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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1899)
NdHm of A.alte.tL ( W. B. Uim . ... j ..... - i.i . . .. .. . . .... .. . " ' lit of voluma I. of kllnln Itsvorda of said Nearly Everything. Lyddite, the new explosive, when ta ken laUrnally Is Mentle febrifug. The latest fad In Usrman postcards is to nave an snibosaed bead of Kruger In one cornar. Tba University ol Lelpeia baa decided to expend $200,000 on a new agricultur al inatitute; Austr'a baa a peace strength of 350.000 Although Mr. Rd ia practicing law I in New Yoik, bla rules are ajiill doing bnsinsta at tba old atand on Capitol Hill, ! Washington. Apropos of all tbia talk about Roberta, it la quite likely that tba Hod. W. p. O. and a war strength ol 3,000,000. Her J Breckenridge. of Kentnckey, ia In a wood It ia hoped that Congrats will not let ita aolicitude about Mr. Roberta obaenre the necessity for aelectiog a barem keep t tor the Saltan of Sulu. population ia 41.0C0.000. Tbe National Woman's Tamparanca Union baa betn organised in Belgium with Madame Keelhoff aa Secretary. Tba orange crop of southern California is estimated tbia eeaaoo at 18.000 car loada. Northern California citrna dia- trleta will ahip 700 cars. A prets correspondent in Rio Janeiro telegraphs that a bill baa bean presented to tbe aenate of Bracil authorising wo. men to practice the teamed professions The Boera and other residents of aontb Africa ward off horse aicknesa by rub a little tar or eucalyptus oil in tbe nos trils of tbe borse when be ia out on tba veldt. Germany, with a population of 52,- 279,000 haa a peace strength of 613,000, a war strength of 3,113,000. Besides this, there ie in tbe Landa'rum or defensive army of 8.200,000. Tbe year 47 B. C. was the longest year on record. By order of Julius Caesar it contained 4-43 days. The additional days were put in to mak the seasons con form ei nearly as possible with tbe solar year. There now remain ouly one people and one iitUe valley south of the equator wboae sovereignty haa not been claimed by soma European power. It irthe val ley of Barotae, fifty or sixty miles wide north of L'.alni, in south Africa. On the isthmoaof Tebanotepeca moat remarkable floeei baa recently been dia covered. Tbe tree which bears it chan ges its appearance three times daily, for jo tbe morning tbe blossoms are while St noon they are red and at night b'ae. to say There are othere." Mr Mr a mum stsiti rstrat. APPLICATION NO. 4. '? ; United States Land Office, m .. Oregon City, or., Nov. 4, jw. Notlca la hereby aiven that In pursu ant or chapter six of tltl thirty-two of tha Revised Statute, of the United Ntatea, V. B. Lsxwler. whoaa ooatofttua i. llhuKW ib. ..I.. 1 ... 1.. 1 f...rt ii ., "T ",,fwii uMiuiuii 11111- ieet on oh or th following-named vein., lode. VI UllllWlt.1 UUIMMMUB. LWMX1I1B ,11.11(1. to. wit: Red Hull, Uolu Back, Uold Hub. Gold Pinch, Red lilr. Oolden Kagle, Uolden Crown. Oold Hill, Uold Uulou, and Uold In Width. Mil Ivlll and tuiliiir Mllnulu.t iw wuariaviue mining Ulstrict, Nu. three, county of Linn, mid stale of Ore gon, baa made application to th tinii.v.1 o.. 4w nauMii tor tne sum nitu iia ud Hair wue. " iJ'JJiiinlna, clalma. tha aald claims hit. ki.. ....1 I"" " i i ilio u iu-a ol beginuina designated as tha lwler Conolldatd cwr"''r tiild Klst . uroup of Lode Mining Claims, and being I twinning at corner f niore luuy uiwnuea aa to metea and m Tl.e Willamette valley ia being bleeecd with excellent weather for the Christ mas eeaeon, and it promisee to bs a hap py ota in Latest intelligence tenda to the belief that there ia no truth in the report that Great Britain intenda to banish Oom Paul to St, Helena. It will b ueceseary to catch your uncle Pari first don't yer know. Tbe queen of England is said to have wept because of her tosses in South Af rica. She should also weep because of the liberty she is seeking to take away from the Boera. What greater crime can there be than tbe theft t f a nation's liberty. Of. noW 11)mI In I ha. ..III.... nt .. ...I..... son Uty, Oreaon, which lleld notea of sur- rjr u.-.inua i no oounuanea and extent of each of said claims on tha surface, w,to niaa-netto variations at 1 U.t. S6 niln. J(t t". 10 win. eaat. as followa, to- m Red Hull Lode. Beatnnlna at cormr No. 1. Identical with corner No, J, Gold Hack lode, this survey. iJ1- No- era 8. 89 tie. mln. w, iwi. st. corner or in location, which la a cetlar tree, U Inchea In diame ter marked thua (Xt on two l,t. w.r S. 86 d.