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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1899)
THURSDAY. Twenty Years of Success! During the many tour o( Thoarl' Or iginal Nashville Students thy luv at tained exceptional tuucttu; for, while hey were not the II rut company of Jub lee Singer, their mennor o( perform nnoe wm original. They present the Negro m he appears In hie church end eatup meeting, ami tin to the long ol the cabin home end of the plantation. Their tnuelo I wulrd, innlodiou end trilling; it enchant an audience, nine timet, to men an extent it le with diffi culty the linger leave the singe at all, on account of recall. m i ne enure company will appear In a program replete with all the laleet Jub- Vilee Mclodioa, ai well aa 1'iauUtlon, M Iverand Cabin tonus. I F At the Armory on Tuesday evonlnif. Jan. 2, 1000. Poor Investment. The falmn. Building A Loan AmocI tlon la dltpoilux of lit holding! at sue tlon with pooi tetuitt, telling (or much ! than coetof improvement, not lo mention ihe realty. The Journal of the 19th hai thli report of it let made that day. "The three house on Commercial ttrtet, corner of tluth atrit, oppotitetho brick ttoit, were told. The ( tur-roomed college on the corner, with lot SSJfilOO w, urounMt fjui, wring uiu ill njAltim Ktrong. The next and older boute wiih f mr roomt, on a lot 608 brought 126. alto going to A mot Huong. The four roomed collage next lo tue alley on a lot of ibettine elite at the latl.wat knock eu down to U. w. Johnson for f2W. The Absolutely Pure Made from Grape Cream of Tartar. Baking powders made from alum and other harsh, caustic acids are lower in price, but inferior in work and injurious to the stomach. Tables Turned Did you hear thote loud taught along First street at I o'clock (bit afternoon? They weie In honor of Mr. it, Y. Ramp, If ere le the ttory. Several weekt ago Mr. KJ. Trron took teveral big milk t eparalore lo Ihe depot to inset a purchaser, who did not tiiat eicept to Ihe Idler received by him. Tli 1 1 nmruing Mr lUmp received a let ter asking Mm to meet Mr. Bpaldincat .lie wharf at I o'clock with a tack of beam and two or three doaen of eannrd good. Mr. lUmp waa promptly on hand. Bev trai ot Mr. iryon a friends were aleo a roniid. aid then the Itushini beiao and three carried along the street, it la Mr. limp' treat. Mr. J. W. tlobbe. of McMinnvllle, hot wen in tue city. ; Mr. Arch Allen ba joined hi wife and ton in tula city lor the holiday. Mr. Ned Cartlon, of the U. of O., la In tue city on nit way to i,ouanon. E.O. Clement, of the Butte Building and Loan Association, bat been in the city. LU-enao waa httuod last evening tor th i eitrrltgeof Charlee K. (Jalbraith and aiat earau Kelnhart. There will be Chrlatmaa proirranu at ch echool tomorrow at 1 :30 o clock t w, Parent and friend of the school ,r Invited. Mlt Laura Jon. editor of the Drain iWatchman, it dangerously ill. We bone llpr her recovery, Sho 1 a bright young oman. r.x. J Mr and Mra. Rolllo Karoo and Vr fm Itainp. arrived In Albany thla morn fig irom Cottage Urovo. The benedict .forking in the butcer ehon of Mr. Wolf ppotite the Dcmockat ollioe. Prof. August 8tark. Albany's popular icenliitand optician, I home for th ilnlay end will belfound at the atore A Will 4 Btark, whore he will be glad to tany wnoae eye neea fitting wiui 'wet. mong those who attended the Lss- le-Livingttone wedding were Mr. O. Livingtiono, Mr. Ida llappertett, i. F.Uuimby. and Mia Martha Rialey Portland, and Mr. A. (. Livingstone Uior, ol the bride, from Ashland. Dow Huff, the well known Southern utile man. end Mitt Mar Button, of itpxiburo. were married tbit morning urortland. They came to thli city on (I 2 un overland tint aiternoon lor aj t visit wim mi inuiuer, mil, r. uuii i will leave for Ban Franclaco and California point tonight on wed P.Mi tour. Dew baa roaor friend In Irftne who will eiiend him hearty con ktolatloot. Guard. ROVAL BAKING POWDCft. CO., MW YORK. Another National Speaker. Our cltixwm are to have the opportun ity ot hearing another of the speakers of the National, Woman' Chrlttlan