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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1900)
I r rM As vfN' ilfii i 4 k v itt m eem tf m i t, .- 1: vol xxxv Are you frequently hoarse? Do you hive that annoying ' tickling In your throat? Would j you feci relieved If vou could raise something? Docs your ' cough annoy you at night, and do you raises more mucus In the morning ? Then you should always keep on hand a bottle of If you have a weak throat you cannot be too careful. You cannot begin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to another, and the last one Is always harder to cure than the one before it. Dr. iter's Cftcrri rector 11 Plastci sfftctts Rit lasts trta cilfii. Help at Hand. If you have any complaint whatever and desire the bct medical advice you can h sibly obtain, write the dot lor freely. You will receive a prompt reply. Address, DR. J. C. AYl'.R, Lowell, lUit nmratiiMfWWfiitT fl ffff DU.J. L. IUL1 Pbjilclno and If B0: n, Hill Block - - i?-. AlbanyA .1 ( j umm Brosdalbln St., Albany. Or. lio. Colllne DDR ' A.JsckHodgesDpn COLLINS & HODGES ' Dentista. vidd FeUow't Temple, Albany, Or. Oliver Plows-Kei p JHOfKtNR i.tO? , Agrnte, Alxuy, ('rtgon "Oliver give the worlJ th cbdled pbw And it h eaved more none) to the farmer of America , anyornar un.ilcmnnl evi-r produced, nine Oliver sh.Hed axe t&e buit m h. The Oliver It a promoter of nappi on the fi-m, and the d.inlfr who ell owe be .. handling the beU Look or immiUtiObi aud touch nnlbioit but genuine good, mvle only by Oliver led plow work.. South Uend, lnd.. Aprs aaaaagngJaMMMm f W awe and ecupjr th tallMt mtreanlllt bulldlnf in h world. WthvAjy4 Mi,m,.uMomni, Sixteen hundred clorki art eonxanlly , OSiB y mjged filling eut-bf-lown order. . C U liJ! OUR QENBKAL CATALOOOB lilhe book of the people It quetea lY, iJ Whoic.nle rricet to Kveryeooy, nt.1 over l.ono pagee, 10,000, nu tJfj; t JIT I 60,000 description of article with price. It eott 71 tent to print and mail t kL I fUffiJ eeheopy. W want you to hv one. IKND FIFTEEN CENTS to .how ri Tyl your aood faith. nd we'll end you a copy FREE, with all chrge prepaid. lU, MOHTBOMERY WARD & C0.'"eh,tM ;cdAS SATURDAY. TELEGRAPHIC Something Will Happen LoMIMIN. Doc SO. S A. M.TI,.. latest camp special dispatches from Cheveloy unruly at some Important IllOVS- monies Imminent. This Is Interpreted, with soma misgivings, to moan that Uen. uuiier contemplates a renewal of lilt at tempt to relievo Ladvsrolth, It ill reported by the sain thnt the IWs have now retired to ll. north bank of tlio Tutfoln. . Ambitious Skagway. Wasiiinoto!. Deo. 20. of Bkagway, Inhere trying to bo admit lad as a delegaterom Alaelca. There eomiis no doubt about a rcOolutlon being vuuvvu iu mat ciirci, ,ul a here baa been no election In Alaska, iuch a reeolution will not he coneidered. Con gress will llrot provide by legislation for en election ol a delegate before any mao Filipino Style. Masila, Doc. 20, 10:10 P. M. The In. surgsnts who evacvated the coast towna witwetm usgupan and Vlgan, fleeing to ins iiiiiuiiiailia ixjiorj inn ailvan.lnif Antorlcane. are retariiina Id mull humla to the town the Aitivrlcanido not occu py, U'rrorliing the native and Chlua- mibo, ,wno ;iiowed iriemlehlp for the Americana. The native and Chinamen are I'eking the protection of the Ameri can garrlnm. A I'opulur mm Evor. largeet audience that ever fuca.1 a inililiu epeaker in ball In thie city, lion. VY. J. ryo wuay waue a ipoecu on onanxe, trueta anc exuanaion. He KtAind that the democratic platform for the coming campaign would be the Culcago plat- lorm ol J8U0, with the addition of auch piaiike a rvcont induetiia combinationa and the lulu war necttiltated. I.IVfc Itllhl ICH4 Mll. Nkw Yoiik. Dec. 2l.