-a. 26 mln. K. 71.S feet distant: iiivncv o. j ot'ir. w nun, w variation V nun. k., icet to corner No. t. ident cul with conwr Nn I it n..i.i Hack lode, this survey, anil enrnor K i oi v. o. iu i co. 31, nil Kim lode; thence 8. U deg St mln. W., variation si detf. 10 mln. K.. S.S feet to corner No. a and discovery nolnt nf lotla on aummit nf ililBa running northwesterly and south- easterly on Una 4-S of V, 8. lot No. ST. White Bull lode, a hewed fir pout, 4 Inches by 4xt feet lonK. set IS luchea In the irroumi. witn mound or stones scribed a 13. The post stands airalnst the south easterly side of a hemlock tree M Inchea In diameter, which la a corner of tha loca tion bctntr marked thus (X) on the south easterly side, and Is also marked S&$ nr. a nr tree is incnes In diameter. " KLJ and scribed UT, M mm. W.. variation 111 U. W mlu. firewilh ai d la about iioVthweaterlv tu S'dea win. W.. variation lift "r f r.'a, '."' 'he aoiitlwaatsrly fiom tha point ol Mil reVt w "corner No. 4. a toBrP .;''" 'V!1JM,,n," l"" dlaeovary and about 6J6 f-.t noribwaatarly i.u a (eat lona sst 1H tnensa ui in ins aruuiKi, Willi wound . ot hloiiss from tha mil in uf diacovary Tha an Id ,h. aroumt with wound of stonaajK" RlJ iJTdhS i,i,tJJ""i,Ta t ""T - u" On'l lbs oult whn" a Itr trea tZ. it i'a Isl "d.l "K51 unaurveyed Hoveniment laud, oil Ilia i7Jvu.r biaaed and scrllKRl rr i'.'l luiiT oi.?.' i?.tl iu ,i.!Ui.Ui...VV.i1'a 'f"1' southwest by Uis Uuld t'annon lode via m; JI nS w U mln. VV. lit ' J J "' J J, 2" '.."JS? , . 4'"m:"J' on " by tha Uul.l Hill and Tirio W in'hea In dlamaler, biased aiwl biased and I s ilbod -H-, tU. bvara N. JtwJ iiatr ,urt, C.n,s. and on th n.irih- t$L a-a-aift UT, bears B. 4 do. 44 deg. & inm. W. . fi.el: I .uioe K. " east by Hie Uold liua lode cU.liii. There "S Sii2ti ilieuee N. H T. v.?' "M"" 1..,?Vtf .! "' 'are n conrtli.llii cluUna to tha knowl- nun. iL.iV.rt ml d. IS.. . ew, im. i'lnwvtr ioilll uc loue ,tfM tf Miutllityiil mln. W.. variation N O ea:. ,h.r(y oll j.KIta rumU.iK .uuthweatirly and i fiVlted V a ir inlm Is of record In tha lals 'feet Corner No. I Uold Flnoji tod hf''' ' '' W vucwf Nu' M & tiwn,v&kJ wmt! 1 i Itins and tntarseut line - J'1" '""' . of l.lnn. atats of Oren, nt paa Kit of nrvaV !.. 1 sw w UUItl IIIII liauaiaa. IVtilliaaiaa a ssP V1ttiltii If ixwtfilM nr siiild Dvgtniiliiff hi coint.r I. lilt-MlUdi I loudly ; ifn Uwnr lovt In rlnlmr.l nlunii iwuii curuor No. 1 of ItOil ita r mlo. tin thr Vfln. wttlth l wnll tlnflnvtl. Tha ir. til DOMl silltVMV tut lltiu k I .e l..l,t bl....t. I...I. a..h.a.l sl..u .. " i.l lWBlnnlna; at l u Inch. u that survey, t;. 8. M. M. No. 1, beat a N. v. in la parallel with tha slita lines of bounds t.v tha otnciaT T Cm. IIk;:;" "".". iiih mound of stones scrio.- n ucB. nun. K. . feelj theiiva t). aald c aim. ua shown upin the plat posted ed and by the field notca Tof tfZZL . I UVaection of l"e - r", w,.u'.'. . "'" varliulun Is d. W l-erewllh, and ia about northweaterly la rJ r " "..V:0,""'? nv! 01 ufay ihara- iai,. at tutwrBwcjiM'i i,,i iuir lole. m in. K.. 144 1 f.i. iwn.r. K. n n.i ,niin.i.rivi i;ji i. .,i.i....i ....11.. r. . : ...i. una v. . -.,- -1 .1 -- r - . :-" - .- - "- . " Uoth o thii-e.rvey;urH..w.roow?- i J, tlVoly of tltlld li'lnch lilda and Itlilu aout llHUalnrlv fmm (ha luiitit tit dla. Million lode, bulh of this survey, on covery. Tlie sold cltilm Is bounded on Ilia ixuu oi -v.- uj mm. . moiu v nnnon lime. 011111 of tbia survey, on covery. The sold cltilm Is bounded on tha No. 1 Vi free IS Inchea In diameter, line ttTH.4 feel, tust-uvsry point of lode on smithenat by the Mold Hu and Child feet. A Vr ' ,1,1 i UT. beara B. lino ixU.4 feet to o.nT No, t, Identical finch lode claims: on tba southwest by biased feet, and a. M .V"? ' corner No. I of Uold Cannon lode, the Uold lllll loiia .Inlm; on Ilia north, dea. W m n. ;..!;, biased and scribed this survey. On Una l-l of Uoldcit Crown Iweat ly Ilia fluid tlulch and Med Hull H inches in u dl mln. w. u,,.. this survey: tlicnca N. 43 de. M lode cltilma. and on tha northeast by Hie UT, beura a. , uT,.t ,,f in 10d mill. W.. VarialUlli IS ilr mln 10 ftlll iWlllta Hull I.I.I.. ill. I ill lllll nf mnl.l feet. ihl,,.ur u ,in. . 1 . 'epv Summit of main rldua ruunlna 'rlalm la In etmltlct with the While Hull beans 'l.S iu mlu. W variation aouthweaterly and iiorlhoaaterly M feel lode chilm. the said While lliill claim huv thenca 8- ? ?' i;i fovt. Bllver l-reea. to corner No, I. Identical with corner No. fins' heretofore been patented and belna l oca. oulberiy w il "iw vruwn lour, hub survey, inence now uwnm uy appucani. 1 nere are no 1 feet ul', identical with Nm K ! u "' W.. variation lit dea. (other conrllctlna; claims to tha knowMt corner No. J,, tma survey; thenca W mln. I-I. m fret. Uulch runnln noi th. of applicant. 