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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1899)
''f MMmmm n mhi. rmv wMiiiwiii'ii'i''r'"MMMaMMIi - ir i ; turn ii iei K;i v ill il lil pi iri I I VOL XXXV ever see a snow Storm En Soiser? Wo never did ; tml w nave seen the clothing at thl lima of ho year ao covered with dandruff that It looked If It bid been out la a regular now itorm. No d of thla anowatorm. Aa the aummcr aun would melt the fulling anow ao wilt malt ibeee flake of dandruff In the acalp. Il goe further than ibis: it prevent their formation. It haa etlll other properties: It will rcatore color to gray hair In )ut ten lime out of every ten ciaea. And It doea even mora: Il feeda and nouriihea the root of the hair. Thin hair becomca omci mr r be y Hair P thick hair; and abort hair be comca long hair. V have a book on the and Scalp. It U your, for the atklng. If a An nM afctetn all the beneSt too immumI fm tl.a of ! Vl..r, Bk ,lta tlx .uM..r H. l-roba!.! Lf H eaea. mnvtiur m rrn. rat biu iua b. uljr ajuivetl. Addra, . lH. t. V. At Kit. LoweU, Mm. ) I)I.J.LIHL1 ?b) sic Ian and 8 V 09;n, HiUHlock - - i - Albany. Or. J Littler & Littler DSHIIoTJ Droadalbln St., Albany, Or. to. Collin D D 8 A. Jack Ilodgoa DDH COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. vJJ Fel.o' Temple, Albany, Or. Oliver Plows New p 'HOPKINS j.v.! Airwila. Al-huiy, Orrgoa "Oliver gvre tba wort I th chtllod pbw And it hi saved more man!) to the farmer of America lian any otntir implement ever produced, (lenuloe Oliver oh. lied are toe boat in . earth, Tb Oliver U promoter of bappt immou the farm, and the denier who Mil It know be i handling lb bent. Look out for tmaiitations aul touch nothing but theilgenuin gonda, md enly by Oliver Oh fed plow work. South Bend, lad.. f 1 WL. nock ol gooda 1 Irom 10,000 10 J2t2;fc1r JO I nluadal So.UU0l.lwt. 1 'ffV I Wa own and occupy tho tall nircantllo hulldlna In the world. Wo havo U&j Hi' I ovor cu.tomeri. SIxL.o hundred clrrka oro coattantly - I tngaged ailing out-of-town ordera. f 71 OUR GENERAL CATALOOUE la tho book of tho people it quote iiHA Ltlil Wholcsr.'.o Price to Everybody, hai over pagta, illuitratlone. and W;T j TTl 60,000 dticrlrtlona of article! with prlcea. It eoete r cento to print and mail CJ each copy. We want you to have one. BEND FIFTEEN CENTS to how J YlyX your good faith, and we'll eend you a copy FREE, with all charge! prepaid. lijM TELEGRAPHIC Good for li Iloertt l.O.NIlON. Dltc. lA. 12a7 A M TI,a . fllicv baa rvoulvod a dlnnatoli aniioiino txtf that General lliilK-r I.aa'. tl'tilt a rlou reverse, loalng 1 1 nun, (it nral .lullur was attempting to cross tho Tu go! river, Finding it impossible to el- ll'Ct III olllut-t. lis or, I. In order to avoid greater loe. He left It guns behind. At Modder Illvcr, t! . . ... i . 1 llaTOHIA, IM'C, Is, A HllKgrSpll 0r- ator at Modder river wire: ilia gun and Maxim lirintf haa been proiwHling sine Silk) this morning. At 10, the cannonading waa proceeding, and at 2 Ilia fighting wh rcnortrd to b very aovere. Tlie Boer ro-ce alonit the river bank won being heavily attacked and is rewlving aNiinaiit'a lrm other Hour force. A Live t)cbat. Win.aTO!, Doc. 19. Tbo cloning day ol the general debate on the ilnan bill proved to he one of j exceptional lii tereet. At the outaet a aharo neraonal rolliKjuy occurred between Wbeelur and tscrry or Kentucky over tho recent Ken tucky election, and the cbarura growing out of it. Oonalderablo leiing waa abown. Later in the dav, Ibiiley of Tex aa, until recently the democratic floor leivl.