Tem- peranoo Union, on Tuetday and Wed neailay eveninvi of next week, Mr. L. K. Bailey, of Mich, It la unfortunate that the thould Cjme to u holiday week, tint a the bad date awaiting her in Bouthern Oregon thiawaa the only time the could give. Bo we beepeak for her a little time amid our holiday gay ety. Bhe come to u with troiiR testi monial from the eaatern pre. Borne of our Albany ladle beard her at the .National convention and were mucn pleated with her. Bhe ha a gentle, matronly manner, a refined, Intelligent face, crowned with nowwhlt hair. Bhe nretent her subject clearly and for cibly end leave with her audience food lor thought, me place lor holding me meeting will be given later. Com . Left by Boat. There were enough people at the wbarf of the O.R.4N Co. when the Both ar rived ttiltinorn'og it 7 o'clock to make a picnic party, whileon board were forty or;filty O. A. C, ttndnnti and otbert bound for different placet hr the hell dayt. Among thote leaving Alban weret Mr. and Mr. W. it St John, for Port land, where they will apeod two weekt with i heir daughter Mrt. Brown and then go to Bn J one, Ctlil., where an other dangbter Mrt. 0 Q. Xldeont, re eldet, and whtre they will make their home They take with them the beet wUne of many Albany pleople. A. L McPeddeo, the lawyer, for Citt ern Oceon, lo locate, with hi aye on Bumpier. Mr. McFaddeu I an exte' lent gentleman who detervea to atrike it In the live country to which he I going. Mr. H. L. Wakefield and family to Portland for the holidaye. Mrt. Uv. lUrtintn and children to Portland for ChriKatat. Mr. and Mrt. W. flolmet to Port land for Chrlitmae Mlt iioui.a flopner It Independence. Beveral irieod! of Kjv. Btreyfeller lo Portland. bat Big BMnk Failure. Boeroit. Dec 2!. -The newa that a ri ce I tot bad been appointed for the- Globe ! fiational bank ha taken thie city by arpriee. Wbiie the bank wa known to . bave been in dig trot 10 day ago, pre eomably over the decline in copper ape cialtiee, chiefly United Bfatee Mining Company, it waa thought the crlsi fhad paaeed. Keourcre and liabilitic, each 10,000,000.: A Crazy Murdet er.I BiftaHAM-roft. N. Y.. Deo. 21. John Edgar Gardiner, in order to get bia pict ure into print, thot himself today. Gar u.,- i . t.i I uiner w jenri oi in who aw, loon in the AnVtiu "building, n JonT. but Brei h. L 1 i Th. and were living apart on account of hit S.i',0.: Bi,'ea"nd yMttdb' ita' SwJff&vXftJ? 10 Lawton s Funcsaf. Makila. Dec, 21, 6 :fi5 P- M. General Lawton' body will be removed from hie late reticlence to the cemetery tomorrow. In accordance with Mr. Lawton'a with there wi't be no ceremony, only a prayer. Tongue's Bills. Wahhisotoit, Dec. 21. Among the fa- ; t ; t ;'Scio. "tj. ' From lb Newa t It may be of loterett to onr farmer readere to know tbat dorlng the patt year Kote E. Mibltr baa ebipped horn 10,U00 dozen egg, 1,300 dozen pool try, 6,600 poncdt ot butter. A. It, McLeod. meutaer of the Inland grain coapany, of Juliette, Idaho, waa in Btlo yeeterday. He came bare to in (pect th North wettern Flax A Fiber Maofg. Co' plant witb a view of eatab liahing a tlmilar plant in Idaho. Lebanon. From the Criterion : J. O. Boyd, of Laoomb. took out a load of barrel yetlerday, to be filled with pitch. Th pitch industry at Laoomb I growing. John Wood t II. Jr., of Kweetlfome, re turned thl morning from Bout h Dakota where be baa been on a vitit lor the patt few week. lie aaya it 1 too cold for him in that country. Mr. J. O'Neill left Monday for Calif ornta, where the will apend the holiday! with her folk a. T. C. Teebter and Ira Crandall re turned Saturday nlyht from a ten dtyt tlav at Lower, Boda. ;Thcy say they killed a bear, but we have no faith In the report. Gu Hood, who accompanied them, hired out to Mr. Geiendorfler and will remain tor the winter. At a tatd communication of Lebanon lodge, No. 44, A. F. A A. M., lttt Satur day maht the following otlicer were elected for the! entuing Mtonlo year: K. Kecblor. W. M. : IW. M. Brown. B. W.: Jo, liutler. J. W.t 8. M. Garland. treaa.; C. If. Yong,eec.; J. C.Gordon, tyler; J. W. iturkhart and is. Uurten