4, Uold Mott.'Vif variation ,; rly WH.3 f-et to rurner No. 4, on fine 4-1. The Uolden Knala claim la f record In W dea. .ml"; ("reck t feel Wide. ia (lulden Knaln lode, thba survey, a hewed Ithe office of the county clerk of siild feet. 'vi'r,o corner No. 1 a hewed hemlock post 4x4 Indira by 4 feet l.uitf. M-ounty it IJnn. stale of Oreaon. at puva eoutherly.WO Vl" Vy 4 feet lona. eel t at the projectlna bnae of a rtr tree, ,4. volume 4, of Mlnlnir Mrorila nf mild fir poet 4x4 .round, with wound 01 with mound of stonra 4 a;S; whence a county. HUM linear feet la Maimed ahii 1 Inches n the .,. nr tree 4J nr trea 41 Inchea In diameter. Iitasnd and 1 the vein, which la wall defined. Tha tire. atones eeriwra--- biased ,a acnoeu -: nr. near H. M dra. w. aumeil annrrni coiinw. or illrecllon of said Inches I" fm'. ts d.a. 4& win. . j (rvt m homlwk tree W Inches In vein la parallel with the aide Hues of jfr32S UT. ,bere . m,.hr tn dn diameter, hinted and scribed 4-t- HT. said Malm, as shown t!Pn the plat .o.. M fet. "u ".'"".riiT-j B P, bears jwttr g, m tg, I$ , jj, mj tvvl. t,nc. (ed herewith, and l almut northwealerly nor, biased and si rue , ,nencs P- N. M di. & mln. R, varlailon 30 de, I to soiUheaaterly. 1M feat Is claimed on 8. SU dea. wv:; variation eg. K t fed. tlulch runnltia northerly iw ho Imla northwealerly from tha point of IS dea. & win. . V 4 ft hewed nr tmt. Bummlt of rldice runnltia north- dlacoverv, Tha said claim la hounded on SJ.9& feet J riTJ feet loiuf Sit W lm'!)r; westerly and Southeasterly Mo feet to.Uie southenat by tha Uolden Crown lode, .. J.l Illlhl'S by ll" ... I nt atoneS curlier Nn 11 l.lnnf lil W.. i.lnlmi n I to r.i.ll..-l ... . ......I. In th r,u".;;. J.Lnca a Pr tree 13 t"3'? ?. tied Hnlr lode, tiU survey, and n line went by unaurveyed aovernmenl land, and ...n....l -". . .ertlted " 1 a u iioni iiutcn lode, una auivnv: on ine nortneaal liv tlie 11.11. 1 ilnli h anil in diameter, bmaju am , R . f'et, thence 8. M d-. 3S mln. B.. variation SO; Hold lllll lode minliia claims. There are UT. bears N. Jl" diameter, blaseil j,,Kt K i u -n fvrt Bummlt of rldae run-itm conrllctlna claims to Iho knowledae of , biased and acrilied S-X.'3 a T. bears 8. island scrim-" - , thenca r. " 10 corner r.o. 1. ins piacs M' if" u.ien 1 rown cinim is or reror.i de. SO mln.. W. Jil l feet. The center of ltd win. V. '.-VJon lejt. aV'aJ'lJwt b,,,,,,,n- I,n "i . nt "'V0'""? v"' ' ' Tha Fank of Viauca and tlie Ti.n. if the Kt Hull shaft bears N 44 des K mln. w- v,1",n,i 5 a hewed tlr P tlold Ositch l.ode. county of l.lnn. slata of oreami. at patta . . SUC0 nodlbetiank 3f min. W. TO T feet distant Thence 8 M fe" foet o corner No . (,t 1H lm h rteRlnnlna at corner No. I. Identical wllh as. v.dum 4. of Mlnlna of sld togland ha-e raiaed their ralea of inter- deir. S mln. W. variation SO dea. ID mln.. 4x4 nch b.H with mound of atonea corner No. 4. lied Itull Imle this survey, county. ISM linear feel ta H aimed alti , , 11 ir r- 1 . . . K. 9S feet to corner No. 4 on Una S i in the ground. , j 0f Uold Ml" on line 3-4 of lied Ualr o. .. lis sur- the vein, which I w-II dertned. Th pre- eat and Mr. McKinlay advocates greater Rid I Ualr htde. this SSIevt a hewed ham- sUrtbed f-ll-3. .("Ln1",tce a ph'S tree ; W vey, U. fl. M M. No. I, beara B. dea. sumed aeneral roursa or direction of said mariav mskina nrivlleess for hanks in lock post 4x4 Inches by 4' feet lona- act IS lode, this survey , wo- . um acrltieu mn. K. liSB.S feet; thenca , M !. Vein la parallel with the side lines of said money mating pmiieee lor banks n "V muni wTth mound of Inches In diameter. jo mln. W- mm. W.. variation to d.. Ift mln. claim, as ahown uiMin the plat t"iet the United States. Evidently this IS not s?oU. scribed A r e1, 4 feet T-W-tSa "reSf'it l in ! '-,', '" h rua northerly p herewith, and la sboi.t northwr-terTy to . . , . . . . n diameter biased and acribe.1 4-1 XX 1 feet an ? ' 1 er!bed o S35 ,,T feet. tUacovery point of Imle In Una : J southeasterly. If feet la Maimed on tha a bad year for the money power the llr. M itS b feet. Comers Koa. a and 8 respectively of i lode southeasterly from the point nf dia- worm over. la nr tree 30 inches In diameter, biased bears . i o. -r"- Varlalin -; 1. air ami ..0111 ,1111 i.Hiea uiw sur. land scribed 4 1 BT. beura g. dea. N 141 d-a. t. ""."it corners Noa. I and vy. on line S feet. Summit of rldae, " : lit me w aii . i r-" V. . 