--Lewie . Goli- until, aai-lmant caehier of the fort Jar- vie iyaiioi tank, of Port Jarvie. N. Y.. who la alli'L-fd to have rnliU-d that An. ililuiion of I&4.0U) November 2i laat.and aiao to nave faliud the Unk'a booka, vwt inrrvuuerwi iiimaolf. UoldemilU irn t ort jarvie lonrdaye ietore a war rani wm imuchi for hi arreet. I'ttNt Sktlnu. MixxtAi-otw, Deo. 29. Xorval Daptie, the HatMKate, .. 1 , skater, covered a mile on me ico at utkt ilinnelouka to night at 2 :0H Hat. Thie i claimed to be f4 econde faaier than li.e time tutde by Tim Itouohoo, ot Newburgh, S. J., A. O. U. W'a. ' PiMMrntaka. Tueeday morning the reco'der of Honor lodge, A. O. U. W received a warraut for $3,000 In payment of the leoOolarv ceilldct H. L. Wi!, held ia Umt- oriler - Mr. Wa.ince waa buried on Mi Hih of thit month aod the nroot and oeeectary P pare were Oiled out and lent to the b.a ! oilice on the tvui.and In exactly oca week warrant for the fall amount was returned, Thie ie the moat prompt py- meni rver mail i-y any order in mil city. Thie makee 13,000 that ihe A. O U. w. baa paid to widowe aod orphana in tliiict.y thie year, Lebanon . A. misfits: The Eugene Regleter very natorally want everybody to RegUter. Trade at bom with mercbaota who patroniia borne Inititutlone, loclnding tue uewepaper. Nothing but cement walk around the court bouee will be In keeping wi'h the baodiome and permanent vtructnre. TLe war In Booth Africa will not hindeied by cold weather. It ie 100 in the ehade and aoma dayt holt be The Salem Independent eajlt "Many Ongomana are eolllng tbelr farmt in the WClamette vallet lor big, ft umi, and ere moving to the towne to loan their money and take ' thinga taiy, The towm give better larlliiiei (or edacaitng thlr children, and afford a welcome change to the tood honee wile, who haa perhapa worked too bard in the putt to make the (arm a tuccere." Yea, but many othere are taking their places, and many ot the young men are beginning firming on their ow n anconnw ALBANY, OfithOQN MORE FIGHTING. Another Victory for the Howe. 1-oxdos, Deo 80. News received to day of the Boers on Chrletmaf firing ten empty shel e Into Lsdyemltb. labeilrd sossons greetings." The British made a despersts attack uron Mali-king fighiing op to the very well of the fort, when they were re pulsed In a big victory for the Boers. The Britlih lost ft 109. the Boers 9. Two Brltlah Gep'aics were captured, At Modder r'.vtr there he been a flg-fit for two houre, the Br Ilea bombarding the Bom. Lebanon. Fro n the K. A.s Mre. i. M. Kalalnn and littla mnn. f Albany, ate vielting In Lebanon. P. W. Hrnltb ha o1d hla drn h. K. Elliott, who moved her Fait weee from Portland , l'ow.iou will be given the firet of the year. Miea Nona Millrr returned to Leham.n yeaterday, afur an absence of ee vera I munll tpont In 1'ortland and Vancou ver. Dr. Booth pprformel an oiwration nn- on Cliff iid Mai key lorappendicitiea lew daye ago, Tlie operation wti ancceraiul. ajd the boy ig getting along well. V. II. Winkler hae hla aiotk ranch a few miU e teat of thie W. C. Purdiu fur alztv n'na irr.i n! land near Foreat Urove. Chaa. and Francia Pfeiffar. limn lanm and Mr. Uradant came out from Albany ye.ierday and went up above Waterloo to look at a cattle ranch. KU'lclbh Uctchmtn and Ml. HotiU Hendrickion.both formerly of thit place, were married In Portland on Cliriaima day. Tl ey parted through Albany Tuee. uv on meir way ic Magara, where tliey win rrriae. Hon. and Mr. M. A. Millar arril In Chicago Wednesday, where) they will apend a few daya and then come home by the tool hern route, stopping