aiiaw, truateca. Livixo Ciixap. The Cor villi Time lay the eott of food per person I daily 1 exemplified at Cantborn Hall, Oregon ' Agricultural College. Since Piof. Hor ner took charge, the ball.lia been con ducted aa a club. It hat, in fact, been converted into a big home, wiih each o. the atudent a a partner. There i a preildent, a secretary and a ateward. There la an office, a; let of book, a bookkeeper and a tale. The club baa a bank account with about 11000 on de port. The tiualne it practically man aeed by the boya themselves. The book keeper la a student, a are alto each of the olllcere. The boy ehxt their own fare, and they have all that ia dealrable. The table fare Is determined by a com mittee contiiting ot the ateward arid a representative of each table. The aim at present ia to famish the tab'e at an expense of about 2 per week. The act ual coat for food per week for the past month waa $1.98. Btudente at the Albany Club get table board aa cheap aa $1.60 a week, and the rtu dent also do the buying. UNiwa Chanuk. Mr. It. D. Call' llvl ajly stable of Davia A Callavan, and veivt tucceedud by Air. Jack Miner, a tll&n in the buaine and popular with i traveling public. jirobiUe court : I1 etute ot D. E. Pepgt,Mr. Tegg wat Intedadminlatratrix. Bond, 12000 'ircult couit: initio of J. B. Barber ant 8. J. Archl t-K-f account disputed claim for Intorett. Cd. iwcate: Board of School Commit- bgt Arena L. Heater et al. Fore Icordor' office : l, N. L. Butler to Elisabeth tier. 167 acre I 2500 4!otf ueed to John Mcinert...... Mot'Oting defective title kago for 1226 vulamette University need abtttt (lOttisna joim u. AiDertt.--stalog tit show that the University' It in bily bad shape or that John a. Al not amount to much, when it i to many of them. lLdopeud- fadiet of Mantinta Circle last even Itlered the Woodmen a surprlr f ,J m In a body at tue residence i .A SttSton they walked in upon the TAfeen at the proper time well loadad tdod withe and eatable. A fine - fr, anvarAl hnnrl . In ! nrocram. the playing of same etc. luliurpriaingiy enjoyable atiair. MARRIED. BHERIf FB CARTER. fu Albany, on Friday aiternoon, Uec. 23, i&w, at the DiMot MAT olllce in Albany, by F. P. Nailing, i. V Mr. William Sheriffe and Mlia Leona Elisabeth Carter, two of Sdo'e popular young people who tart out in III with good prospect and the beet withe of many. LASSELL LIVING8TONE. On Wed nesday evening, Voc 20, imi, at tno residence of the bride'a parenu, in Albany, by Rev. Cane of Amity, Mr. Banfom A. Latsell and Mia Grace Livingstone. The wedding ceremony wa a pretty affair, witnessed by a number of invited guest, relative and frienda. Th bridal party entered to the ttraina of a wedding march, played by Mil Vida Torbet. The bride waa auired in wnite organdl and carried a bouquet ot white carnation. Hne waa attended ny net titter Miaa Pearl Livingstone attired in nink orsandio with pink carnation. the groom waa attended by Mr. Walter Wallace. There were preaeni over sixty guest. ' Tbe happy couple received warm congratulation and a fine repast waa seived. They were remembered in a handsome manner with both useful and ornamental presents. Mr. and Mrs. Lassell, two ot the county's belt young people bave the boil wishes of many. They will retlde upon th farm of tbe groom a few miles from Albany. RAMP THOMAS. In Cottage Grove, on Wednetday evening, uec. 20, ibiw, at Cottane Rev. M.O. Brink, Mr, Rollie Ramp and Miss Evelyn Thomas. The groom i the son ot Mr. B. F, Ramn of this city .and the bride ia an ea timable yountt lady ot Cottage Grove, t resident ol tun city at one time. They have tho best wishes ot many Albany people. STANDISH-WEAVER. - In Albany, on Wednesday, Dec. so, ihuu, by Kev. F. W. Parker, Mr. A. W. Btandlsh and Mra. E. Weaver, ol Brownavllle. Mr. and Mra. Btandlsh are well known through the county, where they have many Irionds who will extend tbem best Wishes, , The Salem Statesmsn ha received a new perfecting press and an electrio roo ter. Albany people continue to Lite at all kinda ot bait- Borne people believe everything told them if seasoned with oft soap. The