14t.l !. ..... i.ule and lied riliill na! northwealerly and aiiuthrnstertv I I .... - iti. iifiinw-n lire Ml n. i I..II1 lllll .'V. " ..w. .f .... ..... L .V . . I (inches In diameter, marked on two sides, J resiectivciy " survey, on line , -Jf w eei. "cn runnina; noruieriy w lee, thus (JtXXX). which Is a corner of tha flair, both of V' the tl'-" of t'alnn,n8- 'l"'.'?!- l'"'lcal with corner No. Inriiinn h.. a i .w n n,in n .'' r No. 1. tna ."", Am. . 4. Oold lllll lode, and on line 4 I. (to den feet. Thence N. JS deK. t mln. W. varl- BT eorner N- he"lt W tin,ti? ,' hot." ' ''I'S urvy: thenca atlon X der. 10 mln., K. WW.S feet, to neRlnnln ft feet lW' N T dea Mmn. W. M.I feet to comer corner No. S. A hewed hemlock post set Wet 4x4 ''"'"'.round, with., "i?"?! M ,Nn- fJi,l,l'JB. , thla survey, on 18 Inches In the around, with mound ofches In, the rmi o-hpnco y. 8. M. j Ilea I4TI ' fornar No. I. a hewed earth and stonea. scrltd 8-4-3S. A hem- IVonea scribed t-v 11 mln. W. Ss hem o. k post 4s4 Inches by 4 feet lon. lock tree SO Inchea in diameter, biased and No. 1 bears ij. , f v. 8. loi , s;i i incnea m ma erounti. wim mound That return of William M. Stewart to tie Bepablicaa fold should be viewed with apprehension by tbe Republicans ot tbe Senate. It will be remembered that Troy waa captured through the wood an borae which the Greeka foisted upon tbe Trojans. Mr. Stewart ia cod aiderable of an old borae himself W. 14 I feet, and a hemlock tree In diameter, biased snd ecrlhed r Til mln 1 Corner ..a && oca. i rnrm ami au ie ttfe ifA Voutbrasterly ." tree M inches mn. w 4J feet In dlnmeter. biased l-M UT, bears N, M dea, reel, ann a nemioea tree 4 Eastern Opinions. There see ma to be a maximum ot Brit hit valor with a minimum of British strategy. St. Louis Poet-Dispatch. It teems that Gen. Gatacre having made an inexcusable blonder promptly acknowledge! bia mistake byabiftingthe blame off on to.untr.own guides -Detroit Journal. Worst of all, it may excite the Dutch of Cape Colony to rise. If that bappena if Methuen and Gatacre are cut off from their bate of soppiie and menaced by a force in their rear-tbe British will be ins desperate situation. Chicago Cbrcn itfe. It !o;ki much aa if the superior con ning of tbe Boera bad again scored a vic tory. Each day brings home to Great Britain tha magnitude of her task and that she baa an enemy that will tequire all bar mammomh resources to conquer. Pittaoorg Post. It is impossible ti gaeia what effect tbe Boar victory may have on Gen. Met- en's movements, bat it must, at least add considerably to tbe difficulty of bit task, z Tbe woist effect of all, however, will be tbe encouragement to tbe Dutch of Cape Colony to revolt. Buffalo Ex press. I . 1 . . .. . . ... KIM I lev.. ' 1 .. 1 U I ' an npHM in A umrtAP ,n.l .... 1 tw-,1 smhmmm ireiniw iiw ini-nes in omnieier, '.t mm. " and sern" . nd . " - " " r".:'l ?r marked on two sides thus (XXX). which I S diameter, biased arm ''ii-d JrfS "T. bears N. dea. So m n. W. 1 ,t7 d:ii r . . Ii. iwe. nt ,h t..tiM hup. v n'.1". m M dea. wi". biasen 4 nr9 v M der, IS mln. K.. I 1 a, in uuiii umr auon du reirainflu t - - : - ' ... ... MBI. ... ..,,.... in . Anr u . t- i..t..w i ine. 60 mln. W. 1S1 feet. Thenee N. W . r treo w -"'na. beara p. . i ;., , fromexpreaainganyaympathy .yV Victims Of tbe trust OCtOpua, and tbe pMM Inches Ty'l feet lon "I'll v"'"t,0n VJ' ot' 8. lot NO. Imle. this survey: thenca 8. dea. ft . . .. ........ ! inv... i i.h 3V." line 1 ? :1 mln. 'v mln. E.. varlnt on 19 dea. SS mln. K.. mena, ot an l-monopc-.y iVone. rtbVd ""a hemlock stum 'AvrTt.rPutt 1o; p " t44,i f;ir mil feet to corner No. 1. tha place of faoldmg tneir. breath in tbe bope that! which was MntifM jo m? .. th? .tump SJVeet from e h , u155,b',l'. M hU attention may be distracted long bVa K dcS la mln V m Sit. ir.'rr. ami Intereeet line ;rovtrl prtnt Hr.lnnlna at conjer No. I. Identical with enough to iret their p'ans under cover 7'lntKSOT2"L.1t 5 &".-!rc ToT,i '.I before Billy get hi. lip. directed tb.: v a .1 Ht war. V j" Vv:."'SiW'?.?V.. tn the aro"-. . ina tree ui..0verv nolnt of Ihe mis bears 8. , fcLJdr fat ? E. SW.5 feet. The 'ietis Inches n tn. A 1'"- d.7 'mln V hiirh V.ta.,l .nit .'" nT. benraw. .,.,, in 1WV h.. 4IJ feet to I mln. E. BS4.J feet. The mouth of tunnel Br ' ',ro,ind. with wars r. No. bears S. 17 dear. B. SW.5fect. The ' ?.w Inches !" ,hC 5Ls. A P mnuin or tunnel ro. 3 mln. E. 115t feet. A fir dev. U K. 739 1 feet. The nolnt of I he Imls bears n. m covery. The Said rlttlm Is bounded on tha southeast and on I lis enuthwest hv iinetirveved anvernment land: on the noniiwesi uy ins t loiuen r.aaie iimio claim, and on the northeast hv the Uold lllll and Uold Cannon lode Mulms. There are no