-r, received cloao attenliun in an hour'a apeeib. - 1 IllllldclplllH ( llOHVII. Wahiiimoton, lec. 15 The national roi nbllcao convention will convene at 1'biladelpbia, Ttiolay, Juno lit. The placanl date weredecidfd upon iy Hi" national republican oommitleo today, alter a friendly contea' for the honor of entortainina the convention between the citv enlisted, Chicago, tt. Muia and NewYotk. A Sinn 1 1 IlHlit. Maxii.a, lec. 15. Hatchflder, Twenty lottrth iti(aiitry,reiorta that tba Htlt be had an enrKient t the junction ol the Mit nd tho Uio Urn e river, laalMtlla 'province, the . nvtity leaving 4 dad and 5 mortally wounded in the trencbo. Our loea wa one drowned and four wounded. A Tcirl Me Crime. Tacona, lH-c. l".Alm Uriel dollbof ately abot tiia a I'e faUlly, killed bia 8 veafold aon. aerlouiilv wamlu.l a avcond aon.aittMl 6 yrnra, aDd!tlion ended the tragedy by putting a bullet through bia own brain. J.alouay ia the only motive aitaijinoa for tba crinto. ACTS CENTIV ON THE Kidneys, Liver and Bowels atAN5ES the System flfEFFECTUALU HABrTUAtCONST'PATON PERMANENTLY .riaAU evy TMg tHviNi-MN'ro 6r zl f V" .x?t . rauumuiMwitfw mwku ALBANY, OIlfaOON FRIDAY DECEMBER 22. 1899 SATURDAY. Brownsville. From the Time: Mr. and Mi. O P. Co how li,ft on Monday' overland ior Aehland, Oregon, where (bay a III apemj u,, wilar lahi hope of benefitting bi health. Krnk Cal'owa, who redde lour ml ea north of Hrowoivilie, wa "inlxed up in a lo,t ball vaioe at the t'rum achool bouta lt Friday. He waa ac cidentia atruck in the back ol tho head by aooiber boy, nd, aa a remit, lay for everal boon in a iij-cor.eiou condi. lion, but i now ready to try hi powera again on the pig'tkin. Dr. O U Kee went to Albany 6t urday anu bow ho regret U, lu pur chaaed a pair ol One iiioe and Bunday morning concluded to "aprnce up" and BO OUl atllDim liia nnmartii. t.l,.i. . 1. opeolne the boa be found that one ahoe waa lor winter wear utile the other wa for eoninier and intended for the aatne foot a number one. Lat;Tueday we viewed tLe river in the OAitern nart nf n. ..ii. i.. canal waa dwt lnr n n. purpoa of changing the channel. Kince ! . . 7 uai, awuuen lue ttreaiu ao much it haa failed to follow tba i uppoer cm tbrough tba gravel bar mnA I at -tan.l... I . . . , ""'" 'iidm tue norttj bank, undermining and cutting it away ry rapidly luring the pan few week ,ev rral acre of ground have been waibed away and wi h it .1.1. . . and othr piopirty. Scio. From the New: Mlaa Maud Bllveu la hmu f. 411.. any Ibia week ou a viait with her parent. It li'not goijg to be long until the city a electric light plant wl.l have to be enlarged. Doth the water wheel and the dynainoe are now loaded to their Inli capacity, and more light are ueeded botn ht commercial and (treet purpoe. J. A. Hilvau rttrnivail a lull l..m t.l. in, 0. 0. Bllyeu, who i now a member of the :b U. 8. V. now at Mani.a, which was mailed at Honolulu. Oris atatea that ho waa enjoying the trip very rnucb, and was getting along a well aa could bo expected. Mre. R. B. MUler waa called 10 Albany tho flrt of the week, to bo with ber daughter, Mias Docia Miller, who waa takea ill while viaitiog her slater in that city. Mre. Miller and ber duaghter re turned horn jreterday. rour large retting tank are beinar bulU at tho fla company' mill, and iney will aoon be in place, a tho Irene he have bt eu dog, and are ready for tho UDk. The company will n bav eufflcient macliinery here to work up what atraw they