County Clerk of Coo county baa banded in hi resignation a such otlicer on account ol ill health. This i an al mot unheard of proceeding in these latter daye ot grab politic. Ex. V. H. 1 oung, the butcher, today pur chased a hog front Jame Bear, ol eai naw, that tipped the scale at oW pound. Pretty good aised porker. It wa only 18 month old. Guard. The three bank in Walla Walla carry depoaila of $2,283,819.20. The Firtt National ba $l,0e0,O06.3; the Baker- Hover National, $900,322.84 and the Farmer Baring bank 1200,000. Th Boise football team ha issued challenge to the Multnomah team of Portland for a same on New Year day If the challenge it accepted it will rest with the Portland tearr whether it comes to Itoiso or the local team goea to Port land. Indian War Veteran can procure, at me nominal turn 01 zu cent to pay pott age, a cony 01 a book entttled'The Larly Indian War of Oregon, "writ ten by Mr. Victor. Tbe book ia well bound and oontaint more than 700 pages. Mr. T. A. Wood, whose addresa ia Room 10, Odd Fellow Building, Portland, Oregon, bar cbaree of these books and will wnd cue to all person who are entitled to one tor the aniall turn mentioned. WALLACE MARSH. On Welnesday evening, Dec. 20, 1809, at the residence ol and by Kev. kuius xnompson, mr, F. E. Wallace and Misa Ethel Marsh of near this city. Mr. and Mr. Wallace have the best wishes ot their many friends through the county. aay be will attend the dance acrqst the river to-night. FRIDAY. The Coming Christmas. Christina festiv.tie will begin in Al bany tomorrow night, when the Sabbath school of th city generally will give thtir program, and tbe gift of the tet lon will be made. The occasion i one long aaticipated by tbe children, and tbe people ot Albany alway rise to the oc casion, equal to tbe uemanda 01 Banta Clan. To event I a beautiful one de serving all the attention paid it. The uongreationai acnoot win nave two tree and a fire place, tbe Preioyter Ian thurch a big tree, the Baptist chuich a tree, the Chnatian church a tree, the M. K. church twe treee an. a Ure place, the M. E. church south two tree and an arch, the U. P. church a big tree and the Evangelical church two tree, with varied program tui table lor the season, al. on Saturday evening, to any and all of which the public generally i wel come. There will be a midnight mas at tbe Catholic church with a special musical program. On Monday afternoon the Elk will give their elaborate reception to the children 01 toe ciiy unaer v& yean 01 age to which all of them are invited. The Rebekaha will have a tree at their ball on Tuesday evening lor member of the Odd Fellow and Rebekaha. J. E. Druckt, the Lebanon man, been in tbetity. J. M. Wallace, ol ihe Sal em Water Worki, I in lb city. J. 8. Waddle of Sweet Home wa at tending to.butinet in Albany today. Lair Thompson, of McMinnvitle col- Irge, it home for tbe bolidayi. Mr. Charle Dawson hat returned to A .bauy from a trip to Polk county." Mr. Janunsy it at the St. Charles and Mr. Winter at the Revere thit Decern berday. Senator Clem ba returned from hi eastern trip alter a pleasant experience in wuien ne w many 01 his old iriendr Miaa Helen Crawford, ot tbe O. A. C. came over to Albany tbii noon for tbe holiday vacation and ia at her brother!. H. M. Brunk. of tho Occidental hotel Corvillls, and Mrt. Ella Bhenefield, of Liallaa, were united in marriage recently, Mr and Mr. Johnson, of Albany U'.uer a in moiner 01 ur. j. r. loiinton 01 tot city, came down from Albany on Wednesday. independence enterprise, W. II. Nudd of Centralis. Wash., ba been in tbe city with a view ot establish ing a lactory here for tbe manufacture ol save gutteraetc M. K. Lewi ha returned from Ne braska, wbtre be (pent several week! during the campaign. Ha beard Bryaa 1 pea a and report a very live time. Fred Weatberford and Rockey Mason, the two fsttendiof tne Bishop Scott Grsmmar school foot ball team, of Po.t Itnd, are at home tor the hol'day vaca tion. Mrt. O. K. Erook and aona will leave next Tuesday fcr Ban Bernardino, Calif., where ihev will remain for tome time tor tbe benefit of