a rjrt time In Los Angeles to visit relatives ar riving home about January 8lb. J. K. McUIUivrav and Thna. W Rr. eel, represent tha Oregon Telephone aod Telegraph Co., are iu Lebanon for the purpoie of establirhing a local tele' phone exchange in this place. They have already eeonred enousfi busineta 10 Justify the company in potting in the eye tem, and work ill toon be benun 00 toe tame. They inform ne that the company wiiloon extend their line from Ibis place) to bodaviile, and later on In the at aeon win extend it to Waterloo aod Hwtwt Home, Tbey will also put no a brenrli II rj froiB.tlli ptewLcru) O ft! trierpiitia". , '. .". Brownsville. From the Times: Mr L. Boyd, of the S. P. Co has Seen transferred to the station at If elsey and la preparing to move at once. Mite Zella Mctiargue was in Albany Saturday. ., . . . Mies Uert; Roby Is spending tbe bol idsyt in Albany. Mrs. Acbeton and children, of Albany, hav been the ol Mre. 8. A. tien try during toe week. Chat. McGee was placed In the city baetila Monday evening on a chant ol beiog drunk and disorderly, and Toea day tuornln, waa brought beforo Mavor O. E Standard and fined (25 and coete, making a total ol $31.40, which was paid aud i be young mao given bia liberty. ; ; : , " This and That Smiley'a Ciean Printing. In novoltiea Will & Stark lead. ' Open till 12 o'clock p.m.atStetter't. Dr. J. II. Krakine ia now in tbe Foster Block, 2nd story. Oysters cooked, any way yon wish at Steiter'e. to" Leave your orleri for Fresh Oysters at Blotter's. , , Oysters opened etb every day at the Leading Restaurant. French the Jeweler makes a specialty ot engagement and wedding rings. Freeh Sodavllle soda-water a healthful summer drink, at Borkbart A Lee's. For sale, gord carpeting, 33 cents per yard, by '. S. Alexander, east end ot Mb street. ; . ... A large and fine stock ot cigars snd to bacco at Conn A Hnston's. the die pUv, - - f When ton want a choice steak a nice roaitor meat of ny kind, call on Henry 3rodert. He keeos the bt. , Tbe best me&tt of all kind and Rood treatment at the Albany Dressed Beef Company's market, just diwn Recond treet. Onod weight and prompt attend ion. : . . " .- u , . . Dr. w; Wixn, Italy Hilt, N T. says, "I heartily recommend One Minute Cough Cure. It gav my wife immediate relief in suffxutting asthma." Pleasant totke Never fails to q-uckly cure all coughs, cold, throat and njg troubles For sale by Foehay Mason. "Miss Joyce Biownell will take np her piano clfts during vacation throniih the winter. The best German and Esstern 1 metho'ls. Leave word with W. F. Read Oyeteis by the piut or Leading Restaurant. quart at tbe Beat Totiaer Silt aaa buiak Jour life An.y, To quit tobacco easily nmt forever. 1 mag netlo. lull of Ills, nerra tuid vigor, tali No To Ilao, thewnndar-workor, thntinaken neakmer strottf. All druggists, $CX or tl. Cur guamo teed. Booklet and snmiila tree. Advlren BterliDg Itemed j Co, Chicago or iitw Yore. 1MU DAT JANUARY 5. 1900 HOME AND ABROAD. IfllVfl TOnftAVet nnlia.Ka.l lief Aur tswrx M - awe.eawwva s j vreSdal Old papers ten eente a hundred at tbe Dsmockat office. U mkf no difference now bad the wound if you use Hewitt's Witch Hazel Salve; It will quickly beal and learn no scar. Fosbay k Alaron. New is the time ; to get n Ironing heard or 'clothes rack, manufactured by i" . ' vruUon, under patent. Fine things Tryoiie. Uave orders at Hop kin ilroe. r A happy new year to yon. Cjored Aristocracy tonight. Bee the famous African cake walk to night at tbe armory. The Mapl-City Quartet are all right. At the armory tonight. An Immense owl caught by F. II. Hughaon across the river, was attract lng atte ition this forenoon. Do