have on band. A M Young La been elected M W of J1' AO U tv Mr Young it aiao tue new V Cot ol the Modern Woodmen ol Amer ica; Mr MinervaUill Ohiel of Honor of tba D of U and A W Dilley at C O of ibo K of P. Annual Oregonian. The annual number of the Oregonian which wil" be issued on January 1st will stirpes even the great number of last year, it v. ill contain overlive hundred illustrations, printed on the finest book paper. The viewa will embrace many Linn county scenes. Price 10 cents per copy. Iav order at Kosa Bros., or t French's jewelry etore. This and That Smiley' Clean Printing. In noveltiea Will A Stark lead. Open lil! 12 o'clock p.m.atSietter'e. Dr. J. II. Erskine is now in the Foster Block, 2nd atory. Oysters cooked any way yon wiah at 8tetter's. Leave your order for Freh Oyaters ncmwri, Oysters opened esb everyday at the Leading Restaurant. French the Jeweler makes a specialty of engagement and weddinir rintrs. Freeh Sodaville soda-water a healthful summer drink, at Burkhart A Lee's. For sale, gord carpeting, S3 oent per yard, by T. 8. Alexander, eaat end otetb street. A large and fine stock of cigar and to bacco at Conn A Huston 'a. See the di piav. When you want a choice aleak a nice roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry 3roder. He keen tbe beat. Go to Verlck'a shaving and hair cnt- . ! . I . i . i.mjk pariora ior i.rai ciass worn. Hot and ooH baths. Clean towels to every . mor. The beat meat of all kind and good treatment at tbe Albany Dressed beet Company' market, lust diwn Seoond treat. Good weight and prompt attend ion. , J.Q. Crawtcrd, riic Photojsih.f,he- Ua reStted hi Studio elegantly, with many new back ground especially adapted for children' photon, and sev eral new accessories. Ills work always takes tbe lend, Uull and look through hi elegant rooms. Hi Hoe of views are alt new and fresh, the finest in tbe city. He does more to advertire Oregon tban any ooeehe through bia fin linea ol view. - - It I a singular aste that cannot b suited in the varied rnd largo selection of jeweiry at Will A Stark's. The best HOME AND ABROAD. If ava rnn, ainnu ntui..l I.. f... IJCLUrjHT. Old paper ten cent a hundred at tb D.mocmat office. ' Wood box have arrived . Tbo Sogar Howl ha batter, pear, orange, lemons, bananaa. int.l,, ... ana homemade mine meat. Hrttivenlr ptifer cutters, cream and tootli ;Kwde- jars, ink stands, spoons, beautifully engraved and very cheap at trench's Jewelry etore. Kolid aatlsfacllon plvcn awa. with every purchase at Will & Stark's, deal- er in good ware, silver, gold, gluts and bones. Now is the tirn to get an Ironing bfard or clothe rack, manufactured by K. H. Dnvidion, undr patent. Fine things Try one. Leave order at Hop kin l!ro. The Comlilnatinn l'.arlu Cl.nn I. !.. ooly aix chair alioo In the atate out side of Portland. Strictly drat claca besides 7" auuier ani porter mat nas ever been in town. Come and ace. You are next. J. II. Han-la nf art 1 1 aaj daa ms A 1.1 long establiabed bueine there to K.i jacooaon oi i'ortiand. I The Nortbwet Herald baa euepended publication, the expeoce of getting up uch a paper wA beicg justified by the fleld. There will be a live time at the armory toniuht when tha Allaa nl.ih . n.l nn.. club shall meet in a same of indoor haa ball. It will be last and anannv. Tim batket ball to follow will alao l nf a quick order. Dr.J.R.rardiroll la lti,n n.M..i and Vr. C. K.TernDleton secretary of tha tate denial aaanrialinn wliila ii v il Clark ia a member of the executive com- mui4e. At