Mrs. Fronk'a health. Mr. Ab. Umphrey returned thia noon from the Atlin miner, where be went reveral month ago. He report good protpecli there and believe in th camp, but tbinka Cape Nome ia the camp oi Alaska and in the ipring will go there. The following from the Salem Journal iaas published : "Mr. Lottie Ketchom, Mra. J. J. Duben villa and daughter and Mia. Lee Paine, all of Albany, wbom-de a short vitit to Salem friends, returned home last night. Mr. J. E. Farmer ba 1 enlaced A. 8. Pence a station agent at tbe 80 at hern Pacific depot, thia city. Mr. Pence and family left for their new borne at Riddle, Saturday. Mr. Farmer ttanda higher in tbe seniority list then Mr. Pence and be wa promoted from Oakland to Cerval lia. Gasette-Union. Mr. Or Copeland and baby arrived from Weitport, Gray' Harbor, on Moo day evening. Ora ha given np ni hi pot it ion a itb the life laving crew at that place and ha gone on a sealing cruise, lie became dissatisfied wiih the recent order compelling member of all life lay ing crewe to meet at the elation and contribute a thare ol tbe expense ot keeping it op Newport Newt. Dr. A. J. Hodge went to Portland thia afternoon in response to an earneet re quest of tbe faculty of the Oregon Dental College to assist in tbe work of tbe insti tution, taking cbarue of tbe department of operative technique. He will prob ably give to daya in the month to tbe work. In thia line be food at the head in the Chicago college. Sheridan Glass, who bai boen in eatt em Oregin for some time past came borne the first of tn week. He came at far aa Albaoy latt week, and remained mere sevetat days, receiving medical treatment for a badly diseased foot. Died, at the home of her eister. Mrs. . M. Young, ia ibi city. Tuesday. Dec ember 19, law, Ut. Francia B. Queener, wile 01 J, r, yueener, ol Berry, aged 60 years. Died, at her home, near Jordan. Ore.. inurtuar. December 14, 18W. Mrs, Wii Ismina Bilyeu, wile of H. C. Bilyeu, agea -a years and 11 months. Miks and James Bilven and Chas. Richardson retornsd from, their visit witn eastern relatives Wednesday morn ing. While they aaw a creat deal ol in terest to them and visited many relatives snd friends, still tbey were glsd to be at noma again. In a bowling contest this week be tween members of tbe Bcio Bowline: Club, A J . Johnson bowled four gomea, making 60, 64, 6 and 47, a total ol 230 pint in tbe forty frame, or an averase oi W. We are informed tbat tbe beet sore on the coast lor four gamee ia 226, and if thit be tbe case Mr. Johnson bat lowered a record. Tbe same were bowled in a friendly contest, and in the oroer given bere. Tbe alley i a regit. lation alley, bus I made oi toft wood. Tbe Boer have backing five mile. bullied Buller into Bully for tbe Boer. miliar bill of tbe last congress to reap pear this year are twoltbat were intro duced by Representative Tongue of Ore . 1 : ! . ..f t foo. uuo ia uis Dili ior creating a puo lie park, including Crater lake, and much of tbe tnrroundinir country, and tbe other is bia bill providing for tbe the examination and classification ot tbe lands in tbe Roseburg and Oregon City land district witnio the grant made to tbe Oregon & California Railroad Company. Confident. Chicago. Dec 21 .Senator James K Jones, chairman of the democratic na tional commi'te. looked into party af fairs at headquarters in the umtv build ing today, lie assured everybody tbat tbe prospects for democratic success next year are brighter than ibey were in 1896. He said only W J Bryan wonld be men tioned as rand id ate for president in tbe convention. In South Africa. Los nox. Dec 22. 