a;aaearts. Candy Cathartic, ear eoiMtlpatloa forever. tOe, 26c If U. C- C. fall. arvwLltts ret and money. I want ever body to know (in car mMn that I am an authorized agent for American Woolen Mills Co. worlds lar gest tailors Chicago, 111. So people please et me have your orders. Suits to meas ure $6 00 and upwards, pants to meas ure KIXM ana npwara, overuosva uu m- sters to measure so.00 and upwards. Also I am aeent for tbe Dundee Ruber Corporation, largest makers in the world ol fine mackintoshes, Chicago, lib Gentlemens mackintoshes from $3.00 up wards. Ladies mackintoshes from $3.25 unwsrds. If any one wants to see my very tinne and choice patterns and styles just simply maks is known by postal card or otherwise. Remember I hare near a hundred patterns and styles for you to select from and guarantee satisfaction orfyour money will be refunded to you. A word to tbe wise is sufficient. Alvis J. Caboths-rs, !X VOIIMl MTV W av UI"V. " Dra.lN KM. I could gic birth to children, writes Mrs. Blanche E Evans, ol Paraona, LaMrn Co.. Pa., Clothinf 0 A Halscy Wedding. . J 1 HAUKt, Or., Deo. 24.18W, n.anitha ureatest oaiesiotia la the - a,u.t.l MalaaV. WIS 111 ' flhriatmai avi. Willth Wi h1 I i.l . II.. l.i...ili hlni tltSt fit Miss . I . . . I . . .. . . I Aim i W.Sun.H.h a popular young black I h.i.u aioorud by her oousln Mr. Carl Datts, a student ol the U. ol u. ud atteudad by hei fl" Penland of the 0 A. U. ana Mise loiena ."'na' K.uene. The brldegrtmm i At U Iturtha Van Winkle, ol Halm, nu atnuoi vjmr Usler learl anu -?:.'"l'r; KlurJS SS IrhS ..Mnii.t . waddinn rirnr of mistletoe, where an impressive, ceretuonj was per- p lormetl ty ev..x. . - I llsallltl. The bridal pair received the congratu lat.oui ol hosts ol frieuds and islatlves, nn. , ... ..i.... t tha unlmost. iuaii uueu hi. vhmivm - --- amona which were the brldojirooiu s lather. Mr. W. Blandish, ol ' and the orids's father Mr.Jss. Loaoh, ol Hepnsr, They were the iso'pitents of mmiy beautilul and u.efol prrsents. The best i ,i. ..., I tha lirlile as she goes to her new home at Broa tjsvtll. At KlK.ND. 'EW ADVERTISEMENTS A HORSE to let out until the firstot My j ! for board and care. UU on B. A, , LanUis, Aiwny, vn , FOR SALE Some Al ot,1y at ! Kit i.vwin on the farm of V . ot 1 1, aiso some gocd potatoes NOTICE TO S1UCKH0LDERS Notbe Is herebv alven that the annual meetioit of the stockholders ol the ugar Pine Mill & Flitare Co. will be held at .VnL.n.'aolHceln Albany, Orenon, at the hour ol 8 o'clock p. m., on the 9th day of January, 1800. Tbe meeting . iolhe fSrpo.e ol eleetiog a board o. ftve directors, and the transaction o .ny other business that may properly come before the meeting. m Dated at Albany, Or., Dec. 1M899. V V Sol D Miss Long meke up-to-date picture in tbe bighSat style of the art of photo grsphy. TRY MORMON BISHOP'S PILLS lor all diseases arising from dislpatioo, sell abuse, excesses or elgaretts smoking. In use over M rears. Brings tack your Manhood, cures depleted worn- men. makes rich blood and tissue. Cures wasilngs and all i... ... U.lltinvU atrnnir. etiniB Cr of memo'ry. bad dams. shrunken raoe, despondency, skeplessnee (rriomr,TndTcon.Ujtio, aid. ln.r. to th. .y-. .top. n.rvoo. twitching. 1 1 tns eveiioe. il the eveikw. . woB BISHOP'S PILLS rengthens ana lows, by day . -,Vs Address BISHOP For ssls by Fos- ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor, StocMders Meeting. The stockholders of the Albany Cream er Association will hold their annual meet ing at One o'clock p. m.. Thursday, Jan. 11th. 1900, for the purpose of electing five directors snd the transaction ol anf other business which may bs brought before tbe werting- E J. SrrxiY, 8.FBOMAW, Secretary. President. The Real Test s 0 good floor is shown by ths demand for it and tbsrs is s demand lor Magnolia Floor For