not fail to come and bear tbe shoot ting tenor of the Nashville Htnc enta tell you how Joshua F ught tbe Battle of jcncrio next Monday niglit. The bondsmen of W. ir. Tv.n,.. ih. defaulting Sweet Home postmaater.have "wo iiuuneu inat Lite amount r.l In shorUge which they will have to psy is I.WW.U. 17 Mr. Adrian Comelv fliin wk ent down one of the largest, trees around Alb any, a big fir that has been conspicioos on the Rainwater farm across the river lor many years. It measured nearly ten feet in diameter.l Iu order to vote one must register be. tween Jan. 1 and May 15. If possible do so with the county clerk. It not it may be done with any justice or notary public. Don't put it off, but atlecd to the matter at once. The Lane coontly asteatment roll has I at last been filed. aui prop- i any ,358 910, a reduction ol M40.500 from last year. Only polk ana Maltno mau counties re to be beard from before the etate levy will be made. Sylvester Peonoyer hae sold his Inter est in the b: Portland mill, 110 shares lorooiy SI3.I.XJ. wbih woola be at tbe rate of 123.000 for the entire property. The c.piul stock of tbe company was 1100,000. Mr. ?ennoyer wauls an object lesson drawn lor tboee yelling prosperity aoloudlv. The Prineville election reeulted In the election cf the followinn offlt-rs: May- or. Arthur Hodges; couuc.lmen, for two year, C. M.Eikins, F. W. Wilson and A. Uopmen; recorder. M. H. Bell; nm- rr,D"' irtuxtnt, ai, a. Moore .u, u,g .mi iw tiis vorTiu aicr i Co. aaint the city brought for tbe. Th. i.!..tli I .1 - m nr.... fDUA4iiiyiiinfltiil city tw take the water plant and pay the sum ol 2S, 000 ?etrday wae decided in lavor ot the city. W. S. McFadden and J. K. ratherford were atto-neys lor tbe wa ter company and K. E. Wilson, Judge Burnett aid H. O. Watron lor tbe city. VThe Deadly Mauser. From the Eugene Register: W.O Yoran iatbe proud possessor of a Mauser rifle which was presented to him by hie brother, Lieut.-Colooel Geo. Yo ran. To test the shooting qualities of his new weapon, in com; any with B. D. Paine, Mr. Yoran sought a secluded spot back of Skinner's butte Wednesday and selecting s large tree, measuring 39 inches in diameter fired at It from a dis tance of 2U0 vards with tbe result that it was perforated with every ehot, the bul let passing oimpletely tbr ah toe trunkand embedding themselves in an adjacent tree. When dug out it was found (hat tbe bullets retained their or isinal thane not belna harmed in tbe , . S ' least, 1 home ides ol the terriole velocity and pent trative qualities 0! tbe deadly Mans er bullet may be eoncived and yet they rt an nearly so destructive as the Springfield, though effective shooting cannot be done with the Springfield over 800 yards, white tbe Mauser bullet is ca pable of pottioi a roan within the range ot a mils, yet it does not malm 1 be vic tim as Us Springfield d jes. AdjuUnt General Gantenbein passed through Albany today from Portland for Lebanon to muster in the new company of cavalry just organized there. It will start with fifty eight members secured through the rustle of Mr. Ooplin. - License was issued today for tbe marri age of U. M. iunk:n, of Sherman county, a former Oakville young man. and Miss Lola R.JPaime, tbe popular daughter of Hon. tl. .M. faluier iue rereony win be performeu next Monday. ... - : V. W, Francis, Dan McClain,- J. G. Keoders, M, W. Canter, J. P. Schooling, Levi Dovglee ami s- veral other prmjin entcitix)nso. Harrieburg and Ualeev epent last night whh the A bany Odd Kellora in an all night sseion. A - fine lime wss bad W . Gifford Ssh, of Eugene, Prof. Seeley, o! Salem,' and Prol. Lee, Prof. Wirts aod 0. K. Sox met thie