conltlctlna Malms to the knowledge ot in. applicant, Tha Hold lllll rtlm Is of record In the office of th count v clerk of said county of t,lnn. state of Oreion, at la tS of volume 4 of Mlnln Hocorda of said coun. ty. two linear feet l Maimed alona the vein, which ls well defined Tha presumed aeneral cou rse or direction of said vln parallel with th side lines of said claim, as shown upon tha plat posted herewith, and Is about northwesterly to southeasterly. lSftn feet bt Maimed on the Imle northwesterly from the point of discovery. The said Malm Is hounded tin the southeast hy the Oold IVlneh and t'lold Cannon lode elalma; on tha southwest hv the Cloiden Crown and Golden Eaala Inda rlnlms: en the northwest by the Hold dutch lode Malm, and on the northwest bv the Med flair loda claim. Thera are no conflicting clnlms to the knowlcdas of ap plicant. The Uold fltilch Malm la of record fn the office nf Ihe coinv clerk of said county of l.lnn. state of Oreenn. at Pass Bf7. volume f. or Mlnlnr lleeorda or said Ths Ai1mini,i.iin .nnM nut hs riis.Hi diameter and 4 feet hlah. biased snd . iK35 PT.. bears . .rm n oi"; r... sis.s rear in lHT.nT.:MTa- bvth. Prcaidcnf. friend. Xo doubt V. UX g VAW 5 fi SSErSS H the White HooM.atjj JrF.&f&t lfit&A?lii "J M.'l4r.Ttt.1.r in the Cabinet would be glad to eee the 5r tHS- lK ."n'SVdVT MFTU Filipino leader leave tb. isand. aince Be('?n l-J 1 J t u ,bj h "mound of .y.wwjjrti.ft they cannot dnve him off or capture !4nfe .!very shaft bear. N. 8 dea. 7 mln. E. irrin,ed an rtn: Ibjen. N; , J J, ET'bV.,S' M.b After a careful tabulating of all the resolutions and speeches Senator from Illinois, to acknowledge that Ih bis Cabinet are about in tbe world who are being for themselves without sympathy and counsel Macon, - inn. A or ire, a incnes in oiameier, ia a dea. s-' ...elation V we. --- - --.i . . t ..t . . .... is in..l.e. biased and scribed 1-325 B. T., bears n! 5 5e 2i mln. B--r', northwesterly n. K a.7 . and a Of tbS iior S f?h S"tt5, fiKnJ, .JS.i ?NT Wof 4Vm.fe.; w. ar. compelUd !- B. T.. bear, 8. : s d.;B. 30 mm. w. 6U TO t. corner No. , &m,& rK" e Preaident and Uon' AdeT rnln7 260 ' f?et7 summit ihl! fir post 4 bed- f. . h.wedfir po.1. 4x4 tototo 4 fee. the only person. m"5r 1!5- rir if .tone, ajrt -SitdTf ..-&: whine, a left to ablft Identical with corner No o, U. a lo& ak-rlbed l-S 1IT bears N.' "eV- the protecting ' ic 'osY fnXiTy 4eWS,nane. W"r-."'W."1 ftV.i SS? ?nSr bribed mln, W. 11.6 feet, and a flr Ire. Inches Of the Hon Billv 18 ,nchM ln th round- wlth D10u"1 of rnchei In n'fflp,;r',T 10 mln.. B. roN",e4h de7 mln K J feM: oune non. Billy gtonrS Crlbed t-32S. whence a double rQS PT. bears N. -." gT lot No. I'' Z'tt mS k variation 8 The republican leaders of congress should not need to be admonished of tl e danger of even appeatlcg to cnrtail tbe money circulation of tbe country. The aemooratsottbs nonas make plausible .1 and forcible objection to tb. new earren- cy bill on tbe ground that it will largely I diminish onr circulating madium ' and ; the bill ehoalJ be ao amende! sa not on ly to prevent tbe curtailment of the cur , rency, but to assure its enlargement. Philadelphia Times. j Tbe Salem Independent says it is high time tb. resignation of President Haw- ley of Willamette Univereity was accept ed and bi. services as preaident dis pensed with . That tb. s'odente who pay their tuiti n Shave a right to b in dignant at tbe tomfoolery going on, re ferring to bis long two boar talks, etc. Sow it is stated very emphatically that tbe canal will not wait for tbe red tape inveatigating committees that are down in Nicaragua squinting aronnd. This is good news. Toe caoal is the proper thing, tbe beat proposition of the day, and should be pushed along at elee trie motor speed. v.. KH it" ---- runninn . No. i. n" tensect corner vey. I"-' ' . Of BS"""1U. !! s--- . -RIO. A. - . nThe Eugene went down stream this af ternoon alter making a tnp to Eugene. CSHP US OfJE DOLLAf? I SI.S. sul w. .Ul m4 jm Ui. IKS t SnaiM c a. .. ssis uni ssr aearastfeelckt , s4 If at4, tfes pWnl r ens ass SrsOMSS StSMSSHSSf, P-7 OM frMj.1 Uliuass. ssi us MS u ss sua I.SV, sul ws IU tmmt rss UJ. IKS saraw w ruMi. wa wui, wf CTsaaa I. W. S.. hum Is rmm Sad IS .xaetlr aa reerescat. saferMUfUasmltsRMki assst OUR RICI .35. SO, Sl.SS Sep, sr .S4.&. im4 SWsjkt.huma. THE PARLOR CEM Isssasf Iks SMMSIBABLB . SWKSTWrr TOIilia mr Ss. Trom tba UlostraUoa ataosra, waicb U enRrsTed atreot front a pbotoirrspa yon csa forta aooMldeaof lUbsaiiUIul appssnaes. MsS frwassllS .asetar aawe. aak er walaat aa aealrca, ssnarstsS kcj u,, hu )r, iiisllftj sisi issiil SMlsa sss,a ssS sur scfcsr tuhwi SumsiIim asS srsssMsttu suUsa M sW TSSI UTaSTSTTMI. 