twlca ths capacity ol tbs mill, st prices consldersbly sbovsordinary vallsy Hours. It to always roads Irom STo. 1 Old Wheat Every Sack Guaranteed J M RALSTON, Three doors east of the DocaaToffiee has money to loan on farm security at low rsts ol Interest. Also small loans made "n personal aritv. City, connty and school warrants bought. Collections made. awm . Bants collected. in snrwt,.nlnth.lolWing lares ana rename wiuy""j v ,vfo Vv-i CO..OI York, PHOENSOO.. Hartlora, vonn., k v ww, DON AND GLOBE INS. CO. ol Eng CITY TREASURERS JS0T1CE Mftticals herebv siven that funds ars on hand to pay city warrants Nps. 1 to 87 inclu.lvs ol ths issue oi wo. ," est on said warrants will csass with ths date ol this notice. AlbSDT, Or., use. vi, E. A. Pakksb, City Treasurer. o ...lL(MM a-,n. sanil avfltttiA sir A thw) opal plate and easel photographs, which u can get at Miis Ltrg s studio. Special Sale. w.idig, SPECTACFS, EYE GLASSES Id In' the; Goggles MAGNIFYING GLASSES audOOMPAb'ES- EYESTKSTED FREE. Call and net mines before buylcg else wtiere. Spectacle and Eye GUM from too up Goggles, 10c. J. A. Cummings. AOMiNISTf ATOR'S NOTICE. XTOTICK IS I'UHEUY GIVEN THAT 1 tbrt undttrsiuiittd has been dulv u- pnntcd by tli t'ounty Court of Ui (bounty. On-imti. a-inilnbtrntioo (if the f tale ol J V I'ovfll, deceaMd. All proiit having vis i it: s sirxiott Said eUtt are herebv nonlit'il lo t'reent lii" m. duly ver Hied a by hw reiuirttl lo tlie under signed t Itxi'iy, Urigot. within sli month fr'iu tlm date bcr,uf , uatea mm itjui ttity or wtottfr, icjw. T.J.8tit, Ailminiatrnlor ONLY S2.7J5 r si, swim i't tim, iiw fctr aM a4 fcetaht, rt tMI wt im tica nnutrtd tussle al Imh4 ss1 tk, '.( v witt wm ihi filOTH tifl " ! vtcft-N, Vult rat, antll d lf II ttfi latltlwterji, ra mm kvltsf, tmr lit 4 fv , ktiirwM uhirijs) ill sipk" W l I l nil THIS C IS LA. wlata. tT titeh. toaa, mr fun , 11 "m miw, stm tuiU I ttw. Mf iMt imw w a touM rullr Irtwrnwl ttlih M ill. w.l an mttt kraMi ri -ia ftattMl Jiminwll SM to $s c.ltw a,a. i..w.fc..t 4 iKiit.i I a .ini ll6t il.t pel, tnmn SEARS. MQEBUOK A CO.. CHIOAOO imnoteitCV. KHlt POer. mlSStOnt, t' ; " LT; ah - restores w- T.i.:"" reach of all. Uoaran 5i::V,. ft . r ; "-VJ " s box 6 lor li.w by man. ena tor irw circular. REMEDY CO., San Francisco. Cat. bay & Mason, Albany. The Best Photographs In Albany by the Long Photo Co., In Fromaa BHck. 11. . t..ln 0. tlartf nf AlfaanV. Tha onlv-no-tc-dats first class studio in town. All work to please. MAKIELONG Prop. For Bargains in Farm Lands. Timber Lands and Oitv Property, call on or write uity rope 7. 8 N g fEELE ca Albany, Oregon H.F.rierriH TNSOBANOE AND LOAN AGENT. 1 collections promptly attended to,eor respondencasollcltea. Office in Dmo bat building. Stanley Stewart, bicycTebepairihg, FOEGDiGAMACHlNEWOBK o ALL WORK GUARANTEED. (JNN CO- ABSTRACT- COMPANY Albanv .Oregon. Officec Bank of Oregon Building. Only sec of Abstracts of Linn County. Complete set ol maps and plats. Itmta with 70a 7 ! V a.rv.kllllnf I.MWO d.di,. m tin. sarifiM Uw alooa, n hniss aiakM yon MM a, Buf IB HUH, 1atAaraTtt.n A tTI SnM vosir own aruffstiH, wb rr- will vobch twr "' ivill, psvtientlr, prtuntl v. On. r all. Bain ail I w siur-mUii S boisw. sH M snsftarMasa mil roa Ill lloU. uiaaL. ,mm a, -i. ss ssm sb" fc-a-iliaAdswJJsJsTBWal To the Music LoviiigPublic. -0- Those contemplating tak'ng up h . . . . -Si ...! It tnlhntr Intat est to InveHtigats the advittitages oflcrtU ly AlUttiiy twiiftfs. uw liruiii'lii'S are taught I VOI?iaSSMAN.)OLIll uul liUTOKY OF MU8I0. Sir. Wlrts, Musical Director, laagrad. i .i,.. hi. !...., I 'iiirvitnrv Ol MU .la, and hns studied with such a. tli U ...i ii,.n ii,.. luia Dr. Karl er. Thtw mvn nre masters lis their respuct- iVtHiCpsrtUICIHS ailU inuaiia v. iilo latne. , , , .... tiM.i. i.,.i1(,.i. In vocal