n'tf ruoon 'n thie city to make arrangemonts fo the musical festival of the Valley Musical Association. It is the- urn to bold it in Albany, but 00 account of hav ing no lislflt is dountlul if it cau be held here, a fact to be regretted. A fine opera house on tbe vacant block opposite lit, court bonce would be a much uaedi'il improvement in Albany andrn exee Irnt location for . snch a bniidiDgi H ia evident he block will never be msj'.e a park. . Tbe city already haa its hands full, and it is not the busi ness of tbe county to do it. Tulte lvx':vreU Cawlv CatUartlo. lOo orSSo. If C CO. ful to i'r, I'-Uttii'' roluad ruoao. SATURDAY WIGHT THOUGHTS. Every day that pastas revests lbs fact tbat England.! learning, that tbe has ttrock tbs hardest proposition for many decades In tbe 8oulb African war. 6hs bss run np against g stone wall that I slraost Impregnable, and It means a ler rible slaughter to bar army before to can conquer the Boers II sbs can, and It to be hoped she cannot. Since s week go there has been practically no light ing. It bas been waiting holiday per iod. Sometblog it bound to follow ti very emphatic order. ' " , Tte Philippine war also drags along with plenty ol bushwhacking Filipinos to Jump op almost anywhere, shoot sod run. The total number of Filipinos killed Is not very many and the lost from disease is small so that tbe prospect of annihilating them soon is not very good. At the same tims several good regiments of soldiers ars doing wnat tbsy can to capture tbelr men. It would take :iuK giats to see any change io tbe tr't nation. Bines our last Saturday night ws have nao a unri.tmas day, a very enjoyable " ,n eycie ol years, one tbat snooia bring mankind closer towtber. - loitiviuee oi tbe season soap in one's ears for several dsys until otueining else comes for diversion. fining toat tbe Dsmocbat man's faul kT.lL t-a. '. ty received waa more aecentabl. than pictures from the east. more oar- ncuianv to tba Umvu. it 13 whom it has given so opportunity to tte in tbs next beat way to tbe flesh it s:lf eastern relatives and friends, as wel as scene of personal interest. The as aAi.ftt.iAna l -1 11 II . ... "'""i cuuuugoa nsve a on .ti . .... an oi us mat oecome precious as tbs years advance, and tbey are cemented by these links sent through the mall. 1 1D" WMk judgment was rendered in ; this city which practically convicts a . fellow citixsn of the serious offense of ,la tbe Pobhc mind. Sacb eases mors and mo-s emphaeixe tbe fact, whatever tbs motive lu tbuease wss. tbat money I belonging to other people should be held Strictly jbumnesa French the jeweler. Crescent Bicycle, Hopkins Brothers, agents. Beat BicyUe for toe money. Will eV Sfark, jewelers. Crescent bicycles si Hopkins Brothers for only $20, $30, f 35 aod fco. , O B Winn, atv ticket agent. Tickets all points ia the east. , " ' Be sure and see the anti rat tin ware at Hopkin Bios, wilt in, a lifetime. - Go to Miss Longs for higb priced pho tographs, and do not forget to Uke along the money.- : - . ,r .... By ailowine tbe accumulations in tbe bowels tn remain. tUe entire svstem ( pois oned. De Witt's Little Farly Bteersregnl atetbeboweK Try .them and yon will always use them, fosbay k Mason. I'he Excitemtiit Not Over. ' Tke rush at the drae? store still contin ue and daily scores of people call for a boUleof Kemp's Balsam lot the Throat I and Langs tor tbe cure of Counts, Colds. Asthma. " BroncbilM and Consumption. Kemp a Balsam, tbe standard famm re medy. It sold on a smarantew and never fails to give entire aatWfaction. Pi ice 25c. and 50c. , . , . . . - 1 ; Ne-Te-Ba. row rtfty Oat. 6oaraatee4 tobacco habit cure, makus weak den