1 M K f AH IOK KM ls feet hlira. Is lnefeM lon, S3 loehes vide snd weighs J pounoa. uonisias s ocsstss, ii stops, as loiiowi . wusasMt rnsrlf !. WWMWS. i in. i l ,!, inmi4.Mf till, una rts ssS T.s Ubwi S Oasis Crlr, 1 T SwWL 1 sVssS Orcsa SweS, 4 Sls sf OrafcsanlTaMS SenssUrf rtss ssrsi 1 la s! Staular SmV asMsas tiUai THS PARLOR CEM ectloa eoosuts of tha hi sa iniii wbich in only aulite; m9M. 1 ftataf tl Pw IffMt toalU Basia. 1 1st 5tMttwatir BrIIIIaMrt Ctmf WtU 1 Mt4 It. UUmm mk mssM in Uisj high mum4 Cswtsam hi t mrAm twtnuoaeatmt fitted vlth Alava hsa DoLff tts. of lh baser ru rbrr eioth, jtplr bellowg itock ukI Aom lemttaeriH vaWeM. THE FAR LOR CEM tofurnl.hejd WKI) ft lOxl A tMvwiiwl piavta rratjcb mirror, nlckeri plftt4 rscUU fraansM, 4Ut4 ftvorT modem tmvrowemmti. harass fVcs GUARANTEED gS YEARS. ' IBgffg iisus a wrlttsa biadlasr SS-year srasrantee, bf ths '"S tsrais sad eoadlUous of which U muf part oat repair It srss af sksejs. Try It on month sad ws will r f a !sfral I r I j 03 CAN I tl I fi i i 'i i r u -V ' ' ' ' 'y ortMMonsUii wiii o5 fjoiu m BasOVa jut JsV , iT UliTK. MINT BI I.1V. OUR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED j'.J do.t with u4tk yourttei;faborUxul atv wrlts -jp-- nainassu bsuik. ajr turn rtavt, ru,oi iiijctwwi or Oormia xotaftnir Bvokr lVaw York; or awijr rvUirasut or xpne. asomimny ta CbtHTtt. haw mmtUt at axasar ftT4M.tMi.M. (XT-tiDV ajnMm one) of the) olWiTawt lwfntM blockJ la Chieiw, w.. 7. r '-iT.. rrrl.Tl. Hr-2. ' 4rfHtf?':iajM-siyiiM! ::riwakii.Jai, wib sWswfus is. amwaj awi - rune. tllkVo uw4t art aIm arweyrytfainr tn anuissal liutf uukawtai m krvftft wkolaaaai pria3. Writ for frM ftMra orv-A, ptAoa avod maaimi luilnaM. 4telsaxu. AtlinaM. 1 .-w 1rlll.w, miw SEARS, ROEBUCK it CO. OmJ. FaittM, DwUiiw an4 Wayau It., CHICAGO, ILL. tl i and scribed 2-32S B. T.. bear. N. 75 dea. E. 6.7 feet, and a bemlock tre. 14 Inchea In diamater. biased and scribed 2-325 BT. bears N. 49 de. 10 mln. W. 29.3 feet: thence N. 63 dejf. 5 mln. E., variation 20 deg-. 10 mln. E., 234.93 feet to corner No. S. A hewed hemlock post 4x4 inches by 4 feet long set 18 inches In the tcround. with mound of stones, scribed 311 32S; whence a II r tree 36 Inches ln diameter, biased and scribed 31325 BT, bears N. 40 dea. 40 mln. W. S feet, and a hemlock tree 24 mcnea in diameter, blazed and scribed 1 T, bear. s. 16 Oeg. W inence in. as a eg, deir. 10 mln. .. northwesterly 330. hewed hemlock d long set 18 inches ln the ground, with mouna ot stones, scribed 4825. whence a hemlock tree 10 Inches ln diameter, blazed and scribed 4-32 BT, bears N. 74 deg. W. 4 feet, and a hemlock tree 18 Inchea In diameter, blazed and scribed 4 32S u. T., bears 8. 41 deg. 0 mln. W. 11.1 feet d la tan t; thence 8. 56 dear. Z mln. E.. varia tion 20 deg. E., 208 feeL Summit of ridge runnina northwesterly and southeasterly (Hi feeL Gulch running northerly 766 feet. Kidge running northerly and southerly 8S6 reet. uuicn running nortneriy feeL Main ridge running easterly and westerly lolM feet to corner No. 6. A hewed tlr post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long set 18 Inches in the ground, with mound of stones. scribed 6325. whence a flr tree 24 inchest ln diameter, blazed and scribed 6-325 B. "r,atlon 20 1. hemlock post T.. beara N. 56 deg. E. 38.4 feet, and an- YaH. Mo. 4. a hewed nnii tnches In other fir tree 24 Inches In diameter, blazed f.' J' he. by feet 7 atones scribed and scribed 6325 BT. bears 8. 79 deg. 7h ground, witn w"""'; riold Oulch lQurj IS mln V. ilia oaf. hn B Hw 0,'. lie. t i Of V'U .".i. IrH SO mln. W.. variation 19 deg. 60 mln. B.. 2S8 'TTl ...rvev: whence .." . .crlbeo ieet. corner mo. i uoia Bug loae, tnisi,ri in uiami;.. - w. . feet. : : in " "LT'Tn K.. deg. K., 100 feel to corner No. B. loenti Whlle 5'J. 'JCJnce B. S5 feei. Mra" with corner No. , Uold Kln.h I.Kle. B. twL 'g jo mm. B.. ieJ thls survey; thenca N. 15 deg. 69 mln. W variation a'o( U. B. 'ot NO. , a . VBrl(tllon d,-. K mA feet to corner No. Inters' t I ""f'at B. W .TL feet S. Idenlicol with corner No. 4. tlold k ln. h. urhiia Bull inn. nn. 6 1W rr'tri. .......... u i.- yu ... w .'"i.. . . fMim rurisr. uiuio- nil. .uiiti I"""" ....... .- variation M deg. K. aue.7 feet to curlier . ,"J corner no. ,i,iy of of aaid county, lt linear Ieet is ciaimeo Befflnnlnf. 5 Bnd 3 rear'Y,lrthi; along the vein, which la well dellned. leg. ro"-- "Tlatlon- 1 .d'?