tue recent meeting there was CnnaiftaralilA nf a ...I.u election of a president, aeveral friends of the defeated candidate leaving Ibecon- A tatAnltAnA"mAaanf.a Mt.A.1 .'ajIj... day by f . J. Munkera reporu that the jioanier oroiner. wtio were aunpoaoa to I. ava been ilrownpil nn tha Vnlin aometimo ago, were well and hearty, anu tnat tney would be home In about r 1 . a. ton aay. iiiey are brother of Mr. T, .1 K1 tn.BM am. .h t Y . I 1 I with cattle, t nd are reported a. having done well, and rMnrn.i afi Newa. ' Lebanon. From tbe E. A John Carroll baa sold the Lebanon - w ...v munuwi- i" u-j man contract, 10 a. j T. Thompson, ol Foster. The new pro-' prlator will Uke charge the first of the It. Mc JellV Want tn P,irrlant Tnaiil,. to visit h son, after which ha will go to Los Angles to spend a coaple of months with his daughters. . P. M. Scroffffln. nnr naa hanlrar Mm. over from Sheridan veaterday. and his wife and onildren wiil arrive tomorrow. He has rented one of the Beard cottage i, and th-n will begin boueekeeping at once. Mr. Scroggin rays bo will com msnc biaicei as soon aa be can get ' iwreeiion or ine Dniiding. Lebanon Is about to have a troop of cavalry, and perbapa the only troop In theaU'e of Oregon. Little Lebanon is abOOt to .tk-CMMi char, laraar anil nr.. f. er cities have failed, showing thereby that our yooiig men are made ol the proper at off and realise the immense OeueQt Ola military traininir. anrun tnr , ' aver v-rf . v Itia - , 3 Obituary. D ed, at hi home a few miles north of Lebanon, Tuesday, December 12, 1899, r. l. Wallace. Deceased waa born in Tmnaaaaa on January 30, 1848, therefore was nearly M vest of ag. He had :ivel in thia vicinity for twenty-five years, coming here Irom Tennessee in 1874. He leavea a wite and two children, Mia Alios and J, Sbtrman Wallace, and many other relative, to mourn bia departure. He wa an earnest Cbrietian, a member of the Baptist church, and wa one of tbe beat mm In the community. Tne fuaeral was held yesterday, and was ,n charge of tbe United Workmen of which order be was a member. Kervlces were held in tbe Baptist church, the sermon being preached by Rev. itu ue Thompson, of Albany. E. A, Rev J. B. Cleiand, wife and child, passed through Aloany this noon for Eu gene, where Rev. Cleiand has been en gaged as pastor of the Presbyterian church. aili.raAtlniv fl.anlatn l-lilhora: K-v. Cleiand was supply at the church in this city two or three yeara airo, and several of his friends were at the depot una noon to meet nim.- A lin n shower tea was given by Vie Pearl Webb at Mtdford last SaturJav afternoon a an introduction . to the marriaueot Miss Hattie Warner and Mr. Horeoo the following Thursday .the 14th. Beaides a aesson of games and sociability and a dainty lunch, .Mica Warner, now Mrs. Gore, was showered with gift of Linen of munv kindn it waa a nnval and duliahtlul affair, Tbe Scio Pree rays in its account of the marriass of Harmon Green, of this city and M is Grace Wylie, of Scio : The groom is quite well knon in Albany, lure he has r lucrative pisition. Miss Wylittiione of Ncio's social favorites. Sh is a member of tbe millinery firm of Uol A Wylie, and numbers her friends by ber acquaintances. Soon after dsn ner the happy couple drove to Jefferson where the? took tbe train for Portland and will viait with frienda there and at Oregon City for a week or so b-tore re turning to Scii. , RELIGIOUS; United Preabvterlao : Morning wor ship at 10:30, subject of sermon, achool at 11:45. Junior Endeavor at 