wrong. Mood pure. SQc St. AUUruggwta Our- Offerin IrirCARPETS and; other kindred goods are of the latest patterns and colorings, our rug and art qsuare Unes are very strong this season. : : ALBANY FURNITURE C0e masonic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or. t i ...i-e.; a 20 YEAlfS IN BUSINESS. TH0MR8BRINK Is tbe Oldest Furniture Dealer in tbe city nd I e keep a complete line ol Furniture and Bedding and if you want ikk1 godi iheap give him a ca'l Ha doesn't intend to be under sold. NO 23 sacredly apart from all personal funds. No matts; bow good a man's circun. stances bs bss no rigbl to mix tbs funds of other people with lilt own., Thit (set It recognised even In tbs ethies of law. Tbe world hss! fight to demanl abao lots Integrity in the handling of tbs people's money, and tbs fact that sr may be no Intention of doing: wrong Is no excuse if ill actually done. That is tbs bnsiness of otbsr people should be condueted io soch a way. absolutely br itself, tbat there is no possibility of wrong. ; RELIGIOUS. Conzregational church : ' Worsbln at lis. in., subject ol sermon. "Tbe In ducements We Offer." Sunday Suhool at 12:15, Junior C. E. at 3:30 p.m. Preaching In the evening, subject of ser mon, "Looking Forward." All not at tending elsewhere are invited to tbe above services. Presbyterian ehnrch : Morning wor ship at 10:30, evening worehip at 7:30. 8abbatb school at 11 :45, Junior Endeav or at 3 :30, Senior Endeavor at 6;3J. Subject ol moraine sermon, "The Irre vocable Past " Evening, "Tbe Ever Present Future." A cordial invitation to attend all the services is mended to alL United Presbyterian church : Morn ing worship at 10:30, subject of sermon, "The Hsnd ol God ii History." Sab bath school at 11 :48, Junior Eebeavor at 3:30,8:30, evening worsuipat 7:30, sub ject of sermon, "K flections lor tbe Sew Year." All era Invited to attend these services. Cbristisn cborcb: Sunday school at 10 a. m., preaching at 11 on the subject ol "Personal Power". The Y. P. 8. O. E. will discoes a "Nsw Years" topie at 6 :30 in tbs evening. Preaching sgain at 7 :30, tbe subject being "The Measure I Life." All aie invited.; B it- cb : Morning "God's Chosen Agents." Evening Ject, God's Personal Inquiry." sub- Fabm Bold F. M. French and A. R. McCoy, as trustees, have sold to Bev. G. E. Henderson and J. M. Pinkerton. of Oakville, the remainingg portion oi tbe donation land claim ol John and Sarah McCoy, containing 157 acres. Consideration, $3,600. John McCoy and bis wife settled on this claim in the spring of 1815 and lived their constantly until their death. Mre. McCoy died in 1882 and Mr. McCoy in 1889. ' A Few Pointers. I Tbe recent statistic of the number of ueaius. mow toat ioe large majority die with eoosumplioa. This d Lease may commence with an apparently narmlesa cough which can be cured Instantly by Kemp's Bainm for the Throat sad Lungs, which is guaranteed to cure and relieve all cases. Trice 25c. ai d 50c'. For amis by all drnggut. , i No ure. No Pay. That is tbe way all the drogguts' sell Groe's T'elea Cbili Ionic for CbUls, malaria and ttillioow ss. It ie as pleas ant to take as lemon syrup, 50c Dr H H Had en. Summit, t la. savs, "I think Kodol Dyspepda Cure a splendid medicine. 1 prescribe it, and my confid ence in it grows with contained use." It diges'a what you eat and quickly cures dyspepsut and indigestion. - For rale by Foehay k Maaon ; Mcsic Mine Mitarea Bnruie tet eaeher ot piaer at organ; SysMiu the Msecr or'b aid technique. Residence fiftt ' treet, fesosite O P cbuich. . - BmnlMrKleMTil Dr. Ilobt'' Srants P1H cure all kidney ilia. Sa. pie re. AdJ Suctiix tt3isCa.Cbicseo or H. 1- i t , gs i