-,",' oost, deg. r nin: "-Visee-very poini ferly en MS A feet: thenca H. U,rnunt. IVirt linear feet la rlalmed alona vurlatlfin IS ilea. tA into. Ithe vein, srhleh ta wait dertnee) The nre. eorner No, S. on Una I fj sumed general roursa nr illrerilnn of saM iiTpm w pnrmie. wnn ine .me unr. i , Isnid elalm. aa shown unon the iitat nste1 herewith, and l atmm norihweeterly to southeasterly. IfA) feet Is claimed mi the lixla northweslerlv from tha jxilnl or die. eovere. The said elalm ts houn1e1 on i he fvniitheast tv tha lied ttalr apd tha flolil HHI Ind Halms- on tha southwest he the flolden Knale Imle rlnlm and in surveveij rnvernment land; on the nor'h. west hy the tied Itnek nlaeer elalm. and en the northeast hv tha fted Hull lode elolm. There are no ennrtlrllna rlnlms to 'he Vnowleds-e of soplleant, The nld Carnoo rlalm Is of reeord In the office of the eounle elerk of said rountv of l.lnn. slot of Areron. at nee 94. volume 4. of Minim Keenrda of said conn iv i.vmi linear rei is etnimee along lha vein, which in we denned The pre. sumed aeneral course or dleerllon. o' Said vein la parallel with the sldo llnea of sld elnlm, ns shown upon the pint routed herewith, and la ahniit noethweaieele to aoilheatery. About '0 feet la eialreed on the loiie sniilnea-ierly tha punt of discovery B"d about feel none,. westerly from the) point of rtlsroverv, Ths ild claim la bounded on 'h aoiiihensi hv tinnalented around: on the southwest v tmsiieveyed aorernrniH land, sfd hv in noiiien frown loiie etaim- on 'ha eoehwee hv tha Hold l'1!! lode c'slm nd pn tha noeiheasl hv the Oold Vleeh lodrt elnlrn Theea era no conflicting rlnlms to the lmnwlf' nt annllcant. Apv and all persona claiming adversely the rnlnlnr srooed. ve'ns lodea neemlsea or snv portion thereof o described enr. veved, nla'ted and ar"l'ed foe are hersw hv notified that pnlesa thete advsras eletres are dulv filed aa sccordlna to law nd the rerulal'ons therenndee wtthln an "V from the dnf hereof With fee rer. isiae of the f'nl'ed atatea lend office at Aeevon fltv. tn tha state of Orsron. thev will h haeerd. tn virtue of the provis ions of said rHAnt.Ffl TI. Mantra Tteglster, TSIISUVII W UCftt. Wo. I IW! No. 1. tha nlaco of bealnnlna. The nd Bull claim la of record In ths oflice of tha county clerk of said county of l.lnn. atata ot Orclion. at paaa No. 1S. of voluma No. L ot Mining llecorda rsa or direction Ith the sld. llnea upon ths piul about norlhweal- tn aoutheaatarly. About 76 foet Is claimed on the loda southeasterly from polot of discovery and about iu reet bweaicrly from tba point of discov- - iode this survey; "'"--v,. iniery. The said claim is bounaea LCm"X2if7Si oVh? the, Oold Back. Whit; Bull nlU. . Vo corner NO. s. ---. get tn normwest py ine iea nira yi 1503.4 feet to ' ehe, by 4 ff1'"" 0f claim, end on the northeast by the Bed lock Post-, " "round, SfVs Honk snd Iiwler placer claims. There w incne- icribed T7"',rf : blazed are no confllclltig claims to lbs knowledge ESa BT bear. B. W i'e. W .nd another n- bribed 4- ' " - . a,it9sarm mm . a. diameter, "r yv, 15.8 feet. W beara B. 3 deg. variation 20 M dea. 62 Nos. an eurvey, on line 696.3 feet to corner No. 1, tn. place or beginning. uois nar i-oae. Beginning at corner No. 1. a hewed fir post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long set 18 Inches In the around, with mound of stones. scribed 1325, whence a fir tree 18 Inches in ammeter, mazea ana scribed 1 va nr. beam 8. 72 deg. W. 25.9 feet distant, and a fir tree 10 Inches In diameter, blazed and scribed 1325 BT. bears 8. 64 deg. 6 mln. W. 42.5 feet. The discovery point of this location bears N. 72 deg. 2s mln. E. 309.7 feet. The mouth of an old tunnel running northwesterly bears N. 49 deg. 15 mln. E. 292 feet. TJ. 8. M. M. No. 1 bears N. 10 deg. 23 mln. W. 262 feet. Corner No. 8 of V. 8. lot No. 37. White Bull lode, aa re-established from ita bearing object.. bears is. 73 deg. 40 mln. is. inb.t ieet: thence N. 68 deg. 25 mln. E.. variation 19 deg. 60 mln. E., 136.6 feet. Intersect line 78 of U. d. lot No. 37, While Bull lode, at N. 69 deg. 24 mln. W. 49.15 feet from cor- ner No. 8, 140.4 feet Intersect line 41, Red Balr lode, this survey, 251.8 feet. Intersect line 8-1 of U. 8. lot 37. White Bull lode. at N. 33 deg. 12 mln. E. 102.1 feet from cor ner No. 8, 301.7 feet, corner No. 1 of Oold Buck lode, this survey, in line vn reet to corner No. 2 on line 61 of Gold Back lode, this survey. A hewed fir post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long set 18 Inches In the ground, with mound of stones, scribed 2 325. whence a fir tree 24 Inches In diam eter, blazed and scribed 2325 BT, pears' bT bears N. in diameter. N. 25 deg. 2 mln. E. 19 feet, and a fir Jl25 "V a flr tree 12 l"1" 'Vars H Laos- tn iuv iiiwi scribed 2325 BT. B. 28.5 feet distant mln. k.. variation 19 deg. 60 mm. E.. 1. " Bummlt or nus-e, u. feet. Oulch runs aoutherlv 403 feet. Bum- l a .o..iherlv. 