8-30, Benior Endeavor at 0:30, evaidng worabip at 7:30, aubjretof aermon, "A Kind in riiaral.r Mnu.ll all... Invited to tbe service. Bsptist cburcbs Services at nsuaf hour. KllhfRff a fnAMi(H.licAlu..k.. -1 tb Cbnrcb with Christ, In Tavaii of nlng, "Saving Eeligion-a be! I ir Ion of ra Ui.r..L eeryico Thurday evening 7 :30. All are luviteo. Tha morning them at the Cbrialian cburcb tomorrow morning will be "Faith and orce," In the evening, "MarrUg and D'Torce." A cordial invitation ia extended to all. Congregational cburcb: Morning wor- ?'hL.'h J1 m ?" Mb'ect' "Ibatth w.m b8b,M,'petlb Hatred of the K. B. at 3 :30 p. ta. Evening worship at J..P"-. "object, "Tba Influence o PaatTenCentorl.." All not attending eltewbe.eare cordially inviUK. to the aiuwia mvi vices. .ibiT.ejin chnrcbj Morning wor tp at l0:J0,rreBng wornip at 7:30, TzXfZ001, y 1 J-niorEodeay. or at 3 :30, Senior Endeavor at 6 &. Eey. , Morriaon will preaeb in the morn ing, tb pastor in tbe evening. Subject of evening sermon 'Tb Tree in the Uity. A cordial inyiution to attend all Ibo erice is extended to all. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL EMr. J. G. CLerry and family moved to Kfll.m IK la . U . n - : i . wrriue, auer a reaia- enc in Albany of tweuty or thirty year. ' Tb ladies of the U. P. cbnrcb gave very enjoyable missionary tea yesterday st llarnmn . k - u ? . . . " aitAmrwtn at lh. . - goo I program waa pre'eoted and a lnnch served. ullEl8le JKfo'l a dangerously ill with tbe tvnhni.i :- . i . w j-. j uht vr 1XIT. A W.A aa ia 1 U.t. air ," anas utngiora the fifh member of tbe family of C. . thiadit i?ha(le 111 wilh Jnii',aee since the 6th of Auenet. tro- .oawooetobadwaler. ; Jaclc" miiu. , . ..' ,,, , . -o over irom Aiuany .h7? . TAhf?Ua BP the Property that be traded for some time ago. He Is deputy game warden, but intends going to eastern Oregon in tbe spring, and this will leave a vacancy in that much sought for office. Scio New. Stricttv business French tbe jeweler. Crescent 3icyclp, Hopkins brothers, ayeoU. Beat liiryUe for toe money. Will A 3lark, jeweler. Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brothera for only f 20, f 30, 135 and 50. O B Winn. Clt ticket aont Tirkaata to all point in the eaat. 1 8e sure and see the anti rat tinware al nopain wos, win las. a lifetime. - Go to Mis Long for high priced pho tiwranha. anal rin not Innmt in t.V. alAni tbe money. 8y allowing- tbe accumutationa in Ibe bowels to remain.tbe entire svatem U pois- ' ni':.a. I i.- i t ' , v, ai ii nt . uuue tent aiiwi refcTi- I . . .. . 0 , ate toe ooweiv rv men ana von win always use them. Foabay A Mason. Nbw Goods. P. Cohen's large and well Delected stock of new goods haa ar rived. It embrace late up-to-date goods, which will be sold at prices in reacn oi aii. uive mm a can Detore Duy ing. Core Couattpaittun Forevar. Take Cuscnreta Candy Cathartic. lOeort&a, It C C. C. fail to euro, rugi;uits refund 110001. How Are V ar KldaeT t Dr. Hob be' Si-araama Pllla core all kidner tl'e Sant. Ola f ree. Add. Id. Sierli ua Kamedr Co-. Caicauto or Ji. ....Our Offerin In CARPETS and other kindred goods are of the latest patterns and colorings, our rug and art qsuare 'ines are very strong this season. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. masonic Tern Bldg., Albany, Or. YEARS IN BUSINESS. OMRS BRINK 17 ' la tbe Oldest Furnitore Dealer in the city and be keeps a comp!. -. line of Furniture and Bedding and il you wsnt good good cheap ir , him a ca'l Ha doesn't intend to be under sold. NO 21 the Night Owls. L, The Woodmen of tb World last night gave tbeir second presentation of tit. Burgraf's Night Owl, afteran Interim of about two year. Tber are three act to it.tbe flntf nth print thopof the Martyr, tbe second In the lodge room of the Night Owl and the tnird in the Martr cfflr. Mr. Rnn...) .1... atar part of Noab tbe soger In a realistic uauuor. air. Alien aa eaitor Aioneaiea ia strictly correct and be I splendidly backe J by L. L.. Swann a the devil and him vrawiora aa tne society ccitor. Mr. Van Winkladnaa lha nlllinnal.a 1. the nronr manna.' Tk r Tinkmitu i- v , - , . , , v. aUVimiiv 11 cut out for Col. Snort. Claud Dickey ia a peraiaunt collector. Miaa Lillian Far- rell ia a rharmino. nrlmailA.Ma mnA n a , of the best (itnationa of tbe play ia Mr.' u " iniie penormaoce aa tbe Irate dbacriber who failed to get ber paper. Tbe lodge officer were well filled by Mr. Van Winkle, Mr. Dnbrnille, Mr. Vier eck, Mr. Steele, Clem Irvine, L. L. Swann, Mr. Burgraf, Mayor Burkhart and Prof. Martlndale, a featnre being Mr. Irvine'a Trilby act nnder bypnoUem. Tbe play contained many new tbinga in keeping with tbe tiuie.uc a rake '; oy x.:epnan(, ana local til la nrttnariul mr .l.a M . ' a a .v. .uw m.i ... ,fuMuuiB a one hondred dollar reward for tbe eap- voro 01 adii rop-uemocrat sod wive wanted for Mr. Kudd and Mr. Krnte. A live goat wa Introduced in tb loda een nd waa ridden by Editor M n eete in a manner to show (bat be bad ceen tne be lore, me whole ia laugh able and interesting and tbe second pre aestation will long be remembered by armory goer. A three month' term of tbe Price achool, taught by Vr. Jaa. Boyle, closed laat evening with a pleaaing entertain ment, consisting of music, aongs, recita tions, etc. An interesting featnre of toe program was a song "Tbe Price School" tbe words being composed bye ne of tbe popii. A well-rendered violin solo by : w' -j viviti aaaa uim ' Ure. Boylee and a pietty flag drill were lantyhaih m n-A riA uTI.aPi.a K I " .. . " . . . . . . at naners." in which tha aVIitnra of thai "Albeny Herld" and "Albxst Dan mat" were tbe leading character, Tbe connt r.lpi k haa po!u.l il,. istratkm blanks ready for use nnder tbe ucn .aw. rvegicirations may De made with the clerk or justice of tbe peace beginning on January 1. A much a poeeible they ebonld te made with tbe clerk.tbua saving the county tbe expenee otherwise entailed. Cream mixed, fancy mixed, petite mixeH, broken mixed, plain mixed and French mixed eandiea at tbe Sugar Bowl 2nd sti-ett. No "ure.NoPay. ' That is the way all tbe draggiats; sell Grove's TasteieHa Chili lonie for CbiHe, malaria sod billioun a. Xtisaa pleas ant to take as lemon syrup, 60c. , Ur H H Haden, SumoiiU Ala. aavs, -I think odol Dyspepaia Cure a splendid medicine. 1 prescribe it, and my confid ence in it grow with continued nse." It Higes's what you eat and quickly 'cure dvspepa!a and indigestion. For rale by Fosbay k Maon Mcslc Miaa Mnarca Bnrmester eacher of pianc or organ. 8ystem tb Mason touch ud teebnione. Reeidence Fiftb ;oeite 0 Pchnieb. piano class during vacation through the methods. Leave word with W. F. Bead Oeteis by tbe piutor Leading Restaurant. quart at tbe You never knew whit form of blood poi on wi I follow conlipjtiiiB. Keep the liver clean by osinv DeWi.t'a Little Early Ricers aud yr.u will avid troubles. They ae f amoos pille for constption and liver and liowel iroub'e. Foraale by Foshay M poo. ss. goods and reasonable price. Tio and Granite ware at OhlinoA U ci Beat's.