muslu Is a ptil of Mr. William Nlon llurrttt who'is kno n to Ik one ol Ibibw'vo'ot i . ., t.ulav. Mr. studlvd eight yesrs In Italy d sevwa. yours in Jnion. ' 111 AlbSHV College Conservatory are the latest and most ap nrovcu. femg n" coiiiuihto i v u . . and the acquaintance with the methods ol our eastern nerrmri. Tuition reasonable. Pupils may cntei at any lime. ..... Kstt term 0ia tpt. IV, low. r or further infornmllon call onorsd Jress President Wailaco Howe Lee. SHERIFF SALE By VIRTUE OF AN KUCbTiun and ortlrr f ! l.b .T . ..., il.a .lain il tirruon lor tbe tounty f I Lion, to m difcclrd, de lv ed snd dated on ths Hlh ol nbr. I MM) in a rsrtaia suit in said court wbme In T. f. Owr, Uovnnor, . 1. Dnobsr, ?me'ary of ms', bb v ws. -w His Siats of Uwgor, fonnl- tutiutr lite Usia cf crtt.Blsionsrs lr tbe a!2 ol school asd Uelvrwity istias ana . . ..A i A .t tltafc aaSlattSflAW for IhS lWIrBi v .....-- -a tfaerelrom wrre plainlifis and wvlna UHngmsB, Praok llmgman and ticsr tfcbavtn were dclondaals la wbltb said PUIl IIWI I.". . ;... 'u.M mnl on lbs J.iin oay oi novrnurr, irw, axainst lbs said drfrn.tsat Uvin. Llisg nTan for lbs sumo! IIS8&.S8 togrtbr wilo tbe (urtber sow ol f 166.00 Mwwji fws. and costs sad dltiur.rnis Used st a.i. nn i.i.r.t tl.i-rn.Mi at the rats of lU.W.IIU I.""" - , : N .r ni rer anoutn liom Csteol said judgment, and, wberna the said dtfrod- . . a . .-.a. a... Jl aa Ia Ala IMMM t ant ucar v nen - p.-it" os said date against tW said drfwdaol Laviaa Cllogham lor tb mm ot 9W 10 totrettirr wtin toe sum ui s'.w "? . " i i.i.u.i il tliatnLaoiHU cr cent per annum from date of d Judg ment, ordering sad darrein that tbs rral property dtsmbsd la plalnUff niort- -A .J.,ni.iHt in Imitiir a nor- lion ol Donation Lsnd Claim No. 3 sad being parts oi we ciaira m a... comniisg at tbs Nortbeaat rornsr cf said land claim, thence tuanlrg Soulb 4 chain.; tbencs West 8 chaiast thencs North 40 chalet; tbencs tail 4S 14 chains to pisce of sgiBoln. all in Township 18 ... ... . . ... . . . . IV, llama lla oum Ksaee a " m u. ,u .... Meridian in Linn Coualy, Orsgoa, and conta'ntng 180 06 acres, be sold to satitfy said jadsments and coats and notice is bsrsby given that 1 win on Bsturusy id 20th day ol January, ivw. as in nvr wi Ons o'clock p. m. of said da-r at tbs front door of to coon nouwi m m " any, Linn Couotr. Oregon, sell at public auction to tbs highest bidder for cash a Hand sulltSC to r-atnpwwa mii law, hs shots described real property to satisfy said judgments snd all coals. ated mis turn oay oi wwnwr, 1. A. M una s, Sheriff ol Linn winty, Orison. LIVERY STABLE lor sals at a bargain or will trade lor sheep or other stock or land. Inquire at tbs Dmiocsat of fice. M. Senders 5: Co, Kay ftnd fht Warfih(iHRf!S 6svsnth snd Kailrosd Streets. Wa ara nranarsd to tsks At Storsgl ivaia.t ha, will bnv vour oa& In anv qnanity at top market prior. SACKB FURNISH Is, Oats honsbt In car lota at any ship. ping point. M. SENDERS & CO. insurance, Hay, Grain and Wocl.D This Paper Ons Year. rarm Journal S Years. Pay np and gel both papers st price ul one. .... We want mors new sobscnoert to ur Weeklvi ws therefore contisus our sr- rsngement with ths farm Journal by wbtca ws can seni me uhwbat ana inn Farm Journal 5 years, both for $1 .25. And we make lbs sams offer to ail old subscrib ers who will pay all arrearages and ons year in advance. V k L.t t. an,! Iha C.. a VU iuv. WIIM VMS VMM uv rati. Journal li a gsm practical, progressive a CJVMu, uuubii, uariui jaor lull VI nHlL. full ft' ...n.lilna avilh an Im. mense circulatloa smonir tbs beat rxonla everywhere. You ought to take it. Daily subscribers piylng in advance an also secure i;. Your Uuqp Will be roused to Us natural duties and your biliousness, headache and constipation he cured If you take Bold by all druegUfi 23 cents.