280 feet 10 mlt of ridge southwecter! westerly 1408. t. a e . uewcu nt yvmv iuviee vr icci "e whence ml". rao,d Hill u,ch eTthlV Wvey. on tn. - N. running nut w.. ginning. . 1. th- i&f&ffi -&wrf Pine Beginning at corner No jg oost 4x4 inches bV 4 mound of fnchea in tn Ziy-06j whence u. - atones sjrlbed l-3-l rf fl M. M. No. 1 g inches ' J. nr tree 8 lncnes bears . N. s and acrtbed i--fTA. Vhence 8. ocg. mmZ. r" variation w ae nng w feet Summit of main rids . f , iorE"No,sy SS'A1 corner., ""'l,;' irVev. on una wm.s tiiii lodea. this aiiryey, corner No. 10 Jnchea 'iLf deg. 15 mln. B. i.Hcnnt. Unlil Ttack claim I. of record In office of the county clerk of said couniv nf l.lnn. atnte of Oregon, at page 12. voluma 4. OI Mining nex-orus 01 aaiu county; l&oo linear ieet is cinimen aiong the vein, which la well denned. The pre eumed general eotirsa or direction of suit' vein la norHilel wlih tha .Ida lines of sold claim, aa ahown unon the plat post ed herewith, and is about nortnwesieriy in aoutheasterlv. About 250 feet Is claimed on the lode southeasterly from the point of discovery and about 1260 feet north ..ii. from tha nolnt nf dlacoverv. Tha said claim is oounoea on ine louuiran ir unmirveyed government land, and by the nolo Tiiicr una. ram nn ilia iiiuinwrai by tha White Bull lode claim; on the nortnwest py ine nra " "a anA ihe T.suiler nlaeer claim, and on the northwest by unsurveyed government land. There are no conflicting clalma 10 tl.. IrnoMileriirai of annllcant. The Gold Bug elHlm is of record In the office of the county clerk of aald county of Linn, atate of Oregon, at page. 321 of volume 4, of Mining Records ot saia coun ty; 1SO0 linear feet Is clnlmed along the nln whinh la well defined. The pre sumed general course or direction 01 aaiq vein Is parallel with the aide lines of said claim, ss snown upun inn inm ,icU herewith, and Is about northweaterly to southeasterly. About 1400 feet Is cjulmed on the looe soutneaaxeny imm ine pun of discovery and about 100 feet north westerly from the point of discovery. The said claim Is bounded on the north east and southwest by unsurveyed gov ernment land; on the southwest by the Gold Finch lode claim, and on the north west by the lied Balr, White Bull and rtaiV loda mlnlnoT clalma: 0.028 sere of said claim I. In conflict with the Red Balr claim, being Included In the appli cation for patent of which this la notice and 0.058 acre of said claim lei ln conflict with the White Bull lode claim, the said White Bull lode claim having heretofore been patented, and being now owned by applicant. There are none other conflict- 1 ing claims to ine anuwicu.o i n"i- cant. The the offl count Tbe Nashville StodeiWs. in their line. re perfect. Tbey moduatly assert their ability to sing classical muslo, but their mission, they say, is to show as In aotoal life tbe children of bondage on tbe Plan tation . Tbey do so most trutnfoll v and efficiently more so, indead, then It was aver onr lot to witness before. Tbeir sinning snd actios ere esceptlonslly food. Ban Franclaro Chronicle. At tbe Armory Tuetdtiy night. New pats ni s are: A W Lnndbert, Tn lerday, Washington, borae-bltchlas da. vice: S P Mackey, Rld.eueld, Wash, weighing- end meaanring machine; IA Palmer. Seattle. Wash. Ore. ssosrator an 1 amalgamator; W N Plomondon.M at lock, waan, rail-Joint; W It Stearns, Portland. Or. signal system and aop-r- atus for slectrlo trolley railways; Cant. Benssll. Newnort'a Uveal cltlrrn' has been In tbe eity. Ths Cant Is m nil whsn It comes to some, things in reference to tbe running of tbe city gov ernment of Newport. s. ?J '! Tbe Drs. Beers, of Wasco, ara ax beet. ed in Albany tonight on a Christmas'vls it with their host.of.AIbanyiends. TRUSSES, C5fi,iL25 AND Wa ara Himt Us nrj ssast Teams siaS. V . 2 tl Sairroai rants, lea. tlian ane-thirl I I IhS pries elisrtfed hv other., kiu! m.' V lUAfANTtl TS f IT WU fiHrTJ. s" ' wfa.tltar roll wish our as. f,e.Etl. ..... .era e in, ihm. iiih.U'-(.u. .1.... M. ol and ssndloii.witholH srmiii, mitwi tUts rour H.I.KU Wrl.kl.ia,. he.l... : . . rupturso, wtastbsr rupturs la u.f..r .n,.n, ,iwu',i anmlsir Ineliss arr.unrt tl.a b- Jr ' rupturs, ass whsther niSui . oe ri ill i c i -, , snd ws will astid elih.r m.. 1., ... L 1.1 , Zl7. .r.i."n.r st ... Mm. i,.... IT.V, es tlsiss aar sries.yeuiMi return Use; Will return km.- .. .. - y of Llnn,8.tate of Oregon, st page XiJ.'Jf': S? ?, iad.wSEAR8, KOUUuCK. at. ts,. '4