4 :45 A. M. There Is still no definite news regarding the mili tary operations tn South Africa. . Prob- tbis this is becapse tbe only cable tbat is now working is choked witb official dis patches. interest centers for a moment in the preparation to send out -reinforcements Pusn It Along. Tbe bridges bsve been moved on Long Tom, a big piece of tomfoolery. Wabbisotox. Dec. 20 Th Kiraracma There port of a coyote near Bcio caused canal ia not going to be delayed because as a Boer army. I e commission is still investigating the IflUIVbM AUW 1UUUI HI .HUUiCU UT Ovtl afor Morgan, of Alabama, who ia chair man of the committee on interoceanio canals. Be says there is no need of wait ing until information can be obtained. a hunt nearly as big The coyote escaped. mere are twenty inches of tnow on tbe ground at Sampler. Webfoot is good enojgb tor the Dkmocbat man. Breaking of tbe poor farm it remembered that tbe people of tbe coun ty voted it. To be run It mutt be placed in a good sanitary condition with tun able buildings, and thia baa been done, Whether it will be eeif-euttaining or not is a question tbat csn be decided only after several yeara trial, and cot before mere ia an opportunity to get it in run ning order. The cost to tar haa been no more than is sbsolutely necessary to make it a proper place for tbe residence ot poor people. Situation Grave. Loxdox. Dec 21. 4:5 A. M. The zrav must be I ity of the military situation is again be- This is the shortest day ot the year, al fact easily observed and appreciated. coming accentuated in the public mind, owinglto the complete absence ot newa. novum z nas oeen neaxo irom i-oru Aie- f r k 3 . A .... inuea Bince ounuaj, ana ti is jesreu loat his communication bave been cut. If this be so, bis position is dangerous. No River and Harbor Bill. Washinotox, Dec 20 Chairman Bur ton, of tbe river and harbor committee, authorised tbe following statement to day : There will probably te no river and" harbor bill at the present session. A strong argument against a bill is the fact that tbe engineers' force will be ocenpied during the coming year witb projects al ready provided ior. General Lawton. Manila, Dec 20.8 P. M Maior-Gen- eral Lawton'a body was brought from San Mateo to .Manila tb,a aiternoon, but Th Towia Clock. Lino county's . . t . a i new lower Ctocx wa auippea aeverai Have aoo from tbe Beth Thoma Clock Co i work at Thomaivllle, Conn , and i on its way to Albany addressed io r . m. French, who will Dut it in pot'tion in the tower ol the court house. . It will ar- accut Jan. 1. Browoaviue Time pieate eopy. Some Urn ago Henry Gallett, a saloon keener, placed in a deposit vault ot the Ainnwnrth National Bank. Pcrtland, package which be claitnM contained 12500 in t20 sold piece. When he nnaned the package he found it contain' ed ontv silver dollar. Gallett haa now brought suit against tbe bank to recover 12875. He will probably recover ailver lars . . Mr Frank Purdom ia recovering from recent accident and ia a ble to be at work with hia dray. No leat than five weddinga in which Corvallia parti are directly Interested are scheduled for tbe coming week. Ga- Me-Union. Sheriff Frailer and Lonnor Ralston were thrown out of a busty at Portland and considerably bruited and banged np. H. W. Davia ba told bia interest in the Albany Lnncb counter to J. P. Ken neuy, wno nave laaea possession wuu Air. M oner. The Students tnve great enjoyment to the audience by their melange ot South ern song, camp-meeting tunes, etc, and were called upon to we'l-nLth doa ble their selections by selections by tbe applause ot their hearers. Boston Her ald. tap I K3KB 111 Hakes the Hair trow. Clear the Complexion. Soften and whitens the Hands. Preserves and beautifies the skin of In fants and Children. err AWnlnWy yu. -lll7 . "rfri-h" I t loti-l. blh, JTgJ&. Brit nrvk.n. Brtttek tgM. ww'J.. Fonat P. c Cmn aa. fins . a v There ia no better Christmas present to friends or relatives in other places, particularly those who have oncn resid ed in Ainanv thin a .nnwr ntinn tn m home paper tor a year. Send the Dkmo- 8,ff nJ squadron of cavslry siting ss CSAT. Ten more days of the nineteenth tury. Prepare to turn over a new on the beginning of the twentieth cen- leaf cen escort. Gen. Lawton s death has caused uni versal sorrow in Manila. No American officer bad greater popularity among all . ranks, And in his dealings with the na- -fives he commanded their respect and. tury, determined to keep the resolutions I confidence to a remarkable degree, on it. It Is going to take practice to write 1900. It looas as if there was nothing in '00, and yet the college graduate of that year write it that way with big anticipations. ineroruand papers are fuu of piano advertisements. The profit on musics instruments, judging from the remarks of other dealers, must be immense. People who dance must pay the fiddler. Eugene city is also talking a new opera house. Albany has been talking one now since tne old one waa burned. But the ink has about dried cn tha pa per. An editor makes enemies. Ho also maku friends, and good ones, too. A little squib aimed at no one in particu lar will hit some hollow headed individ ual on a sore spot and he at once de- clam himself against the paper. The paper may bave given him many com plimentary notice a, but the unaemarv thrusts puts bim on his dignity and he establishes himself a critic, but be baa not the nerve to go to the editor with bia supposed grievance. Just notice and you win m uiat mo men wno are against tbe borne paper are, as a rule, men who would not be missed it thnv should leave the community forever. Un every question ot local interest the home paper atand to make a fight for tbe best interests ot tne town. Ex. Railroad Sale. 6ax Fkancisco, Dec 20. The entire capital stock and all tbe bonds of the Coos Bay, Rose burg & Eastern railroad are aow tbe property of J. V, Spree era & Bros.' Co., having gone into their possession by virtue of sn agreement with R. A. Graham, whereby all ot these securities were to become 'he property ol Lessrs. Spreckels December 8th it R. A. Graham failed to redeem tbe securi ties by a payment of over $1,000,000. Another Problem. Chicago. Dec. 20. "The 'sreatest problem that England will have to face ' in South Africa,'' said Dr JO Hammett, who today returned from Mashonaland, in Rhodesia, northward from tbe Trans vaal, "will in all probability be that ot the natives, and not of tbe Boer, tven ii the Boers are suppressed and English- supremacy established in a very ebort time, the natives will still be left to deal witb. There will be amue of foot ball Christ' mas afternoon between the cenirau and High schools. The latter, who have been beaten twice, bave been purging some extra ginger into thbir play and propose to make it hot for tbe Centrals. tee it. Pomeroy, Wash., has a curfew law that bids fair to be effective. Instead of jailing lada found out after night, tbe authorities fine the parents. One of the worthy eitizena of that place bat just paid a fine ot t'iO tor allowing hia boy to be out after 7:30 p. m. The Dxmockat bat received a copy of an address issued to the republican clubs ot Marlon connty, signed by Earl Race, president. Here it a temple: "It it the republican party that is expected to atsnd between the people snd oppressive trusts and combine! ." An address full ol tucb jokes will not move the world. Oakville. Qur cemetery fence' has been repaired and now Billy-goat can ook an J wish tor he is debarred from entering. Cbristmsa and cold weather are eo ru ins; tbe former is alaijet here and the latter is in sight. We accept. d sn invitation to attend a "Panorama exhibition" at Hulbert School house last Wednesday evening by Prof. S. R. Young, o! Kola. Mr. Young is an able lecturer and has 80 views of the war with Spam which he exhibits by the sid ot Acetylene gat. But tbe most attractive feature of tbe exhi bition it the new "Grapbaphone Grand'" which it tbe latest invention of Prof. Edison. ' The records used on thit in strument are five inches in diameter and the sounde produced csn be beard at any part of a large room and tbe lonee are clear md distinct, each part of a vocal qua. tet is made plain. The sound of the stein, whistle and the church bell can be produced true to life. Mr. Young gives a first class moral entertainment and takes pleasure in making plain the sceaes on canvas and the Grapbaphone will make its eelf beard. We heard dis tinctly the word! Of a song when we were twenty feet from tbe bouse and tbe door tbut Don't IaII to see and bear. Lrrna Ross Bip. License wa istued thia sfterr oon for tbs marriage of O. W. Standish and Amy Leach two of Brownsville' popular 'young people.